Meant To Watch

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Chapter I

It was a bright sunny day on the Hermitcraft server, and it was nearing the end of season 7.

"Grian!" A cheery voice called, a parrot hybrid looked back from where he was standing in front of his mega base and smiled. "Mumbo!"

Mumbo landed in front of the smaller man, "How have you been man? I haven't seen you in ages!" He gave the hybrid a hug. "I've been great!

Although I'm a bit sad it's almost the end of season 7." Grian sighed.

"Don't worry man, you'll be fine." Mumbo pats his back to cheer him up, the taller man looks up and cocks his head to the side. "Hey um, why are

your wings purple? Were you hurt?" Mumbo reaches out to take a closer look at Grian's wings but Grian steps back.

He retracts his wings, "I uh- They're completely fine! Totally fine!" Mumbo frowns, "Are you sure? That doesn't look normal." "I-It's fine! I just uh,

I'm uh- I decided to dye them!" Grian stammers, Mumbo didn't look convinced but just nods. "Okay um, alright I guess. Kind of odd but you're

Grian so yeah." Grian chuckles in response.

"Oh also! I met Xisuma the other day and he told me that since it's nearing the end of season 7, the hermits wanted to have some bonding time so

they've decided to host a beach party tomorrow! Wanna go?" Mumbo adds.

Grian freezes, 'A beach party? But that would mean that we're going to swim, and if we're going to swim then we would be shirtless, and if-' Grian

was snapped out of his thoughts by Mumbo snapping his fingers right in front of his face. "Grian? You there?"

Grian shook his head and laughs nervously, "Yeah, um sorry about that. I guess I'll go with you." Grian immediately regrets saying that sentence

but he knew that everyone on the server would be going and it would be awkward if he was the only one who didn't go.

"That's great! I'll go tell Xisuma, see you tomorrow!" Mumbo smiles, he took out his rockets and they said goodbye before Mumbo disappeared

into the sky. Grian runs into his base once he was sure Mumbo was far enough, he runs to the closest mirror and curses to himself when he saw his


The tips of his feathers were starting to turn purple, he then lifts up the sleeve of his red sweater all the way up to reveal the side of his shoulder

where a Watcher mark could be seen blinking a purple light every so often. "No no no no no... this can't be happening." Grian whispers to himself,

he felt his breathing get faster.

He drops to the floor in order to calm himself down but accidentally looks into the mirror, his eyes widened as he saw himself. His eyes were

flickering from their void black to pure glowing white. He cursed to himself again and pulls down his neckband to reveal a necklace with a purple

gem that had the Watcher's symbol on it. The usually glowing purple gem was now flickering.
"Damnit." He curses, getting up to find his ender chest, he ran at the speed of light and opened it. His eyes landed on a purple book with gold and

white engravings on it. He picked it up and flipped through the pages until he landed on the one he was looking for.

He read through the paragraphs quickly and closed the book, he rushed towards a room, down the stairs, and into a secret basement. He tore off

the necklace and let his body into his Watcher form.

His parrot wings turned into large purple wings, his eyes a pure glowing white now covered by a white Watcher mask with gold engraving, his

favourite red sweater was now a black long-sleeved shirt, his gray pants turned into black ones, a white cloak connected by strings and another

gem with the Watcher symbol draped itself onto his shoulders, and lastly, two shining white halo's formed on top of his head forming an X.

He quickly catches his breath, cursing to himself again as he realized that the transformation used a lot of his Watcher magic. He glanced at the

necklace and teleports the necklace to his hands.

He creates an Electric Crystal with his free hand and shifts the magic from the electric crystal into the crystal on the necklace. The crystal starts to

glow back into its usual purple and he smiles as he sees his gloved hand and black sleeve turn back into his red sweater. The young Watcher clips

the necklace back on and watches as he transforms back into his normal self.

He sighs in relief and thinks to himself, 'Why did the necklace suddenly transform me back into my Watcher form? I thought Esther said the spell

would last forever, even though it is a forbidden spell no one would be able to cancel it right?'

"I'll just recharge it every couple of days so that never happens again." Grian says to himself.

"Grian? Where are you?" A faint voice calls, Grian flinches and makes sure that the necklace is hidden underneath his sweater before leaving the

room. "Here!"

He opens the door and walks through a hall before arriving at the entrance of his base, "X? What are you doing here?" He was slightly shocked to

see the admin but pretended to not be surprised and silently prayed that he just arrived and did not witness his Watcher problem thing before.

"Oh Grian, there you are! Mumbo told me that you'll be joining our beach party and I'm glad you did, but the other hermits also proposed that we

have a slumber party at yours since they said that your base has an 'amazing view of the jungle' or something and because we thought we'd check

out how you did for your second season. I might also say that I am very impressed by your mega base." Xisuma explains.

Grian casually chokes on air, "I- What?"

"The hermits wanted to have a sleepover at yours, plus you're sort of new here so we'd like to get to know you more." Xisuma smiled, "Oh um, sure

I guess, on the same day though? Okay, I'll do my best to set everything up." The parrot hybrid says with a smile.
He was slightly excited, at least the hermits won't be able to see his mark that way. And, this is a great opportunity to get to know the hermits


"Alright, I'll go inform the hermits and we'll figure out a time and date." Grian nods.

Xisuma smiles, "Great, can't wait to have you here!"

Chapter II

"Xanthus? You here?" A brunette called out, walking mindlessly around his friends' home.

