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01996 Applied Poultry Science, I n c

M.T. KlDD' and B. J. KERR
Nutri-Quest, Inc, 14OOElbridge Payne Road Chesterjleld,MO 63017
Phone: (314) 537-4057
: ' F (314) 532-1710

Primary Audience: Nutritionists, Researchers, Production Managers

INTRODUCTION position of the diet should match the bird's

amino acid requirements for maintenance and
The extent to which dietary crude protein tissue accretion in order to obtain optimum
can be reduced without compromising bird performance.
performance remains problematic. Never- W.C. Rose discovered threonine in 1935.
theless, the inclusion of synthetic methionine Shortly after this discovery, threonine was
and crystalline L-lysine has resulted in com- deemed an essential amino acid for chicks
mercial diets being formulated for crude pro- [2, 31. Grau [4] evaluated DL-threonine and
tein levels well below NRC recommendations L-threonine in amino acid diets for chicks.
[l]. The availability of L-threonine as a feed Minimal biological activity was found in the
additive may allow poultry nutritionists, former, and the requirement of the latter was
specifically turkey nutritionists, to further 0.45% of diet. Since these and other early
decrease dietary crude protein. Reducing investigations of threonine in poultry, the
dietary crude protein will: 1)improve nitrogen 1980's and 90's have given rise to numerous
efficiency utilization; 2) reduce nitrogen ex- threonine studies evaluating threonine re-
cretion; 3) improve poultry tolerance of high quirements, threonine's efficacy in low protein
ambient temperatures; and 4) reduce the level diets, and enzymatic pathways responsible
of ammonia in litter. However, as dietary for threonine catabolism. Threonine is the
crude protein decreases, the amino acid com- third limiting amino acid in low crude protein

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed

Review Article
KIDD and KERR 359

diets for poultry. As techniques in fermenta- Because threonine, unlike most amino
tion of threonine-producing microorganisms acids, is not transaminated, animals do not
improve, the commercial availability of utilize its D-isomer and a-keto acid.
L-threonine should increase. This review DL-threonine has both a a n d /3 carbons,
seeks to evaluate our current knowledge of which are asymmetric and can yield four
L-threonine and provide insight on its future isomers: L (2S, X), D (2R, 3R), L-all0 (2S,
commercial application in the poultry in- 3R), and D-allo (2R, 3s). Baker [5, 61 sug-
dustry. gested that DL-threonine should provide
no more than 25% biological activity, which
THREONINE is based upon one-fourth of the molecule
being L-threonine. Thus, poultry can utilize
Amino acid metabolism involves: 1) pro-
only L-threonine.
tein synthesis and degradation, 2) incorpor- Catabolism of L-threonine results largely
ation of amino acid nitrogen into uric acid, in glucogenic products because it yields
3) conversion of amino acid carbon skeletons
both pyruvate and propionate (Figure 1).
into glucose, fat, energy, or C02 and H20,
Threonine dehydratase (E.C.,
and 4) formation of non-protein derivatives. threonine dehydrogenase (E.C.,
Threonine participates in protein synthesis, and threonine aldolase (E.C. par-
and its catabolism generates many products ticipate in threonine catabolism in chicks.
important in metabolism (i.e., glycine, acetyl- However, threonine dehydrogenase accounts
CoA, and pyruvate). Poultry are not capable for most of the threonine oxidation in mam-
of synthesizing threonine de novo which mals in the fed state [7, 81. Threonine de-
makes it a nutritionally essential amino acid. hydratase (also known as serine dehydratase)
Threonine (2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid, uses pyridoxal-5'-phosphate to degrade threo-
QH9N03) has a molecular weight of 119.12
nine to a-ketobutyrate and ammonia, and
and contains 11.76% nitrogen.

