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48 King Ferdinand St.Kingspoint Subd.,Bagbag Novaliches, Quezon City

"Exploring the Culinary Fusion Phenomenon: A Case Study of Crisps and Cones'
Innovative Approach to Snack and Dessert Integration"

In partial fulfilment of the requirements in

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion;
Business Enterprise Simulation; and Work Immersion

Submitted By:
Braga, Omer Andrie B.
Gabieta, Karl Lawrence S.
Ildefonso, Symone Darlene G.
Lleses, Shahanna Rheign B.
Sy, Willen Joy B.
Zapanta, Kahrene Ivy V.
Zuniga, James Benedict P.

Grade 12 – King Robert

Batch 2023-2024

Date submitted:
February 12, 2024

Crisps & Cones extends heartfelt gratitude to their dedicated teammates, whose

unwavering commitment, hard work, and collaborative spirit have been instrumental

in the success of the business. Each member of the team has brought unique talents,

perspectives, and expertise to the table, contributing to the collective achievements

and driving innovation forward. Their resilience, creativity, and passion have inspired

every step of the way, and the company is truly grateful for the opportunity to work

alongside such exceptional individuals.

Additionally, C&C (Crisps & Cone) extends sincere appreciation to its teachers,

whose guidance, wisdom, and constructive feedback have been valuable in shaping

the journey and helping navigate challenges with clarity and resilience. Their

mentorship has not only helped identify areas for improvement but has also

empowered the team to learn and grow, both personally and professionally. The

company is immensely grateful for their support and encouragement, which have

played a significant role in its development and success.

Together, the dedication of C&C teammates and the guidance of their teachers

have formed the bedrock of the business, propelling it forward and inspiring it to

reach new heights. As Crisp and Cones continue to evolve and grow, it is confident

that the lessons learned and bonds forged along the way will continue to guide them

on their path to success. The company extends its gratitude to all who have

contributed to its journey.


Acknowledgement 1
Table Of Content 2
Definitions of terms 5

Executive Summary
I. Significance of the Study 7
II. Objectives of the Study 8
III. Scope of the Study 9
IV. Limitations of the Study 11
V. Review of Related Literature
A. Local 13
B. Foreign 14

Chapter I: Strategic Plan

A. Industry Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces) 15
B. Competitive Strategies 17

CHAPTER II: Marketing Plan

A. The Product or Service Offering 18
B. Value Proposition and Unique Selling Proposition 19
C. Marketing Mix
i. Product 21
ii. Price 21
iii. Place 21
iv. Promotion 21
v. People 22
vi. Packaging 22
vii. Process 22

CHAPTER III: Operations Plan
A. Methods 23
B. Manpower 25
C. Machine 27
D. Materials 28


To aid in understanding the study, specific terms are clarified as follows:

Best-cost provider strategy: This strategy involves offering products or services

with quality and features that are comparable to competitors, but at a lower cost. It
aims to provide the best value proposition to customers in terms of both price and

Focused differentiation: Focused differentiation is a strategy where a company

targets a specific market segment with unique and differentiated products or services.
Instead of trying to appeal to the broader market, the company focuses its efforts on
serving the needs of a niche market segment.

Bargaining power of buyers/suppliers: These terms refer to the leverage that

buyers or suppliers have in a transaction. High bargaining power means they have
more control over prices and terms, while low bargaining power means they have less

Threat of substitutes: This concept assesses the likelihood of customers switching

to alternatives to a company's products or services. A high threat of substitutes
means there are many alternative options available to customers, potentially
impacting the company's market share.

Rivalry among competitors: Rivalry among competitors refers to the intensity of

competition within an industry. Factors such as the number of competitors, pricing
strategies, and differentiation efforts can influence the level of rivalry.

Best-cost provider approach: Similar to the best-cost provider strategy, this

approach aims to offer products or services with high value at competitive prices. It
involves striking a balance between quality, features, and cost to appeal to a broad
range of customers.

Market dominance: Market dominance refers to the degree of control or influence a

company has over a particular market. It can be measured by factors such as market
share, brand recognition, and customer loyalty.

Cost advantages: These are factors or resources that allow a company to produce
goods or services at a lower cost compared to competitors. This could include things
like access to cheaper raw materials, economies of scale, or efficient production

Customer segmentation: Customer segmentation involves dividing a market into

distinct groups of customers with similar needs, characteristics, or behaviors. This
helps businesses tailor their marketing efforts and product offerings to better meet
the specific needs and preferences of different customer segments.

