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System for Helping People

e-Business Technologies and Applications Group 04 6/28/2011

e-Business Technologies And Applications

Group 04


Index Number

T.P.B.Amunugama W.H.P.C.P.Dharmasiri K.D.M.V.Jayathilake A.I.D.K. Seneviratne W.M.T.P.Weerasinghe

09020039 09020081 09020187 09020543 09020731

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As the e Business Technologies and Application assignment group we would like to acknowledge and extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following persons who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. First of all we would like to thank Mrs. Dr. Shiromi Arunathilake who gave us this opportunity to do this project and without her guidance and support this project would not have succeeded. Secondly the legal officers who gave their time and support to competence of this project providing necessary details. Last but not least to all the colleagues who helped us in every possible way.

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Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Scope of the project ........................................................................................................................... 6 Reasons of selecting these problems .............................................................................................. 7 Background of Selected problems .................................................................................................. 7 Poverty ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Unemployment .......................................................................................................................... 9 Disabilities among people ........................................................................................................ 11 Inequality in education ............................................................................................................. 12 Strategy development ...................................................................................................................... 12 e-Sathkara ....................................................................................................................................... 13 How it works? ......................................................................................................................... 13 Features of the site ....................................................................................................................... 14 Proposed System Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 15 Management structure ................................................................................................................. 18 Users and responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 20 Gramasewaka:.......................................................................................................................... 20 Divisional secretary office ........................................................................................................ 20 System administrator................................................................................................................ 20 Inquiry officers ........................................................................................................................ 20 Examiners ................................................................................................................................ 20 Linkage solution to e-Business ........................................................................................................ 21 Analysis of the solution ................................................................................................................... 21 MOST ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................... 21 Mission .................................................................................................................................... 22 Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 22 Strategy.................................................................................................................................... 22
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Tactics ..................................................................................................................................... 23 SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 23 Strength ................................................................................................................................... 24 weakness .................................................................................................................................. 24 Opportunities ........................................................................................................................... 25 Threats ..................................................................................................................................... 25 PEST ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 25 Political Factor ......................................................................................................................... 26 Economic factors ..................................................................................................................... 27 Socio-Culture factors ............................................................................................................... 27 Technological factors ............................................................................................................... 28 conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 28 references ........................................................................................................................................ 29

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Sri Lanka is small country situated in the Indian Ocean. And also it is a developing country with the population over twenty million. It contains with 25 administrative districts and 4 major nations and 4 major religions. From district to district there are huge differences in population, income distribution, poverty level, unemployment, education and many more fields. According to international standards and measurements our country is still developing third world country. People who suffer from poverty is at a considerably high level. And the country suffered from a bloody terrorism and civil war during previous three decades. Due to that war thousands of people lost their lives, houses and properties. And also thousands civilians and soldiers of our army were disabled due to this war. Because of these reasons country is unable to reach its development targets and people of the country unable to increase their living condition. There a lot of local and foreign organizations were established in Sri Lanka to help the economy of the country and people who need help. In every year they launch number of projects in Sri Lanka. Most of them are situated in the Colombo and near suburbs and operate around limited area. Most of the times they unable to select people who actually need some help and they didnt reach to some areas which have lower income rate than to other areas. And the other thing is there is no proper platform for the individuals to help people. And some people dont like to spend money for charity works because those programs dont have a transparent procedure to collect funds. And also there is no proper ways to people in rural areas ask for a help and to people who like to do donations. So our attempt is to introduce web based solution to link people who need a help and people who like to donate.


In Sri Lanka since the independence there are a lot of unsolved problems. Such as poverty, unemployment, inequality of education, disabilities among peoples and so on. Due to various kind of

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reasons government and other responsible parties were able to find fixed solutions to those problems. In this project we chose three major problem areas as our scope of the project. They are 1. Poverty 2. Unemployment 3. Disabilities among people 4. Inequality in education


Not limited to a certain area or nationality. These problems affect the countrys economy in several ways. Actions which are taken such as Samurdhi to solve these problems are not sufficient These problems are the roots of so many other problems. Effort of the government authorities is not enough to solve these problems Problem like disabilities among people will exist in the society for ever. Because we cannot solve that type problem completely. The thing that we have to do is to help those people. When concerning above problems we can determine that these problems not affect to a single person in a family but to everyone in the family.