Reutilization for
degradation new protein synthesis
protein or
crystalline L-Thr

Transamination Specialized products

Glumgenic Catabolism of L-Threonine


Thr aldolase Thr

Thr dehydrogenase dehydratase

Acetaldehyde + Glycine 2 - amino -3- oxybutyrate alpha-Ketobutyrate + NH;

t t
J \r
Acetyl-CoA Serine

Acetyl-coA + Glycine

Serine propionyl-&A

-1GURE 1. Schematic representation of threonine catabolism


this reaction becomes important only during diet in rats. As dietary methionine increased,
fasting. Threonine is degraded to glycine and the growth rate decreased. Additional dietary
acetaldehyde by threonine aldolase (also threonine alleviated the decrease in growth.
known as serine hydroxymethyl transferase) Moreover, excessive methionine causes
by a pyridoxal-5’-phosphate-catalyzed Schiff threonine oxidation by increasing threonine
base cleavage. The nicotinamide adenine di- dehydratase [15,16].
nucleotide catalyzed reaction involving threo- Because amino acid imbalance in rats has
nine dehydrogenase converts L-threonine to been studied extensively, it serves as a basis for
2-amino-3oxybutyrate. comparison for amino acid imbalances that
Carbon skeletons from the catabolism of may occur in poultry. Yoshida et al. [171 stud-
L-threonine generate pyruvate for energy or ied the metabolic basis for amino acid imbal-
glucose production and glycine for metabolic ance by tracing the 14C-labeledlimiting amino
needs (e.g., synthesis of protein, creatine, acids in rats consuming equal quantities of
serine, uric acid, bile salts, and glutathione). balanced or imbalanced diets. These authors
Chicks require glycine or serine [9, 101. concluded that amino acid imbalance results
Baker et ai. [ll]evaluated the sparing effect of in a more efficient incorporation of the
threonine on glycine by feeding chicks a growth-limitingamino acid into tissues, which
completely purified glycine-free diet. These decreases plasma levels of this amino acid.
authors demonstrated that excess supple- Lack of this plasma amino acid triggers a pro-
mental levels of dietary threonine (1.3%) tective response that decreases food intake.
heightened growth in chicks fed a glycine- and Thus, rats given a choice between a protein-
serine-free diet. When glycine was added to free diet that will not support life or an im-
the high threonine diet, chick growth was balanced diet that will support life will
decreased but gain:feed was improved. Thus, consume the protein-free diet [18]. In poultry,
the glycine requirement of chicks can be excess lysine antagonizes arginine and excess
partially spared by additional threonine; the leucine antagonizes isoleucine and valine, re-
reverse pathway (glycine to threonine), how- sulting in depressed growth. Some amino acid
ever, does not occur in chicks. Conversely, imbalances in poultry depress food intake
D’Mello [12] found that threonine does not without altering nutrient utilization (as re-
spare glycine in the chick. Threonine’s ability viewed by D’Mello [ 191). This agrees with find-
to spare glycine in chicks remains subject to ings of Cieslak and Benevenga [20], who
conjecture. showed that the imbalance in rats decreases
Davis and Austic [13] evaluated tissue voluntary food intake with minimal changes in
distributions and activities of threonine- threonine utilization. Thus, requirement stud-
degrading enzymes in female single comb ies in poultry that express nutrient levels as a
white Leghorn chicks. The highest activity of percentage of diet and not mg intake/bird/day
threonine dehydrogenase was in the pancreas, should pay careful attention to amino acid
whereas activities of threonine dehydratase levels.
and aldolase were highest in liver and muscle. By evaluating threonine decomposition
These authors found that threonine aldolase enzymes in rats, Yamashita et al. [21] con-
and threonine dehydrogenase had the highest cluded that lysine may influence threonine
activity of the threonine-degradingenzymes in metabolism. Yamashita and Ashida [22]
chicks [8]. studied effects of excessive levels of lysine
A deficiency in a particular amino acid and threonine on amino acid metabolism in
induced by an excess of one or more dietary rats because: 1) a deficiency of these two
amino acids is known as amino acid imbalance, amino acids increases liver lipid deposition,
as Salmon [14] previously reviewed. This re- and 2) these amino acids are not transami-
view examines the nutritional basis of amino nated. Growth was not significantly de-
acid imbalance and argues that so-called pressed by high lysine or threonine. Rats
amino acid toxicities documented in many possess a homeostatic mechanism that holds
early investigations may have been imbalan- body lysine levels constant while body
ces. As a case in point, this review describes threonine fluctuates depending upon the
a threonine deficiency imbalance caused by amount present in the diet. The lack of such a
a slight excess of methionine in an amino acid homeostatic mechanism regulating threonine
Review Article
KIDD and KERR 361