Market share: Market share is the percentage of total sales within a market that is
captured by a particular company or brand. It's a measure of a company's relative
strength or position within its industry.

Value proposition: A value proposition is the unique promise of value that a

company offers to its customers. It outlines the benefits or advantages that
customers can expect from using the company's products or services, and why they
should choose it over competitors.

Target market: The target market is the specific group of customers that a company
aims to reach with its products or services. This group is defined based on factors
such as demographics, interests, needs, or buying behaviors.

Market trends: Market trends refer to the general direction or pattern of changes
occurring within a market over time. This could include shifts in consumer
preferences, technological advancements, regulatory changes, or economic conditions
that impact the industry as a whole.

Product differentiation: Product differentiation is the process of distinguishing a

company's products or services from those of its competitors. This can be achieved
through factors such as unique features, design, quality, or branding.

Market segmentation: Market segmentation involves dividing a broad market into

smaller, more homogeneous groups of customers with similar needs, characteristics,
or behaviors. This allows companies to tailor their marketing efforts and offerings to
specific segments for greater effectiveness.

Supply chain: The supply chain refers to the network of organizations, resources,
activities, and processes involved in producing and delivering a product or service to
customers. It includes suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and other

Economies of scale: Economies of scale occur when a company experiences cost

advantages as it produces more of a product. This can result from factors such as
spreading fixed costs over a larger output, bulk purchasing discounts, or operational

Profit margin: Profit margin is the percentage of revenue that exceeds the costs of
producing and selling a product or service. It's a measure of a company's profitability
and efficiency in generating profits from its operations.

Brand positioning: Brand positioning refers to the way a company's brand is

perceived relative to competitors in the minds of customers. It involves establishing a
distinct identity and image for the brand that resonates with target customers and
sets it apart from competitors.

Customer retention: Customer retention is the ability of a company to keep existing

customers and prevent them from switching to competitors. It's an important metric
for assessing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term business success.


Significance of the study

The significance of studying Crisps and Cones holds profound implications for children,

parents, and grandparents alike, fostering connections across generations and

enriching family experiences in the following ways:

1."Nostalgia and Tradition"

For grandparents, Crisps and Cones evokes feelings of nostalgia and tradition,

reminiscent of simpler times and beloved childhood treats. By exploring the nostalgic

appeal of our menu offerings and the role of food in family traditions, researchers can

uncover the significance of culinary experiences in preserving memories and passing

down cultural heritage from one generation to the next.

2."Quality Family Time"

Crisps and Cones provides an opportunity for families to enjoy quality time together

away from the distractions of daily life. By studying the ways in which families engage

with each other and with our menu offerings, researchers can gain insights into the

importance of shared meals and leisure activities in promoting family cohesion,

communication, and emotional well-being.

In summary, studying Crisps and Cones through the lens of children, parents, and

grandparents offers valuable insights into the importance of family bonding and

shared experiences in the context of food and dining. By exploring the dynamics of

family interactions and nostalgia at our establishment, researchers can uncover the

profound significance of culinary experiences in enriching family life and strengthening

intergenerational connections.

Objective of the study

The objective of studying our business, Crisps and Cones, encompasses several key
goals aimed at gaining insights, driving innovation, and fostering growth within the
culinary landscape:

1. "Understand Business Dynamics"

The primary objective is to comprehensively understand the dynamics of Crisps and

Cones, including its business model, operational strategies, and success factors. By
examining various aspects of the business, such as menu offerings, customer
demographics, and financial performance, researchers aim to gain insights into what
makes Crisps and Cones successful in the competitive food industry.

2. "Explore Consumer Behavior"

Understanding consumer behavior is a key objective of the study, as it provides

insights into customer preferences, purchasing patterns, and satisfaction levels. By
analyzing factors such as menu popularity, repeat business, and customer feedback.

3. "Identify Growth Opportunities"

The study seeks to identify growth opportunities for Crisps and Cones, both in terms
of expanding its customer base and diversifying its offerings. By examining market
trends, competitor analysis, and emerging consumer preferences, researchers aim to
uncover opportunities for expansion, innovation, and market differentiation.

