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Life Purpose Questionnaire

1. Does the work I’m presently doing express what I truly want to be doing?
 Yes
2. Am I satisfied with the education I am studying? Yes
Would I want to increase my education, training, and competences? Yes
If yes, how can I begin to move in that direction?
I wouldn’t only study hard, but also improve my experiences with organizations and
leadership, and also to find scholarship experiences like LPDP to continue my study is very
interesting for me.
3. Do I have creative outlets? Yes
The areas of my life where I feel I can be creative are:
I interested science and industrial classic and I’d like to applied it in my outlet with industrial
vintage theme to develop my creativity which is making design.
4. Have I developed my spiritual life to my satisfaction? No
If no, how would I begin to explore spirituality further?
I have to fix my praying because if I get closer to God, so God will close to me and fix my life
to be better.
5. What would I like to do with my life if I could do what I truly wanted? (Assume, for the
purpose of this question, that money and the responsibilities of your current job and family
ate not a limitation).
I would like to be a businessman and have many café and the other outlets like culinary and
beverage, office, and transportation to develop my creativity beside that are have possibility
to get more incomes.
6. What would I like to accomplish with my life?
I want to be a meaningful person in the all sides like from family, career, and relationship. I
would like to be a businessman success to make my mom and dad proud of me.

What would I like to accomplish ten years from now in order to feel that my life has been
productive and meaningful?
1) I would like to get LPDP scholarship
2) I would like to begin my career with make my own business
3) I would like to develop my own business and make more relations
4) I would like to have relationship goals
5) I would like to get more career achievements
7. What are most important values? (circle ones below or add)
1) Happy family life
2) Friendship
3) Good health
4) Peace of mind
5) Serving others
6) Material success
7) Career achievement
8) Creative expression
9) Personal growth
10) Dedication to a social cause


1) Make my parent proud of me

2) Graduate with amazing degree

What values give my life the greatest meaning?


1) Happy family life

2) Friendship
3) Good health
4) Peace of mind
5) Material success
6) Career achievement
7) Creative expression
8) Personal growth
9) Dedication to a social cause
8. Is there anything that I deeply value and yet feel I haven’t fully experienced or realized in my
life? Yes
What changes do I need to make- or what risks do I need to take- to more fully realize my
most important values?
I have experience in social causes because I have joined scout before. We help people in
rural areas because our district is still mostly forest and there are still many people’s welfare
that have not guaranteed yet.
9. Do I have any special talents or skills that I haven’t fully developed or expressed? Yes
What changes do I need to make-or what risks do I need to take- in order to develop and
express my special talents and skills?
I have to improve my managing skill, accounting skill, public speaking skill, and also
leadership skill to handle my own business and make networks to get a good relation.
10. In the light of the above questions, I feel that my most important life purpose would include
1) Having great degrees
2) Making my family proud of me
3) Having my own business
4) Having loyal friends
5) Having success business
6) Having a relationship goal
7) Helping the other people
11. What obstacles exist to pursuing and realizing my life purposes?
1) Fake friend
2) Financial slacks
3) My own doubt
12. What am I willing to commit to doing in the next month, year and three years eliminate the
obstacles in Question 11 and move toward realizing my special purposes?

One month:

Creating a target of daily goal to improve myself of my managing skill, accounting skill, public
speaking skill, and also leadership skill, and the last one is focusing my study in IE

One year:

Creating target list of the year to be motivated to strungling and come true. Make a good
relation to the others, join webinars, mentorships, workshop to develop my skills.

Three years:

Get more studying to achieve cumlaude and great degree. And then I would like to apply the
LPDP scholarship to continue my study.

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