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8th SEM – B.E. / B.Tech


Sub. Name: AIRTRAFIC CONTROL AND PLANING Date: 19. 02.2016

Sub. Code: AE2035 Branch: AERO
Duration: 180 minutes Max.Marks: 100

Part A 10X2=20

1. Differentiate between primary and secondary runway

2. What is air traffic service and give its objectives?
3. What is RADAR?
4. What is meant by basic runway length and discuss three cases to be considered?

5. Why there should be obstacle restrictions?

6. Give the length of various primary and secondary runways.
7. What is meant by runway saturation?
8. How PAR is used to control air traffic?
9. What is performance check?
10. What is meant by flight advisory service?

Part B 5X16=80

11.a) Write a short notes on :

i) Alerting service
ii) Rules of the air
b) Write short notes on:
i) Flight information and advisory service
ii) Co-ordination and emergency procedure
12.a)Explain the principle of secondary radar with neat sketch and also give its advantage over primary
b) What type of radar used in areas and approach controls.
13.a) Explain briefly about aerodrome data and also discuss about terminology of aerodrome.
b) Write short notes on:
i) Aerodrome reference temperature
ii) Obstacles restrictions
14.a) Discuss the following:
i) Width of runways and minimum distance between parallel runways.
ii) Instrument runways.
b) Write short notes on:
i) Aerodrome reference point
ii) Aerodrome elevation
15.a) Explain how aerodromes are designed.
b) Calculate the actual length of the runway from the following datas
Airport elevation RL 100
Airport reference temperature 28 deg Celsius
Basic length of the runway 1600 m
Highest point along the length RL 98.2
Lowest point along the length RL 95.2

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