4. "Inform Strategic Decision-Making"

Ultimately, the objective of the study is to inform strategic decision-making within

Crisps and Cones and guide its future direction. By providing actionable insights and
recommendations based on research findings, the study aims to empower
stakeholders to make informed decisions that drive business success, foster
innovation, and enhance the overall customer experience.

In summary, the objective of studying Crisps and Cones is multifaceted,

encompassing a deep understanding of the business, exploration of consumer
behavior, identification of growth opportunities, and informing strategic decision-
making. By achieving these objectives, the study aims to contribute to the continued
success and growth of Crisps and Cones within the culinary landscape.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study of our business, Crisps and Cones, encompasses various
dimensions within the culinary landscape and entrepreneurial realm:

1. "Business Operations"

The study will delve into the operational aspects of Crisps and Cones, including its
business model, menu offerings, pricing strategies, and supply chain management. By
examining how the business operates on a day-to-day basis, researchers can gain
insights into its efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance.

2. "Consumer Behavior"

Understanding consumer behavior is a key aspect of the study, as it provides insights

into customer preferences, purchasing patterns, and satisfaction levels. Researchers
will analyze factors such as menu popularity, customer demographics, and feedback
to uncover insights into what drives customers to Crisps and Cones and how the
business can better serve their needs.

3."Market Analysis"

The study will involve conducting a comprehensive analysis of the market in which
Crisps and Cones operates. This includes examining industry trends, competitor
analysis, and emerging consumer preferences to identify opportunities for growth,
innovation, and market differentiation.

4. "Entrepreneurial Strategies"

Researchers will explore the entrepreneurial strategies employed by Crisps and

Cones, including its approach to innovation, marketing, and customer engagement.
By examining how the business positions itself in the market and responds to
competitive pressures, researchers can gain insights into effective entrepreneurial
practices within the food industry.

5. "Social and Cultural Dynamics"

The study will also consider broader social and cultural dynamics related to food
consumption and dining practices. This includes examining the cultural significance of
Crisps and Cones' menu offerings, as well as the role of food in shaping identity,
community, and social interaction.

6. "Recommendations and Implications"

Based on the findings of the study, researchers will provide recommendations and
implications for Crisps and Cones and other stakeholders in the culinary landscape.
This may include suggestions for operational improvements, marketing strategies,
menu innovations, and future research directions.

In summary, the scope of the study of Crisps and Cones encompasses various aspects
of the business, consumer behavior, market dynamics, entrepreneurial strategies, and
social and cultural influences. By examining these dimensions, researchers aim to
gain a comprehensive understanding of the business and its place within the broader
culinary landscape, as well as to provide actionable insights and recommendations for
its continued success and growth.

Limitation of the study

While the study of our business, Crisps and Cones, offers valuable insights into
various aspects of the culinary landscape and entrepreneurial endeavors, it is
important to acknowledge and consider its limitations:

1. "Sample Size"

The study's findings may be limited by the size and diversity of the sample
population. If the study relies on a small sample size or a specific demographic group,
the findings may not be generalizable to the broader population of customers or
businesses in the culinary industry.

2. "Data Collection Methods"

The accuracy and reliability of the study's findings may be influenced by the methods
used to collect data. For example, if the study relies solely on self-reported surveys or
interviews, there may be biases or inaccuracies in the data due to factors such as
respondent bias or memory recall.

3."Time Constraints"

The study's scope and depth may be limited by time constraints, particularly if it is
conducted within a short timeframe or with limited resources. This may restrict the
extent to which researchers can explore certain aspects of the business or conduct
longitudinal analyses to track changes over time.

4."External Factors"

External factors beyond the control of the researchers, such as changes in market
conditions, economic fluctuations, or unforeseen events (e.g., natural disasters, global
pandemics), may impact the study's findings and conclusions.

5."Contextual Factors"

The findings of the study may be influenced by contextual factors specific to Crisps
and Cones, such as its geographic location, target market, and competitive landscape.
These factors may limit the generalizability of the study's findings to other businesses
or regions.

7."Scope of Analysis"

The study may not be able to comprehensively address all aspects of Crisps and
Cones' operations, consumer behavior, or market dynamics due to the complexity and
breadth of the subject matter. Researchers may need to prioritize certain areas of
analysis based on the study's objectives and resources available.

Acknowledging these limitations is important for interpreting the study's findings

accurately and providing context for its implications and recommendations.
Researchers should strive to address these limitations to the best of their ability and
communicate them transparently in the study's methodology and findings.

