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Copy the table below and write the meaning of each word , then write a sentence using each


Word Meaning Sentence


Q1. How many people are in the writer’s family?

Q2. How long did it take the family to drive to Yogyakarta?
Q3. Find evidence from the text to explain why the family would have felt ‘tired’ after their trip.
Q4.What was it about Yogyakarta that made this family want to go there for a day trip?

Q5. The day before the trip, Juan’s mother designed a planned schedule for it. Fill in her plan by putting
the events of the day in the sequence that they happen. (The first event is done for you.)
Time Place What we will do
5 - 6 am Home Father prepares the car for the trip.
Mother prepares food for breakfast and some snacks for the children.
Children pack some clothes.
Eat breakfast.

Q6. Look at paragraph 3 which describes the time the family spent in Yogyakarta. Rewrite it to make
it very clear that the writer enjoyed the trip. Underline the words you have added to the text.

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