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TITLE: Green Accounting: Cost Measures

AREA: Accounting

CITATION: K. Moorthy y P. Yacob, "Contabilidad verde: medidas de costos", Open Journal of Accounting , vol. 2 N° 1,
2013, págs. 4-7. doi: 10.4236/ojacct.2013.21002.

URL: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=27349

Lexicon: (10 words)

SUMMARY Whilst history needs to be told if there is to be any

INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) understanding and redress for past and present injustices there
 give a brief introduction to give the nec is a growing recognition that it is time to envision a more
cessary background to the study and positive future for Indigenous peoples (Smith, 1999) [4] and
state its purpose. along with that vision, a more positive role for accounting
 Why was the study conducted? The paper seeks to distill common reasons in the literature for
 What was it about? the low participation of indigenous people in accounting
education and profession through an international comparison.
The study serves as a tool for developing classifications of
reasons for low participation and for establishing whether
shared reasons can be explained by the same causes.

It provides a foundation for the study of low participation of

indigenous people in accounting.

The under-representation of minority ethnic groups and

PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) Indigenous peoples in accounting education and in the
 describe the specifics of what this profession is a fact that exists in all of the above mentioned
study involved countries, although the rate differs from one country to
 Who were the subjects? another. For instance, according to Mitchell and Flintall (1990)
[14] , in 1989 the number of black Certified Public Accountants
 What was measured?
(CPA’s) was no more than 1% of all American CPA’s, knowing
 What was being compared?
that 1% in the United States represented approximately 2500,
noting that African Americans represent 12% of the population
in the United States. This study relied on data that were
published at different dates since it is main objective was to
highlight the under-representation irrespective of the date. The
factors that surrounded those dates received the most

En una nota más positiva, la situación en la mayoría de estos países está

mejorando. Se ha admitido que, por diversas razones, los pueblos
indígenas deberían estar representados en la profesión contable. También
se han establecido estrategias para aumentar la representación y en
algunos países se ha iniciado la implementación de estas estrategias. En
Sudáfrica, por ejemplo, el Instituto Sudafricano de Contadores Certificados
se fijó el objetivo de tener 3000 contadores negros registrados para 2005.
En otras palabras, el objetivo es que el 25% de todos los contadores
registrados de Sudáfrica sean negros (Sadler, 2002). [ 17 ] . Esto supondría
un aumento del 23,94%.

The comparative study highlights five main themes contributing to the

under-representation of Indigenous peoples in accounting education and
profession, namely discrimination in the workplace, poor self efficacy,
cultural differences, poor knowledge of accounting, and lastly poor literacy
and numeracy skills. The themes can be related to a number of colonial
institutional practices, principally the dispossession of indigenous property
and assimilation. Indigenous peoples have argued that the above colonial
practices have contributed to near total psychological, physical and
financial dependency on the state. The main policy response to poor social
and economic conditions in all the five main countries has been the return
of traditional land to indigenous people and the granting of limited self
governance. In conjunction with the above institutional practices there are
suggestions in the literature that the rediscovery of pre-colonial record-
keeping practices among Indigenous peoples, traditional accountability
practices and indigenous professional bodies.

FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) There is wide acceptance that accounting not only played a role
 Discuss the major findings and results. in the dispossession of indigenous land but also their
 How useful or significant is this? disempowerment through the destruction of their culture and
 What did the author say about it? traditional governance systems. It can therefore be argued that
accounting could probably play a role in their social and
economic development. The participation of indigenous people
in accounting education and profession is very low in
comparison to other professions like medicine and law. Whilst
there are a number of individual country studies on the reasons
for this low participation, there is no comparative study. We
believe that an international comparison will be invaluable
because indigenous people in the countries colonised by the
British have generally had similar colonial experiences.

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) In this paper we suggest that whilst the return of traditional
 Summarize the researcher’s land might provide a base for Indigenous peoples to participate
conclusions. in the economy through businesses and also empower them
there is considerable more research required to determine
 What was the major outcome of the whether the rediscovery of traditional culture and institutional
study? practices will help Indigenous peoples participate in
mainstream economy.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) The research speaks about a very important topic, which although
it cannot be dealt with at this moment, we must start from the same
 What did you learn from the study? information that this essay provides us, as well as all that we can obtain, to
 How might you apply the information in progress in order to obtain as far as possible a Coupling of different
your academic training? cultures, traditions etc. I agree with the conclusion of the essay that to a
 How this study relate to your field of large extent the problem can come from the practices that are seen in the
preparation? work area itself.


indigenous: communities that are members of an indigenous people, those that form a social, economic and
cultural unit, settled in a territory and that recognize their own authorities according to their uses and customs in

ethnic groups: An ethnic group is a community determined by the existence of ancestors and a common history.

economy : It is the social science that studies how families, companies and governments organize available
resources that are usually scarce, to satisfy different needs and thus have greater well-being .

accounting profession: Accounting profession is responsible for the study, analysis and orientation of the
economic resources of an institution

social environment: The term social environment refers to the way in which a classroom environment influences
or supports the interactions that occur between young children, teachers, and family members.

Colonization: Colonization is the action of dominating a country or territory (the colony) by another (the

African-American: Dícese de los descendientes de africanos llevados como esclavos a América, y de su arte y

Education: Education is the process of facilitating the learning or acquisition of knowledge, as well as skills,
values, beliefs and habits.

British: The British people, or Britons, are the citizens of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland).

Literacy: The ability to communicate using letters and spaces

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