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DAILY LESSON LOG FOR School: Grade and Section: VI -


Teaching Dates: FEBRUARY 12 – 16, 2024 (WEEK 3) Quarter: SECOND QUARTER


a. Grade Level Standard The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types
materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
a. Content Standards
b. Performance Standards
c. Most Essential Learning Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue (EN10LC-IIId3.18) (EXTENDED ABSTRACT LEVEL OF SOLO
Competencies (MELCs) TAXONOMY)
D. Learning Objectives
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials Patchicoy, R. (2020). Patchicoy, R. (2020). Patchicoy, R. (2020). Patchicoy, R. (2020).
(SLMs/LASs) English Quarter 3 - English Quarter 3 - English Quarter 3 - English Quarter 3 -
Module1 Present a Module1 Present a Module1 Present a Module1 Present a
Coherent, Comprehensive Coherent, Comprehensive Coherent, Comprehensive Coherent, Comprehensive
Report on Differing Report on Differing Report on Differing Report on Differing
Viewpoints on an Issue Viewpoints on an Issue Viewpoints on an Issue Viewpoints on an Issue
[Self-Learning Modules]. [Self-Learning Modules]. [Self-Learning Modules]. [Self-Learning Modules].
Department of Education. Department of Education. Department of Education. Department of Education.
Retrieved (January 17, Retrieved (January 17, Retrieved (January 17, Retrieved (January 17,
2023) from https://r7- 2023) from https://r7- 2023) from https://r7- 2023) from https://r7-
e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php?
id=13101 id=13101 id=13101 id=13101
Santiago, M. (2021). Santiago, M. (2021). Santiago, M. (2021). Santiago, M. (2021).
Presenting a Coherent, Presenting a Coherent, Presenting a Coherent, Presenting a Coherent,
Comprehensive Report on Comprehensive Report on Comprehensive Report on Comprehensive Report on
Differing Viewpoints on an Differing Viewpoints on an Differing Viewpoints on an Differing Viewpoints on an
IssueDepartment of IssueDepartment of IssueDepartment of IssueDepartment of
Education. Education. Education. Education.
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning paper, quiz notebook or
Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, test paper
notebook notebook notebook notebook
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous Directions: What is Directions: Read the Directions: Read the Directions: Provide your
lesson/Drill viewpoint? article inside the box. article inside the box. viewpoints in each
Write your viewpoint on Write your viewpoint on situation.
the space provided. the space provided.
Situation: "Your
neighborhood is
discussing safety
measures. Share your
viewpoints on the
proposed safety initiatives,
considering your location,
age, and personal
experiences that may
influence your perception
of safety needs."
Students should not have I believe that every child Situation: "Your family is
to attend school on should be able to have a planning a budget for the
Saturdays. Some believe pet. Each year, more thanupcoming year. Express
that students should 5 million pets your viewpoints on
attend school six days per are sent to animal effective budgeting
week. They cite the fact shelters. Since there are strategies, taking into
that test scores across theover 110 million people inaccount your profession,
country are not as high as the Philippines, education, and personal
desired. Although this is taking in a pet would help
experiences with financial
true, some people would reduce the number of
not be able to attend management."
animals in a shelter. While
school on Saturdays this would help
because of their personal animals, this would benefit
belief system, family day, children too. They learn
or sports activities. What how to be responsible.
is your viewpoint?
What is your viewpoint?
What is your viewpoint?

C. Establishing a purpose Look at the two What is your viewpoint

for the lesson/ Motivation illustrations. The probably regarding the confidential
familiar images of two funds of our Vice
straight lines (of equal President Sara Duterte?
length) and a candlestick
or wine glass (or two
faces) show us that things
are often not as
they first seem, and
there's almost always a
different viewpoint.

