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I. Grammar and Correct Usage

Direction: Place the proper word for each sentence. Shade the letter of the correct answer on your
answer sheet.

1. Prescila _______ rather not invest her savings in the stock market.
a. would b. has to c. could d. must
2. Did you have any problem _____ our house?
a. for searching b. searching c. to search d. search
3. I hope you don’t mind ______ joining you.
a. I had been b. that I may c. to d. my
4. Flight Z735 ______ yesterday. Many passengers died in that accident.
a. crashed b. crushed c. crush d. crash
5. These children ______ how to improvise more props for the play.
a. knows b. known c. knew d. know
6. Clara _____ written three thousand words for her essay.
a. have b. has c. are d. is
7. Neither Sarah nor Tina _____ the crime yesterday.
a. witnessing b. witnessed c. witnesses d. witness
8. We had our house _____ in green.
a. painting b. painted c. to paint d. paint
9. My grandpa always feeds his flock of ____ early in the morning.
a. sheeps b. sheep c. ships d. ship
10. There is a _____ message if you look closely at her painting.
a. hidden b. hiding c. hide d. hid
One afternoon, Johnny found a sick man lying by the roadside, crying for help. When Johnny heard
this, he alighted from his horse. He placed the sick man on the beast before him and carried him in this
manner to an inn. There he ordered food and beds for the sick and for himself.

11. Based on the selection, which of the following would complete the statement to show cause-effect
a. The man wanted a place to eat and rest. c. The man was tired and unable to walk.
b. The man wanted to ride on a horseback. d. The man was sick and crying for help.
12. If Johnny had not found the sick man, the sick man would have
a. gotten well without help c. gone to the hospital
b. gone to the inn alone d. die
13. Rearrange the events as they happened in the story.
a. Johnny ordered food and beds for the sick man lying in the roadside.
b. Johnny found the sick man lying in the roadside.
c. Johnny brought the sick man on the beast.
d. Johnny alighted from his horse.
a. B-D-A-C b. B-C-D-A c. B-A-C-D d. B-D-C-A
Direction: Infer the emotion conveyed in the passage by encircling the letter of your best choice.
14. An old man having trouble carrying a very heavy sack of rice. Rico approached him and carried the
sack for him. The old man felt ________.
a. embarrassed b. relieved c. irritated d. lonely
15. “Of all the girls in this town, there’s no one as smart and as pretty as Mely. She is the darling of my
heart and I want to share my life with her.” The speaker expresses his _______.
a. jealousy b. hatred c. anger d. love
16. “I’m sorry for being late. It’s my fault. I had to attend a family matter and couldn’t leave right away.
Please forgive me.” The character feels _________.
a. discouraged b. frustrated c. apologetic d. depressed
17. “I could hardly wait. What time is it? Aren’t we there yet? Dad, can you drive a little faster?” The
speaker is _____.
a. depressed b. impatient c. nervous d. angry
18. Josie stared out the window for long time. There were tears in her eyes. Then, she went to the
telephone and tried to call her friend, but there was no answer. Josie sank onto her bed, hugged her
pillow, and cried herself to sleep. Josie is _______.
a. disappointed b. ashamed c. terrified d. sad
19. There are only ten seconds left in the game and the odds don’t look good. Your team is down by
one point. Your star player, Roberto, gets the ball and speeds down the court. He stops and aims for
the basket. He shoots and scores as the buzzer sounds. Roberto is ______.
a. disappointed b. embarrassed c. horrified d. exulted
20. Anton was talking about his trip to Egypt when suddenly something fell from the roof above him
into the chart which he had spread on the table. It was coiled and looked at first like a thick rope
rolled into a ball. In another instance, the coiled unrolled itself and began to move slowly away. It was
a snake. What did Anton feel?
a. surprise b. sorrow c. relief d. doubt
21. Nenita worked hard all night studying and preparing for the oral test. The next day, no matter how
often she raised her hand to recite, she was never called upon by the teacher. If you were Nenita, ho w
would you feel?
a. disappointed b. embarrassed c. humiliated d. sad
22. “What a rotten place this is! What kind of person could live in this dump? It stinks! Eeew
cockroaches!” The speaker is _________.
a. disappointed b. distrusted c. shocked d. excited
23. What significant human experience is expressed in the following paragraph?
When I was growing up, one of the places I enjoyed most was the cherry tree in the back yard. Every
summer when the cherries began to ripen, I used to spend hours high in the tree, picking and eating the sweet,
sun-warmed cherries. My mother always worried about my falling out of the tree, but I never did. But I had some
competition for the cherries — flocks of birds that enjoyed them as much as I did and would perch all over the
tree, devouring the fruit whenever I wasn't there. I used to wonder why the grown-ups never ate any of the
cherries; but actually when the birds and I had finished, there weren't many left.

