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PR@®L@GUE: EURGPA DESCENDING BF Wits urncoat!Perlant cident Ba Treachroursmplesona Tpnatiue Camicors paced briskly aboatabesmaltofice hi fac early a fsck ar hisrobes is brining eye B purring up and down likes saps fringe He mouth chewed avo yt un By formed words ino shape face cleching libel biser tne He whiol lene flowing and lapping slong sutreched arn and Shundored “Fos Foil you Thewomanbchindthedehahed Yesofeoure vweare"yeryouremind waoofen becomes dif fsltolecprmckofeveryfaction Whatrthela Isdiaton of oer mena defisency™ reyes fled wider “Comtance do you mock ‘Ofcour not fetan” She adjusted her dark flaws and poled io he empy opr he able uve ro ne TRasrrone “Now plesecominueyourmosteloquenttirdefrom secomnforof your chat Hesifned Ths plan carrie wth ithe stench of desperation. The drowning mam singe rey ‘tinge can even dragyng evar tote ep ka hieblind panic I however refuse fo becompany to our muery Iban condone nor const thie Sourwof action Constance ted herbead“Idontrecalrexecst Inger from you Meghan tried clapping both hands over ern mouth bucoulds thdeberchore Hugheudaeely ‘reed interned nthe nine ft alin le Stnisimply lared thi, Tohal notetand ort Watoe murmured sloyione “Then sitdowe, aso” mur unl ynatusquivred "What di the wich te "iol you ot bcklovo your damnsearsowe «an erhitmesing over with You pompous cock Suni” warned Constance ‘Comeon Connie snot like thereof aren't shining Ht lke everytime ewan 0.40 Snything alway sling ro earth sound of ie Sole ring carve ourallances rte wed be een Hepiays police gh playesomen, which eoaay hes only ood atmkingenemic, Hagh vowned ‘Thateraber arf Sansmouthghiened Look bemizewibhie troapllkeabulertotbebackoftbehend Hewanseo Ferurmto orion? Fine try we et im ry bac ‘ithe Storms With apy eck bell dae elf Fleer and nobody willboves put with “Sone” whispered Commance and allsound in theronm cred abe Sune kepteoving bat iantmeelitlbeangerinibemans [acetal fpearpeoeundhepatsedd sentence gatisoted ‘Tkslarmtbarbccouldntewn her thesound of is wa beanbeatoriberwhof rein histunge "Clim Be alin, pled voce tthe core of ie sindandhehnewitwarothisown hough Het Gonsancenodandsomchowhelavwitwasbermind ‘peakingaeidehim Soundreturmed witha dalfrosr. {udhe heard bimoufarp.temsred at enotoeof sown breath Trg obvloa hati dcamton har be some unproductive Constance marured.Tihiak tharallofuenessclewhereorawbile Tate ‘evtofthe mit off Well met again, came tine ‘novrow lenpectournetmeringfogonoathiyend ‘ishout anecesery conic: Thee a difrence Erteeenspakingyoaronind wd innding whatyou speak encourasallofoutodtermietbe dif {hc between the wo She sco and gasped the [toes on lay her German Shepard. who beped Aerevigaveou ofthe room ‘Stal labo at Hugh nd Meghan “Ti be at she aneeoioworkflitioeshematered tnd {sfabruplyandputglgnatstiboulolingasim, Tmofftowsnglr bar 0 uy lobo! fornia terre women: Hoghcalldaferkim Tessa. Tilteatylobortoysnayeing allo ofertas Inctnoofora luce abtutebat leer beip ‘pevdthe baling procsrormabeadclflcereal {epping. Wells bythe morow” He winked end ippedouthe door Ihave fo go.