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Title: Challenges Faced by Teachers During the Pandemic: An Action Research Survey

Dear Educators,
Thank you for participating in our survey on the challenges faced by teachers during the
pandemic. Your insights will contribute to understanding the unique circumstances teachers have
encountered and help identify opportunities and best practices in managing these challenges
Section 1: Demographic Information
1.1. Grade Level:
 Elementary
 High School
 College/University
 Other (please specify) _________________________________

1.2. Subject Area:

 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) _____
 Humanities _____

 Social Sciences _____

 Arts _____
 Physical Education _____
 Other (please specify) _____________________

1.3. Teaching Experience:

 Less than 5 years _____
 5-10 years _____
 11-20 years _____
 20+ years _____

Section 2: Challenges in Teaching During the Pandemic

2.1. Please rank the following challenges in order of significance (1 being the most significant, 5
being the least):
 Remote teaching and learning _____
 Student engagement _____
 Technology integration _____
 Assessment and grading _____
 Mental health and well-being of students _____

2.2. How has the shift to remote or hybrid teaching impacted your ability to connect with
2.3. Have you faced challenges in adapting your teaching methods to the online environment? If
so, please describe.

Section 3: Opportunities Identified for Teachers

3.1. Have you identified any new opportunities or innovative approaches in teaching during the

3.2. How has technology been leveraged to enhance the teaching-learning experience in your
3.3. Are there any positive changes in student learning or behavior that you've observed during
this period?
Section 4: Best Practices in Teaching During the Pandemic
4.1. Share any successful teaching strategies or initiatives that you implemented during the
4.2. How have you supported the mental health and well-being of your students during these
challenging times?
4.3. What communication strategies have proven effective in maintaining a sense of connection
with your students?

Section 5: Support and Resources

5.1. What type of support or resources would you like to see more of from your educational
institution or authorities?
5.2. Have professional development opportunities been provided to help teachers navigate the
challenges of remote or hybrid teaching?
Section 6: Future Outlook for Teaching
6.1. How do you anticipate the role of teachers evolving in a post-pandemic educational

6.2. Are there any lessons learned or best practices that you believe will continue to be relevant
in the long term?

Section 7: Additional Comments

7.1. Please provide any additional comments or insights you feel are important regarding the
challenges faced by teachers during the pandemic.

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your input is crucial for gaining a deeper
understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and best practices in teaching during these
extraordinary times. The results of this survey will be compiled and shared for the benefit of the
broader educational community.

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