In this project we hope to address the problems which we mentioned above. To get a clear picture about those problems the following statistic will be useful.


According to Department of Census and Statistical of Sri Lanka the poverty level of the country in 2009/2010 is 8.9%. The meaning of that for every 100 people of my country there are
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almost 9 people havent enough income for continue their lives. Though it is a 41% reduction in just three years (2006/2009=15.2%), still in many districts the poverty level remains over 10%. By examining the graph below we can see that poverty level of most of the districts is at high level. But the poverty level in the western zone of the country is very low.

District 1990/91 Colombo Gampaha Kalutara Kandy Matale Nuwara-eliya Galle Matara Hambantota Jaffna Vavuniya Batticaloa Ampara Trincomalee
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HIES survey period 1995/96 12.0 14.1 29.5 36.7 41.9 32.1 31.6 35.0 31.0 2002 6.4 10.7 20.0 24.9 29.6 22.6 25.8 27.5 32.2 2006/07 5.4 8.7 13.0 17.0 18.9 33.8 13.7 14.7 12.7 10.7 10.9 2009/10 3.6 3.9 6.0 10.3 11.5 7.6 10.3 11.2 6.9 16.1 2.3 20.3 11.8 11.7

16.2 14.7 32.3 35.9 28.7 20.1 29.7 29.2 32.4 -

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Kurunegala Puttalama Anuradhapura Polonnaruwa Badulla Moneragala Ratnapura Kegalle

27.2 22.3 24.4 24.9 31.0 33.7 30.8 31.2

26.2 31.1 27.0 20.1 41.0 56.2 46.4 36.3

25.4 31.3 20.4 23.7 37.3 37.2 34.4 32.5

15.4 13.1 14.9 12.7 23.7 33.2 26.6 21.1

11.7 10.5 5.7 5.8 13.3 14.5 10.5 10.8

(Based on Poverty indication report 2009/ 2010 by Department of Census and Statistics - Sri Lanka)

UNEMPLOYMENT According to statistics of the same department unemployment rate of the country is 5.8%. It means for every 100 people who belong to 14-60 age category there are almost six people who haven't jobs. So it is very serious problem for the development of country. Below mentioned graph shows the Unemployed number. & unemployment rate by gender & sector in 2009. Sector Unemployment Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Total 223281 4.8 247973 8.6 471254 5.8 Urban 33560 5.8 21307 7.8 54867 6.4 Rural 189721 4.1 226666 8.7 416387 5.8


Male Female Total

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Based on Sri Lanka Labor Force Survey-Report 2009 by Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka

Below mentioned graph shows the unemployment rate of every district. In some districts we can see that there is high unemployment rate. As well as poverty level lowest unemployment rate is recorded form the Colombo district.


Unemployment Rate


Unemployment Rate

Colombo Gampha Kaluthara Kandy Matale Nuwara Eliya Galle Matara Habanthota Batticaloa

4.4 4.6 4.1 9.7 5.4 2.4 8.3 9.8 10.6 7.4

Ampara Trincomalee Kurunagala Puttalama Anuradhapura Polonnaruwa Badulla Monaragala Rathnapura Kegalle

7.7 8.0 5.4 5.5 3.9 6.5 4.0 5.8 4.8 7.2

Based on Sri Lanka Labor Force Survey-Report 2009 by Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka

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As we know Sri Lanka had been faced to a thirty year war. Due to that thousands of people were died and a lot of people been fully disabled. And also there are a lot of other people who born with some disabilities and various kind of accidents in every year produce considerable amount of disable people. In 2000, it is estimated that there were about 776,000 people with disabilities or about 4.1 percent of the total population.Other than that in 2009 Ministry of Defense announced that over 29000 soldiers were disabled due to civil war during 1983 to 2009.