may render its requirement more variable in Many milo sources contain high concen-
rats. When lysine levels fall below the require- trations of tannins, which decrease bird per-
ment for poultry, all absorbed lysine that is formance and threonine availability [ E ] .In
not used for maintenance or not oxidized goes these experiments Teeter et al. demonstrated
to skeletal muscle accretion. Many industry that threonine was the first limiting nutrient in
nutritionists formulate high lysine levels, milo. In addition, high-tannin milo depressed
above that recommended by the NRC [l],to body weight and feed efficiency; however, the
keep pace with improved meat-yielding addition of supplemental threonine to the
genetics of the commercial broiler. Increases high-tannin milo improved performance to
in dietary lysine are implemented without levels above that produced by milo void of
consideration of other amino acids, i.e, tannins.
threonine. However, an imbalance is not Digestible amino acid values are not com-
thought to occur between lysine and threonine pared within this review; however, feed formu-
in poultry due to the level of threonine in a lation practices utilizing true ileal digestibility
corn and soybean meal diet, which may range values have clear advantages. Benefits from
from 0.75 to 0.83%. formulating on a digestible amino acid basis
Threonine-imbalanceddiets were created include: 1)amino acids being provided closer
in chicks by supplementing their basal diets to the birds’ true requirement; and 2) formu-
with branched chain amino acids (6 dl00 g of lation practices that are more flexible and
diet) or a mixture of indispensableamino acids allow inclusion of more alternate ingredients.
(5.6 @lo0 g of diet) [a] .
Hepatic threonine Moreover, formulating on a digestible amino
dehydrogenase activity increased when chicks acid basis and utilizing alternate ingredients
were fed either of the threonine-imbalanced and crystalline amino acids may become eco-
diets. These authors hypothesized that the nomically advantageous.
increase in threonine dehydrogenase activity
may be responsible for the rapid decrease RESEARCH
in plasma threonine when chicks consume a
threonine-imbalanced diet. Rats were also BROILERS
evaluated in this study and had similar results The threonine requirement for young
to chicks. broilers has been studied extensively in the
past decade. During this time, estimates of
OF threonine requirements in young male and
FEEDSTUFFS female broilers ranged from 0.68 to 0.79%
and 0.58 to 0.75% of the diet, respectively. In
Threonine is the third limiting amino acid addition to varying requirements, nutrient
in corn-soybean meal poultry rations [24]. levels that induce threonine imbalances and
At protein levels typically used, however, crude protein levels that affect threonine re-
diets composed mainly of corn and soybean quirements are poorly understood. Commer-
meal are not limiting in threonine. Threonine, cial diets composed of corn, soybean meal,
like lysine, is limiting in most cereals. Wheat, bakery meal, and poultry meals contain suffi-
wheat midds, sorghum (milo), barley, and cient amounts of threonine for broiler produc-
meat and bone meals are low in threonine, tion. Dietary inclusions of milo, wheat, wheat
and their use may cause threonine to be a midds, and meat meals in broiler rations may
pressure point in poultry rations. Crystalline cause threonine to be a pressure point in linear
L-threonine may allow flexibility in diet for- programming. Nevertheless, wide variations
mulation to utilize alternate ingredients. For in published threonine requirements of broil-
example, peanut meal is first limiting in methi- ers render the use of crystalline L-threonine
onine and second limiting in threonine, and problematic because they leave the optimal
very high in protein and arginine. Depending threonine level for broiler performance sub-
on the price and seasonal availabilityof peanut ject to conjecture.
meal, dietary supplementation of synthetic Thomas et al. [26] conducted two experi-
methionine and L-threonine may allow the ments with male broilers from 7 to 21 days of
inclusion of peanut meal in rations for broilers age fed graded levels of threonine which were
and turkeys. added to a peanut meal, soybean meal, and

