Effects of Alcohol On Health

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alcohol dehydrogenase and vomiting

aldehyde dehydrogenase acetyle CoA and enter Krebs cycle

immediate effects of alcoholism and circulation
immediate effects of alcoholism on brain down response 9. lead to accidents
pancreas cause pain
immediate effects of heart and circulation blood flow
what are affected by alcohol in long term? sexual organs 12 skin 13.bones
long term disturbances hence sleep quality
how is brain affected by alcohol long term health is affected
how is heart affected by alcohol long term stroke
how is blood affected by alcohol long term bleeding--higher risk of infectious
how is lungs affected by alcohol long term including tuberculosis
term 1.weakness 2.loss of muscle tissue
how is liver affected by alcohol long term 3.cirrhosis 4.liver cancer
term juices and enzymes
term 4.oesophagitis 5.chronic gastritis
term confusion
alcohol long term 3.damaged or less sperm
alcohol long term head d. higher risk of miscarriage
how is skin affected by alcohol long term 1.flushing 2.sweating 3.bruising
how is bones affected by alcohol long term D to its active form

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