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Han Chiang High School

E First Mid-Term Examination, 2022




Extended April 2022
SE1 (1), SE1 (2), SE1 (3) 80 minutes

Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet

Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)


Section A:
Write in soft pencil.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, student’s number and class on the Answer Sheet in the spaces
provided unless this has been done for you.
There are thirty questions in this section. Answer all questions. For each question
there are four possible answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the
separate Answer Sheet.

Section B:
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Write your school number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glues or correction fluid.
Answer ALL questions
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part

This document consists of 16 printed pages.

1. What is most likely to cause rickets?
A. A diet of meat, low in wholemeal cereal and grain products
B. A diet of polished rice, low in leafy green and yellow vegetables
C. A diet lacking in fresh fruit, with only overcooked vegetables
D. A diet low in dairy products and eggs and little exposure to sunlight

2. The diagram shows a structure that forms part of the wall of the alimentary canal.

In which part of the alimentary canal is this structure found?

A. Colon B. Ileum C. Oesophagus D. Rectum

3. The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal.

Which row correctly identifies the structures labelled J to M?

A oesophagus pancreas small intestine stomach
B pancreas small intestine stomach oesophagus
C small intestine stomach oesophagus pancreas
D stomach oesophagus pancreas small intestine

4. The diagram shows the pathway of water from the soil through a plant.

Soil  X  Y  Z  mesophyll cell

Which cells are represented by X, Y and Z?

A root hair cells root cortex cells xylem
B root hair cells xylem root cortex cells

C xylem root cortex cells root hair cells
D xylem root hair cells root cortex cells

5. What will not affect the rate of transpiration?

A. Humidity of the atmosphere
B. Number of open stomata
C. Rate of respiration
D. Temperature

6. During growth, potato plants produce flowers and underground storage organs called
tubers. During this time, which parts of the plant act as sources and sinks for

flowers leaves potato tubers

A sink sink source
B sink source sink
C source sink source
D source source sink

7. What is an advantage of a double circulatory system in mammals?

A. Blood can flow down the body on the left and up the body on the right
B. Blood can flow more slowly along the circulatory system
C. Blood pressure stays the same throughout the circulatory system
D. Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are kept separate.

8. The diagram shows a fat globule (P) in one part of the alimentary canal and the same
fat globule (Q) as it appears in another part of the alimentary canal.

In which parts of the alimentary canal and P and Q found?

A duodenum stomach
B ileum oesophagus
C oesophagus ileum
D rectum ileum

9. The diagram shows enzyme and the products of the reactions they catalyse.

Which diagram matches the enzymes with the correct products?

10. Statements 1 to 4 describe stages in the development of cholera.

1 chloride ions are secreted into the gut
2 osmosis causes water to move into the gut
3 the infected person becomes dehydrated
4 toxins are produced by the pathogenic bacteria
What is the correct sequence of the four stages?
A. 1234
B. 1432
C. 4123
D. 4132

11. What is the cause of the start of dental decay?

A. Acid dissolves dentine
B. Acid dissolves enamel
C. Sugars dissolve dentine
D. Sugars dissolve enamel

12. The diagram shows one of the stomata of a leaf, and some of the cells that are near

During transpiration, what describes the movement of water at X and at Y?

movement of water at X movement of water at Y

A evaporation diffusion
B evaporation osmosis
C osmosis diffusion
D osmosis osmosis

13. A ring of phloem tissue was removed from the stem of a plant, as shown in the first
diagram. Carbon dioxide containing radioactive carbon was supplied to the leaf of the
plant. The second diagram shows where radioactive carbon was present after three

Which statements does the experiment support?

1 translocation of sugar only occurs in one direction
2 translocation occurs in the phloem
3 translocation requires energy

A. 1 only B. 1 and 2 C. 2 only D. 2 and 3

14. Through which blood vessels does blood flow into the heart?
1 pulmonary artery
2 pulmonary vein
3 vena cava
4 aorta

A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 4 C. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4

15. What is an angioplasty?
A. A recording of the heart’s electrical activity to check for abnormalities
B. An operation to insert a new vessel that diverts blood around a narrowed section.
C. The insertion of a tube into a blood vessel to allow blood to flow more freely
D. The widening of a blood vessel by means of a balloon-like device

16. Which statement about chemical digestion in the human alimentary canal is correct?

A. Digestion of carbohydrate is completed in the colon

B. Enzymes are secreted to break down cellulose in the duodenum
C. Protein digestion is completed in the ileum
D. The stomach secretes enzymes to break down starch

17. The diagram shows a section through a plant stem.

Which process is responsible for moving substances in region Z?

