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Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise

Communication Server

Release 12.1 - September 2017

8AL91011USAG Ed. 01
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The information presented is subject to change without notice.
ALE International assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright © ALE International, 2017

While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this
documentation, this document is provided “as is”. To get more accurate content concerning Cross
Compatibilities, Product Limits, Software Policy and Feature Lists, please refer to the accurate
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In the interest of continued product development, ALE International reserves the right to make
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The CE mark indicates that this product conforms to the following Council Directives:
• 2014/53/EU for radio equipment
• 2014/35/EU and 2014/30/EU for non radio equipment (including wired Telecom Terminal
• 2014/34/EU for ATEX equipment
• 2011/65/EU (RoHS)
Table of
contents Maintenance

Chapter 1
Reference documents

Chapter 2
Maintenance Commands

2.1 account................................................................................................................................................ 18
2.1.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 18
2.2 accreport............................................................................................................................................ 24
2.2.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 24
2.3 accreset...............................................................................................................................................24
2.3.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 24
2.4 accview................................................................................................................................................ 26
2.4.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 26
2.5 alarmrel................................................................................................................................................34
2.5.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 34
2.6 alarmrel-off.......................................................................................................................................34
2.6.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 34
2.7 calledfilt...............................................................................................................................................35
2.7.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 35
2.8 cleanbroad........................................................................................................................................36
2.8.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 36
2.9 cplalrm..................................................................................................................................................36
2.9.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 36
2.10 domstat................................................................................................................................................37
2.10.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 37
2.11 eaccclt...................................................................................................................................................39
2.11.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 39
2.12 excvisu................................................................................................................................................. 43

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2.12.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 43
2.13 inccpt..................................................................................................................................................... 44
2.13.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 44
2.14 incinfo................................................................................................................................................... 44
2.14.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 44
2.15 inconf.....................................................................................................................................................45
2.15.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 45
2.16 incout.....................................................................................................................................................47
2.16.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 47
2.17 increset................................................................................................................................................ 47
2.17.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 47
2.18 incstart................................................................................................................................................. 48
2.18.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 48
2.19 incstop..................................................................................................................................................48
2.19.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 48
2.20 incvisu.................................................................................................................................................. 48
2.20.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 48
2.21 intipstat................................................................................................................................................50
2.21.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 50
2.22 ippstat................................................................................................................................................... 53
2.22.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 53
2.23 lanpbxbuild...................................................................................................................................... 57
2.23.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 57
2.24 lookars..................................................................................................................................................61
2.24.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 61
2.25 mao.......................................................................................................................................................... 63
2.25.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 63
2.26 maoview..............................................................................................................................................65
2.26.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 65
2.27 multitool..............................................................................................................................................68
2.27.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 68

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contents Maintenance

2.28 netvisu..................................................................................................................................................74
2.28.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 74
2.29 prog-diff...............................................................................................................................................75
2.29.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 75
2.30 setshutdelay................................................................................................................................... 77
2.30.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................77
2.30.2 Viewing delay........................................................................................................................................ 77
2.30.3 Modifying the delay............................................................................................................................ 77
2.31 shutdown........................................................................................................................................... 77
2.31.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................77
2.31.2 Command settings..............................................................................................................................77
2.31.3 Delayed shutdown.............................................................................................................................. 77
2.32 tabranfilt..............................................................................................................................................78
2.32.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 78
2.33 tcalledfilt............................................................................................................................................. 79
2.33.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 79
2.34 utadown...............................................................................................................................................79
2.34.1 Operation................................................................................................................................................ 79

Chapter 3

3.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................81
3.1.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................81
3.2 Detailed description................................................................................................................ 81
3.2.1 Command Overview.......................................................................................................................... 81
3.2.2 Start-up Options...................................................................................................................................82
3.2.3 The netadmin Command................................................................................................................. 83
3.3 Operation........................................................................................................................................... 83
3.3.1 Installation...............................................................................................................................................84
3.3.2 Show Current Configuration.......................................................................................................... 87

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3.3.3 Local Ethernet Interface...................................................................................................................88

3.3.4 CPU Redundancy............................................................................................................................... 88
3.3.5 Role Addressing.................................................................................................................................. 89
3.3.6 Serial Links.............................................................................................................................................90
3.3.7 Tunnel....................................................................................................................................................... 91
3.3.8 Routing..................................................................................................................................................... 92
3.3.9 Host Names and Addresses..........................................................................................................94
3.3.10 Copy Setup............................................................................................................................................ 94
3.3.11 Security.................................................................................................................................................... 95
3.3.12 DHCP Configuration........................................................................................................................ 101
3.3.13 SNMP Configuration........................................................................................................................101
3.3.14 DNS configuration (optional)....................................................................................................... 101
3.3.15 Proxy configuration (optional)..................................................................................................... 101
3.3.16 VLan Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 102
3.3.17 Node Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 103
3.3.18 Ethernet Redundancy..................................................................................................................... 103
3.3.19 Cloud Connect....................................................................................................................................104
3.3.20 History of Last Actions....................................................................................................................105
3.3.21 Apply Modifications.......................................................................................................................... 106

Chapter 4
Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................107
4.2 Connecting a system console.....................................................................................107
4.3 Call Server embedded on a CS board in controller position........ 108
4.3.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................108
4.3.2 CS board stop procedure.............................................................................................................. 110
4.3.3 Procedure for restarting the CS board.................................................................................... 111
4.4 Call Server embedded on a CS board in applicative position..... 111
4.4.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................ 111
4.4.2 CS board stop procedure.............................................................................................................. 112
4.4.3 Procedure for restarting the CS board....................................................................................114

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contents Maintenance

4.5 Call Server embedded on an Appliance Server......................................... 114

4.5.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................114
4.5.2 Appliance Server stop procedure..............................................................................................114
4.5.3 Appliance Server restart procedure......................................................................................... 115

Chapter 5

5.1 Detailed description.............................................................................................................. 116

5.1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................116
5.2 Operation......................................................................................................................................... 116
5.2.1 Packages Installation...................................................................................................................... 117
5.2.2 Deliveries Installation...................................................................................................................... 117
5.2.3 Cloning & Duplicate Operations.................................................................................................118
5.2.4 Backup and Restore Operations................................................................................................119
5.2.5 OPS Configuration............................................................................................................................124
5.2.6 System Management...................................................................................................................... 124
5.2.7 Database Tools.................................................................................................................................. 131
5.2.8 Software Identity Display...............................................................................................................132
5.2.9 Remote Download............................................................................................................................ 133

Chapter 6
Management of Incidents and Alarms

6.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................134
6.1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................134
6.1.2 Incident identification.......................................................................................................................135
6.1.3 Organization of incident files....................................................................................................... 136
6.1.4 Alarm relay........................................................................................................................................... 138
6.1.5 Network incidents..............................................................................................................................138
6.1.6 External alarms.................................................................................................................................. 138

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6.1.7 Related modules................................................................................................................................138

6.2 Configuration procedure..................................................................................................139
6.2.1 Management principle.................................................................................................................... 139
6.2.2 General management..................................................................................................................... 139
6.2.3 Incident filter default settings.......................................................................................................140
6.2.4 Managing individual incident filters.......................................................................................... 141
6.2.5 Managing SNMP traps................................................................................................................... 142
6.2.6 External alarms.................................................................................................................................. 142
6.2.7 Alarm Sets............................................................................................................................................ 143
6.3 Operation......................................................................................................................................... 143
6.3.1 Incident management service operation................................................................................143

Chapter 7
SNMP Management

7.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................145
7.1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................145
7.2 Detailed description.............................................................................................................. 145
7.2.1 Com Server SNMP Implementation.........................................................................................145
7.2.2 TRAP Processing..............................................................................................................................146
7.2.3 TSC-IP & e-Reflexes SNMP Implementation......................................................................146
7.2.4 SNMP Versions..................................................................................................................................146
7.2.5 ALE International Proprietary MIB Properties.....................................................................147
7.2.6 SNMP Agents and SNMP Versions Compatibilities.........................................................151
7.3 Configuration procedure..................................................................................................151
7.3.1 Management Principle....................................................................................................................151
7.3.2 Declaring SNMPv3 Users (If SNMPv3 is Selected).........................................................152
7.3.3 Configuring SNMP Parameters..................................................................................................152
7.3.4 Configuring Incident Filter Default Settings..........................................................................153
7.3.5 Managing Individual Incident Filters........................................................................................ 154
7.3.6 Declaring Supervisors.....................................................................................................................154
7.3.7 Declaring SNMP Agent Running on the Communication Server.............................. 154
7.3.8 Additional Management................................................................................................................. 156

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7.4 Operation......................................................................................................................................... 157

7.4.1 snmpget Tool....................................................................................................................................... 157
7.4.2 snmpwalk Tool.................................................................................................................................... 157
7.4.3 MIB Text Files Consultation......................................................................................................... 157
7.5 SNMP Trap Description......................................................................................................158
7.5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 158
7.5.2 SNMP Traps Description...............................................................................................................158
7.6 SNMP: Supported entries................................................................................................ 160
7.6.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 160
7.6.2 Main Branch.........................................................................................................................................160
7.6.3 MIB-2 Branch...................................................................................................................................... 161
7.6.4 SNMPv2 Branch................................................................................................................................ 171
7.6.5 UCD Davis Branch .......................................................................................................................... 172
7.6.6 ALE International Proprietary Branch .................................................................................... 175

Chapter 8

8.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................177
8.1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................177
8.1.2 Related Modules................................................................................................................................177
8.2 Glossary............................................................................................................................................178
8.2.1 Glossary.................................................................................................................................................178
8.3 Detailed description.............................................................................................................. 179
8.3.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................179
8.3.2 Architecture of the RMA System............................................................................................... 180
8.3.3 Software Architecture......................................................................................................................183
8.3.4 Configuration Example................................................................................................................... 184
8.3.5 Monitoring............................................................................................................................................. 184
8.4 Installation procedure......................................................................................................... 190
8.4.1 S-type Rack......................................................................................................................................... 190
8.4.2 M2/M3 Cabinet................................................................................................................................... 195

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8.4.3 WM1 Cabinet...................................................................................................................................... 196

8.4.4 VH Cabinet........................................................................................................................................... 196
8.5 Configuration procedure..................................................................................................197
8.5.1 Configuring the PCX Port config.............................................................................................. 197
8.5.2 Configuring the RMA on Initialization...................................................................................... 197
8.5.3 Parameters for a Direct Connection to the PCX................................................................199
8.5.4 Settings for a Connection to the PCX via Modem............................................................ 200
8.5.5 Connection to Another Site (Remote RMA).........................................................................202
8.5.6 Configuring TAs for a Connection to the RMA....................................................................203
8.5.7 Changing the Version: Downloading Procedure................................................................204
8.5.8 Configuring the SyA Ports of the RMA................................................................................... 204
8.5.9 Example of a CPU Alarm Configuration: RMA Management......................................204
8.5.10 Terminal Switching on EXA in SRMA......................................................................................206
8.6 Operation......................................................................................................................................... 207
8.6.1 Connection........................................................................................................................................... 207
8.6.2 Access to the General Menu....................................................................................................... 207
8.6.3 Tree Structure of Menus................................................................................................................ 208
8.6.4 CONNECTIONS Menu................................................................................................................... 211
8.6.5 STATES menu.....................................................................................................................................211
8.6.6 Management Menu.......................................................................................................................... 213
8.6.7 Session Menu..................................................................................................................................... 225
8.6.8 EXIT.........................................................................................................................................................226
8.6.9 Reset CPU............................................................................................................................................226
8.6.10 Password menu................................................................................................................................. 226

Chapter 9

9.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................227
9.1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................227
9.1.2 Detailed description of operation...............................................................................................227
9.1.3 Related modules................................................................................................................................229
9.2 Configuration procedure..................................................................................................229
9.2.1 Remote Connection......................................................................................................................... 229

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9.2.2 Incident Reporting.............................................................................................................................231

9.2.3 Use with PPP...................................................................................................................................... 232
9.3 Maintenance..................................................................................................................................233
9.3.1 The “ermahisto” command........................................................................................................... 233

Chapter 10
Alarm Sets

10.1 Configuration procedure..................................................................................................234

10.1.1 Presentation.........................................................................................................................................234
10.1.2 Matching Alarm Number and Table Number....................................................................... 234
10.1.3 Declaring the Alarm Set.................................................................................................................234
10.1.4 Viewing Incidents (for Example, on an Alcatel-Lucent IP Touch 4068 Phone Set)

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1 Reference documents

The OmniPCX Enterprise documentation includes the documents listed in the following table:

table 1.1: OmniPCX Enterprise Documentation

Documentation title Part number

[1] System Services 8AL91000xxyy

Summary: this document provides an overview of system architecture,
topologies, as well as server duplication. It describes how to implement
synchronization and specific connections, as well as licenses, timers,
voice guides (and music-on-hold), languages and date and time.

[2] Management Tools 8AL91002xxyy

Summary: this document describes how to configure access rights to
the system by the management application, how to implement a config-
uration by domains and how to translate the strings displayed on tele-
phone sets and specific OmniPCX Enterprise applications.

[3] User Services 8AL91003xxyy

Summary: this document describes how to implement basic telephone
features such as broker call and transfer, as well as more advanced
collaboration features such as call pick-up, conferences and twin sets.
Each feature is presented in a separated chapter providing a descrip-
tion, the necessary configuration and, if need be, how to operate it.

[4] Attendant Services 8AL91004xxyy

Summary: this document describes how to implement attendant con-
soles. It also details the integrated automated attendant feature and
specific configurations for attendant consoles.

[5] Public Networks 8AL91005xxyy

Summary: this document describes the available features to configure
and implement accesses to public networks

[6] Private Networks 8AL91006xxyy

Summary: this document describes the available features to configure
and implement networks of OmniPCX Enterprises, including QSIG and
PCX synchronization.

[7] IP-PCX Networks 8AL91007xxyy

Summary: this document describes the available features to configure
and implement IP networks. It covers IP redundancy, quality supervi-
sion, SNMP, security and authentications.

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Chapter 1 Reference documents

Documentation title Part number

[8] Voice Mail 8AL91008xxyy

Summary: this document describes how to implement and configure the
native 4645 voice mail service in IMAP or VPIM. It also describes how
to centralize voice mail for several nodes and how to implement an ex-
ternal voice mail system.

[9] Mobility 8AL91009xxyy

Summary: this document describes the available features for DECT
sets and how to implement and configure every service. This document
also covers the various ways for GSM sets to rely on OmniPCX Enter-
prise services and the implementation of paging for authorized users.

[10] General Applications 8AL91010xxyy

Summary: this document describes how users can access external ap-
plications via a Presentation server. It also details how call distribution
can be precisely controlled or temporarily restricted for external calls or
within a specific group of users. The configuration to filtering of incom-
ing calls is also presented. Finally, this document covers how to share
an OmniPCX Enterprise between distinct companies and how to imple-
ment metering features, in order to monitor and control call costs.

[11] Hotel/Hospital 8AL91016xxyy

Summary: this document describes the operations and configuration of
the hospitality feature integrated to the OmniPCX Enterprise. It details
the different configurations, by room or by guest and how to connect
the system to an external hospitality application.

[13] Maintenance 8AL91011xxyy

Summary: this document details the syntax and result of the most com-
mon maintenance commands. It also details the management of inci-
dents and alarms, as well as SNMP. It covers remote maintenance fea-
tures and the operations of sets dedicated to alarms.

[14] Security 8AL91012xxyy

Summary: this document includes a detailed description on the neces-
sary measures to ensure the highest system security. Guidelines and
configuration details are provided to cover every level of this highly sen-
sitive issue.

[15] PWT 8AL91019xxyy

Summary: this document describes the implementation and configura-
tion of mobile sets relying on the PWT protocol in an OmniPCX Enter-
prise environment.

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Chapter 1 Reference documents

Documentation title Part number

[16] Crystal Hardware System Boards 8AL91020xxyy

Summary: this document provides a detailed description of the different
system boards available in the Crystal hardware package. A visual
guidance of the default and specific positions of straps, as well as con-
nections are included.

[17] Crystal Hardware Interface Boards 8AL91021xxyy

Summary: this document provides a detailed description of the different
interface boards available in the Crystal hardware package. These
boards allow the implementation of T0/S0 interfaces, DECT, analog ter-
minals, accesses to the public network, the implementation of different
OmniPCX Enterprise nodes and IP communications. A visual guidance
of the default and specific positions of straps, as well as connections
are included.

[18] Common Hardware Boards 8AL91022xxyy

Summary: this document provides a detailed description of the different
boards available in the Common hardware package. Each board is de-
scribed individually. A visual guidance of connections is included for
each board.

[19] Cables 8AL91023xxyy

Summary: this document provides a detailed description of the different
cables available for Crystal hardware interface boards. Maximum length
are indicated for each type of cables.

[20] Dedicated sets 8AL91024xxyy

Summary: this document provides a detailed description of the propriet-
ary sets and generic sets (including heavy-duty sets), available for the
OmniPCX Enterprise. These telephones sets can be TDM, IP or mo-
bile. Ergonomics, environmental constraints, power supply, initialization
and configuration are explained for each set.

[21] TA and TSC Adapters 8AL91025xxyy

Summary: this document provides a detailed description of the availa-
ble adapters for V24, CTI, S0 and analog peripheral. A visual guidance
of the default and specific positions of straps, as well as connections
are included.

[22] Complementary Equipment 8AL91026xxyy

Summary: this document describes the available connecting devices for
external devices, as well as V24 interfaces, tie line filter box and IBS
base stations for DECT roaming.

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Chapter 1 Reference documents

Documentation title Part number

[23] Common Hardware Installation Manual 8AL91027xxyy

Summary: this document details what is necessary to install a Common
hardware system. Recommendations on the best environmental situa-
tions are included along with system specificities. The installation pro-
cedure details assembling, internal connections, external connections,
power supplies and first level maintenance operations.

[24] Crystal Hardware Installation Manual 8AL91028xxyy

Summary: this document provides separate chapters for each available
Crystal hardware rack. Recommendations on the best environmental
situations are included along with system specificities and cabling dia-
grams, with visual guidance to implement connections.

[25] Appliance Server Installation Manual 8AL91029xxyy

Summary: this document provides all the necessary information to com-
mission an appliance server, with or without uninterruptible power sup-
ply. Technical specifications and software version compatibilities are
provided for each available piece of hardware.

[26] Blade Center Installation Manual 8AL91030xxyy

Summary: this document provides all the necessary information to com-
mission a blade center, replacing up to fourteen separate servers, in an
OmniPCX Enterprise network, offering maintenance and redundancy
facilities. A precise installation procedure is included. It details how to
download a system software and how to update firmware.

[27] PCX on Standard Racks Installation Manual 8AL91031xxyy

Summary: this document provides all the necessary information to com-
mission a Crystal hardware OmniPCX Enterprise on industry-standard
racks. It details wiring, power supply and fixing kit recommendations

[28] Software Installation Manual 8AL91032xxyy

Summary: this document details the partitions and directories, along
with their contents necessary for system operations. It describes the dif-
ferent procedures available to deploy the software, on site or from a re-
mote location, on a physical or virtual environment.

[29] ALEDS 8AL90508xxyy

Summary: this document describes the implementation of this deploy-
ment tool in the various compatible topologies. This documents in-
cludes requirements and procedures to install each software, among
which the OmniPCX Enterprise. Software deployments and updates are
explained for physical and virtual machines.

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Chapter 1 Reference documents

Documentation title Part number

[30] Customer Management via mgr 3EU19871xxyy

Summary: this administration manual describes how to connect, set
menus and navigate with this text interface management tools. It pro-
vides information on basic configurations, such as creating users,
speed dialing numbers, directory, telephone class of service or modify-
ing metering costs.

[31] Customer Management via 8770 8AL90615xxyy

Summary: this administration manual describes how to connect to the
OmniVista 8770 client and navigate in this GUI application. It lists the
available configurations for the OmniPCX Enterprise and provides infor-
mation on basic configurations, such as creating users, speed dialing
numbers, telephone services, alarm sets and phone book.

[32] Alcatel-Lucent 4645 - Administrator Manual 3EU19873xxyy

Summary: this administration manual describes how to configure and
implement the voice mail system embedded in the OmniPCX Enter-
prise. It also details the procedure to rely on distribution lists, how to
create mail boxes (including temporary mail boxes in hotel/hospital en-
vironments), set up an automated attendant for incoming calls, as well
as record and implement customized announcements.

[33] Internal Accounting - Administrator Manual 3EU19833xxyy

Summary: this administration manual describes how to configure and
implement the cost metering system embedded in the OmniPCX Enter-
prise. Procedures explain how to set up the different communication
types (normal, business and personal) and process the records. This
document also details how to monitor call costs from a telephone set.

[36] Alcatel-Lucent 4059 IP Attendant Console 3EU19877xxyy

Summary: this user manual describes the various features available for
attendants using a 4059 IP set. Configuration procedures are also de-

[37] Alcatel-Lucent IP Touch 4068 Attendant Set 8AL90607xxyy

Summary: this user manual describes the various features available for
attendants using a 4068 IP set configured for this particular usage. Ba-
sic configuration procedures are also detailed.

[38] Alcatel-Lucent 4645 VMS - User Manual 3EU19583xxyy

Summary: this user manual describes the various features available for
system users wishing to make the most of this voice mail and custom-
ize their announcements.

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Chapter 1 Reference documents

Documentation title Part number

[39] Hotel - Hospital - User Manual 3EU19837xxyy

Summary: this user manual describes the various features available for
hotel/hospital staff to configure and modify and retrieve metering re-
cords for the guests on their facility. Room service management and
basic configuration procedures are also detailed.

[40] Dongle IP / Raspberry for OpenTouch Suite 8AL90617xxyy

Summary: this document covers the deployment of USB over an IP
dongle with OmniPCX Enterprise systems to support FlexLM server de-
ployments. Procedures explain how to install the dongle, obtain the
firmware and boot the system.

[41] NFC Extended OXE Mobility Administration Manual 8AL90614xxyy

Summary: this administration manual describes the implementation of
transparent call shifts from a device to the other via NFC tags. NFC tag
generation is detailed with screenshots from the application.

[42] NFC Extended OXE Mobility User Manual 8AL90613xxyy

Summary: this user manual describes the implementation of transpar-
ent call shifts from a device to the other via NFC tags. Procedures to
read NFC tags and shift calls are provided, and the necessary mobile
phone settings are detailed.

[43] OmniVista 8770 Administrator Manual 8AL90703xxyy

[44] SP0123 Cabinet user manual and technical specifications 8AL90637xxyy

In the present document, cross-references are identified by the number in the first column of the above
Part numbers are given in the last column, where xx corresponds to the language code of the
document, and yy to the incremented edition of the document.

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2 Maintenance Commands

2.1 account
2.1.1 Operation “account” Commands Overview
The account command allows the different options to be viewed.
(0)a4400a> account
Use : account [option]

Accounting files.
To run a compression.
account counters for more details.
Return the data base access right.
Duration accounting metering.
External accounting traces via CMIS/CMIP.
Financial report traces.
This help.
Management files.
Disable database access for accounting.
Enable database access for accounting.
To save the tickets in files/database.


Options available:
• ascii: gives traces of compressed files generated for external accounting (see “account ascii''
Command on page 19),
• compress: includes the 'save' option and forces compression of the current ascii file (see “account
compress” Command on page 19),
• counters: gives the charge units of user counters in memory (see "account counters" Command on
page 19), and allows itemized consultation of counters and also allows them to be reset,
• dbaccess: gives the state ("on'' or “off'') of access rights to hard disk backup for accounting (see
“account dbaccess” Command on page 22),
• duration: measures units used for a call or series of calls by using call parameters (called number,
call date and duration) and by using the duration accounting algorithm. This application allows a
client's call to be cut off (in the case of the hotel application) as soon as the amount of his/her
deposit becomes zero.
• freport: gives daily traces of financial report operations (see "account freport" Command on page
• help: gives the different “account'' command options (screen above),
• mao: allows management files over the last 90 days to be displayed. Each file is completed with:
• file date,

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

• file name,
• the date of the first and last ticket stored in the file,
• the number of tickets stored in the file.
• off: denies (bars) access to the accounting data base (see "account off'' Command on page 23),
• on: authorizes access to the accounting data base (see "account on" Command on page 23),
• save: allows internal accounting tickets contained in the buffer to be backed up on the hard disk
(see "account save" Command on page 23).
The "account" command only requires the initial letter of the following option(s). If several options have the same
initial, you must specify enough initial letters to differentiate them. If there is any ambiguity, the "help" menu is
displayed. Thus, 3 letters are necessary to distinguish between the 'counters' and 'compress' options. “account ascii'' Command
The “ascii account'' command allows information on the last compressed 2160 files generated (3
months) to be displayed for the external accounting application.
(0)a4400a> account ascii

| | | | |Number |Charge|
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets|units |
|95/06/23 18:58|TAXAAAAA.DAT|95/06/23 18:55:40|95/06/23 19:01:13| 5 | 3 |
|95/06/23 19:01|TAXAAAAB.DAT|95/06/23 19:01:36|95/06/23 19:03:13| 10 | 10 |
|95/06/23 19:03|TAXAAAAC.DAT|95/06/23 19:03:24|95/06/23 19:05:04| 10 | 10 |
|95/06/23 19:05|TAXAAAAD.DAT|95/06/23 19:05:15|95/06/23 19:06:59| 10 | 10 |
|95/06/23 19:07|TAXAAAAE.DAT|95/06/23 19:07:10|95/06/23 19:09:44| 15 | 15 |
|95/06/23 19:09|TAXAAAAF.DAT|95/06/23 19:09:55|95/06/23 19:11:33| 10 | 10 |
|95/06/23 19:11|TAXAAAAG.DAT|95/06/23 19:11:44|95/06/23 19:13:56| 13 | 13 |
|95/06/23 19:13|TAXAAAAH.DAT|95/06/23 19:14:19|95/06/23 19:15:02| 5 | 5 |
|95/06/23 19:25|TAXAAAAI.DAT|95/06/23 19:26:21|95/06/23 19:28:14| 20 | 20 |
|95/06/23 19:28|TAXAAAAJ.DAT|95/06/23 19:28:20|95/06/23 19:30:16| 20 | 20 |


Information described:
• Date: date and time of creation of the compressed file,
• File name : name of the compressed file,
• First and last ticket dates : the date of the first and last ticket stored in the file,
• Number tickets: the number of tickets stored in the file,
• Charge Units: total number of charge units concerning all tickets in the file.
The “account ascii file'' command only take files on the hard disk into account. “account compress” Command
This option includes the "save" option and forces compression of the current ascii file. You must wait a
few seconds for compression to finish. This command is only valid on the main CPU but the backup
CPU is updated anyway. "account counters" Command
This command allows:
• subscriber counters to be listed,
• one, several or even all subscriber counters to be reset.
The syntax is as follows:
(0)a4400a> account counters

Use :

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

account counters action range

list display the subscribers counters.
reset delete the administrative subscribers counters.

all all the subscribers.
number number can be a subscriber number.
number can be an imcomplete subscriber number
containing wildcards (*, ?).
In this case, number must be surrounded by
the characters ' or ".
others options available if action = list:
admin list all the administrative subscribers counters.
room list all the room subscribers counters.
client list all the client subscribers counters.
booth list all the booth subscribers counters.


To delete all the counters of the subscribers with

a phone number beginning with the digits 32, the command is:
the command is:

account counters reset "32*"


Only the initial letter of fields is required. Thus 'l', 'li' and 'lis' will always be interpreted as the "list"
option. "action" Field
An action can be either display of a list of, or reset of, all subscriber counters.
A counter reset can only apply to administrative subscribers.
In the case of list display, the number of screen lines may be less than number of lines to be displayed.
In this case, use '|pg', which acts as 'more' but also allows backward scrolling. In the same way, typing
'h' followed by 'return' in the help menu allows the results to be printed out without it being necessary
to hit a key at each page change (there is no default page mode). "range" Field
The "range" field defines the action's target, i.e. the set of subscribers which the action specified in the
"action" field will bear on.
The "all" option (range = all), shows that the action is performed on all subscribers.
If "range" is a given MCDU number, the action will only bear on the corresponding subscriber.
The use of jokers (* or ?) is allowed. These allow selection of a relevant group of subscribers. The '*'
symbol is used to designate any character string and ' ? ' can be substituted for any character. Jokers
in the "range" field must be preceded and followed by double or single inverted commas (" " or ' '). So
'*' designates all subscribers.
The "admin", "room", "client " and "booth" options are only usable with the "list" action and display all
subscriber counters corresponding to the "range" field. Examples
Account Counters Reset
The "account counters reset all" command must be used instead of "account counters reset '*' ".
(0)a4400a> account counters reset '30*'

Do you want to delete

the counters of administrative subscriber(s)
matching the string 30* (y/n) ? y

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Your command succeeded,

5 counters of administrative subscribers
have been deleted.


(0)a4400a> account counters res '3000

Do you want to delete

the counters of administrative subscriber(s)
matching the string 3000 (y/n) ? y

Your command succeed,

1 counters of administrative subscribers
have been deleted.

Account Counters List
The "account counters list" command displays the subscriber category, phone number, total number
of calls, total number of charge units (there are three accounting levels for a hotel), cost incurred and
date of the last reset performed on a counter. This command can also be used on the backup CPU.
• all: displays a summary for each type of subscriber (administrative, room, client and booth) and is
as shown in the following example. This example shows a situation where there are 5 administrative
subscribers, 5 room subscribers and no client subscribers. The date on the administrative line is the
date of the last overall reset. This can also be performed from the attendant set.
(0)a4400a> account count list all

Thu May 2 16:17:16 1996

| Admin. | 5| 10| 10 | 7.40 |1996/05/02 15:21:16|
| Room | 5| 4 | 4 | 22.00| |
| | | | 6 | | |
| | | | 2 | | |
| Client| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00| |
| | | | 0| | |
| | | | 0| | |
| Booth| 3| 1 | 2| 2.00| |
| | | | 0| | |
| | | | 0| | |

The last overall counters reset date of

the administrative subscribers is 1996/05/02 15:21:16
(by account tool).

• admin/room/client/booth. The "admin" option displays a report comprising all administrative
An "admin " subscriber counter can be reset with the "account counters reset " command or from
the attendant set.
For a room or client subscriber ("room" or "client"), the last reset date is that of his/her check-in.
For booth sets, the reset date is that of the last ticket allocated to a client or a room. If booth set
communications, "booth", are correctly managed, their counters should be at zero, otherwise this
means that some tickets have not been allocated to a client or room subscriber .
(0)a4400a> account counters list booth

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Thu May 2 16:19:55 1996

| Booth| 3| 1 | 2| 2.00| |
| | | | 0| | |
| | | | 0| | |
| 31021 | 1| 1 | 2| 2.00|1996/04/29 12:06:16|
| | | | 0| | |
| | | | 0| | |
(0)a4400a> account counters list admin

Thu May 2 16:18:44 1996

| Admin | 2| 4 | 4 | 2.96 |1996/05/02 15:21:16|
| 3000 | 1| 2 | 2 | 1.48 |1996/05/02 15:21:57|
| 3001 | 1| 2 | 2 | 1.48 |1996/05/02 15:21:44|

The last overall counters reset date of

the administrative subscribers is 1996/05/02 15:21:16
(by account tool).

• Jokers: The following example shows how to get all subscribers whose numbers correspond to the
string '3*1', which designates all those starting with a '3' and ending with a '1'.
(0)a4400a> account coun list '3*1'

Thu May 2 16:20:15 1996

| Admin | 2| 2 | 2 | 1.48|1996/05/02 15:21:16|
| 3000 | 1| 2 | 2 | 1.48|1996/05/02 15:21:57|
| 30011 | 1| 0 | 0 | 0.00|1996/05/02 15:21:44|
| Room | 2| 1 | 1 | 5.00| |
| | | | 2 | | |
| | | | 0 | | |
| 31001| 1| 1 | 1 | 5.00|1996/04/29 12:01:13|
| | | | 2 | | |
| | | | 0 | | |
| 31011| 1| 0 | 0 | 0.00|1996/04/29 11:25:37|
| | | | 0 | | |
| | | | 0 | | |
| Booth| 1| 1| 2 | 2.00| |
| | | | 0 | | |
| | | | 0 | | |
| 31021 | 1| 1| 2 | 2.00|1996/04/29 12:06:46|
| | | | 0 | | |
| | | | 0 | | |

The last overall counters reset date of

the administrative subscribers is 1996/05/02 15:21:16
(by account tool).

(0)a4400a> “account dbaccess” Command

The "account dbaccess'' command gives the status of the data base access rights for accounting
ticket backup of the system.
(0)a4400a> account dbaccess

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

(0)a4400a> "account freport" Command
The "account freport'' command displays information on the last 90 daily financial reports made
(corresponds to the last 3 months).
(0)a4400a> account freport

| |First |Periodticket|Day ticket|Charge|
|Date |Period |execut. |read |del |read |del |Units|
|95/07/18 01:32:20|95/07/01 95/08/01|95/07/01| 250| 245| 50| 45| 120|
|95/07/19 01:31:21|95/07/01 95/08/01|95/07/01| 350| 345| 150| 100| 247|
|95/07/20 01:33:43|95/07/01 95/08/01|95/07/01| 500| 485| 150| 140| 328|


Information described:
• Date: date and time the financial report was executed,
• Period: current financial report period,
• First execution: date of the first operation,
• Period tickets: number of tickets read and deleted for the current period of the financial report,
• Day ticket: number of tickets read and deleted on execution for the day,
• Charge Units: number of charge units concerning deleted tickets for the day. "account off'' Command
The "account off'' command denies access to the data base for accounting ticket backup for the
system. In this case, the tickets are stored in the accounting buffer until it is full. After this, new tickets
are lost.
This command is to be used with care and in highly specific conditions. It must be rapidly followed by
the "account on'' command as tickets could be lost at storing.
(0)a4400a> account off
ACCOUNTING was on - > ACCOUNTING is off.
(0)a4400a> "account on" Command
The "account on'' command authorizes access to the data base for accounting ticket backup for the
(0)a4400a> account on
ACCOUNTING was off - > ACCOUNTING is on.
(0)a4400a> "account save" Command
The "account save '' command forces emptying of the accounting application backup buffer if ticket
backup on disk is available. "account -e'' Command
The "account -e" command displays VoIP tickets sent on IP. "account -r'' Command
The "account -r" command displays VoIP tickets received from the IP devices. "account ipticket <number of tickets> <delay>'' Command
The "account ipticket <number of tickets> <delay>" command generates and sends VoIP tickets to
an external application.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands "account -v'' command

The "account -v'' command displays on-screen all accounting management parameters contained in
memory (system management). "account -m" Command
The "account -m'' command displays on-screen all management parameters concerning monitoring
contained in memory (system management).

2.2 accreport
2.2.1 Operation “accreport” command
This tool allows the last financial report or the current financial report to be printed out.
The menus for this tool are taken from the accreset tool.
The menu is defined below.The sequences in brackets are the paths in absolute mode for each menu.
Previous Period Printout (/1)
Screen (/1/1)
Printer (/1/2)
Current Period (/2)
Status (/2/1)
Printout (/2/2)

2.3 accreset
2.3.1 Operation “accreset” command Overview
This tool allows the financial report and the transfer files to be managed for the external accounting
This command also allows all accounting tickets in the SQL database, the current financial report
cumulative files and the compressed files to be deleted for external accounting. For each deletion
operation security is enabled (it is not necessary to lock ticket storage with the "account off'' command).
Consulting deleted tickets (traces) is also possible. Description of the menu
The menu is defined below. The sequences in brackets correspond to the paths to be given to reach
these menus.
Information (/1)
Partition (/2)
State (/2/1)
Database (/2/2)
Financial Report (/2/3)
Accounting Files (/2/4)
Management files (/2/5)
All files (/2/6)
Database (/3)
Reset (/3/1)
Financial Report (/4)
Previous Period Printout (/4/1)
Screen (4//1/1)
Printer (/4/1/2)

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Current Period (/4/2)

State (/4/2/1)
Printout (/4/2/2)
Reset (/4/2/3)
Log (4/3)
Files (/5)
Accounting (/5/1)
Production (/5/1/1)
Log (/5/1/1/1)
Stored file log (/5/1/1/2)
Display (/5/1/2)
Header (/5/1/2/1)
Statistics (/5/1/2/2)
Ticket (/5/1/2/3)
Deletion (/5/1/3)
Management (/5/2)
Production (/5/2/1)
Log (/5/2/1/1)
Stored file log (/5/2/1/2)
Display (/5/2/2)
Header (/5/2/2/1)
Statistics (/5/2/2/2)
Ticket (/5/2/2/3)
Deletion (/5/2/3)
Miscellaneous (/6)
User counters (/6/1)
Printout (/6/1/1)
All (6/1/1/1)
Administratives (6/1/1/2)
Rooms (6/1/1/3)
Clients (6/1/1/4)
Booths (6/1/1/5)
Set number (6/1/1/6)
Reset (6/1/2)
Full reset (6/1/2/1)
Partial reset (6/1/2/2)
Current configuration (6/2)
Version (/7) Information (/1)
This menu give information on the accreset tool. Partition (/2)
This menu give information concerning hard disk space used by the accounting application (name and
size). Database (/3)
This menu allows accounting tickets to be erased. The erased table contains the accounting tickets
from the financial report and the “Hotel” application. Before resetting, the user must confirm the
operation. Financial Report (/4)
This menu allows operations concerning the financial report application, such as last/current financial
report printout, log display and current period reset to be performed. Files (/5)
This menu allows accounting and management files located on the disk to be archived for the external
• log,
• stored file log,
• header,
• statistics,
• ticket.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands Miscellaneous (/6)

This menu allows user counter and current configuration parameter information to be accessed. Version (/7)
This menu shows the tool version. Help menu (?)
This menu describes the interface and its operating modes. It allows selection of the language used.

2.4 accview
2.4.1 Operation “accview” command Overview
This tool is useful for analysing the contents of tickets in the accounting compressed files.
Several options are offered :
(0)a4400a> accview

accview - accounting files scope

accview -[abdefhlmpstvwV]

-a attribute_number sets
the list of the attributes to print (use -h to print the attribute numbers).
Each attribute number is separated by a space character.
-b number prints
the n first tickets (see also option -e).
-d [display] sets
the number of attributes/line to display, 1 or 2 (default is 2).
-e number prints
the n last tickets (see also option -b).
-f [file] file
is the file to be read. If the file doesn't exist in the current directory
and in the /DHS3dyn/account directory, an error is returned. If filename is
empty, a list of the current files is displayed.
-h prints the ticket header for
the given file.
-help this help.
-l prints the defined meanings of
the enumerated and bitstring attributes.
-m uses more to print the results
(when more is running, press h for help).

-p delete|disable|read|save
delete deletes the current profile. disable disables the current profile
for the current execution. read prints the content of the current profile.
save deletes the current profile and saves the current options. Only the first
option letters are needed.
-s prints statistics about an accounting
-t prints the contents of the tickets.
-v prints the values of the attributes
(default is meanings of the attributes).
-w sets the width of one line (default
is 80 characters).
-V prints the version.


Some commands can be combined.

The -a , -b , -d , -e , -t and -v options are only meaningful if used with the -tf options.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

This command is independent of the accounting ticket version and PBX software version (release). It can therefore
be applied to any accounting file in any PBX release. ''accview -tf'' command
This command gives an overview of commands using "accview":
• -f gives the installation's compressed files available table,
• -t outputs the contents of a selected file.
(0)a4400a> accview -tf

The files stored in the system are the following ones :

| | | | |Number |Charge|
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets|units |
|95/09/28 02:36|TAXAAAIL.DAT|95/09/28 02:36:48|95/09/28 02:36:58| 2 | 45|
|95/09/28 07:55|TAXAAAIM.DAT|95/09/28 07:55:49|95/09/28 07:58:59| 4 | 0|
|95/09/28 08:13|TAXAAAIN.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:44|95/09/28 08:13:44| 1 | 0|
|95/09/28 09:00|TAXAAAIO.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:51|95/09/28 09:00:06| 26 | 128|
|95/09/28 10:00|TAXAAAIP.DAT|95/09/28 09:00:56|95/09/28 10:00:26| 94 | 25|
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : TAXAAAIN.DAT
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : (Return)

====[/DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIN.DAT : Ticket number 1]===========================

(00) TicketVersion = ED4.7 (01) CalledNumber = 5895
(02) ChargedNumber = 5967 (03) ChargedUserName = TREFCON MICHEL
(04) ChargedCostCenter = 633 (05) ChargedCompany =
(06) ChargedPartyNode = 1 (07) Subaddress =
(08) CallingNumber = (09) CallType = LocalCall
(10) CostType = Unspecified (11) EndDateTime = 19950928 08:13:44
(12) ChargeUnits = 0 (13) CostInfo = 0
(14) Duration = 0 (15) trunkIdentity = 54
(16) TrunkGroupIdentity = 128 (17) TrunkNode = 1
(18) PersonalOrBusiness = Normal (19) AccessCode =
(20) SpecificChargeInfo = (21) BearerCapability = Speech
(22) HighLevelComp = Telephony (23) DataVolume = 0
(24) UserToUserVolume = 0
(25) ExternFacilities = CallingLineIdentificationPresentation
(26) InternFacilities = BasicCall (27) CallReference = 0
(28) SegmentsRate1 = 0 (29) SegmentsRate2 = 0
(30) SegmentsRate3 = 0 (31) ComType = Voice
(32) X25IncomingFlowRate = Unspecified (33) X25OutgoingFlowRate = Unspecified
(34) Carrier = Unspecified (35) InitialDialledNumber =
(36) WaitingDuration = 0 (37) EffectiveCallDuration = 0
(38) RedirectedCallIndicator = 0


Table of compressed files available

The table of compressed files available in the installation gives, for each file:
• the date and time of file creation,
• filename (always TAXxxxxx.DAT with xxxxx incremented alphabetically for each new file),
• the date and time of saving of first ticket,
• the date and time of saving of last ticket,
• the number of tickets in the file,
• the total number of charge units corresponding to the file.
File contents
A file must be selected by its name to be printed out.
Each ticket in the file has a list of attributes numbered from 0 (see "accview -tf'' screen), giving

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

• attribute number,
• attribute name,
• attribute value for the ticket printed out (numeric or string for attributes numbers 9, 10, 18, 20, 21,
22, 25, 26, 31, 32, 33 and 34).

The screens shown in the rest of the document are given only as examples and the number of
attributes may be subject to modification.
The -f option can be followed by the names of a file list if these are known. A file is declared as
unknown if it is not present in the current directory or in the /DHS3dyn/account directory.
If no filename is present, a list of filenames is suggested. It corresponds to the list of compressed files
currently stored on the system disk.