corn-based diet supplemented with synthetic protein, which were supplemented with
amino acids to meet current Maryland stan- graded levels of L-threonine. The threonine
dards. In both experiments, eight levels of requirement was determined by estimating
threonine and two levels of coccidiostats the inflection point of the best-fit line [31].
(salinomycin and stenoral) were employed. Analysis of the threonine requirement as a
Regardless of coccidiostat, the optimum level percentage of diet ranged from 0.58 to 0.78%.
of threonine for weight gain and feed eff- Hence, the threonine requirement of chicks
ciency ranged from 0.73% to 0.7%. The sec- fed the high protein diet (20% crude protein)
ond experiment employed a lower level of was 29% higher than that of chicks fed the low
threonine in the basal diet (OS%), which was protein diet (15% crude protein). However,
achieved by substituting peanut meal for soy- when the threonine requirement was ex-
bean meal. The threonine requirement for pressed as a percentage of crude protein it
feed efficiency as determined by a regression ranged only from 3.77 to 3.87%, indicatingthat
equation was 0.73%. Thus, the threonine re- the threonine requirement increases as dietary
quirement for body weight gain and feed effi- crude protein increases. Threonine require-
ciency was reported to be between 0.73 and ments expressed as a percentage of dietary
0.77% of the diet. Previous frndings by these crude protein, however, did not vary with the
authors [27l demonstrated that the threonine dietary crude protein content of the diet. If
requirement for broilers aged 14 to 21 days threonine is expressed as a percentage of
was between 0.80 and 0.85% of diet. Thus, dietary crude protein and the estimation of
estimates of the threonine requirement for 3.7% is correct, the NRC [l] value of 0.80%
broilers vary considerably within the same threonine in a 23% crude protein diet for
laboratory. However, Thomas et ai. [28] broilers from 1 to 21 days of age is too low.
further evaluated the threonine requirement However, a previous section of this review
for both male and female broilers from 7 to 21 discussed threonine’s sparing effect on gly-
days of age. Synthetic amino acids were added cine. Glycine provides two carbons and one
to a corxdpeanut meal basal diet (0.55% thre- nitrogen in the uric acid molecule. Indeed, a
onine) so that all amino acids except threonine higher threonine requirement in high crude
were at a minimum of 104% of the Maryland protein diets may indicate excess nitrogen
standards. The threonine requirements for excretion.
males and females were estimated at 0.72% The threonine requirement up to 3 wk of
and 0.67%, respectively. This estimated thre- age for male Vantress x Arbor Acre broilers
onine requirement for males was similar to was determined by feeding threonine-
results previously published [26]. deficient (0.59%) milo-soybean meal diets
Uzu [29] fed European experimental [32]. Broilers were fed a 15% crude protein
diets varying in threonine to broilers from 1 diet from intact protein sources and supple-
to 42 days of age. The four experiments uti- mented with crystalline amino acids to obtain
lized a variety of basal diets (corn/soy vs. a diet which provided a minimum of 110% of
cor a/ s o yl p e anu t me a 1; wh e a t/s o y v s . the suggested amino acid recommendations
wheat/soy/peanut meal). The threonine re- [33]. Broilers in these experiments received
quirement for growth and feed efficiency dietary treatments from 7 to 18 or 21 days of
averaged across all experiments was 0.73- age. The threonine requirements for weight
0.75% (1 to 21 days of age) and 0.68% (21 to gain and feed efficiency were 0.68% and
42 days of age). In addition, the threonine re- 0.79%, respectively. The threonine require-
quirement varied little with respect to whether ment for feed efficiency conforms to the NRC
wheat or corn was used in the basal diets. [l]requirement of 0.80% of diet from 1 to
This study indicated that threonine is not a 21 days of age.
limiting amino acid in typical or low protein The 21 to 42-day threonine requirements
corn-soybean meal diets. for body weight gain and feed efficiency were
Robbins [30] found the threonine require- estimated to be 0.66 and 0.68% of the diet,
ment of 1Cday-old female Peterson crossbred respectively [34]. The basal diet of wheat, corn
broiler chicks to be 3.7% of dietary crude gluten meal, soybean meal, and meat and bone
protein. In these experiments, broilers re- meal contained 0.64% threonine and 20%
ceived diets ranging from 10.98 to 18.3% crude crude protein. Abdominal fat was evaluated in
Review Article
KIDD and KERR 363

