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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Note: sebagai ganti ulangan harian

I. Please find the verb-ing

No. V-1 V-ing Meaning
1. Add Adding Menambah
2. Admire … …
3. Answer … …
4. Begin … …
5. Believe … …
6. Breathe … …
7. Call … …
8. Clean … …
9. Cook … …
10 Dance … …
11. Erase … …

II. Please complete the sentences below with the correct answer in the present
continuous tense!
1. Look! Two men … (run) out of the shop.
2. She …. (work) hard right now.
3. I can not speak to you now. I … (shop).
4. … (You / have) a good time?
5. It is a great party! My friends … (not/ feel) bored because they … (dance).
6. Aunt Janet … (warm) up her car.
7. My parents … (get) older.
8. She … (do) her homework now.
9. The waiter … (stand) behind the counter right now.
10. Mr. Toni … (make) design of the house and his sister … (write) a poem.

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