His voice echoes through the hall and a white-haired man pops his head into the hallway, "Grian? What are you doing here?"

"Uhm, well, you know how Esther gave us these crystals to hide our Watcher forms?" The smaller pulls out his necklace, "Just a few hours ago, for

some reason, the necklace started blinking and my Watcher form started to show."

Xanthus' eyes widened, "What? Is the spell wearing off? I thought they would last forever?" The taller also pulled out his necklace, it was still

glowing brightly. Grian hummed, "Yeah, I thought so too, but maybe she found out and is trying to stop the spell from working."

"But it's a forbidden spell, no one should know about it, heck, even know how to do it," Xanthus says, Grian thinks about it for a second before

realization dawns on him.

"That's it, the book!" He exclaimed, Xanthus looks at him confusedly. "What book?"

"The book Esther used to make the spell! It's only found in the forbidden library, and no one else except the Grand Watcher, their left and right

hand, and certain people are allowed in. Myles is almost always by her side, meaning Esther was the only person who they know could have

helped us escape."

"That's true, but how would she know what spell we used to disguise ourselves? There are many spells like that in the book!"

"Wait, Pearl!"


"They took her remember? They probably inspected the necklace she was wearing and found out what spell was used on the necklace. And that

way, she used her powers to try and cancel the spell."

"That could actually work, but she's not going to actually cancel the spell right? If so then how will you be able to hide? I mean, I have Xisuma but

no one knows except me on this server. The Watchers are hunting you down, and you can't possibly fight them all!"

"But I could! I have Watcher and Admin magic, surely I can-" The brunette was cut off by Xanthus' flickering necklace, he curses to himself as

Xanthus starts to panic. "Grian? What's happening!?"

The brunette looks up towards Xanthus' eyes which were flickering from red to pure white. "Okay, calm down, everything's fine. Just take off the

necklace and I'll sort things out." Xanthus does as he says and takes the necklace off, he gives it to the parrot hybrid and lets his body transform

into his Watcher form.

His Watcher form was a lot like Grian's, his red mecha wings turned into purple ones, an all-black outfit, a mask with gold engravings, a white cloak

connected by strings and a gem with the Watcher symbol on his shoulders, but instead of two halo's forming an X, just a normal halo formed on

top of his head.

"Whoa, that took a lot of my magic." Xanthus pants, "Yeah, I know." The smaller laughs, "I want to try something actually." He adds.

Grian's hand started to emit a bright green glow and a string of admin magic flowed from his hand, he guides the magic towards the necklace in

his hand. Xanthus watched as the green magic encloses the necklace, it shines brightly before disappearing.

Grian smiles to himself, "There, this should be able to block her from canceling the spell for a while."

"Thanks man," Xanthus smiles, he takes the necklace from Grian and puts it on. He watches his Watcher features start to disappear and lets out a

relieved sigh.

"Also, before I forget, I heard about Pearl." Xanthus sighs.

"W-What... What happened? Is she okay?" Grian inquired.

"She's fine,"


"I heard that she's been moved to the Central Penitentiary."

Chapter III

The brunette was stunned, "What do you mean Pearl's being moved to the Central Penitentiary!?"

Xanthus sighed, "I overheard a conversation between Xisuma and Alexander, and they were talking about a Watcher being moved there."

"But they could be talking about any Watcher!" Grian reasoned, Xanthus hushed him. "I thought so too, but then I heard that the 'Watcher' was

half-netherian, and was supposed to be the future left hand."

"Okay, yeah sure that's Pearl, but why?!"

"That's the thing, no one knows." Xanthus almost whispers, and the brunette's eyes widened. "But then anything could happen to her there!"

"Yeah," Xanthus nods. "Wait, if Pearl is in there, then we need to get her!" Grian exclaims,

"Are you crazy? If we go out to find her, then the Watchers might find us! Did you forget what they did to us in that hell hole?!"

"But Pearl is also in danger! I can't let her stay there! Who knows what they might do to us!"

"You're the future Grand Watcher! The Watchers will do anything to find your human name and form, then they will destroy Hermitcraft like they

destroyed Evo just to get you back."

"I won't let them, I swore to always protect you guys, even if it means killing myself for this server. I swore to protect Evo, and I failed. As the admin

of Evo, I won't let what happened there, happen here."

There was a brief moment of silence, before a voice was heard.

"Grian, you're the admin of Evo?"

Grian and Xanthus turned to where the voice was coming from, "Xisuma?"

Xisuma stayed silent, completely stunned.

"Xisuma, how much of that did you hear." Xanthus asks sternly, taking a step toward the admin.

"Enough to know that Grian is a Watcher and admin of Evo." Xisuma replied, "But listen, I'm not mad or anything, judging by your conversation,

you'd rather die than go back to being a Watcher."

The two stayed silent, Xisuma sighed. "Let's move this talk to the living room instead."

The admin leads them to the living room and sits them down on a couch before sitting down on a couch opposite them. "Now why don't you start


Xanthus and Grian shared a look before Grian starts, "Yes, I'm the admin of Evolution SMP, and yes I'm a Watcher, half-Admin too." He pulls up the

sleeve of his sweater and shows Xisuma his Watcher mark which was glowing a nice purple.

"I'm guessing your dad is Landon?" Xisuma asks, Grian just nodded and rolled his sleeve back down. "I was supposed to be the future Grand

Watcher, and Xanthus was supposed to be the future right hand." He continued, Xisuma's face held a look of shock.

