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AUTHOR: Rodriguez, John albert

Rogacion Bruce

Teano john Michael


YEAR: 2023-2024

automatically Tracked Their Position When you are log into Apps and Attendance
Which is Accurate Realtime Gps, it is Design to preventing the Ghost Employee and it
may take actions immediately system can help to reduce the amount of time and effort
spent on manual attendance tracking, and it can also help to improve the accuracy of
attendance data experience. By monitoring and improving the performance of the
website system, the user experience can be enhanced. The safety and security of
civilians is a paramount concern for governments and law enforcement agencies
worldwide. In recent years, technological advancements have provided new tools for
enhancing civilian security, one of which is the use of Global Positioning System (GPS)
real-time tracking. This technology has the potential to revolutionize civilian security by
providing a means to continuously monitor the whereabouts of individuals and assets,
enabling timely intervention in case of emergencies.

Asides to apps, it also has website and through website


Traditional methods for tracking individuals and assets have relied on manual
observation, surveillance cameras, and passive tracking devices. While these methods
have served their purpose, they have limitations in terms of range, accuracy, and real-
time data availability. GPS real-time tracking technology offers a more comprehensive
and effective solution by continuously monitoring the whereabouts of individuals and
assets, law enforcement and emergency response teams can be dispatched to the
scene of an incident in real-time, significantly improving response times and saving
The Apps also includes many other features such as:

 Photos of an accident report

 Bulletin Board for Schedule and Reports
 Daily attendance
 Calendar For Events

Foreign literature

Alexandria Engineering Journal

Volume 57, Issue 4, December 2018, Pages 3127-3137

GPS tracking system for autonomous vehicles
GPS tracking system for autonomous vehicles - ScienceDirect
For the past fifty years, engineers went on searching for keys to further minimize the human
input in driving vehicles. Jansson [1] stated that 93% of car accidents are caused by human errors
and a study conducted by the Lebanese Red Cross [2] revealed that car accidents in 2014 yielded
14,516 casualties. These shocking statistics are due to the constantly increasing traffic density on
the slow developing existing infrastructure as stated by Zlocki et al. [3]. This resulted in more
complex and difficult driving situations, which upsurge the possibility of a human error and thus
increasing accident rates. The need to develop driverless vehicles arouse in order to eliminate
this error and most importantly to spare human lives.

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies

Volume 104, July 2019, Pages 348-368

Developing a passive GPS tracking system to study long-term travel behavior - ScienceDirect
Until now travel diaries have been the primary source of travel behavior information on activity
chains, trip patterns, mode choice and time use (Schlich and Axhausen, 2003). Unfortunately,
conducting and analyzing travel diary studies is complicated and expensive. More importantly,
since completing travel diaries places a significant burden on respondents, most surveys only ask
respondents to report on travel during one randomly chosen day (Greene et al., 2016) although
research clearly shows day-to-day variation in travel behavior (Pas and Sundar, 1995, Axhausen
et al., 2000), which limits the political and operational value of one-day data (Susilo and
Axhausen, 2007).

Develop Attendance Management System with Feedback and Complaint Management


Published in: 2019 IEEE 7th Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC)

Develop Attendance Management System with Feedback and Complaint Management Function |
IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

This research is designed to improve the process of managing employees' attendance record as
well as monitoring employees' mobility during their working hour. The system is developed with
other features such as meeting organizer, and feedback and complaint management functions.
These additional features are introduced to improve the workflow of employees in Secure metric
Technology Sdn. Bhd., an Information Technology company which was done manually. The
purpose of constructing this system is to increase the efficiency and performance of the
attendance processes and reporting besides minimizing the overall time and work to calculate the
attendance data. The major functions include visualizing the attendance data, automated
calculation of attendance data, and self-service meeting organizer with the aid of meeting rooms
reservation. This system is developed using Model-View-Controller framework, and Java Server
Faces technology. Tests were conducted by end users to gauge the stakeholders' requirements
and expectation.

