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Equilibrium equation for plain axisymmetric condition:

d σ r σ r −σ t
+ =0 (1)
dr r
Strain-displacement relation for plain axisymmetric condition:
d ur u
∈r=¿ ; ∈t =¿ r (2)
dr r
For Elastic Zone (b ≤ r ≤ ∞)

In elastic zone, relationship between stress-and strain under plain strain condition:
σ r= [ν ∈t + ( 1−ν ) ∈r ] (3)
( 1+ν ) ( 1−2 ν )
σ t= [ν ∈r + ( 1−ν ) ∈t ] (4)
( 1+ν )( 1−2 ν )
Solution of plain axisymmetric equilibrium equation for plain strain condition:
d σ r σ r −σ t
+ =0
dr r
In terms of strain,
d ∈r ∈r−∈t
+ =0 (5)
dr r
d ur
d( )
dr 1 d ur ur (6)
+ − =0
dr r dr r 2

After solving the above equation;

ur =C 1 r + (7)
Putting ur value from 7 in equation 2, and then using relations between stress and strain from
equations 3 and 4;

σ r=
( 1+ν ) ( 1−2 ν )[ 1
C1 −( 1−2 ν ) C2 2
r ] (8)

σ t=
( 1+ν )( 1−2 ν ) [ 1
C 1+ ( 1−2 ν ) C 2 2
r ] (9)

Now, applying the boundary conditions: r =b, σ r=σ b and r =∞, σ r= p0 , estimate values of
coefficients C 1 and C 2, put these values in equation 8 and 9;

σ r= p0 −( p0−σ b ) (10)
σ t= p 0+( p0−σ b ) (11)

stresses at the inner boundary of elastic region (located at radial distance of r =b), i.e., σ r b , σ tb
can be related as shown below:
σ t b−σ r b =2 ( p 0−σ b ) (12)

Given Yield/Strength Criterion in the problem;

σ t−σ r=σ yp (13)

From equations 12 and 13, we can obtain:

σ yp
σ b= p0− (14)

For Plastic Zone (0 ≤r ≤b)

Assuming the rock mass satisfies the given yield criteria (equation 13), equilibrium equation
1 can be re-written as:

d σ r σ yp
+ =0 (15)
dr r

After solving the above equation;

ln ( σ r∗r )=C (16)

Applying boundary conditions r =a, σ r= pi :

C=ln ( pi a ) (17)

From equations 16 and 17;

σ r= pi a /r (18)

At the boundary of plastic and elastic zone, r=b

σ b= pi a/b (19)

Equating 14 and 19
σ yp
p0 − = pi a/b (20)

2 pi a
b= (21)
2 p0 −σ yp

Thus, plastic zone radius b can be estimated as:

2 pi a
2 p0 −σ yp

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