"Xan never told you?" the smaller laughed, Xisuma just shook his head no.

"Well, we never really wanted this life, but the Watchers forced us into the Academy. Once we graduated, we were taken for training, things just

got worse from there. So, with the help of Vivian's left hand, we escaped." He explained.

"Why did she help you escape? She's Vivian's left hand." Xisuma asks, "We never knew, she only said that we were the only hope for the Watchers'

freedom. Which we don't know the meaning of." Grian shrugged.

"And also, who's this Pearl person?" The admin asks, Xanthus sighed. "She's a friend of ours, we escaped together but she got captured by the

Watchers back in Evo."

"Ah, I see." Xisuma hummed, "Okay here, I'll help you get Pearl, but you need to stay low. I can't have the hermits in danger."

Grian looks up bewildered, "Wait, actually? You're not gonna kick me out of the server?"

"Of course not! You're very kind and helpful, and the hermits like you a lot. Plus, it seems like you're against the Watchers so it'll be great to have

you on our side." Xisuma smiles under his helmet.

"Thank you so much X," Grian jumps onto Xisuma and gives him a hug.

Xisuma just laughs and hugs him back, "Of course."

They let go, "And please, don't tell Alexander anything about this."

"I won't.”
Chapter IV

It was a bright sunny day, and Grian was on his way to the beach.

Upon arriving, he was met with most of the server. "Hey guys!" he waved, the hermits looks towards his direction and waved.

Some were hanging out on the carpets laid out, some were running around, some were playing volleyball, and some were swimming in the ocean.

Grian walked over to the people who were hanging out on the carpets.

The group there consisted of Stress, Zedaph, Joe, TFC, Xisuma, and Iskall. "Grian! How are you?" Stress asks as Grian sits down on the carpet,

"Doing great, but the back of the mansion clearly isn't." he joked, and the group laughed at the reply.

"Also, why exactly are we doing the whole slumber party thing at my base?" the avian asks, "Well, to be honest, we just puled names from a box

and your name came up when we grabbed the paper," Joe replied shrugging.

The group talked for a while before the group consisting of Ren, Doc, Wels, and Cub who was playing in the water came over, "Hey guys!" Doc

greeted them, which was followed by Ren greeting them by shaking off the water in his fur.

"Ren! Hey! We're right over here ya know!" Iskall laughs, shielding his robotic eye and himself from the water. Ren rolls his eyes playfully, "Oh

don't be so dramatic, you guys are dry as the desert. It wouldn't hurt to get a little wet."

"A little? Are you sure about that man?" Zedaph asks, laughing at Joe who was conveniently right next to Ren and got splashed with a lot of Water.

"Sorry, Joe." Ren said patting his shoulder.

All their attention shifted towards an explosion coming from their right.

"Scar! Why did you do that! I wasn't finished!" Mumbo screamed, "Hey! I was told that we had a time limit of 10 minutes and it has been 11!" Scar

screamed back, a piece of TNT in his hands. "Hey! I wanna explode stuff too!" Tango yells, and Mumbo just gave up. "Not you too Tango!" "Hey

don't leave me out!" Bdubs suddenly yells, "Bdubs no-"

The group laughed at the people who were apparently building sandcastles and exploding them before shifting their attention toward the people

who were playing volleyball.

"And the win goes to Team False!" Jevin shouts as many cheers were heard from False's side.
"Woo! And team False wins again baby!" False shouts, putting her hands up in victory. She and Cleo high-five while Etho's team grumbles, "This is

unfair! False is too good at volleyball!" Keralis whines.

"It's not my fault I am, you just simply have to be better than me to beat me." False smirks, "Next season, I swear! I will beat you!" Etho yells, False

smirks and raises her eyebrows. "That's what you said last season."

"Alright, everyone! Why don't we all just rest up first before Etho can continue his 'journey' of defeating False?" Xisuma says, laughing when Etho

screamed "Shut up!" from his position. The group walks over and groups up with the other groups.

They all talk about various things, mostly about the most random things. "Yeah, and it just confuses me, I swear that thing is like Redstone! Makes

no sense at all." Stress says, earning many noises of disagreements from the Redstoners.

"You wanna see something that probably makes no sense to you all?" Xisuma cuts in, "This." He summons his admin panel and enlarges the

floating screen using his hands, it all seems pretty normal. “Hey A-Bot,” Xisuma greets, the hermits tilt their heads in confusion before seeing a

face appear of the screen. “Hello Xisuma.” The robot says cheerfully.

“No way, he’s just like Grumbot!” Mumbo exclaims in shock, “Yeah, Hi A-Bot!” Grian says, the robot detected his voice before replying. “Hello


“A-Bot knows you?” Keralis asks, Grian nods in reponse. “Of course, A-Bots are on every single Admin bracelet and they know your name!”

Xisuma hums and nods, "A-Bot, Server Operation Mode."

Two more screens formed creating a triple monitor setup, and a floating keyboard forms in front of the one in the middle. The screens were blank

for a second before hundreds upon hundreds of codes started to appear on the screen.

"What the hell is that." Cleo says pointing towards the mess of the codes. "This is what I deal with, and it seems like there's a problem with the

code right now actually." Xisuma moves to type on the keyboard when a hand stops him, it was Grian. "Hold up now X, we're practically on

vacation. Stop trying to fix the code and just relax, take a breather, I know what that feels like, trust me."

