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Christian Champion School

Science 7th/8th
Examen del 3er Parcial

Alumno(a) :

Tipo Completación 6 Pts.

1.-The brown pigment called _________________ determines skin color.

2.-The _____________ is the second layer of skin containing sweat glands , sebacious glands, and hair follicles.

3.-The femur is a __________ __________ shape

4.- Complete the three types of movable joints : ______________________ _______________________ __________________________.

5.-________________________are like cords structures that connect skeletal muscles to bones.

6.-Name the two main division of the Nervous System. ___________________________________________________________

Tipo Verdadero y falso 6 Pts

1.-Epithelial, muscle, Connective, and nerve are basica types of tissues ( )

2.-The _______________tissue is wich provide a protective barriers ( )

3.-The muscle are tissues with he abillity to conduc impulses. ( )

4.-The Cell is the smallest part of the body that it said to be alive. ( )

5.-Not all the cells are important for the long-term helath of the body. ( )

6.-All the cell are the same size and shapes. ( )

Respuesta Breve 8 Pts.

1.- What is the organ in wich you developed until you were born?

2.-What structure allowed you to float freely en the warm fluid surrounding you before yo were bourn?

3.-The placenta serves as several organs for the baby developing inside the mother's body.. Explain what organs are….

4.-Where on the baby's body is connected the umbilical cord?


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