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Woks Instruction 1 (11)

Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ

Checked and verified by Supervisor, Approved by Maintenance Manager, Date


Fajar Setyadi _____ / _____ Erik Kurniawan H _____ /

/ 2023 _____ /
Effective date Distribution
13 May 2023 HC : Respective Managers, Respective Area
SC : Docushare
Keywords Replaces
BMS, (please fulfilled)

XXXX-YY-WIxx SCREEN WASH BUSTER PUMP ( DeAssembly & ReAssembly )

1. Preparation
1.1 Inform to operator that work will be start.
1.2 Prepare the necessary document, i.e: SOP , Manual book ,
drawing ,logic. Etc.
1.3 Prepare safety equipment (PPE) ,i.e: Helmet, Safety Shoes, Safety glasses, Safety belt
or body hardness, Mask and gloves.
1.4 Prepare safety equipment for woks place,i.e : Safety line , Tagging
1.5 Ensure overhead crane can be used and operated by certify operator.
1.6 Prepare the necessary parts, tools and equipment before commencing actual
work,ie: Lifting Tools (chain blocks, shackles and wire sling, nylon sling
etc),Special Tools refer to manual if any,Spaner set & socket set , Slogging
wrench, Spare parts needed , Consumable material, etc.
1.7 Technician (Competen Person) open document for permit to work (PTW) and
Authorized leader has been issue the PTW Document.
1.8 Coordinate with electrical department to remove cable power, vibration monitor
and thermocouples before starting disassemble work

2. Safety Checking
2.1 Ensure the permit to works ( PTW) is available and the equipment is isolated before
comencing the work,i.e :
2.1.1 Ensure the breaker was off & tagging has been installed
Woks Instruction 2 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ

2.1.2 Ensure the valve inlet & outlet has been close& tagging has been installed.
2.1.3 Ensure the equipment has been drained.
2.2 Ensure the equipment has been install the safety line around the workplace .
Note! Any persons except the authorized staffs are not permitted to approach
the equipment during inspection.
3. Diassembly works
3.1 Match mark all components before disassembly
3.2 Follow the Pocedure for 2 yearly inspection( overhaul ) of Circulating water pump
refer to O&M manual .
3.3 Arrange the dismantled parts with neat on the suitable place.
3.4 Clean all parts.
Woks Instruction 3 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ
Woks Instruction 4 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ
Woks Instruction 5 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ
Woks Instruction 6 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ
Woks Instruction 7 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ
Woks Instruction 8 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ
Woks Instruction 9 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ
Woks Instruction 10 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ

6. Commisioning test
a. Inform to operator that works for inspection was finished and needed to run
test to see the perfomance of the pump after internal inspection
b. Inform to authorized leader to suspend the PTW Document and normalized all
isolated equipment,i.e: breaker, vlave, etc , in order to carried out run test.
c. Run test the equipment .
7. Monitoring during operation ( Running inspection )
a. Check the level oil at motor and check the leakage if occurs.
b. Check and measure the vibration------------Less than specified value ?
c. Check abnormal noise ---------------------- No abnormal sounds?
d. Check the leakage of gland packing-------- Acceptable lekage ?
e. Check the temperature of bearing -----------Less than 75 degC
f. Check the discharger pressure-------- Specified value?
Woks Instruction 11 (11)
Petunjuk Kerja

May 13 Rev ZZ

g. Check leakage all connection pipe--------Any leakage?

h. Check all tightening of bolt ---------Any loosen bolt?
i. If all parameter of the equipment/pump is normal ,inform to authorized leader
to close PTW document and remove all tagging and safety line.

8. PTW Document has been closed and Inform to operator that equipment ready to

9. All tools and Area of inspection should be cleaned and residual waste material
dumped into the trash according to its type.


10.1 All data should be record and add to check list.
10.2 All defect found during this inspection should be report to Line Supervisor
directly or create defect report by MAXIMO (MMS).
10.3 Record all measurement data,i.e : clearance , run out shaft, measurement of
old & new parts.
10.4 Record & analyzed the works
10.5 Record all recommendation work


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