What Is Inteligent

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1. What is the definition of INTELLIGENCE for you?

R= intelligence is a part of the mind that allows us to learn things quickly

2. What are the characteristics of an intelligent person?

R= a Capable person, would be or who focuses on what he is, learns quickly, and thinks things
too much

3. What would be the difference for you about being SMART and being INTELLIGENT?

R= a cunning person is one who pretends to know about something or seeks benefit in himself
and an intelligent person knows how to act thinks well before doing something and knows
what he is talking about

4. How can you define “emotions” in humans?

R= Emotions are those sensations that are seen in a person to know their reactions, their
displeasure, fear, happiness, etc.

5. What do you think that “emotional intelligence” is about?

R= is a person who controls his emotions knows how to express himself

6. Describe your own person about your emotional reactions when you are:

a) Sad:when i’m sad, i’m a person who is quiet most of the time

b) Shocked: I usually make a weird expression in my face as well as thinking about

what happened

c) Happy: I show a nice face, plastic and play with people

d) Anxious: I’m moving from side to side, I’m snapping my fingers, and I’m not
e) Excited (emocionado): I’m usually thinking about these things all day happy,
and time goes very slowly or then I can’t sleep

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please add a picture of yourself in this paper, it could be the picture you like
the most about yourself.

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