Comparison and Evaluation of Cross Platform Mobile Application Development Tools

Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 273 - 281, 31.12.2020

International Journal of Applied Mathematics Electronics and Computers » Submission »

Comparison and Evaluation of Cross Platform Mobile Application Development Tools

In order to develop a mobile application, it is necessary to develop software separately for each
operating system to be outputted. In response to this problem, frameworks that can give
application outputs for more than one operating system by developing applications on only one
platform have been developed. With the recent diversification of these systems, which are called
cross platform mobile application development tools, which one should be preferred has become
a problem for developers. In this study, the cross-platform mobile application development tools
that have come to the fore in recent years will be determined and evaluated separately based on
the pros and cons of distinguishing parameters. With the help of the applications to be
developed, values such as processor, memory, battery and network usage, rendering time,
opening time, installation file size, application size will be measured. It is also aimed to help
developers find out which framework is more suitable for their needs by comparing them on
topics such as popularity, third party software support, operating systems that can be outputted,
development languages and ease of use, speed - performance. In the study, it was observed that
Flutter and React Native gave more successful results.

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249-8958,

Volume-8 Issue-5, June 2019 Enhancing Students’ Motivation to Learn

Computational Thinking through Mobile

Application Development Module (M-CT)

International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (

In the 21st century, making daily innovations in software and hardware to facilitate the life
process is the daily task of the community. This innovation also goes beyond the education field,
various interventions were introduced by integrating technology to enhance the understanding
and motivating of students in a subject. In view of this, we brought modernization into the
learning of Computational Thinking (CT) in the form of a module that integrates mobile
application development for the motivation of students in CT. In this module, students are taught
to develop mobile applications using a visual programming language. This approach can be a
catalyst for enhancing the motivation of students of the digital generation and the efficiency of
learning. In motivation measurement, we used the Motivated Strategies for Learning
Questionnaire (MSLQ), which consists of five domains of motivation, namely Intrinsic Goal,
Extrinsic Goal, Task Value, Learning Beliefs Control and Self- Efficacy. This is divided into two
groups, namely conventional and mobile applications for control and treatment groups. In
treatment group consisted of 46 (51%) and the control group consisted of 45 (49%) respondents.
All respondents of this study are students, studying in Institute A that offers similar courses
which are Bachelor of Business Administration degree in collaboration with two different
universities (University A and University B).

Procedia Computer Science

Volume 184, 2021, Pages 226-233

Using Barcode to Track Student Attendance and Assets in Higher Education Institutions
Using Barcode to Track Student Attendance and Assets in Higher Education Institutions -
Tracking employee attendance and assets are two important problems in most companies since
these are parts of the evaluation process for students and annual audits for university assets.
While there are many methods in the literature to solve the student and assets tracking, we
choose barcode technology because it is cheap and easy to implement. In this paper, we start
with a historical overview of the beginning of the use of barcode technology and identifying
some of its types. Bernard Silver and Norman Joseph Woodland invented the first optically
scanned barcode, introduced the first-ever barcode, which looks like a bullseye. In 1952, they
developed the barcode and reduced the cost of the system and registered a patent. Later, they
developed solutions to automatically read product information during grocery checkout for the
food chain Food Fair. Since then, the barcode project has widely spread. In the 1970s, a
Universal Product Code (UPC) was scanned for the first time at a grocery store market in the
United States. The automotive industry and US Department of Defense (DoD) adopted another
barcode standard, the Code 39 [1].

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Vol. 5, No. 4, 40-46
(2020) A Mobile Application Design to Prevent Criminal Acts in Lima, Peru
A-Mobile-Application-Design-to-Prevent-Criminal-Acts-in-Lima-Peru.pdf (
Today, the area of criminality contains many criminal problems that constantly affect people's
lives. Globally, the list of crimes is expanding dramatically every day [1]. In Peru, it has become
a problem that, along with corruption, affects the lives of the population in about 40.4% of cases,
making it the country's main problem, followed by poverty with 38.9% [2]. Thus, a safe
environment has become a major public and social concern. Therefore, and taking into
consideration that the purpose of engineering is to reduce human efforts and make life more
comfortable in order to overcome the obstacles that arise [3], a contribution to this social
problem will be sought by designing an application that is useful for the citizens of the province
of Lima, Perú.

Smart Attendance System using QR Code

Published in: 2020 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)
Smart Attendance System using QR Code | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
In higher education institutions, student participation in the classroom is directly related to their
academic performance. However, the majority of student attendance registration is still
conventionally done, which is tedious and time-consuming, especially for those courses that
involve large numbers of students. Over the years, attendance management has been conducted
manually at most of the universities. To overcome the manual attendance issues, we proposed
and implemented a smart attendance system with the aim to encourage the potential use of the
Quick Response (QR) code as a future attendance management system, to track and record
student attendance in lectures and exercises for all relevant courses, as an aim of this paper.