A. Diffusion B. osmosis C. translocation D. transpiration

18. How do veins differ from arteries?

width of lumen wall thickness of elastic fibres muscles in wall

in veins veins
A narrower thicker more fewer
B narrower thinner fewer more
C wider thicker more more
D wider thinner fewer fewer

19. The diagram shows part of the human alimentary canal and associated organs.

Which row describes the functions of parts shown in the diagram?

struc function struc function

ture ture
A 1 digestion of protein 3 absorption of the products of digestion
B 2 emulsifying fats 3 absorption of amino acids and glucose
C 4 production of bile 5 making digestive enzymes
D 4 storing digestive enzyme 2 making digestive enzymes

20. The diagram shows the pathway of water molecules through part of a leaf, seen
under a microscope, in transverse section.
Where does water evaporate?

21. The diagram shows how the volume of blood in the left ventricle of a human heart
changes during one heart beat.
When is the left ventricle contracting?

22. The bar chart shows the recommended daily food intake of four people.
 An 80 year-old retired man
 A male manual worker
 A 6 year-old child
 A breast-feeding mother

Which row correct identifies two of these four people?

A. Child is U ; retired man is R

B. Manual worker is T, child is S
C. Mother is S, manual work is R.
D. Retired man is R, mother is U.

23. The photomicrograph shows part of a section through a root.

The contents of Y are tested with benedict’s solution and with iodine solution. Which
results are expected?

Benedict’s solution Iodine solution

A positive result positive result
B positive result negative result
C negative result positive result
D negative result negative result

24. The diagram shows a section through the heart.

Which two numbered parts contain oxygenated blood?

A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 2 and 4 D. 3 and 4

25. Which blood vessels contain valves?

capillary renal artery renal vein

A √ valves X valves X valves
B X valves X valves √ vavles
C √ valves √ valves X valves
D X valves √ valves √ vavles

26. Which chamber of the heart would be the first to receive nicotine absorbed into the
blood in the lungs of a cigarette smoker?

A. Left atrium C. right atrium

B. left ventricle D. right ventricle

27. What are the substrates and end products for amylase and lipase?

amylase lipase
substrate end product substrate end product
A protein amino acids fat fatty acids and glycerol
B protein amino acids glycogen glucose
C starch maltose fat fatty acids and glycerol
D starch maltose protein amino acids

28. What is the main function of the villi in the ileum?

A. To increase the surface area for absorption

B. To move digested food along the intestine by peristalsis
C. To produce mucus so that materials can move smoothly
D. To secrete amylase to digest starch in the food

29. The symptoms of a disease include weakness, fatigue, aching and swollen joints and
swollen and soft gums.
Which food is used to treat this disease?
A. Liver B. milk C. oily fish D. oranges

30. The diagram shows a cut plant shoot in a container of water.

What will stop the movement of water up this stem?

A. A fall in the humidity of the air

B. A rise in the air temperature
C. A blockage in the xylem
D. An insect sucking sugar from the phloem

1. The diagram shows the arrangement of major blood vessels in the human circulatory
system. Arrows show the direction that blood moves in each vessel.

(a) Seven of the blood vessels have been labelled on the diagram using the letters A to
Complete the table by writing one letter, A to G, for each name or description of a
blood vessel.

name of description blood vessel

carries blood containing the lowest concentration of urea
carries blood that contains the highest concentration of glucose
an artery that carries deoxygenated blood

(b) (i) Explain why the movement of blood through the circulatory system of a human is
described as a double circulation.


(ii) State one advantage of a double circulation.


(c) Describe how blood is transported from the vena cava to the lungs.


(d) (i) Doctors recommend that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of coronary heart
Give one other lifestyle improvement patients can make that can reduce the risk of
coronary heart disease.


(ii) Sometimes surgery is required to treat coronary heart disease.

Describe one named example of surgery that can treat coronary heart disease.
[total 13]

2. (a) State one use of energy in the human body.

(b) A person ate a meal containing starch and fat.
Fig 2.1 shows some events that occurred after ingesting this meal.

P absorption of nutrients in the villi

Q assimilation of fatty acids in the liver
R breakdown of large food particles by the teeth
S movement of small food particles through the oesophagus
T secretion of amylase from the salivary glands
Fig. 2.1
Put the events in fig. 2.1 into the correct sequence. One has been done for you.

(c) There are goblet cells in many parts of the alimentary canal.
State the substance that goblet cells secrete.

(d) Emulsification of fats occurs in the alimentary canal.

(i) Describe the process of emulsification of fats.


(ii) State the name of the structure in the villi where digested fats absorbed.


(e) Insulin is secreted from cells in the pancreas when the concentration of glucose in
the blood increases.
Outline the role of insulin.


(f) State the name of a substance, other than insulin, that are secreted by the pancreas.
[total 12]

3. (a) Some students set up the apparatus shown in Fig. 4.1 to compare transpiration in two
sets of leaves.
Set A was kept in a transparent bag and set B was left in the open air.
All other conditions were kept constant.
The mass of the leaves in each set was measured at the start of the investigation and
after five hours.