a. Competing with birds c. Falling from the cherry tree

b. Enjoying summer d. Picking and eating cherries
24. What conclusion can be derived from the following paragraph?
Work and school are very much alike in at least three ways. First, both require an early start. Going to
work requires getting up early to avoid the traffic rush, and going to school requires getting up early to be assured
of a parking space. Second, promptness is important in both places. Being at work on time pleases the employer;
being in class on time pleases the instructor. Third, both involve quotas. A job imposes various quotas on a
worker to ensure maximum production--for example, a certain amount of boxes must be filled on an assembly
line, or a designated number of calls must be made by a telephone solicitor. Likewise, school imposes quotas on
a student to ensure maximum effort--for instance, a certain number of essays must be written in an English
composition and or
school share
a specific similarities
number of bookssince…
must be read in an American Novel course.
a. student and a worker have to exert efforts.
b. Both give benefit to students and workers in their places.
c. Both are governed by time.
d. School prepares a student for the job of his choice.
25. Shakespeare’s “The Seven Ages of Man” was taken from the play “As You Like It.” What does the
first title suggest?
a. One man can have seven different ages.
b. One man will encounter seven aged people.
c. Seven ages will take seven men to encounter.
d. Seven life stages will be experienced by one man.
For items 26-29: Read the ff. paragraph then answer the questions that follow.
By the end of the seventeenth century, our punctuation system was in place for the most part,
though sometimes details varied. Just think, though: after only a few lessons in school – and with lots of
practice reading and writing – you can boast that you’ve mastered a system that took westerners many
centuries to develop.

26. What is the best summary for the paragraph above?

a.It takes practice in reading and writing to master the punctuation system.
b. It was at the end of the 17th century that a punctuation system was in place.
c. The punctuation system was in place for the most part in varying details.
d. You can master a system that took centuries to develop in just one day.
27. What conclusion can be drawn from it?
a.It takes only a few lessons to practice reading and writing.
b.It takes only days to master something developed for centuries.
c.Practice makes perfect.
d.The development of the punctuation varies for the most part.
Those that have tenacity will not quit when confronted by obstacles or when failing. In a game or in
life, tenacity wants to win, and tenacity lives by the credo, “Failure is not an option.”

28.Identify the type of text used in the following passage:

Informative b. journalistic c. literary d. technical
A young girl gave her teacher a Christmas gift. It was a beautiful seashell. “Where did you get this?” The
teacher asked. The child told her that such shells are found only on a certain far-away beach. The
teacher was deeply touched because she knew that the girl had walked a mile to find the shell. “You
shouldn’t have traveled so far just to find the gift for me “the girl smiled and replied. The long walked is a
part of the gift.
29.What is the main idea of the selection?
a. A teacher was deeply touched by a young girl’s Christmas present.
b. A young girl gave her teacher a rare shell for Christmas gift.
c. A young girl walked a mile to look for a gift for her teacher.
d. Rare shells argood Christmas gift for teachers.
30. What is the general mood expressed in the selection?
a. appreciative b. sorrowful c. irritable d. gay
31. Based on the selection, which of the following statements show cause and effect relationship?
a. The young girl gave a beautiful seashell to the teacher because there is lots of it in their
b. The teacher was deeply touched because she knew that the girl walked a mile to find the
c. The gift was the part of the long walk because she lives far from the school.
d. The girl enjoyed picking up seashells because her house was by the sea.
Direction: Arrive at the meaning of underlined words by using context clues.
32. When I woke up this morning, I discovered that there was a drastic change in the weather. Last
night, it was warm. Now, the temperature has dropped about forty degrees.
a. pleasant b. doubtful c. severe d. slow
33. Raincoats protect people from the rain. These coats are treated with a special chemical that
helps repel water. They make us similar to ducks. The water rolls off back, too.
a. keep off b. receive c. freeze d. absorb
34. Abraham Lincoln was a well-known president. He abolished slavery.
a. continue b. recall c. permit d. end
35. When occupants move, they should be certain to notify the post office of their forwarding
address. If they do not, the carrier will be unable to deliver their mails and they will be returned to
the sender.
a. designers b. residents c. athletes d. clerks
36. The fugitive dashed down the roadway and went into a wooden area. He was terrified that
these pursuers might find him. If he only could reach his hidden retreat, he would be safe.
a. firefighter b. carpenter c. runaway d. teacher
37. Romeo and Juliet is a story of amorous relationship.
a. enticing b. kind-hearted c. noble-minded d. passionate
38. She has no inhibitions and does not worry about her marriage.
a. hostilities b. inspirations c. problems d. self-consciousness
39. The new president has to deal with innumerable problems affecting the country.
a. important b. few c. many d. serious
40. Businessmen have discovered that it is more satisfactory to be more benevolent than to be
selfish and greedy.
a. generous b. honest c. thankful d. wise
41. There were some erroneous answers on the student’s test paper, but there were not enough
wrong answers to fail him.
a. correct b. difficult c. incorrect d. perfect
IV. Modals: Choose the modal that best completes each statement.
42. There are a lot of distractions coming from passing vehicles. Lena _____ close the door?
a. must b. could c. would d. can
43. Caren _____ start investing now if she wants to retire soon.
a. can b. may c. would d. have to
44. Stanley _____ come to the session but his presence would lighten the mood if he’s there.
a. couldn’t b. can’t c. mustn’t d. don’t have to
45. Serena can’t get a connection on her gadget. _____ she borrow yours?
a. have to b. may c. can d. would
46. It’s a controlled room. Unauthorized persons _____ come inside.
a. don’t have to b. can’t c. wouldn’t d. couldn’t
47. Jayson _____ be at the airport at least two hours before his flight.
a. has to b. can c. may d. would
48. The invitation says that you _____ only bring two guests with you to the wedding.
a. have to b. can c. may d. could
49. Ethan _____ stay overtime in the office today rather than going and working in the office this
a. must b. have to c. could d. would
50. I believe I ____ finish these tasks before the deadline.
a. may b. would c. could d. have to

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