Fellow table mentioned the disabilities among people according to the finding of Census of Population and Housing conducted in 2001.


Total Disability
in Seeing

Disability in Hearing/Speaking

Disability in Hands

Colombo Gampaha Kaluthara Kandy NEliya Matale Galle Matara Hanbanthota Ampara Kurunegala Puttalam Anuradhapura Polonnaruwa Badulla Monaragala Rathnapura Kegalle Total

27430 5998 28683 7017 18431 4690 19357 4537 10465 2857 7466 1920 17873 4722 15255 3773 12736 3682 8462 2339 26046 6535 11558 2964 14830 3907 6010 1518 12661 3244 6843 1714 17131 4438 13474 3241 274711 69096

6414 7860 5043 5395 2585 2017 5051 4320 3287 2367 7145 3231 3727 1629 3282 1779 4585 3626 73343

4854 5206 3272 3300 2006 1335 3051 2535 2079 1289 4764 2121 2505 1045 2269 1227 2772 2501 48131

Disability in Legs 9168 9984 6209. 6292 3474 2450 5762 4764 3745 2511 9226 3824 5009 1989 4110 2216 5347 4496 90576

Other Mental Physical Disability disability 1219 8730 1387 7313 808 4809 840 5181 477 1919 326 1727 666 4981 681 4379 628 3391 324 1670 1179 6123 688 2517 729 2995 339 1301 792 2696 362 1576 1028 4222 802 3496 13275 69026

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When we concern structure of schools in Sri Lanka we can divide them in to 3 main categories 1. National schools 2. Navodya schools 3. Provincial schools Maha Vidyala Madya Maha Vidyala Following table shows the amount of schools in each category and the percentage. School Type Schools No National schools Navodya schools Provincial schools All schools 324 457 8,933 9,714 % 3.3 4.7 92.0 100.0 Students No 676,127 472,735 2,687,688 3,836,550 % 17.6 12.3 70.1 100.0 Teachers No 30,684 22,204 152,020 204,908 % 15.0 10.8 74.2 100.0

Based on School Census report -2006 prepared by static branch of Ministry of Education By examining the table you can see that there are only 324 National schools in Sri Lanka but the problem is most of the resources are been centric around these schools. While the some school having the highest facilities, some village schools havent enough class rooms to continue the studies The report says that there are over 2000 schools which have 10 or below amount of teachers. And also it says that the most of the graduated teachers are in the Western Province.16.0 percent of all schools have less than 51 students.


Considering the back ground of the problem it is clear that there are thousands of people who need help. It is a big issue for a developing country like Sri Lanka. Government cannot alone search solutions for these problems. As a nation, as a country we have to search for solutions in order to improve their living conditions.
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As university students, we felt that we should be done some sort of effort to help these people. As BICT students we try to solve this problem by giving a solution where we can make a bridge between the people who need help and people who are willing to help. Our solution is a web based system called esathkara which has designed for Ministry of Social Services and Social Welfare.. So this site will be under the governing body of the ministry.

This site will help to connect two parties who willing to help and who need help. Who will be listed in this site o Disable people o Schools with lack of resources o People who need financial aid o Who need support for health issues o Poor students who need of study materials o Homeless people o Orphan children o Simply anyone who disserve help Donors can find the people who need help and they can directly contact them. Sri Lankans in foreign countries can also use this site. They can contact the Ministry of Social Services and Social Welfare for further details. People can rely on this site because all the details of the people who have asked for help should submit their applications trough the Gramasewaka and they should mention about two non related reputed people where donors can inquire about them. Also donors can go and directly contact the people who they help.

