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Q1: Can you tell us about your experience with bilingualism and how it has influenced your
academic and personal life?
Answer: “Growing up in a bilingual household, I have been exposed to two languages which
is Malays language and English language from a young age. This has not only facilitated
communication with my family but also provided me with a unique perspective on language
and culture. In my academic life, being bilingual has allowed me to excel in language
courses and communicate effectively with diverse groups of people.”

Q2: How do you think being bilingual enhances your ability to learn in a multicultural
Answer: "Being bilingual has made me more adaptable and culturally aware. It enables me
to bridge communication gaps between individuals who speak different languages and
understand nuances in communication that might otherwise be overlooked. This skill is
invaluable in a multicultural environment, where effective communication is essential for
collaboration and success."

Q3: Can you provide an example of a situation where your bilingualism proved to be an
asset in solving a problem or resolving a conflict?
Answer: "Certainly. In a group project, there was a misunderstanding between team
members who spoke different languages. I was able to step in and clarify the issue by
translating key points and facilitating a productive discussion. This not only helped resolve
the conflict but also strengthened team cohesion."

Q4: How do you maintain proficiency in both languages, especially in academic and
professional settings?
Answer: "I maintain proficiency by regularly engaging with both languages in various
contexts. This includes reading literature, watching films, and actively participating in
discussions in both languages. Additionally, I seek out opportunities for language immersion,
such as internships or any volunteer or charity programme to further enhance my skills."

Q5: Have you ever encountered challenges or biases related to being bilingual, and how did
you overcome them?
Answer: "Yes, there have been instances where my bilingualism was perceived as a
disadvantage, particularly in environments where one language was prioritized over the
other. However, I overcame these challenges by emphasizing the value that bilingualism
brings, such as enhanced communication abilities and cultural competence. By advocating
for the benefits of bilingualism, I was able to shift perceptions and demonstrate the unique
advantages I bring to the table."
Q6: How do you think your bilingualism can contribute to our organization/university?
Answer: "My bilingualism can contribute to the organization/university in several ways.
Firstly, I can help facilitate communication and understanding among diverse stakeholders,
whether they speak English or [Second Language]. Secondly, my cultural fluency can enrich
discussions and perspectives, fostering a more inclusive and globally-minded environment.
Lastly, I can serve as a bridge between different language communities, promoting
collaboration and cooperation."

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