-um.1 have to.” tumbled ‘Mophan before sighing and beading othe door. "T {antevencomeupwithalamecscis Pactisihtibe seawkvardandyouneedtbealoneforabitsolgo ‘omevberealee She poured atthedoor snd ered ‘Sbropay na lah of el Baie "Wed hate you Ifatae"Theemieabeworewaran Bonetone “Thenehe wagons andbewaralone natu wasenjoyingthewarm Vaynianigin shefldbshind hechmtrywhen oad “oxrelucky we don cutthe freak laughed. equating beside Kim He nifene nd be anor bat abe pat ber hand on hie ce and Pushed fry down Stay she sid and the Bard ‘ljeto her eyes convinced him watt arjue Hey Tack hopingoc woulda bother orlong Tvebeenwanderng sehen hervoiefllof ‘auton, “and atemptng odenewherl was mst beaded The Whedltoppedistur when seppedon Yourelbow soli lng rosy whsteryouke lor ot The aml etched er eps He gnard it and Keoked beyond herve ibenare ‘Ornottwouldsem She fownedandlookad up. Cloud bung at nigh hak ‘nate elt hr lay Bese ho presence of swarm jr oh eft He shied abana and brushed bug from shai “Whar do you? she asked “Upshere mean “Trash esa hs voce asd “Tacetbe pt semofiteunivenelaidoutlitonrarjectsmap lors ‘heveinoffode pumping is ratber than ood | srrallaneverr ad Know tat! need ony find tbe ‘She whistled ong andlow “Tharsbenufl They both ll quiet Only sem sounde and ‘hefuntroaroftihighway roketealence "Wht oyouret heacked akan ce she whlepered. Tee a warm deason 20 LecpheSlecpemqulocea!andwrappedisablanket fouperstiion atu lookedarher aghast Hwan you is wat hin, that all be ext Bi of ‘MaybeFimerong bul wonthaow tatu aye a grater perspective Tha the whole pla of the Bln Igatur We need broaden ou perspective That he srenth ofthe Tradton nie feons. tachvtthopposng viewpoints aljined ober {eactomelbin beer an thesumoibe paren upon. were a Backer of faroline loka for = ich Inpracticewe'¥elatal for seater ‘Rsimpossbleto py FeLacue Bunce DECRN “having prspecsivesisourstenth Lookatme stuihanatstaingordersfoman Abate History faye sepa o ral es each tert ‘hrostnigtandday yetConnieandi elon fine teats were both tortng toward the same oul ‘We'hoore 10 Lop shat i perspective rather than Fphsingerbe det over beste of ences hur drool eneasion past nation hinje have changed and we must adapt Wedos know ow long before we hess rom {nylody beyond ibe Vell How log do wecrry out the wer ofthe asec arent before we rai tharwe'we been sbndoned? When do we make ou? own deo [Ynatuaighed “Youre correct Wedon know TheStrncoudendoentweckorne century Ire sharacenainderecof autonomy oprdent butbew fmvch foo macht Wha come pase when he Storm earcrandouretanjedladerreerofind ined with ibe Technoctey™ ‘Mojban smiled Our not fo question why Int laeluely baer ieepecine ‘Sieber btheDeaconbarakadthisbedone and tow wehavencarry othe chanry ssh “Then why actuethe others? Meghan arched her eyebrow. “Hope becer in she lab han the ld We found thas ou at yar ‘when nestle ow he hee Seri? He fesnsiger boppreher besnervous ich? ‘SenhereConntewouldngowiboutCay and hat dogs exact capable of knowing thing about ‘Quinn would never ave allowed thi ‘Qui’ fone” Mophae murmured "Coneance ssc Deacon ul we ea [rom him orcan con Almbledeath now hewsrafriend andl skinkte "Mhimashame youwereherewhentheStorm kit And entobebackinHorzon nose wtfoursrng ‘Srina world youl bekind yarn. “fovscem have omnlelenimifhinrefards rome ‘No, bu Im good at recon earonallty. ow