Local review of Related literature

Potato Twist Snack House

The introduction of Potato Twist Snack House to our local community brings a fresh
and innovative dining concept to our area. This proposed establishment, which
combines potato-based snacks with sit-down games, offers a unique and enjoyable
experience for patrons seeking leisure and refreshment.

Engagement with Local Preferences:

Potato Twist Snack House demonstrates an understanding of local preferences and

consumer behavior. By targeting students, residents, and employees who seek
convenient and enjoyable snack options, the business aligns itself with the needs of
our community. Additionally, situating the establishment in a strategic location
ensures accessibility and visibility for potential customers.

Innovation and Differentiation:

The integration of potato-based snacks with sit-down games represents a departure

from traditional snack offerings in our area. This innovative concept not only
diversifies the dining landscape but also provides customers with an interactive and
entertaining dining experience. Furthermore, the emphasis on offering healthy and
nutritious snacks underscores the business's commitment to meeting the evolving
demands of health-conscious consumers.

Market Acceptance and Viability:

Initial feedback from the survey conducted by the researchers suggests positive
market acceptance for Potato Twist Snack House. With a majority of respondents
expressing interest and confidence in the business idea, coupled with projections of
increasing financial viability over time, the establishment appears poised for success
in our local market.


In summary, Potato Twist Snack House presents an exciting addition to our local
dining scene. Through its innovative concept, alignment with local preferences, and
focus on health-conscious offerings, the establishment offers a promising option for
patrons seeking a unique and enjoyable dining experience. With favorable market
acceptance and feasibility, Potato Twist Snack House has the potential to thrive and
contribute to the culinary landscape of our community.

Foreign review of Related literature

Tornado Potato - A Korean Street Food Masterpiece

Korean street food is renowned for its diversity and unique flavors, offering a plethora
of tantalizing dishes that captivate taste buds and ignite culinary adventures. Among
these delectable options, the tornado potato emerges as a standout favorite,
captivating hearts and palates worldwide.

Universal Appeal:

The tornado potato, with its humble yet versatile main ingredient, the potato,
transcends cultural boundaries and language barriers. Its simple yet ingenious
preparation method involves spiral-cutting a potato, skewering it, and deep-frying it
to crispy perfection. The addition of savory toppings like cheese, chili, or onion
powder elevates its flavor profile, ensuring a drool-worthy experience for all.

Global Popularity:

Since gaining widespread recognition around 2007, thanks to a viral photo from
Seoul, the tornado potato has captured the imaginations of food enthusiasts
worldwide. Its enduring popularity is evident from the myriad variations showcased on
social media platforms like Instagram, where carnival vendors, restaurants, and home
cooks alike showcase their unique renditions of this beloved street food.

Enduring Appeal:

The appeal of the tornado potato lies in its simplicity and versatility. Whether enjoyed
as a savory snack on the streets of Seoul or as a gourmet creation at a local carnival
halfway across the globe, the deep-fried potato remains a foolproof option that never
fails to satisfy cravings and evoke feelings of culinary delight.


In essence, the tornado potato stands as a testament to the universal allure of street
food and the power of a humble ingredient transformed into a culinary masterpiece.
With its widespread popularity and enduring appeal, the tornado potato continues to
reign supreme as a beloved street food delicacy cherished by foodies worldwide.

Chapter I: Strategic Plan

Industry Analysis (Porters Five)

Threat of new entrants:

The threat of new entrants in the industry is low, primarily due to the significant cost
advantages held by the business. These cost advantages enable the company to
potentially lower the price of its products compared to competitors worldwide. As a
result, new entrants would face substantial barriers to entry, including the challenge
of competing on price and matching the cost efficiencies achieved by the established

Bargaining power of suppliers:

The bargaining power of suppliers falls within a moderate range, largely influenced by
the seasonality of products such as potatoes. During peak potato seasons, when the
supply is abundant, suppliers' bargaining power decreases. Conversely, in off-seasons
characterized by limited supply, suppliers can exert more influence, potentially
impacting business profitability.

However, the company has mitigated this risk by identifying suppliers or markets
offering lower prices for potatoes, thus making the procurement process more
manageable and reducing the impact of supplier bargaining power on the business.