D. Presenting Being able to understand Being able to understand Being able to understand Being able to understand
examples/instances of the events and even events and even behaviors events and even events and even
new lesson/Motivation behaviors from different from different perspectives behaviors from different behaviors from different
perspectives is important. is important. Ideas may be perspectives is important. perspectives is important.
Ideas may be interpreted interpreted by different Ideas may be interpreted Ideas may be interpreted
by different people in people in different ways. by different people in by different people in
different ways. So, it is So, it is always wise to different ways. So, it is different ways. So, it is
always wise to listen to listen to what others have always wise to listen to always wise to listen to
what others have to say to say about an issue what others have to say what others have to say
about an issue before before deciding or acting about an issue before about an issue before
deciding or acting on it. It on it. It is the same way in deciding or acting on it. It deciding or acting on it. It
is the same way in examining images which is the same way in is the same way in
examining images which present particular examining images which examining images which
present particular viewpoints or opinions. present particular present particular
viewpoints or opinions. viewpoints or opinions. viewpoints or opinions.
E. Discussing new Viewpoint is a person’s Viewpoint is a person’s Viewpoint is a person’s Viewpoint is a person’s
concepts and practicing interpretations of events, interpretations of events, interpretations of events, interpretations of events,
new skills No. 1 people, and places based people, and places based people, and places based people, and places based
on his or her own on his or her own on his or her own on his or her own
experiences and experiences and experiences and experiences and
background. Personal background. Personal background. Personal background. Personal
viewpoints may be viewpoints may be viewpoints may be viewpoints may be
different from other’s different from other’s different from other’s different from other’s
viewpoints; thus, conflicts viewpoints; thus, conflicts viewpoints; thus, conflicts viewpoints; thus, conflicts
may arise if a person may arise if a person may arise if a person may arise if a person
insists on his personal insists on his personal insists on his personal insists on his personal
viewpoints with people viewpoints with people viewpoints with people viewpoints with people
having different viewpoints having different viewpoints having different viewpoints having different viewpoints
on a certain issue. on a certain issue. on a certain issue. on a certain issue.
F. Discussing new One viewpoint may be One viewpoint may be One viewpoint may be One viewpoint may be
concepts and practicing opposing or differing with opposing or differing with opposing or differing with opposing or differing with
new skills No. 2 others because of some others because of some others because of some others because of some
factors: factors: factors: factors:
LOCATION- Most people LOCATION- Most people LOCATION- Most people LOCATION- Most people
grow up in a certain grow up in a certain grow up in a certain grow up in a certain
restricted environment restricted environment restricted environment restricted environment
(their natural environment, (their natural environment, (their natural environment, (their natural environment,
their family, town, country, their family, town, country, their family, town, country, their family, town, country,
etc.). The fact that a etc.). The fact that a etc.). The fact that a etc.). The fact that a
person reacts to their person reacts to their person reacts to their person reacts to their
specific natural specific natural specific natural specific natural
environment means they environment means they environment means they environment means they
create specific daily create specific daily habits, create specific daily create specific daily
habits, stereotypes, and stereotypes, and methods habits, stereotypes, and habits, stereotypes, and
methods of satisfying their of satisfying their wants. methods of satisfying their methods of satisfying their
wants. PERSONAL wants. wants.
EXPERIENCES- Most of our point of view varies on EXPERIENCES- Most of EXPERIENCES- Most of
our point of view varies on our experiences. our point of view varies on our point of view varies on
our experiences. Experiences change one's our experiences. our experiences.
Experiences change one's viewpoint. It molds and Experiences change one's Experiences change one's
viewpoint. It molds and shapes an individual view viewpoint. It molds and viewpoint. It molds and
shapes an individual view of seeing and thinking. shapes an individual view shapes an individual view
of seeing and thinking. CULTURAL HERITAGE is of seeing and thinking. of seeing and thinking.
an expression of the ways of living developed by a an expression of the ways an expression of the ways
of living developed by a community and passed on of living developed by a of living developed by a
community and passed on from generation to community and passed on community and passed on
from generation to generation, including from generation to from generation to
generation, including customs, practices, generation, including generation, including
customs, practices, places, objects, artistic customs, practices, customs, practices,
places, objects, artistic expressions, and values. places, objects, artistic places, objects, artistic
expressions, and values. Different customs, values, expressions, and values. expressions, and values.
Different customs, values, and practices may affect Different customs, values, Different customs, values,