hisfrimigtsYoutsketherleofike outer beaut youre afraid oft clo any of we Tou Kavetefoliebideathatbeping yourtoaphiand hoperweappedupuithHorzonwllbelpyoureors thar muchsooser Through penetrance and devo. So, youl rewarded withatrphome ealence wee damaing tacky gue she whip He ft and clap iccoe fnelocing castes armen irae Hevoroeiclok ther Heould barely make Outer freckiedfacentbedarknem bts ee the sade inher fare He wvallowed thick ad ‘Mardis Pleat pei Mehmed fay “Alig Tuy name le ca yer He es beyond Manan oe oie ehoteereandonatarjepliof weeded land wedontneedo wort ebou nlite tng Herepoealyourofovm ins onda ‘Thsleaveatne dy window Ihaeen andres Heneveadontefolowmpledherpeloeprhic Sc yourmateryofiearcantibep tunctered YPulowike dr Ok and rar our Hacker ina nodded abenly Mahan frowned nd squeal bs band"Whareerong? evughtberdorwords jurt.whywerewe selected foris pty teery Why othaolaufbd Mot eon ob Lhakenis sectofhe Ethanon You mitey leapt for breaking ad envering You? Shewared arn “fouehee ate reques “fourpandont “ure sorecompetet shan you woud like scimicand dbs ack more comforslewi yon wrachingmybocibasgonpiione Watergate dary sigabnbeeatyou Drbepingeaive couldnt Pewee Good Ob andwhileweromihabjetoee tng. youu remember ha seperti ‘hanapg ine When youl from hie ous Dorbrakingany laws Nonoftiprantob st {nye fs qeoutofsbs gran ores shan raed gpatas oh fetand fa him bachiShbechenty “Wasabi hed be sind Ij shook Ks ead ugly. “Twa asing Tfbancockedherhend“Tiwaalvingceare sharwouldbarcornyororoatotbadioonsoyped Sham Sharupand ou thea alg goats tok tech and llr oer whl Mojhannchiotetwo he Moghanseap yee ures of the dss conten with her dial camera Tjnasase he pomerof hears burallhesew into ‘hecoref smn The fshedielr search beore ‘hepltbullscorpe badly sient. ‘Only thing left the compater You'd ink sich Batrd lke she wosld have vmeting beer ‘Bashir Maphan irked wating paentiy Windows for Workjroupe ote onthe ancient echine Maybeiauhyhekopit-ponderdignatioe Het rows familar with it and Knows that here ‘worhavetbepatonr oribebnowiedjetodesl wit ‘iethingsooutofdatltdocewhasbenedstodo, ‘obese wah “Or maybe he ust cheap. For a oltre logit know ashing abou lan ook ike he Pickedupihisfarniureatefeamarkes Probably Shh the owned ib found ile, uth other locked downpreny ight Weneedtocrackeoweiftbeyte ‘orig da Ines orarayof te male Enough oeep Your aterafe NSA moushbreatber say tac he will ever be allowed el rey, he il never make hough } rly dnt cache This ec alone a PARADIGIT. AND THE TRADITIONS sich celts Sy psp ok Tons ataejonsisaneee ey 1 ‘ons-They ih not sven apc he npr Signal depending the aceon t ‘Rey wo tl me eoy eo ny ce np ' ks Deen lve sod th oo {iene sda pro cy 4 See pcr eather Tes ‘ped dacusnt cote the methyl cq Cylon cancpyn MEET nae ery tate ee rhe nything ced and stand over the cae of ‘Sve cnkes Arason af each pele Parad ie ety connected tothe element of te tne al th stg of frag develo ect th ld more eves Wah + sce the She. Shad imager nod oibers without 4 developed inden scl mee aos camen Viewpoint x wile wie verb each ‘evel wold thon oct hiconcton ‘ensrel pore mage ih at ae old ‘allay opinini cof te worl Er To enlrenes, SHALLOW tej The mage mck es begining sen Thy a ad have a "aon iit theyre spent at