addition to performance and was not affected with 0.25% threonine (total dietary threonine,
by dietary threonine. This experiment suggests OM%), they grew as well as chicks receiving
that the NRC [l]21 to 42-day requirement of a 22% crude protein diet containing 0.85%
0.74% of diet is too high. threonine from corn and soybean meal.
Rangel-Lugo et ai. [35] evaluated the Furthermore, chicks fed the low protein
threonine requirements for weight gain and threonine-supplemented diet had superior
feed efficiency up to 14 days of age in feed conversion compared to those fed the
chicks fed wheat-peanut meal-based diets of 22% crude protein cordsoybean meal diet.
20 and 25% crude protein. This study utilized These authors stated that nutritionists who
Peterson x Hubbard broilers reared in envi- implement low protein diets must make ex-
ronmentally controlled Petersime battery trapolations from these results as to how much
brooders. The threonine requirements for threonine can be supplemented for maximal
maximal weight gain in the 20 and 25% crude profit.
protein diets were 0.67 and 0.77%, respec- Thomas et al. (371 evaluated the threonine
tively. These results are similar to Robbins [30] requirement in Ross x Avian male and female
in that as dietary crude protein increases the broilers aged 35 to 47 days. Peanut meal was
threonine requirement increases, presumably added to the basal diet, which contained
for excess nitrogen excretion. In the 25% 18.4% crude protein and 0.56% threonine.
crude protein diets, the threonine require- L-threonine was added in 0.02% increments
ments for weight gain were 0.82 and 0.86%. up to 0.68%. They suggested that the threo-
The threonine requirement (as a percentage nine requirement for finishing broilers does
of crude protein) was 3.44 in the 25% crude not exceed 0.56%. This requirement is much
protein diet. Thus chicks receiving the 25% lower than that recommended by the NRC [l]
crude protein diet had a higher threonine re- of 0.68% for the 42 to 56-day period.
quirement than those receiving the 20% crude Kharlakian et al. [38] evaluated the threo-
protein diet. In addition to these require- nine requirements for weight gain and feed
ments, the threonine requirement in broilers conversion in male and female Avian x Avian
aged 16 to 28 days receiving a cordpeanut broilers aged 5 to 7 wk. Threonine-deficient
meal diet containing 20% crude protein was diets consisted of corn and peanut meal and
determined to be 0.63% of diet for weight gain were adequate in all amino acids except thre-
and 0.69% of diet for feed efficiency. The onine. Threonine requirements were esti-
threonine requirement for feed efficiency is mated using broken line methodology. The
higher than that of weight gain, and the threo- estimated threonine requirement for weight
nine requirement increases as crude protein gain and feed conversion was 0.57% in males.
increases. In females, the estimated threonine require-
Holsheimer et ai. [36]used typical Euro- ment was 0.52%for weight gain and 0.55% for
pean diets to test the threonine requirement feed conversion. Although these estimated
of Hybrid male and female broiler chicks up requirements are below NRC [l] suggested
to 28 days of age. In two experiments they recommendations, performance of male and
evaluated eight graded levels of threonine female broilers receiving the corn-peanut
and two crude protein levels of either 16 and meal diets was below that of male and female
20% or 16 and 22%. Their design employed broilers receiving the corn-soybean meal con-
floor pens (22 chickdpen) with six replica- trol diet (containing 0.70% threonine).
tiondtreatment. In Experiment 1, female Kidd et al. [39] conducted two studies
chicks were fed threonine-supplemented diets evaluating threonine responses in low crude
from 10 to 28 days of age and the threonine protein diets utilizing threonine limiting ingre-
requirement was 0.63%. In Experiment 2, dients. Experiment 1 evaluated graded levels
male and female chicks were fed a threonine- of threonine (92 to 112% of the NRC) in milo,
supplemented diet from 7 to 21 days of age soybean meal, wheat, and meat and bone meal
and the threonine requirement was 0.73%. based diets from 1to 56 days of age. A linear
These studies were conducted to demonstrate improvement in feed conversion was observed
a minimum value for the threonine require- from 1 to 42 days of age. This suggests that
ment. More importantly, when chicks received threonine may become more important in
a 16% crude protein diet supplemented older birds, possibly because of a higher main-