This command can be combined with "-h'' ("accview -a 11 2 3 1 -h”) or "-tf filename'' ("accview -a 11 2 3
1 -tf TAXAAAIM.DAT''). "accview -a attribute_number'' command
This command allows only desired attribute numbers to be printed out (if no number is specified all
attributes are printed out by default). For a selected file, the attributes are printed out in the order they
are entered in the command and are valid for all tickets in the file.
(0)a4400a> accview -a 11 2 3 1 -tf

The files stored in the system are the following ones :

| | |Number |Charge|
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets|units |
|95/09/28 02:36|TAXAAAIL.DAT|95/09/28 02:36:48|95/09/28 02:36:58| 2 | 45|
|95/09/28 07:55|TAXAAAIM.DAT|95/09/28 07:55:49|95/09/28 07:58:59| 4 | 0|
|95/09/28 08:13|TAXAAAIN.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:44|95/09/28 08:13:44| 1 | 0|
|95/09/28 09:00|TAXAAAIO.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:51|95/09/28 09:00:06| 26 | 128|
|95/09/28 10:00|TAXAAAIP.DAT|95/09/28 09:00:56|95/09/28 10:00:26| 94 | 25|
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : TAXAAAIM.DAT
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : (Return)

====[/DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIM.DAT : Ticket number 1]===========================

(11) EndDateTime = 19950928 07:55:49 (02) ChargedNumber = 74934

(03) ChargedUserName = PYTHAGORE (01) CalledNumber = 3623

----[/DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIM.DAT : Ticket number 2]----------------------------

(11) EndDateTime = 19950928 07:56:12 (02) ChargedNumber = 77927
(03) ChargedUserName = EULER (01) CalledNumber =

----[/DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIM.DAT : Ticket number 3]----------------------------

(11) EndDateTime = 19950928 08:57:19 (02) ChargedNumber = 89765
(03) ChargedUserName = KEPLER (01) CalledNumber = 77858

----[/DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIM.DAT : Ticket number 4]----------------------------

(11) EndDateTime = 19950928 07:58:59 (02) ChargedNumber = 77706
(03) ChargedUserName = NEWTON (01) CalledNumber = 88841695


In this screen, attribute numbers 11, 2, 3 and 1 are printed in that order for all tickets in the selected

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

This command can be combined with "-h'' ("accview -a 11 2 3 1 -h”) or "-tf filename'' ("accview -a 11 2 3
1 -tf TAXAAAIM.DAT''). "accview -b number'' command
This command allows the contents (all attributes) of the first n tickets of a selected file to be printed out.
This command can be combined with "-e'' (last n tickets of a selected file). In this case, only tickets with
contents common to both requests are printed out (if any). "accview -d number'' command
This command allows the number of attributes per line to be displayed on-screen to be selected.
Possible choices 1 or 2 (2 by default). It is used with "-a".
(0)a4400a> accview -d 1 -a 11 2 3 1 -tf

The files stored in the system are the following ones:

| | |Number |Charge|
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets|units |
|95/09/28 02:36|TAXAAAIL.DAT|95/09/28 02:36:48|95/09/28 02:36:58| 2 | 45|
|95/09/28 07:55|TAXAAAIM.DAT|95/09/28 07:55:49|95/09/28 07:58:59| 4 | 0|
|95/09/28 08:13|TAXAAAIN.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:44|95/09/28 08:13:44| 1 | 0|
|95/09/28 09:00|TAXAAAIO.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:51|95/09/28 09:00:06| 26 | 128|
|95/09/28 10:00|TAXAAAIP.DAT|95/09/28 09:00:56|95/09/28 10:00:26| 94 | 25|
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : TAXAAAIL.DAT
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : (Return)

====[/DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIL.DAT : Ticket number 1]===========================

(11) EndDateTime = 19950928 02:36:48

(02) ChargedNumber = 74934
(03) ChargedUserName = PYTHAGORE
(01) CalledNumber = 3623

----[/DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIL.DAT : Ticket number 2]----------------------------

(11) EndDateTime = 19950928 02:36:58
(02) ChargedNumber = 77927
(03) ChargedUserName = EULER
(01) CalledNumber =

(0)a4400a> "accview -e number'' command
This command allows the contents (all attributes) of the last n tickets of a selected file to be printed out.
It can be combined with "-b'' (see "accview -b number'' command). "accview -f'' command
This command lists all the installation's compressed files available.
(0)a4400a> accview -f

The files stored in the system are the following ones:

| | |Number |Charge|
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets|units |
|95/09/28 02:36|TAXAAAIL.DAT|95/09/28 02:36:48|95/09/28 02:36:58| 2 | 45|
|95/09/28 07:55|TAXAAAIM.DAT|95/09/28 07:55:49|95/09/28 07:58:59| 4 | 0|
|95/09/28 08:13|TAXAAAIN.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:44|95/09/28 08:13:44| 1 | 0|
|95/09/28 09:00|TAXAAAIO.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:51|95/09/28 09:00:06| 26 | 128|
|95/09/28 10:00|TAXAAAIP.DAT|95/09/28 09:00:56|95/09/28 10:00:26| 94 | 25|
Please, which file (Return to Quit) :

This command can be combined with "-a'', "-h'', "-s'' or "-t''.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands "accview -help'' command "accview -h'' command
This command displays the list of numbers with the ticket attribute names for a selected file.
The "Attribute'' column shows the numbers of attributes used.
The "Name'' column shows the attribute's name.
The "Position" column gives the position of the attribute's value in the ticket (between characters xxx
and xxx).
The "Alignment'' column gives attribute alignment (L: left justified, R: right justified, N: unjustified).
This command can be combined with "-a'' or "-f''.
(0)a4400a> accview -h -tf /DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIL.DAT

The attributes list of the file /DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIL.DAT is :

|Attribute|Name |Position|Alignment|
|000 |TicketVersion | 001-005|L |
|001 |CalledNumber | 006-031|L |
|002 |ChargedNumber | 032-039|L |
|003 |ChargedUserName | 040-059|L |
|004 |ChargedCostCenter | 060-069|L |
|005 |ChargedCompany | 070-079|L |
|006 |ChargedPartyNode | 080-084|L |
|007 |Subaddress | 085-088|L |
|008 |CallingNumber | 089-096|L |
|009 |CallType | 097-098|N |
|010 |CostType | 099-099|R |
|011 |EndDateTime | 100-116|N |
|012 |ChargeUnits | 117-121|R |
|013 |CostInfo | 122-131|R |
|014 |Duration | 132-141|R |
|015 |trunkIdentity | 142-146|R |
|016 |TrunkGroupIdentity | 147-151|R |
|017 |TrunkNode | 152-156|R |
|018 |PersonalOrBusiness | 157-157|N |
|019 |AccessCode | 158-173|L |
|020 |SpecificChargeInfo | 174-180|N |
|021 |BearerCapability | 181-181|N |
|022 |HighLevelComp | 182-183|R |
|023 |DataVolume | 184-193|R |
|024 |UserToUserVolume | 194-198|R |
|025 |ExternFacilities | 199-238|N |
|026 |InternFacilities | 239-278|N |
|027 |CallReference | 279-288|R |
|028 |SegmentsRate1 | 289-298|R |
|029 |SegmentsRate2 | 299-308|R |
|030 |SegmentsRate3 | 309-318|R |
|031 |ComType | 319-319|N |
|032 |X25IncomingFlowRate | 320-321|R |
|033 |X25OutgoingFlowRate | 322-323|R |
|034 |Carrier | 324-324|N |

|035 |InitialDialledNumber | 325-332|L |

|036 |WaitingDuration | 333-337|R |
|037 |EffectiveCallDuration | 338-347|R |
|038 |RedirectedCallIndicator| 348-348|N |


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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands "accview -l'' command

This command only concerns attributes whose value is a string. It allows all possible strings for an
attribute to be listed (with its value in the list in brackets). These attributes are placed in increasing
order by their number.
The following example only gives a few ticket string value attributes.
(0)a4400a> accview -l

CallType PublicNetworkOutgoingCall (0)
PublicNetworkOutgoingCallThroughPrivateNetwork (1)
PrivateNetworkCall (2)
LocalCall (3)
PublicNetworkIncomingCall (4)
PublicNetworkIncomingCallThroughPrivateNetwork (5)
Unspecified (6)
PrivateNetworkOutgoingCallToPublicNetwork (7)
PrivateNetworkOutgoingCallToPrivateNetwork (8)
PublicNetworkIncomingCallToPrivateNetwork (9)
PrivateNetworkIncomingCallToPrivateNetwork (10)
PrivateNetworkIncomingCall (13)
SpecificChargeInfo SIOPriorityTrunkGroup (0)
ReversedCharging (1)
PBXGeneratedChargeUnits (2)
AnalogWithoutChargeUnits (3)
Transcom (4)
AccurateDuration (5)
Transgroup (6)
ComType Unspecified (0)
Voice (1)
Data (2)
FacilityActivation (3)
FacilityDeactivation (4)
Carrier Unspecified (0)
BT (1)
Mercury (2)

(0)a4400a> "accview -m'' command
This command when used with another allows page by page screen display (more). This command is
useful for long printouts (type in "accview -l -m" for example). "accview -p delete|disable|read|save'' command
This command allows a profile to be managed (list with several options). Each time the "accview'' tool
is invoked the current profile is added to the list of accview command options. This avoids having to
type the same options when using the accview tool repeatedly.
Managing this option :
• deleting : "accview -p delete'' : deletes the current command profile,
• disabling : "accview -p disable'' : disables the current command profile for the operation in progress.
The commands taken into account are those of the "accview" tool,
• current command profile: "accview -p read'' : displays the current command profile,
• saving : "accview -p save'': erases the current command profile and confirms the "accview" tool
(0)a4400a> accview -p re

Sorry, there is no saved profile.

(0)a4400a> accview -p save -d 1 -ft

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

The profile "-d 1 -ft" is saved.

(0)a4400> accview -p re

The current profile is : -d 1 -ft

(0)a4400a> accview -a 11 2 3 1
The files stored in the system are the following ones:
| | | | |Number |Charge|
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets|units |
|95/05/04 18:08|TAXAABLJ.DAT|95/05/04 16:14:15|95/05/04 16:14:15| 1 | 0|
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : TAXAABLJ.DAT

----[/DHS3dyn/account/TAXAABLJ.DAT : Ticket number 1]---------------------------

(11) EndDateTime = 19950504 16:14:15
(02) ChargedNumber = 35001
(03) ChargedUserName = VINCI
(01) CalledNumber = --------------------

(0)a4400> accview -p disa -d 2 -tf TAXAABLJ.DAT -a 11 2 3

----[TAXAABLJ.DAT : Ticket number 1]--------------------------------------------
(11) EndDateTime = 19950504 16:14:15 (02) ChargedNumber = 35001
(03) ChargedUserName = VINCI

(00a4400> accview -p re

The current profile is : -d 1 -ft

(0)a4400> accview -p del; accview -p re

The profile is deleted.

Sorry, there is no saved profile.

Only the initial letters can be entered (see previous example). "accview -s'' command
This command allows storage statistics for a selected file to be displayed.
(0)a4400a> accview -sf

The files stored in the system are the following ones:

| | | | |Number |Charge|
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets|units |
|95/09/28 02:36|TAXAAAIL.DAT|95/09/28 02:36:48|95/09/28 02:36:58| 2 | 45|
|95/09/28 07:55|TAXAAAIM.DAT|95/09/28 07:55:49|95/09/28 07:58:59| 4 | 0|
|95/09/28 08:13|TAXAAAIN.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:44|95/09/28 08:13:44| 1 | 0|
|95/09/28 09:00|TAXAAAIO.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:51|95/09/28 09:00:06| 26 | 128|
|95/09/28 10:00|TAXAAAIP.DAT|95/09/28 09:00:56|95/09/28 10:00:26| 94 | 25|
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : TAXAAAIL.DAT
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : (Return)

----------------------[File /DHS3dyn/account/TAXAAAIL.DAT]----------------------
Number of attributes = 35
Number of tickets = 2
File size = 804bytes
Length of one uncompressed ticket = 325bytes
Length of one compressed ticket = 178.36bytes
Compression rate = 1.82

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands



The parameters concern :

• the number of attributes,
• the number of tickets in the selected file,
• the compressed file size,
• the length of an uncompressed ticket,
• the length of a compressed ticket,
• the compression ratio, "accview -t'' command
This command allows the contents of each ticket for a selected file to be displayed. Refer to "accview -
tf'' command. "accview -v'' command
The numeric values of string type attributes are displayed. By default the names are displayed if the -v
option is not present.
(0)a4400a> accview -v -tf

The files stored in the system are the following ones:

| | | | |Number |Charge|
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets|units |
|95/09/28 02:36|TAXAAAIL.DAT|95/09/28 02:36:48|95/09/28 02:36:58| 2 | 45|
|95/09/28 07:55|TAXAAAIM.DAT|95/09/28 07:55:49|95/09/28 07:58:59| 4 | 0|
|95/09/28 08:13|TAXAAAIN.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:44|95/09/28 08:13:44| 1 | 0|
|95/09/28 09:00|TAXAAAIO.DAT|95/09/28 08:13:51|95/09/28 09:00:06| 26 | 128|
|95/09/28 10:00|TAXAAAIP.DAT|95/09/28 09:00:56|95/09/28 10:00:26| 94 | 25|
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : TAXAAAIN.DAT
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : (Return)

----[TAXAAAIN.DAT : Ticket number 1]-------------------------------------------

(00) TicketVersion = ED4.6 (01) CalledNumber = 1949697982----
(02) ChargedNumber = 9410 (03) ChargedUserName = FOURIER
(04) ChargedCostCenter = 633 (05) ChargedCompany =
(06) ChargedPartyNode = 1 (07) Subaddress =
(08) CallingNumber = (09) CallType = 0
(10) CostType = 2 (11) EndDateTime = 19950928 08:13:44
(12) ChargeUnits = 128 (13) CostInfo = 9344
(14) Duration = 1190 (15) trunkIdentity = 29
(16) TrunkGroupIdentity = 6 (17) TrunkNode = 1
(18) PersonalOrBusiness = 2 (19) AccessCode =
(20) SpecificChargeInfo = 0000000 (21) BearerCapability = 1
(22) HighLevelComp = 0 (23) DataVolume = 0
(24) UserToUserVolume = 0
(25) ExternFacilities = 0010000000010000000000000000000000000000
(26) InternFacilities = 0000000000000000000000010000000010000000
(27) CallReference = 0 (28) SegmentsRate1 = 0
(29) SegmentsRate2 = 0 (30) SegmentsRate3 = 0
(31) ComType = 1 (32) X25IncomingFlowRate = 0
(33) X25OutgoingFlowRate = 0 (34) Carrier = 0
(35) InitialDialledNumber = (36) WaitingDuration = 0

(37) EffectiveCallDuration = 0 (38) RedirectedCallIndicator = 0


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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands "accview -w'' command

This command defines screen display width as a number of characters. The default value is 80
If, for example, you wish to display a file's contents over 60 characters, use the following command :
"accview -w 60 -tf TAXAAAAIN.DAT'' "accview -V'' command
This command shows "accview" tool version.
(0)a4400a> accview -V

version-id is 1.0 (1995/05/14).


2.5 alarmrel
2.5.1 Operation alarmrel command
Syntax: alarmrel
The alarmrel command is used to:
• activate or deactivate alarm relays,
• view or delete the relay state change history log,
• view current relay state.
It is highly advisable to check the reasons for alarms before deactivating the relay.
Menu for use of the alarmrel command
(1)pabx56> alarmrel

0: desactiv relay
1: activ relay
2: display the review of alarm relay states
3: display alarm state
4: delete the review of alarm relay states
q: quit

Your choice :

2.6 alarmrel-off
2.6.1 Operation alarmrel off command
Syntax: alarmrel off
This command is used to open the alarm relay (and thereby stop the alarm). It is highly recommended
to check the reasons for alarms before running this command.
To view incidents that caused alarms, type the alarmrel command, then select section 2: display the
review of alarm relay states.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Example of use of the alarmrel off command:

(1)pabx56> alarmrel off
Modification of alarm relay state done.

2.7 calledfilt
2.7.1 Operation “calledfilt" filtered call command
Command "calledfilt followed by the Filtered called party No." gives the characteristics of the filtered
(0)a4400a> calledfilt 36000
| Dir Number : 36000 | Lognum : 0 |
| ------------- |
| Entity 0 | Public rerout [F] |
| -------------- |
| teleservice : Phone |
| Night --> Index : 1 | Overflow No : 3010 |
| Day --> Index : 0 | Overflow No : 3010 |
| Renv1 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Renv2 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| teleservice : Data |
| Night --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Day --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Renv1 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Renv2 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| teleservice : Fax group 3 |
| Night --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Day --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Renv1 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Renv2 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| teleservice : Fax group 4 |
| Night --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Day --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Renv1 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Renv2 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| teleservice : Other |
| Night --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

| Day --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |

| Renv1 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |
| Renv2 --> Index : -1 | Overflow No : |

The following information is given concerning the filtered called party number:
• the logical number,
• the directory number,
• the entity number,
• for each statues and each teleservice defined:
• l'the filtering index
• the overflow number.

2.8 cleanbroad
2.8.1 Operation Cleanbroad tool
“cleanbroad ” tool is used to restart the reinitialised broadcast. All the broadcast files are deleted and
the sequence numbers are reset to 0.
Activated on a node of the network, it is automatically applied to all the nodes of the network (as of

2.9 cplalrm
2.9.1 Operation cplalrm command
Syntax : cplalrm < Crystal number><board position>
The cplalrm command is used to output the board alarm counters.
cplalrm command example
(1)pabx56> cplalrm
select pour cr 0 cpl 0

Compteurs d'alarme, cristal 0 coupleur 0 :

Date de debut du comptage : 06/04/00 a 20:10:57

Compteur 1 = 0 Compteur 2 = 0 Compteur 3 = 0

Compteur 4 = 0 Compteur 5 = 0 Compteur 6 = 0
Compteur 7 = 0 Compteur 8 = 0 Compteur 9 = 0
Compteur 10 = 0 Compteur 11 = 0 Compteur 12 = 0
Compteur 13 = 0 Compteur 14 = 0 Compteur 15 = 0

Meaning of the alarm counters :

Alarm counters for a PRA type board :
• counter 1 : SIA2M
• counter 2 : MS
• counter 3 : PVT

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

• counter 4 : FEC
• counter 5 : TE
• counter 6 : ATD
Alarm counters for a PCM type board :
• counter 6 : AMTD
• counter 8 : PVMT
• counter 9 : SIA64K
• counter 11 : ATD
• counter 12 : TE
• counter 13 : PVT
• counter 14 : SIA2M
• counter 15 : MS

2.10 domstat
2.10.1 Operation domstat command
The “domstat” command enables the manger to view PBX IP telephony domain status. Main menu
> domstat


Display one Domain :1
Display all Domains :2
Display all survivability SIP Domains :3
Display one Entry :4
Display all Domains Entries :5
Display one Domain Entries :6
Display IP Hash Table :7
Display one Domain Devices :8
Display all Domains Devices :9
Display one Domain In Service Devices :10
Display all Domains In Service Devices :11
Quit this tool :0 Displaying domain(s)
Options 1 and 2 of the main menu show the characteristics of one or several domains.
This information can also be obtained by consulting management.
Enter your choice : 1
Enter Domain Id : 10
| Dom Id. | Dom Type | Max. Cnx. | Ext. Algo | Int Algo | QoS Categ.| Trk.Grp. | Qos IP Rex. | Time Zone Name |
| 10 | IP_REMOTE | -1 | Default | Default | 0 | -1 | 0 | Europe/Paris |

Calling Number = |11111200000000000000000000000|

Sup Callin Number = |22222300000000000000000000000|

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Enter your choice : 2

| Dom Id. | Dom Type | Max. Cnx. | Ext. Algo | Int Algo | QoS Categ.| Trk.Grp. | Qos IP Rex. | Time Zone Name |
| 0 | DEFAULT_DOM | -1 | Default | Default | 0 | 20 | 0 | Europe/Paris |
| 1 | IP_REMOTE | 10 | Default | Default | 0 | -1 | 0 | Europe/Paris |
| 10 | IP_REMOTE | -1 | Default | Default | 0 | -1 | 0 | Europe/Paris |
Return to menu : press ENTER Displaying entries for one or several domain

Options 4 and 5 of the main menu show IP number and the matching domain.
This information can also be obtained by consulting management.
Enter your choice : 4
Enter a Domain Entry to display:1

| Id.|Dom.|Type| Low IP Address | High IP Address | IP Net Mask | H D|H SN|
| 1 | 1 | IP | | | | — | - |
| 2 | 1 | IP | | | | — | - |
return to menu : press ENTER

Id.: identifier,
Dom.: domain number,
Type: type of domain,
Low / High IP Address: low and high addresses in the range,
IP Net Mask: IP mask of the range,
H D and H SN : values reserved for Alcatel-Lucent maintenance. Displaying the Hash coding table
This data is reserved for Alcatel-Lucent maintenance. Displaying devices in one or several domains
Options 8 and 9 of the main menu show the devices present in one or several domains.
Options 10 and 11 of the main menu show the devices in service in one or several domains.
Enter your choice : 8
Enter Domain Id:0
-------------IP couplers defined in domain 0 DEFAULT_DOM-----------
| Type | Cr/Cpl | Neqt | Mac Address | Ip Address |
| GD| 1/ 0 | 30139 | 00:80:9f:2e:16:72 | |
| INTIPA| 19/ 1 | 30137 | Unused | |
No. of IP couplers
defined in the Domain 0 is: 1

----------------------IP Terminals in domain 0 DEFAULT_DOM --------------------

| QMCDU | Name | Mac Address | |Neqt | Ip Address |Type| |
|13010 |SMITH Jon |00:80:9f:56:59:8d |-|01308|| Ipt| |
|13037 |Kennedy Jackie|00:80:9f:56:59:7c |-|01313|| Ipt| |

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

No. of IP terminals
connected to the domain 0 is: 2

In the single column

V: means the channel is valid
-: means the channel is not valid

return to menu : press ENTER

The first part is for couplers, the second for users.

Coupler part:
• The total number of IP couplers.
this number does not include virtual couplers, for example, INTIP3A coupler in crystal 19.
• TYPE: coupler type name,
• Cr/Cpl: ACT number / coupler number,
• Neqt: number of the device (PBX internal reference),
• Mac Address: coupler's Mac address,
• IP Address: coupler's IP address.
User part:
• The total number of IP terminals
• QMCDU: user number,
• Name: user name,
• Mac Address: user MAC address, if 00:00 ...00 the user has not yet been reached and his/her MAC
number is unknown.
• V / —: status of the signaling channel to the user; V = channel setup, — = channel not setup,
• Neqt: user device number (PBX internal reference),
• IP Address: user IP number, if 000.000....the user has not yet been reached and his/her IP number
is unknown.

2.11 eaccclt
2.11.1 Operation “eaccclt” Command Overview
This command allows the accounting, VoIP and management tickets generated in other nodes to be
downloaded and printed out on the same terminal via Ethernet links.
(0)a4400a> eaccclt

eaccclt - ethernet accounting client

eaccclt - [aelv]

-a attribute number
list of attributes to print.

one ticket per line and ascii printing.

-cpu hostname | IP address

list of cpu.
list all the known ticket editions.


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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

this help.

meanings of the enumerated and bitstring attributes.

-time time limit

time limit in case of connection failure (default=15mn).

prints the values of the attributes (default is meaning)

-waiting waiting time

waiting time after a connection failure (default=30s).


The options may be entered in any order. The initial letter is enough to identify an option. If two options
have the same initial letter, the first option is performed. "eaccclt -a Attribute Number" Command
This command displays the list of attributes specified after "-a". It is meaningless without the "-cpu"
cmdev12> eaccclt -a 1 2 3 4 -cpu valmy10
connected to valmy10
TicketVersion = ED4.8
CalledNumber = --------------------
ChargedNumber = 65967
ChargedUserName = TREFCON MICHEL
TicketVersion = ED4.8
CalledNumber = --------------------
ChargedNumber = 65477
ChargedUserName = ACCUEIL "eaaccclt -ascii" Command
This command prints out the tickets as soon as they are received. It is meaningless without the "-cpu"
option. Adding option "-a" has no effect.
cmdev12> eaccclt -ascii -cpu valmy10
connected to valmy10
ED4.8-------------------- 65967 TREFCON MICHEL 633
1 3019961224 12:27:50 0 0 0 74 130
12 00000002 1 0

53 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 00 "eaccclt -cpu hostname|IP address" Command
This command allows connection via Ethernet to the charged node, and displays the tickets received.
For each ticket, the IP address and name of the node are specified.
cmdev12> eaccclt -cpu cmv10 dhs3p4 -t 1 -w 10 -a 1
2 3 4 11
connected to cmv10
trying connection to dhs3p4 (, port = 2533)
CalledNumber = 5770
ChargedNumber = 9778
ChargedUserName = OPE-IND-ND7 OPEM
ChargedCostCenter = 255
EndDateTime = 19961224 13:26:46
CalledNumber = 5703
ChargedNumber = 9777
ChargedUserName = OPE-SBC-IND SBCN
ChargedCostCenter = 255
EndDateTime = 19961224 13:27:35
trying connection to dhs3p4 (, port = 2533)
trying connection to dhs3p4 (, port = 2533)

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

trying connection to dhs3p4 (, port = 2533)

Sorry, connection to dhs3p4 failed (no response during 1mn). "eaccclt -help" Command
This command displays help for the "eaccclt" command. "eaccclt -e" Command
This command displays the ticket version recognized by the system.
cmdev12> eaccclt -e
ED4.8 (00) TicketVersion............[001-005]
(01) CalledNumber.............[006-031]
(02) ChargedNumber............[032-051]
(03) ChargedUserName..........[052-071]
(04) ChargedCostCenter........[072-081]
(05) ChargedCompany...........[082-091]
(06) ChargedPartyNode.........[092-096]
(07) Subaddress...............[097-100]
(08) CallingNumber............[101-108]
(09) CallType.................[109-110]
(10) CostType.................[111-111]
(11) EndDateTime..............[112-128]
(12) ChargeUnits..............[129-133]
(13) CostInfo.................[134-143]
(14) Duration.................[144-153]
(15) TrunkIdentity............[154-158]
(16) TrunkGroupIdentity.......[159-163]
(17) TrunkNode................[164-168]
(18) PersonalOrBusiness.......[169-169]
(19) AccessCode...............[170-185]
(20) SpecificChargeInfo.......[186-192]
(21) BearerCapability.........[193-193]
(22) HighLevelComp............[194-195]
(23) DataVolume...............[196-205]
(24) UserToUserVolume.........[206-210]
(25) ExternalFacilities.......[211-250]
[26] InternalFacilities-------[251-290]
(27) CallReference............[291-300]
(28) SegmentsRate1............[301-310]
(29) SegmentsRate2............[311-320]
(30) SegmentsRate3............[321-330]
(31) ComType..................[331-331]
(32) X25IncomingFlowRate......[332-333]
(33) X25OutgoingFlowRate......[334-335]
(34) Carrier..................[336-337]
(35) InitialDialledNumber.....[338-357]
(36) WaitingDuration..........[358-362]
(37) EffectiveCallDuration....[363-372]
(38) RedirectedCallIndicator..[373-373]
cmdev12> "eaccclt -l" Command
This command only concerns attributes whose value is a string. It allows all possible strings for an
attribute to be listed (with its value in the list in brackets). These attributes are placed in increasing
order by their number.
The following example only gives a few ticket string value attributes.
cmdev12> eaccclt -l
CallType PublicNetworkCall (0)
PublicNetworkCallThroughPrivateNetwork (1)
PrivateNetworkCall (2)
LocalCall (3)
PublicNetworkIncomingCall (4)
PublicNetworkIncomingCallThroughPrivateNetwork (5)
Unspecified (6)
PrivateNetworkOutgoingcallToPublicNetwork (7)
PrivateNetworkOutgoingCallToPrivateNetwork (8)
PublicNetworkIncomingCallToPrivateNetwork (9)
PrivateNetworkIncomingCallToPrivateNetwork (10)

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

PublicOrPrivateNetworkOutgoingCallThroughPrivateNetwork (11)
PublicOrPrivateNetworkIncomingCallThroughPrivateNetwork (12)
PrivateNetworkIncomingCall (13)
CostType Unspecified (0)
AnalogTrunkCall (1)
ISDNCircuitSwitchedCall (2)
ISDNPacketCallX25-BChannel (3)
ISDNPacketCallX25-DChannel (4)
X25 (5)
DigitalNonISDN (6)
PersonalOrBusiness Personal (0)
Business (1)
Normal (2)

SpecificChargeInfo SIOPriorityTrunkGroup (0)

ReversedCharging (1)
PBXGeneratedChargeUnits (2)
AnalogWithoutChargeUnits (3)
Transcom (4)
AccurateDuration (5)
Transgroup (6) "eaccclt -time Time Limit" Command
This command allows the time at the end of which connection attempts will be abandoned (connection
failed) to be set. This time is set in minutes (15 min by default).
This command is meaningless without the "-cpu" option. "eaccclt -v" Command
This command displays the string type attribute numeric values. This command is meaningless without
the "-cpu" option.
If the "-v" option is not specified these attributes' names will be displayed.
cmdev12> eaccclt -v -cpu valmy10
connected to valmy10
TicketVersion = ED4.8
CalledNumber = --------------------
ChargedNumber = 65967
ChargedUserName = TREFCON MICHEL
ChargedCostCenter = 633
ChargedCompany =
ChargedPartyNode = 1
Subaddress =
CallingNumber =
CallType = 3
CostType = 0
EndDateTime = 19961224 12:59:14
ChargeUnits = 0
CostInfo = 0
Duration = 0
TrunkIdentity = 74
TrunkGroupIdentity = 130
TrunkNode = 1
PersonalOrBusiness = 2
AccessCode =
SpecificChargeInfo = 0000000
BearerCapability = 2
HighLevelComp = 1
DataVolume = 0
UserToUserVolume = 0
ExternalFacilities = 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000
InternalFacilities = 0000000000000000000000010000000000000000
CallReference = 57
SegmentsRate1 = 0
SegmentsRate2 = 0
SegmentsRate3 = 0
ComType = 1
X25IncomingFlowRate = 0

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

X25OutgoingFlowRate = 0
Carrier = 0
InitialDialledNumber =
WaitingDuration = 0
EffectiveCallDuration= 0
RedirectedCallIndicator= 0 "eaccclt -waiting Waiting Time" Command
This command allows the time between two connection attempts to be set (when it is not established).
This time is set in seconds (30 s by default). This option is meaningless without the "-cpu" option.

2.12 excvisu
2.12.1 Operation Overview
Use the excvisu command to view the incidents that occurred due to software errors in telephone
applications (TEL, ABCA, MAO...). These incidents are called “backtraces”.
The command gives the address and name of the code functions concerned by the incident and its
Depending on the application generating it, a backtrace can be associated with a 1721 incident that
can be retrieved with the incvisu command.
Backtraces do not necessarily indicate incorrect system operation, but if this is the case they must be
noted and sent to an anomaly report file for R&D use.
As of R9.1, the backtraces registered in the PCX are extended to the last 10 PCX shutdowns (3
previously). Use
Command excvisu can be used without an option, or with an option –x (value between 1 and 10) to
get backtraces previous to the last x shutdowns (e.g. excvisu -5).
(1)pabx> excvisu
There is a new exception. Its address is : 0X0048B579. Monitel time
: 210124. Date : Thu May 31 11:55:10 2001
Application-exception no 5,thd 95,PC=0x0048b579:04765049, eqt=2635,
serv=0 --> equip_tes0
Eqt type=POS_NUM, cr=2, cpl=18, der_us=0, term=0, subtype = GAP_HANDSET
* Backtrace: 0x0009ae60:00634464 --> set_is_poste
* Backtrace: 0x005d1819:06101017 --> sonneur_en_secret
* Backtrace: 0x005d1969:06101353 --> init_nom_appelant
* Backtrace: 0x005d1b47:06101831 --> init_message_super
* Backtrace: 0x005d36e7:06108903 --> send_visitor_to_home
* Backtrace: 0x005d4b61:06114145 --> su_multi_dect_visitor
* Backtrace: 0x005d4d87:06114695 --> su_multi
* Backtrace: 0x005e5bb1:06183857 --> netoitouche
* Backtrace: 0x00561a42:05642818 --> tandem_second_inter
* Backtrace: 0x0055b08f:05615759 --> prise_normale
* Backtrace: 0x0055b2bf:05616319 --> prisecorr
* Backtrace: 0x0055c60e:05621262 --> decsonmmcdu
* Backtrace: 0x001b9931:01808689 --> real_main
* Backtrace: 0x001b52d5:01790677 --> start_thread_delayed

• Application-exception no x: if x=5 it is a bus error. If x=14, it is a check instruction. If it is an

Application-trace, it is not an incident but simply a trace that should not be taken into account.
• eqt=yyyy: yyyy is the number of the equipment concerned by the error. The "tradeq" command
must be used to translate it into a physical device.
• equip_tes0: Is the main function affected by the exception
Corresponding 1721 incident, noted with the "incvisu" command:

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

31/05/01 11:55:09 006002M|--/--/-/---|=0:1721=Exc tph 5, PC 0x0048b579

neqt 2635

Backtraces can be reset to zero using the increset command.

2.13 inccpt
2.13.1 Operation inccpt command
Syntax : inccpt ((to obtain the value of the counters since the last boot).
inccpt -1 (to obtain the value of the counters before the last boot).
The inccpt command is used to know the number of incidents output per severity level. It is also used
to know, for a given incident, how many times it has been output.
inccpt command example
(1)pabx56> inccpt
Since 06/04/00 at 20:10:54

Number of incidents of severity 0 : 3

Number of incidents of severity 1 : 0
Number of incidents of severity 2 : 576
Number of incidents of severity 3 : 135
Number of incidents of severity 4 : 412
Number of incidents of severity 5 : 144

Give an incident number to see its counter

Or ? for help, or q to quit
Incident 2151 occured 46 times.

Give an incident number to see its counter

Or ? for help, or q to quit

2.14 incinfo
2.14.1 Operation incinfo command
Syntax : incinfo <number of the incident whose definition is required>
The incinfo command is used to obtain the complete definition of an incident whose number is known.
The example here is for incident 2140 :
(1) pabx56> incinfo
Choose language (help to list languages):GEA

Decompressing /tmpd/incid_FR0.txt

Incident number (q to quit):2140


Network indicator: Alcatel 4400
OBJECT CLASS: Dhs3x_node
EVENT TYPE: QualityOfServiceAlarm (11)

"Alarm : P1 resources quantity critical"

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

"P1 : Resource category"

"Maintenance incident"
"The number of elements of P1 category present in the system is lower
than the minimum satisfactory threshold (Standard for Quality of Service).
On lack of trunk resource, the alarm relay is activated as well as a station
alarm if it is configured (Alarm 3 by default).”
"Check the boards which contain some equipment of the category concerned
are correctly slotted in."

Incident number (q to quit):

2.15 inconf
2.15.1 Operation Command inconf
Use the inconf command to modify the following default parameter values of the incident
management system:
• logrotate size and logrotate count (size and number of files in the main or outfall rotating queue),
• Crontab delay between logrotate calls,
• number of incidents in the session start file,
• number of backup sessions,
• thresholds of the incident flow redirection.
If you have a standby CPU, the parameters are modified at the same time.
The default parameter values that you can modify using the inconf command, have specific values as
shown in the following table.

table 2.1: Parameter values of incident management system

Parameter name Possible values

Logrotate size From 1 to 10 000 kbytes

Default value: 300 kbytes

Logrotate count From 1 to 50 files

Default value: 10 files

Crontab delay From 2 to 60 minutes

Default value: 10 minutes
Valid values: 2, 5, 10, 20, 60

Maximum Incident Number in the Session From 100 to 10 000 incidents

start file
Default value: 2 000 incidents

Number of backup sessions From 1 to 50 sessions

Default value: 10 sessions

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Parameter name Possible values

Lower Threshold of the Incident Flow Redi- From 2 to 200 incidents per second
Default value: 20 incidents per second

Upper Threshold of the Incident Flow Redi- From 5 to 500 incidents per second
Default value: 50 incidents per second

These parameters are part of the three following files:

• logrotate.conf file:
This file, stored in /DHS3data/incid/, contains the logrotate size and logrotate count parameters.
• incid.cron file:
This file, stored in /DHS3data/incid/, contains the crontab delay parameters.
• incid.conf file:
This file, stored in /DHS3data/incid/, contains the following information:
• Line 1: maximum number of incidents in the session start file,
• Line 2: number of backup sessions,
• Line 3: lower threshold of incident flow redirection,
• Line 4: upper threshold of incident flow redirection.
You can use the inconf command with an optional parameter.
The following table gives the optional parameters used with the inconf command and their meaning.

table 2.2: Meaning of inconf command optional parameters

Optional parameter Meaning

-h Displays the help menu

-e Edits the content of configuration files

-s value Changes the input value of the logrotate size rule of the main and
outfall queue files

-c value Changes the input value of the logrotate count rule of the main and
outfall queue files

-d value Changes the crontab delay value between logrotate calls

-b value Changes the backup session number of the session start file and the
main queue incident file

-i value Changes the maximum incident number of the session start file

-u value Changes the upper threshold value of the hysteresis function used to
redirect the incident flow to the outfall queue

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Optional parameter Meaning

-l value Changes the lower threshold value of the hysteresis function used to
redirect the incident flow to the main queue

You can use the inconf command with several different optional parameters.

• inconf -s 100 replaces the present logrotate size value by a new one: 100 kbytes,
• inconf -i 200 replaces the present maximum number of incidents in the session start file by a
new one: 200.

2.16 incout
2.16.1 Operation Commande incout
Syntax: incout <number of the V24 port to which the incidents are to be directed>.
This command is used to select the port on which the incidents are output in real-time.
The "/dev/null" option is used to direct the incidents to no V24 port, for cases where they are not to be
The "stdout" option corresponds to the output to the peripheral device on which the telephone was
started. In most cases this is the console.
(1)pabx56> incout
Usage: incout [port number|port full path]

Port numbers list (only existing ports) :

-3 for current port (/dev/ttyp0)
-2 for /dev/null
-1 for stdout
0 for /dev/tty0a
1 for /dev/tty1a
2 for /dev/scc0a
3 for /dev/scc1a
V24 port_number unchanged !

Current V24 port : stdout


2.17 increset
2.17.1 Operation Commande increset
Syntax: increset <file before reset> <file after reset counter> <file alarm> <file backtrace file> <context
Specify the number associated with the file to be reset.
(1)pabx56> increset

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

1 incidents of the previous RUNTEL
2 incidents of the present RUNTEL
3 counters of incidents
4 alarms on incidents
5 backtraces
6 telephonic contexts before backtraces
Enter the number of files to reset (blank spaces separated)
Your choice -> 1 2

2.18 incstart
2.18.1 Operation incstart command
Syntax: incstart
The incstart command is used to start real-time incidents.
(1)pabx56> incstart

New V24 port : stdout


2.19 incstop
2.19.1 Operation incstop command
Syntax: incstop
The incstop command is used to stop real-time incidents.
(1)pabx56> incstop

New V24 port : /dev/null


2.20 incvisu
2.20.1 Operation Command incvisu
Use the incvisu command to display the main queue or outfall queue incidents (errors) saved in local
mode on the management console.
By default, the incvisu command displays the incidents transmitted since the last system restart.

incvisu -b n Displays the incidents preceding the last "n" session restarts

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

incvisu -b 1 Displays the incidents of the last session

incvisu Displays the incidents of the current session

Restart Restart Restart Restart Now

Session -n Preceding session Current session

(session -1)


incvisu -b n incvisu -b 2 incvisu -b 1 incvisu

Figure 2.1: Example of system restart with incvisu command

The following table gives the options that can be used with the incvisu command and their meaning.

table 2.3: Meaning of incvisu command optional parameters

Optional parameter Meaning

-h Displays the help menu

-s Displays the incidents of the starting phase

incvisu -s edits the startup incidents of the current session

-o Displays the incidents of the outfall queue

incvisu -o edits the outfall queue incidents of the current session

(no parameter) Displays the incidents of the starting phase and the main queue
when neither "-s" nor "-o" options are used

-b n Displays the incidents of the n backup session


• incvisu -b 1 edits the main queue incidents of the previous

backup session
• incvisu -b n edits the main queue incidents of the n backup

-t n (n being a tail size) Displays the last "n" incidents


• incvisu -t 100 edits the last 100 starting phase and/or main
queue incidents of the current session

-i x,y Displays the incidents between markers x and y

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Optional parameter Meaning

-r Displays incidents in reverse order, i.e. from the most recent ones to
the oldest ones
incvisu -r displays all the incidents in reverse order, from the most
recent ones to the oldest ones

-e "character string" Displays incidents containing a specific character string

incvisu -e "character string" (eg. "Out Of
Service") displays only the current session incidents where such
character string appears

You can use command incvisu with several different optional parameters.

