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Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

An example of critical thinking to me is using my time wisely, during school or anything else and for
problem solving if some type of issue happens in my life, I try to fix it easier by problem solving.
2. Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship
I show innovation by being open to change and listening to other people's ideas and be creative by
sharing my own ideas as well.
3. Self-directed learning
Learning how to do something by myself, like french braids or dutch braids.
4. Collaboration
Helping in group projects and making the workload even so you are all putting in the same amount of
5. Communication
Talking face to face with my friends or family
6. Global competence
Knowing all about different cultures and backgrounds around the world
7. Technological fluency
During covid I learn a lot more about technology because we were doing school online so that helped
me learn.
GLC 20

Transferrable Skills Table

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