"I Think, Therefore I Am" by Rene Descartes

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“I think.

therefore, I am” by Rene Descartes

“I think, therefore I am” also refers to “Cogito ergo sum”, it is often called a cogito argument.
The full argument relies on a methodic doubt. It means the ability to think acts as proof that
you exist.

What is Methodic Doubt?

- It is a method of finding an absolute certainty by doubting everything that is possible to
doubt in order to find absolute certain truth.

The Cogito Argument

If I attempt to doubt my own existence, then I am thinking.
Thinking things exist
Therefore, I exist, at the very least as a thinking thing
(I think therefore I am is a shortened version of this argument that explains what this phrase
Social contract theory - moral (and political) obligations are dependent upon a contract or
agreement among them that they made in order to form the society in which they live.
Key elements of social contract
1. Voluntary
2. Fair and good for all
3. Mutual agreement to fulfill requirements of the contract
4. Contract makes the rules, grants authority, and creates obligations
Social contract theorists (hobbes vs. locke)
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679 AD)
Social contract is the basis for morality
Wrote Leviathan
Established social contract theory, where people give up some of their rights to a
sovereign for protection
advocated absolutism for the monarch
John Locke (1632-1704)
Natural law is the basis for the morality of the social contract
Built upon social contract theory
4 fundamental rights
1. Life
2. Liberty
3. Health
4. Property
Hand profound impact on US founding fathers
tacit/implicit agreement
Tacit agreement - refers to automatically giving consent to a position or arrangement by
not actively speaking out against it.
For contractarians, tacit agreement to the social contract is given when one reaps the
benefits provided by that society.
Social contracts can only be made by people who are
1. Free
2. Rational
3. Acting in a way that general promotes their interests
What is a “right”
Discuss on a moral privilege to protect, utilize or exercise control over
Are claims that one person may validly make on another person that places the second
person under certain moral obligations.
Rights and duties:
Right - an entitlement held by a person that places other people or groups under an
Duty - an obligation that is put upon other people because of a right that is held by an
Types of rights and duties
Negative rights - right not to be “interfered with” in regards to a certain activity
Positive rights - right to help from society, other if you cant provide for yourself
Locke’s state of nature
1. Man before government existed
2. Governed by natural moral law
3. All people are equal
4. Everything is common property
Principle of forfeiture - in a natural law, this principle states that a person gives up the right to life
if he/she deliberately attacks or threatens an innocent person.
jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Genevan philosophers
Wrote the social contract (1762)
Moral optimistic/positive view of man in the “state of nature;” society is to blame for mans

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