First any who want to get help through this site should submit his application, relevant documents (medical certificates, birth certificate, identity card copy, photographs, and letter of giving permission to publish in the site) to Gramasewaka. Then gramsewaka check if that request is a reasonable one. If its reasonable then he approves it and sends that application to divisional secretarys office.
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In the divisional secretaries office those applications will be categorized by the aid type they want and will be uploaded to site. When donors visit the site they can find the people who has requested for help. Then they can directly contact them or if they wish they can help them through Ministry of Social Services and Social Welfare. Donors from other countries can do donations by contacting the inquiry officers through the site.
Donors are requested to inform the Gramasewaka officer of the area about the major

donations they made. So gramasewaka officers will inform the divisional secretary office about the completed aid requests. Then those profiles will be removed from the site.

User can also make donations to the eSathkara fund using bank accounts or credit cards. Annually people will be selected to help by the fund.

Examiner officers appointed by the eSathkara division will be doing investigation and random checks to avoid corruptions and irregularities involving in the system. Records and statics in the eSathkara database will be used for future welfare activities of the government and for relevant studies.


Donations: this feature will be categorizing the aid types which can be done by the donors. When user click a particular aid type he will be guided to the contribution types he can made. Finally system will be display the user profiles according to the aid type. eSathkara fund: this feature is available in the home page. Users can donate to the eSathkara fund using this option. Search option: using this option donor can quickly search using a key word for a particular person who has requested for help o Eg: if donor enters the key word school then system will show the results regarding school like donations for school, help for school children, requests for school stationery etc. Appeal: this is a tab added in the home page where users will be shown some photos where they will realize how they can make a change to other people who suffer. There will be a comparison of people in two social classes which will appeal to the hearts of people. News: under the news latest news regarding the donations will be published.

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About us: this will give users a fair description of the site. Where they can learn how this site works. History, vision and mission will be under this tab. Contacts us: this option will help the visitors to contact the officers of Ministry of Social Services and Social Welfare. Visitors can also make complaints and inquiries using this option.

Success stories: there will be stories of people who have won their life after the help of this site. Those stories will be published in order to motivate people. Follow us: there will be an option to integrate with social networks like face book, tweeter.


Home Page:


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Donations Page:

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Appeal Page:

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Contact Us:


This site will be implemented under the Ministry of Social Services and Social Welfare. There will be a separate division establish to maintain the work of this site. There will be system administrator, inquiry officers and examiners assigned to that division. Gramasewaka of the villages will be at the ground level and he will have to report to divisional secretary offices. There will be several gramasewaka officers working under one divisional secretary office. Each divisional secretary office deals with the eSathkara division of the ministry regarding the matters.
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Ministry of Social Services and Social Welfare

e-sathkara Division

System Administrator

Inquiry Officers



e-sathkara Database

Update User Profiles Update User Profiles

Update User Profiles

Divisional secretariat1

Divisional secretariat2

Divisional secretariat3

Collect and send


Collect and send Application

Collect and

send Application

Gramasevaka officer1 Gramasevaka officer1 Gramasevaka officer3

Gramasevaka officer2

Gramasevaka officer1 Gramasevaka officer2 Gramasevaka officer2

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GRAMASEWAKA: Identify the people who need help in his area. Check applications and select the right people who need help. Sending applications to the divisional secretary office. Provide necessary details to donors and authorized parties. Inform divisional secretary office about completed requests. Send details about donations made in his area to AGA offices. DIVISIONAL SECRETARY OFFICE Accept and validate the applications send by gramasewaka. Update the eSathkara database. Deals with both gramasewaka and eSathkara division SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR

Managing and maintenance of the whole system Manage users of the system Set privilege levels to each user group INQUIRY OFFICERS

Deals with complains and suggestions Inform about asked questions Help donors providing necessary details
Inform examiners about the complaints made

EXAMINERS Do investigations about complaints Check for fraud applications made Do random checks to avoid irregularities
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We can take this system as a C2C (consumer to consumer) e Business. Because in this system there are two consumers (donors and help seekers) and those two consumers are facilitated by a third party (eSathkara) to do interaction. Since eSathkara site is maintained by the government and charity based project there is no charging of a flat fee or commission like in normal C2C e Businesses. And also government takes appropriate action and the responsibility to avoid fraud and irregularities rather than being an ordinary intermediate.


