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Alchemy Writing Illustration

Fortune Trove Paako Art Overdoses List of substances

Whenever one or more 6s are rolled for the effects of a Roll on this table of substances as loot, or use these substances as examples for creating your own.
Substances drunk substance, other than poisons, the creature that
There are certain substances that can be created through consumed the substance takes 1 damage to STR for each 6 2d6 Substance Effect Active Ingredient
a combination of science and magic with the technique rolled. Then make a STR save. If failed, take the Sickened
known as Alchemy. Usually substances require using Condition. 2 Invulnerability Potion Gain [DICE] + 1 armour for 1 Turn. Turtle shell powder
animal parts or organs as the active ingredient, which
means only the shadiest of Mice create and distribute Applying poisons to items 3 Swiftness Potion Move twice as fast for [SUM] Turns. Rabbit foot
these substances. Large settlements usually have a black
Certain substances known as Poisons can take effect when
market for substances and their ingredients.
it enters through an injury. The poison must have all usage
dots remaining, be held in a paw, and the item must be on 4 Healing Potion Heal [SUM] STR damage and remove the Reptile heart
Drinking substances body.
Injured Condition.
Every substances’ effects occur when drunk. To drink a When your mouse wants to apply poison to an item, mark
5 Vitality Potion Heal [SUM] + [DICE] HP and remove the Rodent heart
substance, a mouse must hold the substance in a paw. all usage on the poison. Roll a d6, on a 6 the application Exhausted Condition.
When your mouse wants to drink a substance, determine fails.
the dose of how much to consume, up to the number of A creature damaged by the poisoned item suffers one 6 Stamina Potion Heal [SUM] HP. Rodent blood
usage dots remaining on the potion. dose of the poison’s effect.
Roll a number of d6 equal to the dose of the substance Whenever the poisoned item rolls for usage, mark usage on Make a WIL save or gain the Intoxicated
that was drunk. For each dose, mark one usage on the 7 Chez Poison
a 2-6. Once a usage dot is marked, the item is no longer Condition.
substance. poisoned.
The substance has an effect, which varies depending on 8 Antitoxin Prevent the effects of poison for [SUM] Turns. Rodent liver
the number of [DICE] invested, and the [SUM] of the Buying/Selling substances
rolled dice.
If unwanted, a full substance can usually be sold for d6 x 9 Spider Bite, poison Take [DICE] x 3 damage. Spider head
50p in a settlement.
Synthesizing substances
Usually substances are only found in large settlements.. Make a STR Save or be unable to move for
Creating a substance requires Alchemist’s Supplies held More common substances are worth 100p + d4 x 100p. More
10 Centipede Venom, poison Centipede head
[SUM] Rounds.
in both paws and the active ingredient. It takes 6 Turns to rare substances are worth 200p + d6 x 100p.
synthesize. Roll a d6 after synthesizing and if the value is
6, the substance becomes inert. On a 3-6, mark usage on 11 Truth Serum Make a WIL save or cannot lie for [SUM] Turns. Faerie dust
the Alchemist’s Supplies.

Substance miscibility 12 Serpent’s Fang, poison After 4 - [DICE] Rounds, make a STR Save or
lose all HP and take critical damage.
Snake fang
When combining two substances or drinking another substance while under the effect of another substance, roll on the
following table to see the new effect of the combined substances.
d66 Effect
11 Explosion causing 4d6 damage to everything within 12”. If mixed internally, the creature dies.
12-13 Poison. Take d6 STR damage instead of both effects.
14-16 The effect of both substances are cancelled.
21-26 The effect of one substance is cancelled.
31-56 Both substances work normally.
61-65 Double both the [SUM] and [DICE] of one effect. If mixed internally, the substance just consumed.
66 One effect is permanent.
Alchemy Supplement is an independent production by Fortune Trove and is not affiliated with Losing Games. It is published under the Mausritter Third Party
Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.

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