tenance requirement. A second experiment cause the ideal protein concept has the po-
was conducted in broilers aged 21 to 42 days, tential to be an instrumental tool for linear
evaluating additional threonine in a low crude programming for poultry nutritionists, specific
protein diet with adequate methionine and ratios in the older bird for all amino acids
lysine or a low crude protein diet balanced should be validated experimentally. The thre-
with all essential amino acids except threo- onine to lysine ratios are 67 and 70 from 1 to
nine. Weight gain was optimized in low crude 21 and 21 to 42 days of age, respectively. These
protein diets containing 0.78% threonine, but ratios of threonine to lysine should be evalu-
was statistically the same as in low crude pro- ated in the older bird to test the efficacy of the
tein diets containing 0.66% threonine and the ideal protein concept in comparison to typical
high crude protein diet containing0.78% thre- levels of lysine and threonine currently fed in
onine. However, the low crude protein diet the industry. This is especiallyimportant when
with adequate essential amino acids and a higher lysine is used to optimize white meat
threonine content of 0.78% had the lowest yields.
weight gain. Feed conversion was optimized in Limitations in interpretation of research
low crude protein diets containing 0.78% results to date primarily involve variations in
dietary threonine. In addition, efficiency of crude protein levels, energy levels, digestible
protein utilization for daily body weight gain threonine levels in the basal diets, essential
was lowest in the high crude protein diet, but and nonessential amino acid levels, chick age,
abdominal fat was lowest in the high crude duration of study, and environmental condi-
protein diet. This study indicates that dietary tions. Estimates of the threonine requirement
crude protein in broilers 21 to 42 days old for broilers aged 1 to 21 days have ranged
may be reduced from 20.0% to 16.8% pro- between 0.60 and 0.84% of the diet. The range
vided that synthetic methionine, L-lysine, and of crude protein levels used for past research
L-threonine are added to the 16.8% crude in chicks (below 20% and above 23%) limits
protein diet. the practical extrapolation of threonine re-
Studies have shown that low protein diets quirement studies because industry nutri-
result in optimal feed conversions in broilers tionists currently formulate diets for chicks of
[36,40,41, 42, 43, 441. Other research, how- this age to contain between 20 and 23% crude
ever, has demonstrated that low crude protein protein.
diets do not result in optimal feed conversions Much controversy exists concerning the
[45,46,47,48]. It is well known that low crude actual threonine requirement of broilers.
protein diets improve protein utilization by Furthermore, the appropriate way to express
minimizing excesses of essential amino acids threonine in requirement studies is subject
[48,49]. If reducing the crude protein content to controversy (ix., as a percentage of diet,
of the diet is favored, threonine’s importance metabolizable energy, crude protein, or ly-
may depend on the extent to which crude sine). Notwithstanding that responses to
protein is reduced. Nakajima et al. [42] threonine in body weight gains and feed con-
demonstrated that for broilers 21 to 65 days versions have been studied extensively in
of age the addition of L-threonine, but not young broilers, requirement studies, particu-
L-tryptophan, to a 16% crude protein diet larly in older broilers, need to be conducted
adequate in total sulfur amino acids and lysine to establish specific threonine requirements
improves feed conversion to the level occur- for maintenance, performance, and carcass
ring with a 19% crude protein diet. yields.
Chicks’threonine requirement is variable.
The ideal protein concept may minimize THREONINE
variability in threonine requirements, and all
other essential amino acid requirements, by
setting specific ratios of amino acids to lysine Research evaluating the threonine re-
[50, 511. Exact amino acid requirements for quirement in turkeys has been conducted only
many amino acids, especially in later growth of for poults up to 3 wk of age. Dunkelgod et al.
poultry, are not known. Thus, the ideal protein [52] determined the threonine requirement to
concept provides a basis for nutritionists to be 1.10% of diet for growth from 1to 2 wk in
formulate diets to meet amino acid needs. Be- large white males. D’Mello [53]found that the
Review Article
KIDD and KERR 365