and practices may affect one’s viewpoint. and practices may affect and practices may affect
one’s viewpoint. RACE- The term was first one’s viewpoint. one’s viewpoint.
RACE- The term was first used to refer to speakers RACE- The term was first RACE- The term was first
used to refer to speakers of a common language used to refer to speakers used to refer to speakers
of a common language and then to denote of a common language of a common language
and then to denote national affiliations. One’s and then to denote and then to denote
national affiliations. One’s national identity, beliefs, national affiliations. One’s national affiliations. One’s
national identity, beliefs, and traditions may affect national identity, beliefs, national identity, beliefs,
and traditions may affect one’s viewpoint. and traditions may affect and traditions may affect
one’s viewpoint. GENDER- A personal one’s viewpoint. one’s viewpoint.
GENDER- A personal conception of oneself as GENDER- A personal GENDER- A personal
conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely, conception of oneself as conception of oneself as
male or female (or rarely, both or neither). This male or female (or rarely, male or female (or rarely,
both or neither). This concept is intimately both or neither). This both or neither). This
concept is intimately related to the concept of concept is intimately concept is intimately
related to the concept of gender role, which is related to the concept of related to the concept of
gender role, which is defined as the outward gender role, which is gender role, which is
defined as the outward manifestations of defined as the outward defined as the outward
manifestations of personality that reflect manifestations of manifestations of
personality that reflect gender identity. personality that reflect personality that reflect
gender identity. AGE- New research gender identity. gender identity.
AGE- New research shows that the aging AGE- New research AGE- New research
shows that the aging process improves certain shows that the aging shows that the aging
process improves certain abilities: Elderly people process improves certain process improves certain
abilities: Elderly people appear to be better and abilities: Elderly people abilities: Elderly people
appear to be better and faster at grasping the big appear to be better and appear to be better and
faster at grasping the big picture than 20-year-olds, faster at grasping the big faster at grasping the big
picture than 20-year-olds, maybe because of their picture than 20-year-olds, picture than 20-year-olds,
maybe because of their personal experiences in maybe because of their maybe because of their
personal experiences in life. However, most personal experiences in personal experiences in
life. However, most scientists have believed life. However, most life. However, most
scientists have believed that elderly people perform scientists have believed scientists have believed
that elderly people perform more slowly than young that elderly people perform that elderly people perform
more slowly than young people. Some effects of more slowly than young more slowly than young
people. Some effects of aging are linked to the people. Some effects of people. Some effects of
aging are linked to the deterioration of vision. aging are linked to the aging are linked to the
deterioration of vision. RELIGION- Different deterioration of vision. deterioration of vision.
RELIGION- Different religions and religious RELIGION- Different RELIGION- Different
religions and religious beliefs affect one’s religions and religious religions and religious
beliefs affect one’s viewpoint. Religious beliefs affect one’s beliefs affect one’s
viewpoint. Religious practices are very different viewpoint. Religious viewpoint. Religious
practices are very different from other beliefs and may practices are very different practices are very different
from other beliefs and may affect a person’s moral from other beliefs and may from other beliefs and may
affect a person’s moral and social standards. affect a person’s moral affect a person’s moral
and social standards. EDUCATION- Different and social standards. and social standards.
EDUCATION- Different educational attainment EDUCATION- Different EDUCATION- Different
educational attainment may affect one’s educational attainment educational attainment
may affect one’s viewpoint. A person’s may affect one’s may affect one’s
viewpoint. A person’s viewpoint is usually based viewpoint. A person’s viewpoint. A person’s
viewpoint is usually based on his understanding on a viewpoint is usually based viewpoint is usually based
on his understanding on a certain issue. It differs on his understanding on a on his understanding on a
certain issue. It differs from what a person knows certain issue. It differs certain issue. It differs
from what a person knows or understands. from what a person knows from what a person knows
or understands. PROFESSION- Being in a or understands. or understands.
PROFESSION- Being in a different profession or PROFESSION- Being in a PROFESSION- Being in a
different profession or work may differ one’s different profession or different profession or
work may differ one’s viewpoint on a certain work may differ one’s work may differ one’s
viewpoint on a certain issue. A person may give viewpoint on a certain viewpoint on a certain
issue. A person may give his viewpoint based from issue. A person may give issue. A person may give
his viewpoint based from his work experiences and his viewpoint based from his viewpoint based from
his work experiences and the kind of occupation he his work experiences and his work experiences and
the kind of occupation he is doing. the kind of occupation he the kind of occupation he
is doing. is doing. is doing.

