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Han Chiang High School

E Final Examination, 2021




Extended November 2021
SE1 (1), SE1 (2), SE1 (3) 80 minutes

Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet

Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)


Section A: (60%)
Write in soft pencil.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, student’s number and class on the Answer Sheet in the spaces
provided unless this has been done for you.

There are thirty questions in this section. Answer all questions. For each question
there are four possible answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the
separate Answer Sheet.

Section B:(40%)
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Write your school number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glues or correction fluid.

Answer ALL questions

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part

This document consists of 17 printed pages.

Section A: 30 Objective Questions (60%)

1. A human cheek cell and a spongy mesophyll cell from a leaf are examined under
a microscope.
Which structures are seen in both cells?

A. Cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm

B. Cell wall, cell membrane and nucleus
C. Cytoplasm, cell wall and cell membrane
D. Nucleus, cytoplasm and cell wall

2. Two animals have an identical sequence of amino acids in one of the proteins
found in their cells.
What does this indicate about these animals?

A. They have been eating the same types of food

B. They have not been exposed to substances that cause mutation
C. They must be members of the same genus
D. They share a recent ancestor.

3. The diagram shows part of a flowering plant.

Using the key, identify this plant.

1 three petals …………………………………………………………………go to 2

more than three petals …………..……………………………………….go to 3
2 leaves longer than they are wide ………………………………………….. A
leaves wider than they are long ……………………………………………. B
3 leaves parallel-veined ………..……………………………………………… C
leaves not parallel-veined …………….…………………………………….. D

4. Which description of the liver below is correct?
A. The liver is a cell, containing several tissues, which forms part of the digestive
B. The liver is an organ, containing several systems which forms part of the
digestive tissue.
C. The liver is an organ, containing several tissues, which forms part of the
digestive system.
D. The liver is a cell, containing several systems, which forms part of the
digestive system.

5. A student takes a potato and cuts three pieces from it. Each piece is 5cm x 0.5
cm x 0.5 cm. He places the three potato pieces into three different concentrations
of sugar solution.

After two hours, he removes the potato pieces from the sugar solutions and
measures their lengths.
The results are shown in the table.
solution length of potato piece
after two hours (cm)
X 5.2
Y 4.7
Z 5.3

What can be concluded from these results?

A. Solution Y has a lower water potential than the potato cells

B. Solution Z has the lowest water potential
C. The potato piece in solution X increases in length because it takes up sugar
D. The potato piece in solution Y decreases in length because it loses sugar

6. A student draws a diagram of a mitochondrion.

The diagram has a magnification of x200 000.

The diagram is 5 cm long.

What is the actual size of the mitochondrion?

A. 0.00025µm B. 0.0025 µm C. 0.25 µm D. 2.5 µm

7. Which identifies the chemical elements found in proteins?

carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen

A present present present present
B present present present absent
C present absent present absent
D absent present absent present

8. A student carries out a test to see whether the solution in a test-tube contains
Which row shows the correct food test and a positive result?

name of test colour seen with a positive result

A Benedict’s test blue-black
B Benedict’s test purple
C biuret test blue-black
D biuret test purple

9. The shape and structure of molecules allows them to carry out their specific
Which row of the table below correctly describes a feature of each molecule that
makes it specific?

Enzyme Antibody DNA

A binding site active site base order
B active site binding site base order
C active site base order binding site
D binding site base order active site

10. Which graph represents the effect of pH on the activity of a digestive enzyme?

11. What happens to an enzyme after it has catalyzed a reaction?
A. It can no longer fit the substrate molecules.
B. It can now catalyse several different reactions.
C. It has become part of the product molecules
D. It is available to catalyse the same reaction again.

12. A person suffering from influenza was given antibiotics. Influenza is caused by
a virus.
Why did the antibiotics not cure the person with influenza?

A. Antibiotics do not affect viruses

B. The antibiotic course was not long enough
C. The influenza virus became resistant to the antibiotics
D. The person was immune to antibiotics

13. Which response will happen if a person walks into a cold environment?

A. Hair erector muscles cause the body hairs to lay flat on the skin.
B. More blood flows in the capillaries near the surface of the skin
C. Large body muscles contract and relax rapidly
D. The sweat glands produce a larger amount of sweat.

14. The diagram shows part of a Bryophyllum plant.

Which best describes how the new plants are produced?

type of reproduction
asexual reproduction sexual reproduction
A yes no
B yes no
C no yes
D no yes

15. What are some effects of using heroin?

ceasing its use injecting it can lead to it stimulates the

causes withdrawal AIDS nervous system
A yes yes yes
B yes yes no
C yes no yes
D no yes yes

16. Which of these statements describes control by negative feedback?

A. An injury to body tissue activates platelets in the blood and these activated
platelets release chemicals which activate more platelets
B. During the menstrual cycle, luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the
release of oestrogen which in turn stimulates the release of more LH.
C. A higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases
temperature, which increases photosynthesis producing more carbon
D. When blood pressure is high, nerve impulses from the brain cause the
blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure is reduced.