threonine requirement for growth in the large nitrogen per se, from the addition of 4%
white male was 0.94% from 1to 3 wk of age. glutamic acid, is not a limiting factor for poult
Threonine requirements for growth from 4 to growth in a 22% crude protein diet consisting
18 wk of age in the 1994 edition of the NRC are of corn-soybean meal. Furthermore, sulfur
based on computer models, not experimental amino acids were more deficient than lysine,
research. threonine, or valine in a corn-soybean meal
Growing turkeys require 28 and 26% diet containing 22% protein and 0.3% added
dietary protein from 0 to 4 and 4 to 8 wk of age, DL-methionine.
respectively [l].The benefits of reducing di- Dehulled soybean meal diets varying in
etary protein for turkeys and supplementing protein and adequate in methionine were fed
rations with amino acids are well recognized. to poults to determine amino acid deficiencies
These benefits include increasing the effi- in soybean meal [57]. Poults received a 30%
ciency of utilization of dietary protein, reduc- crude protein diet and a 22% crude protein
ing nitrogen excretion, reducing intestinal diet supplemented with essential amino acids.
disorders, improving litter quality, minimizing To determine what amino acids were limiting
amino acid excesses, and maximizing pro- in a 22% crude protein diet, individual amino
fitability depending on the current price of acids were deleted from the diet. Poults fed the
oilseeds vs. crystalline amino acids. Moreover, amino acid-fortified 22% crude protein diet
research has shown that increasing dietary had body weight gains statistically equal to
protein also increases amino acid require- those of poults fed the 30% crude protein diet
ments [M, 35, 541. The following section will (288 vs. 300 g, respectively). Reductions in
discuss the availability of threonine in typical body weight gain by 19,16,11,7, and 6% were
corn and soybean meal diets and the efficacy observed when valine, threonine, lysine,
of threonine in low protein diets. phenylalanine (or tyrosine or glycine), and
Threonine is limiting in corn-soybean isoleucine were removed from the 22% pro-
meal diets for young turkeys [55,56]. Stas and tein diet, respectively. This indicates that soy-
Potter [55] conducted experimentsin poults to bean meal as the sole protein source for
determine which amino acids are limiting in a turkeys, is more deficient in threonine than
22% crude protein diet consisting of corn and lysine. Recent broiler research [24] similarly
soybean meal and supplemented with 0.3% shows methionine and threonine to be first and
DL-methionine. The experimental design second limiting in soybean meal protein, with
consisted of three diets fed from 8 to 18 or lysine and valine being equally third limiting.
19 days of age containing 1) 30% crude pro- Decreasing dietary crude protein to ap-
tein, 2) 22% crude protein, and 3) 22% crude proximately 90% of NRC suggested recorn-
protein plus all essential amino acids. Re- mendations and supplementing these diets
ductions in body weight gain by 9.3, 8.0, 6.0, with some essential amino acids can yield
and 4.1% were obtained when valine, lysine, performance equal to that of diets adequate
threonine, or isoleucine was removed from in protein [58,59,60,61].Most recently, Sell et
the 22% crude protein diet supplemented al. [61] demonstrated that diets containing
with amino acids. This study suggested that 93% of the NRC recommendation for crude
the diets tested may have been more deficient protein with supplemental essential amino
in non-essential nitrogen than in any of the acids to 100% of NRC recommendations are
essential amino acids. adequate for production of commercial tur-
Jackson et al. [56] conducted experiments keys. Nevertheless, the extent to which dietary
similar to those of Stas and Potter [55] to protein can be reduced remains problematic.
determine relative deficiencies of lysine, Threonine, however, may be a key factor in
threonine, valine, and nitrogen per se in low allowing crude protein to fall below 90% of
protein diets consisting of corn and soybean NRC recommendations while maintaining
meal. These experiments demonstrated that bird performance to market.

1. Threonine is typically the third limiting amino acid in corn and soybean meal diets for both
broilers and turkeys.
2. In practice, threonine may become a pressure point in linear programming with
implementationof high dietary levels of threonine-limiting ingredients, particularly wheat,
milo, barley, and meat and bone meals.
3. Dietary supplementation of L-threonine, along with synthetic methionine and L-lysine,
may allow nutritionists to further reduce the inclusion of protein rich feedstuffs while
maintaining bud performance.

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