Fig 4.1

(i) Predict the results for this investigation.
Explain the reason for your prediction.

Prediction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Explanation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Explain how transpiration occurred in the leaves shown in Fig. 4.1

(b) Fig 4.2 shows the positions of the different tissues in part of a dicotyledonous leaf.

Fig. 4.2
Identify the tissues described in Table 4.1 by:

 Drawing label lines with the corresponding letter on Fig 4.2 and
 Stating the name of each tissue in Table 4.1
The label line and name of the tissue for letter P has been completed for you on Fig 4.2
and in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1

letter description name of the tissue

P a protective transparent layer that upper epidermis
allows light to reach the inner
R contains many interconnected air
S transport sucrose and amino acids

(C) Fig 2.1 is a photomicrograph of the end of a plant root.

Fig 2.2 shows the results of a study on the rate of uptake of nitrate ions at different
points along the root shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig 2.2

(i) Describe the rate of uptake of nitrate ions along the root.
Use the information in Fig. 2.1 and Fig 2.2 in your answer.


(ii) Explain how nitrate ions move from the soil into roots.


(iii) Explain why the uptake of ions, such as nitrate, is important for the uptake of
water in roots.

[total 15]

End of paper

Prepared by Checked by

Tan VL Ng Johan

Mark Scheme for 2022 SE1 Biology first mid-term test

1. D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.C

11.B 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.C
21.B 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.B 26.A 27.C 28.A 29.D 30.C

Questi description mark

1.(a) E;D/F; G 3
(b)(i) blood flow through heart twice; 2
heart/blood + to lungs/pulmonary;
heart/blood + to body/systemic;
high(er), blood pressure/ flow rate (than single circulation) ;
(b)(ii) 1
allows different blood pressure in each loop ;
prevent mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood ;
allows animals to have high metabolic rates ; allows animals to be, large/
tall ;
(c) (blood) enters heart at right atrium/A (from the vena cava/N) ; 4
then atrium contracts ; correct ref to atrioventricular valve ;
then to right ventricle/D ; then ventricle contracts ;
correct ref to semi-lunar valves ; then pulmonary artery / J, to lungs /O ;

(d)(i) (more) exercise/AW ; stop/less, smoking ; reduced stress ; 1

stent ; small mesh tube inserted in artery ;
(d)(ii) opens / supports, (narrow/weak) artery ;
(balloon) angioplasty / dilatation ; (tube/ catheter with) balloon inserted into
artery ; inflate balloon to widen artery ;
by-pass ; (another/ shunt) blood vessel joined/ grafted/replace, artery ;
2.(a) protein synthesis; nerve impulse transmission; cell division; active 1
transport; growth; sensitivity
(b) R T S P Q 2 Q
(c) mucus 1
(d) (i) (mix with) bile ; 2
breaks up of large fat globules (into smaller fat globules) ;
increases surface area (of fat globules) ;
AVP ; e.g. water enables dispersion of fat
(d)(ii) lacteal 1
(e) Insulin secreted from pancreas is carried by the blood to liver; 4
insulin increase the uptake of glucose into liver cell;
convert glucose into glycogen; stored in the liver/muscle; convert
glucose into fat and stored.
(f) amylase; glucagon; lipase; trypsin 1
3 (a)(i) prediction: set, A / in bag, will lose less mass (than set B) ; 3
because high(er) humidity (in A) ; less steep diffusion gradient / AW (in A) ;
less transpiration (in A) ;
water evaporates ; from (surface of) mesophyll / into air spaces ;
(a)(ii) 3
water vapour, diffuses / described ; through stomata (out of leaf) / AW ;
(b) max 2 for
4 correct labels
2/3 correct=1

1 correct = 0

max 2 for table

4 correct = 2
2/3 correct = 1
1 correct = 0

(c) (i) 1 (nitrate ion) uptake peaks / uptake increases and then decreases ;
2 maximum uptake / peak, is at 27 mm (from root tip) / of 28 pmol per cm2 per s ;
3 no data before 2.75 mm / no (nitrate ion) uptake / uptake starts, at 2.75 mm (from tip) ;
4 (nitrate ion) uptake levels off at about, 5 / 10 mm to 15 mm (from tip) ;
5 comparative data quote ; 6 no root hair (cells), at tip / root cap / below 10 mm ;
7 between 25 ±5 mm to 30 ± 5 mm (from root tip) is where many root hair (cells) are found ;

1 active transport ; 2 using energy (from respiration) ; 3 movement of (ions), across a cell 1
(c) (ii) membrane / into root hair (cells) ;
4 from low concentration to high concentration / against a concentration gradient (of nitrate
ions) ;
5 through protein (molecules / pumps / carriers / channels) ; 6 nitrate ions are dissolved in
water (before they move into root) ;

lowers the water potential (in roots) / maintains the water potential 1
(c) (iii) gradient (into the roots) ;


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