• incvisu -b 1 -t 100 -r -e "out of service" displays the last 100 incidents of the last
session with the character string "out of service" in reverse order,
• incvisu -b 1 -s edits the session start file incidents of the last backup session,
• incvisu -t 100 -o displays only the outfall queue incidents.
The results obtained with the command can be sent to a file, using the following command, for
example: incvisu > incident.txt. The generated file can then be transferred and used as a text
The”grep” option may be used with the incvisu command as follows:
• incvisu | grep US to display incidents with the character string “US”,
• incvisu | grep 2064 to display incidents with the character string “2064”.
Example of use of the incvisu command:
(1)pabx56> incvisu —T 10
06/03/00 15:34:53
— — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — —
11/03/00 08:34:29 M|0/11/0/000|=4:2523=La version de boot de ce coupleur est incorrecte
11/03/00 08:34:29 M|0/11/0/254|=2:3747=Timeslot inconnu
11/03/00 08:34:29 M|0/11/0/254|=2:3756=Message perdu
11/03/00 08:34:33 M|0/11/0/001|=2:2151=Subdevice V24 present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:34 M|0/11/0/000|=2:2151=Subdevice MAC/PC present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:34 M|0/11/0/001|=2:2151=Subdevice MAC/PC present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:34 M|0/11/0/004|=2:2151=Subdevice MAC/PC present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:35 M|0/11/0/001|=2:2151=Subdevice AOM40 present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:40 M|-/——/-/———|=5:2141=Qte
ressources SET normale
11/03/00 08:35:30 M|0/11/0/254|=5:2019=Mise en service d'un coupleur UA

2.21 intipstat
2.21.1 Operation “intipstat” command
This command is used to check the status of inter-ACT connections via INT-IP.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands Main menu

Int IP informations :
Display an INTIP structure : 1
Display all INTIP structure : 2
Display INTIP MAC hash table : 3
Quit this tool : 0

Enter your choice : Display an INTIP structure
This option is used to check an INT-IP connection designated by the ACT number and the position of
the INT-IP board. The characteristics and the status of the board are displayed and also information on
the inter-ACT connection(s).
Enter your choice : 1
Cristal Number : 0
Coupler Number : 12

Coupler INTIPA cr 0, cpl 12, Ghost Eqt 2121

IP Address :
Netmask :
Gateway Address :
Mac Address : 00:80:9f:04:44:ab
Sign. Ip Term. Load : 3
Sign. IRC. Load : 3
Domain IP : 0
Local IP Version : IPV4
IP QoS Category : 0
Embedded Ethernet : NO
Max Comp Allowed : 6
cr opp : 2
cpl opp : 10
status int : INT_A
link_right : UP
used_ts : 0
bkUp access nb. : 255
bkUp Ts nb. : 255
volume_system : 1
local_volume : 0
INTIPA list inter act link :
cr opp : 2
cpl opp : 6
status int : INT_A
link_right : UP
used_ts : 0
bkUp access nb. : 255
bkUp Ts nb. : 255
volume_system : 1
local_volume : 0
cr opp : 4
cpl opp : 6
status int : INT_A
link_right : UP
used_ts : 0
bkUp access nb. : 255
bkUp Ts nb. : 255
volume_system : 1
local_volume : 0

Coupler INTIPA cr 0, cpl 12, Ghost Eqt 2121:

• INTIPA or INTIPB coupler type callback,
• cr , cpl : ACT number and coupler number,
• Ghost Eqt: information reserved for Alcatel-Lucent support,

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

IP Address: Coupler IP address (given by the DHCP server),

Netmask: IP subnet mask (given by the DHCP server),
Gateway Address: router address (given by the DHCP server),
MAC Address: physical address of the board (Ethernet address),
Sign. Ip Term. Load: number of IP-Phones connected to this coupler,
Sign. IRC. Load: number of ACT INT-IPs for this coupler,
IP Domain: IP domain to which the coupler is assigned (according to its address),
Local IP Version: IP IPV4 or IPV6 addressing version,
IP QoS Category: QOS category used by the coupler,
Embedded Ethernet: use of the on-board Ethernet link,
Max Comp Allowed: maximum number of compressors that can be allocated on this coupler.
There then follows recording via an INT-IP link established on this coupler (3 INT-IP links in the
example below):
cr opp: number of opposite ACT,
cpl opp: number of opposite coupler,
status int: inter-ACT signaling link type:
• INT_A: link from an INT-IPA board,
• MAIN: on an INT-IPB board inter-ACT link supporting the active signaling,
• STANDBY: on an INT-IPB board backup link,
• INT_HS: link out of service.
link_right: link status:
• UP: link operational,
• DOWN: link inoperative,
used_ts: number of compressors used on the coupler,
bkUp access number: not used.
bkUp Ts nb. : not used.
volume_system: reminder on audio volume source: 1 system volume is used, 0 local volume is used.
local_volume: audio volume level if local volume is used. Display all INTIP structure
This option gives the same information as the previous option but for all a PBX's INT-IP boards. This
option is the same as the “intipstat list” command. Display INTIP MAC hash table
For Alcatel-Lucent support only.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

2.22 ippstat
2.22.1 Operation Running the ippstat Command
The ippstat command is used to view IP phone data.
The "ippstat d numann" command is used to view data for the IP phone with directory number
"numann". The result is identical to item 2 in the following menu. Main Menu


IPP (IP Phone) information :

Display the IP Address of the local node : 1
Display IP Phone data of a set : 2
Display all IP Phone on local node : 3
Display registration terminaisons(short info): 4
Display registration terminaisons (long info): 5
Display an IP Phone Board structure : 6
Display all IP Phone Board structure : 7
Display all Mac Address Used : 8
Display all Mac Address with invalid channels: 9
Display Ip phone by adr mac/adr adr ip/mcdu : 10
Display number of IP Phones connected : 11
Display all IP Phones connected on a board : 12
Display all IP Phones connected with boards : 13
Ip Phone download Menu : 14
Timeout for telnet session of NOE set : 15
INT IP Menu : 16
Domain Menu : 17
IPlink Menu : 18
Status Menu : 19
Display boards encryption parameters : 20
Enable telnet service for GD/GA : 21
Quit this tool : 0

Enter your choice : Displaying the IP Address of the Local Node

Item 1 is used to display the IP address of the local CPU.
Enter your choice : 1
IP Address of this node is : Displaying IP Phone Data

Item 2 is used to display IP phone data , such as set IP address, set IP domain, the compression
algorithms used, Quality of Service parameters, and encryption status (Yes/No). This item displays
whether the IP phone supports G.722 compression algorithm.
Enter your choice : 2
Enter a directory number you want to manage : 2010

Logic coupler type : CPL_UA

MAO coupler type : UA_FICTIF
Coupler state : IN SERVICE
Terminal state : IN SERVICE
Terminal type : IP PHONE

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

| Cry:Cpl:ac:term | neqt |nulog| typ term | dir nb | Out of service cause |

| 19 1 0 8 | 0942 | 7|IPT 4038GE| 13006 | . . . . . . . . . . |
|A: att_mserv, C: hs_defich, I: hs_isolauto, X: hs_isolman, T: hs_terdef |
|U: hs_usdef, P: hs_errparite, B: hs_bascul, Y: hs_cristisol, N: hs_inex |

|Indx| Mac Address | |Neqt | QMCDU | Name | Ip Address |Type|
|0001|00:80:9f:56:06:a2:00|V|00270|13005 |NOE || Ipt|
|Sign| 19/ 1 | |NoCnx| ON CPL | | | |
Ip domain is : 2
(survivability mode -> none)
Ip Voice Coding is IntraDom G723 : ExtraDom G723
QOS parameters for category 0:
DSCP diffserv : 0
802.1Q used No
Vlan Identifier (Vid) : 0
User priority (8021Q pri.) : 7
Firmware version is 4.20.60
on a Giga hardware
Firmware version Data : 4.20.60
Bootloader version : 4.20.60
Gigabit set : Yes
Extended edition : Yes
Support G722 : Yes
SIP version : 1.10.91
IP Touch ram size : 16 Mb
IP Touch rom size : 16 Mb
IP Touch reset cause : 1
Encryption : No

The first part is similar to the results obtained with the tradna or tradeq commands. However, note
that the IP phone is attached to Shelf 19 Coupler 1. This is a virtual coupler declared to simplify IP
phone management. Displaying IP Phones Assigned to the Local Node

Item 3 is used to display a list of IP phones registered on the local node. Displaying Registered Terminations

Items 4 and 5 are used to display registered terminations.
Enter your choice : 4
neqph 343 nulog 1283 ipp 1
Registered Equipment 343
neqph 344 nulog 1284 ipp 1
Registered Equipment 344
Registered Equipment 345
neqph 346 nulog 1286 ipp 1

neqph & Registered Equipment: set virtual equipment numbers
nulog: set logical number
ipp: IP phone status Displaying Board Data

Items 6 and 7 are used to display board (coupler) information.
Example of the virtual INT-IP A board of the Call Server:

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Cristal Number : 19
Coupler Number : 1
Coupler INTIPA cr 19, cpl 1, Ghost Eqt 28857
IP Address :
Netmask :
Gateway Address :
Mac Address : Unused
Sign. Ip Term. Load : 1
Sign. IRC. Load : 2
Domain IP : 0
Local IP Version : IPV4
IP QoS Category : 0
Embedded Ethernet : NO
Security Module Addr :

Sign. Ip Term. Load: number of signaling links between this coupler and the IP phones.
Operational IP phones and IP phones with initialization in progress have active signaling with their
"host" coupler.
Sign. IRC. Load: number of inter-shelf links supported by the board. Displaying Operational IP Phones

Item 8 is used to display a list of operational IP phones.
Enter your choice : 8
| Indx | Mac Address | | Neqt | QMCDU | Name | Ip Address |
| 0001 | 00:80:9f:3b:7c:ce:00 | V | 00803 | 3002 | IP-P | |
| 0002 | 00:80:9f:3b:7c:d0:00 | - | 00804 | 3003 | IP p | |
| 0003 | 00:80:9f:04:8b:7d:00 | - | 00805 | 3004 | IP-P | |
In the single column
V: means the channel is valid
-: means the channel is not valid
#3 mac address used
#1 with valid channel Display Out-of-Service IP Phones

Item 9 is used to display a list of out-of-service IP phones.
Enter your choice : 9
|Indx| Mac Address | |Neqt | QMCDU | Name | Ip Address |Type|
|0003|00:80:9f:56:06:a2 |-|00937|13011 |london jack|| Ipt|

In the single column

V: means the channel is valid
-: means the channel is not valid

#1 mac address used with unvalid channel Filtering Sets by MAC Address, IP Address, or Directory Number

Item 10 is used to display sets with a MAC address, IP address or directory number matching the
specified criteria.
Enter your choice : 10
Search Ip Phone information by:
1) by mac address
2) by ip address
3) by mcdu

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

4) usage
0) previous menu

Select 1, 2 or 3, then enter an address or directory number or expression, using the following syntax:
• ? to replace any character, * to replace a series of characters.
• Use [xx] to search for addresses or numbers containing the characters xx.
• Use xx* to search for addresses or numbers starting with xx.
• Use *xx to search for addresses or numbers ending with xx.
The * symbol must not be combined with digits in the same address field. Displaying the Number of IP Phones Connected

Section 11 displays the number of sets connected to the node. Displaying Sets Connected to the Boards

Sections 12 and 13 are used to display the sets connected to a given board or to all boards.
Enter your choice : 12
Cristal Number : 2
Coupler Number : 1
Coupler INTIPA cr 2, cpl 1, Ghost Eqt 10517
| QMCDU | Name | Mac Address | | Neqt | Ip Address |
| 3004 | IP-Phone 401 | 00:80:9f:04:8b:7d:00 | S | 00805 | |
In the single column
S: means sig. channel is supported by this board for these Ip phones
V: means voice channel is supported by this board for these Ip phones
B: means both channel is supported by this board for these Ip phones

Actually this board supports 01 signalling links

Actually this board supports 00 voice connections
Actually this board supports 00 both signalling and voice IP Phone Binaries

Section 14 Ip Phone download Menu provides data on IP phone binary versions. It lists IP phones
that must be reinitialized to update their binaries and is used to launch re-initialization. Timeout for Telnet Session of NOE Set

Section 15 Timeout for Telnet session of NOE set is used to enable a Telnet session on an
IPTouch set for the time specified (in minutes). Displaying IP Board Characteristics

Section 16 is used to display IP board characteristics.
Enter your choice : 16
Int IP informations :
Display an INTIP structure : 1
Display all INTIP structure : 2
Display INTIP MAC hash table : 3
Back to Main menu : 0
Enter your choice : Domain Statistics

Section 17 Domain Menu provides statistics concerning domains: compression algorithm, address
ranges, distribution by domain of IP devices...

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands IPlink Menu

Section 18 IPlink Menu is used to display traces of IP device communications. Status Menu

Section 19 Status Menu provides the status of various VoIP devices on the network (IP boards, IP
phones). Enabling Telnet Service for GD/GA

Section 21 Enable telnet service for GD/GA allows to activate the Telnet server on a
specified GD/GA board. This server allows Telnet sessions between the main Com Server and GD/GA
board. This activation is limited in time (10 minutes).
To enable Telnet service for GD/GA:
1. Select the section Enable telnet service for GD/GA : 21
2. In the Cristal Number field, enter the number of the Media Gateway.
3. In the Coupler Number field, enter the number of the GA or GD board.
4. In the Press 1 to increment max telnet sessions allowed, 0 to disable the
service field, enter 1 to increment the number of Telnet sessions allowed on a board (Telnet
sessions allowed on a board can not exceed a threshold fixed to 4). Enter 0 to disable the Telnet
In R9.0, there is no Telnet server on INT-IP2 boards. On GA/GD boards, the Telnet server is
disabled by default and must be activated, via the ippstat tool, before a Telnet session.
As of R9.1, the Telnet service is available for all INT-IP, GA, and GD boards.
The Telnet server is disabled by default. Before opening a Telnet session, this Telnet server must
be activated on the corresponding board (GA/GA-2/GA-3, GD/GD-2/GD-3, or INT-IP3), via the
mgconfig tool. On GA-2/GD-2 boards, the Telnet server can also be activated on the Com Server
via the ippstat tool.
On INT-IP/INT-IP2 boards, Telnet server activation is not performed via mgconfig, but via a
command accessible from the IP Configuration menu of the board.

2.23 lanpbxbuild
2.23.1 Operation Overview
The lanpbxbuild command is used to create, modify or delete the lanpbx.cfg file and the
lanpbx_mipt.cfg file.
The lanpbx.cfg file contains a list of PCX IP addresses on which IP equipment is declared.
As of R6.2, when the IP Touch Security service operates on one or several PCXs, the lanpbx.cfg file
also contains:
• The list of the SSM (Server Security Module) IP addresses which protect the concerned PCXs
• A security line which indicates the PCXs security mode
At file creation, a security line is automatically integrated by the PCX on which the lanpbxbuild command is run.

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This file is used for IP equipment initialization. During its initialization, the IP device sends a request to
the TFTP server to download the lanpbx.cfg file. This request is sent to the TFTP server address,
which is either registered in the IP equipment parameters (static initialization), or given by the DHCP
server (dynamic initialization).
Once the lanpbx.cfg file is downloaded, the IP device first sends a request to the PCX registered in
its flash memory. If the PCX does not respond (or is not stored), the IP device sends a request to the
first PCX listed in the lanpbx.cfg file (if different from the PCX stored in flash memory). If this PCX
does not respond, the IP device sends a request to the second PCX listed in the file and so on. As
soon as a PCX (on which some IP devices are declared) replies, the IP device downloads the
corresponding binaries from this PCX.
The IP device can be a Media Gateway controller board (INT-IP B or GD board) or an IP phone.

• As of R6.1, static GD board initialization does not request the lanpbx.cfg file.
• As of R6.1, there are two files: the lanpbx.cfg file, created on the local Com Server and the
lanpbxtwin.cfg file, downloaded on the twin Com Server. In a duplicated Com Server configuration
where the two Com Servers are on different IP subnetworks, the Download IP address entered for the local
Com Server in the lanpbx.cfg file corresponds to the Download IP RD address in the lanpbxtwin.cfg
file (and vice-versa).
• As of R6.2, when the IP Touch Security service operates on the PCX(s), three files are created:
• The lanpbx.cfg file
• The lanpbx_sec.cfg file, which describes the PCX when secured
• The lanpbx_nosec.cfg file, which describes the PCX when not secured
In a duplicated Com Server configuration, the lanpbx.cfg is created on the main Com Server and automatically
copied on the stand-by Com Server. The lanpbxtwin.cfg is not created anymore.
For more information about the IP Touch Security service, see: Hotel/Hospital - Overview.
• As of R7.0, the lanpbxbuild tool can be used to create the lanpbx_mipt file. With the lanpbxbuild tool, the
lanpbx_mipt.cfg file is a copy of the lanpbx.cfg file.
The lanpbx_mipt.cfg file can be accepted by the MIPT sets only when its size is below 1Ko. When the
lanpbx.cfg file (and its copy lanpbx_mipt.cfg) is too large, the lanpbxmipt tool must be used. Configuring the lanpbx.cfg File

To declare a number of PCXs in the lanpbx.cfg file:
1. Log on to the mtcl account.
2. Enter the lanpbxbuild command.
(1)cs> lanpbxbuild

Reading data from file

1. View
2. Add
3. Delete
4. Modify
5. Move
6. Apply changes
7. Copy lanpbx to lanpbx-mipt
0. Quit
3. Select 2. Add.
==> 2
1. View all lines
2. Download IP (TFTP Server) address ( required )
3. Download IP RD(TFTP Server) address ( none )
4. Alternate TFTP port ( none )

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

5. CPU 1 IP address ( none )

6. CPU 2 IP address ( none )
7. SSM 1 IP address ( none )
8. SSM 2 IP address ( none )
9. Bin Download IP (BIN TFTP Server) address ( none )
d. dot1x Certificat Server address (none)
e. dot1x Certificat Server port (none)
f. dot1x Certificat Server path (none)
g. Application type of NOE mode IPTouch phones (NOE)
a. Add current line
c. Clear current line (no confirmation asked)
0. Back to main
4. Select 2. Download IP (TFTP Server) address. According to PCX configuration, enter the Com
Server IP address as follows:

PCX Configuration: IP Address to Enter:

The Com Server is not duplicated Com Server main IP address (or Com Server
physical address if no main IP address is config-

Duplicated Com Server configuration where the Com Server main IP address
two Com Servers are on the same IP subnet-

Duplicated Com Server configuration where the First Com Server main IP address
two Com Servers are on different IP subnet-
The main IP address of the Com Server where the
lanpbxbuild command is launched must be declared in
this field.

5. In a duplicated Com Server configuration where the two Com Servers are on different IP
subnetworks, select 3. Download IP RD (TFTP Server) address, then enter the second Com
Server main IP address.
6. Select 5. CPU 1 IP address, then enter the first Com Server physical IP address
The physical IP address of the Com Server where the lanpbxbuild command is launched must be declared in
this field.
7. Select 6. CPU 2 IP address, then enter the second Com Server physical IP address
8. Select 7. SSM 1 IP address, then enter the SSM IP address, which protects the first Com Server
(only If the IP Touch Security service operates on the PCX)
The SSM which protects the Com Server where the lanpbxbuild command is launched must be declared in this
9. Select 8. SSM 2 IP address, then enter the SSM IP address, which protects the second Com
Server (only if the IP Touch Security service operates on the PCX)
10.Select 9. Bin Download IP (BIN TFTP Server) address
11.Select d. dot1x Certificate Server address, then enter the IP address of the machine on which
certificates are located. This field is mandatory and must be an IP address, as there is no DNS for
IP Touch sets. For more information on 802.1x Authentication, see: IP-PCX Networks - 802.1
Authentication - Overview.
12.Select e. dot1x Certificate Server port, then enter the port number to use (optional, 80 is used as
default port number)
13.Select f. dot1x Certificate Server path, then enter the directory where certificates are located
14.Select g. Application type of NOE mode IPTouch phones, then select NOE (NOE-SIP is not

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

15.Select a. Add current line to record information relative to this PCX.

16.Repeat steps 4 to 14 for each PCX to declare in the lanpbx.cfg file.
17.Select 0. Back to main, then 6. Apply changes to confirm your modifications.
The lanpbx.cfg file is created in the directory /usr3/mao.
When the IP Touch Security service operates, the lanpbxbuild tool asks the SSM to sign the
lanpbx.cfg file. Following the lanpbx.cfg file signature, the lanpbx_sec.cfg and lanpbx_notsec.cfg
files are created in the directory /usr3/mao.
18.Do not forget to register the lanpbx_sec.cfg and lanpbx_notsec.cfg files on an external computing
support (CD or other), to be stored in a secured place. These files must not remain in the Com
Server. Create the lanpbx_mipt.cfg File by Copy

Create the lanpbx_mipt.cfg file by copy is the easiest way and work most of the time. In some
configuration, this way creates a file larger than 1Ko.
1. Log on to the mtcl account
2. Enter the lanpbxbuild command
(1)cs> lanpbxbuild

Reading data from file

1. View
2. Add
3. Delete
4. Modify
5. Move
6. Apply changes
7. Copy lanpbx to lanpbx-mipt
0. Quit
3. Select: 7. Copy lanpbx to lanpbx-mipt
To be used, the lanpbx_mipt.cfg file must have a size lower than 1Ko. Create the lanpbx_mipt.cfg File with the lanpbxmipt Tool

This tool is quite the twin of the lanpbxbuild tool but it creates a lanpbx_mipt.cfg file with a size always
below 1Ko.
1. Log on to the mtcl account
2. Enter the lanpbxmipt command
(1)cs> lanpbxmipt

Reading data from file

1. View
2. Add
3. Delete
4. Modify
5. Move
6. Apply changes
0. Quit
3. Select: 2. Add
==> 2
1. View all lines
2. Download IP (TFTP Server) address ( required )
3. Download IP RD(TFTP Server) address ( none )
4. Alternate TFTP port ( none )
5. CPU 1 IP address ( none )
6. CPU 2 IP address ( none )
7. SSM 1 IP address ( none )

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

8. SSM 2 IP address ( none )

9. Bin Download IP (BIN TFTP Server) address ( none )
a. Add current line
c. Clear current line (no confirmation asked)
0. Back to main
4. Select: 2. Download IP (TFTP Server) address ( required ) and enter the Call Server
IP address
5. Select: 5. CPU 1 IP address ( none ) and enter the Call Server IP
6. Return: 0. Back to main
7. Record: 6. Apply changes
The lanpbx_mipt.cfg file is created in the directory /usr3/mao.
8. Exit: 0. Quit

2.24 lookars
2.24.1 Operation Lookars command Overview
The lookars maintenance command is used to check the declaration of the ARS routing tables. It
• display of the content of the routing table associated with a public network translator entry,
• display of the content of a specific routing table,
• display of the content of all the declared routing tables. Content of the public translator routing tables
To display the content of the routing table assigned to a public translator entry, enter the command
lookars i <public no>
(3)bsbmrp03> lookars i 02

| P T T T R A N S L A T O R |
| |
| Ok after digit 1 |
| |
| Area : 1 |
| Nbr of digits : 10 |
| ARS Rln : 0 |
| Tonal : 0 |

| A R S R O U T E L I S T No 0 |
| |
| 1) trk_grp = 1 dialing_table = 0 |
| nb_deleted_digits = 0 inserted_digits = |
| WaitingCostLimit = 0 StoppingCostLimit = 0 vpnCostLimit = 0 |
| |
| --> trk_grp 1 remote TG nname : Res-Public |
| type : T0 variante : T2 |
| node_number = 4 network_number = 1 |
| fais_suiv = -1 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------| Content of a routing table
To display the content of a specific routing table, enter the command lookars r <table no>

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

(3)bsbmrp03> lookars r 0

| A R S R O U T E L I S T No 0 |
| |
| 1) trk_grp = 1 dialing_table = 0 |
| nb_deleted_digits = 0 inserted_digits = |
| WaitingCostLimit = 0 StoppingCostLimit = 0 vpnCostLimit = 0 |
| |
| --> trk_grp 1 remote TG nname : Res-Public |
| type : T0 variante : T2 |
| node_number = 4 network_number = 1 |
| fais_suiv = -1 |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Content of all the routing tables
To display the content of all the declared routing tables, enter the command lookars r a .
(3)bsbmrp03> lookars r all

| A R S R O U T E L I S T No 0 |
| |
| 1) trk_grp = 1 dialing_table = 0 |
| nb_deleted_digits = 0 inserted_digits = |
| WaitingCostLimit = 0 StoppingCostLimit = 0 vpnCostLimit = 0 |
| |
| --> trk_grp 1 remote TG nname : Res-Public |
| type : T0 variante : T2 |
| node_number = 4 network_number = 1 |
| fais_suiv = -1 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the interactive mode (from R3)
The lookars i command is used to find out, at the moment the command is actived, which translator
and routing table are used for a calling set and a given calling number as well as the selected list of the
time base routes.
lookars i
• ars prefix = 0
• Directory number = set number
• External number= 0155665555
• command.

Example :
(4)xb000004> lookars i
ARS Prefix : 0
Directory No : 34001
External No : 0155666193
Date : 17/09/1998
Time : 12:17
Command : C/R
Result of the command
| P U B L I C E X C H A N G E T R A N S L A T O R |
| Prefix number : 0 Discri Log Id : 0 |
| Dir. number : 34001 Entity : 4 Discri Real Id : 0 |
| Route List No : 0 Scheduler No : 1 |

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

| A R S R O U T E S L I S T No 0 |
| 1) trk_grp = -1 dialing_table = 0 |
| nb_deleted_digits = 5 inserted_digits = |
| vpnCostLimit = 0 |
| --> Network Route |
| Route usefull for : SPEECH |
| 2) trk_grp = 80 dialing_table = 0 |
| nb_deleted_digits = 9 inserted_digits = 015566619 |
| vpnCostLimit = 0 |
| --> trk_grp 80 local TG name : FT_T2 state
:OOS |
| type : T2 variante : T2 |
| fais_suiv = -1 category = 0 nbjonc = 0 |
| vpnRate = 50 vpnCostLimit = 0 |
| Route usefull for : SPEECH |

Time based route list

The time based route list presented is the one which is selected when the command is acknowledged.
| S U B R O U T E S L I S T E No 3 |
| |
| First route to try is route nb 1 stop = -1 wait = -1 |
| Second route to try is route nb 4 stop = -1 wait = -1 |

2.25 mao
2.25.1 Operation Mao command General
The "mao " tool is used, among other functions, to activate / deactivate the broadcast and consult the
content of the broadcast files. Broadcast commands
"mao " is used to consult the information relating to the options for this command (help).
"mao +br ", ("mao -br ") is used to activate or deactivate the network broadcast.
"mao -a " is used to find out which options are in progress on the management mechanisms.

>mao -a
BROADCAST is OFF The broadcast mechanism is not valid
CMIS running process 0
MAO is on
Trace is OFF The management is available
Trace on BROADCAST is off
Synchronisation 4400-47xx is off

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands Consultation of the lupd file

The command "mao -lupd" is used to consult the content of the "lupd_tb" file as it is “seen" by the local
The consultation of the file is used to find out, in relation to a given node, the sequence number of the
last “seen" broadcast file, accepted, from any other node in the network. The acknowledged files may
have a defined range in the network, in which case they are characterised by the LOG prefix, or in a
broadcast area. In this case, the prefix is A.
Each node in the network has its own specific lupd_tb file.

number of nodes : 4 local node 0, local area 0

node 000 log seq 2 action 0 node_param : -v, dynamic timer 0
area 0, area seq 0, step 0
X25Addr 8100134PC24D414F pref IP/X25
IP X25 Name x00000_tun IP/X25Addr
rem all : 0

node 003 log seq 3 action 0 node_param : -v, dynamic timer 0

area 0, area seq 0, step 0
X25Addr 8100134PC24D414F pref IP
IP X25 Name x00003_tun IP/X25Addr
rem all : 0

node 006 log seq 0 action 0

area -1, area seq 0, step 0
X25Addr 8100134PC24D414F pref IP/X25
IP X25 Name x00006_tun IP/X25Addr
rem all : 0

node 003 log seq 0 action 0

area -1, area seq 0, step 255
X25Addr 8100134PC24D414F pref IP/X25
IP X25 Name x00009_tun IP/X25Addr
rem all : 0

The lupd.dat file presents a save by node.

number of nodes : number of nodes seen by the broadcast.
idx : index of the node number used for the operation of the broadcast tool.
local_node_idx : index idx of the local node.
local area idx : number of the area to which the node belongs.
area idx area seq idx : sequence number and area number received from the designated node.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

log seq idx : sequence number of the file received from the node correspponding to idx.
IPName X00004_tun X25Name 4588 : IP name and X25 address used by the broadcast.
rem : sequence number of the change of office files.
Node param -v : indicates that the node is acknowledged in the local broadcast process.
Node param -d : indicates that the node is connected to the local node by a dynamic link.
dynamic timer : indicates the time elapsed since the last broadcast on dynamic link.
step : used to measure the validity of the area parameter (notably in the case of the exit of a node from
the area).

2.26 maoview
2.26.1 Operation “maoview” command Overview
This tool is used for analysing the content of the management tickets archived in compressed files.
This tool is located in the /DHS3bin/oneshot/mtcl directory and the mtcl user can use it.
The command options are described below:
(1)pabx56> maoview

maoview - management files viewer

maoview -[abdefhlmpstvwV]

-a attribute_number
sets the list of the attributes to print (use -h to print the
attribute numbers). Each attribute number is separated by a space
-b number
prints the n first tickets (see also option -e).
-d [display]
sets the number of attributes/line to display, 1 or 2 (default is
-e number
prints the n last tickets (see also option -b).
-f [file]
file is the file to be read. If the file doesn't exist in the
current directory and in the /DHS3dyn/account directory, an error
is returned. If filename is empty, a list of the current files is
displayed. Wild cards are supported.
-h prints the ticket header for the given file.
-help this help.
-l prints the defined meanings of the enumerated and bitstring
-m uses more to print the results (when more is running, press h for
-p delete|disable|read|save
delete deletes the current profile. disable disables the current
profile for the current execution. read prints the content of the
current profile. save deletes the current profile and saves the
current options. Only the first option letters are needed.
-s prints statistics about an accounting file.
-t prints the contents of the tickets.
-v prints the values of the attributes (default is meanings of the
-w sets the width of one line (default is 80 characters).
-V prints the version.


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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

This tool has the same features as the accview tool, thus the common commands refer to accview. maoview -a attribute_numbrer
See Operation on page 26 maoview -b number
See Operation on page 26 maoview -d [number]
See Operation on page 26 maoview -e number
See Operation on page 26 maoview -f [file]
This command selects the file to be analysed.
This command can only be used with the following options: “-h”, “-s” or “-t”.
If the file does not exist in the current directory, it is searched for in the /DHS3dy/account directory.
If no file is entered, a list of management files is displayed. This list is identical to that obtained with the
account mao command. If there is no management file in the /DHS3dyn/account directory, searching
for the MAO*.DAT type files will display a list of files from the current directory.
An error message is displayed if no file is found.
The file can be a management file compressed or not. If the first character of the file is ”#”, then the file
is compressed.
(1) pabx56> maoview —t —f
The files stored in the system are the following ones:
| | | | |Number |
|Date |File name |First ticket date|Last ticket date |tickets |
|99/03/11 08:02|MAOAOONG.DAT|99/03/11 07:02:04|99/03/11 08:02:06| 9842 |
|99/03/11 09:02|MAOAOONH.DAT|99/03/11 08:02:06|99/03/11 09:02:09| 9848 |
|99/03/11 09:40|MAOAOONI.DAT|99/03/11 09:02:09|99/03/11 09:39:33| 6211 |
|99/03/11 11:29|MAOAOONJ.DAT|99/03/11 09:45:48|99/03/11 09:47:46| 3 |
|99/03/17 09:44|MAOAOONK.DAT|99/03/17 09:42:30|99/03/17 09:44:10| 2 |
|99/03/18 14:47|MAOAOONL.DAT|99/03/18 14:39:01|99/03/18 14:47:08| 1350 |
|99/03/18 15:15|MAOAOONM.DAT|99/03/18 14:47:08|99/03/18 15:15:01| 7 |
|99/03/18 16:00|MAOAOONN.DAT|99/03/18 15:15:02|99/03/18 15:59:33| 7543 |
Please, which file (Return to Quit) : MAOAOONK.DAT
Please, which file (Return to Quit) :

====[/DHS3dyn/account/MAOAOONK.DAT : Ticket number 1/1/2] ============

(01) TicketVersion = ED1.0 (02) ManagesObject = Cost Canter
(03) Date = 19990317 09:42:30 (04) Operation = Update
(06) NetworkNodeNumber = 1 (10) CostCenterName = cf 1000
(24) CostCenterNumber = 1000

====[/DHS3dyn/account/MAOAOONK.DAT : Ticket number 2/2/2] ============

(01) TicketVersion = ED1.0 (02) ManagesObject = Cost Canter
(03) Date = 19990317 09:44:10 (04) Operation = Update
(06) NetworkNodeNumber = 1 (10) CostCenterName = cf 1001
(24) CostCenterNumber = 1001

(1) pabx56> maoview -h
maoview -h is used to print out the management ticket header of a given file. Each management ticket
contains a header that describes the ticket format.
This command must be used with the “-f ” option

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

(1) pabx56> maoview —hf MAOAOONM.DAT

The attributes list of the file /DHS3dyn/account/MAOAOONM.DAT is:

|Attribute | Name |Length |
| 1 | TicketVersion | 5 |
| 2 | ManagedObject | 6 |
| 3 | Date | 17 |
| 4 | Operation | 1 |
| 5 | DirectoryNumber | 8 |
| 6 | NetworkNodeNumber | 6 |
| 7 | DisplayName | 16 |
| 8 | Name | 20 |
| 9 | FirstName | 20 |
| 10 | CostCenterName | 10 |
| 11 | PIN | 8 |
| 12 | StationType | 3 |
| 13 | VoiceMailNumber | 8 |
| 14 | VoiceMailType | 1 |
| 15 | FacilityCategory | 2 |
| 16 | PublicNetworkCategory | 2 |
| 17 | MultilineFlag | 1 |
| 18 | AttendantStationType | 2 |
| 19 | TrunkGroupNumber | 4 |
| 20 | TrunkGroupName | 10 |
| 21 | CompressedFlag | 1 |
| 22 | SharedFlag | 1 |
| 23 | PriorityFlag | 1 |
| 24 | CostCenterNumber | 4 |
| 25 | ProjectAccountCodeId | 4 |
| 26 | ProjectAccountCode | 12 |
| 27 | DidFlag | 1 |
(1) pabx56> maoview -help
See Operation on page 26 maoview -l
maoview -l is used to print out the list (enumerated) and boolean values attributes. maoview -m
See Operation on page 26 maoview -p delete|disable|read|save
See Operation on page 26 maoview -s
See Operation on page 26 maoview -t
See Operation on page 26 maoview -v
See Operation on page 26 maoview -w
See Operation on page 26 maoview -V
See Operation on page 26

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

2.27 multitool
2.27.1 Operation
This command is used to consult the configuration of:
• multi-line sets,
• manager/assistant group,
• supervisions,
• multi QMCDU multi-line sets,
• A-MLA sets (as of R4.1.1). Main menu

+------- [ Main Menu ] -------+
[0] - Exit
[ 1] - Consult Multilines And Supervised Sets
[ 2] + Consult Boss/Secretary
[ 3] - Consult Sets With Data keys
[ 4] - Consult Sets With Supervision Data keys
[ 5] + Consult Directory Number Supervision
[ 6] - Consult Supervision Keys On Attendant
[ 7] - Consult Attendant Assistant Key On Attendant Group
[ 8] - Consult Supervised Trunk Groups and Keys
[ 9] + Consult Supervised Trunks and Keys
[10] + Multiline Sets With Their Multiline Keys
[11] + Consult Secondary MLA Keys

CHOICE ? Multi-line and supervised set consultation

This option displays all PBX multi-line sets.
+------- [ Consult Multilines And Supervised Sets ] -------+

Nulog | Numan | Domain | Multiline | Supervised

22 | 3400 | 0 | Yes | Yes

23 | 3401 | 0 | Yes | No

ooo Number of Multilines Set = 2

ooo Number of Supervised Set = 1
--No more--

Nulog: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Dirnum: multi-line set directory number,
Domain:multi-line set domain
Multi-line: Yes, the supervised set is a multi-line set, No, the supervised set is not a multi-line set.
Supervised: indicates whether the listed set is supervised. manager/assistant group consultation


+------- [ Consult Boss/Secretary ] -------+
[ 0] - Father Menu
[ 1] - Consult All <Boss> Sets
[ 2] - Consult All <Secretary> Sets
[ 3] - Consult All <Routing Secretary> Sets

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

CHOICE? Consultation of all manager sets
+------- [ Consult All <Boss> Sets ] -------+

Nulog Secr | Numan Secr | Key Secret | Dom. Secre | Boss Mcdu | Key
Boss | Dom. Boss
25 | 3403 | 7 | 0 | 3402 | 7
| 0

--No more--

Nulog Secr: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Numan Secr: assistant directory number,
Key Secret: number of the manager/assistant link key on the assistant set,
Dom. Secre: domain number of the assistant set,
Manager Mcdu: directory number of the manager set,
Key Manager: number of the assistant/manager link key on the manager set,
Dom. Manager: domain number of the manager set, Consultation of all assistant sets
+------- [ Consult All <Secretary> Sets ] -------+

Nulog Boss | Numan Boss | Key Boss | Dom. Boss | Secretary | Key
Secret | Dom. Secre
24 | 3402 | 7 | 0 | 3403 | 7
| 0

--No more--

Nulog Manager: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Numan Manager: directory number of the manager set,
Key Manager: number of the manager/assistant link key on the manager set,
Dom. Manager: domain number of the manager set,
Assistant: assistant directory number,
Key Secret: number of the manager/assistant link key on the assistant set,
Dom. Secre: domain number of the assistant set, Consultation of all overflow (re-routing) assistant sets

+------- [ Consult All <Routing Secretary> Sets ] -------+

Nulog Rout | Numan Rout | Key Rout. | Dom. Rout. | Boss Mcdu | Dom.
22 | 3400 | 5 | 0 | 3402 | 0
--No more--

Nulog Rout: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Numan Rout: overflow assistant directory number,
Key Rout: number of the assistant/ manager link key on the overflow assistant set,
Dom. Rout: domain number of the overflow assistant set,
Manager Mcdu: directory number of the manager set,
Dom. Manager: domain number of the manager set,

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands Consultation of sets with Data keys


+------- [ Consult Sets With Data keys ] -------+

Nulog | Numan | Domain

27 |3410 |0

--No more--

Nulog: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Numan: directory number of sets having data keys,
Domain: domain number of sets having data keys, Consulttation of sets with supervision data keys


+------- [ Consult Sets With Supervision Data keys ] -------+

Nulog | Numan | Key | Domain | Data Numbe | Dom.

0 |3410 |5 |0 |3500 |0
--No more-

Nulog: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Numan: supervisor set directory number,
Key: supervision key number,
Domain: supervisor set domain,
DataNumbe: directory number of the data set,
Dom. Data: domain number of the data set, Consultation of supervised and supervisor sets


+------- [ Consult Directory Number Supervision ] -------+
[ 0] - Father Menu
[ 1] - Consult All <Supervised> Directory Number
[ 2] - Consult All <Supervisor> Of a Directory Number
[ 3] - Consult All <Supervisor>
CHOICE? Consultation of all supervised numbers
This option displays the list of supervised numbers.
+------- [ Consult All <Supervised> Directory Number ] -------+
Spvised Nu | Dom. Spvis | Spvised Nu | Dom. Spvis
3400 | 0 |
3401 | 0 |
ooo Number of <Supervised> Number = 2
--No more--

Spvised Nu: supervised set directory number,

Dom. Spvis: domain number of the supervised set, Consultation of the particular supervised number
This option displays, for a particular set, all the supervisors of this set.
+------- [ Consult All <Supervisor> Of a Directory Number ] -------+
< Supervised Number > ? 3400

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Spvisor Nu | Dom. Spvis | Spvisor Nu | Dom. Spvis

3401 | 0 |

ooo Number Of <Supervisor> For the Directory Number [3400] = 1

--No more-

Spvisor Nu: supervisor set directory number,

Dom. Spvis: domain number of the supervisor set, Consultation of all supervisors
This option displays the list of all supervisor sets as well as all associated supervised sets.
+------- [ Consult All <Supervisor> ] -------+
Nulog Spvi | Numan Spvi | Key Spviso | Dom. Spvis | Supervised | Dom.
23 | 3401 | 2 | 0 | 3400 | 0
23 | 3401 | 3 | 0 | 3402 | 0
25 | 3403 | 2 | 0 | 3401 | 0
--No more--

There is a line per supervision key.

Nulog Spvi: information reserved for ALE International Support,
Numan Spvi: supervisor set directory number,
Key Spviso: supervision key number,
Dom. Spvis: supervisor set domain,
Supervised: supervised set directory number,
Dom. Super: supervisor set domain, Consultation of supervision keys on attendant

+------- [ Consult Supervision Keys On Attendant ] -------+
< Attendant Network Id > ? 0

Key_Id | Spervised
11 | 3401
--No more--

Key_Id: supervision key number,

Spervised: supervisor set number, Consultation of attendant assistant keys on attendant groups.


+------- [ Consult Attendant Assistant Key On Attendant Gr ] -------+

< Attendant Group Network Id > ? 0
Key_Id | Numan
2 | 3400
--No more--

Key_Id: assistant attendant key number,

Numan: assistant set number. Consultation of trunk group supervision keys

+------- [ Consult Supervised Trunk Groups and Keys ] -------+

< Trunk Group Number > ? 5

Trk Grp Nb | Spvisor Nb | Key Nb
5 | 3403 | 7
--No more--

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Trk Grp Nb: trunk group number,

Spvisor Nb: supervisor set directory number,
Key Nb: trunk group supervision key number Consultation of bundle supervision keys


+------- [ Consult Supervised Trunks and Keys ] -------+

[ 0] - Father Menu
[ 1] - Consult from a Trunk Group Number
[ 2] - Consult from a Trunk Number
CHOICE? Consultation from a trunk group number
+------- [ Consult from a Trunk Group Number ] -------+

< Trunk Group Number > ? 0

Trk Grp Nb | Trunk Nb | Spvisor Nb | Key Nb

0 |10 |3401 |5
--No more--

Trk Grp Nb: trunk group number,

Trunk Nb: bundle number,
Spvisor: supervisor set directory number,
Key Nb: supervision key number on the supervisor set. Consultation from a bundle number
+------- [ Consult from a Trunk Number ] -------+

< Trunk Number > ? 10

Trunk Nb | Trk Grp Nb | Spvisor Nb | Key Nb

10| 0| 3401| 5
--No more--

Trunk Nb: bundle number,

Trk Grp Nb: trunk group number,
Spvisor: supervisor set directory number,
Key Nb: supervision key number on the supervisor set. Consultation of multi QMCDU multi-line sets


+------- [ From Database ] -------+

Sorted by [0=Logical Number, 1=Set Number] ? 0
|Nulog|Set Number|Order|Key Number|Multiline Number|
| 22| 5760| 1| 1| 5760|
| | | | 2| 5790|
| | | 2| 3| 5760|
| | | 3| 5| 5760|
| 17| 5761| | 2| 5791|
| | | | 7| 5761|
| 18| 5762| | 7| 5762|
| 19| 5763| | 1| 5763|
| | | 1| 2| 5792|
| | | | 3| 5763|
| | | 2| 4| 5792|

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

| | | 3| 6| 5792|
| | | | 7| 5763|
| | | | 9| 5763|
| 20| 5764| | 1| 5764|
| | | | 3| 5764|
16 Multiline Keys

Nulog: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Set Number: multi-line set directory number,
Order: order number of primary A-MLA keys,
Key Number: key number,
Multiline Number: directory number of the multi-line key or, if there are A-MLA keys, group number,
Secondary A-MLA keys are not displayed with this command. A-MLA set consultation (as of R4.1.1)


+------- [ Multiple_Line_Appearance sets With Their MLA Keys ] -------+

[0]-Father Menu
[1]+Consult All Secondary MLA keys
[2]-Consult All Secondary MLA keys Of a Directory Number
CHOICE? Consultation of all A-MLA groups

+------- [ Consult All Secondary MLA Keys ] -------+
[0]-Father Menu
[1]-From Database
[2]-From Memory

Choice 2 is reserved for ALE International Support.


+------- [ From Database ] -------+

Sorted by [0=Logical Number, 1=Set Number] ? 01
|Nulog|Supervisor|Key Number|Supervised|Nulog superv|Order|Supervised
| 17| 5761| 1| 5760| 16| 1| 1|
| 17| 5761| 3| 5760| 16| 2| 3|
| 17| 5761| 4| 5792| 19| 1| 2|
| 17| 5761| 5| 5760| 16| 3| 5|
| 17| 5761| 6| 5792| 19| 2| 4|
| 17| 5761| 8| 5792| 19| 3| 6|
| 18| 5762| 1| 5760| 16| 1| 1|
| 18| 5762| 3| 5760| 16| 2| 3|
| 18| 5762| 5| 5760| 16| 3| 5|
9 MLA secondary Keys.

