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biological principle of coronary heart disease

risk factors of cardiovascular disease (cardiac board)

why does age
who highcause
pressure causedisease
why does smoking cause cardiovascular disease
why does lack of PE cause cardiovascular disease
why does diet cause cardiovascular disease
stress cause
why does alcohol cardiovascular
drinking disease
cause cardiovascular
why does genetic inheritance diabetes cause
cardiovascular disease
why does gender cause cardiovascular disease
why does diabetes cause cardiovascular disease
why does obesity cause cardiovascular disease
types of diabetes
type one diabetes
type 2 diabetes
risk factors of diabetes type ii
how does age cause diabetes type ii
how does sugary food cause diabetes type ii
how does obesity cause diabetes type ii
how does low level of PE cause diabetes type ii
how does family history cause diabetes type II
how does ethnicity cause diabetes type II
control of type I diabetes
control of type ii diabetes
function of antidiabetic tablets
what's used to monitor blood glucose
examples of genetic disease
causes of genetic disease
how to categorize genetic disease up of fatty deposits on the inside of coronary vessels 2. reduce the diameter of the vessels, 3.reduce flow of blood
1.age 4.oxygen
2.high supply level
cholesterol to heart muscle
3.high blood is pressure
reduced, 4.cigarette
heart attacksmoking
instant death may
of physical occur6.obesity
activity if large part is affecte 8.stres
drinking 10.diabetes 11.genetic ineritance
1.aging process 2.long term exposure to risk factors
1.heart has
protein, andtoreduce
do more work
level 2.wall toinvolved
of enzymes thicken and become stiffer
in removing blood clots 7.stimulate sticking of blood platelets to surface o
make clotting easier
1.high activity
of helps to strengthen
saturated the heart
fat raise blood and maintains
cholesterol a healthy
levels 2.cause blood3.high
obesity flow in vessels
intake of antioxidants and soluble fibr
fats decrease
raise risk 4. high
blood pressure sinceintake of salt,called
hormones bodyadrenaline
holds morereleased
increase blood volume
constriction and cause
of blood high
vessels, blood pressure
increase heart rate
blood pressure
increase blood pressure
high level cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes may be inherited
female sex hormone have a protective effect against heart disease
1.excess weightblood glucosethe
increases level speed
work of the upheart
to supply the2. diabetic
body with people are usually
the needed oxygenoverweight and high
2. raises blood blood and
pressure pre
cholesterol levels which speed up atherosclerotic process and occurrence of coronary heart diseases
1.insulin-dependent diabetes 2.non-insulin dependent diabetes
produce suffers
enough from antoimmune
insulin to overcome the destruction
resistanceof 6.pancreas
the beta cells
the pancreas 2.incapable
and reacts slow toofincrease
making insulin
glucose levels. 7
glucose despite the elevated glucose level
1.age 2.persistent overeating of sugary food 3.obesity 4.low level of physical activity history 6.ethincity
1.worsen risk of type
glucose 2
tolerance 2.these food raise blood glucose an insulin levels 3.blood glucose raising effect of a food de
of carbohydrate
1.abdominal absorption
fat make 4.sugary
the body food cause
less sensitive obesity as fat tissue release a chemical to inhibit the binding of insulin to
to insulin,
organ's receptor
1.control fat 2. improve insulin sensitivity (help type 2) 3. lower blood pressure 4.improve cholesterol levels. 5.decrease
type II has strong genetic links
aboriginal african latin american and asian are having higher risk
injections of insulin to control blood glucose level
1.balanced diet 2.reduce body weight 3.exercise 4.medicine 5.monitoring blood glucose 7.diagnostic test
1.encourage production of insulin or 2.reduce amount of glucose released from liver 3.improve the way glucose is used
standard meter
1.Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 2.haemophilia 3.sickle-cell anaemia
mutation and chromosome abnormalties
1.single gene defects 2.chromosomal mutations 3.multifactorial disorders

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