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Lesson Planning 3rd grade

A. General data Grade Date

Subject: English 3rd Febr 19
School: 3 rd Febr 23
Unit VIII:
Time: 45 minutes
Content: The Alphabet (P-T) (pig, room, square table) Cardinal numbers 1-10
 V: Pig, room, square, table
 S: Asking for personal Information
 W: Writing names from dictations
B: Performance indicator:
The student asks for and answers about phone numbers by interviewing their peers
C. Evaluation Criterion:
C1: Responds questions about phone number
C2: Participate in activities when ask his/her about phone numbers by interviewing
C3: Respects when they talk about personal information.
D. Opening Activities:
Warm-up: Dancing: Let kids make up their own moves to music they like. For a team, choreograph a simple
dance to a popular song. Then, the team dance can become part of the pre-game ritual. (5min)
E. Middle Activities:
On whiteboard the teacher will write all the alphabet letter from letter A until letter o where students are
going to ´participate pronouncing each one of them according with phonetic sound
F G H I J K L M N (5min)
V. The teacher asks to the student draw five images on their English notebook that contain the first letters
from the alphabet as letter E C B A and letter I for Example a name fruit contain the letter A as APPLE
S. Spelling words
Ask to the student mention each one of his/her names and write it on whiteboard after orally they will spell
this name letter by letter through each phonetic sound mentioning the correct pronunciation (10min)
W: Complete the missing letters
Look at carefully the vocabulary and write the missing letters
A_ _ LE, B_U_, B_N_N_, T_BLE, D_D(10min)

F. Closing Activities:
When all students have finished their work in their English notebooks, they will participate in front of all
student expressing orally all the last letters that they have learned about alphabet letter as Letter P, Q, R,
S, T. (5min)

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