Nulog: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Supervisor: secondary set directory number,
Key Number: key number, on the supervisor set,
Supervised: A-MLA group directory number,

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Nulog superv: information reserved for ALE International Support,

Order: A-MLA group order number,
Supervised key: key number on the supervised set. Consultation of a particular A-MLA group
This command is very similar to the previous command. However, it displays information for only one
A-MLA group. The question “<Supervised Number> ?” allow the choice of the A-MLA group.

2.28 netvisu
2.28.1 Operation Command netvisu
Use the netvisu command to view the incidents generated by the different network nodes.
The following table gives the options that can be used with the netvisu command and their meaning.

table 2.4: Meaning of netvisu command optional parameters

Optional parameter Meaning

-h Displays the help menu

-s Displays the incidents of the starting phase

netvisu -s edits the session start file incidents of the current session

(no parameter) Displays the incidents of the main queue when the "-s" option is not

-b n Displays the incidents of the n backup session


• netvisu -b 1 edits the main queue incidents of the previous

backup session
• netvisu -b n edits the main queue incidents of the n backup

-t n (n being a tail size) Displays the last "n" incidents

netvisu -t 100 edits the last 100 incidents of the current session

-i x,y Displays the incidents between markers x and y

-r Displays incidents in reverse order, i.e. from the most recent ones to
the oldest ones
netvisu -r displays all the incidents in reverse order, from the most
recent ones to the oldest ones

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

Optional parameter Meaning

-e character string Displays incidents containing a specific character string

netvisu -e "character string" (eg. "Out Of
Service") displays only the current session incidents where such
character string appears

You can use command netvisu with several different optional parameters.
netvisu -b 1 -s edits the session start file incidents of the last backup session.
Example of use of netvisu command:
(1)pabx56> netvisu —T10
11/00/00 08:43:26 04Iù0/11/0/002ù=2:2151
11/00/00 08:43:26 04Iù0/11/0/000ù=2:2151
11/00/00 08:43:27 04Iù0/11/0/002ù=2:2151
11/00/00 08:37:51 02Iù0/11/0/002ù=2:2140
11/03/00 08:34:29 Mù0/11/0/254ù=2:3756=Message perdu
11/03/00 08:34:33 Mù0/11/0/001ù=2:2151=Subdevice V24
present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:34 Mù0/11/0/000ù=2:2151=Subdevice MAC/PC
present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:34 Mù0/11/0/001ù=2:2151=Subdevice MAC/PC
present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:34 Mù0/11/0/004ù=2:2151=Subdevice MAC/PC
present non declare
11/03/00 08:34:35 Mù0/11/0/001ù=2:2151=Subdevice AOM40
present non declare

2.29 prog-diff
2.29.1 Operation Prog_diff command General
The “prog_diff ” tool is used to carry out the following operations relating to the broadcast:
• display the content of the broadcast files,
• consult the status of the nodes in relation to the broadcast. Execution
The "prog_diff " tool is run by the following commands:
prog_diff -l GEA : runs the tool in Generic English of Alcatel,
prog_diff -l FR0 : runs the tool in French,
prog_diff : runs the tool in the language of the last user,
prog_diff -c: is used to limit the display to ASCII characters only, if the terminals do not have the
accented character display,
prog_diff -f ERRLOG.Nd.Seq : runs prog_diff with direct access to the designated file.
General menu:
0 - Exit (Exit the tool)

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

1 - Edition of the error files

2 - State of nodes
3 - Presentation of the tool
Item 3 "Presentation of the tool" provides a summary of the different functions. Edition of error files
This item is used for an interpreted "dump" of an ERRLOG.Nd.Seq file.
Entry of the name of the file to analyse,
The escape string is : $
$ => return to previous menu
Which log file ? ERRLOG.2.10
Type of operation

Modification [89081, Phone book] Object concerned

Node number (reserved soft) : 3
Content of the object concerned
Phone book : 33060

Duplicated Mangement Object Instance Diagnostic Error

Althought its mnemonic does not indicate this, this menu may be used to consult any LOG file on the
whole network. State of nodes
Command 2 “State of nodes" is used to find out the situation of the consulted node in relation to the
broadcast application. For each node consulted, it is possible to know whether the broadcast is
activated and to find out the last ten sequence numbers of the broadcast files received from the other

State of nodes
1 - x00003_tun
2 - x00004_tun List of nodes that can be selected
3 - x00005_tun

Node to edit: (0 Exit) State of the mao (management process) and

Choice[0-2]: 2 of the broadcast on the designated node
(+active, - not activated)
mao + broadcast -
node 3: Sequence number = 11
List of the sequence numbers in
node 5: Sequence number = 2 the designated node
List of the error files in the designated node
ERRLOG.5.4 (DIFF_ERRLOG_ABSENT => no error file on this node)

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

2.30 setshutdelay
2.30.1 Overview
This command is used to set the timeout before system shutdown following a power supply alarm
(PSAL). The machine must be rebooted for modifications to be taken into account.

2.30.2 Viewing delay

To display the value of the delay, use the following command:
[root@cs80 mtcl]# cat /etc/shut_delay

2.30.3 Modifying the delay

The following command:
setshutdelay <-m minutes> <-h hours>
is used to modify delay time.
[root@cs80 mtcl]# setshutdelay -m 50
shutdelay successfully updated.

The timeout will be 50 minutes (3000 sec.)

[root@cs80 mtcl]# setshutdelay -m 30 -h 1
shutdelay successfully updated.

The timeout will be 1 hour 30 minutes (5400 sec.)

2.31 shutdown
2.31.1 Overview
This command is used to reset the CPU of the PABX that the command is performed on.

2.31.2 Command settings


This command resets and reboots the CPU after a fixed 30-second timeout.
(0)A4400a>shutdown —i

This command resets and reboots the CPU immediately (i stands for “immediately”).
(0)A4400a>shutdown —h

This command shuts down the CPU (h stands for “halt”). The CPU is not reset and rebooted until a key
is pressed.
(0)A4400a>shutdown —p

This command simulates a power supply alarm (loss of PSAL) with a fixed delay of 1 second (this can
be programmed with the “setshutdelay” command).

2.31.3 Delayed shutdown

The “shutdown” command can be deferred by combining the following commands:
(0)A4400a>echo “shutdown —i” | at hhmm

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

This command creates a job request at the time given by hhmm.

(0)A4400a>echo “shutdown —i” | at 2200
job 981669600.a at Thu Feb 8 22:00:00 2001

The job with the reference “981669600.a” will be run at 22h 00.
To view the list of waiting “jobs”:
(0)A4400a>at —l
981669600.a Thu Feb 8 22:00:00 2001

To delete a waiting job:

Locate the job reference xxx, then enter the following command:
(0)A4400a>atrm xxx

2.32 tabranfilt
2.32.1 Operation The "tabranfilt" filtering index command
The tabranfilt command is used to display the routing number for a given abbreviated number and
filtering index.
Syntax is as follows: tabranfilt “Range no.” “Order no. in the range” “filtering index”
(0)a4400a> tabranfilt 1 5 400
| Abbreviated number : 1004 |
| Index : 1 | Routing : 3002 |

The following information is given for each index:

• the abbreviated number,
• the filtering index number,
• the number of the directory to which it is routed.
Performing the tabranfilt command without entering any values displays a list of the routing numbers
specified in the PBX.
| Abbreviated number : 1000 |
| Index : 0 | Routing : 3001 |
| Abbreviated number : 1000 |
| Index : 1 | Routing : 3002 |
| Abbreviated number : 1002 |
| Index : 0 | Routing : 3001 |
| Abbreviated number : 1002 |
| Index : 1 | Routing : 3002 |
| Abbreviated number : 1004 |

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

| Index : 0 | Routing : 3001 |
| Abbreviated number : 1004 |
| Index : 1 | Routing : 3002 |
| Abbreviated number : 1005 |
| Index : 0 | Routing : 3001 |
| Abbreviated number : 1005 |
| Index : 1 | Routing : 3002 |

2.33 tcalledfilt
2.33.1 Operation calledfilt" filtered call command
The “tcalledfilt” command displays the list of called numbers filtered as defined on the PBX.
(0)a4400a> tcalledfilt
| Lognum | Direc Number | Entity |
| 101 | 36001 | 1 |
| 102 | 36002 | 1 |
| 103 | 36003 | 1 |

For all the filtered called numbers, the system indicates:

• the logical number,
• the directory number,
• the entity number.

2.34 utadown
2.34.1 Operation utadown tool
utadown <[-list] | [-l] | [list] | [l]>
utadown <[-all] | [-a] | [all] | [a]>
utadown <n> <equipement number>
utadown <d> <directory number>
utadown <p> <ACT number> <cpl number> <[behind us] | [access number]> <[user number] | [a]>
“utadown” tool display data relative to the current code downloaded on the UTA boxex (local and
remote) compared to the firmware file existing on the system under the subdirectory /DHS3data/
he_download/ U-TA/LU-TA/binluta (for local UTA firmware) and /DHS3data/ he_download/U-TA/LU-TA/
binruta (for remote firmware).
The different options of this command will allow its operation to be controled:
• <list> : the command will display the numerical UA sets which need to be downloaded but no
dowmload action will be done on their UTA boxes.

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Commands

• <all> : the command wil display the UA set with UTA boxes which have to be downloaded and will
start the download of these boxes in all the system.
• <n> : by mean of any of the usual option to specify an equipement number (directory, physical
adress or equipement), this command will be use to force the local, remote or both UTA boxes of a
specific UA set
(0)A4400a> utadown
Usage : utadown <-all | -a | all | a>
compare the version and revison number
all the UTA boxes in the system with the
file code on the disk (binluta, binruta)
start the download if necessary

Usage : utadown <-list | -l | list | l>
compare the version and revison number
all the UTA boxes in the system with the
file code on the disk (binluta, binruta)
display the neqt requiring a download

Usage : utadown <n neqt-number (0-4471)> ou
directory-number [1..8]> ou bien
crist-nb cpl-nb acces|us-nb term-nb>
crist-nb cpl-nb acces|us-nb a for all
force the dowmload of the local,remote
both UTA boxes of a specific UA set

With [all] option:

(0)A4400a> utadown -all

Local disk version = 0, Local disk revision = 1

Remote disk version = 0, Remote disk revision = 1

No answer from local UTA box (neqt=474);

With [list] option:

(0)A4400a> utadown -list

Local disk version = 0, Local disk revision = 1

Remote disk version = 0, Remote disk revision = 1

No answer from local UTA box (neqt=474);

There is no UTA boxes requiring a new download in all the system...

With [directory number] option:

(0)A4400a> utadown d 6549

Which UTA do you want to force the download Local (L/l)


or Both (B/b) ? :l

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3 netadmin

3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Overview
Netadmin is used to define the IP addressing plan for Communication Servers, PPP serial links,
security, etc.

3.2 Detailed description

3.2.1 Command Overview Overview
Netadmin user menus are designed on the object model. Each management menu authorizes on each
object the following commands:
• View (or show)
• Add
• Update
• Delete
All data relating to the IP configuration of a machine is grouped in a single file, "netdata", which
simplifies duplicated Call Server update procedures. In addition, it is possible to return to a previous
configuration and to view previously performed management operations by consulting a history log file.
Only alphanumeric characters and the "underline" character are authorized (spaces are prohibited).
Some netadmin management operations (IP address, router, security activation, etc.) must be performed
on the console port. In telnet position, a blocking of the dialog might occur during the application of
The operations authorized by telnet are:
• CPU redundancy
• Role addressing
• Serial links (PPP)
• Host names and addresses (except default router)
• Copy setup
From R5.1, use of "rlogin" or "rsh" without a command to connect to a Call Server is no longer possible.
Only the "telnet" command can be used to establish a connection. Memorizing Configurations

The last three configuration sessions validated by the 'Apply modifications' menu are memorized. the
'Restore previous saved state' menu (see: Restore Previous Saved State on page 106) is used to
return to one of the three previously saved configurations. This feature is used to test the impact of
modifications performed on the two configurations.

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Chapter 3 netadmin Applying the Modifications

Modifications can be applied at any time either by entering the letter "a" in any menu, or by using menu
'Apply modifications' (see: Apply Modifications on page 106).
When a Netadmin session during which modifications have been made is closed, the user is
prompted to apply the modifications if the user has not already done so. Default Addressing/Client Addressing

Netadmin offers a default addressing plan, which can be retained, provided it does not conflict with the
addressing plan already set up with the client.
Otherwise, it is necessary to set up a new addressing plan with the agreement of the network
administrator. Opening a Netadmin Session

Only one Netadmin session can be opened, as a control prevents the opening of simultaneous
sessions. Copy to or from a Duplicated Call Server

At any time it is possible to copy netadmin data (netdata, hosts, etc.) either from the local Call Server to
the duplicated Call Server, or from the duplicated Call Server to the local Call Server (menu 10. 'Copy
setup'). When copying from the local to the duplicated Call Server, if the configuration has been
modified, the user is prompted to apply the modifications (copying cannot start until this has been
Transfer is not automatic. Each time a Call Server is modified, you must run a transfer to the duplicated Call
Before starting a copy:
• Check that duplication and role addressing are managed in the same way on both Call Servers.
• Check that the two Call Servers are in the same state: telephone application started or stopped.
On this topic, see also:
• Communication Server duplication - Overview.
• IP facilities - Links' description - Ethernet Interface/Role Addressing.

3.2.2 Start-up Options

The Netadmin options available are:

No option Minimum set-up in line mode.

-m Used to access all netadmin sections.

-n x y Node y of network x (x=0 by default).

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Chapter 3 netadmin

-a Resets CPU A parameters, specifies default addressing with duplicated CPU

and role addressing.
Can be coupled with the option -n.

Netadmin -a provides a stand-alone configuration by default: CPU A address:
Netadmin -n 1 -a provides a default configuration with network number=0 and
node number=1: CPU A address:
Netadmin -n 2 1 -a provides a default configuration with network number=2 and
node number=1: CPU A address:

-b Resets CPU B parameters.

Operates as above, but the name and address assigned to the CPU are for a
CPU B (name in xb and local address in 10.R.N.2).

-p yes/no -p/yes imposes default addressing, -p /no does not impose default addressing.

-v netadmin version.

-h help, description and "netadmin" options.

The most frequently used netadmin options are:
• netadmin (for a new installation),
• netadmin -m (read, modification of the configuration).

3.2.3 The netadmin Command

The netadmin command corresponds to menu 1. 'Installation' of the general menu obtained by
running netadmin -m.
It only authorizes a basic minimum configuration. To complete this and add additional functions, a PPP
link for example, specific menus are used once the minimum installation has been performed.
For a description of the netadmin -m command, seeOperation on page 83.

3.3 Operation
The netadmin -m command provides access to a general menu: Alcatel e-Mediate IP Network
Alcatel-Lucent e-Mediate IP Network Administration
1. 'Installation'
2. 'Show current configuration'
3. 'Local Ethernet interface'
4. 'CPU redundancy'
5. 'Role addressing'
6. 'Serial links (PPP)'
7. 'Tunnel'
8. 'Routing'
9. 'Host names and addresses'
10. 'Copy setup'
11. 'Security'

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Chapter 3 netadmin

12. 'DHCP configuration'

13. 'SNMP configuration'
14. 'DNS configuration'
15. 'Proxy configuration'
16. 'VLan configuration'
17. 'Node configuration'
18. 'Ethernet redundancy'
19. 'Cloud Connect'
20. 'History of last actions'
21. 'Apply modifications'
0. 'Quit'

3.3.1 Installation
Section 1. 'Installation' can also be accessed directly by using the netadmin command.
As of R6.1, in a duplicated Communication Server configuration, the two Communication Servers can
be on different subnetworks. When this is the case, R6.1 nodes must be connected via an IP/X25
To configure security, you must log on the root account.

An installation flowchart is shown below:

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Chapter 3 netadmin

Delete Existing Data?


Use IP/X25? No

Initialization: Network No. & Node No. (init. Default Addressing) 2

Node Name? 3

Activate Internal Name Resolver? 4

Local CPU a or b Position? n for Stand-alone CPU 5

Local CPU Ethernet Interface: Name, IP @ and Mask

(+ Name and Address when CPU is Main) 6

If stand-alone CPU
Twin CPU Ethernet Interface:
-Name, IP @ and Mask 7
-Name and Address when CPU is Main (Duplicated Call Servers)

Configure Default Router?


Router Name and IP Address 8

Trusted Host Address 9

Data Saved 10

Figure 3.1: NETADMIN Installation Flowchart

1. Exit without modification

2. Assigning a network number and a site (node) number to initialize the IP/X25 tunnel. The site
number assigned must be unique.
Using the IP/X25 tunnel is mandatory between nodes where the two Communication Servers are on different
subnetworks. It is therefore recommended to configure this parameter.
3. Assigning a node name. If a node name is defined, the local DNS server can send the Main
Communication Server role address to an application monitoring several nodes. This node name

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Chapter 3 netadmin

must be different from the physical name of the two Communication Servers. It is configured as an
alias in the hosts file.
If the two Communication Servers are located on the same subnetwork, ALE International recommends to use
the same main name and same address for the two Communication Servers.

Node: Hera
Request Network
= Zeus

Communication Communication
Server Server
Main Stand by

Network Node: Demeter

Node: Zeus
Communication Communication
Router Router Server Server
Main Stand by
Communication Communication
Server Server
Main Stand by

4. Activating the internal name resolver. This is mandatory for SIP end points.
5. Choosing the position of the local Communication Server a, b, or n, answer:
• n if the Communication Server is unique; the system then considers that the Communication
Server is not duplicated.
• a, the name of the Communication Server is in xa.
• b, the name of the Communication Server is in xb.
Depending on the answer, the Ethernet interface configuration of the duplicated Communication
Server will or will not be subsequently requested. It will only be requested if the Communication
Server is not a single CPU, i.e. if an a or b position was given in reply to the position selection
If the Communication Server is duplicated
• Be careful not to declare the two Servers in a or in b.
• After installation, you must specify role addressing.
The two Communication Servers can be on different subnetworks. Although this is not mandatory, when the
two Communication Servers are on the same subnetwork, ALE International recommends using the same role
address for both Communication Servers.
6. Defining:
• The name, IP address, and the subnetwork mask of the Ethernet interface of the local
Communication Server
• The name and address of this Communication Server when it is the Main Communication Server

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7. If necessary, declaring a twin Communication Server, specifying its name, IP address and mask in
the same conditions as the local Communication Server. The twin Communication Server is defined
only when an a or b position was assigned to the local Communication Server.
There is no request to enter the stand-by Communication Server role address. As of R6.1, you do
not need a stand-by address anymore. The local Communication Server Main role address is the
twin Communication Server address when it is switched to Main Communication Server.
Role addresses must be entered. By default, the Main role address for both local and twin
Communication Server is 10.R.N.3.
8. Defining (if necessary) the IP address and name of the default router.
In a duplicated Communication Server configuration where the two Communication Servers are on
the same subnetwork, netadmin requests information on one router only. If on a different
subnetwork, information must be provided for the two routers.
9. This menu is shown only when the Ethernet interface has previously been isolated. There are
several ways to isolate the Ethernet interface:
• Selecting the trusted hosts/TCP wrapper (Level 2 or Level 3) option during the step Security
Setting of the Communication Server Installation process (refer to the chapter on
Communication Server installation in [28])
• Using the Security menu of the netadmin tool see: Isolate Ethernet Interface and TCP Accesses
on page 95
When the PCX has been isolated, you are prompted to define trusted hosts. You must be logged on
the root account. The trusted host declaration is performed as described in Restricted Ethernet
Access on page 95.
10.When the user has answered all the questions, the data provided is automatically applied and the
local database updated.

3.3.2 Show Current Configuration

Section 2. 'Show current configuration', is used to consult the configuration of each Communication
Server, local and duplicated, in relation with each IP interface, the IP role addresses, the IP addresses
and name assigned to the interfaces, as well as general data concerning the state of the system.
The name of the node and the status of the internal name resolver are displayed before any
Communication Server specific information. Information on subnetwork masks and routers is detailed.
This applies even when the two Communication Servers of a duplicated Communication Server
configuration are on the same subnetwork.
Your system has the private network number 4 and the site number 7.
Private IP addressing space: no
Restricted internet accesses: yes
Security with SSH: yes
Accept ICMP redirect: yes
Low dynamic ports range configuration : 10000 - 10127
There is no VLan configuration. No frame will be 802.1q-tagged.

node name: xxx

internal name resolver activated: yes

Ethernet interface setup



| Machine type |Local interface |Name |Address |
| local | Ethernet | xa004007 | |
| local main | Ethernet | xma004007 | |

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| router | Ethernet | router_A | |

| local | IP/X25 tunnel |x004007_tun | |
CPU redundancy setup


| Machine type | Local interface | Name | Address |
| local | Ethernet | xb004007 | |
| local main | Ethernet | xmb004007| |
| router | Ethernet | router_A ||

3.3.3 Local Ethernet Interface

Section 3. 'Local Ethernet interface', is used to view or modify the Ethernet interface parameters, IP
address and name, mask value, assigned at initial installation or during a previous configuration
operation. The default value of the mask is
This section provides access to the following options:
1. View
2. Update
0. Previous menu

• Section 3.1 "View" is used to view the Ethernet interface parameters.

Ethernet interface setup
Internet name : xa004007
Internet address :
Netmask :
• Section 3.2 "Update" is used to modify the name, address and subnetwork mask of the Ethernet
interface of the local Communication Server.
A warning message appears:
VERY IMPORTANT: If you change these values, the DHCP clients of this node may reset!

With this section, you can move the Communication Server to another subnetwork. If the
Communication Server is moved to another subnetwork, netadmin warns to update the default
router address, static routes and trusted hosts:
WARNING: You have changed subnets, please update your default router,
static routes and trusted hosts if necessary.

3.3.4 CPU Redundancy

Section 4. 'CPU redundancy' is used to consult or modify the parameters of the duplicated
Communication Server. For more information, see the chapter on Communication Server duplication
in document [1].
This section provides access to the following options:
1. View
2. Add
3. Update
4. Delete
0. Previous menu

• Section 4.1"View" is used to view the parameters of the duplicated Communication Server, name
and address by interface when it exists.
netmask :

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| Machine type | Local interface | Name | Address |
| twin | Ethernet | cpu_B | |
| local main | Ethernet | smb001001 | |
| router | Ethernet | router_B | |
• Section 4.2 "Add" is used to add a duplicated Communication Server. Position "a" or "b", IP
address, name of the Ethernet interface and subnetwork mask must be specified.
When the twin Communication Server is on a different subnetwork, the user is invited to update
default router(s), static routes, and trusted hosts:
WARNING: Local and Twin CPU are not on the same subnet, please update your
default router(s), static routes and trusted hosts, if necessary.
CPU redundancy setup

Enter local CPU position ('a' or 'b') ? b

Twin CPU name (default is xb001001) ? cpu_B
The name you have given is not in our hosts database. Do you want to add it and
give the corresponding address (y/n default is 'n') ? y

Twin CPU's address ?

Network mask ?

When the twin Communication Server and the local Communication Server are on the same
subnetwork, it is not mandatory to define a default router. To define a default router, see Routing on
page 92.
• Section 4.3 "Update" is used to change the position, the name, the IP address and the subnetwork
mask of the duplicated Communication Server.
When the new twin Communication Server is on a different subnetwork, the user is invited to update
the default router, static routes and trusted hosts (see: Routing on page 92 and Security on page
Update the twin CPU Internet parameters

Twin CPU name (default is xb001001) ? cpu_B

Twin CPU's address (default is ?
Network mask ( ?

Warning: Local and Twin CPU are not on the same subnet,
please update your default(s) router(s), Static routes and
Trusted hosts if necessary
• Section 4.4 "Delete" is used to delete the duplicated Communication Server.

3.3.5 Role Addressing

Section 5. 'Role addressing' is used to access standard sections (view, add, modify, delete) related to
role addressing. For role addressing, default IP addresses and names are assigned. For more
information, see the chapter on IP Facilities in [1]
• Section 5.1 "View" is used to consult the current configuration.
When the Communication Server is duplicated, this section details information:
• On the two Communication Servers, when these are in different subnetworks
• On the Main Communication Server, when the two Communication Servers are in the same

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| Machine type | Local interface | Name | Address |
| local Main | Ethernet | xma001001 | |
| twin Main | Ethernet | xmb001001 | |
• Section 5.2 "Add" is used to configure role addressing.
In a duplicated Communication Server configuration, where the two Communication Servers are on
different subnetworks, the twin Communication Server requires a name and a main role address.
Subnetwork masks are determined by the netadmin basic configuration.
Adding main role addresses and names for the two Communication Servers updates the hosts file.
When the two Communication Servers are on the same subnetwork, the same name and main role
address must be used for the two Communication Servers.
Name used when the local CPU role is Main (default is xma001001) ?
Address used when the local CPU role is Main (default is ?
Name used when the twin CPU role is Main (default is xmb001001) ?
Address used when the twin CPU role is Main ?
• Section 5.3 "Update" is used to modify role addressing.
This also applies to the local and twin Communication Server names and role address(es), in case
of duplicated Communication Servers on a different subnetwork.
What is your choice ? 3
Name used when the local CPU role is MAIN (default is xma001001) ?
Address used when the local CPU role is MAIN (default is ?
Name used when the twin CPU role is MAIN (default is xmb001001) ?
Address used when the twin CPU role is MAIN (default is ?
• Section 5.4 "Delete" is used to delete the configuration and role addressing.
A main role CPU address can be assigned even if the CPU is not duplicated.

3.3.6 Serial Links

Section 6. 'Serial links' is used to access standard sections (see, add, modify, delete) for the PPP
serial links:
• On a MOXA unit (CS board or Appliance Server).
• On CPU7-2
For more information on the MOXA unit, see Complement Equipement - IP V24 Box - Overview.
SLIP is not implemented on OmniPCX Enterprise.
1. View
2. Add
3. Update
4. Delete
0. Previous menu

• Section 6.1 'View' is used to view the configuration of a serial link.


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Device name ('q' to cancel, default is all) ?

Device | Protocol | Local address | Peer address |
ttyef | PPP | | |

• Section 6.2 'Add' is used to add a new PPP serial link configuration.
Add a serial link for Internet Protocol over V24 (PPP)
Which device do you want to use for this connection (e.g. /dev/ttyS1,
'q' to cancel this setup) ? /dev/ttyef

To answer the following question, indicate the name of the port of the MOXA unit: In the above
example, ttyef refers to the first port of the first MOXA unit ("ttyef" is the term used at the time of
WARNING: You should declare a login with mgr (or ttyconf) for this
device. Do you really want to add this device (y/n)? y
Peer interface Internet address (default is ?
Local interface Internet address (default is ?
Speed (default is 9600) ?
Do you use a modem (y/n) ? n
Compression (default is y) ?
Do you want to use authentication with CHAP protocol (default is n)

Local and remote PPP addresses cannot be managed, they are automatically determined by netadmin.
If the manager chooses to activate CHAP security, he must have previously specified authorized users in the
CHAP menu. Otherwise, the following message is displayed:
"If you want to use authentication, first you must add a CHAP configuration".
No PPP on console port.
• Section 6.3 'Update' is used to modify the configuration of a serial link of a given port.
• Section 6.4 'Delete' is used to delete the configuration of a serial link.

3.3.7 Tunnel
Section 7. 'Tunnel configuration' is used to access the standard sections (view, add, modify, delete)
for the IP/X25 tunnel.
If the tunnel was not declared at installation, it cannot be added.
IP/X25 tunnel configuration
1. Show local tunnel setup
2. Create/update local Tunnel setup
3. Delete local tunnel setup
0. Previous menu

• Section 7.1 'Show local tunnel setup' is used to view the current configuration.
IP/X25 tunnel setup
name : x004007_tun
• Section 7.2 'Create/update local Tunnel setup' is used to define/modify the parameters of the
local IP/X25 interface: configure IP address, name. The value of the mask is always
Rarely used: IP/X25 interface addressing must be modified only if it conflicts with client addressing.
The modification must be applied to all network nodes.

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• Section 7.3 'Delete local tunnel setup' is used to delete the IP/X25 tunnel interface configuration.

3.3.8 Routing
Section 8. 'Routing' is used to access the standard sections (view, add, modify, delete) for the "default
router" and "static routes".
1. Default router setup
1. View
2. Add/Update
3. Delete
0. Previous menu
2. Static routes
1. View
2. Add/Update
3. Delete
0. Previous menu Default Router Setup

The default router is used to reroute IP datagrams to one (or more) machine(s) that do not belong to the PCX
subnetwork and for which a static route has not been configured.
Sub-section 8.1. 'Default router setup' is used to configure the parameters of a default router.
• Section 8.1.1. 'View' is used to view the parameters of the default router, if there is one.
In a duplicated Communication Server configuration, this option displays routers for the local and
twin Communication Servers when they are on different subnetworks.
When the two Communication Servers are on the same subnetwork, it displays information on the
default router.
With two Communication Servers on a different subnetwork
Default router setup

Local Router Setup


Default router name: router_A

Default router address:

Twin router Setup


Default router name: router_B

Default router address:
• Section 8.1.2. 'Add/Update' is used to add or modify router parameters.
netadmin allows to add, modify or delete a second router for the twin Communication Server
subnetwork. If no twin Communication Server has been configured, or when the twin
Communication Server is on the same subnetwork as the local Communication Server, only the
local subnetwork router can be modified.
8.1 Default router setup
1. View
2. Add/Update
3. Delete
0. Previous menu
What is your choice ? 2
Local router setup (default is router_A) ?
Default router address (default is ?
Twin router setup (default is router_B) ?

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Default router address (default is ?

• Section 8.1.3. 'Delete' is used to delete the default router.
When the Ethernet interface is isolated (see Isolate Ethernet Interface and TCP Accesses on page 95), the
default router is automatically added to the list of trusted hosts. Static Routes

Section 8.2. 'Static routes' is used to specify the static routes enabling the user to reach devices
which belong to a different PCX subnetwork and which are not accessible via the default router.
This solution is less flexible than the previous solution and requires management of destination
addresses: for machine or network IP addresses, you must give the associated address of the router
which will process the datagrams that are sent to it.
To specify a static route, the following parameters must be entered:
• The type of destination: h for a host (station) n for a net (network).
• Destination IP address or name and, in the case of a network: the destination IP address and the
• Router IP address or name used to access the destination address.
• IP address corresponding to the name of the router (if appropriate).
In a duplicated Communication Server configuration, when the two Communication Servers are not on
the same subnetwork, a second router in the twin Communication Server subnetwork must be
Static routes must be updated (deleted first, then new routes added) in a duplicated Communication
Server configuration, when any of the local or twin Communication Server is placed on a different
subnetwork. If the local and/or twin Communication Server remain on the same subnetwork, the existing
static routes remain valid.
If the Ethernet interface is isolated, the router declared for the static route must be manually added to the list of
trusted hosts (see Declaring a Device that Can Be Reached by Static Route as Trusted Host on page 99).
Section 8.2.1. 'View' is used to view the static routes configured.
In a duplicated Communication Server configuration, where the two Communication Servers are on
different subnetworks, information is displayed in one single table.
| Dest. address | Dest. name | Netmask | Gateway addr | Gateway name |
| | cb100s039 | | | clin5206 |
| on the twin cpu| | clin5305 |
| | cb100s025 | | | clin5206 |
on the twin cpu| | clin5305 |
| | cb100s004 | | | router-52 |
| on the twin cpu| | router-53 |

Section 8.2.2. 'Add/Update' is used to add or to modify the declaration of a static route.
8.2 Static routes
1. View
2. Add /Update
3. Delete
0. Previous menu
What is your choice ? 2
Static route setup

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Destination type ('h' for hosts, 'n' for network) ? h

Destination IP address (or name) ? nemesis
Internet address for this name (default is ?
Gateway's IP address (or name) ? router-supp
Internet address for this name (default is ?
Twin Gateway's IP address (or name) ? router-Twin2
Internet address for this name (default is ?

Section 8.2.3. 'Delete' is used to delete a static route. Dynamic Routing (RIP/RSL)

In a duplicated Communication Server configuration, where the two Communication Servers are on
different subnetworks, the dynamic routing submenu remains identical. RIP/RSL protocols exchange
information only when the two CPUs are on the same subnetwork. When the two Communication
Servers are on different subnetworks, GateD, which updates routing tables, is launched on the Main
Communication Server only. When they are on the same subnetwork, GateD is launched on the two
Communication Servers.

3.3.9 Host Names and Addresses

Menu 9.1. 'Host database update' is used to view and modify the /etc/hosts file, which contains the
host name, alias, IP address relations of network equipment (for example: 4760, Communication
Server, Voice Mail).
1.Host database update
0.Previous menu

It is recommended to modify the /etc/hosts file via Netadmin, since other system files are
simultaneously updated: thus, the user does not have to do this manually.
Viewing hosts (example): the main name appears in the second column, the aliases in the following
Host name or address (default is all): loopback xa004007 localhost subnetmask broadcastall eva xb004007 twincpu_eth twincpu_best pc118

Section 9.2. 'Aliases' is used to access the standard sections (view, add, modify, delete) for aliases.
Via this section, you can assign an alias to one of the devices belonging to the list of identified devices.
Alias | Host name | Host address
floch | PC118 |

3.3.10 Copy Setup

Section 10. 'Copy setup' is used to make:
1. A copy of the duplicated Communication Server to the Communication Server currently in service.
2. A copy of the Communication Server currently in service to the duplicated Communication Server.
1. Copy from twin CPU
2. Copy to twin CPU

In the second case, if the modifications have just been made on the Communication Server currently in
service, the copy will actually be made only after the modifications have been applied. The system
manages this condition and a dialog box ("you have made a modification, please apply") allows the

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user who wants to make a copy to apply the modifications made if this has not already been done.
Modifications are immediately applied on the Communication Server.
In the case of a copy from the duplicated Communication Server to the local Communication Server,
the configuration copied is applied only after the "Apply" command is run by the user. The user can
thus modify the configuration copied before applying it.
Before making a copy, check that:
• Duplication and role addressing are managed in the same way on both Communication Servers.
• netadmin is not running on the duplicated Communication Server at the time of the transfer.

3.3.11 Security
To access netadmin security menus, you must be connected to the console port with the "root" account.
Do not access these menus via telnet: the connection will be lost when isolation is activated.
Two examples of security management are described in the chapter on configuration in [14]. Isolate Ethernet Interface and TCP Accesses

Menu 11.1. 'Isolate Ethernet interface and TCP accesses' is used to enable/disable Ethernet
interface isolation as well as the TCP filtering applied on all network interfaces.
When isolation is enabled:
• Only the trusted stations declared in menu 2. 'Restricted Ethernet access' will be able to connect
to the Ethernet interface. For example, an IP address that is not listed as a trusted host cannot ping
the Communication Server (no IP route). In addition, trusted stations can only access the TCP
services allowed by their profile. Five profiles are offered: router, other applications, CPU, 4760
station, IP equipment/device, PC installer.
• For other, non-Ethernet interfaces, access to services subject to TCP filtering will be authorized
exclusively for machines declared in the "trusted" list of the “restricted accesses (except
Ethernet)" menu (this list is different from the "trusted" list in the "restricted Ethernet access"
menu). However, a machine that has not been declared in the list can connect, but services subject
to TCP filtering are barred.
Previous isolation (via the menu "Isolate Ethernet interface and TCP accesses") is required before:
• Adding stations to either of the "trusted' lists: restricted Ethernet access and restricted accesses
(except Ethernet)
• Up to R10,1, enabling SSH security.
As of R10.1.1, SSH security can be implemented without enabling Ethernet interface isolation.
Security operations must be performed on a console port and not in "telnet" as, in this case, the connection will be
cut off when the modification is applied.
Restricted access to the PCX is recommended when the PCX is integrated in a client's local network. Restricted Ethernet Access

Menu 11.2 'Restricted Ethernet access' is used to view, declare and modify the stations authorized to
connect to the Ethernet interface. Trusted hosts can be declared:
• Individually, by specifying, for each trusted host, its type, name and, if required, IP address, see
Add/Update a Trusted Host on page 97.

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• By IP address range: this is particularly useful for IP-Phones if certain address ranges are reserved
for them, see Add/Update a Range of Trusted Hosts on page 97.
• Indirectly, via the DHCP server: the addresses declared on the OmniPCX Enterprise DHCP server
are automatically copied to the trusted hosts, see the chapter on DHCP Server in [7].
• Automatically: the default router declared in menu 1. 'Installation' or 8. 'Routing' is automatically
added to the list of trusted hosts with a 'router' profile.
For addresses that do not belong to the same IP network/subnetwork as the Communication Server,
the router that allows them to be reached must be in the list of trusted hosts. If this is a different router
to the default router, it must therefore be declared.
11.2.Restricted access
1. 'View trusted hosts'
2. 'View associated services'
3. 'Add/Update a trusted host'
4. 'Add/Update a range of trusted hosts'
5. 'Update type of a trusted host'
6. 'Remove trusted hosts'
0. 'Previous menu' View Trusted Hosts
Menu 11.2.1 'View trusted hosts' is used to view:
• The stations authorized to connect (via the Ethernet link) that were declared individually.
• IP address ranges.
• The IP addresses free to be assigned, declared on the OmniPCX Enterprise DHCP server.
IP name | IP address | Gateway IP Name | Type of host
carteGD | | localhost | IP-equipment
ip55 | | localhost | IP-equipment
pabx56 | | localhost | CPU
pcconfig | | localhost | 47xx
<return> to continue.
Range of trusted hosts
First IP address | Last IP address | Gateway IP Name | Type of host
==================================================================== | | routeur | IP-equipment

WARNING : the following trusted hosts are DHCP addresses declared by MAO,
they cannot be modified by netadmin.
Range of trusted hosts
First IP address | Last IP address | Gateway IP Name | Type of host
==================================================================== | | localhost | IP-equipment | (null) | localhost | IP-equipment

In a duplicated Communication Server configuration, where the two Communication Servers are on
different subnetworks, information about twin Communication Server is also displayed.
IP name | IP address | Gateway IP Name | Type of host|
router-52 | | localhost | Router |
cb100s025 | | router-52 | CPU |
twin gateway | twindefaultrouter | |
cb100s004 | | router-52 | CPU |
twin gateway | twindefaultrouter | | View Associated Services
Menu 11.2.2 'View associated services' is used to view services according to each predefined profile:
• Basic represent available services whatever the security configuration
• SSH disabled indicates available services when SSH is disabled
• SSH enabled indicates available services when SSH is enabled

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Chapter 3 netadmin Add/Update a Trusted Host

Menu 11.2.3. 'Add/Update a trusted host' is used to declare and update an individual trusted host,
e.g. when a Communication Server is moved to another subnetwork, in case of a duplicated
Communication Server configuration. This is done as follows:
1. Select the type of station or equipment/device from the profiles offered:
Enter the type of the trusted host(s) :
1. Router, SIP gateway, other applications
2. CPU
3. 47xx (management machines)
4. IP equipments (IP-Phone, INTIPA/INTIPB, GD, LIOE...)
5. PC Installer
What is your choice ? 4

Select 0 for routers and all external applications that do not correspond the other available profiles
(PRS, OTUC, CC, VMU, and others)
Available services depend on trusted host type. For details of this available services, see [14].
2. Enter the name of the trusted host:
Trusted host's IP name ? pcinstall
3. If the name entered is not in the Communication Server hosts file (see Host Names and Addresses
on page 94), the IP address must be entered:
The name you gave isn't in our hosts database.
Do you want to add it and so give the corresponding address (y/n default is 'n') ? y
Trusted host's IP address ?
4. If the IP addresses belong to a different subnetwork than the Communication Server, the name of
the router allowing this subnetwork to be reached must be specified. From R5.1, the default router is
offered as router.
Gateway's IP name ? routeur
This router must be in the list of trusted hosts, otherwise it will fail to be declared.
5. In a duplicated Communication Server configuration, when the two Communication Servers are on
different subnetworks, a router for the twin Communication Server must be specified.
Updating a trusted host in a duplicated Communication Server configuration, where one Communication Server is
moved to another subnetwork
Enter the type of the trusted host(s) :
0. Router, SIP gateway, other applications
1. CPU
2. 47xx (management machines)
3. IP equipments (IP-Phone, INTIPA/INTIPB, GD, LIOE...)
4. PC Installer
What is your choice ? 1
Trusted host's IP name ? nemesis
Trusted host's IP address (default is
Gateway's IP name (default is router_A) ? router-supp
Internet address for this name (default is ?
Twin Gateway's IP name (default is router_B) ? router-Twin2
Internet address for this name (default is ? Add/Update a Range of Trusted Hosts
Menu 11.2.4 'Add/Update a range of trusted hosts' is used to declare an entire range of IP
addresses as trusted hosts. This may be useful for the IP-Phones if certain address ranges are
reserved for them.
They are declared as follows:
1. Select the type of station according to available profiles:
Enter the type of the trusted host(s) :
0. Router, SIP gateway, other applications
1. CPU

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2. 47xx (management machines)

3. IP equipments (IP-Phone, INTIPA/INTIPB, GD, LIOE...)
4. PC Installer
What is your choice ? 3

Select 0 for routers and all external applications that do not correspond the other available profiles
(PRS, OTUC, CC, VMU, and others)
2. Enter the first address in the range:
Enter the first address of the range ?
3. Enter the last address in the range:
Enter the last address of the range ?
4. If the IP address range belongs to a different subnetwork than the Communication Server, the name
of the router allowing this subnetwork to be reached must be specified.
Gateway's IP name ? routeur
This router must be in the list of trusted hosts, otherwise it will fail to be declared.
5. In a duplicated Communication Server configuration, when the two Communication Servers are on
different subnetworks, a router for the twin Communication Server must be specified.
Twin Gateway's IP name (default is router_B)? Update the Type of a Trusted Host

Section 11.2.4 'Update type of a trusted host' is used to modify the profile assigned to a trusted host. Remove Trusted Hosts
Section 11.2.5 'Remove trusted hosts' is used to delete a trusted host/range of trusted hosts from the
list. Restricted Accesses (Except Ethernet)

Menu 11.2 'Restricted accesses (except ethernet)' is used to view, declare, and modify the trusted
hosts authorized to access services via interfaces other than Ethernet. If TCP filtering is applied, a non-
declared machine can still access the PCX, but will not be able to use any of the services managed by
TCP filtering.
1. 'View trusted hosts'
2. 'View associated services'
3. 'Add a trusted host'
4. 'Update type of a trusted host'
5. 'Remove a trusted host'
0. 'Previous menu'
If a machine located in the Ethernet network attempts to connect to the Ethernet interface of the PCX while the
Ethernet interface is isolated, and if it not listed as "trusted" in the "Restricted Ethernet Access" menu, it will not be
able to connect, even if it is declared in the list of trusted hosts in the "Restricted Accesses (except Ethernet)"
Furthermore, it is prohibited to add to the list of machines authorized (to be trusted hosts) via the "Restricted
Accesses except Ethernet", stations declared via the "Restricted Ethernet Access" menu. This is because there
could be inconsistencies between the services authorized in each of the two sections. In this case, a service
authorized in one menu and not in the other one would finally be authorized. To prevent this occurring, a message
informs the user that, before adding a station to the list of stations authorized via the "Restricted Accesses except
Ethernet" menu, he should not include stations that were already declared in the list of "Restricted Ethernet
Access" stations.
Menu 11.3.1 'View trusted hosts' is used to view the list of stations authorized to connect to the PCX
other than by Ethernet and the TCP services for which they have rights.
IP name or address | Allowed services

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Chapter 3 netadmin | All | Shell Login | FTP Telnet

Menus 11.3.2 'View associated services', 11.3.3 'add a trusted host', 11.3.4 'update type of a
trusted host' and 11.3.5 'remove a trusted host' are identical to those in menu 11.2 'restricted
Ethernet access'. A range of IP addresses cannot be declared. However, menu 2 'add a trusted host'
allows a set of addresses to be declared by entering an incomplete address ending with a period in
“x.y.z.” format. Declaring a Device that Can Be Reached by Static Route as Trusted Host
Perform the following steps in the sequence shown:
1. Declare the router for the static route in menu 8.2. 'Static routes'.
2. Declare the router in menu 11.2 'Restricted Ethernet access'.
3. Declare the device to be reached in menu 11.3 'Restricted accesses (Except Ethernet)'. Chap Configuration

1. View
2. Add/Update
3. Delete
0. Previous menu

• Section 11.4.1 "view" is used to view the users authorized to connect via the PPP serial link and
their corresponding password.
A password (maximum length 100 characters) must be associated with each user name.
Client name | Secret
DUPOND | lundi
MARTIN | mardi
• Section 11.4.2 "Add/Update" is used to add users to the list.
The questions asked are:
Enter a client name ?