Nicolas Rennuy, York Law School, The University of York, Freboys Lane, York, YO10
5GD, Posting of workers: Enforcement, compliance, and reform
Posting of workers: Enforcement, compliance, and reform - Nicolas Rennuy, 2020
This article analyses the enforcement deficit plaguing the posting of workers. The rule subjecting
posted workers to the social security system of their State of origin is enforced almost
exclusively, but rather poorly, by that State. Because of its limited incentive and capacity to
enforce the requirements for being posted, it often issues posting certificates without adequate
verification. These rubber-stamped certificates bind the social security institutions and courts of
the State of destination, thus hindering its enforcement machinery. The resulting gap in
administrative enforcement enables employers to unilaterally choose the applicable social
security legislation, quite possibly depriving their workers of the more generous social security
protection of the State of destination while gaining an unfair competitive advantage over
undertakings based there. Helpful though they may be, pending reforms of Regulation 883/2004
and Regulation 987/2009 are held back by an incomplete problem definition. Building on
rationalist and managerial theories, I argue that the effectiveness of administrative enforcement
depends on whether each posting requirement can be monitored by a State that is both willing
and capable of doing so. The existing and envisaged allocation of administrative enforcement
powers suffers from a misalignment between incentives, capacities and competences to monitor,
which can be addressed by heightening incentives, by enhancing capacities, and by transferring
competences to the State of destination.
volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019

Applicant Tracking and Scoring System

Ankit Tiwari1, Sagar Vaghela2, Rahil Nagar3, Mrunali Desai4

IRJET-V6I47020190615-32132-4tu2ec-libre.pdf (
Text in a resume file stored in any format is cleaned, extracted and fed to a Natural Language
Processing (NLP) module. The NLP module is fine-tuned with the help of Named Entity
Recognition (NER) to accommodate the varying needs of different companies and their technical
jargons. The extracted, intelligent data is stored in a “.csv” format. The Human Resource Officer
(HR) can define constraints on which the HR wants the applicants to be judged. These
constraints are used to score each traits from the resume. At last the cumulative score is used to
showcase the eligibility of the candidate to the HR


BusTap: A Real-Time Bus Tracking Android Application | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE
In the Philippines, buses are a major mode of transportation for both tourists and commuters in
both cities and regions. However, one problem that has not yet been resolved is the dearth of
easily accessible real-time bus information for both operators and passengers. Victory Liner, Inc.
is a major provincial bus company in the nation. Nevertheless, erratic weather continues to have
a significant impact on their bus schedules, leaving passengers impatiently waiting for their
buses to arrive. In order to fill the knowledge vacuum regarding the public bus transportation
service in Victory Liner Baguio, this article investigates the creation of a real-time bus-tracking
Android application named "BusTap" that makes use of GPS technology. The researchers were
able to determine the required information requirements by applying Scrum methodology
BusTap was created, its architectural framework was established, its features were designed and
developed, and its usability was assessed by distributing Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of
Use (USE) questionnaires to Victory Liner Baguio drivers and passengers aboard Baguio City
buses. The findings indicated that: a) the information requirements that were identified were
essential for creating the features of the application; b) the project's cohesion and organization
were improved by using a 4+1 architectural view model; c) the features that were identified were
critical for closing the knowledge gap between the bus operator and the passengers; and d)
BusTap users strongly agreed that the app is helpful,
Development of GPS-based Vehicle Tracking System that Achieves a Secure Tracking and
Monitoring of the Whereabouts of a Vehicle
(PDF) Development of GPS-based Vehicle Tracking System that Achieves a Secure Tracking
and Monitoring of the Whereabouts of a Vehicle (
This paper suggests a GPS-based car tracking system that makes it possible to track and monitor
a vehicle's whereabouts in a secure manner. Moreover, it features an integrated anti-auto theft
mechanism that can immobilize the automobile in the event that it is seized by force by an
unauthorized individual. Its primary goal is to give private citizens, businesses, and
governmental organizations access to an integrated monitoring system that includes features like
vehicle location tracking, speed and route monitoring, total distance travel reports, and anti-car
theft. This study bridges the gap left by the previous investigation of vehicle tracking systems by
including an anti-car theft and immobilization module to solve carjacking-related issues and uses
GPS to pinpoint the exact location of the vehicle. Through Carjackers and auto thieves can be
quickly apprehended by law enforcement. The test findings for the anti-car theft system, speed
and route monitoring, total distance traveled report, and vehicle position tracking were all
satisfactory. With a mean rating of 3.83, the system was rated as "Very Good" by 20 respondents
who were private citizens, automobile specialists, and information technology experts. This
indicates that the system's overall performance has been demonstrated to be effective.