“Alright fine, but I don’t understand why there’s an error in the code. I already did my daily server code check, run through, and fix this morning.

And it was fine yesterday!” Xisuma says confusedly, “You have your server code check every morning?” “You don’t?” “Yeah um what exactly is a

server code check, run through, and fix?” Doc asks, Grian replied. “Well you check all the codes in your server, make sure they’re all working

properly, and fix them if something’s wrong. It’s mandatory for every server admin to check the codes or else it could affect the players.”

"Oh yeah, Grian is an admin, isn't he? Does that mean you can understand that crap?" Ren asks, Grian nods. "Well yeah, but I'm not as skilled as X."

"So you're telling me you can understand this, but not simple Redstone?" Doc laughs, "Hey! I can do a bit of Redstone!" Grian yells.
The group laughs, and they talk for what felt like just another 30 minutes but was really 2 hours before deciding to head to Grian's base for the

slumber party. It was a quick 5-minute flight to the avian's base and they all grouped up at the front of his base.

"Okay, is everyone here? Hold on, where's Scar?" Grian scans his eyes around for the man but finds him nowhere, "Found him." Mumbo says,

pulling a Scar who had a cat in his arms. "Grian, look! I found this little kitten in the forest, can I bring her in? Pleaseee." Scar used his best puppy

eyes, and Grian not wanting to upset him, agreed.

Now here they were, in a part of Grian's base, playing truth or dare.
Chapter V

"Okay, um let's see, Etho! Truth or dare?" Impulse asks, "Dare, I'm not scared." Etho says confidently.

Impulse smirks at the response. You see, right before the game, Grian had told Impulse to choose Etho, and if Etho chose dare Impulse would dare

him to kiss someone. Knowing Etho having a huge crush on a certain someone, that dare would make their ship sail. "Okay then, if you're so brave.

Kiss the most attractive person here."

Etho blushes at the statement, everyone could see because he wasn't wearing his mask and started giggling.

The ninja scanned the circle before sheepishly crawling towards Beef and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. He crawled back to his spot still

blushing while everyone started to giggle and start 'Ooo' Ing them. Beef also blushed at the action but it was slightly hidden by his beard.

Etho cleared his throat before his eyes landed on a certain avian, "Anyways, Grian, truth or dare."


Etho lets out a quiet "Yes." and crawls over to him, he whispers something in Grian's ear. -Which was probably something bad because they

started giggling-

Etho crawls back to his spot and gave Grian the clear to do his thing, everyone was staring confusedly at the avian and whispering about what Etho

could have told him. They all stopped whispering and talking when Grian's right hand started to glow green.

Some of the admin magic flow out of his hand and the avian guides it towards Impulse, the magic spins around the brunette before disappearing.

Everyone thought that was it, but were shocked when Impulse started floating, "WHOA- HEY GRIAN WHAT'S GOING ON!?"

All eyes turned to Grian and the hermits watched as Grian makes motions with his hands and Impulse floats around as the motions, "Woah, I didn't

know you could do that. But what was Etho's dare?" Xisuma asks.

"You can once you've experimented with your powers more, and Etho dared me to keep Impulse floating for the entire game." Grian shrugged,

"WHAT?!" Impulse yells, Grian chuckles. "Calm down, I'll set you down when it's time to sleep."

"Okay, um, Impulse. Truth or dare." Grian asks, "Aw c'mon! I'm already up here," Impulse whines, "This is payback." Etho says crossing his arms,

"Fine, Truth then." Impulse grumbles.

Grian thinks for a moment, "Hm, do you like someone in this room?"
Impulse blushes a bright pink making everyone start 'Ooo' ing him. "Y-Yes.."

“Oo, who is it?” Grian raises his eyebrows smirking, “Hey! You only get one question!” Impulse spits.

The game continues on for a while before ending so they could just chill out for a bit, but the peace didn’t last long as Grian yelled “Pillow fight!”

which led the hermits to a full-blown pillow fight.

“Come here you-” Cleo yells before getting a pillow thrown on her face by Joe. “Hey! You can’t use your powers Grian!” Mumbo calls out towards

Grian who was using his Admin powers to his advantage and hitting as many people as he could by controlling multiple pillows. “Ugh fine, but at

least I can still do this!” He groans before flying into the air and hitting Mumbo with the pillow as he flew by.

“Take that! And that! And that!” False yells, throwing pillows at Etho continuously. “Fal- Ouch! Ow! Hey-” Etho manages to get out before getting

hit by another pillow right to the face. “Admit defeat Etho! You can’t beat me in volleyball nor pillow volleyball!” False screams dramatically while

throwing more pillows, dodging some as Etho throws some pillows back. “Never!”

“Hey! I thought we said no teaming up!” Mumbo screams as Tango and Bdubs hit him with pillows, “Wait hold on guys.” Bdubs paused, “Why are

we doing this?” Tango stopped and looked at him, “I don’t know,” Tango shrugged. They looked at each other before shrugging and continuing to

abuse poor Mumbo.

“Hey X, when do you think they’ll be done?” Scar asks, quietly petting the small kitten which he named ‘Pickles’. Xisuma just shrugged, “No idea,

but it’ll probably last longer than last season.”