We analyze the proposed solution through the external and environment. And we do the analysis to make sure that this system is achieved its mission.

MOST Analysis is a simple framework tool for analyzing or planning the detail of what an organization does. In a consulting role, it helps you frame questions, starting from the high-level mission of the organization and digging right down to the detail of individual tactics. When planning, it is useful to ensure that all bases are covered and that there is a logical connection from the mission to tactics. MOST is stands for ,

Mission Objectives Strategy Tactics

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According MOST analyze we can analyze the e- sathkara system about whether this has accomplish the mission. MISSION

Mission is the purpose of existence of that company

We act as a bridge to connect who willing to help and who deserve help.


This includes the short term and long term goals which should be accomplish to fulfill the mission.
Make a easy way to donate who is willing to help Get the help to the people who deserve help Rise the living standard of people Motivate people to help others Give attention to people who need help Make aware of the issues in the society


These are the plans or actions made to accomplish the objectives Make a community to helping people Collect information of help needed people around the country Make information source of help needed people Provide easy platform to donate Provide donation categories Give a responsible and trusted connection to donors and help needed people

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Immediate actions for strategic implementation Use social network to make community Create attractive advertisements to attractive people Gramasevaka officers collect in their region and give information to Divisional secretaries Information of help needed people are available on website People can donate through the government or if they need they can do it on their own People can donate money to e-sathkara bank account People can donate through what they can. It is available money, equipments, artificial legs like wise All the information goes through the government. So donors can trust the information provided


Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat

We used the SWOT analysis to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project. The SWOT analysis is used to identify the key internal and external factors that are important to achieving the project objective.
Environmental Scan

Internal Enviroment

External Environment





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Attributes of the project those are helpful to achieving the project objective. This system is directly government involved system There is not much cost spend to the people who work with this system. They are already paid people by the government Do not need any extra work space to develop this project Because of the government involvement system can get the publicity using government media. New technology is being applied so the human effort is low Donors in other countries can also contribute. Can get information of the people who need help in whole country through gramasewaka officers Donors can donate anything they prefer Donors can donate any amount they wish to the accounts made by the system. They can personally donate if they like by directly meeting the help requested people The success stories about donations are publish in the web site The help needed people get help easily through this system Donors can get publicity of their donations if they wish to. Examiners are there to minimize the fraud actions.


Attributes of the project those are harmful to achieving the objective. Some people who work with the system may not have much knowledge about the system. Gramasewaka officers can not directly connect to the system Need additional cost to maintain the system and salaries of officers. It may take some time to publish the requests in the site. It adds extra effort and a burden for gramasewaka officers. Only donors who use internet will be able to get the maximum use. Since this is a new concept, much of initial publicity will be needed for this site

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OPPORTUNITIES External conditions those are helpful to achieving the project objective. Can help to increase the image value of the department Maintaining a database is a needed requirement so it will help to provide information and statics to other parties. It will help to change work environment of the Divisional Secretaries offices. It is a good opportunity to train the employees how to interact with different types of people And also it will help to increase the IT and Communicational knowledge of employees. There is possible opportunity to link Divisional Secretaries offices. And this project will provide the opportunity for the Ministry of Social Services and Social Welfare. to understand the burning problems of Sri Lanka deeply. THREATS External conditions which could do damage to the project objective. Inefficiency of the government sector will be a barrier to success of the project Latency in government offices. Usually government servants are conservative so they will not like to participate in training programs which delivers the competence that they need to work with the system. Some laws, government regulations and acts will make problems for the success of the project. People who have the little knowledge about technology will not feel comfort with this type of solution. Authorized people who create user accounts for the disable people have chance to create fake accounts.


PEST analysis is the one of the most commonly used tool to analysis external environment of a business. by doing a pest analysis we can identify what are the political, economical, social and technical factors in the external environment which influence the business organization. Though it is
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mostly used for analysis an organizations business environment it also can be used to analyze the feasibility of strategic decisions and procedures So we used pest analysis to analysis the external environment factors which influence our proposed solution.

