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An Approach to Human Motivation:

 How do you define motivation?
 What types of experiences motivate you in the classroom?
 A definition of motivation

 Motivation has been a long-standing topic of inquiry within


 Applications of motivation cut across psychological sub-disciplines

and domains of life

 Two views on motivation

▪ The “traditional” view
▪ The “differentiated” view
 A macro-theory

 A set of mini-theories
▪ Cognitive evaluation theory
▪ Organismic integration theory
▪ Causality orientations theory
▪ Basic psychological needs theory
▪ Goal contents theory
▪ Relationships motivation theory

 Underlain by a meta-theory
 A set of philosophical assumptions that are used to guide
theoretical development

 There exists a meta-theoretical continuum

▪ Mechanistic assumptions
▪ The science of psychology through physics
▪ Based in the philosophy of reductionism

▪ Organismic assumptions
▪ The science of psychology through biology
▪ Based in the philosophies of vitalism and constructivism
 People are passive by nature

 Behavior is energized by physiological drives

 Behavior is directed by associative (stimulus-response; S-R) bonds

 Learning occurs through accretion

 People are proactive by nature

 Behavior is energized by psychological needs (in addition to

physiological drives and emotions)

 Behavior is directed by choices and goals

 Development occurs through integration

If the organismic meta-theory is valid,
then why do we see so much evil and
psychological fragmentation in the
 On human nature

 On energization of behavior

 On direction of behavior

 On an organismic growth tendency

 What is the “self” in self-determination theory?
▪ Not a concept or representation
▪ The synthetic core of being

 The psychological content of human nature

▪ Autonomy, competence, and relatedness

 Necessary for full functioning

 Necessary for organismic wellness

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