Distress Signal Tracker Using GPS and SMS Technology: A Prototype | Journal of
Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) (


No historical period has seen tracking been an integral part of nearly everyone's life than they do now.
The necessity of a gadget that makes it simple to find a specific individual, object, or vehicle, the
Advocates hope to create a study that includes the exchange of messages between a An integrated distress
signal tracker within a server via SMS, or mobile messaging, that enhances public safety and provides
precise the user's position in relation to the relevant recipients and offers a live tracking system with
MySQL and VB.Net. The approach experimental research was employed in this investigation. technique
that entails the identification of reaction time and network accessibility signal. A battery of experiments
was conducted in thirty distinct places




The researchers used program simulators and trainers to test the functionality of the hardware and
software as they developed the device through experimentation, based on observation, interviews, and a
review of related studies. Notifications could be sent and received via the interfaced GSM module. The
built application was linked to a Google Map in order to determine the user's precise position. The device
will stop monitoring in areas without a consistent GPS connection and resume tracking only when a
signal is received. The tracking device's data was the source of the data that the server used; without it,
there would be no results to examine on the server.

How GPS Trackers Can Improve Public Transportation in the Philippines

Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring

Microsoft Word - paper33.docx (


In many applications, the ability to track and monitor a vehicle is essential, particularly when it comes to
identifying questionable activities that take place in a specific area, like gated communities. Homeowners
and security personnel in a special subdivision, would constantly set up a method to bolster the safety of
the area around them. Therefore, this study suggested the creation and deployment of a GPS-based car
tracking system with online monitoring capabilities. The framework offers a method that allows security
personnel to track and monitor cars in the designated area in real time. The system is always keeps track
of a moving vehicle and stores the route patterns for possible future usage. The setup was assessed in light
of its functionality, dependability.
Real Time Flood Detection, Alarm and Monitoring System Using Image Processing and Multiple
Linear Regression


2tolentino.pdf (

In the Philippines, flooding is one of the most common natural events. It is usually caused by heavy rains
and rough waves. Although it is impossible to prevent this natural disaster, the good news is that we can
prepare ourselves by practicing. It was determined to create a project that can assist in easing the
difficulties residents of Barangay Frances, Calumpit, Bulacan, face during evacuation after a needs
analysis was completed. The flood detection method of the system is based on image processing. In order
to increase its dependability for users, it also makes use of a number of sensors. The flow rate meter
sensor, float switch, and rain gauge are these sensors. It takes two crucial parameters into account.
specifically the flow rate (L/hr), flood level (ft), and precipitation rate (mm/hr) in flood detection.
Residents in the area can use the Android application to instantly monitor the flood levels in real time by
sending the data collected by the sensors. The flood level obtained from the automated system and the
traditional method were compared in order to assess the system's dependability. Between these two sets of

Sustainability of Public Transportation: An Examination of User Behavior to Real-Time GPS

Tracking Application

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Sustainability of Public Transportation: An Examination of User

Behavior to Real-Time GPS Tracking Application (


Taking public transit is a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable way to get about. Inaccurate
information about departure and arrival times as well as the unsatisfied attitude of public transport
passengers are the main causes of Malaysia's low public transport ridership. The state of Sarawak in
Malaysia has particularly low public transportation usage. It was discovered that a real-time Global
Positioning System (GPS) tracking application (app) is a useful tool for boosting public transportation
usage. For this reason, the UniBus smartphone app was created to increase the use of public
transportation in Sarawak. The study analyzed the factors that influence consumer happiness and loyalty,
including accessibility, dependability, comfort, safety, and security, both prior to and subsequent to the
implementation of real-time GPS monitoring applications. The information was gathered in Kuching, and
specifically targeted users of the UniBus app for public transportation. The outcome showed that utilizing
a real-time GPS tracking app improved all of the previously mentioned variables. Future research is
advised to cover more states in Malaysia and take into account additional variables like perceived value,
availability, and service quality.
Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring: A Security System for Exclusive Subdivision