Political Economical Sociological Technological

POLITICAL FACTOR As this is a system which is developed to enhance the coordination between donors and aid required people that provide community development services in developing countries, government stability may be a key issue to the ongoing provision of future services. This project is totally controlled through the government organizations. The attitude of the government and the stability of the government directly affect the success of the project. Taxation policies may have either a positive or negative impact on the likelihood of donors continuing to donate and on the organization obtaining new donors. Because most of equipments produced for the disable people such as wheel chairs, artificial legs and arms etc. are imported from foreign countries. Because of the increase of the customs duty it can be affected to the donations of these equipments. And also when foreign donors donate equipments these custom duty taxation are influence to those donations. When considering the monitory donations, if government increased the taxes like income tax people can be demotivated for monitory donations. There are some government regulations and limitations for publishing images and other visual data so our system has that facility to upload these things and we have to consider about the limitations and regulations. All the employees are government servants, so if the change of government policy will affect direct to the system
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ECONOMIC FACTORS We have to consider about Business cycles, GNP trends, Exchange rates, Money supply, cost of living and inflation, unemployment trends and disposable income levels when reviewing the economic factors likely to impact on systems like these projects. A decrease in disposable income may result in decreased donations and memberships of the project or related activities in charity. Economic growth of the country affects the system because if the economic growth of the country goes down poverty of the country will be increased. And also donations for the project will go down. When GNP trends go high it will affect on the project in a positive way by getting more downers. Changes in exchange rates will affect on this project in 2 ways. When the rate goes high we will get a large some of donations but in the same time we may have to spend much more to day to day activities. The rise of unemployment level, in parallel way the amount of refugees and percentage of low income families may go high. Due to this reason the level of getting donations will go down and requests for donation may go high.


Lifestyle changes, population demographics, social mobility, attitudes towards work, leisure, health consequences, consumerism and levels of education are the sectors that we have to consider when discuss about socio-cultural factors that may affect the macro environment and the government projects which is for social activities. The activities of proposed system may leads to many life style changes, attitude towards work, leisure consumerism in future. Because downers may focus into to charity activities in many ways like funding, donating goods for self employment industries, etc. And also some donors may intend to develop education in rural areas which will totally impact on enhancing the level of education. As a positive impact of this system, it will enhance the quality of health consequences.

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Age distribution is a major factor when discussing about socio-cultural factors. Because if there are a lot of elder people in the society they will ask for help from the system because there are lot of disabilities among them. . TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS

Technological factors include the focus on technological effort, new discoveries, speed of transfer and rates of obsolescence and technology incentives and the rate of technological change. For the proposed system, this may mean that new methods of reaching donors, volunteers and supporters. So they may need to be tactical enough find the target using new technology as internet, mobile technology effects and social media including such as Twitter and Facebook. In order to use new forms of technology, hardware may need to be updated at significant costs and training may need to be provided to staff. When investigating the impact of technology on a project, a review of the current technology items owned by the organization. For this system it is not necessary to have a very complex technical knowledge or expensive hardware, since a person who knows how to work with simple computer system and who knows bit about internet can work with a normal personal computer for the proposed system.

According to international slandered and measures Sri Lanka is a developing country. And there is lots of burning unsolved problems in Sri Lanka. There are several organizations were established to help the people who suffering from these problems. But the actions they have been taken so far is not sufficient. The main problem is there is no proper linkage between these donors and suffered people. And there is rare opportunity to single individuals to ask for a help form someone and donate some thing to someone. So our main objective is to bridge those help needed parties and people who like to donate something for somebody. For that we proposed a web based solution.

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Our scope is to provide help to poverty, unemployment, disabilities and education. So we analysed about those problems. And we used SWOT, PEST and MOST analysis techniques to analysis the solution. And our web based solution is most similar to a Consumer to Consumer e-business solution type. We built a prototype to simulate how this solution can be implemented. And also to simulate job responsibilities and procedures. We hope that after implementing this type of solution people can ask for a help from somebody and the people who like to donate they can donate directly.


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