Trabajo Práctico Psychology of Learning 20 Puntos

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Asignatura : Psychology of learning Docente: Dr. Neri Rodolfo Páez

Alumno/a: Jade Belen Troche Portilla CI: 5518290
Casa Matriz: Fecha: 24/09/2022
Total de puntos: 20 Puntos logrados:

El Trabajo Práctico consiste en leer detenidamente el Material Obligatorio, “ PSYCHOLOGY OF
LEARNING”. El método de calificación será por Rúbrica. Total: 20 Puntos



I. Selección Múltiple. Seleccione a, b, o c. hay una sola respuesta por cada Ítem. 10 puntos

1. Judd – “____Educational Psychology____________ is the Science which explains the changes that take
place in the individuals as they pass through the various stages of development.”

a. Educational Psychology
b. Psychology
c. Education
2. __ educational psychology________________ is concerned with an understanding of: The child, his
development, his need and his potentialities

a. Psychology

b. Educational psychology

c. Education

3. One of the characteristics __ of the nature _________of educational psychology is an applied branch of
fundamental Psychology.

a. exception
b. of the mature
c. of the nature

4. While psychology deals with the behaviour of all individuals in all walks of life. Educational
Psychology limits its dealing with the behaviour of the pupil in relation to___ Educational environment
a. Educational environment
b. Educational
c. Psychology

5. Five major areas covered by Educational Psychology are:
• The Learner
• The learning Process
• ___ The learning Situation __________________
• The Teaching Situation
• Evaluation of Learning Performance
• The Teacher
a. The Teaching Situation
b. The learning Situation
c. The learning Process
6. ___ The Learning Process __________: After knowing the learner and deciding what learning
experiences are to be provided, the emerging problem is to help learner in acquiring these learning
experiences with ease and confidence.

a. The Teaching Situation

b. The Learner Situation

c. The Learning Process

7. _ Learning Situation _________also deals with the environment factors and learning situation which
come midway between the learner and the teacher.

a. Learning Situation

b. Teaching Situation

c. The Learning Process

8. Educational Psychology emphasizes the need of knowing the self for __. a teacher ______to play his
fole properly in the process of education.

a. a learner

b. a teacher

c. a student

9. We will study only the following methods of studying psychology of learning. They are: A]
Introspection method B] Observation method C] ______ Experimental method ______________

a. Observation method

b. Introspection method
c. Experimental method

10. ____. Growth ________refers to quantitative changes in size, which includes physical changes in
height, weight, size, internal organs, etc.
a. Growth
b. development

c. Progress
11. The terms ___ growth and development _______________ are often used interchangeably.

a. Slow erosion and decay

b. growth and development

c. development and decay

The right answer is:

12. Growth__________refers to quantitative changes in size, which includes physical changes in

height, weight, size, internal organs, etc.

a. Slow erosion

b. decay

c. Growth

The right answer is:

13. _______ Development_____________Refers to qualitative changes taking place simultaneously

with quantitative changes of growth. It may be defined as a progressive series of orderly, coherent
a. Development
b. Growth
c. decay
The right answer is:

14. Development may be explained as the series of overall changes in an individual due to the
emergence of modified structures and functions that are the outcome of the interactions and exchanges
between the___ organism and its environment _____________________.
a. Life and death
b. organism and its environment
c. development and growth
The right answer is:

15. The______. child _______ first gains control of the head, then the arms, then the legs.
a. teenagers
b. Infants
c. child
The right answer is:

II. Escriba una síntesis del tema: Stages of Development. (5 puntos)

In this article it is presented the discussion of the concept of the human development and their different
stages in whose formulation has been considered the variable

age, atmosphere, problems as well as the psychological consequences in the human beings;

the theoretical base; the carried out analysis; the consulted bibliographic and of some of

the carried out investigations, published and unpublished of the author; and, the proposal

Stages of the Human Development."


5 4 3 2 0


Requisitos Cumplió con Todos los Los requisitos Los requisitos No cumple
todos los requisitos fueron fueron cumplidos. fueron cumplidos satisfactoriamente
requisitos cumplidos Falta mejorar parcialmente. Está con los pedidos
excedió las incompleto
Contenido Cubre el tema Hay conciencia Incluye Incluye No incluye
elegido con de la audiencia conocimiento conocimiento información esencial
profundidad con en el diseño se básico del tema mínimo del tema del tema, el
detalles y percibe que el contenido es
ejemplos el vocabulario y Hay algo de insuficiente
contenido es gráficas conciencia de la
excelente escogidas son audiencia en el
adecuadas. diseño se percibe
que el
Tiempo Entrega el TP en Entrega el TP en Entrega el TP con Entrega el TP con No entrega el TP en
tiempo y forma con demora de una demora de una demora de un tiempo ni forma.
30 minutos más de una hora día


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