Enter authorized client ID.

Enter the secret ?

Enter the password.

• Section 11.4.3 "Delete" is used to delete users from the list. ICMP Redirect Configuration

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is part of IP protocol. Its main function is to signal datagram processing
errors to the sender.
The ICMP redirect message is one of the ICMP messages. It is sent by a router to a network device to optimize its
route list when use of non optimum routes has been observed.
From R5.1, menu 11.5. 'ICMP redirect configuration' is used to disable application of redirection
messages by the Communication Server.
The ICMP redirect is currently ACCEPTED.
Do you want to reject ICMP redirect (y/n default is n) ? y

This option has been added due to routing problems being experienced on some systems.
Problem encountered: the Communication Server cannot reach certain remote devices (located on
another IP network).

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Chapter 3 netadmin

Analysis of the problem:

the traceroute @IP eqpt command shows incorrect routing (to an address other than that of the
default router).
Same comment for the route -n command: inaccessible addresses are with a router other than the
default router.
Cause of the problem: these routes have been modified following reception of ICMP redirect
messages. Setting option 11.5. 'ICMP redirect configuration' to "No" may resolve the problem. Low Dynamic Port Range Configuration

As from R6.0, low dynamic port range can be configured. This is used to reduce open ports in firewall
settings. The default range of ports is 10000-10499.
For more information, see the chapter on IP services and port numbers in [1]. The View Configuration Menu
Menu 11.6.1. 'View configuration' is used to view the range configured.
Low dynamic port range configuration

Lowest allowed port : 10000.

Highest allowed port : 10499.
Dynamic port range can also be viewed using menu 2. 'Show current configuration'. The Update Configuration Menu
Menu 11.6.2. 'Update configuration' is used to modify low dynamic port range. Minimum dynamic port
range is 128 ports.
Low dynamic ports range configuration.

Enter lowest allowed port (3000 <= port < 32639, default is 10000):: 10000

Enter highest allowed port (10128 < port <= 32767, default is 10499): 10359 SSH Configuration

From R6.0, menu 11.7. 'SSH configuration' is used to enable SSH encryption of exchanges.
Up to R10.1, before enabling SSH security, Ethernet interface isolation must be enabled and the trusted hosts
declared. See Isolate Ethernet Interface and TCP Accesses on page 95 and Restricted Ethernet Access on page
As of R10.1.1, SSH security can be implemented without enabling Ethernet interface isolation.
As of R10.1.1, SSH can be enabled without enabling trusted host security, that means remote machines can
connect to the Communication Server without being declared in the list of trusted hosts.
For more information on SSH, see [14]. HTTPS and SSL Configuration

As of R6.1, menu 8. 'SSL configuration' is used to generate and display new certificates and new
keys used by the SSL server. For more information on this menu, see the chapter on configuration in
[14]. Web Server Configuration

As of R6.1, menu 9. 'Web server configuration' is used to enable or disable web accesses. For more
information on this menu, see [14].

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Chapter 3 netadmin SYSLOG configuration

As of R6.2, the history of logins and UNIX commands performed by a user can be recorded on a
remote Syslog server.
The menu 10. SYSLOG configuration is used to define the host of the Syslog application. For more
information on this menu, see [14].

3.3.12 DHCP Configuration

Section 12 DHCP configuration is used to view the IP addresses assigned by the DHCP server. It is
also used to delete assigned leases. The server is configured using the PCX management tool, see the
chapter on DHCP Server in [7].

3.3.13 SNMP Configuration

As of R7.1, do not use section 13 SNMP configuration to perform the SNMP agent administration.
SNMP agent administration operation is carried out from the standard mgr or OmniVista 8770 tool. For
more information, see the chapter on SNMP Management in [13].
When you select section 13 SNMP configuration, a message states: "Please, use MGR for this

3.3.14 DNS configuration (optional)

As of R12.0, the menu 14. 'DNS configuration' allows to enter a DNS server IP address in the
Communication Server. This parameter is only used when the Communication Server registers to the
Cloud Connect Infrastructure (CCI) for license control. For more information on this menu, see the
chapter on Licenses in [1].
14. DNS Setup
1. 'View DNS configuration'
2. 'Create/Update DNS setup'
3. 'Delete DNS Details'
0. 'Previous menu'
What is your choice ?

If your choice is 1, the current DNS configuration is displayed:

DNS Configuration
Primary DNS Address:
Secondary DNS Address:

If your choice is 2, you can enter or modify DNS IP addresses:

Primary DNS address (default is
Secondary DNS address (default is

3.3.15 Proxy configuration (optional)

As of R12.0, the menu 15. 'Proxy configuration' allows to enter Proxy parameters in the
Communication Server. These parameters are only used when the Communication Server registers to
the Cloud Connect Infrastructure (CCI) for license control. For more information on this menu, see the
chapter on Licenses in [1].

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Chapter 3 netadmin

15.HTTP Proxy Menu

1. 'View HTTP Proxy Configuration'
2. 'Create/Update Configuration'
3. 'Delete HTTP Configuration'
0. 'Previous menu'
What is your choice ?

If your choice is 1, the current HTTP proxy configuration is displayed:

HTTP Proxy configuration
Host address :
Proxy user :
Proxy Port : 443

If your choice is 2, you can enter or modify the proxy parameters:

Host address?

Proxy Login? mylogin

Proxy password? xxxxxx

Proxy port (default is 443)? 8080

3.3.16 VLan Configuration

Section 16. 'VLan configuration' is used to assign a VLAN (Virtual LAN) number to the
Communication Server.
1. 'Show VLan Setup'
2. 'VLan feature'
0. 'Previous menu'

Select section 2. 'VLan feature'

Do you want to activate 802.1q frame tagging (y/n default is 'n') ? y
Enter the VLan ID to use (0-4094, default is 0):

If 0 is entered, the following question is asked:

Do you want to activate 802.1p/q non strict mode (y/n default is 'n')

The role of strict mode is presented in the table below:

Outgoing Frames Accepted Incoming Frames

Non Strict Mode Tagged with VLAN 0 • Tagged with VLAN 0

• Untagged frames

Strict Mode Tagged with VLAN 0 • Tagged with VLAN 0

The VLAN number must be specified in agreement with the client network administrator.
This VLAN number applies to the virtual INT-IP A boards in the hybrid shelf (19).
For GD and INT-IP B boards, the VLAN number is managed directly on the boards before start-up.
If 802.1q is used with a VLAN number equal to 0, ensure that the switches do not un-tag datagrams with a VLAN
equal to 0.
For more information on VLAN management, see the chapter on 802.1p/Q and VLAN in [7].

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Chapter 3 netadmin

3.3.17 Node Configuration

This menu appears as of R6.1. It manages node name and the name resolver feature.
17.Node Setup

1. 'Show Node Setup'

2. 'Update'
0. 'Previous menu' Show Node Setup

Section 17.1 'Show Node Setup' displays the current node name and indicates whether the internal
name resolver feature is activated.
Node configuration

node name : PCX52

internal name resolver activated : no Update Node Setup

Use section 17.2 'Update' to change the node name and activate (or disable) the node name resolver.
Enter node name (default node 001001) ? zeus
Do yo want to activate internal name resolver (y/n default is 'n') ? y

3.3.18 Ethernet Redundancy

As of R7.0, use section 18 'Ethernet redundancy' to configure Ethernet redundancy and load
Ethernet redundancy and load balancing can be activated on a Blade Center, an Appliance Server,
CS-2 and CS-3.
CPU8 supports Ethernet redundancy and load balancing when associated with a 10/100 BaseT card
plugged on the rear side of the backpanel.
Other crystal hardware CPUs and first generation common hardware CS boards do not support
Ethernet redundancy and load balancing.
18.Ethernet redundancy
1. 'Show current configuration'
2. 'Activate/Deactivate ethernet redundancy'
3. 'Activate/Deactivate ethernet load balancing'
0. 'Previous menu'
What is your choice ?
Ethernet redundancy and load balancing are mutually exclusive. Show Current Configuration

This menu displays the current configuration.
The system displays any of the following:
Neither ethernet redundancy nor load balancing are activated.
The ethernet redundancy is currently ACTIVATED.
The ethernet load balancing is currently ACTIVATED

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Chapter 3 netadmin Activate/Deactivate Ethernet Redundancy

Ethernet redundancy enables two Ethernet interfaces (for the same IP address): one is active, the
other is stand-by. The OmniPCX Enterprise system always checks the active interface. When the
active interface fails, the system switches to the standby interface which becomes active.
To activate Ethernet redundancy:
1. Ensure the telephone application is stopped to prevent any malfunction
2. In netadmin, select the 18.2. 'Activate/Deactivate ethernet redundancy' menu
The Ethernet redundancy status is displayed. You are prompted to modify this status:
The ethernet redundancy is currently DEACTIVATED.
Do you want to activate the ethernet redundancy (y/n default is 'n')
3. Enter the option of your choice
4. Apply modifications as detailed: :Apply Modifications on page 106 Activate/Deactivate Ethernet Load Balancing

Load balancing enables two active Ethernet interfaces (for the same IP address). The system shares
the load between these two interfaces.
Ethernet load balancing and Ethernet redundancy (see: Activate/Deactivate Ethernet Redundancy on page 104)
are mutually exclusive.
Menu 18.3. 'Activate/Deactivate ethernet load balancing' allows to activate or deactivate the
Ethernet load balancing feature on the OmniPCX Enterprise.
First a warning is displayed, then, the load balancing status is displayed, then the manager is prompted
to modify load balancing.
Example of Ethernet load balancing activation:
If you enable or disable the load balancing, the network will be lost
for few seconds with a possible Telephonic disturbing.
The ethernet load balancing is currently DEACTIVATED.
Do you want to activate the ethernet load balancing (y/n default is
'n') ?y

Any modification must be applied, see:Apply Modifications on page 106.

3.3.19 Cloud Connect

As of R12.0, the menu 19. 'Cloud Connect' allows to enter the CC-SUITE-ID in the Communication
Server if it is not present in the license file (*.SWK) and launch a registration (First Time Registration) to
the Cloud Connect Infrastructure (CCI) for license control. For more information on this menu, see the
chapter on Licenses in [1].
19.Cloud Connect Menu
1. 'CC-suite-ID'
2. 'Perform FTR'
3. 'View FTR Status'
4. 'PIN Code'
0. 'Previous menu'
What is your choice ?

If your choice is 1, information on CC-suite-ID is displayed:

CC-suite-ID is provided in license file.
The SUITE ID present in SWK file is 1496B-6F423-302A3-28C85

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Chapter 3 netadmin

If the license file (*.swk) does not include a CC-suite-ID, you can use the menu 1 to enter the
corresponding CC-suite-ID (for example: 1496B-6F423-302A3-28C85).
If your choice is 2, you can perform FTR to the CCI:
================== TERMS AND CONDITIONS ==================
I do accept ALE Cloud Connect Terms & Conditions
"( and
commit to inform my customer (y/n).y
Launching FTR ...
FTR Done Successfully
WARNING: Credentials to connect to CCI are not synchronized automatically with TWIN CPU.
Manual synchronization is mandatory for proper functioning of system when CPU changed
has been exited
FTR Details
FTR Status:Registered
Last FTR operation: Success

If your choice is 3, the FTR status is displayed:

FTR Details
FTR Status:Registered
Last FTR operation: Success

If your choice is 4, you can perform FTR with a PIN code, which completely resets Cloud Connect
configuration and parameters while the system is still running. This operation can only be performed if
the RTR and FTR services are running on the Communication Server.
Please enter the 6-digit pincode to perform FTR or press 'q' to exit 123456
Launching FTR ...
FTR Done Successfully
WARNING: Credentials to connect to CCI are not synchronized automatically with TWIN CPU.
Maunal Synchronization is mandatory for proper functioning of system when CPU Role is
ftrtool has been exited.
FTR Details
FTR Status: Registered
Last FTR operation: Success

3.3.20 History of Last Actions

20.History of last actions
1. Actions history
2. Restore previous saved state
0. Previous menu Actions History

Section 20.1 'Actions history' is used to view modifications made using the netadmin tool during the
current session and to return to the previous configuration.
The menus used during a netadmin session are recorded in a history (log) file. The information saved
in the file for the operation performed is:
• Date
• User login
• The time of each operation
• Any data entered via the keyboard

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Chapter 3 netadmin

NETADMIN new session started on by user mtcl

15:03:51 CPU redundancy
15:03:54 View
15:04:01 Delete y
15:04:13 Previous menu
15:04:19 Show current configuration

Opening a session results in the creation of a history file. In order to restrict the number of files created,
all management operations for all sessions opened on a given day are recorded in a single file. If a
sessions lasts for more than one day, a new file will not be created: all the operations that result from
the session will be recorded in a single, unique file. Restore Previous Saved State

Three previous netadmin sessions validated by "apply" are saved. Menu 20.2 'restore previous saved
state' is used to switch from the current configuration to one of the saved configurations.
The "flip/flop" option is then used to perform consecutive switchovers between the current configuration
and the last saved configuration.

3.3.21 Apply Modifications

Modifications made with netadmin are only taken into account after they have been applied.
The manager can apply modifications whenever he wants, using menu 21 'Apply modifications'.
When this entry is selected, a dialog box asks him to confirm his decision.
All unsaved modifications can be applied at any time and from any menu, by entering the letter "a".
If the user forgets to apply the modifications, a dialog prompts him to do so when he exits netadmin.

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4 Communication Server Stop/

Restart Procedure

4.1 Introduction
This module exclusively describes the deliberate stop/restart procedure of a Call Server for external
operations (maintenance, etc.).
the procedure does not take into account any interruption of a Call Server following a power failure, etc.
This procedure is somewhat different depending on the hardware configuration of the site, i.e.:
1. whether the Call Server is located on an Appliance Server (PC type server) or on a CS board,
2. and in this case, whether the CS board is applicative in the Media Gateway or is a controller in the S
Thus there are three variants:
• the Call Server is embedded on a CS board in a controller position in the S rack. In this case, refer
to Call Server embedded on a CS board in controller position on page 108,
• the Call Server is embedded on a CS board placed in an applicative position in the Media Gateway.
In this case, refer to Call Server embedded on a CS board in applicative position on page 111.
• the Call Server is embedded on an Appliance Server. In this case, refer to Call Server embedded on
an Appliance Server on page 114.
Some of these variants recommend to connect a system console to the CS board or to the Appliance
Server in order to implement them. For this purpose and before initiating any stop procedure of the Call
Server, refer to Connecting a system console on page 107.

4.2 Connecting a system console

The connection of a system console (VT100 or PC type) on a CS board or on an Appliance Server is
shown below:

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Chapter 4 Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

Connection onto RJ45 socket (CONFIG.)

on front face of CS board





CS Board

or Connection onto SUBD 9 socket pins

on rear face of Appliance Server

Internet Server platform

Appliance Server

System console
VT100 or PC (Hyper Terminal)

4.3 Call Server embedded on a CS board in controller position

4.3.1 Overview
This case occurs in particular in a duplicated system where the CS board containing the second Call
Server is in controller position in an S rack.

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Chapter 4 Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

S Rack

CS board concerned by the stop/restart procedure

Board in controller position

Media Gateway
(L Rack)



IP Link

The CS board is as shown below:

CS Board




On/Off button

The "CPU" LED indicates CS board operation

(see table below)

State LED CPU cadence (rate)

Startup in progress (undetermined role) Still ON

MAIN role 3 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF

STBY role 2 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF

A4645 seule 1 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF

Shutdown in progress 500ms ON / 500ms OFF

In halt (waiting for a character or a mains re- 500ms ON / 2s OFF


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Chapter 4 Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

4.3.2 CS board stop procedure Running the stop procedure
There are two ways of running a CS board stop procedure:
1. either by performing a remote operation from the system console. See By performing a remote
operation from the system console on page 110.
2. or by performing an immediate action on the CS board. See By performing an immediate action
on the CS board on page 110. By performing a remote operation from the system console

1. From the system console, log onto the mtcl account and type shutdown -h now. The -h option
stops the Call Server.
⇒ the board's “Power” LED remains lighted steady green.
⇒ the “CPU” LED flashes 500ms ON / 500ms OFF.
2. Wait until the following message is displayed on the system console's screen: Press any key
to reboot.
⇒ the board's “Power” LED still remains lighted steady green.
⇒ the “CPU” LED flashes 500ms ON / 2s OFF.
3. Press the on/off button of the board (set to off).
⇒ the board's “Power” LED switches to steady red.
4. (if necessary): Remove the cables connected to the front face of the board.
5. (if necessary): Unscrew the board and remove it from the rack.

pressing the on/off button before the Any key to reboot message is displayed (during step 2) has no
impact on the Call Server's stop procedure. By performing an immediate action on the CS board

Before initiating a CS board stop procedure, check the state of the Call Server. This state is
indicated by the "CPU" LED on the front face of the CS board.

State CPU LED rate

Main Role 1 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF
STBY Role 2 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF
A4645 alone 3 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF

If the Call Server's state is "Main", its interruption will trigger an automatic switch on the Call
Server to "Stand-by" (if this state is present). In this case, see the chapter on Communica-
tion Server duplication in document [1].

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Chapter 4 Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

1. Press the on/off button of the board (set to off).
⇒ the board's “Power” LED switches from steady green to flashing red.
⇒ the “CPU” LED flashes 500ms ON / 500ms OFF.
2. Wait until the following message is displayed on the system console's screen: Press any key
to reboot.
⇒ the “CPU” LED flashes 500ms ON / 2s OFF.
3. (if necessary): Remove the cables connected to the front face of the board.
4. (if necessary): Unscrew the board and remove it from the rack.

pressing the Call Server's on/off button during step 2 (before the Any key to reboot message is
displayed) has no impact on the Call Server's stop procedure.

4.3.3 Procedure for restarting the CS board

1. (if necessary): Install the CS board in controller position.
2. (if necessary): Place the cables back into their respective initial positions.
3. Press the board's on/off button.
⇒ an automatic restart of the Call Server is executed.
4. Let the entire system restart (to be monitored on the system console or by watching the "CPU"

4.4 Call Server embedded on a CS board in applicative position

4.4.1 Overview
This case occurs in particular in a classic system where the CS board containing the Call Server is in
applicative position in the Media Gateway.

Media Gateway
(L Rack)

GD GD board in controller position

CS board concerned by the stop/restart procedure
Board in applicative position
To the customer LAN

The CS board is as shown below:

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Chapter 4 Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

The "POWER" LED does not operate when

the CS board is in applicative position

CS Board




On/Off button

The "CPU" LED indicates CS board operation

(see table below)

State LED "CPU" cadence (rate)

Startup in progress (undetermined role) Still ON

MAIN role 3 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF

STBY role 2 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF

A4645 seule 1 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF

Shutdown in progress 500ms ON / 500ms OFF

In halt (waiting for a character or a mains re- 500ms ON / 2s OFF


4.4.2 CS board stop procedure Running the stop procedure
There are two ways of running a CS board stop procedure:
1. either by performing a remote operation from the system console. See By performing a remote
operation from the system console on page 112.
2. or by performing an immediate action on the CS board. See By performing an immediate action
on the CS board on page 113. By performing a remote operation from the system console

throughout the stop phase of the Call Server, take into account the fact that the "Power" LED remains off and that
only the "CPU" LED is significant.

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Chapter 4 Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

1. From the system console, log onto the mtcl account and type shutdown -h now. The -h option
stops the Call Server.
2. Wait until the following message is displayed on the system console's screen: Press any key
to reboot.
⇒ the “CPU” LED flashes 500ms ON / 500ms OFF.
3. Press the on/off button of the board (set to off).
4. (if necessary): Remove the cables connected to the front face of the board.
5. (if necessary): Unscrew the board and remove it from the rack.

pressing the on/off button before the Any key to reboot message is displayed (during step 2) has no
impact on the Call Server's stop procedure. By performing an immediate action on the CS board

A useful operation in the case of a duplicated system:

Before initiating a CS board stop procedure check the state of the Call Server. This state is
indicated by the "CPU" LED on the front face of the CS board.

State CPU LED rate

Main Role 1 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF
STBY Role 2 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF
A4645 alone 3 x (100ms ON / 200ms OFF) 600ms OFF

If the Call Server's state is "Main", its interruption will trigger an automatic switch on the Call
Server to "Stand-by" (if this state is present). In this case, see the chapter on Communica-
tion Server duplication in document [1].

1. Press the on/off button of the board (set to off).
⇒ the “CPU” LED flashes 500ms ON / 500ms OFF.
2. Wait until the following message is displayed on the system console's screen: Press any key
to reboot.
⇒ the “CPU” LED flashes 500ms ON / 2s OFF.
3. (if necessary): Remove the cables connected to the front face of the board.
4. (if necessary): Unscrew the board and remove it from the rack.

pressing the on/off button before the Any key to reboot message is displayed (during step 2) has no
impact on the Call Server's stop procedure.

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Chapter 4 Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

4.4.3 Procedure for restarting the CS board

1. (if necessary): Install the CS board into its initial position.
2. (if necessary): Place the cables back into their respective initial positions, including the system
console cable, as described in Connecting a system console on page 107.
3. Press the off/on button of the board (set to on).
⇒ an automatic restart of the Call Server is executed.
4. Let the entire system restart (to be monitored on the system console or by watching the "CPU"

4.5 Call Server embedded on an Appliance Server

4.5.1 Overview
This case occurs in particular in a classic system where an Appliance Server containing the Call Server
is linked to a Media Gateway containing a GD board in controller position.

Appliance Server

Internet Server platform

Media Gateway
(L Rack)



IP Link

4.5.2 Appliance Server stop procedure


• Check first that the system console is connected to the Appliance Server.
• All throughout the stop phase of the Call Server, take into account the fact that no LED signals the progress;
thus it is important to monitor the Call Server stop procedure from the system console.

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Chapter 4 Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure

1. From the system console, log onto the mtcl account and type shutdown -h now. The -h option
stops the Call Server.
2. Wait until the following message is displayed on the system console's screen: Any key to
3. Press the off/on button of the Appliance Server (set to off).
4. (if necessary): Remove the cables connected to the Appliance Server.
5. (if necessary): Unscrew the Appliance Server, then remove it from the rack.

4.5.3 Appliance Server restart procedure

1. (if necessary): Re-install the Appliance Server in its initial position in the rack.
2. (if necessary): Install the cables back into their respective initial positions, including the system
console cable, as described in Connecting a system console on page 107.
3. Press the on/off button of the Appliance Server (set to on).
4. Let the system restart completely (to be monitored on the system console).

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5 Swinst

5.1 Detailed description

5.1.1 Overview
This documentation is valid for Linux environments only.
The Facilities menu (more commonly referred to as "swinst", from the session identifier name) is used
• Install or update:
• OS files on the OmniPCX Enterprise from an external disk. These files may be a complete Linux
release, packages or a patch.
• Binary files (constituting the telephone application).
• Duplicate a Communication Server (to compensate for any failure of the main system
Communication Server).
• Back up and restore:
• OmniPCX Enterprise data.
• ACTIS files.
• Access system management.
• Perform database operations (create, translate, delete).
Two different menus may be used, according to needs:
• The "Easy" menu (covered in the documentation dealing with installation via the Wizard).
• The "Expert" menu (described below).
Communication Server hard disk structure is described in the Standard Communication Server
installation - Software Installation Overview.

5.2 Operation
Access and Navigation
On a PC connected to the Communication Server by V24 or IP link, open a session (log on) using the
mtcl account, then enter "swinst", before entering the required password.


Main menu Installation FACILITIES 2.24.0
1 Easy menu
2 Expert menu
Q Exit
Your choice [1..2, Q] ?

Navigation is performed using the keyboard. The desired option is accessed by pressing the keys
shown on screen.

When swinst asks a question, there is no timer for automatic selection of the default option.
When swinst indicates that an item is selected by default, it is not necessary to enter the item.
To stop a current process (scrolling of a file list for example) press Q.


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Chapter 5 Swinst

Expert menu Installation FACILITIES 2.24.0

1 Packages installation
2 Deliveries installation
3 Cloning & duplicate operations
4 Backup & restore operations
5 OPS configuration
6 System management
7 Database tools
8 Software identity display
9 Remote download
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..9, Q] ?

5.2.1 Packages Installation

Select option 1 Packages installation.

1 Install package from server

2 Display package
3 Install Linux patch from server
4 Install Linux on inactive version from server
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..4, Q] ?

Option 1 Install package from server is reserved for ALE International (as is option 3
Install Linux patch from server).
Option 2 Display package is used to check installation of a specific file.
Enter the name of the package (return for all) -> swinst
Name : swinst Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version : 2.24.0 Vendor : Alcatel-Lucent
Release : 3oxe Build Date: Wed Jan 30
07:02:39 2008
Install date: Mon Apr 28 10:22:26 2008 Build Host: csbu064
Group : Applications/System Source RPM: swinst-2.50.0-3oxe.src.rpm
Size : 805829 License: Alcatel-Lucent
Packager :
Summary : The SoftWare INSTallation package for Alcatel-Lucent
OmniPCX Enterprise
Description : Swinst package is mainly intended for delivery installation, backup
of databases and system maintenance.

5.2.2 Deliveries Installation

Select option 2 Deliveries installation.
Installation is on the inactive or active version as desired.

1 Install delivery from server

2 About last install deliveries operations
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..2, Q] ?

Select option 1 Install delivery from server, before entering the address (or name) of the
server and confirming the installation request.
For server name to be recognized, it must have been previously configured in netadmin.
This operation may take some time.
For installation on the active version, the tool offers to "back up" the system, i.e. make a copy of the
binary files used before the installation operation. The resulting backup files can be restored via the
Restore operations menu.

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Chapter 5 Swinst

Option 2 About last install deliveries operations gives details about the:
• Last installation of a dynamic patch
• Last installation of a static patch
• Last full installation delivery

5.2.3 Cloning & Duplicate Operations

Select option 3 Cloning & duplicate operations.
Cloning & duplicate operations menu:
1 CPU cloning
2 Partitions duplication
3 Switch on inactive version
4 Postponed switch on inactive version
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..4, Q] ? CPU Cloning

See section on Communication Server duplication in document [1] Partitions Duplication

Select option 3 Cloning & duplicate operations, then option 2 Partitions
Then select the desired option(s).
To duplicate all data, select option 5 Duplicate all. This operation may take some time.
1 Duplicate Linux, packages and Linux data
2 Duplicate Linux data
3 Duplicate delivery
4 Duplicate database
5 Duplicate all
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..5, Q] ?
Confirm the duplication of Linux, packages and Linux data (y/n, default y): y
Duplicating Linux and packages
Clean the second Linux version. Confirm (y/n, default is y):
Second version cleaned

(list of files)
Linux and packages are duplicated
Duplicating the network configuration
Duplicate the network configuration in the second Linux version.
Confirm (y/n, default is y):(N4G-apply):
The network configuration is duplicated
Duplicating the Linux data
Building list of files...
Deleting the old files on inactive version...
Duplicating data on inactive version...

(list of files)
The Linux data are duplicated
Duplicating the timezone
Updating timezone ...
The timezone is duplicated
Press return Switching on Inactive Version

This feature allows to switch on the second partition by rebooting the CPU.

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Chapter 5 Swinst

This operation can be performed with the telephone running.
When the switch has been performed, you must log on again with the swinst account before restarting the
Select option 3 Cloning & duplicate operations, then option 3 Switch on inactive
The operator must confirm the operation:
Please confirm switching on the inactive version (y/n, default y)

If no Linux has been installed on the "inactive" version, the operation stops. If a telephone application is
installed on the active and "inactive" version, the tool displays the current status of autostart mode:
Before the switch autostart mode is :
Autostart is [not] set

The operator can duplicate this autostart mode on the "inactive" version:
Do you want to keep this autostart mode after switching (y/n, default
Autostart is [not] set on inactive version

When the system is running on the new version and a shutdown occurs before a specified delay, the
system can reboot on the same version or go back to the previous one:
Do you want to switch back to the previous version if system resets
(y/n, default n): y
Enter the delay (1..7 days, q to quit): 1

A final confirmation is required before the CPU reboots:

Do a version switch. Confirm (y/n, default y): Postponed Switch on Inactive Version

Postponed switch menu
No postponed switch has been registered
1 Set a postponed switch
2 Cancel a postponed switch
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..2 Q]

This feature allows the operator to register a switch at an appointed time in the next 24 hours. The
operator can register a switch, check if a switch is registered or discard a registered switch.
The Linux data and database are automatically duplicated just before the switch.

5.2.4 Backup and Restore Operations

Select option 4 Backup and restore operations.
Backups can be performed on the Communication Server hard disk or another Communication Server
(network), using the swinst account. They can also be performed via the swinst Easy menu (see the
Installation Wizard documentation) or the OmniVista 8770 application.
1 Immediate backup operations
2 Periodic backup operations
3 Restore operations
Q Go back to previous menu Immediate Backup Operations

Select option 1 Immediate backup operations.

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Chapter 5 Swinst

1 Immediate backup on cpu disk

2 Immediate backup on network
3 About last backup
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..3, Q] ? Immediate Backup on CPU Disk
This option performs an immediate backup of the local CPU. Backup files are saved to /usr4/
A submenu is displayed to select the data to backup.
Immediate backup on network Installation FACILITIES 2.38.0

1 Backup mao, voice guides and accounting data

2 Backup mao data
3 Backup accounting data
4 Backup voice guides
5 Backup mao data for rebuild
6 Backup traffic history
7 Backup Acd config & statistic files
8 Backup 4645 data
9 Backup 4645 data without messages
10 Backup 4635 data
11 Backup Linux (Unix) site specific data
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choices [1..11, Q] ?
One choice per line and just press "return" to end the selection
your choice ==>

Option 1 Backup mao, voice guides and accounting data triggers mao, voice guide and
accounting backup (mao, vg and acc files)
Dynamic voice messages are automatically backed up, the tool also offers to back up specific voice messages
(custom directory). However, generic and standard voice messages (available on the voice guide CD-ROM) are
not backed up.
Option 3 Backup accounting data, triggers an accounting data backup operation (acc file).
Option 6 Backup traffic history, triggers a traffic analysis backup operation (obstraf file).
Option 7 Backup Acd config & statistic data, triggers a traffic analysis backup operation
(acd file).
Option 8 Backup 4645 data, triggers a 4645 voice mail data backup operation - messages,
mailboxes and greetings (eva-msg file).
Option 9 Backup 4645 data without messages, triggers a 4645 voice mail data backup
operation - except for received messages - (eva file).
Option 11 Backup linux ( unix ) site specifics data, triggers a backup operation of the
cho-dat file (system-specific Linux data).
OPS file backup operations are managed from option: OPS Configuration on page 124. Immediate Backup on Network
Select the data to backup (see: Immediate Backup on CPU Disk on page 120).
Enter the name of the remote Communication Server.
If this name is not declared in the Communication Server host file, enter the IP address of the remote
Communication Server.
When a "backup on network" has been saved, for any new backup of this type, the application offers
the last used address as the default setting.

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Chapter 5 Swinst

Backup on network
your choice ==> 3
Name of remote host (default ->
Name of user on (default swinst) ->
Name of remote file (full path) -> /usr4/BACKUP/save2604
your choice ==>
Starting immediate backup on network
Building list of files...
Stopping the none process...
Backing up of obstraf files...

(list of backup files)

352+0 records in
352+0 records out
Backup completed
* The backup operation for traffic history, all files
* are completed
Press return About Last Backup
This option gives details (date, time, files saved) of the last backup performed. Periodic Backup Operations

This type of backup can only be performed in "local" mode.
It is based on a calendar type mechanism (DAY, DAY-1, DAY-2, ... DAY-6, WEEK-1, WEEK-2, WEEK-3,
When swinst is first installed, daily backup to the hard disk is automatically enabled at a time set by the
system. The user is informed of this by the message:
A daily backup will be executed on cpu disk at 5 hour 45 mn.
If periodic backup is programmed, the user is informed of this by the message:
A periodic backup is already registered.
Reactivating daily backup resets the calendar mechanism but previous backups are not deleted.
Periodic backup directories are saved in directories of type /usr4/BACKUP/DAY DAY-1 etc. The
directories used to store immediate backups are in /usr4/BACKUP/IMMED.

Accessing periodic backups
A periodic backup is registered
1 Periodic backup on cpu disk
2 Cancel periodic backup operation
3 List periodic operations
4 About last backup
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..4, Q] ? Periodic Backup on CPU Disk
This option performs periodic backups of the local OmniPCX Enterprise on the local disk.
Select the data to backup and the time for backup operations.
Space used on cpu disk: 3%
1 Backup mao data for rebuild and
Backup Linux (Unix) site specific data
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choices [1..1, Q] ?

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Chapter 5 Swinst

One choice per line and just press "return" to end the selection
your choice ==>1
your choice ==>
Computing the best time for the backup operation (between 0-6 AM)...
The time proposed by the system is 5 hour 45 min
Do you agree with it (y/n, default y): n
At which time do you want to execute the save operation ?
1 - Hours ( between 0-23 ) : 1
2 - Minutes ( between 0-59 ) : 0
* Your request is registered
Press return Canceling Periodic Backup
This option cancels periodic backup operation.
* Your periodic backup is canceled
Press return List Periodic Backup Operations
This option displays information on periodic backups.
Hour : 5 Minute : 45
Day of the month : all
Month of the year : all
Day of the week (0=Sunday) : all
executed command : /DHS3bin/soft_install/bin/bck -save 1>/dev/null 2>&1
Backup of "Linux data" performed on "cpu disk"
Backup of "MAO data only" performed on "cpu disk"
Press return About Last Backup
This option gives details on the last backup operation (whether immediate or periodic).
* Last backup operation
For client : For CPU : oxe
backup of Linux-data
for Linux data
data version : F1.600
in date of Wed Jun 16 15:13:54 CEST 2004
local cpu : oxe
twin cpu : unknown
Periodic backup performed on cpu disk
Pre backup operation
Building list of files...
Stopping the none process...

(list of files)
Backup completed
Post backup operation
End of backup operation
This option can also be accessed from the previous menu.

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Chapter 5 Swinst Restore Operations

Any restore operation is performed on the active part of the hard disk and must be performed with the
telephone shut down (see the swinst Easy menu for details on how to shut down the telephone).
Select option 3 Restore operations.
Restore operation menu Installation FACILITIES 3.16.0
1 Restore from cpu disk
2 Restore from network
3 Clean IMMEDIATE backups on cpu disk
4 About last restoring
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..4, Q] ?

Depending on the backup operations performed, select a restore operation from the network or the
local hard disk. Restore from CPU Disk
The available backups are displayed.
Space used on cpu disk: 3%
1 Restore from IMMEDIATE backup
2 Restore from FEB 18 backup
3 Restore from FEB 17 backup
4 Restore from FEB 16 backup
5 Restore from FEB 15 backup
6 Restore from FEB 14 backup
7 Restore from FEB 13 backup
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..7, Q] ?

Select the backup to be restored from the list of dates shown.

Then select the data to be restored.
Space used on cpu disk: 3%
1 Restore mao data for rebuild
2 Restore Linux ( Unix ) site specific data
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..2, Q] ? 2
You are going to restore linux-data from cpu disk
# For client : For CPU : oxe
# for Linux data
# in date of Wed Feb 18 05:45:12 CET 2003
# data version 13.0
Confirm your action (y/n, default y): y
After a software upgrade to release 12.0, it is prohibited to perform Restore MAO data for rebuild
operation for any database from a release prior to R12.0, due to binary incompatibility. Restore from Network
If a "backup on network" operation has already been performed, keep or modify the default data
If secure restore is requested by the administrator, the previous files are backed up and the system
automatically offers to clean (purge) the backup when the procedure is complete.
Name of remote host (default 192. 168.4.52) ->
Name of user on (default swinst) ->
Name of remote file (full path) -> /usr4/BACKUP/save2604
You are going to restore obstraf from network
# For client : For CPU : oxe
# for traffic history
# in date of Mon Feb 17 11:00:05 CET 2003
# data version no-version
confirm your action (y/n, default y):

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Chapter 5 Swinst

Do you wish to secure the restoration (y/n): y

Checking disk space ...
Wait the system is backing up old files ...

(list of files)
Archive of old files is created
Restoring data...

Display of the security configuration (in reversed video):

For example:
Security configuration:
[+] Aging password configured for some account.
[+] The internet accesses to the PABX are currently
[+] Trusted host(s) declared on your system.
[+] TCP WRAPPER activated for configured trusted
[-] The SSH security is currently NOT set.

(list of files)
Restoration completed
End of restoring data
Do you wish to clean up the archive : get rid of old files (y/n): y
* The restore operation for traffic history, all files
* is completed
Press return Clean Immediate Backups on CPU Disk
Select the data to be cleaned.
Clean IMMEDIATE backups Installation FACILITIES 2.36.0

Space used on CPU disk: 24%

1. Clean mao, voice guides and accounting data

2. Clean Linux (UNIX) site specific data
Q Go back to previous menu

Your choice [1..2, Q] ?

The selected data is deleted.

Periodic daily archives are never displayed because they cannot be deleted.

5.2.5 OPS Configuration

This option allows to display and manage OPS files.
For more information, refer to the Licenses section of the document [1].

5.2.6 System Management

Select option 6 System management.
System management menu Installation FACILITIES 3.16.0
1 Date & time update
2 Autostart management
3 Shutdown powerfail delay (Current Value : 1 h 30 m )
4 Console configuration
5 User's accounts management
6 IMAP server management
7 Enable USB key
Q Go back to previous menu

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Chapter 5 Swinst Date & Time Update

Select option 1 Date & time update.
The exact time can be obtained from a reference clock then used to synchronize all system OmniPCXs
via NTP (Network Time Protocol).
The difference between summer and winter time (when appropriate) is automatically managed by the
system depending on OmniPCX installation country.
This time change is automatically performed on the duplicated Communication Server (if there is one).
The date is MAR 24, 2003 and the time is 11:21:05 (11:21:05 AM)
The timezone is Europe/Paris
1 Set date & time
2 Set timezone
3 NTP server management
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..3, Q] ? Set Date and Time
Select option 1 Set date & time.
Enter the year (default is 2003) : 2002
Enter the month (01..12, default is 03) : 03
Enter the day (01..31, default is 24) : 29
Enter the hour (00..23, default is 04) : 18
Enter the minutes (00..59, default is 21) : 39
The date & time have been set on your CPU
Press return Set Timezone
This option allows CCx type applications to manage calls according to the timezone of the parties to be
called. The timezone selected is saved as being that of the OmniPCX Enterprise.
Select option 2 Set timezone.

timeconfig 3.0.2 - (C) 1999 Red Hat Software

ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Configure Timezones ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
³ ³
³ Format machine time is stored in: ³
³ ³
³ [*] Hardware clock set to GMT ³
³ ³
³ Europe/Malta ² ³
³ Europe/Minsk ² ³
³ Europe/Monaco ² ³
³ Europe/Moscow ² ³
³ Europe/Oslo ² ³
³ Europe/Paris # ³
³ ³
³ ³ Ok ³ ³ Cancel ³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
<Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements | <Space> selects | <F12> next screen

In the above example, OmniPCX timezone is shown by the # symbol.

As shown on the screen, use the Tab and Alt keys to select another timezone. Confirm your selection
with the space bar.
The scroll arrows and alphabetic keys on the keyboard are used to navigate through the list. When selection has
been made, swinst requests confirmation.

After setting a new timezone , YOU HAVE TO REBOOT THE SYSTEM

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Chapter 5 Swinst

Do you really want to set timezone to: GB (y/n, default y): n

If you make a mistake, enter n (for no) before pressing the "Return" key. NTP server management
The NTP server allows to synchronize time with a reference clock. For more information on NTP
configuration, see Configuration procedure section on Network Time Protocol (NTP) in document [7]. Autostart Management

Select option 2 Autostart management.
After a shutdown or power failure, the telephone has to be started manually if "autostart" is not selected:
• either with the RUNTEL command,
• or via the swinst Easy menu (option 8, "Start the telephone").

If autostart is enabled (set to "Yes") then, in the case of a duplicated Communication Server, it is also set to "Yes"
(automatically) on the Stand-by Communication Server. However if set to "No" on the Main Communication Server,
it has to be manually disabled on the Stand-by Communication Server.

Autostart is not set

1 Set autostart
2 Unset autostart
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..2, Q] ? 1
Autostart is set Shutdown Powerfail Delay

Select option 3 Shutdown powerfail delay (Current value : 0h 0m).
This is the delay between mains power supply failure and the beginning of system shutdown. This
delay is used when the Communication Server is hosted in:
• Communication Server board located in an S or L rack with internal batteries
• Appliance Server connected to the UPS with a serial V24 port
Enter the hours (default is 0) : 0
Enter the minutes (default is 0) : 2
Please confirm the shutdown delay 0 h 2 m (y/n, default y): y

If you want to correct the delay, enter n (for "No") and repeat the actions.
For more information on Communication Server startup and shutdown, see the Communication Server
Stop/Restart Procedure on page 107. Console Configuration

Select option 4 Console configuration.
This operation allows the configuration of the console communication port. The available options are
displayed and include a "help" option to assist in the configuration.
Enter the console mode (direct,modem,ppp,ups,?)

