Dance 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

Lyza B. Vidallo II BPED-B

Prof. Angelica Clemente Dance 2

Activity 1.

Definition of Elements of dance:

1.Theme – The central idea or concept conveyed through the dance performance. It could be a
narrative, emotion, or abstract concept.

2.Movements – Physical actions and gestures performed by dancers, including steps, jumps, turns, and
gestures, used to express ideas, emotions, and themes.

3. Techniques – The specific methods and principles used to execute dance movements effectively and
skillfully. Techniques may vary based on dance styles and genres.

4. Choreography – The art of designing and arranging dance movements into sequences or
compositions. It involves structuring movements to create meaningful and aesthetically pleasing dance

5. Music – The auditory elements accompanying the dance, providing rhythm, melody, and mood. Music
enhances the choreographic elements and influences the overall atmosphere of the performance.

6. Accessories/costume - Clothing and props worn or used by dancers to enhance visual appeal, reflect
cultural traditional, or convey specific themes or characters.

7. Scenery – The Physical environment or backdrop against which the dance takes place. It can include
sets, props, lighting, and other visual elements that contribute to the overall presentation.

8. Design – The artistic arrangements and composition of visual elements such as costumes, scenery,
and lighting to create a cohesive and visually engaging dance performance.

9. Balance – The distribution of weight and control of body movements to maintain stability and poise
during the dance sequences.

10. Posture – The alignment and positioning of the body while dancing, including the carriage of the
head, shoulders, spine, and limbs which affects movements quality and aesthetics.

11. Gesture – Expressive movements of the hands, arms, and body that convey emotions, ideas, or
narrative elements within the dance.

12. Rhythm – The underlying beat, tempo, and timing of the dance movements, providing structure and
coherence to the choreography.

13. Moving in space – The utilization of physical space through movements such as traveling, jumping,
turning, and spatial patterns to create dynamic and spatially engaging dance compositions.

14. Breathing – The intentional control and coordination of breath with movements, enhancing stamina,
expressions, and fluidity in dance performance.
Answer the following:

1. What is the difference between rhythm and dancing? or why is rhythm and dancing related to each

 Rhythm refers to the pattern of sounds in music, marked by the arrangement of notes and
beats. Dancing, on the other hand, is the physical expressions of movements in response to
music or rhythm.
 Rhythm and dancing are related because rhythm provides the underlying beat and tempo that
dancers move to. Rhythm sets the pace and the structure of a dance, guiding the timing and
coordination of movements, enhancing the expressive quality of the performance.

2. How did Dance begin?

 Dance likely began as a form of expression and communication among early humans, evolving
from spontaneous movements linked in rituals, celebrations, storytelling, and social
interactions. Over time, it developed into structured forms of styles reflecting cultural practices,
beliefs, and artistic beliefs.

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