Bargaining power of buyers:

The bargaining power of buyers for the business remains low, largely due to
customers' strong preference for its offerings over competitors. This is driven by
factors such as product quality, affordability tailored to student budgets, and friendly
customer communication. These elements collectively reduce buyer bargaining power
and enhance the business's attractiveness in the marketplace.

Threat of substitutes:

The threat of substitutes remains low for the business, primarily due to its
customizable options for ice cones and potato tornadoes. By offering a diverse range
of toppings and flavors, customers can personalize their orders, enhancing the appeal
of the products compared to fixed options available elsewhere. Additionally, the
competitive pricing of substitutes further diminishes their attractiveness. As a result,
customers are more inclined to choose the business, appreciating the affordability and
customization options it provides.


Rivalry is low for the business, with minimal competitors in the vicinity. Apart from
scattered selling stalls and street food carts, the unique product concept serves as a
key strength. As customers seek alternatives to traditional offerings like fries and
scramble, Potato Twisters and Snow Cones offer a distinct and enticing option that
promises to rejuvenate their dining experience.

Competitive Strategies

In their competitive strategy, Crisps & Cone demonstrates a commitment to ongoing

improvement and expansion to enhance customer experiences. Their unique blend of
the best-cost provider strategy and focused differentiation sets them apart from
competitors. Here's their plan to elevate and broaden their offerings:

1. Elevating Quality Standards:

Crisps & Cone prioritizes delivering top-tier food and service by sourcing the freshest
ingredients and maintaining stringent quality control measures to ensure consistent

2. Expanding Menu Diversity:

With a focus on catering to varied tastes, they conduct market research and gather
customer feedback to identify new flavor combinations, enriching their menu and
staying ahead of competitors.

3. Innovating with Specials and Limited-Time Offerings:

To keep their offerings fresh, they introduce exclusive specials and limited-time
promotions, showcasing creativity and enticing customers with unique flavors and

4. Prioritizing Exceptional Customer Service:

Exceptional service is central to Crisps & Cone's ethos. They invest in staff training to
ensure friendly, efficient, and personalized service, creating memorable experiences
that set them apart in the competitive landscape.

5. Engaging with the Community:

Crisps & Cone prioritizes building strong relationships with customers and the local
community. They actively participate in community events, support local initiatives,
and engage with customers through social media and other channels. By fostering a
sense of community and connection, they aim to build brand loyalty and attract new

CHAPTER II: Marketing Plan

The Product or Service Offering

Crisps and Cone prides itself on its thriving business model, offering an extensive

array of delectable flavors for both Potato Twisters and snow cones. With a mission

centered on exceptional customer service and creating memorable experiences, the

company continuously seeks to enhance its offerings through menu expansion and


Understanding the diverse palate preferences of customers, Crisps and Cone regularly

introduces new and exciting flavors, ranging from classic options like sour cream and

onion to unique choices such as spicy jalapeno or tangy barbecue. This commitment

to variety ensures there's something to satisfy every craving.

In addition to its delicious menu, Crisps and Cone places significant emphasis on

outstanding customer service. With a friendly and knowledgeable staff always on hand

to assist customers in selecting the perfect flavor combination, the company strives to

create personalized experiences that foster long-lasting relationships.

Actively seeking feedback from customers ensures Crisps and Cone continually meets

expectations and improves its offerings. With a passion for creating delightful

experiences, the company is committed to expanding its menu, delivering exceptional

service, and offering promotions that keep customers returning for more.

Join Crisps and Cone in indulging in a world of flavors and delights, where exceptional

service and customer satisfaction reign supreme.

Value Proposition and Unique Selling Proposition

Value Proposition

Crisps and Cone presents a compelling value proposition, placing customer

satisfaction and exceptional experiences at the forefront of its business model. The
company is dedicated to meeting the diverse wants and needs of its valued
customers, evident in every aspect of its operations.

Recognizing the wide range of flavor preferences among individuals, Crisps and Cone
prides itself on offering a diverse selection of options. From classic favorites to unique
and innovative combinations, its carefully curated menu ensures there's something to
tantalize every taste bud, catering to both traditionalists and adventurous foodies

In today's fast-paced world, efficient service is paramount, and Crisps and Cone
understands this well. The company is committed to delivering prompt and seamless
service without compromising on quality. Its dedicated team ensures customers can
enjoy their favorite treats without unnecessary delays, prioritizing customer
satisfaction above all else.