• direct: the link between the CPU and the console is a simple V24 cable.
• modem: the console is far away from the CPU, the serial link is transmitted via a commutated line
with modem. Kernel messages are transmitted to the console.
• ppp: instead of character, the modem line, linked to the console with a modem, transmits data
packets. Kernel messages are not transmitted to the console.
• ups: the serial port is used to drive an UPS system.
• ?: provides help about the configuration.

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Chapter 5 Swinst

Confirm your modification (y/n, default y):

Apply modifications immediatly ? [Yes|No]:

Communication Server Stop/Restart Procedure on page 107

The new configuration can be taken into account immediately or at next reboot. UPS Configuration

As of R6.1, this option allows the configuration of the UPS monitoring process.
For more information, see: Appliance Server - Detailed description - Uninterruptable Power Supply
(UPS). Access
Select option 5 UPS configuration.

UPS configuration menu Installation FACILITIES 2.24.0

UPS is stopped (1)

1 Start UPS on USB

2 Stop UPS
3 UPS status
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..3, Q] ?

(1) This line gives the main UPS status: start or stop. Start UPS on USB
This option starts a UPS monitoring process via a USB port.
The UPS device must allow USB connections. For UPS configuration, see the UPS manufacturer
To take into account this new configuration (port COM to port USB), reboot the Communication Server and
the UPS:
1. Stop the Appliance Server
2. Stop UPS with the front panel ON/OFF button
3. Disconnect the UPS from the mains supply
4. Wait for the fan to stop
5. Connect the UPS to the mains supply
6. Restart the UPS with the front panel ON/OFF button
7. Restart the Appliance Server Stop UPS
This option stops the UPS monitoring process. UPS Status
This option checks the connection between the Appliance Server and UPS and details UPS status.
battery.charge: 100 (1)
battery.runtime: 13524 (2)
battery.voltage: 2.3 (3) hidups (4)
driver.parameter.port: /dev/usb/hiddev0 (5)
driver.version: 2.0.0 (6)
ups.load: 14 (7)
ups.model: EXtreme (9)

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Chapter 5 Swinst

ups.serial: 884E06029 (10)

ups.status: OL (11)

Press return

1. Displays batteries charge (in percentage)

2. Batteries autonomy according to batteries level and electric load (in seconds)
3. Batteries voltage (in volts)
4. Reserved for ALE International
5. Reserved for ALE International
6. Reserved for ALE International
7. Reserved for ALE International
8. Reserved for ALE International
9. Reserved for ALE International
10.Reserved for ALE International
11.UPS status:
• OL : On Line (mains supply)
• OB: On Batteries User's Accounts Management

This swinst menu allows to configure user authentications.
Select option 6 User's accounts management.
This opens a sub-menu with the following options:
1 Change account password
2 Change account aging password
3 Set maximum authentication attempts
4 Configure RADIUS authentication
5 Create the 'client' account
6 Remove the 'client' account
Q Go back to previous menu
1. This option allows to modify the password of a specified account. The following instructions are
Current password check rules :
- password string must have a minimum of 8 characters (can be lower/upper
case, numeric or punctuation). This rule doesn't concern accounts root and
swinst, but nevertheless a warning is displayed.
- new password must be different from the last three.
- at least fifty percent of characters of the new password must be
different from the previous one.
Enter a username : XXXX
Changing password for XXXX
(current) UNIX password :
New UNIX password :
Retype new UNIX password :
2. This option displays the current aging password status for every account available. It allows to
modify the maximum time during which to use a password for a specified account.
Current aging password status :
[root] – 100 days / last change 0 days ago, 100 days left
[swinst] – Not activated
[mtcl] - 200 days / last change 5 days ago, 195 days left
[adfexc] – Not activated
[client] – Not activated
Enter a username : XXXX

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Chapter 5 Swinst

How many days do you want to keep validate passwords (10<X<366,

0 for no aging)?
3. This option defines the number of authorized failed attempts when trying to login. When the number
of attempts is reached, an alarm (incident 3070) is sent to the administrator and the account is
locked for 15 seconds. The maximum number of attempts is common for all accounts.
How many failed authentication attempts allowed for login (0<x<100,
default 2)?

The default value is set to the current one.

4. This option opens the Radius configuration sub-menu:
1 View configured RADIUS servers
2 Add/Modify RADIUS server
3 Delete RADIUS server
4 View RADIUS users
5 Add/Modify RADIUS user
6 Delete RADIUS user
7 Enable/Disable RADIUS authentication
8 RADIUS authentication without local User
9 Local database authentication
10 Enable/Disable Export authentication to MGR
Q Go back to previous menu
a. View configured RADIUS servers: displays the configuration and the status of the
previously defined Radius servers. For security reasons, the shared secret is not displayed.
b. Add/Modify RADIUS server: allows to create or modify a Radius server. Up to 2 Radius
servers can be defined to ensure redundancy in case of failure. The first Radius server declared
is called the primary Radius server, the second server is called the secondary Radius server.
The secondary Radius server is used only when the primary Radius server is not reachable.
In order to define Radius servers, the following menus are displayed:
Enter the name or the IP address of the RADIUS server:
When a name is used, the Radius server must be declared previously in the host database,
using the netadmin tool (see: netadmin - Operation - Host Names and Addresses).
If the defined server is already known as a Radius server, it can be modified, if not the Radius
server can be created.
Enter the destination port (default is 1812):
Enter the shared secret:
Enter the timeout value in second (default is 3):
The destination port is the port number used by Radius requests sent to the Radius server.
Destination port = 1812 is the standard value.
The shared secret is shared between the Communication Server and Radius server. The
shared secret acts as a key for encryption of the Radius requests. The shared secret must be
identical on the Radius server and Communication Server. It does not exceed 64 characters.

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Chapter 5 Swinst

Prior to R11.2, the minimum length for shared secret was 8 characters. As of R11.2, the minimum length for
shared secret is changed to 4 characters. If users prefer a shared secret with length less than 8 characters,
a warning message is displayed:
Less than 8 characters for shared secret is not compliant with security
standards. Manufacturer disclaims all liabilities in case of misuses
due to low level of security. Do you really want to continue? (y/n,
default y): y
If users accept the warning message, the shared secret is accepted.
The timeout feature checks responses to the Radius requests. When the timer expires, the
Radius server is declared not reachable.
If the server is being modified, the default value is set to the current one. The current value of the
shared secret is not displayed for security reasons. The shared secret must be entered each
time a modification is performed.
c. Delete RADIUS server : allows to delete a Radius server.
d. View RADIUS users: displays the corporate login list
Login: john Account: mtcl
Login: william Account: root
Press return

In this example, user john can open a session with mtcl rights.
e. Add/Modify RADIUS user: allows to create or modify a corporate login
Enter the RADIUS user (eg: Peter SMITH): tom
Enter the system user (root, swinst, mtcl, adfexc, client): mtcl

In this example user tom is created with mtcl rights.

User logins are recorded in the /etc/passwd file. In duplicated Communication Server
configurations, this file is copied on the twin Communication Server when activating the copy
linux data menu from the swinst tool.
f. Delete RADIUS user: allows to delete a corporate login
g. Enable/Disable RADIUS authentication: allows to enable or disable Radius
authentication. When trying to enable authentication, the system checks the defined Radius
server(s). In case of no answer, the Radius authentication cannot be enabled. The following
message is displayed:
WARNING: No RADIUS server configured! Cannot enable RADIUS
h. RADIUS authentication without local User allows to authorize the login of users not
declared on the Communication Server.
If the RADIUS authentication without local User option is enabled and:
• There is no corresponding local user in the Communication Server for this particular
corporate user, the final identity of the corporate user is mtcl
• A local user is present with different a permission (UID) in the Communication Server, the
session opens with the corresponding permission.
If the RADIUS authentication without local User option is disabled, all corporate users must
be declared on the Communication Server using the Add/Modify RADIUS user menu
i. Local database authentication. The local database authentication is used when no
Radius server is reachable. The following submenu is displayed:

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Chapter 5 Swinst

Note : If primary and secondary RADIUS servers are unreachable for any
reason, it can be allowed to the administrator to access the system and
modify the configuration if this is the origin of the problem. Default
behavior is to forbid local database authentication.

Current configuration : Local database authentication from any

connection (console and IP)
1 No local database authentication
2 Local database authentication only from console port
3 Local database authentication from any connection (console and IP)
Q Go back to previous menu
No local database authentication: local authentication is not allowed.
Local database authentication only from console port: local authentication is allowed on the
system console only. In this case, authentication is performed according to the security policy
defined in the local database.
Local database authentication from any connection (console and IP): local authentication is
allowed for local and remote users.
j. Enable/Disable Export authentication to MGR: allows to enable or disable the
Access control to mgr feature. For more details on Access control to mgr, see section on
Access control to management in document [14].
5. This option allows to create a “client” account, which contains a single maintenance menu. A
password is requested.
6. This option allows to delete the “client” account created previously.
For more information on security, see section on Access to Communication Server user accounts -
User authentication in document [14] IMAP Server Management

Select option 7 IMAP server management.
See Configuration procedure in IMAP service section from document [8].

5.2.7 Database Tools

Some operations on the database must be performed with the telephone shut down. If an operation is
not allowed, it is not performed and a warning message is displayed.
Select option 7 Database tools. Database Translation

Translation consists in making data file format comply with a new software version (release). It is
automatically performed when the Communication Server reboots after a new release has been
Select option 1 Database translation. Creating an Empty Database

Select option 2 Create an empty database.
This operation overwrites the existing database and the lock files. It can only be performed with the
telephone shut down.

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Chapter 5 Swinst

Creation of a new database may take some time.
Restart the Communication Server after this operation (and before restarting the telephone). Remove Database

At installation, the existing database is automatically overwritten and replaced by the new database.

Select option 3 Remove database. Acd Stat File Translation

Select option 4 Acd stat file translation.

5.2.8 Software Identity Display

This feature allows specific details on the operating system, software release and patch and binary
releases (versions) to be obtained. It also allows all known data on a specific component to be viewed.
Select option 8 Software identity display.
Then select the desired option.
Software identity display Installation FACILITIES 2.24.0
1 System release identity
2 Application software identity
3 Delivery status
4 Component status
5 System release validity checking
6 Application software validity checking
Q Go back to previous menu
Your choice [1..6, Q] ?

Option 1 System release identity gives the Linux version used by the system.
Option 2 Application software identity gives the telephone version used by the system.
Option 3 Delivery status gives the version of software firmware and modules.
Option 4 Component status gives the version of a module found by performing a search on a
Enter the component name : bios
bios_cpu5 from /twdhs3/col_int/ws/r_bios_cpu5_4.0_3BA20032ADAB01 delivered
in e2.400
bios_cpu5d from /twdhs3/col_int/ws/r_bios_cpu5_4.0_3BA20032ADAB01 delivered
in e2.400
bios_cpu6 from /twdhs3/col_int/ws/r_bios_cpu6_2.4_3BA24084AAAA04 delivered
in d1.305
bios_cpu6d from /twdhs3/col_int/ws/r_bios_cpu6_2.4_3BA24084AAAA04 delivered
in d1.305
new bios_cpu6s2 from /twdhs3/sxb_int/ws/r_bios_cpu6s2_3BA24095AAAB03_4.6
bios_cpu7 from /twdhs3/sxb_int/ws/r_bios_cpu7_3BA24115AAAA13_2.16 delivered
in f2.500
new ch_cpbios from /twdhs3/col_int/ws/r_f3.301

Press return

Option 5 System release validity checking checks package versions (no CRC check). Some
packages are only loaded on certain CPUs. The results of the command specify which packages are
not installed.
Option 6 Application software validity checking checks telephone version by size and

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Chapter 5 Swinst

This operation may take some time (a few minutes).
Although some files can be modified, neither binaries nor executables should be modified.
Your choice [1..6, Q] ? 6
Please wait ..
Checking mode : 1=size & sum 2=size only (default is 1) 1
Checking size and sum of all files , please wait ...
file modified (authorized) : /DHS3data/afe/params.cfg checksum is not correct :
The application software is correct
Press return

5.2.9 Remote Download

Select option 9 Remote download.
This operation is described in Detailed description on Remote Download/Installation in document [28]

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6 Management of Incidents and


6.1 Overview
6.1.1 Overview
The incident and alarm management service is activated at the OmniPCX Enterprise PCX startup.
The incident management service consists of:
• Collecting and saving a large number of incidents on the CPU hard drive,
• Displaying incidents on a screen or a printer,
• Reporting incidents to the RMA system,
• Transmitting incidents to one or more supervisors in the form of SNMP traps (see the Overview on
page 145),
• Centralizing incidents on a master node (when appropriate).
An alarm can be associated with an RMA operation or the ringing of an alarm station. One or more
analog sensors (dry contact type) can be connected to analog devices, thus allowing events external to
the PCX to be detected (for example, a fire).
The incident and alarm management service helps to perform a diagnosis and determine the actions
necessary to restore maximum OmniPCX Enterprise performance.
The following figure illustrates the incident and alarm management service.

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Z
Enterprise Communication
OmniPCX 4400
Process call, Internal devices
External alarms
CPL,... Z or UA Alarm set
CPU alarm relay management
RMA call Modem

Assign Alarm set Alarm relay

alert action system action

or V24 Remote system

A incidents terminal
System management (and/or printer)
Filter Filter Filter
terminal (and/or printer)

Transmission to other systems :

Alarm reports In case of network Remote

configuration : A47xx

X25 To master node A47xx

V24, Ethernet, ...

(Permanent connection)
Hard disk ISDN OmniPCX
T2 public
(Non-permanent connection) Enterprise
network Communication


Figure 6.1: Incident and alarm management block diagram

6.1.2 Incident identification

The following items identify the incident:
• incident date,
• incident time,
• source node number, made of 6 digits,
• CPU identity: main CPU, standby CPU, local CPU,
• crystal number,
• board position,
• US or other,
• equipment number,
• incident severity level,
• incident number,
• information text on the problem.
The following figure gives details on the displayed information of an incident that you can view on the
screen or print.

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

dd/mm/yy hh/mn/ss N M | c / pc / t / eqt| = s:nini = label

Information text
Incident number
Level of severity
Equipment number
US=1, other=0
Board position

Crystal number
M: incident from the main CPU
S: incident from the back-up CPU
I: incident from the local CPU, whose
function has not yet been detected.
N : number of the source node of the incident (on 6 digits)
Incident time (hh=hour, mn=minute, ss=second)

Incident date (dd=day, mm=month, yy=year)

Figure 6.2: Incident information

Incidents are classified by severity level from 0 to 5:

• 0: Indeterminate,
• 1 to 4: Severity level, level 1 being the most serious level and corresponding to a system reboot,
• 5: Cleared, to indicate that services previously out of service are operational again or that the test
result is positive.
If an incident occurs several times in 30 seconds, it is displayed again with the number of occurrences
in the information text field, as shown in the example below.

dd/mm/yy hh/mn/ss N M | c / pc / t / eqt | =s : nini x 004= label

The incident occurred 4 times

Figure 6.3: Incident occurrence information

6.1.3 Organization of incident files

An incident is generated when an anomaly occurs in the system.
Incidents are saved in rotating files in the /usr4/incid directory on the CPU hard drive.
When you open a session, the first incidents are saved in a specific file, called Session Start file. The
following incidents of the same session are saved in a main rotating queue. You can save as many
Session Start and main queue incidents as the number of session restarts, depending on the
configuration of the incident system management parameters.
This rotating queue is a system of rotating compressed files. You can configure the size and number of
stored files in the queue.
If the incidents overflow the main rotating queue, they are redirected to a second rotating queue, called
the outfall queue, so that no incidents are lost. The redirection of the incidents to the outfall queue
depends on the configuration of the following parameter: lower/upper threshold of the incident flow
redirection. This outfall queue behaves as the main queue, but is independent of it. Only the outfall
queue of the previous session of the current one is saved.

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

The incident storage is the same locally as at the network level, except for the outfall queue which is not
implemented for the network incidents.
The following figure illustrates how incidents are managed.


Main queue

Outfall queue

Figure 6.4: Incident management system

To manage the incident management system, you need to configure the following parameters, using
the inconf command:
• logrotate size and logrotate count,
• crontab delay between two logrotate calls,
• number of incidents in the session start file,
• number of backup sessions,
• thresholds of the incident flow redirection.
For more information on how to configure the parameter values of the incident management system
with the inconf command, see Operation on page 45.
For more information on how to view incidents with the incvisu command, see Operation on page 48.
Statistics (number of incidents by severity level and by type of incident) are saved in the files
counter.txt and counters1.txt. These two files concern incidents sent since the last reset and
incidents sent between the reset before last and the last reset respectively. These counters can be
viewed using the inccpt command (see Operation on page 44).

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

Major The first counters indicate the number of incidents for
Minor each severity level

The following counters indicate the number of

occurrences for each incident

Figure 6.5: Counters.txt file structure

6.1.4 Alarm relay

The CPU alarm relay is used to indicate that a problem has occurred. Several incident numbers can be
allocated to relay activation and several other numbers to its deactivation. Allocation is performed in
• The incident 2826 / Link_status_down (indicating that a link is cut off), to trigger the relay.
• The incident 2827 / Link_status_up (associated "cleared" incident, indicating that the link has been
reestablished), to deactivate the relay.
The alarm relay can also be manually activated or deactivated using the alarmrel command.

6.1.5 Network incidents

When OmniPCX Enterprises are in an ABC-F subnetwork configuration, reporting on all incidents can
be centralized, as can triggering of alarms on a same node.

6.1.6 External alarms

External alarms can be used. This feature allow a sensor (fire, temperature, intrusion, etc.) generating
a dry contact to be connected to a Z interface. When the contact opens or closes (depending on how it
is configured), an incident is transmitted. Incidents 1101 to 1200 are reserved for this application and
offer four levels of severity, divided as follows:
• 1101 to 1124, severity level: warning.
• 1125 to 1149, severity level: minor.
• 1150 to 1174, severity level: major.
• 1175 to 1200, severity level: critical.
In addition, two incidents indicate the faulty status (incident 1100 followed by the MCDU of the external
alarm) and return to correct status (incident 1099 followed by the MCDU of the external alarm) of each
of the devices associated with an external alarm.

6.1.7 Related modules

System message management is described in the following modules:
• Management (see the Configuration procedure on page 139).
• Use (see the Operation on page 143).

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

6.2 Configuration procedure

6.2.1 Management principle
Incident management is performed at two levels:
• In the Incident manager object: general management applying to all incidents except those for
which a specific filter is specified.
• In Incident Filter sub-objects: management on an incident per incident basis.
To simplify management, three incident lists are saved on the PCX. These are for incidents:
• Sent to RMA (or e-RMA) by default: these are serious incidents indicating a major malfunction of the
system and the associated "cleared" incidents. Their purpose is to indicate:
• A serious problem requiring immediate action.
• A serious but temporary problem (major and cleared incidents received) requiring analysis.
• Sent as SNMP traps by default.
• Reported via the network.
Activating (or deactivating) any of these lists creates (or deletes) the corresponding incident filters.

6.2.2 General management

The following are managed in the Incident manager object:
• Transmission (or not) to RMA.
• Minimum severity for storage or display.
• Display and storage of topological incidents.
To manage centralization of sub-network incidents on the main node:
• The parameter Network Severity must be managed on each supervised node.
• The nodes in the Supervised node objects must be declared on the main node.
• The parameters RMA Network, Network Incident Display Severity, and Network Incident
Storage Severity must be managed in the main node.
Object name: Applications > Incident manager

V24 No. : Enter the number of the port for real-time display.
Port number can be temporarily modified using the incout
command but this command does not modify the value managed
in MAO.

RMA : Specify if a local RMA and/or e-RMA is installed:

• None: no local RMA or e-RMA.
• RMA: local RMA installed.
• eRMA: local e-RMA installed.
• RMA and eRMA: local RMA and e-RMA installed.

RMA Network : Yes: network incidents are sent to the local RMA (or e-

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

Display Severity : Minimum severity from which incidents are displayed in re-
• None (no incidents are displayed)
• Critical
• Major
• Minor
• Informational
• Indeterminate
• Clear (all incidents are displayed)

Storage Severity : Minimum severity from which incidents are stored on the
CPU hard drive.

Network Severity : Minimum severity from which incidents are reported to the
main node (to be managed on supervised nodes).

Network Incident Display Se- : Minimum severity from which incidents from other network
verity nodes are displayed in real time (to be managed on the
main node).

Network Incident Storage Se- : Minimum severity from which incidents from other network
verity nodes are stored on the CPU hard drive (to be managed on
the main node).

Topological Incident Display : Yes: local and network topological animation incidents are

Topological Incident Storage : Yes: local and network topological animation incidents are

Topological Network : Yes: local topological incidents are reported to the main
node (to be managed on supervised nodes).

6.2.3 Incident filter default settings

To activate the list of incidents to be reported to the default RMA, select Applications > Incident
manager, then select Set RMA Default. The incidents concerned are:
12 30 239 310 379 903
908 1513 1517 1521
1524 1526 1543 1544 1545 1605 1640 1650 1651 1661
1662 1720 1740 2003 2009 2019 2042 2043 2070 2076
2081 2082 2086 2087 2102 2140 2141 2168 2170 2171
2172 2175 2345 2346 2456 2462 2826 2827 2836 2871
2872 2997 3057 3058 3101 3102 3104 3117 3126 3127
3128 3129 3131 3766 3767 3768 4201 4202 4203 4204
5206 5856

For each of these incidents, configuring (setting) the default RMA results in creation of an instance of
the Incident Filter object with the following attribute settings:

RMA Action : Action 0

Screen Display : Yes

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

Network Incident : Yes

SNMP Incident : Yes

The list of incidents to be reported via the network by default is activated when the empty database is
created. To deactivate it, select Delete Network incident Default. To reactivate it, select Set Network
incident Default.
The incidents concerned are:
275 276 310 311 1099 1100 1302 1307 1510 1521
1522 1542 1650 1651 1660 1661 1662 1663 1721 1722
2009 2011 2017 2019 2042 2043 2048 2049 2059 2071
2073 2081 2112 2119 2140 2141 2167 2168 2170 2463
2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474
2615 2663 2665 2666 2680 2681 2682 2700 2826 2827
3714 3768 4017 4018 4019 4023 4115 4116 4117

For each incident in the list, activating the list results in creation of an instance of the Incident Filter
object with the Network Incident attribute set to "Yes".

6.2.4 Managing individual incident filters

Incident Filter sub-objects are used to:
• Manage incidents that do not obey the general rules specified in the Incident manager object.
• Manage incidents causing activation or deactivation of the alarm relay.
• Manage incidents causing an RMA action.
The filter can be applied to all incidents of a given type with no restriction on their origin, or only to
incidents of a given type occurring at a certain location (network, node, shelf, etc.).
Object name: Applications > Incident Manager> Incident Filter

Filter ID

Incident Number : Enter the number of the incident to be filtered.

Network Number :
Node No. :
ACT shelf Number : These attributes identify the origin of the incident (en-
Board Number : ter -1 for parameters that must not be used).

Behind US :
Set Address :

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

RMA Action : Select the RMA action for this incident:

• Action 0
• Action 1
• Action 2
• Action 3
• None
These actions are directly managed on the RMA (for
example: call remote set in a maintenance center).

Alarm Action : • None: this incident has no impact on the alarm

• Alarm Up: this incident activates the alarm relay.
• Alarm Down: this incident deactivates the alarm

Table ID. : To be completed if this incident must trigger an alarm

on a set. Enter a number between 1 and 128.
The alarm will be triggered on the alarm set whose
table number matches the number entered here (see
Configuration procedure on page 234).

Screen Display : Yes: the incident is displayed in real time.

Disk Storage : Yes: the incident is saved on the CPU hard drive.

Network Incident : Yes: the incident is reported in the network.

6.2.5 Managing SNMP traps

See the Configuration procedure on page 151.

6.2.6 External alarms

To manage use of an external alarm, proceed as follows:
• Configure set (analog device) data.
• Configure phone feature COS.
Declaring the external alarm:
Object name: Users
Create a directory number in the same way as for an analog set, then complete the different
parameters specific to the external alarms feature.

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

Set Type : Select: Analog. The "dry contact" sensor replace a stand-
ard analog set.

Routing Table : Depending on the severity you want to assign to the inci-
dent transmitted, select the corresponding value, N. N
must be selected from the following ranges:
• 1 to 24, severity level: Warning.
• 25 to 49, severity level: Minor.
• 50 to 74, severity level: Major.
• 75 to 100, severity level: Critical.
The number of the incident transmitted is 1100 + N.

Confirm. A menu is displayed, select sensor type of operation:

Ext.Alarm Equipment : Select one of the two possible configurations:

• Alarm On Opened Loop
• Alarm On Closed Loop

Object name: Classes of Service > Phone Features Classes of Service


Routing Mode At Off-hook : Select External Alarm .

6.2.7 Alarm Sets

See the Configuration procedure on page 234.

6.3 Operation
6.3.1 Incident management service operation
Incident management service features can be accessed from the system terminal (VT100) under the
mtcl account, via a certain number of commands.
The commands are as follows:
• cplalrm: allows network board (PRA, BPRA, etc.) alarm counters to be output (see Operation on
page 36),
• inccpt: allows the number of incidents output by level of severity to be obtained (see Operation on
page 44),
• increset: allows the incident files to be reset (see Operation on page 47) ,
• incvisu: allows stored local node incidents to be displayed (see Operation on page 48),
• netvisu: allows incidents on different network nodes, stored in the main node, to be displayed (see
Operation on page 74),
• excvisu : allows backtraces to be displayed (see Operation on page 43),
• alarmrel: allows alarm relay status and history log of incidents that modified relay status to be
displayed; allows the alarm relay to be activated or deactivated (see Operation on page 34),
• alarmrel off: allows the alarm relay to be deactivated (see Operation on page 34),

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Chapter 6 Management of Incidents and Alarms

• inconf: allows default incident management parameter values to be modified (see Operation on
page 45),
• incout: allows the port on which incidents are edited on-line to be selected (see Operation on page
• incinfo: allows a full definition and description of an incident to be obtained (see Operation on page
• incstop: allows incident on-line output to be stopped (see Operation on page 48),
• incstart: allows incident on-line output to be restarted (see Operation on page 48).

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7 SNMP Management

7.1 Overview
7.1.1 Overview
The standard SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) allows the OmniPCX Enterprise to be
supervised by a network management platform, referred to as the SNMP supervisor in this document.
The OmniPCX Enterprise and e-Reflexes sets are compatible with the SNMP protocol.
TSC-IP and e-Reflexes set host an SNMP agent that returns the phone IP configuration.
The Com Server also hosts an SNMP agent and can process SNMP TRAPS to the SNMP supervisor
to alert the network manager.
SNMP exchanges are performed on the UDP ports 161 and 162 of the IP piece of equipment.

7.2 Detailed description

7.2.1 Com Server SNMP Implementation SNMP Processes
On the Com Server, the SNMP agent and TRAP generation are achieved distinctly by two different
• snmpd corresponds to the SNMP agent. It answers to the supervisor SNMP requests. Data in the
Com Server MIB is readable but not writable
• incid2trap generates the SNMP TRAP according to the management of the incidents configured in
MAO Com Server SNMP Agent

• Communities
A community name is a character string used to identify exchanges between the SNMP supervisor
and the SNMP agent. The default string community is “public”. As of R6.2, the community name is
checked. When the check fails, the request is not answered.

• As of R7.1, the community names "public" and "private" are forbidden when the SNMP version of the PCX
SNMP agent is SNMPv2c (see: Declaring SNMP Agent Running on the Com Server on page 154).
• The community name is not used when the SNMP version of the PCX SNMP agent is SNMPv3.
• Access
Only read accesses are allowed (Get and Get-next requests). No write access can be performed
(Set request).
• 802.1 p/q VLAN tagging is enabled on Com Server
SNMP requests may be tagged or not. Current VLAN value is used. Null priority (low priority) is
always used in 802.1 tags for outgoing SNMP packets.

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

7.2.2 TRAP Processing SNMP Event Trap
On each network node, the incid2trap process converts CMIP alarms into SNMP traps and transmits
them to the SNMP supervisor according to incident filters configuration. All CMIP alarms can be
converted into a single SNMP trap (called an “event trap”). CMIP alarm attributes are converted into
event trap parameters. SNMP event traps can be sent in two different formats:
• Compact format: this format is for information only. It can be used to display alarms in an event
window on the SNMP supervisor
• Extended format: this format is used to process alarms for dedicated applications. This is the case,
for example, of clients with specific management
The format choice is configured in the OmniPCX Enterprise. See: Declaring Supervisors on page 154 SNMP Status Trap

The SNMP agent also calculates the status of each network node and generates an SNMP trap
containing the node status parameter (these traps are called “status traps”).
Event traps are always sent to the SNMP supervisor when trap processing is activated but It is possible to select
whether status traps are sent or not. This is specified in the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration. See: Declaring
Supervisors on page 154

7.2.3 TSC-IP & e-Reflexes SNMP Implementation

• SNMP Set requests
Although write requests are allowed for specific variables in MIB, these values are volatile inasmuch
as they are not stored locally in the piece of equipment.
For security reasons and for administration convenience, the PCX system is in charge of setup at
device initialization with a UA specific message SET-PARAM. This contains user name, contact and
location information.
• 802.1 p/q VLAN tagging is enabled on IP-Phone devices
SNMP requests may be tagged or not. The current VLAN value is used. Null priority (low priority) is
always used in 802.1 tags for outgoing SNMP packets.

7.2.4 SNMP Versions

Three versions of SNMP can be used: SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 (as of R7.1).
The first two versions offer common features, but SNMPv2c includes additional features for more
security. SNMPv1 is defined in the standard RFC 1157. SNMPv2c is defined in the standard RFC 1442.
When SNMPv1 is used, an SNMP agent allows any SNMP supervisor to read MIB information coming
from the SNMP agent. When SNMPv2c is used, an SNMP agent allows only SNMP supervisors using
the same community name to read MIB information.
SNMPv3 differs from SNMPv2c in its ability to:
• Restrict MIB information access to authenticated SNMP supervisors only (see RFC 3414). For
authentication, SNMP supervisors must have an SNMPv3 account (login name and password)
declared in OmniPCX Enterprise configuration (see: Declaring Supervisors on page 154), and the
SNMP agent must also be declared (see: Declaring SNMP Agent Running on the Com Server on
page 154). For the SNMP agent, a maximum of 10 SNMPv3 user accounts can be configured

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

• Provide an encryption process for SNMP PDUs (Protocol Data Unit) (see RFC 3412). To cipher the
SNMP PDUs, SNMP supervisors must have a SNMPv3 passphrase declared in OmniPCX
Enterprise configuration (see: Declaring Supervisors on page 154) as well as the SNMP agent (see:
Declaring SNMP Agent Running on the Com Server on page 154)
Within the OmniPCX Enterprise, the SNMPv3 use is incompatible with versions SNMPv1 and
SNMPv2c. The OmniPCX Enterprise cannot restrict access to a range of specific MIB information. This
implies that all MIB information must be restricted in the OmniPCX Enterprise environment. Only one
SNMP version is available on the OmniPCX Enterprise at the same time (for SNMP agents and SNMP
traps sending).
The MIB information which can be queried and set by SNMP supervisors are described in MIB-II (Management
Information Base Version 2) defined in RFC 1213. There is no additional MIB information available (neither VoIP
specific nor proprietary variables) in SNMP agents running in TSC-IP or e-Reflexes sets.

7.2.5 ALE International Proprietary MIB Properties

The Management Information Base (MIB) is a collection of data (also called objects) defined for an IP
device. MIB values can be monitored by an external application, using the SNMP protocol and Object
Identifiers (OID). An OID identifies each object of the MIB and defines their access path.
The OmniPCX Enterprise includes an MIB description file named A4400-RTM-MIB.txt, registered in
the directory /etc/snmp/mibs/export. Available as of R9.0, this file defines objects whose values
can be monitored by an external application.
The directory /etc/snmp/mibs/export also contains two other MIB description files: HPOV-NNM.txt and
An external application (SNMP supervisor) can send requests to the Com Server SNMP agent to
obtain the value of objects defined in the OmniPCX Enterprise MIB. The Com Server SNMP agent, in
turn, sends an answer with the requested values, to the external application
The OmniPCX Enterprise MIB is a structured tree including:
• Standardized branches with the objects typically supported by IP devices. The list of objects is
provided: SNMP: Supported entries on page 160
• A proprietary branch which provides specific information on OmniPCX Enterprise operation.

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management


iso (1)

org (3)

dod (6)

internet (1)

directory (1) mgnt (2) experimental (3) private (4)

mib (1) enterprises (1)

Standard Branch
alcatel (637)

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Branch

(x) : represents the Object Identifier (OID)

Figure 7.1: MIB Tree Structure Example

Objects available in the proprietary branch are described in tables below.

These objects provide real time information either for the whole system or per IP domain:
• For the whole system:

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Object Name Definition

pbxMibVersion (0) Indicates the MIB version used

pbxState (2) Indicates the highest severity level of the incidents registered in
the OmniPCX Enterprise. Available values are:
• MAJOR (2)
• MINOR (3)
• NORMAL (5)
The SNMP Trap licensing lock is required to retrieve values from an
external application.

pbxRole (4) Indicates the PCX role. Available values are: INDETERMINATE
(0), MAIN (1), STAND-BY (2), ACTIVE_PCS (3) or INAC-
TIVE_PCS (4) where:
• MAIN and STAND-BY values are used to indicate the Com
Server role
• ACTIVE_PCS and INACTIVE_PCS values are used to indicate
the Passive Communication Server (PCS) status
The INDETERMINATE value is not sent in response to an SNMP request
when the corresponding SNMP agent is not started

sipRegSets (5) Indicates the number of SIP terminals registered in the PCX, as
well as SIP terminals not defined in PCX configuration (provided
that authentication is not required for SIP terminal registration)

sipUnregSets (6) Indicates the number of SIP terminals not registered in the PCX.
This counter is equal to the number of SIP terminals configured in
the PCX minus the number of SIP terminals registered in the PCX.
If authentication is not required for SIP terminal registration, this
counter may be negative (when there are more self registered SIP
terminals than SIP terminals configured in the PCX).

setsInService (7) Indicates the number of sets in service.

This counter includes all types of set but not SIP sets.

setsOutOfServices (8) Indicates the number of sets out of service.

This counter includes all types of set but not SIP sets.
• Per IP domain:

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Object Name Definition

confAvailable (2) (1) Indicates the number of available conference circuits (in service
and not busy)

confBusy (3) (1) Indicates the number of busy conference circuits

confOutOfOrder (4) (1) Indicates the number of conference circuits out of service

dspRessAvailable (5) Indicates the number of available DSP resources (i.e. compres-
(2) sors)

dspRessBusy (6) (2) Indicates the number of busy compressors

dspRessOutOfService Indicates the number of compressors out of service

(7) (2)

dspRessOverrun (8) (2) Indicates the number of unsuccessful requests for free compres-
sors due to insufficient PCX resources. Every time a compressor
cannot be provided by the PCX (for lack of resource), this counter
increases by 1.
On Com Server start-up or when a Com Server switchover occurs,
this counter is reset to 0.

CacAllowed (9) (2) Indicates the number of allowed external communications

CacUsed (10) (2) Indicates the current number of external communications

This counter is only used if the number of allowed external commu-
nications is limited, if not its value is 0

CacOverrun (11) (2) Indicates the number of Call Admission Control (CAC) overrun: ev-
ery time a communication is not allowed by CAC counters, this
counter increases by 1.
On Com Server start-up or when a Com Server switchover occurs,
this counter is reset to 0.
This counter is not configured if the number of allowed external
communications is unlimited (no control, value: -1)

(1):These parameters take into account all conferences (regardless of their type and size) but not
three-party conferences
These parameters can also be checked from the cnx dom command used to display information
on IP telephony domains, with the following correspondences:

Object Name Corresponding Parameter (cnx Command)

dspRessAvailable comp alw

dspRessBusy comp use

dspRessOutOfOrder comp out

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Object Name Corresponding Parameter (cnx Command)

dspRessOverrun comp ovr

CacAllowed allowed

CacUsed used

CacOverrun cac over

These additional objects are only available when the Com Server takes the Main role. When a Stand-
by Com Server or Passive Communication Server (PCS) take over, the only available object (as soon
as the SNMP agent is started) is: pbxRole
When a Com Server receives a request from an external application for one of these additional objects:
• If the request applies to the pbxRole object, the Com Server answers the request
• If the request applies to another additional objects, the Com Server only answers when it takes the
Main role. A Com Server being started (telephone feature not started), or Stand-by Com Server and
PCS (in active or inactive mode) cannot provide information on these objects

7.2.6 SNMP Agents and SNMP Versions Compatibilities

The table below indicates which SNMP versions are supported by SNMP agents according to their
location (Com Server, TSC-IP and/or e-Reflexes set).
This table presents SNMP agent location in lines and SNMP version in columns.

Com Server TSC-IP e-Reflexes

SNMPv1 Yes Yes Yes

SNMPv2c Yes No No

SNMPv3 Yes No No

7.3 Configuration procedure

7.3.1 Management Principle
SNMP management presents two aspects:
1. Management of transmission of incidents in the form of traps, performed by MAO management:
• If SNMPv3 is used, the first step is the creation of the authentication account
• In the Incident manager object: general management applying to all incidents except those for
which a specific filter is specified
• In Incident Filter sub-objects: management on an incident per incident basis
• In SNMP configuration, declare one or more SNMP supervisor
To simplify management, a default list of incidents to be reported is stored on the PCX. This list,
activated by default, can be deactivated and reactivated in management. Deactivating (or activating)
the list automatically deletes (or creates) the corresponding incident filters.
2. Management, as SNMP agent:

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

• Of the Communication Server, see: Declaring SNMP Agent Running on the Communication
Server on page 154
• Of e-Reflexes sets: a contact number can be entered in e-Reflexes set domain parameters, see:
Configuring Contact Directory Numbers of SNMP Agents Running on e-Reflexes Sets on page
The SNMP Engine ID that must be used for SNMP supervisor configuration is given: Declaring SNMP Agent
Running on the Communication Server on page 154.

7.3.2 Declaring SNMPv3 Users (If SNMPv3 is Selected)

If the SNMP version used is V3, the first step is to declare the SNMPv3 accounts used in
authentication stages with SNMP supervisors.
10 SNMPv3 accounts maximum can be configured for the SNMP agent.
1. Select: SNMP Configuration > SNMP Global Configuration > Agent SNMPv3 Users
2. Review/modify the following attributes:

SNMPv3 User name Enter the SNMP agent login name required for authen-
tication with an SNMP supervisor (this attribute is not
mandatory). The length of this value cannot exceed 64

SNMPv3 User password Enter the SNMP agent password required for authenti-
cation with a SNMP supervisor (this attribute is manda-
tory). The length of this value must be higher or equal
to 8 characters and cannot exceed 64 characters.
It is recommended to enter a minimum of 16 characters.

Confirm Enter the same password as above

SNMPv3 Cypher Passphrase Enter the passphrase required for SNMP PDUs en-
cryption (this attribute is mandatory). The length of this
value must be higher or equal to 8 characters and can-
not exceed 64 characters
3. Confirm your entries

7.3.3 Configuring SNMP Parameters

1. Select: Applications > Incident manager
2. Review/modify the following attributes:


Severity Select the level of severity from which local node inci-
dents are transmitted as SNMP traps.

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

Network Severity Only meaningful if the Network attribute is set to "Yes".

Select the level of severity from which incidents from
other network nodes are transmitted as SNMP traps
(by the main node).

Topology Yes: local topological incidents are transmitted (as well

as network incidents if the Network attribute below is
set to "Yes"), whatever their level of severity, in the
form of SNMP traps.

RMA Yes: RMA incidents are transmitted (as well as net-

work incidents if the Network attribute below is set to
"Yes"), whatever their level of severity, in the form of
SNMP traps.

Network Select Yes: incidents from other network nodes can be

sent to the main node that will report them in the form
of SNMP traps (depending on their level of severity,
declared above).
3. Confirm your entries

7.3.4 Configuring Incident Filter Default Settings

When the empty database is created, the default incident list is activated. The incidents concerned are:
275 1721 2170 2826
276 1722 2463 2827
310 2009 2464 3714
311 2011 2465 3768
435 2017 2466 4017
441 2019 2467 4018
1099 2042 2468 4019
1100 2043 2470 4023
1302 2048 2471 4115
1307 2049 2472 4116
1510 2059 2473 4117
1521 2071 2474 5973
1522 2073 2615 5974
1529 2077 2663
1542 2081 2665
1650 2112 2666
1651 2119 2680
1660 2140 2681
1661 2141 2682
1662 2167 2686
1663 2168 2700

To deactivate (or activate) the list, select Applications > Incident manager, then:

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

• For SNMP Incident, select Delete SNMP Default (or Set SNMP Default)
• For Network Incident, select Delete Network incident Default (or Set Network incident Default)
For each incident in the list, activating the list results in creation of an instance of the Incident Filter
object with the SNMP Incident attribute and/or Network Incident attribute set to "Yes".

7.3.5 Managing Individual Incident Filters

1. Select: Applications > Incident Manager > Incident Filter
2. Review/modify the following attributes:

Incident Number Enter the number of the incident to be filtered.

SNMP Incident Yes: the incident is transmitted as an SNMP trap.

Network Incident Yes: the incident is reported in the network.

3. Confirm your entries

7.3.6 Declaring Supervisors

1. Select: SNMP Configuration > SNMP Supervisor
2. Review/modify the following attributes:

Name Enter the SNMP supervisor name.

IP Address Enter the SNMP supervisor IP address.

Community Enter the name of the community to be entered in

SNMP traps. When traps are received a check is per-
formed: the community name of the SNMP supervisor
must match the community name of the SNMP trap.

Trap State • Yes: the SNMP supervisor receives event and

status traps.
• No: the SNMP supervisor only receives event

Trap Type Select:

• Compact: traps are transmitted in compact form.
• Extended: traps are sent in developed form for
application use.

Language Select:
• United Kingdom (English)
• France (French)
3. Confirm your entries

7.3.7 Declaring SNMP Agent Running on the Communication Server

SNMP agent administration must be performed from the standard mgr or OmniVista 8770 tool rather than
the netadmin tool.