The two, along with TFC were just hanging in a small circle together, Xisuma had made a barrier around them to protect them from the pillows and

hermits. “Are you sure we shouldn’t help him?” Scar asks concernedly pointing towards Etho who was getting obliterated by the pillows thrown by

False. “He’ll be fine, that’s normal.” Xisuma replies blankly.

The night continued on with more pillow fighting before everyone decided to finally settle in for bed.
Chapter VI

Xelqua stood in a void of darkness.

He looked at himself, he was in his Watcher form.

“You...” A voice whispered, he looked around only to see no one but himself in the dark void.

“You killed me!” The voice roared.

A figure appeared in front of him, he recognized that gold armour, the brown hair, and the scar on his neck.

Xelqua immediately realized who it was. “Y-You’re Grayson… Alexander’s bodyguard.”

Grayson was covered in bruises and blood, the dried blood on his neck looked extremely painful to even look at.

He looked down at his hands, they were covered in blood, the sword he used to kill him on the ground in front of him.

His breathing quickened, memories of the incident flashed through his eyes. “I-I didn’t mean to kill you!”

“You still killed me, you didn’t want to, but you did.” The voice growled.

“If I didn’t, she would kill Alexander!”


“If I didn’t kill you, she would have forced me to kill Alexander.”

“That bitch.”

“I’m on your side, I swear. I didn’t have much of a choice, I wanted to save you both but I couldn’t.”

“Then there’s only one thing to do. Kill Luna, free her, and stop her from taking over the world.”

Xelqua was shocked, confused. “Wait what?”

Grayson kept repeating that sentence, slowly fading away.

“Wait! What do you mean?!” He tried to reach out for the ghost, but he was gone.

Grian woke up in a cold sweat, he glanced around the room and shakily ran a hand through his hair.

It was around dawn and he could see the sun rising through the curtains, luckily everyone was still fast asleep.

He thought to himself, why did Grayson appear in his dream?

Was whatever he said real?

Who’s Luna?

Free who?

It didn’t make sense, why did he need to kill this Luna person? Who even is this person?

He decided to just take his thinking to the kitchen and to get some coffee while he’s at it, he crawled out of his sleeping bag and headed towards

the kitchen. Upon arriving, he heard the sound of clicking and mumbling, “Xisuma? What are you doing here?”

The admin looked back, “Oh, Grian! Good morning, I’m just fixing up some codes. What are you doing up at this time?”

Grian just shrugged and got himself a cup of coffee, “Weird dream.”

Xisuma hummed, “What was it about?”

“Gra- Someone appeared in my dream and said something about killing someone.” Grian coughed, hoping that Xisuma didn’t hear his slip up. It

sounds like he didn’t as he just looked at him concerned. “Really? That’s weird.”

Grian nods, “Yeah, and why the heck are you fixing something at this time? It’s way too early.” Xisuma raises a brow, “Because this is when I

usually have my server code and system check? And also, this is not early, it’s only 6 AM.” Grian nearly spits out his coffee, “Server code and system

check?! At this time!? You are a maniac.”

Xisuma just laughs and continues to check the codes, he stumbles across a glitch. “What’s wrong with that?” Grian asks, pointing towards the

glitched code, “That means the code is glitched, I’m not too experienced with glitched codes and it takes a while to fix those.” Xisuma replies. He

goes to fix the code before getting stopped by Grian, “Hold on, I think this might work.”
Green and purple flows of Admin and Watcher magic flow into the floating screens from his hands, shocking Xisuma a bit. The screen scrolled

through the millions of codes in the screen before stopping and turning a bright blue. “What the heck was that?!” Xisuma almost screams, “That

should do it, I fixed all of the glitches and bugs in the system by combining my Admin and Watcher magic.” Grian says.

“Whoa, that’s so cool! What else can you do?” The older asks, the younger just shrugs. “Lots of things, I can do probably anything.”

“Morning guys!” A cheery voice says, “Morning Scar.” Xisuma greets, Scar walks in holding Pickles and many other hermits follow him in. Everyone

greets each other good morning before someone finally decides to make breakfast -Pancakes- for them all, they had a great time just chatting and

having fun.

“Hey uh, where’s Etho and Beef?” Xisuma asks noticing the absence of the two hermits, False shrugged. “I saw them go outside a while ago,”

A chorus of ‘Oo’s and ‘Ohh’s were heard from the crowd of hermits, “I WONDER what they’re doing.” Bdubs said, giving everyone a knowing look.

“Thanks Impulse, it took them way too long to realize.” Grian nudges Impulse with a slight smirk, Impulse chuckled in response. “I know, but now

we have Xisuma and Keralis left.” He nudges his head towards Xisuma and Keralis who were chatting with each other, and Impulse could have

sworn that Keralis blushed at Xisuma’s laugh.

“God, they’re more oblivious than Etho and Beef.” Grian remarked, “Literally everyone but them can see that they like each other.”

At that moment, Etho and Beef walks into the room and sits beside each other. They sat at the side of the kitchen island making it look extremely

suspicious since there were seats available at the front side. “Ooo, where have you two been?” Iskall asks with a knowing tone, “We were just

outside talking,” Beef replied.

Nobody sitting at the dining table, floor, or the front side of the kitchen island could see but Impulse and Grian could clearly see Etho and Beef

holding hands under the table. He grinned at Impulse who smirked back at him, they high-five which attracts attention from the hermits sitting on

the floor and dining table.

Impulse gives them two thumbs up and points towards Etho and Beef from behind, Stress understood the motions and whispered the meaning to

the group. Chorus of gasps erupt from the group and they all snap their heads towards the two who were talking quietly with each other.

