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Why We are In Pune?

It’s in essence meant to be a "Tapsya", it is meant to be an austerity for the purpose of spiritual
purification. It is not meant to be a vacation. It is not meant to enjoy. Tapsya means to be enjoyed by
God. To be enjoyed by Guru, Krishna and by the Vaishnavas. And to be enjoyed means to be the
servant. This is the top most Tapsya, in the human form of life, to accept the position of being the
servant of the servant. We find in many yogis, they go to many holy places sometimes they go to very
difficult places to survive, to take so many ice cold baths, to fast, to denied the bodies of the basic
necessities, to take vows of chanting extra ordinary quantities of God's names every day but often times,
unfortunately, their motive is that that they want to become a God or they want to enjoy the position of
God or sometimes their motive is that they want to enjoy a very high elevated spiritual position to
obtaining mystic power, to obtaining the liberation, even while obtaining Love of God but a devotee
who is in line of lord Gauranga Maha prabhu, as it has been taught by our previous Aacharyas, they
don’t aspire for any of these things. We aspire only for service, for the service to be rendered which
means we want to please the Vaishnavas, we want to please guru and we want to please Krishna and
factually, through this process we win the heart of Krishna. It is not required our cultivation of
knowledge or our austerities what charms the heart of God is the humble spirit of devotional service so
this yatra is meant for this purpose, for this type of austerity. And Krishna explains in Gita. “You should
be seated Rsbhadev prabhu”. Krishna explains in Bhagavad-Gita. Either do things before or not at all
because otherwise I am actually speaking to all of you. You should be on time or not at all. Because what
is tapsya means, it means discipline, for the pleasure of Krishna. here In the India, there is a really a non
sense idea of spontaneous enthusiasm, to whatever I feel, like doing that what’s God wants, whatever I
feel like doing that what’s God wants. I am simply a part of God's Lila. This is what the bogus people
teach but the real Aacharyas, they teach us that when you attained such stage of unalloyed love which
means the stage you do not have tinge of material desire in your heart than you should be like that until
than you can never reach that point unless you willing to accept discipline and this what separates those
who are serious about spiritual life from those people who just want to enjoy something in the name of
spirituality. Discipline, surrender, if we don’t like it than you don’t like spiritual life, you want something
else. But this is what spiritual life is all about, discipline and surrender. And through the purification
which takes place in this process than we come to that platform where we like to be simply spontaneous
love. Because everything you desire everything you want is simply for Krishna. There is no lust. There is
no anger. There is no envy. There is no greed. There is no pride. There is no illusion. When all these
things are completely eradicated to the slightest degree in your heart then you are in Krishna's lila,
spontaneously, then whatever you like to do whenever you like to do it , do it because it will be for
Krishna. But I tell you something, when your heart is free from pride you will always consider yourself
the lowest you will never thing yourself like that. Whether you’re highest of the highest or lowest of the
lowest you always want to leave a life discipline and surrender to Krishna, this is love. And it is too
fructifying our conviction on this path alone that we come together. We are very thankful to
Ridhayanand and Radhapriya, they are making so many wonderful arrangements. But factually if they
don’t cook anything for us and all the toilets start over flowing, it should not make any difference to us.
We have not come here to eat and pass stool. We have come here, to enthuse and enliven one another,
to take shelter of the spiritual master, his order, take shelter of the association of the Vaishnavas, take
shelter of the philosophy of the Shrimad Bhagavatam and mostly take shelter of the Yug dharma of
congregational chanting of the holy names,

Hare Krishna Hare Krishan Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

and until we accept this principle, real joy will never be known in our heart if we really want to enjoy we
have to give up the idea of enjoying as soon as you completely immersed yourself being a servant than,
by grace of God, without your own effort you will experience ultimate enjoyment, as long as, you try to
enjoy you have to suffer. Ahaa... So here it’s such a wonderful opportunity, so many sincere devotees, so
many devotees who are aspiring to dedicate their entire lives and souls to the mission of their Guru
Maharaj and to the glorification of holy names and such a congregation is so rare.

Dhurlabh manav janm lobhiya samsare

This human form of birth is very rare

Govind das says

Durlabh manav janam satasange, tar aaye bhav sindh re

Association of the sincere devotees is the rarest thing to obtain in this human birth what to speak of the
association of over 200 sincere devotees. All coming to one place for one purpose alone to purify the
whole universe with their tumultuous vibration,

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

When we speak of tumultuous it doesn’t simply mean in volume it means tumultuous vibration which
shacks the entire universe, that comes, that emanates from sincere heart of the devotee taking shelter
of the holy name. It is a fact, when we are chanting because, now your are here so you have to accept
the fact that you will doing lot of chanting, in fact that’s all you will be doing you will be hearing a little
and chanting a lot, while chanting of the holy name, whether we are chanting in silence of our own mind
and heart during the japa. Whether we are chanting in the prayerful songs of bhajans of the
Narrotamdas Thakur or Bhaktivinod Thakur or whether we are chanting in the grand glories style of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu during the kirtan of the Mahamantra. Our consciousness must be in either case
sincerely taking shelter of Krishna within the sound of his name. To put aside our pride, to put aside our
prestige , to put our self aside, our separate interests, desires; our longings, our hankerings in life, and
simply immersed our entire being, our body, our mind, our words, our wary soul in the all pervading
beautiful sound vibration of Hare Krishna Mahamatra.

When Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his associate perform kirtan, although it was full of enthusiasm,
it was full of feeling, full of sincerity. In fact Srila Prabhupad wrote to one of our devotees in New
Vrindavan, he said “we are not concerned with what style you are chanting, the most important thing is
the leaders of the kirtan and those following are chanting sincerely”. That is what is important. It is the
sincerity and not the form that attracts Krishna, so here in Pune, sometimes spontaneously all varieties
of form are revealed from some spiritual platform but whatever, real important essence of our being
here is to take shelter of the holy name. But you cannot take shelter of the holy name unless you
spontaneously take shelter of the Vaishnavas. Unless we take shelter of the association of the devotees
Krishna will not allow us to take shelter of his name. What does it mean to take shelter of devotees?
First it means to be grateful; when you are grateful you don’t expect anything. A person who expects
something is ungrateful. A person who expects attention, a person who expects recognition, a person
who expects material facilities, thinking I deserved better than what I am getting, such person is
ungrateful and Krishna will not allow such a person to take shelter of his holy name. We must leaned to
be grateful that, somehow or other, causelessly, I do not deserve, we deserve to be in hell with
Yamduttas and instead we are in Pune with the associates of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Actually, it’s no
longer pune, because Nitydit Maharaj is here, this place has become none different than New
Vrindavan. (hari bol….. in background) because Vrindavan Maharaj is here this place has become none
different than Vaikuntha. (haribol… in background) because Tattva is here this place has become none
different than Golok Vrindavan. (very loud Haribol….in background). So here we are in Golok Vrindavan
with all the Vaishnavas. Chanting, Dancing and Feasting. When actually according our regular course of
Karma we should be in Patal Loka with the Yamduttas. Why should be fussy of what we are receiving, we
should be grateful. If you are humble, you are grateful. If you are not grateful, you are proud. A proud
heart cannot give entrance to Krishna’s mercy. Krishna’s mercy is there we do not allow it. We close the
door. So this should be our consciousness. To be grateful to each and every devotee. For what ?? for
coming. Just to come to this holy place. To share their devotion with us. We should be so grateful to
them. We should want to be their servant. Every morning getting into the bathroom, should people
should be lining up to be in back of the line. The fight should not be who to getting in. The fight should
be to push somebody else in first. Ahaa…and who have resigned (16.00) whoever gets pushed in should
go very fast. (Laughing in background). Why? So that everyone else pushes each other faster, so I can
get out and pushing others. And this way, this is a common thing. It’s very common. Hahah..What to
speak of during the class. Everything anyone does is contagious. If you are fallen asleep, do you know,
what you are doing? You are preaching. You are preaching to everyone else “go to sleep”. (Laughter in
background). It’s a fact. What kind of gratefulness is this to your Guru. He allows you to come here.
Various representatives of your guru are speaking these words and you are preaching to everyone else
“go to sleep”. And if you are attentive, if you are sitting with your backs properly…. Yogiraj where is he?
He will show you. Bhakti siddhant Sarsvati would always sit with his back straight. Srila Prabhupad will
always say “sit properly”. Why? Because it helps you stay awake. Whatever you’re doing, whatever
we’re doing. We are preaching. If we are awake, alert and attentive, the vibration emanating from our
attention will influence everyone. So this is service. By being very awake during the class, you are
preaching to all others to take shelter of divine philosophy of Bhagavat. And during the kirtan…. On the
way here, His holiness Nityadit Maharaj was saying that generally when I come to india. I see that
Indians are like wall flowers during kirtan. Ahhaaa. What is the wall flower? That’s the wall flower, right
there. This is the kirtan of wall flowers. All standing together doing “nothing”. So if you are lazy, if you
are in Maya and you just stand there. What are you doing, you are preaching to everyone, don’t chant,
don’t dance, be in Maya. Whatever you do, you are preacher. However we feel, of course if we are sick,
we should be enthusiastic, whatever possible way we can. If we are old, we should be enthusiastic,
whatever possible way we can, according our capacity. That is preaching. During the kirtan, we should
follow on the footstep of Lord Gauranga and previous Aacharya. We don’t dance to show off. We don’t
dance to show people that I am good dancer. We utilized the blessed moment of the body, that God has
gifted us to glorify his holy name. That is what dancing in kirtan means. It is a very very sacred, spiritual
offering to God. And those who see it differently, has missed the whole point. It is not like a disco
dancing, where just see how I am very good. Ahhhaaa … let me attract the minds of Matajis, let me
attract the minds of my God brothers. No this is Maya. Let me attract the mind of Krishna that should be
our consciousness by offering our moments of our body, in the glorification of the holy name with
enthusiasm. Srila Bhakti Siddhant Sarsavati Thakur explains “if you are not enthusiastic you cannot
preach, you are dead”. Life means enthusiasm and spirituality. As you approach Krishna he rewards you
accordingly. Then how to serve the devotees? By being enthusiastic in kirtan and at same time we can
be joyful but sincere, not whimsical. During the kirtan we are not whimsical; we can be joyful but very
sincerely joyful. We are crying out Krishna’s name we are taking shelter of his name, we taking shelter of
the assembly of devotees who are helping us so mercifully to chant,