ets fine ‘ecin to ping lod hc om lima. Ag nd expec ret ec tural s noni Avakened mage may hve tne ‘Bihtiotincomecton tthe Tran uh Ccuarne, Twe: snes a natn) supie that this Ma (Mage Rei 173) explore ois ‘hal wont nage Revie Mure Assecanion a wih THs ct Spee wi or arcs ard Tha leveloteomplety playing charter ‘Thesmecombinatoncan produce mule outcomes ste Mater sad Entpy with a orc nd ome wp wh dl concer Anal paar to fad the pert physic soting ba» podig sin el ged lw shh he Tal pchopet slesheconept ofa ee palais crores “The cat way todo sh ‘hanes asrulingy As the chile pope ‘inl hove guned seer aleapdng the [Reece ari sn by ung he ced Se hors eal ough he Sphere ade deci ‘Smet oe Tho ite oy the Spe contend win te gn Pca shot contingencies eral FRping ut wow eo eta came the fas Bor example, sf ou diagree with d Dramopeaer they tat Cy San Hochecomplnyaine concep wichanarcan| tune thine sy dil py Whi x cha nang conc cante evan andl eh Cech harp de' ne A casio is x chance who ely consid allie Sper dopa oulook oenconprs ned iw cia Fino en csing cone, Keping » especie all the Spe can be ince cin py. cana ead od hg the nt. igang out how ono Spee nee toga sae ial han single Ser scion Eat ‘harp oe an fsere ry Avatar ha a ein ity known aE sence dat ons ide # sae’ ie ‘getho thatthe Eee anion rai sion atpetags even de Frente vat Regul of terre thet eno gun tat the noc Enc ape acs bet ‘oaky atone he Avia simply meet ri “The ines of Enc Lia va Sa, me reared in a ETE goretwatm Tossa tier moment FE, soe Pertapererenithedexrptionen p. 95cfMage Rovian rome hatte xa Next. thkot ur canters Sphere aoe ‘mages in thet overalsenveo spon, nile aaghere = F GI Sec ee the anal sco che ths BIE fervoe Whe dociemcaniobesDyoamic ape ih BAM) Sic secation How does» Qrong age th FAS) | Cororoicoce scion ck the wd! When ‘dP ages nah Tene ancl se thet ‘dc Bly ecto tht poe ners ‘Tink tthe Eases posing chant resldjeciontoumne whe heer ascot Exit chine low sopeste th ‘With hi in nid write down ew destin he pth ochre pal her meth ppse Stat haven beep 19 Reem at shee ae a gh oven” hi (hese, po nth hat you tk gh ser bel th pc es evening ter Ie roids se dct tht the mages path co [tenner il lbw sample Daring cheater creo, Rey gate attra Patern Bee, He cr eof TM. f, eth tet termes hn cg od (Gest ely Flat ya of tat. ‘Ne cong bow ba Pon a ah fea cre drei odcinek Flat pay dc eal fe, Perey @ GuoeTo ne Tasos ignng sn | ey comer up wth to pines. “anteing wth spa aed Selig nie ertuchcor leben Flamer Althah “somvenane wth pte eel oe ‘hing ht Fst illo Roy sera cna teaeconpliting asl the than ang ny dest ‘lion tothe yal cl He Scr dn erlang ‘Siveral meen’ bet dees the iflotce of Fetarers Gwenn thts coventon ith ‘petals thewnon of these tah, PaRADIOMSTYLES “The es pin cen oat Bice Rea. Thee Snlsexpres mizesconeepion fdhow herperagm le the eof hanes, "Ril You rset oe mc yO sy ate magi bt hye nein Clos Your part is perl vn of nal Yumi gecesi fee becne youth hye mong Exow how hing work for ach mage mie fet wha’ bo oth a "Literal Thess ne gent waynes” Yo a aay lamin, sn yo ico at rake her ot om ain Iiyauhve' dane come the Prim Sle that ho fe our chart, Wee x ng sme tocnatinaeleSther tes cron athe Spe et The te ere he eta ow setae on our ew oy ‘Says, lke