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importance of regular exercise

how do exercise maintain healthy body weight

how do exercise prevent stroke
how do exercise prevent bowel diseases
how do exercise lower the risk of diabetes mellitus
how do exercise improving immune system
how do exercise maintain mental health
how do exercise reduce stress
how do exercise improve alertness
ways that
effects musculo-skeletal
of exercise fitness is improved
on musculo-skeletal by exercise
fitness--increase in
diameter of muscle fibres
effects of exercise on musculo-skeletal fitness--increase in
effects blood vessels
on musculo-skeletal fitness--increase the
size andofnumber
effects exerciseofon
mitochondria within
musculo-skeletal the muscles in
number of motor units
effects of exercise on musculo-skeletal fitness--reduce risk of
ways that
effects respiratory
of exercise fitness is improved
on respiratory by exercisevital
effects of exercise on respiratory fitness--increasing blood
ways that
effects cardiovascular
of exercise fitness is improved
on cardiovascular by exercise
fitness--increase in size
of heart
effects of exercise on cardiovascular fitness--increase in
cardiac output
effects of exercise on cardiovascular fitness--stonger heart
fitness--reduce blood
importance of sleep
human growth hormone
effects of fatigue
different types of exercise
how can aerobic exercise maintain body fitness
how can strength training exercise maintain body fitness
how can muscular endurance exercise maintain body fitness
how can flexibility exercise maintain body fitness
prevent arthritis. 6. prevent bowel diseases. 7. lowering risk of diabetes mellitus. 8. improving immune system. 9. maint
1. get ridhealth
of the10. reduce
excess bodystress 11. alertness
fat and can be improved
increase muscle tone. 2. increase the body metabolism. 3. enabling the body to burn
1. lack of exercise promotes the ease of clotting of the blood. 2. resulting in an increased risk of a stroke.
1. exercise brings andabout
the abdominal muscles with
insulin-mediated proper
glucose exercise
uptake reduce bowel
in adipose tissue.problems
2. increases the insulin sensitivity
glucose storage capacity of the liver.
exercise can boost the immune system, so that it's more efficient to fight against different diseases
exercise and improve mental health by enhancing psychological well-being
leading to reduced likelihood of suffering cardiovascular disease and some mental illness
1. increased
increase awareness
in diameter to danger
of muscle fiber.and reducinginaccidents
2. increase capillary supply to muscles. 3. skeletal mitochondria increase in nu
size. 4. reduce risk of arthritis. 5. reduce risk of osteoporosis.
1. muscle fiber increase in size. 2. increasing the flexibility of tendons. 6. increase in no. of motor
3. increasing unit
the elasticity and flexibility of ligame
reducing risk of sport injury. 5. increase the efficiency of muscles
1. skeletal capillary supply as a result
increase of training.
in number 2. allows
and size. greatermuscles
2. provides exchange of more
with gases,efficient
nutrients and wastes.
oxidative metabolism. 3. i
1. signaltofor
oxidize fats andincrease.
contraction carbohydrates
2. moreand fatsunits
motor in theare
muscles 4.reduce
recruited. risk ofthe
3. increase arthritis
number of motor units involved in m
contraction 4. muscle can also be used more fully through regular exercise
1. essential for attaining and maintaining sufficient bone strength. 2. improving coordination. 3. balance and strength of
4. reduce risk of bone fracture due to falling. 5. since forces exerted on the bone stimulate Ca deposition.
1. increase
muscles. 2. vital capacity.the
this increase 2. increase blood3.flow.
vital capacity gaseous exchange rate increase 4.more O2 uptake occurs at lung and more
release of CO2
1. pulmonary blood flow increases after training, 2. maximizes the gaseous exchange rate at the alveoli
1. in ventricle
size of left size of heart. 2. increase
of heart increaseinas
cardiac output.
a result 3. stronger
of exercise heart.
2. stroke 4. reduce
volume blood3.viscosity
increase. 5. resting
cardiac output blood pres
increase. 3. in
delivery of O2 or food to cells and drainage of metabolic products from cells
1. blood volume increase as a result of training. 2. this increases left ventricle filling and stroke volume. 3. cardiac outpu
increase in stroke volume. 3. more efficient energy utilization by the heart muscle to produce a given cardiac output in a
1. 4. heart
increase ofcontracts less often
plasma volume but more
reduces bloodforcefully.
viscosity. 5.
2. aincrease
heart pump more3.blood
of circulation thesetoquickly
the working
removes muscles per u
decreases the
completely risk ofwithout
relaxed coronaryanyheart disease.
muscle tone. 7. metabolic rate slow down when sleeping 9.reduce fatigue by remove tox
8.reduce fatigue bysecreted
somatotrophin--1. build upby food
anterior pituitary of the brain 2. influences the growth of cells, bones, muscles and or
throughout the body. 3. peaks at adolescence when accelerated growth occurs and the amount declines after 30
1. accumulation of toxic waste 2. depletion of food reserve in the active tissue
1.aerobic exercise 2.strength training exercise 3.muscular endurance exercise 4.flexibility
improve health of heart lungs and circulatory system stronger muscles, 2.stabilizes and protects joints 3. increase metabolism to maintain body weight
1.trains muscles to resist fatigue and to continue exercise over long periods of time
1.maintain stability during different daily activities and during exercise 2. prevents joint pain and injury

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