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Analytical Chemistry


Peptization A process by which the coagulated colloid reverts to its original

dispersed state

fluorescein Indication used in Fajan’s method for the titration of chloride with silver

overvoltage It is a potential difference between the theoretical cell potential and the
actual cell potential at a given level of current

phenolphthalein Indicator used for titration of weak acid with a strong base

Dumas Method Process of determining the nitrogen content of organic materials by

mixing the sample with powdered copper(II) oxide and igniting it to a
combustion tube giving CO2, H2O, N2 and small amounts of nitrogen

Mohr and Fajans methods is used for the direct determination of halides

potassium sulfate In the most widely used modification of the Kjeldahl method, this is
added to increase the boiling point of the H2SO4 solution and thus the
temperature at which the decomposition of the sample occurs

H2C2O4 (oxalic acid) The precipitant commonly used for the determination of calcium in
gravimetric analysis

dimethylglyoxime An organic precipitating agent that is used to precipitate only Nickel (II)
from a weakly alkaline solution?

coprecipitation process in which normally soluble compounds are carried out of

solution by a precipitate

NH3 Gas formed in the Kjeldahl analysis of nitrogen in the sample

Erichrome black T (EBT most commonly used indicator for EDTA titration

kjeldahl An analytical method used in the determination of organic nitrogen


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