17. Which structure does light pass through when it is focused on the retina?

cornea lens sclera

A yes yes yes
B yes yes no
C yes no yes
D no yes yes

18. A person looks at some hills far away.

Which row shows the state of the lenses, ciliary muscles and suspensory
ligaments in her eyes?

thick lenses contracted ciliary suspensory

muscles ligaments under
A yes yes yes
B yes no no
C no yes no
D no no yes

19. The diagram shows a dialysis machine.

Which substance would not be present in a sample of the dialysis fluid taken
from point X?

A. Glucose molecules
B. Salt ions
C. Plasma proteins
D. Urea molecules

20. Electronic cigarettes are a cigarette substitute allowing nicotine to be inhaled

without the other components found in cigarette smoke.
Which effects of cigarette smoking will also be effects of using electronic

A. Smoking increases heart rate, narrows the arterioles and increases blood
B. Smoking irritates the airways and increases mucus production
C. Smoking reduces oxygen carried by red blood cells and reduces oxygen
delivered to the tissues.
D. Smoking narrows the airways and increases coughing.

21. What is a function of a synapse?

A. To allow impulses to travel in both directions

B. To ensure impulses travel in one direction
C. To release vesicles into the synaptic gap
D. To transport neurotransmitters by osmosis

22. The diagram shows the production and excretion of materials from the human

What are V, X, Y and Z in the diagram?

A anaerobic respiration deamination kidneys urea lungs
B anaerobic respiration filtration lungs kidneys urea
C aerobic respiration deamination lungs urea kidneys
D aerobic respiration filtration urea lungs kidneys

23. What are the short-term effects of adrenaline on the body?

1 decreased blood sugar concentration

2 decreased heart rate
3 increased blood sugar concentration
4 increased heart rate

A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 4 C. 2 and 3 D. 3 and 4

24. Which statements about the use of heroin are correct.

addiction everybody who tolerance to medical

occurs as takes a dose of heroin assistance is
higher and heroin means a always
higher doses becomes an user can necessary to
are needed to addict survive withdraw from
get the same higher and heroin addiction
effect higher doses
A no yes no no
B yes no yes no
C yes no no yes
D no yes yes yes

25. In which situation would the amount of insulin secreted into a person’s blood
be highest?
A. During a game of football
B. Having a meal of rice
C. Walking up in the early morning
D. Working outside on a cold day

26. The diagram shows an experiment using wheat shoot tips to investigate plant

Which statement is supported by the evidence provided by this experiment?

A. Auxin moves through the plant by osmosis

B. Auxin is made in the shoot tip
C. Auxin is unequally distributed in response to light
D. Auxin inhibits cells elongation.

27. A group of students want to set up an experiment to investigate plant growth.

They attached a plant pot to a clinostat and placed it in a dark room as shown
in the image below.

Which of the following images would show the expected result of this
experiment after two days?

28. A science class students set up an experiment to investigate growth
response in plants.
In one of the experiments, they place a plant shoot in a box with a small
window allowing light to fall on one side of the shoot only.
Which of the following options correctly describes and explains what would
happen in the student’s experiment.

response cause effect

A positive more auxin on side of slower growth on shaded
phototropism shoot exposed to side of shoot
B positive more auxin on slower growth on side of
phototropism shaded side of shoot shoot exposed to light
C negative even distribution of equal rate of growth
gravitropism auxins
D positive less auxin on shaded faster growth on side of
phototropism side of shoot shoot exposed to light

29. A wind-pollinated plant has which features?

A. Large anthers, coloured petals and produces nectar.

B. Large petals, small anthers and a sticky stigma
C. Small petals, large anthers and a feathery stigma
D. Small petals, produces nectar and has a strong scent.

30. Different organisms have different adaptive features. For example, the
anthers of wind-pollinated flowering plants have long filaments.
What is true of this adaptive feature?

A. Filament length is not affected by genes

B. It gives the plant an advantage in any environment
C. Longer filaments attract more insects
D. It makes the plant more likely to reproduce.

Section B: 3 Subjective Questions (40%)
1. A person visits an eye doctor to have an eye test. On the wall of the doctor’s
room is a diagram of an eye.

(a) (i) Name the part labelled X.

……………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(ii) Describe one way in which the structure of X is related to its function.


(iii) Name layer Y.


(b) When the bright light is shone into the eye, there is a pupil reflex which
causes the pupil to become smaller.
Explain how named parts of the eye and of the nervous system are
involved in the pupil reflex.


(c) The diagram shows a vertical section through human skin in a hot

Name and outline the role of Q in the control of the body temperature
when a person is in a hot environment.

(d) Fig 1.1 is a diagram that shows the control of blood glucose concentration.

Fig. 1.1

(i) State the one reason why the concentration of glucose in the blood


(ii) Explained how an increase in blood glucose concentration is
controlled in the body.