G. Developing Mastery Directions: Read the Directions: Encircle TRUE Directions: Read the GROUP ACTIVITY
(Leads to Formative questions carefully. if the statement is correct, essay and fill out the 1. The teacher will group
Assessment) Encircle the letter of the FALSE if not. graphic organizer below. the class into five groups.
correct answer. 2. Each member of each
1. True or False: Location group will express their
1. You were discussing can influence a person's view about the topics
with your younger sibling daily habits, stereotypes, listed below.
about her assignment on and methods of satisfying
constellations. Which their wants.
viewpoint best fits the 2. True or False: Personal
class models from Space experiences have little
Science so far? impact on an individual's
a. A constellation, which is viewpoint.
a group of stars, is much 3. True or False: Cultural
larger in size than our heritage includes customs,
solar system. practices, places, objects,
b. A constellation, which is artistic expressions, and
a group of stars, is about values passed on from
the same size as our solar generation to generation.
system, and would 4. True or False: Race has
probably fit within our solar no effect on one's national
system. identity, beliefs, and
2. You were discussing traditions.
with your mother about the 5. True or False: Gender
issue of the excessive use identity is unrelated to the
of gadgets. Which concept of gender roles.
viewpoint best represents
the negative effects of the
excessive use of gadgets?
a. A child will likely
become overweight and
develop seizure and vision
b. A child will likely
become over-dependent
on gadgets.
3. I wonder who invented
paper plates? He was a
clever guy! Imagine having
to lug heavy plates to a
picnic, and then have to
carry them home again.
What is the author's
a. The author thinks that
disposable products are
harming the environment.
b. The author thinks that
disposable products are
4. I love to watch birds! It
always amazes me how
they can build those nests!
I like to leave scraps of
hair and yarn out for them
to find. They'll use these
things and weave them
into a nest. Being a parent
is a hard job, and the birds
can use all the help they
can get. What is the
author's viewpoint?
a. Humans should help
birds build their nest
b. Humans should never
interfere with wild animals
c. Birds are interesting
d. Birds use lots of things
to build their nest
H. Finding Practical How can the ability to Can presenting differing How can the ability to How can the ability to
Application of Concepts understand and articulate viewpoints contribute to present a comprehensive present a comprehensive
and Skills in Daily Lives differing viewpoints building stronger teams report on differing report on differing
enhance problem-solving and communities? Why or viewpoints empower viewpoints empower
skills in our everyday why not? individuals to navigate and individuals to navigate and
experiences? contribute meaningfully to contribute meaningfully to
societal discussions and societal discussions and
debates? debates?
I. Making Generalization How does presenting a In what situations is it Why is it important to stay Can you give an example
and Abstraction coherent, comprehensive important to consider and objective and unbiased of a situation where
report on differing present varying when presenting people might have
viewpoints contribute to perspectives on an issue? conflicting opinions on a different opinions about
effective communication in particular issue? something?
our daily lives?
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Write your Directions: Write your REFLECTIONS: Directions: Based on your
viewpoints in each viewpoints in each Answer the following group activity, make a
situation. situation. questions: comprehensive report
expressing the
Environmental Statement: "Your 1. How has the differing/opposing
Conservation Campaign: community is planning a widespread use of plastic viewpoints you gathered.
Statement: "Your town is development project. over the last 30 years
initiating a campaign to Share your viewpoints on impacted our daily lives, _______________________
promote environmental the priorities for the and do you see it as more _______________________
conservation. Share your project, considering factors of a boon or a bane _______________________
viewpoints on the such as your profession, considering its _____________________
importance of this educational background, convenience and
initiative, considering your and personal experiences environmental
location, cultural heritage, in the community." consequences?
and personal experiences
with environmental
issues." Statement: "Your school is 2. Reflect on your own
considering integrating habits and choices
more technology into the regarding plastic usage.
Diversity and Inclusion curriculum. Express your Are there changes you
Workshop: viewpoints on the benefits can make in your daily life
Statement: "Your school is and challenges of this to reduce your reliance on
organizing a workshop on decision, taking into single-use plastics and
diversity and inclusion. account your age, contribute to a more eco-
Express your viewpoints education level, and friendly lifestyle?
on the significance of personal experiences with
embracing diversity, technology in learning." 3. Consider the
reflecting on your cultural consequences mentioned
background, age, and in the passage, such as
personal experiences with Statement: "Your
pollution in rivers, harm to
inclusivity." workplace is implementing
animals, and soil
a health and wellness
degradation. How do
program. Share your
these effects of plastic
viewpoints on the
usage make you feel, and
importance of such
what actions do you think
initiatives, considering
individuals and
your profession, age, and
communities should take
personal experiences with
to address these issues?
workplace well-being."

K. Additional activities for

application or remediation
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction
and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the
purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of
the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the
learners learners learners learners learners
VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in
the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning
process when process when process when process when process when
incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating

A. No. of learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of learner who
scored below 80% ( needs
C. No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share w/other teacher?

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