1. Select: SNMP Configuration > SNMP Global Configuration

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

2. Review/modify the following attributes:

SNMP Version Select the SNMP version used by the SNMP agent
• V1: corresponds to the SNMPv1 version
• V2: corresponds to the SNMPv2c version (default
• V3: corresponds to the SNMPv3 (available as of
The default version is SNMPv2c to avoid problems with the
SNMP supervisors already configured in previous releases.
If the default version had been SNMPv3, existing SNMP
supervisors would not be operational for the SNMP service

SNMP Agent

Start SNMP agent Select Enable (or Disable) to activate (or deactivate)
the SNMP agent

SNMP engine ID Read only value necessary to configure SNMP super-

visor when using SNMPv3 traps
Ex : 8000027D046E6F6465303036303031

engine ID built from The engine ID is processed either from the Node
name or from Custom data read from the field en-
gine ID custom data

engine ID custom data If Custom Data is selecte above, this indicate a string
value to build the engine ID
3. Confirm your entries
New parameters are displayed when the Start SNMP agent attribute is set to Enable:

Contact Enter PCX manager identification data (e-mail ad-

dress, phone number, etc.). This corresponds to the
branch system.sysContact.0 in the MIB structure
The maximum length is 128 characters. There is no
default value

Location Enter the physical location of the node. This corre-

sponds to the branch system.sysLocation.0 in
the MIB structure
The maximum length is 128 characters. There is no
default value

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

Community Name Enter the community name (mandatory if the

SNMPv2c is selected previously)
The maximum length is 32 characters. There is no
default value
• As of R6.2, the community name is required to activate
the SNMP agent on the OmniPCX Enterprise. However,
to prevent service interruption, in case of a migration to
a release R6.2 or higher, the SNMP agent is still
activated after migration and telephone startup, even
though no community name is defined.
• There is no link between this community name and the
community name used by SNMP traps.

4. Confirm your entries

Values entered for the Contact, Location and Community Name attributes are retained t if the Start SNMP
agent attribute is set back to No.

7.3.8 Additional Management Configuring Data Linked to the SNMP Service
The administrator can manage the correspondence between incident severity levels on the OmniPCX
Enterprise and severity levels recognized by the SNMP supervisor.
1. Select: Applications > Incident manager > SNMP Application
2. Review/modify the following attributes:


Indeterminate By default: Critical

Critical By default: Critical

Major By default: Major

Minor By default: Minor

Warning By default: Warning

Cleared By default: Normal

3. Confirm your entries Configuring Contact Directory Numbers of SNMP Agents Running on e-Reflexes Sets
The IP domain fields have a Contact Number field. This number is sent to the e-Reflexes sets in the
domain to be saved in their MIB at the location system.sysContact.0. The system.sysContact.
0 field is located in system entries of their MIB (see: ).
1. Select: IP > IP Domain
2. Review/modify the following attributes:

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

IP Domain Number Enter the number of the IP domain

Contact Number The directory number entered is sent to e-Reflexes sets and allows
the SNMP field system.sysContact.0 of their MIB to be comple-
3. Confirm your entries

7.4 Operation
7.4.1 snmpget Tool
This tool can be used to query any SNMP device reachable by the Com Server to retrieve information
on a specific MIB object.
Syntax: snmpget <SNMP version> <hostname> <community> <access path to the
object to monitor>
Chorus> snmpget –v2c localhost public system.sysContact.0
system.sysContact.0 = "Me tel:(+33)"

7.4.2 snmpwalk Tool

This tool can be used to query any SNMP device reachable by the Com Server to retrieve information
on a specific MIB branch.
Syntax: snmpwalk <SNMP version> <hostname> <community> <MIB branch to monitor>
Chorus> snmpwalk –v1 localhost public ip
ip.ipForwarding.0 = forwarding(1)
ip.ipDefaultTTL.0 = 64
ip.ipInReceives.0 = 5158
ip.ipInHdrErrors.0 = 0
ip.ipInAddrErrors.0 = 4175
ip.ipForwDatagrams.0 = 0
ip.ipInUnknownProtos.0 = 0

7.4.3 MIB Text Files Consultation

The tools described above can query any SNMP equipment, a PCX CPU board (Com Server) or any
other SNMP device (TSC-IP and e-Reflexes sets).
MIB text files can be found on the PCX in the directory: /usr/share/snmp/mibs. As of R8.0.1, the
A4400-CPU-MIB.txt file is moved from the directory: /etc/snmp/mibs/export to the
directory: /usr/share/snmp/mibs.
The Alcatel-Lucent proprietary MIB text files can be found on the PCX in the directory: /etc/snmp/
mibs/export. The file names are: A4400-RTM-MIB.txt (available as of R9.0), HPOV-NNM.txt and

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

7.5 SNMP Trap Description

7.5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the SNMP traps intended to be sent to a management platform to draw
topology maps and to get events.

7.5.2 SNMP Traps Description

The enterprise object ID of traps sent by the proxy agent is nmcProxyTraps(2) under
nmcProxyAgent(1). The agent distinguishes traps by their specific type.
Traps are sent by a proxy agent running on the OmniPCX Enterprise. There are three kinds of traps :
• Event traps : are used to convert CMIP events to SNMP format
• packedCmipTrap (specific type 1) : human readable description of CMIP events. Variables are :
• openViewSeverity (integer) : severity corresponding to the initial event. It makes the event
appear with this severity in the HPOV Event Browser,
• packedForm.
• cmipTrap (specific type 3) : it describes a CMIP event. Variables are :
• objectClass.topClass, objectClass.baseClass,
• objectInstance.rdnDepth,
• objectInstance.rdnValues.rdn<n>.classId<n>,
• objectInstance.rdnValues.rdn<n>.rdnValue<n> (with <n> in [1..5]),
• eventTime, eventType, severity, probableCause, notificationId.
• Status traps : store the objects' state calculated by an agent
• topClassStateTrap (specific type 7) : it gives the state of a top class object (i.e. OmniPCX
Enterprise). Variables are :
• classId1,
• rdnValue1,
• severity : the object state which is the greater severity of all active events occurring on any
part of the object,
• objectNumber : the PBX number,
• parentNumber : the PBX sub–network number.
• Management traps: are used by the proxy agent to give information about export itself
• startOfResyncTrap (specific type 2) : sent whenever an event resynchronization start,
• startProxyTrap (specific type 4) : sent when the proxy agent start,
• stopProxyTrap (specific type 5) : sent when the proxy agent stop,
• eventLostTrap (specific type 6) : sent when the trap receiver has possibly missed traps.
loosing an OmniPCX Enterprise interface board (incident 2042)
• topClass
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectClass.topClass.0
value : 89

The value 89 of topClass index corresponds to an OmniPCX Enterprise node.

• baseClass

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectClass.baseClass.0
value : 23

The value 23 corresponds to an OmniPCX Enterprise board.

• rdnDepth
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectInstance.rdnDepth.0
value : 3

The level of a board in the hierarchy of OmniPCX Enterprise objects is 3.

It means that the name of all board instance is composed of 3 parts.
• rdnValues (3 levels)
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectInstance.rdnValues.rdn1.classId1.0
value : 89
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectInstance.rdnValues.rdn1.rdnValue1.0
value : ”node2”

The value 89 of rdnl.classIdl corresponds to an OmniPCX Enterprise node, rdln.rdnValue1 gives its
name “node2”.
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectInstance.rdnValues.rdn2.classId2.0
value: 29
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectInstance.rdnValues.rdn2.rdnValue2.0
value: “0”

The value 29 of rdn2.classId2 correspond to an OmniPCX Enterprise board shelf which has a
number rdn2.rdnValue2=0.
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectInstance.rdnValues.rdn3.classId3.0
value: 23
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.objectInstance.rdnValues.rdn3.rdnValue3.0
value : ”9”

The value 23 of the rdn3.classld3 index which is at the end of OID corresponds to an OmniPCX
Enterprise board which has a number rdn3.rdnValue3=9.
• eventTime
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.eventTime.0
value : ”19971014102633”

The date at which the alarm is detected on the managed node is October 14th 1997 at 10h26mn.
• eventType
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.eventType.0
value : 4

This is a line equipment alarm.

• eventType
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.eventType.0
value : 4

This is a line equipment alarm.

• severity
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.severity.0
value : 3

It is an alarm with severity = Major.

• probableCause
OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.probableCause.0
value : 32

The probable alarm is: “ not enough memory”.

• notificationId

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

OID : nmcProxyAgent.cmipEventArg.notificationId.0
value : 2042

It is the loss of an interface board.

7.6 SNMP: Supported entries

7.6.1 Introduction
The document describes various SNMP MIB entries supported on OmniPCX Enterprise, depending on
software versions.
This document does not cover external IP equipments, such as IP-Phones, INT-IP boards, etc.
SNMP daemon is configured as follows:
• Each entry is accessible in read-only mode; no community is allowed to modify any field (through
SNMP “set” or similar).
• Community management:
• Prior to R6.2, all communities are allowed to consult all SNMP entries.
• From R6.2, the administrator can declare communities allowed to consult SNMP entries (via
netadmin command).
• From R7.1, new community management is introduced for SNMPv3 (via mgr interface).
This Daemon conforms to RFC 1450 (SNMP-V2), but only a few parts are included, depending on the
• Etc.

7.6.2 Main Branch

These entries are related to branch .iso. (see: MIB-2 Branch on page 161) (see: SNMPv2 Branch on page 171) (see: UCD Davis Branch on page

172) (see: ALE International Proprietary

Branch on page 175)

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Chapter 7 SNMP Management

7.6.3 MIB-2 Branch

These entries are related to branch









mib-2.snmp System Entries














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Chapter 7 SNMP Management Interfaces Entries





















interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifSpecific AT Entries





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at.atTable.atEntry.atNetAddress IP Entries

























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ip.ipRoutingDiscards ICMP Entries








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icmp.icmpOutAddrMaskReps TCP Entries







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tcp.tcpoutRsts UDP Entries










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Chapter 7 SNMP Management Transmission Entries

transmission Snmp Entries

























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snmp.snmpEnableAuthenTraps Host Entries




















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Host is normally not supported with ucd-snmp 4.2.4. Implementation added by ALE International.

7.6.4 SNMPv2 Branch

These entries are related to branch





















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7.6.5 UCD Davis Branch

These entries are related to branch
















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The UCD Davis branch is supported by ucd-snmp agent, but require configuration tool on OmniPCX Enterprise
side, to have these working.

7.6.6 ALE International Proprietary Branch

These entries are related to branch

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8.1 Overview
8.1.1 Overview
The RMA system (Remote Maintenance Access) is an interface used to perform maintenance
operations on a OmniPCX Enterprise. This maintenance is performed by a local or remote operator via
a modem.
The RMA manages the following functions:
• It allows you to access:
• The main and backup Call Servers
• PCX applications
• It reinforces access security
• It allows you to report PCX data to a remote maintenance center
The operator uses a VT100 type or a connected emulation console:
• Locally
• Through an external modem
• Through a TA
The RMA function is supported by the following configurations:
• An RMA board placed in the slot 2 of the S type rack.
• A modem support MODB board, equipped with an On/Off button, placed in the slot 0 of the S type
• An RMAB board placed in the main ACT shelf,
• An RMAB board placed in an external BRMA unit,
• An SRMA (Small RMA) daughter board, installed either on the MMS board (M2/M3 cabinet or or
WM1 cabinet) or on the connection board (VH cabinet).
In this document, unless otherwise specified, the term RMA applies to one of the configuration above.

When the Call Server is a CS board or an Appliance Server, no alarms are sent from the Call
Server to the RMA system.
Reset commands are not available for an Appliance Server.

8.1.2 Related Modules

The RMA function is described in the following modules:
• Detailed description on page 179,
• Installation procedure on page 190,
• Configuration procedure on page 197,
• Operation on page 207.

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.2 Glossary
8.2.1 Glossary
APA Analog Public Access: used by the internal modem

BRMA Box RMA: external box specific to the RMA, containing the RMAB and PRMA

CBALA Cable ALArm: this cable returns the converter alarm to the SRMA board.

CBRMA Connecting Box RMA: containing the PRMA

CCPU Cable CPU: connecting the master CPU board and the PRMA board or BRMA.

CMDFRMA Cable Main Distribution Frame RMA : this cable links the PRMA to the MDF.

CRMA Cable RMA : This cable links the PRMA and RMAB boards in the case where the
latter is installed in the PABX.

CSRMA SRMA Cable : this cable connects the PRMA and SRMA boards.

HAYES Modem commands protocol

INTCPU INTer CPU : cable connecting the master CPU to the slave CPU .

MMS Mass Memory Support: mother board supporting the SRMA.

MODB MODemBoard : modem support board allowing its modem supply as well as the
extraction of CPU alarm signals addressed to the RMA board and the connection
of a debugging console.

PRMA Patch Panel RMA : this board supports all the standard CPU and RMA interfa-
ces. It is installed in the CBRMA or the BRMA.

PSTN Public Switching Telephone Network : public telephone network.

PSCRMA Power Supply Cable RMA : power cable for the BRMA.

RMA Remote Maintenance Access: board used to access remote maintenance

RMAB RMA Board : may be installed either in the PCX or the BRMA.

SRMA Small RMA : daughter board installed on the MMS support board or in the VH

V25bis CCITT recommendation concerning modem control.

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.3 Detailed description

8.3.1 Overview Local/Remote Access via Modem Connections
• Possible access to the two Call Servers of a duplicated node.
• Learn function (connection to the PCX of a remote and local operator at the same time)
• A dialog is possible between a local and a remote operator
• An operator arriving via a modem can exit by TA
• An operator arriving via TA can exit by modem
• It is possible to access external applications via a TA pair or two modems.
Console locale
Converter alarm (SRMA)
External alarm

Modem or TA PSTN Modem or TA
CPU Access CPUB UA or Z
V24 commands
RMA Modem or TA
Modem or TA

Modem or TA


Figure 8.1: Example of an access via a modem or TA

• It is possible to access a direct external application,

Local console
Converter alarm (SRMA)
External alarm

CPU Access
PSTN Modem or TA Reset

V24 RMA External commands


Figure 8.2: Example of a direct access Actions
• Triggers actions on:
• Receiving an instruction from a local operator
• Receiving an incoming call on the external modem

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Chapter 8 RMA

• Receiving an incoming call on the TA

• Receiving a Call Server alarm and other external alarms
• Receiving a converter alarm (SRMA)
• Receiving incidents (in RMA format) from the PCX
• Remote reset of the Call Servers
• “Hard” reset on the two Call Servers of a duplicated node in case of abnormal operation Security Access Security
• 16 local or distant logins
• Managing remote login/password with or without callback, with or without a predefined number
• Managing privileges by login (RMA management right, reset, etc.)
• Port management:
• Any operator can manage the protocols
• Interface management on the ports is exclusively reserved to the local console History Files
• Alarms log
• Automatic calls log
• PCX connections/disconnections log
• EXB and EXC incoming/outgoing calls log Alarms Reports

• Call Server alarms report (alarm relay): internal via two external commands and remote to two
destinations. The two types of report can be combined.
• External alarms report (4 alarm relays): local by two external commands and remote to two
destinations. The two types of report can be combined.
• Remote PCX incident report to two destinations in the incident format of the OmniPCX Enterprise.
Incident entailing RMA actions are configured in management (Applications > Incident
• Monitoring the activity of the two Call Servers of a duplicated node with a remote report to two
destinations in the OmniPCX Enterprise incident format.
When the Call Server is a CS board or an Appliance Server, no alarms are sent from the Call Server to the RMA
system. Miscellaneous
• Selecting the languages: English, French, German.
• Recording in the flash memory of the configuration and time in the clock module (RTC).

8.3.2 Architecture of the RMA System

The RMA system can manage:
• Five V24 ports to connect:
• A local console
• Two internal accesses: modem and TA
• Two Call Server links with the OmniPCX Enterprise
• A Call Server alarm and four external alarms.
• Two external alarm commands.

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Chapter 8 RMA

• Two Reset commands (Call Server Main and Call Server Stand-by).
These commands are available on all boards, but are not available for an Appliance Server. Description of V24 RMA Ports

The system manages six V24 ports:
• SYA port
• SYB port
Not available in an SRMA configuration
• EXA port
• EXB port
• EXC port
Not available in an SRMA configuration
• EXD port
Not available in an SRMA configuration V24 Port Connections

V24 Master Call Server Duplicated Call Server (standby)

SYA S and L rack configuration

Port Config A Port Config A

Other configurations

COM A0 port

V24 Master Call Server Duplicated Call Server (standby)

SYB S and L rack configuration

Port Config B

Other configurations (port selection determined by strapping on PRMA board)

COM B0 port COM A1 port

Duplicated Call Server (stand-

V24 Master Call Server

EXA All configurations

Local TTY console Local TTY console

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Chapter 8 RMA

Duplicated Call Server (stand-

V24 Master Call Server

EXB S and L rack configuration


Other configurations

On a modem or TA/UA external to the RMA, or directly to a voice

mail system, fax server or a terminal

Duplicated Call Server (stand-

V24 Master Call Server

EXC Configurations other than S and L racks

TA/UAI or SLI (external use) TA/UAI or SLI (external use)

V24 Master Call Server Duplicated Call Server (standby)

EXD Configurations other than S and L racks



RXD: Received Da- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


TXD: Transmitted Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


GS: Ground Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

RTS: Request To Yes Yes No Yes Yes No


CTS: Clear To Yes Yes No Yes Yes No


DSR: Data Set Yes Yes No Yes Yes No


DTR: Data Terminal Yes Yes No Yes Yes No


DCD: Data Carrier No No Yes Yes Yes Yes


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Chapter 8 RMA Call Server/RMA Connections


Micro-controler Call Server

3 6

6 3
u 8 1
e 1 8

(hard reset) (hard reset)
2 2 7

7 2

GND 4 5

8.3.3 Software Architecture

The software version of the RMA is separate from the software versions of the OmniPCX Media
Gateway to which it is connected.
In a subsequent release, the downloading of the RMA board will be possible from the PCX by using the
gkermit protocol.

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.3.4 Configuration Example

external alarm

Alcatel Call Server A access

Media Gateway
node 1

modem or TA
Private network
external alarm

Call Server A access

Media Gateway
node 2

V24 asynchronous interface
access control or TA

Figure 8.3: General view of the connection of an RMA system

Operator A connected on RMA2 can:

• Connect to the Call Server A of node 2 and reset it
• Connect to the RMA1, then to the Call Server A of node 1
• Dialog with Operator B
Operator B can perform the same operations as well as observe all the manipulations executed by
Operator A connected on the OmniPCX.
The RMA1 performs its alarm reports on Operator A's printer.

8.3.5 Monitoring Access Security Access Security on EXA
If the login or the password is incorrect, other attempts are executed. After five unsuccessful attempts
the connection is blocked. Access remains impossible (even with a correct login-password) for a 15

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Chapter 8 RMA

minute timeout. During this timeout, at each attempt to access, the RMA board asks again for a login
and a password, but user entries are systematically considered incorrect. On Incoming Calls (EXB, EXC)
On an incoming call, the interface requests a login and a password.
The operator has 1 minute to enter the login and 30 seconds to enter the password. At the end of
timeout, when the password is entered, the RMA returns to the login entry. At the end of timeout, when
the login is entered, the RMA releases the line.
If the login or the password is incorrect, a second and then a third attempt is executed. After five
unsuccessful attempts, the connection is cut off and a report is generated to the destination 1 (non
modifiable choice). During a 15 minute timeout, at each attempt to access, the RMA board asks again
for a login and a password, but user entries are systematically considered incorrect. After five attempts
the line will be released.
If the analysis is positive, three possibilities are considered according to the data recorded in login
management (see Configuration procedure on page 197):
• The remote end remains connected on the RMA and can execute a command
• The RMA releases the line and calls back the remote end on a preset number
• The RMA waits for the remote end to give the number on which it wishes to be recalled, then it
releases the line and calls back the remote end
After calling back, the RMA requests the login and the password again; if the analysis is positive, the
remote end remains connected on the RMA and can execute a command.
Whether the connection is really set up or not, a ticket is recorded. It specifies the date, the time, the
login, the external number called back and whether there was a failure. At disconnection, the date, the
time, the login and the external number are also recorded.
In case of a failure on recall, the RMA performs no further attempts. Outgoing Calls on External or Alarm Connection
Outgoing calls (modem or TA) generate a report with:
• The call origin
• The date and time
• The call destination
If a requested call fails, a message is stored, detailing:
• The type of anomaly
• The date and time Outgoing Calls on Alarm or PCX Incident
On an alarm the RMA automatically calls back the number that was preset for this alarm.
The call is made on EXB, EXC by the modem or the TA.
After a connection on the remote center, it indicates:
• The identifier of the calling site
• The date and time
• An RMA alarm in standard format indicating:
site identifier - alarm report
• The cause of the call (list of PCX alarm and incident reports)
Example of an automatic call with 3 reports:
• Report of a PCX incident detected by the RMA

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Chapter 8 RMA

• Report of an RMA alarm (manageable label of the alarm: cpu arneb)

• Report of an insufficient PCX activity alarm detected by the RMA
Incident format. (see Configuration procedure on page 197).
Display on remote terminal:
RMA Version 03.01.01 Code PCMS xxxxxxxxxxx
Site: Alcatel-Lucent
Address: 54 rue Jean Jaures, Colombes
Phone: 0155666000
Monday 17 February 1997 11:51:00
17/02/9711:50:10 001001R | |=4:4200 =Alcatel-Lucent - RMA Call
17/02/9711:50:11001001M|00/09/0/254|=2:3714 :R0=Loss of Inter INT link
17/02/9711:50:14 001001R | |=3:4201 = cpu arneb - Alarm detected
17/02/9711:50:16 001001R | |=2:4203 = SYA - Alarm CPU loss of activity
If the call cannot be connected, either:
• The EXB port is busy with another operator. In this case, a series of beeps and a message are
transmitted to it. The automatic call is set on hold and the operator is then able to hang up swiftly, or
to keep the connection if the operator wishes to act personally.
• The line is free, but the call cannot be connected. In this case other attempts are performed at
regular time intervals
According to the country:
• France:
• After six unsuccessful attempts a message is stored in the RMA and the request is abandoned. If
the operator has programmed two call numbers, the six attempts are alternated.
• Up to six unsuccessful call attempts (calls which not have not resulted in the interlocutor's off-hook
after on-line dialing) are allowed per hour and per number. The call renewal time is set at 10
• After a failure, the numbers are burnt by the RMA. The operator can unburn the number, using the
management menu of the alarm which triggered the calls. If several alarms use the same call
number, burning and unburning operations apply globally to all these alarms.
• Germany:
• Up to 12 unsuccessful call attempts (calls which have not resulted in the interlocutor's off-hook after
on-line dialing) are possible at 3 minute intervals. Then there is a 2 hour pause, then 12 calls, a
pause, and so on and so forth.
• If the operator has programmed two call numbers, the 12 attempts are alternated.
• Other:
• A submenu is displayed to manage timeouts, the number of attempts, and the request to burn or not
to burn the number according to the current specifications in the country.
Sub-menu displayed:
• Time interval between two calls (1 to 255) in minutes.
• Number of calls. (1 to 255).
• Duration of the pause. (1 to 255) in minutes.
• Prohibited number (Burnt). yes/no.

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Chapter 8 RMA

If Unauthorized number = yes, when the number of unsuccessful calls is reached, the number is burnt
and a manual intervention on the RMA configuration (mngt Alarm ) is necessary to validate the
number again. Multi-User Access Conflict
The three V 24 EXA, EXB and EXB ports can be connected simultaneously provided that the
commands are not incompatible.

• The status read commands are possible

• Disconnect commands are possible (double/triple Ctrl A and exit)
• The mngt command is authorized exclusively for the first requester
• The lext command is possible exclusively on the local console
• The reset command is possible; however, the operator will be informed if areset command has
been run during the previous minute
• For cnx commands, see the following paragraphs
a) Conflicts on SYA and SYB accesses
An operator is connected on SYA. If another operator wishes to connect on SyB, the RMA executes the
connection, beeps and displays the following messages:
• On SYA: <login> on <Port> is connected on SYB
• On SYB: <Login> on <Port> is connected to SYA
If another operator wishes to connect on SYA:
• The RMA transmits (to the operator connected on SYA) a beep as well as a message with an
invitation to free the port.
• The RMA transmits to the operator seeking to connect: Connection impossible port already used
and offers to:
• Force the connection, thus cutting off the established connection,
• Observe the current connection (see Installation procedure on page 190)
• Dialog with the user of the connection. (see Installation procedure on page 190)
The same rules apply when SYA is replaced by SYB and vice-versa.
b) Conflicts on EXB and EXC accesses
If an operator connected on EXA also wishes to connect on EXB, while this port is already used by
another user, the RMA transmits a beep to the two operators and displays the following messages:
• On EXB: The EXB port is requested by <Login> on <Port>
• on EXA: Connection impossible port already used and offers to:
• Force the connection, thus cutting off the established connection
• Dialog with the user of the connection. (see Installation procedure on page 190)

An operator cannot force a connection on an access where an alarm report is in progress.
c) Observation on SYA (or SYB)
During a port observation:
• The characters received on SYA (or SYB) are transmitted to the concerned port and the observed
• The characters received on the connected port or the observed ports on SYA (or SYB) are
transmitted to SYA (or SYB)

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By echo on the Call Server, all the characters entered by an operator can be viewed by others.
d) Dialog on EXA, EXB, EXC and Debug
During a dialog between two operators (for example: EXA - EXB):
• A flow control is sent to the ports connecting to EXA and EXB
• The EXB-EXA connection is executed
Each operator can break the dialog, using escape sequences. (see Operation on page 207) Flow Control
For the flow control to operate in the RMA, the PCX ports must be set up in flow control XON/XOFF.
Connection of the 2400-Baud EXB V24 channel remote operator to the 9600-Baud V24 SYA channel. The RMA
sends the XON/XOFF to the PCX to manage the flow control in RMA.
Idem for the EXC port when it is directly connected to a voice mail message or a fax server. Incidents


• The RMA can give the cause of the call,

• Common format for each type of alarm
• Permanent monitoring of Call Server activity
• Generating two simultaneous alarm calls in two directions Automatic Call
The RMA only performs automatic calls for alarms and PCX incident reports.
Message formats. (see Operation on page 207)
Lists of severities, numbers and labels of RMA incidents: (see Operation on page 207)
4 :4200 : site label - RMA Call
3 :4201 : alarm label - Alarm detected
5 :4202 : alarm label - End of alarm
2 :4203 : port label - Loss of CPU M (or S) activity
5 :4204 : port label - CPU M (or S) activity
4 :4205 : Disable automatic calls
5 :4206 : Enable automatic calls
4 :4207 : Internal RMA incident (*)
3 :4208 : RMA reset (with the cause of the reset: Powering up, reset command, loading new version,
bus error).
(*) list of RMA internal incidents:
- Call failure (burnt call)
- Report failure (call established but problem at reports output)
- List of reports full (alarms or PCX incidents may have been lost).
- Locked access (line is blocked after several incorrect login attempts).
Incidents reports by automatic call:

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Chapter 8 RMA

If following a reset, the reports have not been executed properly, the automatic call is renewed at start
off. Storing Incidents
Only RMA internal incidents or events are stored in static memory. A power cut or the down loading of
a new version causes this data to disappear. It is, however, saved in Menu/States/Log_/Resets . (see
Configuration procedure on page 197)
These incidents or events are stored in one of the five queues:
• Alarms queue:
• CPU alarm
• External alarm
• CPU alarm loss of activity (active or standby)
• Reset queue:
• PCX reset
• Connections/disconnections queue:
• Connection to PCX (COM A or COM B)
• Disconnection from PCX (COM A or COM B)
• Incoming/Outgoing calls:
• Incoming call on modem or TA
• End of incoming call on modem or TA
• Outgoing call on modem or TA
• End of outgoing call on modem or TA
• Automatic call in case of alarm
• Start and end lext command
• Output queue of incidents in chronological order:
• All the data of the alarms queue
• All the data of the resets queue
• The data concerning modem connection requests (incoming or outgoing), as well as cut-offs of
these connections
In order to avoid overloading this fifth queue, the following data items are not stored:
• All the data of the connections/disconnections queue
• Data concerning the completion of an auto call (SUCCESSFUL)
• Data concerning the cause of a failed auto call (FAILED)
For all these incidents the RMA stores:
• The date and time
• The type of alarm, alarm in progress or end of alarm in the case of an alarm incident
• The concerned login in the case of a call, a PCX connection or a PCX reset
• In the case of an automatic call failure, the cause is stored: busy, no line.
• The login for any incoming call, whether the password is correct or not
The RMA saves, for each queue, only the 128 last incidents.

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.4 Installation procedure

8.4.1 S-type Rack
In the S-type rack, the RMA function is installed with the following hardware:
• RMA board in slot 2
• MODB board in slot 0


The JX400 jumper must be set in position 2-3 on the X400 connector. Position 1–2 is for Alcatel-Lucent
support only (flashing of the board).

RMA board

1 2 3

JX400 Meaning of the LEDs





The meaning of the LEDs located on the front panel of the RMA board is presented in the table below.

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Chapter 8 RMA

LED Meaning

PWR Supplying the board with +5V via the PS1N power supply of rack 1U.

AL INT INternal alarm signal.

AL EXT External alarm signal.

AL CPU CPU alarm signal.

OFF HK Modem off-hook.

RUN Activity indicator. Pin-out of RJ45 Connections

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RJ45 socket
(front panel)

The pin-out of the eight RJ45 connectors on the front panel is presented in the tables below:














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The grounds GND1 to GND6 are connected to the chassis. MODB Board Design
MODB Board V24 series
Analog line


D 40V / 9V
s RS232 300 mA


On/Off key
ON/OFF Switch

On the MODB board, check that the ON/OFF switch is ON. Meaning of the LEDs




The meaning of the LEDs located on the front panel of the MODB board is presented in the table

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Chapter 8 RMA

LED Meaning

POWER Supplying the board with 40V via the PS1N power supply of rack 1U.

FAN Monitoring the ventilation. Pin-out of RJ45 Connections

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RJ45 socket
(front panel)

The pin-out of the eight RJ45 connectors on the front panel is presented in the tables below:











8 V12DC V12DC V12DC V12DC





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Chapter 8 RMA










The grounds GND1 to GND6 are connected to the chassis. Installation
In all cases, the following connectors are available:
• EXA: dedicated to local console
• EXB: dedicated to remote maintenance modem
• EXC: free, this port is available for the management of an application accessible via serial port, for
example 4635 messaging management or access to another PCX
• EXD : dedicated to Call Server alarms and to the debug console (for Alcatel-Lucent support only)

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Chapter 8 RMA

CS 1 CS 2







4 5
3 TA

VT100 local console

or emulation
Public telephone

1 Crossed USOC cable, 8 wires, RJ45/RJ45, length 3m, reference: 3EU 28000 AAAA

2 Crossed cable, RJ45/DB9F, reference: 3EH 75003 AAAA

3 T568B straight cable, 8 wires, RJ45/RJ45, max. length 95m

4 T568B straight cable, 8 wires, RJ45/RJ45, length 3m, reference: 3AK 21492 AAAA

5 RMA/TA cable, RJ45/DB25M, reference: 3EU 28001 AAAA

8.4.2 M2/M3 Cabinet

On M2 or M3 cabinets, the RMA function can be installed with the following equipment :
• RMAB board in the main ACT shelf
• SRMA daughter board on its MMS mother board in the main ACT shelf

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Chapter 8 RMA

• RMAB board in the BRMA unit

Device connections are detailed M2 cabinet - Internal connections.
In all cases, the following connectors are available:
• EXA: dedicated to local console
• EXB: dedicated to remote maintenance modem
• EXC: free, this port is available for the management of an application accessible via serial port, for
example 4635 messaging management or access to another OmniPCX

8.4.3 WM1 Cabinet

On WM1 cabinets, the RMA function is performed via an SRMA daughter board on the MMSFD board.
Device connections are detailed WM1 cabinet - Internal connections.
The following connectors are available:
• EXA: dedicated to local console
• Internal modem telephone jack dedicated to remote maintenance

8.4.4 VH Cabinet
On VH cabinets, the RMA function is performed via an SRMA daughter board mounted on the cabinet
interface connection board. The following connectors are available:
• EXA: dedicated to local console
• Internal modem telephone jack dedicated to remote maintenance

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Chapter 8 RMA

The EXA connector to use is the one on the rack not the one on the patch panel.

8.5 Configuration procedure

8.5.1 Configuring the PCX Port config
The PCX port “config”, linked to the RMA, cannot be managed.
By default: 9600 bds, 8N1, XON/XOFF.

8.5.2 Configuring the RMA on Initialization

The initial default configuration is the following:
• Login on local console:
• login: (default login)
• password: (default password
• Site:
• site identification: test site
• language: English.
• node number: 001
• network number: 000
• RMA name: "RMA"
• Automatic time reset of the RMA: YES
• Characters set: ASCII
• Type of terminal: Line mode
• Automatic call:
• destination: empty
• country: FRANCE
• No number
• V24
• ExA, SyA, SyB, Debug: 9600 Bauds, 8 bits no parity, 1 bit stop, XON/XOFF.

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Chapter 8 RMA

• EXB: 9600 Bauds, 8 bits no parity, 1 bit stop, XON/XOFF.

• ExC: 4800 Bauds, 8 bits no parity, 1 bit stop, XON/XOFF.
• real time: No
• inactivity timeout 10mn.
• Alarms:
• labels: CPU0, CPU1, Ext 1, Ext 2, Ext 3, Ext 4.
• reaction in case of an alarm: Not wired.
• store the message: No
• call the maintenance center: No
• trigger an external alarm: No
• active alarm contact open or closed: Open
• number of alarms received before performing an action: 1
• minimum alarm time before performing an action: 0 second
• report destination: none
• PCX incident:
• report destination: none
• PCX activity monitoring:
• enabled: No
• trigger an external alarm: No
• phone numbers group: none
• external commands:
• active contact closed or open: Closed
• duration of alarm signal: 10 sec.
• MULTITECH modem:
• protocol: HAYES or V25 Bis
• commands and types of signaling: see HAYES and V25 bis command tables.
• TA:
• protocol: HAYES
• commands and types of signaling: see HAYES and V25 bis command tables (voir Operation on
page 207)
• At the creation of a new default login, the rights of this login are:
• MNGT command (RMA configuration management): YES
• Outgoing call ( via ExB, ExC, APA ): YES
• Connection to the PCX (via SyA, SyB): YES
• RMA board reset command: YES
• PCX reset command: YES
• Download and Restore commands: NO
• Management of logins and privileges: NO

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.5.3 Parameters for a Direct Connection to the PCX

Media SYA
Gateway EXA
local console

Figure 8.4: Direct connexion to the PCX

The following operations must be executed:

• connect a VT100 terminal to the ExA port of the hardware used (RMA board, CBRMA or BRMA).
By default the ExA port is set to 9600-8-N-1 XON/XOFF.
Set the terminal in the same way.
• connect to the RMA:
• login: (default login)
• password: (default password)
• type the menu command under the prompt.

• check the settings of SyA, SyB, ExA, ExB, ExC ports via the access path: menu/states/ports .
If it is incorrect, use the path: menu/management/ports (see Operation on page 207).

• check the connection to the PCX via the access path: menu/connections/SyA or SyB (see
Operation on page 207).
If the connection cannot be established, adapt transmission characteristics between the ports of the
RMA (menu/management/ports) (see Operation on page 207) and of the PCX (ttyconf

It is recommended to show caution and to exit MGR properly.

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.5.4 Settings for a Connection to the PCX via Modem

EXA local console

public or

EXB MODB private
remote console

Figure 8.5: Connection to the PCX via modem Local Configuration

• Connect a modem on ExB or ExC port.
By default, the ExB port is set to 9600-8-N-1 (and ExC to 4800-8-N-1).
Set the modem in the same way (if possible).
• Connect a VT100 terminal on the ExA port,
• Log on to the RMA, using the local login,
• Schedule a login (remote, single recall or auto. recall) by the access path: menu/management/
logins (see Operation on page 207). Configuring Logins and Passwords

Example of management: managing logins and passwords (see Operation on page 207).

No. Access Type Login Password Phone number

1 Local rma rma

2 Free

3 Remote srma srma

4 Distant plg plg

5 Free

6 Free

7 Ordinary recall aampls aampls

8 Auto. recall aalplh aalplh 0147853201

9 Free

10 Free

11 Free

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Chapter 8 RMA

No. Access Type Login Password Phone number

12 Free

13 Free

14 Free

15 Free

16 Free Remote Configuring

• Connect a VT100 terminal to the remote modem,
• Type the at command (HAYES protocol),
If the modem answers OK , it has adapted to the format of the VT100 terminal.
• To connect to the RMA, type the command atd followed by the No. of the modem connected on
ExB (or ExC),
• Enter the remote login (simple or auto) and the password,
• To disconnect from the RMA:
• Type the EXIT command under the prompt >.
If connection problems occur:
• Check the format and speed on the ExB (or ExC) port.
• From the terminal connected to the ExA port:
• Connect to the RMA,
• Type the lext exb command, then at and check that the modem answers OK .
When you wish to perform an observation, the two users must not both be in the MGR menu.

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.5.5 Connection to Another Site (Remote RMA)

OmniPCX local console

RMA link

Gateway EXB MODB
Config SYB

Figure 8.6: Connection to another site (remote RMA)

• Connect a VT100 terminal to the ExA port

By default the ExA port is set to 9600-8-N-1 XON/XOFF.
Set the terminal in the same way.
• Log onto to the RMA:
• login: (default login)
• password: (default password)
• Perform the connection to the remote modem by the access path: menu/connections/ExB/No or
remote modem No (see Operation on page 207).
After the operator exchange, the remote RMA will suggest the prompt and you will simply have to
enter a remote login and its password.
• To disconnect from the RMA:
• Type the command Ctrl A 3 times.
• Type the Exit command under the remote RMA's prompt.

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.5.6 Configuring TAs for a Connection to the RMA

TA V24
UA link
OmniPCX VT100 type local console
link UA link

V24 TA

Figure 8.7: Configuring TAs

The local console with the data greeting menu will call the set 4035 (1) connected to the RMA to dialog
with the latter.
Data terminal(1)
• Adaptor type: V110
• Type of terminal: VT100
• Hayes Use
• Set-up No: 10
• Flow control No: 0
• Output configuration No: 0
• Input configuration No: 1
• Configuring V24:
• On hook by 108: yes
• On hook by 105: yes
• Intervention 125: yes
• cadence 125: yes
• UA set automatic answer: no
• the "remainder": no
Data terminal(2)
• Adaptor type: V110 + V120 asynchronous
• Type of terminal: VT100

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Chapter 8 RMA

• Using the Data Greeting Menu

• Set-up No: 10
• Flow control No: 0
• Output configuration No: 0
• Input configuration No: 1
• UA set automatic answer: yes
• On hook by by 108: yes
• On hook by 105: yes

8.5.7 Changing the Version: Downloading Procedure

• Run swinst
• Restore the patch of the new RMA version, with the telephone started.
• Under the RMAprompt, type:
• >download sya <CR>
• Log on under mtclh
• Type the command:
• rma_download <CR>
• Wait for the message Ready to send RMA binary
• After this command, execute: CTRL A twice
• The following messages are displayed:
• End of connection
• Waiting for a file(s) transfer
• Start transmission
• File transfer
• The transfer is executed
• To the questionReset the board now? answer yes.

8.5.8 Configuring the SyA Ports of the RMA

To configure the SyA port on which the COM A port of the CPU is connected, perform the following
Access path: Menu/Management/Ports/SyA
[1] Label
[2] Speed
9600 bauds
[3] Word size
8 bits
[4] Parity
No parity,
[5] Stop bit
[1] Stop bit
[6] Flow control

8.5.9 Example of a CPU Alarm Configuration: RMA Management

For alarms management, (see Operation on page 207).

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Chapter 8 RMA


1. Configuring a CPU alarm

The CPU alarms will trigger simultaneously an external alarm (via the command 1) and the
automatic call as soon as the alarm appears (via Call: at the alarm start) and the back-up of the
alarm in the log.
Access path: Menu/Management/Alarms/CPU
[1] Label
[2] Used
[3] Active state
[4] Duration of alarm before action
1 second
[5] Alarm number before action
1 alarm
[6] Time between 2 actions
1 minute
[7] Enabling a command
Command 1
[8] Save
[9] Call
At the alarm start
[A] First destination
Destination 1
[B] Second destination
Destination 2
[C] All

The relay of the command 1 can be managed on open or on closed.
In Menu/Management/Automatic call/Destinations/Destination1, you must schedule:
• Phone 1: EXB: 00155660000
• Phone 2: ExC: 00155661111
• Timeout for user connection: 10 s
2. Configuring an external alar.
The UPS alarm will trigger only the automatic call as soon as the alarm appears (via Call: at the
alarm start) and will save it in the log.
Access path: Menu/Management/Alarms/Extern 1
[1] Label
[2] Used
[3] Active state
[4] Duration of alarm before action
1 second

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Chapter 8 RMA

[5] Alarm number before action

1 alarm
[6] Time between 2 actions
1 minute
[7] Enabling a command
[8] Save
[9] Call
At the alarm start
[A] First destination
Destination 3
[B] Second destination
Destination 4
[C] All

The relay of the command 1 can be managed on open or on closed.
Go to Menu/Management/Relays.
In Menu/Management/Automatic call/Destinations/Destination3 , you must schedule:
Tel 1 , and Timeout for user connection (seeConfiguring a CPU alarm).

8.5.10 Terminal Switching on EXA in SRMA

By default, ExA manages a local console. Modifying the Port

To connect another entity on this port, with a console (connected on ExA):
1. Modify the protocol on its own port
2. Once this change has been saved, no further operator dialogue is possible.
3. Unplug the console and replace it with the selected entity (server, TA or modem).
4. Validate by reset (for security reasons)
5. make a test via port ExB (modem or TA)
The protocol change can be carried out via the ExB port (hence via a remote console).
To return to a local console on ExA, change the protocol of this port via ExB (hence via a remote
console) before replacing the existing entity by this console. Then validate by RMA reset. Checking Modem Parameters

Since the ExA port does not have all the V24 trunks, in order to connect a modem, the modem must be
correctly programmed. In addition to the parameters essential for the RMA, you must check and, where
necessary, change the following points (Hayes string dependent on the modem used:
• Cancel hard flow control (example: AT&K4 or &5)
• Cancel DTR trunk observation (example: AT&D0)
• Save in the modem (example : AT&W0)

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.6 Operation
8.6.1 Connection
To begin a session under the RMA account, you must type the login and the password.

8.6.2 Access to the General Menu

To access the general menu, type menu under the prompt.
The following menu is displayed:
[1] Connections
[2] States
[3] Management
[4] Session
[5] Exit
[6] Save
[7] Password
[8] Privileges

Each section enables you to access a submenu that can also be accessed by any on-line command:
Type ? to display the list of commands.
cnx : connections
state : states
mngt : management
set : session
exit : exit
save : save configuration
pass : password
priv : user rights
The commands are always in English, whatever the language selected.

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Chapter 8 RMA

8.6.3 Tree Structure of Menus

[1] SyA [1] SyA CPU
[2] SyB [2] SyB Extern 1
[3] ExA [3] ExA Extern 2
[4] ExB [4] ExB Extern 3
[5] ExC [5] ExC Extern 4
[6] Debug [6] Debug
[7] All

[1] Site Command 1 :

[2] Devices Command 2 :

[3] Alarms
[4] Relays [1] Alarms
[1] Connections [5] Journal [2] Resets
[6] Report [3] Connections
[1] Destination 1
[2] States [4] Calls
[2] Destination 2
[3] Destination 3 [5] Others
[3] Mangement
[4] Destination 4 [6] All
[4] Session [5] All
[5] Exit
[1] Site
[2] devices
[6] Save
[3] Alarms [1] English
[7] Password [4] PABX incidents
Session [2] Francais
[5] Relays
[8] Privileges [3] Deutsch
[6] Logins [1] Language
[7] Automatic call [2] Keyset
[8] Privileges [3] SIMUL
[1] Ascii
[9] Save [4] LEXT
[2] VT
[5] SAVE
[3] Iso Latin 1

Figure 8.8: Tree structure of menus

• With the SRMA board the Ports and Alarms menus are different.
• With an internal PCMCIA modem, there is an additional APA option in the Connections and Ports menus.