In many applications, the ability to track and monitor a vehicle is crucial, particularly when it comes to
identifying suspicious activities that take place in a specific area, like gated communities. Homeowners
and security personnel in a special subdivision, would constantly set up a system to bolster the safety of
the area around them. Therefore, this study suggested the creation and deployment of a GPS-based car
tracking system with online monitoring capabilities. The framework offers a method that allows security
personnel to track and monitor cars in the designated area in real time. The system is always keeps track
of a moving vehicle and stores the route patterns for possible future usage. The setup was assessed in light
of its functionality, dependability

Web-Based Document Tracking System Using Barcode Technology with SMS Notification


The software program Web-Based Document Tracking System Using Barcode Technology with SMS
Notification (WBDTSUBTWSN) tracks the document's progress and movement. WBDTSUBTWSN was
a system used for tracking individuals to individuals. Individual tracking to make it simple to determine
when, where, and who to contact about the whereabouts of documents. This system would be developed
to make it easier for the user to keep track of the document's location status. Based on a series of tests
conducted on a Web-based Document Tracking System that uses barcode technology and SMS
notification, the system's proponent has concluded that testing the system is essential to determining its
effectiveness and discovering any flaws.

The main problem is presented in statement or declarative form. This is followed by the
specific problems, generally stated in question form:
The purpose of this SOP is to provide a step-by-step guide for the development of an SECURITY

 What is the purpose of the CIVILIAN SECURITY UNIT GPS REAL-TIME

TRACKING system?
 What are the benefits of using the CIVILIAN SECURITY UNIT GPS REAL-TIME
TRACKING system?


It is anticipated that the study will offer insightful information about how well civilian
security units can use a real-time GPS tracking system. Policymakers and security
agencies will learn from the findings about the possible advantages and difficulties of
implementing such a system. The study will also offer suggestions for the development,
application, and assessment of real-time GPS tracking systems for civilian security

Create and put into use a GPS real-time tracking system for private security personnel. This
system will improve coordination and response times during emergencies by enabling
authorized persons to track the whereabouts of security forces in real time The deployment of a
GPS real-time tracking system for civilian security units in Parañaque, Philippines, will be the main topic
of this study. The system will be used to give information on the movements and activities of security
personnel as well as to track their location in real time.

The expected outcomes of this study are to:

Develop a GPS real-time tracking system that is effective in improving the security of
Parañaque, Philippines Identify any challenges or limitations of the system, and develop
recommendations for improvement.

Real-time monitoring and alerting: Develop a real-time monitoring interface that allows authorized
personnel to track the location of security units and receive alerts for predefined events, such as
unauthorized movement or distress signals.

 Transmit a realtime snapchat

 This study will focus on the implementation of a GPS real-time tracking system for
civilian security units.

 To develop a plan for implementing and maintaining a GPS real-time tracking system for
civilian security units.

This study will not consider the use of GPS real-time tracking for civilian security units in rural
The application of GPS real-time tracking for civilian security forces abroad will not be covered
in this study.

The significance of a study on "Civilian Security Unit GPS Real-Time Tracking" can be
understood in the context of its potential impact on various aspects of security and operational
efficiency. Here are some potential significances:

Improved response times Dispatchers can expeditiously direct security personnel to the scene of
an incident by precisely tracking their whereabouts. This can speed up response times and
increase the likelihood of avoiding or lessening harm or damage.

Incident Reporting and Management With GPS tracking, incidents can be reported more
accurately, including the exact location and timeline. This data can be valuable for
investigations, audits, and improving overall incident management processes.

Monitoring in real time helps keep security staff safe. It is possible to locate staff members
rapidly in the event of an emergency or when they are in distress, allowing for quicker

Target of this Study

Public Events and Venues: Deployment of civilian security units at public events, stadiums, concerts,
and other venues where large crowds gather, and enhanced productivity in monitoring and managing
security is crucial.

Residential Areas: Security units operating in residential neighborhoods and communities to ensure the
safety and well-being of residents.

Market: Due to the high volume of people that will be there, security units will also include this.

Government Establishments: civilian security units tasked with defending government facilities,
offices, and installations where maintaining public safety and protecting sensitive data is crucial.

This study will guide them into a similar study or expansion of the student information system in
whole institution

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