Land Law Tuto Topic 6

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1. Discuss the effect of registration of an alienated land on the land owner.

Serves as an evidence of ownership.

S78(3) NLC: The alienation of State land shall take effect upon the registration of a register
document of title.

S89 NLC: Every register document of title duly registered under this Chapter shall, subject to the
provisions of this Act, be conclusive evidence (a) that title to the land described therein is vested in
the person or body for the time being named therein as proprietor and (b) of the conditions,
restrictions in interest and other provisions subject to which the land is for the time being held by
that person or body, so far as the same are required by any provision of this Act to be specified or
referred to in that document.

S92(1) NLC: The alienation of State land to any person or body under final title shall confer on that
person or body a title to the land which shall be indefeasible as provided in Part Twenty.

S193 NLC: Contents of documents of title – a)name b)date

2. Distinguish various category of land use that may be imposed by the State Authority on an
alienated land.

S52(1)NLC: For the purposes of this Act there shall be three categories of land use, to be known
respectively as “agriculture”, “building” and “industry”

S53: Use of alienated land before the commencement of the act is considered as uncategorised land.

S54: Application of categories of land use to lands alienated before commencement.

S55: Application of section 53 to lands approved before commencement.

S56: Application of section 54 to lands approved before commencement

S109: Conditions on alienation

3. State the express and implied conditions imposed on the alienated land based on the following
category of land use:

Expressed conditions:

S121(1): Where in pursuance of section 52 any land is alienated under this Act subject to the
category “agriculture”, the State Authority may, in the exercise of its powers under section 120 (and
without prejudice to the generality of those powers), impose conditions as it may think fit.

a) requiring the cultivation thereon, or on any part or proportion thereof, of a particular crop,
or of any class or description of crops;
b) prohibiting the cultivation thereon, or on any part or proportion thereof, of a particular crop,
or of any class or description of crops;
c) fixing the dates in any year on or before which any work of clearing, cultivation, sowing,
manuring or harvesting, or any other agricultural activity, is to be commenced or completed;
d) limiting the maximum *area of the land which may be occupied by dwelling houses and
other buildings.
S122: Where in pursuance of section 52 any land is alienated under this Act subject to the category
“building” or the category “industry”, the State Authority may, in the exercise of its powers under
section 120, impose conditions as it may think fit.

(a) the **area of the land or proportion of the land to be built upon;
(b) the type, design, height and structure of any building to be erected on the land, and the type
and quality of the materials to be used in its construction;
(c) the dates on or before which any such building is to be commenced or completed;
(d) the use or uses to which any building is to be put.

Implied Conditions:

S114: All alienated land shall be subject to the following implied conditions relating to the boundary
marks thereof:

a) that the proprietor will take all reasonable steps to prevent their damage, destruction or
unlawful removal;
b) that the proprietor will, if any of them are damaged, destroyed or unlawfully removed, give
immediate notice of the fact to the Land Administrator, or to the penghulu having
jurisdiction in the area in which the land is situated;
c) that the proprietor will, if so required by the Land Administrator, pay the cost of repairing or,
as the case may be, replacing any of them which may have been damaged, destroyed or
unlawfully removed; and
d) that the proprietor will, if so required by the Land Administrator, at his own expense clear
any boundary line between any of them.

S115(1): Where any alienated land is subject by virtue of any provision of this Act to the category
“agriculture”, the following implied conditions shall be applied.

a) that no building shall be erected on the land other than a building or buildings to be used for
one or more of the purposes specified or referred to in subsection (4);
b) that a bona fide commencement of cultivation of the land shall be made within twelve
months of the relevant date;
c) that the whole area of the land, other than any part thereof— (i) occupied by or in
conjunction with a building (whenever erected) used for one or more of the purposes
specified or referred to in subsection (4); or (ii) used for any of the purposes mentioned in
paragraph (e) of that subsection, or any other purpose which the State Authority may
specially authorize, shall be brought fully under cultivation within three years of the relevant
d) that the area of the land referred to in paragraph (c) shall be maintained and cultivated
according to the rules of good husbandry; and
e) that the said area shall be continuously cultivated: Provided that the condition specified in
paragraph (e) shall be regarded as complied with in the case of any area so long as any
period during which less than the whole thereof is cultivated does not exceed twelve

S116(1): Where any alienated land is subject by virtue of any provision of this Act to the category
“building”, the following implied conditions shall be applied:
a) that, unless on the relevant date such a building already existed on the land, there shall
within two years of that date be erected thereon a building suitable for use for one or more
of the purposes specified or referred to in subsection (4);
b) that no part of the land shall be used for agricultural or industrial purposes (except in so far
as the erection or maintenance of any building for a purpose or purposes falling within
paragraph (4)(f) or (g) may constitute such a use);
c) that every building thereon (whensoever erected) shall be maintained in repair;
d) that no such building shall be demolished, altered or extended without the prior consent in
writing of the appropriate authority.

S117(1): Where any alienated land is subject by virtue of any provision of this Act to the category
“industry”, the following implied conditions shall be applied:

a) that it shall be used only for industrial purposes

b) that the industry shall commence operations within three years of the relevant date and
that every building or installation thereon (whensoever erected or installed) shall be
maintained in repair;
c) that no such building or installation shall be demolished, altered or extended without the
prior consent in writing of the appropriate authority:
Provided that the condition specified in paragraph (a) shall not prevent the maintenance or
erection on the land of any building used or to be used—(i) for the provision of educational,
medical, sanitary or other welfare facilities for the proprietor of the land or any other person
lawfully in occupation thereof, or for the servants of, or any person employed for industrial
purposes by, the proprietor or any other such person; and (ii) for any purpose which the
State Authority may think fit to authorize in the particular circumstances of the case.

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