However, Crisps and Cone's commitment to excellence extends beyond its products
and services. The company believes that a great experience encompasses every
interaction with its brand. From the warm welcome by friendly and attentive staff to
the inviting and comfortable atmosphere, Crisps and Cone strives to create an
environment where customers can relax, unwind, and truly savor the moment.

In summary, Crisps and Cone is passionate about providing its customers with an
unforgettable journey of taste and enjoyment. With its wide variety of flavors, speedy
service, and unwavering focus on customer satisfaction, the company invites
individuals to join them and indulge in a delightful experience like no other.

Unique Selling Proposition


-Crisps & Cones

In the context of the business, "BEING FRESH IS COOL, BUT EATING FRESH IS EVEN

COOLER" underscores the importance of freshness in the products offered by Crisps

and Cone. While being fresh may be trendy or desirable in various aspects of life,

such as fashion or lifestyle choices, the slogan emphasizes that consuming fresh food

is even more appealing.

For Crisp and Cone, freshness is a core value embedded in its product offerings. The

business prides itself on sourcing the freshest ingredients for its Potato Twisters and

snow cones, ensuring that customers not only enjoy delicious treats but also benefit

from the nutritional value and quality associated with fresh ingredients.

By adopting this slogan, Crisp and Cone communicates to its customers that they

prioritize freshness not just as a trendy concept but as an essential aspect of their

offerings. It conveys the message that indulging in their products isn't just about

following a trend but about making a smart and healthy choice. In essence, the

slogan reinforces the idea that while freshness may be cool, eating fresh food is even

cooler, aligning perfectly with the business's commitment to providing high-quality,

fresh, and delicious treats to its customers.

Marketing Mix

1. Product

Crisps & Cones introduces its flagship product, the Potato Twister, offering a
departure from standard fast-food fries with its diverse flavors and forms. The Snow
Cone, though simple as shaved ice, surprises with customizable options, catering to
various tastes.

2. Price

Due to current inflation and supplier challenges, pricing remains undetermined.

However, the aim is to provide high-quality products at affordable rates, ensuring
accessibility for all.

Large Potato twister - Php35.00

Medium Potato twister - Php25.00

Fun size Snow Cone - Php15.00

Addons Per scoop - Php5.00

3. Place

Strategically located near Kings Montessori School and Kingspoint Subdivision,

Crisps & Cones targets homeowners, students, and the surrounding community.

4. Promotion

Visual aids like flyers and special discounts will be employed to attract customers.
Despite ongoing refinement, Crisps & Cones is confident in its ability to capture public

5. People

The founders, driven by a passion for service and culinary excellence, actively
participate in operations. Continuous improvement in culinary techniques ensures top-
notch cuisine.

6. Packaging

Crisps & Cones enhances customer experience with practical packaging solutions.
Snow Cones now come in round plastic cups with spoons for easy enjoyment, while
Potato Twisters are served in footlong trays for mess-free indulgence. These additions
signify the brand's dedication to hassle-free dining. By prioritizing convenience, Crisps
& Cones aims to elevate the enjoyment of their offerings, distinguishing themselves in
the food market.

7. Processing

Potato Twister

1. Procurement:

Crisps & Cones meticulously sources potatoes from The Fresh Market Province,
renowned for its quality and affordability.

2. Preparation:

Upon arrival, the potatoes undergo a thorough cleaning process to ensure freshness
and cleanliness.

3. Crafting:

The skilled team at Crisps & Cones expertly transforms the prepared potatoes into
delectable Potato Twisters using specialized equipment and culinary expertise.

4. Presentation:

With precision and care, the mouthwatering Twisters are presented to customers,
offering a flavorful and satisfying culinary experience.
Snow Cone

1. Water Preparation:

Crisps & Cones meticulously fills plastic containers with pristine Kangen Water,
which is then carefully frozen in their refrigeration units.

2. Ice Shaving:

Once the water solidifies into ice, a skilled staff member takes over, meticulously
shaving the ice to perfection using specialized machinery, ensuring a consistent and
fluffy texture.

3. Flavor Integration:

Following this precise process, the finely shaved ice is skillfully crafted into
delightful snow cones, incorporating a variety of flavors to tantalize the taste buds.

4. Presentation:

Finally, these beautifully prepared snow cones, brimming with refreshing flavors
and texture, are ready to be delivered to customers.