thong th eso yas (Genel, cicaten wih & more cnmenatie sew hae an egy conservative pet fat ‘le Theory applets toler wich {heres aly hae tka pct However ‘hintenraleye tec I pombe fr achat ‘ofl teewe nil view Convey char ‘canter ths peon hina pam ‘Earp fy deve se Flamer as «Rai pert, Hi cmon nt as ong eer yng By ee mage Res ‘ik fora mana cn! en wt den lou “These wd eprenh noun Hen at ss nye ALTERING PARADIGM hele of (oe of che mont ging elements of he eying some watching yur charter develop oer {rau ote sani bly shes fo ‘lly spray Airis ling remo doar octet cog ct eee ep Fave on fin lng wth Wiehe in sd ou hey ek et Charen t ina ce Wie the stent bot hat esa ocr aoe ones heap el. This ay ake rupl fe Not al lve es } somal heme wel and vice vem. te Seat eme ape ta fom Recess rcrivcwand wrested ek spallsn Faces dylan chance thoy ou Se rein of caer anc the Src | Rene wil enact wha yo sah [peomay wih Mest cneeugouchinkYouee' jes yourpurlemar il Changing "hand fai led hy so ol youre beam Somuming tee Te ay ad dec seeing You co cri fin ge ook by om cal ten vba Soke ete ere alg twegesocglee inaeninte These Fa asenacr ‘Shale ilemen er ycver sor vemnclvedliy. adalat in acs psd: Uae FTN farer reflection, he's “coal tual chem." He PARADIGMATIC SELF SEGREGATION eatin eeay fe actu apa cureywemnesn Yulee ashy sane aie gle siege adage agen i i Wy of tor pce Ther Reounce_ pall ur someting ely wkd nr femo et hi Amie wah el whackelat_sourmare gu futecaal every erie Yue Feuscscrlishneealmongecrele Ths aly eof king ete pr cant a ‘Soolfepletpchocers-tirbskcfabecertem, dion heronpractoes thr mae alte wih Sf sume beer nd tower our Wont de ee nee eon, snags Sen when oa have spel ike PARADIGITISAITIPLES He ae ee cape apc ofp imental (ac wean of day) Padi Spe Rigi (Thre er realty as peat crn) Cn xy thing ier ets bar nolo rexrn) O tthe noe (Ghustons changin Sb a mpg fn ands fer your oem sens Fgh esr YourLack Yo tbebiento Cosresranbaice si al chance athe as bon compn Exence:Dymamic(rsiingihereneoitance), Ee ly = you cul nor Yor cing chunks ofthe universe). Questing (evplring te) Stsinof yoy The wa yow were ined fn inde it hh do sereaay soot ne Yow a nel conve! te Paadion Ste Ril (Al nerd cbjesn esas NF NO i ince che the oe caeng 184 Tibunler Hock feterersonal Connect (Yor ody endinoyou wil. Then yourelax your pp lean back the net of exemuseton elf ad acer che FORCES fart Se aE in oe ene: Dynan (lloring the path fie & ‘onic Pate Grnghenng then de, © Gane Te Te Thasmate iavey iti afte fenpeavt eataye ace ghee cra) num Mechanic tang “Egret oe th ol ace fal “dena them. By each tegen Sod rating, youl ter somplas Sohn cic ieour igen, Pure peng of ne) The Gre Eu (Al cee odes thew tess) Le Ii Pate sang i), Prior lang hand Suh) Quigg pp) Paradigm Siler Rig (Cocoa so ‘ortorcmuteten ih) Cd Sete Tinpean te afeciedifaccenany bt hee Jo the ar) Open Tes con the Sop dab dd eb te rotlbome attics) Honor Scale oie Feresenthinge thre st EARL ck CY ec Soiree sha Tee Felting lng or heme). Micmtipes™ Macrotsaformation © (The Techstreet os know tht en Gee lomtacena Lictalopcryenedorsmine Shonen of smaller beng saeed spond ‘cre mie) Lie As Een Then comple. Fmcleney iG andthe nthe ode Marr (Qing ili new wes rth dh Tard Sy Ripa Rely ony what