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Argument and Research

Argument/ Informative Research Paper

Overview of the Assignment:

This assignment requires students to write a 5 (full) to 6 pg. formal APA documented argumentative/
Informative research paper. The paper should apply the concepts of the rhetorical triangle and the
Toulmin Method and may include research that was gathered for the informative research paper on a
topic related to the general course theme “Education”

Course Objectives Addressed:

 Locate source material using on-line and data base search logic
 Identify, distinguish and practice writing summaries, paraphrases, and direct quotations.
 Learn that research is important in persuasive writing as a means of exploring a variety of
 Evaluate, analyze and synthesize others’ ideas so as to develop and support student writer’s
argument and purposes
 Provide correct attribution (in-text and reference page) for a variety of source materials (scholarly,
popular, on-ground, and on-line) using APA citation format
 Identify and practice the use of APA bibliographic citation style. Students will master the APA
cover page (including use of running head), and will practice the conventions of in-text citations
and reference lists.
 Evaluate sources and practice locating and using at least one scholarly source, one Internet source,
and one source from a Robert Morris University electronic data base. Students will practice using
the Robert Morris Electronic library as well as the Robert Morris University “on-ground” library.
Your topic will be a controversial issue related to the assigned theme, Education, and examined in your
informational research paper. For this paper, the approach to the topic will be argumentative rather than

o review the research gathered for the informative paper, re-examining the sources in order to take
a position on the issue
o form a supportable argument/ persuasive assertion/ thesis statement in order to persuade a
general academic audience (instructor and class peers) to accept your position, or to recognize
your position as reasonable and viable, worth consideration
o write an argumentative research paper, based on research sources, formatted and documented per
APA standards, applying the concepts of the rhetorical triangle and the Toulmin Model

Length/ Development/ Format:

 Format the paper according to APA standards, including title page, abstract, and References page
 Develop the essay -- 5 (full) to 6 pages, excluding the title page, abstract, and References page.
 Double-space, using 12pt times new roman (or similar) font.

Required Sources:
 5 to 7 credible sources must be cited in the paper. (Sources can be cited more than once.)
o at least three of the sources should be scholarly sources from academic library databases
(Proquest, Ebscohost, or similar) – click the “scholarly” box on the search site
(“scholarly” can include, but is not limited to, peer-reviewed journal articles)
o at least one of the sources should be a credible, reliable Web source (see Writing
Arguments p.282 and the Purdue OWL site for reliability guidelines)
note: no Wikipedia, no general encyclopedias, no blog sites, no emails, tweets, etc.
note: only one article from Issues and Controversies may be used/ cited
note: You are welcome to use the sources which you researched for the informational paper --
You are also welcome to research and use other sources.
o The essay should follow the classical organizational pattern (see chpt.3 Writing Arguments), or a
variation of this pattern, unless the topic justifies a different organization

Content – the paper should include:

 A developed paragraph (about ½ - ¾ page) which summarizes your paper’s content, including
your thesis/ argument assertion
 Use 3rd person, and summarize the content rather than “announce” what the paper does

o identifies your narrowed, focused controversial issue topic
o establishes that the issue is complex, problematic, and significant
o states the paper’s argument/ thesis/ assertion
note: You do not need to take a completely “pro” or “con” position on the issue

Body Paragraphs
 Use a classical organizational pattern or similar effective organization
 Apply the concepts of the rhetorical triangle and the Toulmin Method
o Present and support your position
o Provide transitions where appropriate for the flow of your argument
o Summarize opposing views. The summary must be complete and fair.
note: The opposition section can stand alone or be combined it with the next section.
o Respond to opposing views. This section includes refutations of opposing views and/or
concessions to strong reasons presented by the opposition (use qualifiers?)
o Be aware of warrants and unstated assertions – provide backing where appropriate
o Write the paper in objective, 3rd person point of view, even though you are presenting
your position (no “I” or “you”).
o Cite sources (see required number and kinds above) per APA parenthetical guidelines.

o reaffirms the argument/ persuasive point and brings your essay to closure
o leaves a strong final impression (perhaps call for action or relate to a larger context)

note: If you have personal experience related to the paper topic, or want to comment in first person, you
are welcome, but not required, to include a brief first-person paragraph following the conclusion.

References Page
 Format an APA References page – see above for required sources
 Follow APA standards (see Writing Arguments, The Longman Handbook, and reliable academic
online sites including the Purdue OWL)

--Read your paper holistically for unity, coherence, and flow.

--Check for effective sentence structures, phrasing, and word choice.
--Check for transitional words and phrases.
--Proofread and edit your paper.

-- See the Bb class site for due dates for the paper and for progress assignments related to the paper.
-- See the rubric posted on Bb for grading points.
-- See the syllabus for weighted grades and for policies related to this assignment (academic integrity
policy, late submission policy, course grading policy)

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