Etho and Beef unfortunately noticed the action, “Why are you guys looking at us like that?” Etho asks, the group went quiet before Cleo came up

with an excuse and replied. “That.” She points towards Keralis and Xisuma who have yet to realize everyone’s attention was on them, they were

quietly talking something along the lines of ‘Main World’ and ‘hang out.’

Everyone had a clue on what was going on but did not intervene, except Grian. “Soo uh, anyone want to have a tour of the server?”
Chapter VII

“Soo uh, anyone want to have a tour of the server?”

Everyone turned to him and just agreed, so now here they were, shopping.

They were currently spread around the shopping district and Grian has taken Mumbo and Scar to the Barge to collect some diamonds and talk

them into buying some items. “Well yeah Mumbo, but you see my shovels are so much better than yours and plus it’s not that expensive!”

Mumbo gave Grian a knowing look and points towards the sign, “Not that expensive?”

Grian just grumbles to himself and raises his eyebrows at Scar, “Scar! How would you like to buy some netherite shovels?”

Scar just looks at him before smiling, “Oh sure!” He gives Grian the diamonds and takes a netherite shovel, Grian just chuckles at Mumbo who

facepalms at the action.

“See? Even Scar thinks it isn’t expensive-” Grian was cut off by an arrow landing on the ground beside him, “Whoa!”

The three hermits turn around to see a skeleton in the barge, “How in the world did a skeleton get in here?” Grian asks to no one in particular, “I

don’t know, but let’s just kill it.” Mumbo replies, dodging another arrow that came his way. They quickly disposed of the skeleton and sighed, “So,

want to buy a sword?” Grian asks.

Mumbo just stared at him concernedly, “You know what, I think it’s time that we group up with the rest of the hermits.”

“Come on Scar!” Mumbo yells to Scar who was buying some more sand, “Okay!”

Mumbo and the two other hermits walk toward the meeting spot to see most of the hermits already there, “Hey guys!” Scar greets with a smile,

everyone greets him back. Everyone started talking amongst themselves and having fun, Ren was talking with Stress when he smelled something

in the air. No one seemed to notice but because of being a dog hybrid, he had heightened senses, and he could smell the faint smell of blood.

Ren sniffs the air again to make sure which catches Stress’ attention, “What’s wrong Ren?” “I smell blood.” Ren replies.
“Maybe it’s a mob’s blood?” Stress hums, Ren shook his head. “Mob’s blood and player’s blood smell different, and this is definitely a player’s


Ren sniffs the air again and follows the smell through the small crowd of hermits with Stress following closely behind, it attracted some hermits’

attention but they just shrugged it off. Ren walks toward Grian, Mumbo, Scar, and Xisuma and Iskall who had joined them not too long ago.

“Sorry dudes, don’t mind me.” Ren quickly apologizes before circling Xisuma whilst sniffing the air around him, “I- Uhm, What are you doing?”

Xisuma asks slightly concerned and worried, “Don’t mind him, he smelled blood coming from your group and is trying to find who might be hurt.”

Stress replies, Xisuma just lets out a quiet “Oh.” Before Ren stops right beside Grian.

“Uh, Grian are you hurt my dude? I smell blood coming from your arm.” Ren asks, Grian just cocks his head to the side. “Really? I’m on full health

though, and I don’t feel any pain.”

“One second,” Stress hums, she grabs Grian’s arm and pulls up his sleeve, she stops when she saw a cut right above his elbow, but that wasn’t the

only worrying thing. “Uh Gri, why is your blood purple?”

“Uh- What?” Grian asks trying not to sound panicked, even Xisuma looked slightly panicked. The avian quickly came up with a lie, “Um, that’s just

uh, that’s how parrot hybrid’s bloods are!”

Stress looked unconvinced, “Are you sure? I thought every hybrid had normal blood?”

“It’s different if your hybrid genes mix with the admin powers that flows in your body, because I’m half-Voidwalker and an Admin, my blood is

black like the void. So it must be the same with Grian.” Xisuma cuts it, it wasn’t a lie, if your hybrid genes mix with your Admin powers it does make

your blood a slightly different colour.

Grian lets out a sigh of relief, “It’s true, but you can heal it right?”

“Of course, this is no biggie.” Stress’ hand glows a light yellow and she cups the area around the cut, she lets her magic do their work and pulls her

hand back. It was like the cut was never even there. “Wow, you can really heal anything!” Grian says amazed, Stress had done it plenty of times

now but it still shocked him every time she does it.

Stress chuckles, “Of course I can, I’m an Angel-hybrid after all. We can heal anything.”

“But uh, since I’m an Angel hybrid, why isn’t my blood different?” She adds, “Well, your blood depends on yourself really. Yes, you’re an Angel

hybrid, but you’re also still human, so your blood is the same. Take Tango for an example, Tango’s a dragon hybrid, and he’s also a Netherian, so

that’s why his blood glows red.”

“Wow, that’s cool!” Stress smiles.

Grian smiles at the response and turns to Xisuma who was calling the other hermits, “Alright, is everybody here? Shall we continue?”

He received many nods and they were off again, this time they were heading towards Bdub’s base.

Everyone seemed to be having a great time with each other, but Grian just had this feeling that something was going to go wrong.

Chapter VIII

A brunette walked down the same halls he did just a few days ago in search of his friend, “Xanthus?”