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

And when we take Prasad how how thankful and grateful our heart should be, we should not be thinking
what are they coming with next? We should be thinking that Krishna is so kind that he has given me this.
And we should honor Prasad, we should not eat, we should honor. The holy name is non-different than
Krishna, the words of the Guru are non-different than Krishna, the association of Vaishnavas is non-
different than Krishna, the Maha prasad, the sacred remnants are not different than Krishna. In every
aspect of these spiritual principal we should be taking shelter with a sincere heart of Krishna’s mercy.
And of course, this is the opportunity that is so perfectly arrange by the kindness of the lord and his
devotees that we can all completely separate ourselves from this world of dualities and come for the
exclusive purpose of taking shelter of Krishna, taking shelter of his devotees. And it is true that whoever,
realy realy takes advantage of this opportunity as it being described, will gain spiritual benefits that will
enable that person to transcend every obstacle that Maya can possibly ever put before us. Why?
Because we learn here to take shelter of the Vaishnavas, to take shelter of the Guru Maharaj, to take
shelter of the Holy name than that shelter that we find here will remain within our hearts everywhere
and anywhere we ever go. What you put into it you will get out of it. So let now really really immersed
ourselves in this grateful attitude of being the servant of the servant of the servant of the lord, his name
and his devotees. And let us have in this spirit of being enjoyed, in this spirit of being servant. We will
find the ultimate joy in pleasing Krishna

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

I would like to specially welcome our special guests who have come from New Vrindavan to bestow
their benedictions upon us. They have come as messengers to deliver the dust from the lotus feet of
Shree Radha Vrindavan Chandra and all of the New Vrindavan Vaishnavas. please take
advantage his very rare and special association. In fact, at this very moment they anxiously awaiting his
return to New Vrindavan so how he is here for even these few days is a very rare fortune.

Nityadit Maharaj Ki Jai…. Jai

Also coming from New Vrindavan is Rebhai who is very senior aspiring devotee very kind hearted soul
always eager to help and assist other devotees and everyone. And mother Tilakini , Mother Tilakini you
should stand up for a second. Hari bol!! She is the link between the east and the west. Who was that
Kipling or someone that says east greets east, east is east, west is west, never twain shall meet”.
Actually for many years in india we came to the conclusion that he was right. We couldn’t find any
means of communicating with New Vrindavan. “East is east, west is west, never twain shall meet”. But
mother Tilakini has cancelled out that proposal. (laughing) She has connected the two though her very
very ____(27:07) gracious service. All of the Newsletters that all of you are receiving. Everything you are
getting from New Vrindavan is coming by her kindness to all of you. Such is truly a well wisher. Also here
is mother Remuna, who is Jagadanad’s illustrious wife, who is very very humble gracious devotee.
Always very fixed in trying to serve Krishna and his devotees. She is one of the head pujaries to temple in
New York, Radha Murlidhar and she is very genioun wonderful. And are there??? Ahhh Sachinandan.
Sachinandan Prabhu , where’s he? He’s not here. Sachinandan and Sachi Mata they have always
accepted very very special responsibility to offer. Sachi mata where’s? ahh.. stand. You have to stand on
behalf of your husband too. They run the guest house at New Vrindavan, they coordinated Life
Membership. They have been practically running major part of the whole sankirtan for New Vrindavan
and various wonderful services. Also she is very good cook. And there is also. Mother Jennifer and
Mother July, who are very enthusiastic to come to India to see this holy place and to become very much
surcharge with Krishna’s mercy coming through all the devotees. Anyone else? Vedavyas priya maharaj
will be coming this evening. He is very great soul. He have been in-charge of Life Membership in New
Vrindavan for so many years, performed great great tapsya and sacrifices to help New Vrindavan so
many ways. So let us welcome these devotees and let us welcome them not simply by saying “Hari Bol”
but by creating an atmosphere of spiritual world among each other. This will be the greatest charity.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says the greatest gift; the greatest welfare is to inspire one another to take
shelter of the holy names.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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