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Chapter 8 RMA

[1] Client [1] Label

[2]Address [2] Speed
[3] Phone [3] Word size
[4] Language [4] Parity
[5] Date [5] Stop bit
[6] Time [6] Flow control
[7] Network [7] All

[1] SyA [8] Node

[9] RMA Name [1] Hayes Creatix LC144
[2] SyB
[A] Automatic update time [2] Hayes Multitech MT1932
[3] ExA
[B] All [3] Hayes TA/UA
[4] ExB
[4] Hayes standard
[5] ExC [1] Interface [5] V25 bis TA/UA
[6] Debug [2] Protocol [6] V25 bis standard
[7] All
[3] Output in real time [7] Transparent
[4] Inactivity timeout [8] Console
[5] All

[1] Reset
[2] Initialization
[3] Routed call
[4] On hook
[1] Site [1] --> Edit des commands [5] Answer mode
[2] --> Edit state messages [6] Escape sequence
[2] Ports
[3] All [7] Wait dialtone
[3] Alarms [8] Tone dialing
[9] Pause
[4] PABX incidents [A] All

[5] Relays
[1] Command accepted
[6] Logins
[2] Command rejected
[3] Connection
[7] Automatic call
[4] Incoming call
[8] Privileges [5] No line
[6] No answer
[9] Save [7] Occupation
[8] Carrier loss
[9] Delayed number
[A] Unauthorized number
[B] All

Figure 8.9: Management menu

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Chapter 8 RMA

[1] Label
[2] Used
[3] Active state
[4] Alarm duration before action
§ 6.3 (*)
[5] Number of alarms before action
[1] CPU [1] None
[6] Time between two actions
[2] Extern 1 [2] Command 1
[7] Enable Command
[3] Extern 2 [3] Command 2
[8] Save
[4] Extern 3
[9] Call
[5] Extern 4
[A] First destination [1] Destination 1
[6] All
[B] Second destination [2] Destination 2
[C] All [3] Destination 3
[4] Destination 4
[1] Action incidents0 [3] First destination [5] All
[1] Site
[2] Action incidents1 [4] Second destination
[2] Ports [3] Action incidents2
[4] Action incidents3 [1] Used
[3] Alarms [5] PCX SyA activity [2] Command activation
[6] PCX SyB activity [3] First destination
[1] Command 1
[4] PCX incidents [7] All [4] Second destination
[2] Command 2
[5] Relays [3] All

[6] Logins
[1] Local Access type
[2] Remote New Login :
[7] Automatic call [3] Basic callback remote Password:
[4] Auto callback remote Password (confirm)
[8] Privileges [6] Free Phone Number

[9] Save
[1] MNGT command (RMA configuration management)
[2] Outgoing calls (via ExB, ExC, APA)
[3] PCX connections (via SyA, SyB)
[4] RMA board reset command
[5] PCX reset command
[6] Download et restore commands
[7] Login and privileges management

[1] Destination 1
[2] Destination 2 [1] Phone 1 : ExB -
[3] Destination 3 [2] Phone 2 : ExB -
[4] Destination 4 [3] Timeout for
user connection
[1] Destinations [5] All
[2] Country
[3] Disable automatic calls [1] Time between two calls
[1] France [2] Duration of pause
[4] Enable utomatic call
[2] Germany [3] Number of calls
[5] All
[3] Other [4] Unauthorized number
[5] All

Figure 8.10: Management menu (continued)

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Chapter 8 RMA


This menu allows you to perform connections on V24 ports.
A submenu lists all the possible connection labels.
[1] SyA
[2] SyB
[3] ExA
[4] ExB
[5] ExC
[6] Debug

A phone number is requested if the operator wishes to connect to an access linked to a modem or a
TA. The phone number includes the number itself, to which can be associated the letters: T (waiting for
a Tone) and P (requesting a Pause).
A connection on Exa or Debug allows a remote operator to dialog with a local operator connected on
the same accesses.
In a future version, the indications below will be added to the submenus:
• Connection impossible
• Access unavailable
• Access already used
The user will be able to specify remote connections with phone numbers.
On the ExB, ExC ports, an activity monitoring timeout is used to free automatically idle connections.
This monitoring is initialized at 15 minutes by default and can be set for up to 24 hours, with a
possibility of setting it for an indefinite duration. This timeout, related to the operator session, is the time
during which there is a monitoring to check whether there is an activity on the operator access
(reception of characters). When this timeout expires, the RMA cuts off the connection. At the next
operator session, the timeout will recover its default value.

8.6.5 STATES menu

This menu is used to read the different states of the RMA system
[1] Site
[2] Ports
[3] Alarms
[4] Relays
[5] Log
[6] Report Submenu Site

This submenu is used to read the parameters linked to the client's site.
The following data items are displayed:
RMA : Version XX.XX Code
Site : OmniPCX 4400
Telephone : XX XX XX XX
Date : daydatemonthyear HH:MM:SS Ports Submenu

This submenu is used to read V24 access configurations and states.
The following data items are displayed:

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Chapter 8 RMA

[1] SyA
[2] SyB
[3] ExA
[4] ExB
[5] ExC
[6] Debug
[7] All Sets

For each port, the following data items are displayed:

• The configuration as follows: speed, word size, parity, stop bit, flow control.
• The status: free, connected, incoming call, etc.
SyA :
Config : 9600 Bauds - 8 bits - No
Parity - 1 stop bit
Flow control: XON/XOFF
State : Free Alarms Submenu

Is used to list, for the five possible types of alarms (1 CPU and 4 External)
• The state: not used, no alarm, on alarm
• Whether an alarm save is requested
• Whether an automatic call (with a phone number) has been programmed, with the indications "in
progress" if the call has began, "unauthorized" if the call is impossible or "list full" if the queue is full
[1] CPU : Disabled
- No storage - Automatic call
[2] External 1 : Enabled -
No storage - Auto call in progress
[3] External 2 : Disabled - No
storage - Automatic call unauthorized
[4] External 3 : Not used - No
storage - No call
[5] External 4 : Not used -
No storage - No call
[6] All Relay Submenu

This submenu is used to read the states of external commands 1 and 2 (with relays open or not)
Commande 1 : Enabled (Open)
Commande 2 : Disabled (Closed) Log Submenu

This submenu is used to read the saved historical files:
• Alarms log: alarms received and transmitted
• Resets log: Master and slave CPU resets
• Connections log: connection/disconnection on SyA or SyB ports
• Resets log: Automatic calls on alarms, outgoing or incoming calls on ExB, ExC
• Incidents log in chronological order
The historical files are presented by displaying the most recent event first.

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Chapter 8 RMA

These states are backed up in five circular buffers, with 32 lines for resets and 128 lines for the other
ones. The possibility of dumping the Alarms files is offered.
[1] Alarms : 000 incident(s)
[2] Resets : 002 incident(s)
[3] Connections : 000 incident(s)
[4] Calls : 000 incident(s)
[5] Other : 000 incident(s)
[6] All
Your choice : 2
21/03/96 10:58:45 Login rma - End
of master CPU board reset
21/03/96 10:58:31 Login rma - Reset
of master CPU board
End of list Report Submenu

Is used to list the state of the 4 destinations:
• No incident waiting for a report,
• X incident(s) waiting for a report,
If a destination contains incidents waiting for a report and the operator has adequate rights (login
management rights), the operator is prompted to reset this list.

[1] Destination 1
18 incidents waiting for a report
[2] Destination 2
7 incidents waiting for a report
[3] Destination 3
20 non reported incidents
[4] Destination 4
None incident waiting for a report
[5] All

Your choice: 2
/Menu/States/Destination 2
07/10/97 13:54:48 000001R| |=4:4207=Destination 1 - Call

8.6.6 Management Menu

This menu is used to configure the RMA board and is authorized only for the first requester ( the
system refuses to connect simultaneously a second user in this menu).
[1] Site
[2] Ports
[3] Alarms
[4] PCX incidents
[5] Relays
[6] Logins
[7]Automatic call
[8] Privileges
[9] Save

Your choice:
Enter the number of the concerned section

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Chapter 8 RMA Site Submenu

This submenu is used to manage the client name, the address, the language, the date and the time.

[1] Client
Enter the client name on 31 characters in total
[2] Address
Enter the client address on 60 characters in total
[3] Telephone
Enter the client's phone number in 10 characters in total in the for-
mat: XX XX XX XX XX.
[4] Language
Select the language in the list. On an RMA reset, the system will
start with the language specified here.
[5] Date
Enter the date in the following order: Day, Month, Year (on 2 char-
acters (for example: 96 for 1996)).
[6] Time
Enter the time in the following order: Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
[7] Network
Enter the network number (default value: 000).
[8] Node
Enter the node number (default value: 001).
[9] RMA name
The name of the RMA will be displayed in front of the prompt.
[A] Automatic time reset
Yes/No: Automatic time reset of the RMA by the PCX.
[B] All
Is used to display all the sections, one by one. Ports Submenu

This submenu can only be accessed from the local console.
Each V24 port can be managed individually.
[1] SyA
[2] SyB
[3] ExA
[4] ExB
[5] ExC
[6] debug
[7] All

According to the selection, the following menu is displayed:

[1] Interface
[2] Protocol
[3] Real-time output
[4] Inactivity timer
[5] All

New data will only be validated after a confirmation request.
Selecting [1] Interface displays the following menu:

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Chapter 8 RMA

[1] Label
Enter the name in 16 characters max (by default = port name)
[2] Speed
150/300/600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200 bauds . Select the
desired speed.
[3] Word size
Select the desired word size (7 or 8 bits ).
[4] Parity
Select the desired parity (None/Even/Odd ).
[5] Stop bit
Select the number of stop bits (1 or 2 bits).
[6] Flow control
Select with or without flow control (With or XON/XOFF ).
[7] All
Is used to display all the sections, one by one.

For "ExA", "ExB", "ExC" and "debug" the choice "[3] Real-time output" displays the following
menu :
/Menu/Management/Ports/ExA/Real-time output
[1] Yes
[2] No (default value)

This command is used to validate, port by port, the real-time ouput of RMA incidents.
The incidents that are output in real time are the same as those stored in the chronological incidents
When the real-time output is validated for ExA, it is executed whether an operator is connected or not.
For ExB, ExC, it is executed only when an operator is connected.
For the same ports, the selection [4] Inactivity timeout displays the following menu:
/Menu/Management/Ports/ExA/Inactivity timeout
Default value: 10 minutes
Disconnection after: 10

Activity monitoring timeout on ExA, ExB, ExC ports.

This timeout is used to break an incoming or outgoing communication that is not used in the direction
from terminal to RMA (for example, if the operator forgot to disconnect from a charged line). It is also
used to log off automatically on the local port (ExA).
This timeout can be set for each port, for a duration of 1 minute to 4 hours.
Before running a download, the operator does not have to modify this timeout, even if its value is smaller than a
download time. (The RMA no longer takes into account the inactivity monitoring on this port during the whole time
of the download and reruns the timeout at the end of the download).
For ExB and ExC, the selection [2] Protocol displays the following menu:
/Menu/Management/Ports/ExB(or ExC)/Protocol
[1] Hayes Creatix LC144
[2] Hayes Multitech MT1932
[3] Hayes TA/UA
[4] Hayes Standard
[5] V25 bis TA/UA
[6] V25 bis Standard
[7] Transparent
[8] Console

No protocol for ports SyA, SyB, ExA and debug

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Chapter 8 RMA

Selecting Transparent enables you to connect a server to ExB or ExC. (In this case, the only
possible operation on these ports is a connection from another port).
Selecting Console enables you to connect a second local terminal.
For other choices, the display runs as follows:
/Menu/Management/Ports/ExB(or ExC)/Protocol
[1] --> Edit commands
[2] --> Edit state messages
[3] All

Selecting [1] Edit commands displays the following menu:

/Menu/Management/Ports/ExB(or ExC)/Protocol/Modem/Commandes

[1] Reset
[2] Initializing
[3] Routed call
[4] On-hook
[5] Answer mode
[6] Escape sequence
[7] Waiting for a tone
[8] Tone dialing
[9] Pause
[A] All

The commands above operate at RMA initialization and correspond to the Hayes protocol.
The different possibilities are described in the table below:

V25 bis HAYES V25 bis HAYES

Reset CNLZ0 ATZ0

Initializing CNLE0 ATE0Q0S0=2

Routed call CRI ATD CRN ATDT

On hook CNLH0 ATH0 ATH

Answer mode CIC CIC ATA

Escape +++ +++ +++

Wait for a tone : W :

Pulse/Frequency P P

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Chapter 8 RMA

V25 bis HAYES V25 bis HAYES

Dialing pause << , >

Selecting [2] Edit state messages displays the following menu:

/Menu/Management/Ports/ExB(or ExC)/Protocol/Modem/State messages

[1] Command accepted

[2] Command rejected
[3] Connection
[4] Incoming call
[5] No line
[6] No answer
[7] Busy
[8] Loss of carrier
[9] Number delayed
[A] Unauthorized number
[B] All

The types of signaling above operate at RMA initialization and correspond to the Hayes protocol.
The different possibilities are described in the table below:

V25 bis HAYES V25 bis HAYES

Command accepted VAL OK VAL OK

Command rejected INV ERROR INV ERROR


Incoming call INC RING INC RING




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Chapter 8 RMA

V25 bis HAYES V25 bis HAYES


Burnt number CFI BLACKLIST

Delayed number CFI DELAYED Alarms Submenu

This submenu is used to manage each alarm separately
[1] CPU
[2] External 1
[3] External 2
[4] External 3
[5] External 4
[6] All

According to the selection, the following menu is displayed:

Access path: Menu/Management/Alarms/[x]
[1] Label
Is used to modify labels by default. Maximum length 16
[2] Used
Yes/No : Is used to specify whether the RMA must take
into account the alarm.
[3] Active state
Open/Closed Determines the active state of the loop to
be monitored.
[4] Alarm duration before action
Minimum time (T1) during which the alarm must be
present before triggering an operation (this prevents in-
termittent cut-offs). Value: between 0 and 255 seconds
(0 sec by default).
[5] Alarm number before action
The alarm is taken into account and generates an RMA
action only if this number (N1) is reached. Value between
1 and 255 seconds (1 by default).
[6] Time between 2 actions
Time (T2) during which no action will be executed if
alarms appear. Value: between 0 and 255 minutes (0 min
by default).
[7] Enabling a command
None/Command 1/Command 2: Is used to enable a re-
lay when an alarm appears (For example: triggering a
ringing following the appearance of a CPU alarm gener-
ated by an incident scheduled by the "alarmrel" com-
[8] Save
Yes/No: Is used to record or not the alarm in the log.

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Chapter 8 RMA

[9] Call
No/At the alarm start/At alarm end/ At alarm start and
end: If different from "No", determines the time when the
alarm is taken into account. This time is determined by
the number set in [5] .
[A] First destination
Destination 1/Destination 2/Destination 3/Destination
4/None : Two destinations to call in case of an alarm
(see next note).
[B] Second destination
Destination 1/Destination 2/Destination 3/Destination
4/None :
[C] All

For each alarm you can chose either to call a single number (in this case, only the first destination is managed), or
to seek to notify two maintenance centers simultaneously (in this case, the two destinations are managed) (see
Automatic Call Submenu on page 221 )
Any alarm lasting a minimum time T1 is counted by the RMA. When the number of alarms reaches N1,
the actions scheduled by the operator are performed and the T2 timeout is armed. During timeout T2,
the RMA only observes the alarm disappearal. At the end of timeout T2, the RMA processes the alarms
Several alarms can trigger the same external command. The first alarm that appears enables the
external command, which remains active if a second alarm appears. The external command is disabled
when all the alarms have disappeared. Relay Submenu

This submenu is used to manage external relays.

[1] Command1
Active state: Open/Closed- Duration: Enter a value between 0 and 255 sec-
[2] Command2
Active state Open/Closed- Duration: Enter a value between 0 and 255 sec-

[3] All
It is recommended to configure the relay in an open active state. Indeed, in an closed active state, a transient
alarm will appear at the RMA reset. Logins Submenu

This submenu is used to manage the RMA system's logins and passwords.
At the first connection to the RMA, the operator must enter the default login and password. A message
then prompts him to modify this login.

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Chapter 8 RMA

No. Access Type Login Phone number

1 Local <default>
2 Free
3 Free
4 Free
5 Free
6 Free
7 Free
8 Free
9 Free
10 Free
11 Free
12 Free
13 Free
14 Free
15 Free
16 Free

Enter the number of the line to be modified:

The number of logins is limited to 16.
The logins can be scheduled.
According to the selection, the following menu is displayed:
/Menu/Management/Logins/Access type
[1] Local
[2] Remote
[3] Simple remote call
[4] auto remote recall
[5] Free

Your choice:
If the login access type is local, you can only connect to ExA.
If the login access type is remote, you can only connect to ExB or ExC and also, locally, to ExA.
The Ordinary remote recall" or Auto remote recall logins are used to recall the operator.
The Ordinary remote recall login requires you to enter the operator's modem number.
The Auto remote recall login recalls a pre-recorded number.
For selections [1], [2], [3], [4] the display is the following :
Access type: Local/Remote/Single remote recall/auto. remote
New Login:
Password (confirmation):
Phone number: (only for selection [4])
List of rights login xxxx

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Chapter 8 RMA

[1] MNGT command (RMA configuration management)

[2] Outgoing call ( via ExB, ExC, APA )
[3] Connection to the PCX (via SyA, SyB)
[4] RMA board reset command
[5] PCX reset command
[6] Download and restore commands
[7] Managing logins and privileges.

Rights non granted by default for [6] and [7]. Automatic Call Submenu

This submenu is used to chose the phone numbers for the outgoing port's destination, the country
where the PCX is installed, as well as the disabling or enabling of the automatic call.
/Menu/Management/Automatic call
[1] Destinations
[2] Country
[3] Disabling automatic calls
[4] Enabling automatic calls
[5] All

Selecting [1] in the /Menu/Management/Automatic call menu displays the following menu:
/Menu/Management/Automatic call/Destinations
[1] Destination 1
[2] Destination 2
[3] Destination 3
[4] Destination 4
[5] All

4 destinations authorized for reports.

According to the selection, the following menu is displayed:
/Menu/Management/Automatic call/Destinations/Destination "x"
[1] Tel. 1: ExB -
[2] Tel. 2: ExB -
[3] Timeout for user connection: 30 second(s)

This menu is used to select per destination:

• A main phone number and the label of the outgoing port (ExB, ExC)
• An overflow phone number and the label of the outgoing port (ExB, ExC)
Only the first number is called. If the call to the first number fails, the second one is called.
• An on-hook timeout allowing a remote operator to connect at the end of a report. If this timeout is 0,
the RMA does not authorize a user connection.
Selecting [2] in the /Menu/Management/Automatic call menu displays the following menu:
/Menu/Management/Automatic call/Countries

This submenu is used to chose the country where the PCX is installed. It helps you to manage the
automatic calls in compliance with the country's standard.
[1] France
[2] Germany
[3] Other

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Chapter 8 RMA

In the first two cases, the timeouts, the number of attempts upon failure, the pause time between two
series of calls and the fact of burning or not the number are coded in the firmware in compliance with
the country's standard.
Selecting [3] displays the following menu:
/Menu/Management/Automatic call/Data

[1] Time between two calls

1 to 255 minutes
[2] Pause time
1 to 255 minutes
[3] Number of calls
Value: 1 to 255
[4] Unauthorized number
Yes/No (see configurations recommended according to coun-
try in table below)
[5] All

Timeout values recommended when an automatic call has failed.

Country timeout [1] (mn) timeout [2] (mn) nb. calls burnt no.

Belgium 15 15 3 no

Netherlands 4 4 14 no

Austria 1 1 12 yes

Australia 1 30 10 no

Switzerland 1 1 5 yes

Selecting [3] in the /Menu/Management/Automatic call menu displays the following menu:
/Menu/Management/Automatic call/Disable automatic calls
Default value: 60 minutes
Automatic call disabling time

During an intervention at a local or a remote site, the operator can disable the reports by specifying a
duration (1 minute to 4 hours).
During this timeout, RMA alarm reports, PCX incident reports and PCX alarm loss of activity reports will
no longer be executed.
The RMA will resume reports at the end of the timeout or upon a "re-enable automatic call" by the
operator or when the operator is disconnected.
The operator can re-run this timeout by entering the "Disable automatic call" command, followed by a
new duration.
This data (enabling and duration) is not saved in the user configuration. After an RMA reset, automatic
calls are still enabled.
When a operator disables automatic calls, the RMA sends a message to "destination 1" indicating that
reports are suspended and specifying the time.
JJ/MM/AA hh:mm:ss 001001R| |=4:4205=Disable
automatic calls

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Chapter 8 RMA

Re-enabling automatic call by selecting [4] in the menu /Menu/Management/Automatic call

When the calls are re-enabled, the RMA sends a message to "destination 1" indicating that the reports
are re-enabled and specifying the time.
JJ/MM/AA/ hh:mm:ss 001001R| |=5:4205=Enable
automatic calls PCX Incidents Submenu

/Menu/Management/PCX incidents
[1] Action incidents0
[2] Action incidents1
[3] Action incidents2
[4] Action incidents3
[5] SyA PCX activity
[6] SyB PCX activity
[7] All

This submenu is used to manage:

• 4 Levels of actions. (Action incidents1 to Action incidents4)
• PCX activity on SyA
• PCX activity on SyB
For Action incidents1 to 4, the modifiable parameters are displayed in the following menu:
/Menu/Management/PCX/Action incidents"x"
[1] First destination
[2] Second destination

For a PCX Activity on SyA or SyB, the display of modifiable parameters becomes:
/Menu/Management/PCX Incidents/SyA or (SyB) PCX activity
[1] Used
[2] Enable a command
[3] First destination
[4] Second destination

For each Incident you can chose either to call a single number (in this case, only the first destination is
managed), or to seek to notify two maintenance centers (in this case, the two destinations are
According to the destination, the following menu is displayed:
/Menu/Management/PCX Incidents/SyB activity PCX/First destination(Second
[1] Destination 1
[2] Destination 2
[3] Destination 3
[4] Destination 4
[5] None (default value)

PCX incident
An application on OmniPCX Enterprise is used to select the incidents to be processed by the RMA as
well as the associated level of action.
The RMA observes the SyA and SyB ports and reports these incidents.
The calls for the reporting of these incidents are stored in the incoming/outgoing calls file.
The RMA continues to process these incidents, even is a user is connected to OmniPCX Enterprise via
the SyA or SyB ports.
A user connected to the OmniPCX Enterprise does not see these Incident messages in the RMA
format, they are filtered by the RMA.
Message formats OmniPCX Enterprise RMA:

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Chapter 8 RMA

^RRMA :action_id :Incident in format DHS^X

action_id: Action level on RMA(0..3 )

Monitoring CPU activity

If an RMA is declared in the PCX configuration, the CPU (main or stand-by) sends at regular intervals
(every 2 minutes) to the RMA a message in the following format:
^RRMA :M ^X if main CPU.
^RRMA :M ^X if stand-by CPU.

Once monitoring has been enabled on the RMA, the first PCX message is awaited before running a 4-
minute timeout. This timeout is re-run for each activity message. If after this timeout, the RMA has
received no new activity message, you perform the selected actions:
• Reporting to one or two phone numbers an alarm message of the type:
"date/time Port label (SyA or SyB) - Loss of M/S CPU activity on SyA"
• Storing an alarm message.
• Enabling an alarm relay. This alarm relay will be disabled on reception of a new CPU activity
If an operator connected on SyA or SyB performs CtrlSZ/CtrlQ flow control and remains blocked more than 2
minutes with CtrlS, the RMA will force the transmission to a terminal to unlock the CPU transmission in order to
receive CPU activity messages. (This un-blocks the display on the operator's terminal).
The terminal must be programmed "without flow control management".
Time reset of the RMA by the PCX.
The message sent by the main CPU is followed by the date and the time in the following format:
^RRMA :M :Fri Mar 14 14:45:30 1997^X

The RMA resets on the PCX time every hour (if the automatic time reset parameter is enabled in the
site's RMA configuration). Privileges Submenu

This submenu is used to manage the user rights of different logins (see Logins Submenu on page 219 )
The login 1 ("rma", "rma" in the default configuration) has all the rights. These cannot be modified (to
ensure that at least one login has all the rights on RMA), otherwise it would be impossible to manage
the logins on this RMA.

No. Login No. Login

1 rma 9
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
8 16

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Chapter 8 RMA

Enter the number of the line to be modified:

According to the selection, the following menu is displayed:

[1] MNGT command (RMA configuration management)

[2] Outgoing call ( via ExB, ExC, APA )
[3] Connection to the PCX (via SyA, SyB)
[4] RMA board reset command
[5] PCX reset command
[6] Download and restore commands
[7] Managing logins and privileges.

This submenu can also be accessed from the login management. (see: Logins Submenu on page 219) Save Submenu

The default configuration is saved in flash memory that is saved if the RMA power supply is cut off.
This configuration is copied to RAM after the RMA is reset so that it can be modified. All modifications
are made in RAM.
When the operator modifies the configuration, he can save the entire configuration in flash memory
with the "Management SAVE" command. When this command is run, the RMA software copies the
configuration from RAM to Flash memory (after confirmation).

8.6.7 Session Menu Language
Is used to specify the language used on the access to the current session. The operator can chose
between the standard language (English) and the two other languages specified in each country.
On the ExB, ExC and APA ports, for each incoming call, the RMA switches back to ASCII mode.
8-bit mode must be used on the RMA side and the console side (mandatory). Character Set

Is used to specify the characters set used on the access to the current session. The operator can
chose between: ASCII, VT, Iso Latin1.
On the ExB, ExC and APA ports, for each incoming call, the RMA switches back to ASCII mode.
8-bit mode must be used on the RMA side and the console side (mandatory). SIMUL
When this command is run, the RMA board simulates one of six alarms (CPU O, 1 or External 1 to 4).
The set of operations programmed with the "ALARM management" command is then performed (relay
command, automatic call, etc.). The operator can simulate the start or end of an alarm as desired. The
operator must always end the simulation with an "end of alarm".

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Chapter 8 RMA LEXT
This command can only be used on the local console. It allows transparent connection to the modem
or a TA to check the commands and signaling in V25bis or Hayes mode depending on the selected
protocol. If there are any differences with respect to the default configuration, the operator can modify
the configuration by using the "PROTOCOL management" command. This command, giving
transparency on the modem, exists as "HAYES" commands may differ according to the model of
modem, so it is necessary to adapt to the associated "black box". This is because HAYES commands
are not completely standardized. This command also allows a remote operator to be called by dialing
according to the protocol used by the modem or TA. Any connection on an external line generates an
incident stored in a file of incoming and outgoing calls. SAVE
see: Save Submenu on page 225 RESTORE
This command, after confirmation, restores the factory configuration and performs a full reset of the
RMA board for the changes to be applied. The customer configuration is then lost. DOWNLOAD
This command allows a new RMA binary to be downloaded from the CPU. After entering the
command, the operator must specify the access used for download, namely SyA or SyB. The operator
is then connected to the relevant access and must run the ". rma_download" command under the
"mtch" account. After the message "Ready to send RMA binary", the operator disconnects by pressing
CTRL-A twice.
The RMA then automatically switches to reception mode and download is performed. When download
is complete, the RMA offers to restart the board to apply the new binary.
The operator can interrupt download at any time by pressing CTRL-A.

8.6.8 EXIT
This command is used to exit a session and release the link on an ExB, ExC or APA access.

8.6.9 Reset CPU

This command is used to reset the hardware of the main CS board (SyA) or backup CS board (SyB). If
a reset command was run during the previous minute, the operator is informed and a list of reset
operations is displayed.
This command is not displayed in the RMA menus and is always followed by a request for confirmation.
The “Reset CPU Master” command acts on RMT-RES1.
The “Reset CPU Slave” command acts on RMT-RES2.

8.6.10 Password menu

This menu is used to modify the password of the current session's login in the main menu.
/Menu/Modification of Password
Former password:
New password :
Password (confirmation):
Setup not saved. Do you wish to save it now?
[Yes/No - No by default]:

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9 e.RMA

9.1 Overview
9.1.1 Overview
The e-RMA (embedded Remote Maintenance Access) service allows:
• Remote connection. Using e-RMA, a remote manager can control the OmniPCX Enterprise. The
manager then has a VT100 terminal (or emulation) from which he can run all configuration or
maintenance commands. This access is secured (depending on configuration) by a password and
(possibly) a callback procedure.
• Incidents occurring on the Call Server to be reported to an alarm center.
The e-RMA service uses the internal modem of an OmniPCX Media Gateway.
The e-RMA link is a serial link that can operate with PPP protocol. This PPP protocol allows IP applications to
access the PCX. For example, the 4760 management application can connect via e-RMA, but the authorized bit
rate is low and applications may run slowly.

Call Server
PSTN network

Figure 9.1: e-RMA link

There is no mutual assistance between Media Gateways. For incoming calls, only the internal modem
of the Media Gateway receiving the call can be used. For outgoing calls, only the internal modem of the
Media Gateway supporting the designated trunk group can be used.
The e-RMA application must be able to be accessed using a DID number.
The remote manager's modem must operate in V42 mode (mandatory).

9.1.2 Detailed description of operation Remote access
Access to the Call server, via e-RMA, is via the following path:

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Chapter 9 e.RMA

Public Call Server

VT100 Call Internal e-RMA
network handler modem

1 2 3 4

Figure 9.2: Remote access path

Connection phases:
1. The call is initiated by the manager. It is directed through the public network to the Media Gateway
using the call number.
2. On arrival, the call is identified as a call for the e-RMA application. The call then undergoes the
following preliminary check:
If the “Circuit Data Security” option is used and if the calling number is transmitted, the calling
number must be included in the list of speed dial numbers.
If the preliminary check is correct, the call is sent to the internal modem of the Media Gateway.
If the preliminary check is incorrect or if the modem is busy, the call is refused.
3. At entry to the e-RMA application, the e-RMA login and password are requested. To deter attacks
on this access, the system systematically refuses identification after a specific number of
unsuccessful connection attempts ((this number can be configured). This identification refusal
concerns all attempts, both correct and incorrect, for a specified time period. According to the type
of account, there are several types of operation (specified in configuration):
• No callback: the remote manager is directly connected to the Main Call server.
• Caller callback: e-RMA breaks off the call and calls back the caller. When the call is re-
established, e-RMA asks for the login and password again and then connects to the Main Call
• Call back a fixed number: e-RMA breaks off the call and calls the number specified in
configuration. When the call is established, e-RMA asks for the login and password again and
then connects to the Main Call Server.
4. The remote manager is then connected to the Main Call server. The remote manager then opens a
LINUX session by entering login and password (“mtcl” for example). The remote manager can then
use all maintenance and configuration commands as if he were using the system console.
Using several internal modems, several remote managers may connect simultaneously. Incident reporting

When an incident is to be reported to the alarm center, the e-RMA sets up a connection to the alarm
center. An alarm message is then transmitted.
If the call fails for any reason (remote modem busy for example), no further attempt is made. The
incident is stored and sent with the following incident.
To limit the number of calls, incidents are stored for a time period (configurable) before a connection is
set up
The number for the alarm center is preceded by the trunk group seize prefix. This prefix directs the call
to a Media Gateway and the internal modem of this Media Gateway is used. Several alarm centers can
be specified (4 maximum).

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Chapter 9 e.RMA

Example alarm message:

Address: 54 rue Jean Jaures Paris FRANCE
Number :
Node : 1

Tue Jun 18 10:01:05 2002 (2)

18/06/02 09:57:46 000001R|--/--/-/---|=4:4200= ALCATEL-LUCENT — RMA
call (4)
18/06/02 09:57:46 000001M|--/--/-/---|=5:2019:R0=Mise en service d'un
coupleur Z
18/06/02 09:57:46 000001M|19/01/-/---|=5:2019:R0=Mise en service d'un
coupleur INTIPA
18/06/02 09:57:51 000001M|04/00/-/---|=5:2019:R0=Mise en service d'un
coupleur INTMGD
18/06/02 09:57:52 000001M|04/05/-/---|=5:2019:R0=Mise en service d'un
coupleur NDDI
18/06/02 09:57:52 000001M|04/27/-/---|=5:2019:R0=Mise en service d'un
coupleur GPA

1. Site reference. This information is from the “Installation” MAO object.

2. Date of the e-RMA call.
3. List of incidents transmitted in the call. For incident content, see the Overview on page 134.
4. Incident 4200, the first in the list, gives site name (“ALCATEL-LUCENT” in the example). This name
is managed in the “Installation” MAO object. Connection log (history)

A summary of each connection request received by the e-RMA is saved in a log file. The log file is a
circular file with 1,000 entries. Any additional entries overwrite older entries. Log file content can be
viewed using the command “ermahisto”.
A log file stores e-RMA connections between two Call Server reboots. Only the current and three most
recent files are conserved. Duplicated Call Server

For a duplicated Call Server, the e-RMA connection is directed to the Main Call Server. On Call Server
switchover, the “e-RMA” connection is lost. The remote manager must then set up the e-RMA
connection again.
Incidents are specific to the Main Call Server, they are not duplicated on the Stand-by Call Server.
The connection log is not duplicated on the Stand-by Call Server. The two Call Servers each have their
own specific log files.

9.1.3 Related modules

e-RMA is described in the following modules:
• Management (see the Configuration procedure on page 229).
• Maintenance (see the Maintenance on page 233).

9.2 Configuration procedure

9.2.1 Remote Connection Configuring the e-RMA Application
Object name: Applications > eRMA > eRMA application

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Chapter 9 e.RMA


Directory No. : Enter the directory number of the e-RMA application. This number
must be a DID number that is compatible with the dialing plan.

Login attempts : Enter the number of incorrect logins that may be entered before the
procedure to deny connection is started.
Default value: 3

Unreachable delay : Enter the time for which connection will be denied. Units are mi-
Default value: 15

Time between two inci- : Enter the maximum time for which incidents can be stored before
dent calls being transmitted. Units are minutes.
Default value: 15

Authorizing the modem for the e-RMA service

Object name: Shelf > Board

Shelf Address : Enter the number of the Media Gateway.

Board Address : Enter GD board address.

Interface Type : GD

e-RMA feature : Select whether or not the internal modem of this Media Gateway can
be used by the e-RMA. Preliminary Check

Activation of preliminary check on the calling number
Object name: System > Other System Param.> System Parameters

System Option : Select: Circuit Data Security.

Circuit Data Security. : Select whether or not preliminary check of the calling number is to

Configuring speed dial number

For this check to be correct, the numbers of authorized callers must be present in the table of speed
dial numbers.
Object name: Speed dialing > Direct Speed Dialing Numbers> Direct SpdDl Num. Pref.

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Chapter 9 e.RMA

Direct Speed Dial No. : Enter any number compatible with the dialing plan.

Call Number : Enter the number of the calling remote manager.

Do not forget to manage the external number translator for this number.

The other parameters are not used for e-RMA. e-RMA Login

For each e-RMA login available, an “eRMA Logins” object must be created. Up to 10 different “e-RMA”
logins can be used.
Object name: Applications > eRMA> eRMA Logins

Login : Enter e-RMA login name.

Password : Enter the corresponding password (blind entry)

Confirm : Confirm password (blind entry).

Security Method : Select degree of security:

• None: no callback.
• Call back: callback is performed.

Call back type : Select callback type:

• Calling Number: Callback is to the caller's number.
• Fixed number: Callback is always to the number specified

Callback number : Enter the number to be called back (including trunk seize prefix).
This parameter is only used if Call back type is set to Fixed num-
In this case, the ARS prefix cannot be used. Callback Timers

When callback is performed, the system waits for a time set by system timer number 309 before calling
back (default value 20 seconds). This timer gives the remote modem time to hang up.
For an outgoing call (call back or incident reporting) the system lets the remote user ring for a time set
by system timer number 308 before declaring no-response for the remote user (default value 20 sec.).

9.2.2 Incident Reporting Incident Manager
The Incident Manager must be configured so that incidents are sent to e-RMA.
Object name: Applications > Incident Manager

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Chapter 9 e.RMA

RMA : Select eRMA

Default value: None

For more information on the Incident Manager, see Configuration procedure on page 139. Selecting Incidents

The manager must select the incidents he wants to be transmitted to the alarm center.
Object name: Applications > Incident Manager> Incident Filter

Incident Number : Enter the number of the incident the manager wants to be transmit-

Rma Action : Select the action to be performed when the incident is received.
• None: the incident triggers no action.
• Action 0: action 0, specified below, is performed.
• Action 1: action 1, specified below, is performed.
• Action 2: action 2, specified below, is performed.
• Action 3: action 3, specified below, is performed.

The other parameters are not used for e-RMA. Specifying the Alarm Center

The alarm center is identified by its call number, specified in the action to be performed. Up to 4
actions, and hence up to 4 alarm centers, can be specified
Object name: Application > e-RMA > e-RMA Application

RMA Action : Enter action number.

Action type: : Select the type of action to be performed:

• None: no action (default value).
• Call alarm center: the action performed is to call the alarm
center specified below.

Alarm center number : Enter the number of the alarm center preceded by the trunk group
seize prefix.
In this case, the ARS prefix cannot be used.

9.2.3 Use with PPP

To use the e-RMA link with PPP protocol (for file transfer for example), this must be authorized using
the “netadmin” tool.
Access: netadmin –m > 6 Serial links (PPP) > 2. Add
Name of the device to be used: /dev/e-rma.
On this PPP connection, the login to be used is “PPP”, “PPP” password.

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Chapter 9 e.RMA

9.3 Maintenance
9.3.1 The “ermahisto” command
This command is used to obtain a balance sheet (report) for e-RMA connections made since the last
reboot. The “ermahisto” command

This command displays current file information. Example:
(1)PCX2> ermahisto
06/18/2002 09:53:56 OutgoingCall 00155661234 IncidNumber 2019 LibCause
Destination unreachable Duration 00:00:20
06/18/2002 13:30:47 CallingNumber 0155661235 UsedLogin rma LibCause
OK Duration 00:00:50
06/18/2002 13:33:33 CallingNumber 0155661235 UsedLogin erma2 LibCause
OK Duration 00:00:42
06/18/2002 13:35:42 LibCause OK Duration 00:00:18
06/25/2002 13:36:06 OutgoingCall 00155661236 UsedLogin erma3 LibCause
OK Duration 00:01:27

Each line corresponds to a connection and includes the following data:

• “06/18/2002 13:30:47”: the date of the call.
• “OutgoingCall” / “CallingNumber” outgoing or incoming call followed by called or calling number.
• “IncidNumber 2019”: number of the incident that triggered the call.
• “UsedLogin rma”: e-RMA login of the calling manager.
• “LibCause OK”: release on request normal case or error case “LibCause Destination unreachable”
for example.
• “Duration 00:00:50”: duration of the e-RMA call.
The last two lines in the above example correspond to a connection with remote manager callback. The “ermahisto –1” command

This command displays the e-RMA information of the previous file. This file contains data from before
the last reboot of the machine.
“ermahisto –2” and “ermahisto –3” are for the two reboots previous to this. Data on reboots before the
three most recent is lost.
For a duplicated Call Server, the data corresponding to the “ermahisto” command is not duplicated on the
Call server (or vice versa). This command does not give the same resultant data for the Main Call Server
and the Stand-by Call Server. This is also the case for the commands “ermahisto –1”, “ermahisto –2” and
“ermahisto –3”. The “ermahisto –c” command

This command displays data on the current connection. Example:

(1)PCX2> ermahisto -c
06/25/2002 11:05:26 CallingNumber 0155661235 UsedLogin rma

The fields are the same as those of the “ermahisto” command.

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10 Alarm Sets

10.1 Configuration procedure

10.1.1 Presentation
It is possible to create alarm sets on any network node, whether or not the incidents are centralized.
These alarm sets are used to inform the system administrator or any other designated person, that one
or more particular incidents have occurred.
The following sets can be used as alarm set:
• The Alcatel Reflexes sets
• The Alcatel-Lucent 8/9 series sets
• The Alcatel Mobile Reflexes 100/200 sets
To create an alarm set, you must comply with the following procedure:
• Create a set in the usual way.
• Match incident number(s) and Table Id in Incident Filter objects.
• Declare the selected set as alarm set in the database.

10.1.2 Matching Alarm Number and Table Number

1. Select Applications > Incident manager > Incident Filter
2. Review/modify the following attributes:

Incident Number Number of the incident.

Table ID Number of the alarm for this incident

3. Confirm your entries

10.1.3 Declaring the Alarm Set

1. Select System > Alarm Set
2. Review/modify the following attributes:

Table ID Table Id (between 1 and 128) previously allocated to an incident

(or group of incidents) in Incident Filter objects.

Alarm Set Dir. No. Repertory number of the set assigned to this function (previously
declared as user set).
3. Confirm your entries
A same set can collect several alarms. For this, create several alarm sets and, each time, use the same directory

10.1.4 Viewing Incidents (for Example, on an Alcatel-Lucent IP Touch 4068 Phone

When an alarm occurs the Alcatel-Lucent IP Touch 4068 Phone set is rung (with a dedicated ringing
melody) and the LED flashes.

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Chapter 10 Alarm Sets

On off-hook, the set displays:

Thu 9 Jun 2008 16:21

Memo Redial list
13030 Available Agent
Call Server -> alarm 1
Welcome guide ACR manage.

Delete Scroll

Several actions can be performed:

• To view incident data, press the Scroll softkey.

Thu 9 Jun 2008 16:21

Memo Redial list
13030 Available Agent
Incident 701 Gravity 2
Welcome guide ACR manage.

Delete Scroll

The Scroll softkey must be pressed several times to display all incident information.
• To acknowledge the incident, press the Delete softkey.
To acknowledge an incident:
• From an Alcatel Mobile Reflexes 100/200 set, press the OK button and select the Delete option menu
• From an Alcatel Reflexes set (i.e. Advanced Reflexes), press the Cancel dynamic key
if the Alcatel-Lucent IP Touch 4068 Phone set is not off hooked, it stops ringing when timer n° 25
elapses and the LED flashing stops. The LED continues to flash if the alarm set is an Alcatel Mobile
Reflexes 100/200 set or an Alcatel Reflexes set.
To view and acknowledge the alarm from the Alcatel-Lucent IP Touch 4068 Phone set in idle state,
press the message fixed key. For the Alcatel Mobile Reflexes 100/200 sets or Alcatel Reflexes sets, the
set feature prefix of Access and Review alarms must be dialled.

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