Xanthus popped his head into the hallway, “Grian? What are you doing here again?” He walks into the hallway and looks at the smaller man, “I just

wanted to make sure you were okay, I had a bad feeling something was going to happen.”

“Well, I’m pretty much okay,” Xanthus said looking at himself, “And I don’t feel any different.”

“Alright, good. Just wanted to make sure.” Grian sighed in relief, Xanthus chuckled. “Of course, I would have told you if,” Xanthus trails off, A voice

was heard in his head. “Well well well, what do we have here?”

“Vivian.” Xanthus growls, Vivian just laughed. “You didn’t think you could escape me that easily did you?”

Xanthus froze, his eyes starting to become unfocused. “Xan? You okay?” Grian takes a step towards the older man, stopping dead in his tracks

when Xanthus rips off his necklace.

“What the- Xan! Why would you do that?!-” He was cut off by Xanthus transforming into his Watcher form, “We meet again, Xelqua.”

“Vivian!? How-!?”

“You need to come with me.” Xanthus says, Vivian’s voice was gone, but why was Xanthus saying this?

Xanthus charged at the brunette, who created a barrier between them. He quickly messaged Xisuma to come immediately, and nearly got killed in

the process as Xanthus had managed to get through the barrier. He transforms into his Watcher form, “Xanthus! What has gotten into you!?”

Xanthus doesn’t respond and just keeps throwing attack after attack, it was getting harder for Grian to attack back and dodge, he screamed in

pain as Xanthus hit him with an attack infused with Voidwalker magic. He was on the floor, completely vulnerable and paralyzed. “Finally, I can

take you back.” Vivian’s voice was back and Xanthus’ Watcher magic started to surround him.

Grian closed his eyes and prepared to be teleported back to the hell that he once called his home. But instead, he heard a noise and opened his

eyes, “X?” There stood Xisuma, keeping a barrier between them and Xanthus. “Xanthus! Snap out of it!” The admin yelled.
“Ugh, you always get in the way of things, I will get you back soon.” He groans, the necklace he threw away suddenly appeared back on his neck

and he transformed back into his human form. Once Xanthus fully transforms back, his eyes closed and his body started to fall to the floor, but

Xisuma had caught him right before he hit it.

“X? What’s wrong with him?” Grian asks, Xisuma quickly checked his twin brother before turning to the younger man. “He just passed out, but he’s

okay from what I see. He probably just used a lot of his magic, are you okay though?”

Grian tries to move his body but fails to do so, “I’m fine, just tired, but I still can’t move.” You see, when something is hit with Voidwalker magic,

you basically can’t move for a while, that’s why Voidwalker hybrids are not only powerful and dangerous, they’re also incredibly rare. There are

very few Voidwalkers that live and they’re all under the protection of Alexander, and soon Xisuma.

The admin sighs, “Sorry about that, maybe wait a bit longer, sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.”

“No, it’s fine, I managed. I have no idea what happened though, we were just talking when we heard Vivian’s voice, we thought it was just a

hallucination but then Xan started to just act weird.”

“How weird?”

“Well, he threw away his necklace that keeps him in his human form, and then he just started attacking me! When I got paralyzed, he talked again

but it wasn’t his voice.” He paused for a moment to finally move his arm, “His voice was Vivian’s, his voice sounded like Vivian’s and I don’t know

why. I also couldn’t predict his attacks so that’s also strange,”

Xisuma thinks for a moment, his gaze lands on the Watcher mark on his shoulder. “Grian, tell me more about the necklace you’re always wearing.”

Grian gives him a weird look but shrugged, “Well, when we escaped, Esther made us these necklaces, we don’t know how she made them but she

only said something about the Forbidden Library.”

Xisuma perks up at the mention of the Forbidden Library, “Forbidden Library… Only the Grand Watcher, the left and right hand are allowed in


Grian nods in confirmation, Xisuma hums and picks Xanthus up, he sets him down on a couch and turns back to Grian. “I honestly don’t know

what’s happening right now, but I’ll try to figure it out. You should get some rest, you need it, I’ll stay here with Xanthus until he wakes up.”
Chapter IX

Blake is the evil Grand Watcher before Nathaniel (The Grand Watcher who died in the war)

A young female Watcher sat in an empty room, it had been too many days since she last saw the beautiful night sky of the End.

She didn't want to interact with any Watcher whatsoever, she hated them for what they did to her. All she wanted was to be free with her friends,

and they just had to take that away from her.

Her eyes traveled to the piece of metal on both of her hands, it was wrapped tightly around her hands and there was a bright red light shining in

the middle. She scoffs, opening the palm of her hand, 'Maybe this time it could work' she thought.

Her hand emitted a purple glow before little bits of lightning appeared, but then it disappears. She groans, "Ugh, stupid handcuff things, keeping

me from using my powers. I could have escaped this easily if it weren't for these." Her Australian accent echoes around the room. She banged the

piece of metal onto the bedrock, but sadly it does nothing.

She heard the familiar sound of the Redstone mechanism and sighed to herself, the sounds stopped and footsteps were heard.

She hugged her knees and kept her eyes on the purple barrier, it was made of Watcher magic but she wasn't able to walk through unless she wore

a special bracelet, no one could walk through.

There, she saw the Grand Watcher along with her right and left hands walk into the room. They stood in front of the barrier, "Well hello there,

Moon." The Grand Watcher growls, the young Watcher scoffs, "Hello, Vivian."