CHAPTER III: Operations Plan


Potato twisters

1. Prepare the Potato:

Begin by washing the potato thoroughly. The skin of the potato, known for its
numerous health benefits, need not be peeled.

2. Skewering the Potato:

Carefully skewer the potato without breaking the stick, requiring a steady hand and
maintaining strength during this process.

3. Using the Potato Slicer:

Place the skewered potato onto a potato slicer, which will transform the potato into a
spiral or twister shape.

4. Preparing the Deep Fryer:

Heat up a pot or suitable deep fryer and add oil, allowing it to reach the desired
frying temperature.

5. Frying the Potato Twister:

Place the prepared potato twister into the heated oil, frying it until it turns a
delightful golden brown color.

6. Adding Flavoring:

Once fried, place the potato twister on a flat surface and add the customer's preferred
flavoring or seasoning.

7. Serving the Crisp & Cone:

Present the flavored potato twister on a footlong tray, ready to be served to the

Snow Cone

1. Crushing the Ice:

Begin by using an ice crusher to crush the ice until it achieves a snow-like texture.
Place the crushed ice in a bowl, allowing it to form into a ball for the snowcone.

2. Preparing the Cup with Add-ons:

Start by placing add-ons at the bottom of the cup; for instance, for this preparation,
let's add boba pearls to enhance the snowcone's texture and taste.

3. Assembling the Snowcone:

Carefully place the formed ice ball into the cup, ensuring it's packed well and allowing
space for the flavoring.

4. Adding Flavor and Serving:

Pour the desired flavoring over the ice ball, infusing it with the chosen taste. To
complete the presentation, include a small spoon for ease of consumption and serve
the prepared snowcone to the customer.


The staff is categorized into four distinct groups: the Potato Slicer team, the Fryer
team, the Ice Crusher team, and the Cashier team. This division ensures swift service
delivery and minimizes errors, preventing potential chaos and enabling smooth


 Has the capability to work on pressure

 Has good manners to customer
 eager to learn
 flexible


 The Slicer
With deftness and precision, they skillfully operate the machine to flawlessly
slice the potatoes, ensuring uniformity and quality in every cut. Their expertise
ensures that each potato is sliced perfectly, meeting the highest standards of
consistency and presentation.
 The Fryer/Cook
They demonstrate fearlessness in facing potential oil splashes and exhibit
patience while preparing the potato twisters. Their willingness to endure oil
splatters showcases their resilience, ensuring they remain steadfast in their
task. Despite the seemingly straightforward cooking process of the potato
twisters, their patience ensures each one is meticulously cooked to perfection,
adhering to the ideal texture and flavor.
 The Ice Crusher
They handle the ice with meticulous care, ensuring a delicate crushing process
before delicately molding it into a spherical shape within the bowl. This
meticulous approach is crucial in creating the perfect snowcone, as the precision
in ice crushing and shaping directly impacts the final texture and presentation,
resulting in a delightful and refreshing treat for customers.
 The Cashier
Their integrity shines through in managing the business finances, handling
transactions with honesty and transparency. Additionally, they exude politeness
and professionalism when interacting with customers, ensuring a pleasant
experience. Proficient in product promotion, they effortlessly engage customers,
effectively highlighting our offerings and enticing them with our exceptional
products and services.
 The Advertiser
They distribute flyers to attract customers, strategically placing them to
maximize visibility. Their engagement effectively communicates Crisps & Cones'
offerings, contributing to the business's success.

Picture of hierchy here


Crisp & Cone is revolutionizing its culinary creations with cutting-edge kitchen
equipment. Our Spiral Potato Slicer crafts enticing potato twisters, giving a tantalizing
twist to traditional potato servings. The Ice Crusher meticulously shapes ice into
perfect spheres, enriching the snow cone experience. Additionally, our versatile Handy
Korean Stove achieves flawless deep frying, ensuring our potato twisters are cooked
to perfection. These innovative tools elevate our offerings, promising an extraordinary
taste adventure for our customers.

machine used are:

Spiral Potato Slicer

Ice Crusher

Korean Stove


Materials/Equipment used are:




Boba pearls

Nata decoco

different flavorings for potato twisters

different flavorings for snowcone

stick (bananaQ sticks)


Botane (korean small Gas)

footlong tray

circular cup 120z

(this area is still not complete)


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