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By: Troy, Michael, MD, Gilbert, Jojo
Motivation Theory

Motivation define the desire, effort, and passion to achieve

something that becomes a willingness to complete an operation
with intent as well purpose.

Motivation Theories view how managers view to motivate their

manpower to reach the peak of job satisfaction, staff morale, and
labour productivity.
Taylor Theory

Taylor theory, also referred to as Scientific

Management, places a strong emphasis on
maximizing task efficiency through scientific
investigation of work processes, standardization of
practices, and offering financial incentive.
Herzberg Theory

Herzberg theory outline how certain aspects, referred to

as hygienic and motivational factors, respectively, prevent
discountent and promote satisfication at work, providing
guidience for successful employee management tatics.
How Intelligent Tech Empowers Employees
And Creates Growth

The combined use of intelligent technology and empowered employees is a crucial

strategy for driving growth and improving customer experiences in the ever-changing
retail banking landscape. Midsize banks, realizing the value of employee focus on the
customer, are adopting digital tools like artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and
machine learning to transform customer experiences. Banks enable their staff to build
meaningful relationships and provide individualized solutions by providing them with
thorough customer insights and optimizing operational procedures. In addition,
cultivating an environment that values ongoing education and training guarantees that
staff members are nimble in navigating the digital terrain, which in turn drives higher
customer satisfaction and long-term expansion in the financial services sector.
The Importance of Customer-Centric
The article emphasizes how midsize retail banks are beginning to prioritize enhancing the
customer experience in response to rising client demands in the financial services industry. The
statement underscores the significance of customer-centric employees as the primary
differentiator for growth-oriented firms, despite the importance of new services and digital
channels. It is believed that intelligent technology, such as automation and artificial intelligence
(AI), will enable these staff members to have tailored interactions with clients. According to the
article, banks should make investments in digital learning and development solutions in addition
to better tools to continuously support staff skill development. Midsize banks can establish a
positive feedback loop wherein empowered staff members enhance customer interactions,
resulting in sustained growth and industry competitiveness, by placing a high priority on
employee engagement and development.
Symbiotic Relationship between
Employees and Customers

An employee who emphasizes the needs and fulfillment of consumers in their roles is considered to
be customer-centric. In order to guarantee excellent client experiences, this frequently entails
exercising initiative, addressing problems, and reaching conclusions on your own. Once this occurs,
staff members have the right to make decisions in the customer's best interest, even if that means
going against procedure or requesting permission from senior management. Providing workers with
the tools to prioritize the needs of the client can boost engagement, boost job satisfaction, and boost
productivity. Additionally, it shows trust and confidence in staff members' abilities to manage client
encounters effectively, which can boost their motivation and morale.
Applying Taylor and Herzberg theory
Applying Taylor's scientific management theory and Herzberg's two-factor theory to empower
employees involves creating a work environment that emphasizes both efficient task design and
factors contributing to job satisfaction. Taylor's principles focus on optimizing workflow through
systematic analysis and standardization of tasks, ensuring clear job roles and responsibilities to
enhance productivity. Meanwhile, Herzberg's theory emphasizes the importance of intrinsic
motivators such as recognition, autonomy, and opportunities for personal growth to foster job
satisfaction and employee empowerment. By integrating these approaches, organizations can
empower employees by providing them with meaningful tasks, autonomy in decision-making,
opportunities for skill development, and recognition for their contributions, ultimately leading to
increased job satisfaction, motivation, and productivity.

In conclusion, one key element in the development and prosperity of midsize banks in
the retail banking industry is the mutually beneficial relationship between
empowered staff and contented clients. Customer-centric employees are a critical
competitive differentiator, as IDC's research highlights, underscoring the significance
of investing in employee empowerment and engagement. Midsize banks must
implement intelligent technology, offer opportunities for ongoing learning, and
cultivate a culture of career advancement if they want to establish a positive
feedback loop where their staff members are motivated to provide exceptional
customer service. Through emphasizing employee support, value, and tool
accessibility, midsize banks can develop a workforce that can sustain continuous
growth and competitiveness in the ever-changing retail banking market.

Herzberg's study will likely emphasize on the motivating elements that lead to
worker empowerment and consumer pleasure. He may emphasize the value of giving
staff members chances for personal development and promotion in addition to
acknowledging and appreciating them for their dedication in delivering first-rate
customer service. Herzberg would contend that in order to create a customer-centric
culture where employees are motivated to go above and beyond to satisfy
consumers, it is crucial to empower employees through intrinsic motivators, such as
meaningful work and opportunities for promotion.
Thank you and God
bless you!

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