"I'm just here to let you know, you may have tried to escape, but you can't escape me." Vivian smirks as she walks through the barrier, her long

white cape dragging on the bedrock behind her.

She stood in front of 'Moon' and looks down, "You can't be trusted to be the future left hand," Vivian frowned before looking back at her with a

devilish smirk, "So I'll give you a choice."

That sent shivers down the younger's spine, 'A choice? Knowing its Vivian, it'll definitely be bad.' she thought.

"You can either be the future Grand Watcher," she pauses, "Or, you could help us get Xelqua back in exchange for your and Xanthus’ freedom."
"Wait, what? That's not fair at all!" Moon looks at the Watcher in front of her with disbelief, "Oh but of course it is, you tried to escape from this,

consider this a punishment." Vivian says fiddling with her jet-black hair.

"You have a month to think about this, if you don't make a decision, then the Watchers will make it for you." Vivian informs, Moon was taken


"I will come back at the end of the month and I expect an answer," Vivian sighs, "A month!? You're telling me that I have to choose between my

own freedom or my friends'!? And if I don't, your people have to choose for me!?"

Vivian lets out an angry sigh, "You, come with me. We have some serious business to take care of." She points towards her right-hand man, "And

you, explain this to her, it seems that she didn't hear me. And once you're done, meet us at Headquarters." She points at her left-hand woman.

Vivian and her right-hand leave the room, leaving her left hand and Moon alone.

Her right hand quickly checks to see if Vivian was far enough before running towards the young Watcher, "Oh, Pearl, I'm so sorry she did this to


"Esther, it's fine, I knew I shouldn't have gone against them." Pearl sighs,

"I can't do anything right now, but I swear I will get you out somehow."

"Do I really have to choose?"

"I'm sorry, but you do, I can't do anything about this."

"But maybe I can."

Esther looked back to see Myles, Raven's right-hand man. "Myles? What are you doing here?"

"To help, of course," He replied.

"But what about Vivian?" Esther whispers, Myles hushes her. "Don't worry about that, I told her that I needed to get something in the staff room. I

have some time."

"Why are you doing this?" Pearl asks, "I tried to escape, and you hunted me down with Vivian!"
Myles and Esther share a look before turning back to the Watcher, "I can't tell you right now, but I swear I'll tell you when the time comes."

"For now, I have a plan, but it's risky." he adds, Pearl shakes her head. "I don't care if it is, what's the plan."

"So, at the end of the month, you choose to help Raven get Xelqua and Xanthus." He starts, "WHAT!?-" Myles slaps a hand on top of Pearl's mouth,

"Shut up! This plan will help you ALL get free."

Pearl nods and Myles lifts his hand, "If you pick this, you'll think that you're getting free when you're not. When she gets her hand on you all, she'll

make you her slaves, take your powers and become even more powerful."

"Right, for now, the main point is getting them captured. While they are, just keep up with the act, I'll act like I'm on Vivian's side and you'll just act

sad. If this plan goes according to plan, we'll all be free." Myles adds.

"How do I know you're not evil or doing something behind my back?" Pearl says, stepping away from him.

"Calm down, he won't." Esther assures.

Myles looks at the time, "Okay, we have to go now, we'll visit another time but remember what I said. I’ll explain everything one day."

Pearl nods and the older Watchers stand up, they leave the room and Pearl just sighs.
Chapter X

Could Pearl really trust Myles?

But soon the end of the month came and Vivian returned to the prison alone, “So, Moon, what’s the final decision?” Pearl stayed silent for a while,

thinking back at her conversation with Myles. “I’ll help you get Xelqua back.” She says, Vivian’s eyes widened slightly at the answer but she smirks

and laughs. “Oh? Wonderful! I have a job for you then.” She snapped her fingers and the chains on the young Watcher’s wrist were replaced with

tight bracelets instead. “Because I can’t fully trust you, these bracelets will stop you from using your powers.”

Pearl grumbled at the sentence but it was better than the old chains, “Now come, we must go.” Her fingers snapped again and the barrier between

them disappeared. Pearl stood up and her wings hugged her slim form, she followed closely behind Vivian. They were teleported to the Watchers

Headquarters Special Security Meeting Room, it was a place in the Headquarters specifically made for meetings for Vivian, Myles, and Esther.

There were no cameras nor audio recording gadgets unlike the other meeting rooms, the meeting room was located in the top of the

Headquarters, right under Vivian’s main office. Pearl recalled all the times she’s been here, wether it was for special meetings, training, or just

exploration. She recalls the time her and Xanthus were called here, they didn’t know what was about to happen, the time where Vivian told them

about becoming the future rulers for the land of Watchers.

“Alright, I have a plan for you. To get Xelqua back, you must go on an undercover mission.” Vivian explains, Pearl tilts her head in confusion.

“Undercover mission?” “That necklace you were wearing when you escaped, turns out it will come in handy. You will use that and we will create

you a new human form, then I want you to jump server through server, don’t stop until you find him. It may take a long time to fully find him so I’ve

sent other Watchers out as well, if you find him, report him to a nearby Watcher, every undercover Watcher wears a purple bracelet. For you

specifically, I’ll have you supervised by Myles. Any sudden moves and he reports it to me. If you dare to mess anything up I will not hesitate to

execute you.” She explains.

“Every Watcher was assigned a server, ”

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