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10 work ethics

1. Integrity

2. Professional

3. Honesty

4. Loyalty

5. Responsibility

6. Teamwork

7. Respect

8. Discipline

9. Time management

10. Responsibility

What is the difference between rural and urban areas that you have observed?

- Urban areas are cities and towns. Urban areas have high population and most of the available work in
urban areas are factories and office works. Rural areas are mostly villages and hamlets. Rural areas have
low population. Mostly agricultural works and fisheries are available in rural areas like farming, and

What possible problems you may encounter in your future career choice? What are your solution
about it?

- First is financial, I may encounter problems in my financial. Books, transportation, foods, and cottage
or dorm. My solution here is that minimize the expense, I only buy that I needs and prioritize only my
requirements. If possible I'll just walk instead riding on motorcycles unless there is important matters
that I need to attend.

- Second is equipment, as you can see in my dream career, I need to have my own laptop, computer and
possible good quality phone. My solution here is I need save some money for my own future before I
went to college, at least I can support myself. Honestly most of my needs are from my own money, well
not really I just save the money what my mother give me.

- The last one is my vocabulary, precisely my English language, it most important to all students to
understand English language, my problem here is that there are English vocabulary that I don't
understand. My solution are just to read, so when there is an unfamiliar word, I just go to Merriam

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