you cantach) Cll (ach ic deen acre sunnuecombuconctpeoperi) Opn Alar a nochange you can fl the apepite oneston} Liberal ates eneey ves ra) Honk: Capel Cals (The mater woe (heptane bei and fr Bee pu can camer ou mt Titov thbytgber and then ae 9 coer shsslegtian Thee atdenmermpone Phan theroul)Srate gaay Tee a os crepe mailer econ snore fine The che nmi the emcee the tamer #2 Li tod Tenis Of ore i he ee gj ommrchend ot eumetye ete). Moone Sil The pdt in bree the ac hc bar mar gh anon dhe oe fo it eae omer deg eet mnp with clay), Eaters (eorecting the ell da teed, Prono (ceng ek though Prat Sle ig (Ara ack ot mot be ope! by fave loa ick eal doors can't ented bythe wth the len ie), Open (A min i are dh heuer) pega thelr el nce wth se nd cond ota may spllorone ie nae! ans ih xh Ine etocnin fn, To at thee min ‘ossegmoethe rer reser EXE Araneae Clonoy eT ove ‘Semon whch wore phigh. Th thowiige he weather nese ee the prone Aetng ane hnmiet test mor Fela) Fel Was Moving Oa peer sew ke fal het amd ean No ot tig niet Seabee Echoing ps Sw ay wer fee peel en Vins Theaakeda emma fete ‘han ete with pote) Prune Brew: Dynumic (ns nthe Tae sing th Quer Two. Msnesm 6 Paatgn Se Rid (Quon nd Paes sre the oad spoon gee pepe) Clcd (A ‘Peterundeaing tay aig ks =e ncn dlrs ec) Ope Pil nes ‘Scinortdebt ae math Seo el paces $5 the cma), Lr When yo lhe call slp aT UD Eley, ‘Snide Hooks The Avs Pi (The Cenc “Fach ichaten Srahadpe palpate Pats ied ‘oper by Quaeeence Kaan tet or shat Roya lye SNE ca Pilla (The Tponrp age fae ninso pe that levi ager ac pol cn iPod ice ot Pate riglsochang coset ‘her ich es ene) seat sents Dru (atecing chang a the i) Pacer colar su al), ual tringconceprin ronson), Quen (aking sf the nomensl Paap Sel pd Reali she eater af sch aterm ha ene ar (Coed Te Topsy oe amie vst daly settee) Open Varoatecitesa $e Tellstan the se wy shee roe mase Liter nencrngeencpe ren Kes tc! en ou lg sconce venir ‘ook lash Tatu The Tape =e coat of Und Siig tel at deg oageans Tete They acho ‘ans Teaety nie ons Shear}, Ax The Man’ Pa Te ‘sheet agrancocve ume atta Ng fo ‘he reapemaeicurce Mean ela ‘Scum Thegmerinonln nme senate ln cela si make ‘Reta mite), Waller f Werle (You toe {ising eal the way that ter pple go he Sie eres amino ikanrso ‘aw hymen What one ay mrelene nate open) Time vsence Dic mmiding» wc han), Pacer sng pee ie tes oreverige dus es, eng (arching hepe) Pari Sie Ri Resa cca che Stheyivenerneninc green Che satel wl ht ‘erg our Bogen) Oren (al ‘hin irl teeametbne Libel Time ‘ols rene ge roy inthe Sevepdf inenetim wpa orhinac cen) Hose Titman Eering ha slat hagpept eB er Ngnen The Seer Ol he ond yee (Cosa figs hin dat {Cheaper ttre) Temper! Vice ‘sonic fine gins son seein ‘ound nating ng seced py 0 sch fac nn feces gr), A Seay ‘tosauthepeserpcare Changes madone {pera time ding ote doen re Siecle: Rosking inte ire trenng an ingens ped pepe SINGLE SPHERE ASS@CIATION Exorali asin Eaene Pris, sno pct Plt citer ced See td set ee clement fm each et at te ‘Semen ad we thse pec Mop ferihe chaser Een Aa wan py a Ethan, int fond of oak matey Mats Arne chai, an sos ek a ol ‘rd eof men ha he ck eae She pa Mh aman Lk fe ha ‘theniyen clans amcor bhi {nf magal gai. 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