[total 15]

2. Kidneys are important for excretion.

(a) Explain the purpose of excretion.


(b) Fig 2.1 is a photomicrograph of a glomerulus in a kidney.

Fig. 2.1

(i) Describe the structure of a glomerulus.

You may refer to Fig 2.1 in your answer.


(ii) Describe the role of the glomerulus.


(c) Table 2.1 shows some comparisons between a human and a mouse.
Table 2.1
feature human mouse
body mass/kg 60.0 0.025
kidney mass/g 320.0 0.310
water intake/dm3 per day 1.5 0.005
water reabsorption/dm3 per 179.0 0.168
salt filtration rate/g per day 580.0 0.556
salt reabsorption/g per day 575.0 0.551

Table 2.1 shows that salts are reabsorbed in the kidneys of both humans and
(i) Describe how salts are reabsorbed against a concentration gradient.


(ii) Scientists stated a hypothesis:

“Humans and mice reabsorb salt at almost the same rate in relation
to the size of their kidneys”
Determine whether the data in Table 2.1 supports this hypothesis.
Show your working
human mouse


(iii) Table 2.1 also shows that water is reabsorbed in the kidneys of both
humans and mice.
State the name of the process that mammals use to reabsorb water.


(iv) Water and salt are reabsorbed in the kidneys.

State the name of one other molecules that is also reabsorbed in kidney


(d) A healthy kidney controls the excretion of urea and other waste products of
metabolism from the blood.
After kidney failure there are two possible treatments: dialysis or a kidney

Fig. 2.2 shows how blood and dialysis fluid move through a dialysis machine.

Fig. 2.2

(i) Describe the changes that occur to the blood as it flows through the dialysis
machine from A to B.


(ii) State one advantage of kidney transplant as compared to dialysis.

[total 19]

3. The diagram shows stages in the life cycle of the same plant.

Fig. 3.1

(a) State the number of each of the following parts of the flower shown in the

Petals …………………………………………….
Filaments ……………………………………………… [2]

(b) On the diagram of the flower, label the ovary (the structure containing
ovules). [1]

(c) For this plant, state its method of pollination and give reason for your

Method of pollination


End of paper

Prepared by: Tan VL Checked by: Ng Johan

SE1 Biology Final year exam 2021Mark scheme
Section A
1.A 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.D
11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.C
21.A 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.B 26.A 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.D

Mark scheme for Section B

No Description Mark
1.(a)(i) lens; 1

(a)(ii) transparent/spherical/curved sides; 2

allows light to pass through/to focus/refract light OR
flexible/elastic/can change shape; accommodation/focus objects;

(a)(iii) retina 1

(b) retina/rods detect extra light (intensity); impulse is send to CNS/brain; 4

via optic nerve/sensory neurone;
back to eye/iris/effector/muscle via motor neurone;
radial muscles relax; circular muscles contract; circular muscles
contract; iris becomes bigger/elongates; reflex arc;

(c) removal/loss of heat; 3

increased of blood flow to capillary;
blood near to surface of skin;

(d)(i) after an exercise; starvation; AVP 1

(ii) muscle; liver 2

(iii) insulin is secreted from pancreas; carried to liver by blood; 3

increase uptake of glucose into liver cell; increase rate of respiration;
convert glucose into glycogen; stored in liver/muscle; convert excess
glucose into fat;
2 (a) remove from the body of organism/cell; 2
waste/poisons/ toxins/ harmful substances;
waste products of metabolism/respiration; water, mineral salts in

(b) capillaries are one cell thick/thin; 2

network of capillaries/tangled/knotted/tightly packed tubes;

provides blood at high pressure;

(c)(i) provides a large surface area; 2
ultrafiltration; small or soluble molecules e.g.
water/glucose/urea/salts are filtered out;
large or insoluble molecules e.g. red blood cells stay in the
glomerulus; AVP
(c)(ii) by active transport; from a low to a high concentration; 4

through cell membrane;
using proteins pumps/channels; uses energy; from respiration
(c)(iii) human: 575x320 = 1.797 or 1.8g/day per g (kidney) 4
mouse: 0.551 X 0.31 = 1.778 or 1.8 g salt per day per g (kidney)
similar or the same results/rates/ratios, so hypothesis is supported
c(iv) osmosis 1
c(v) glucose 1
(d)(i) decreased of urea/creatinine concentration; decreased of oxygen 2
level; water content increases/decreases; salt concentration
decreases; glucose concentration could be decreases or maintained;
(d)(ii) a person no longer need a regular dialysis; no pain due to dialysis;
better quality of life; no need to control diet strictly; 1
3.(a) petals 4; filaments 8; 2

(b) ovary labelled between flower and leaf; 1

(c) (i) Type: insect/cross; 3

Reason: petals; attract insects; landing platform for insects AW;
contact with stamens/anther/pollen/stigma



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