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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

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Effective evaluation of shale gas reservoirs by means of an integrated T

approach to petrophysics and geomechanics for the optimization of
hydraulic fracturing: A case study of the Permian Roseneath and Murteree
Shale Gas reservoirs, Cooper Basin, Australia
Omer Iqbala, Maqsood Ahmada,∗, Askury abd Kadirb
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Department of Petroleum Geoscience, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia


Keywords: Brittleness and in-situ stress states are known critical indicators for screening prospected layers during hydraulic
Petrophysical and mineral model fracturing in unconventional reservoirs. Brittleness can be inferred from mechanical parameters and miner-
Geomechanical model alogical data, primarily using empirical relations, although an incomplete dataset limits their use. Therefore, a
Brittleness index dataset with a systematic framework was designed based on well logs, and details core data spudded in the
Hydraulic fracturing
Permian Roseneath and Murteree shales from the Cooper Basin, Australia. Petrophysical and geomechanical
Shale gas
Sweet spots
models were designed to indicate shale mineralogy, total organic richness, porosity, in-situ stress conditions,
brittleness index, pore pressure, and fracture pressure gradient. After a review of various definitions of brit-
tleness index (BI) in recent literature, it will be argued that the definition of a brittleness index is with reference
to either elastic parameters, mineralogical composition, or strength parameters. Consequently, a higher brit-
tleness index is assigned to quartz and siderite rich rocks than to clay, organic matter, and porosity rich rocks.
Some recent definitions of BI are therefore useful for indicating rock types, but brittle/ductile behavior is not
necessarily any indicator of brittle/ductile failure during stimulation. It is therefore proposed that an accurate BI
must be incorporated into a geomechanical model. This new model will comprise the following properties:
elastic and strength parameters, in-situ stress state, fracture pressure gradient, and pore pressure. Such an in-
tegrated model can be used to find 1) Fracture barriers (the layers hindering fracture growth); 2) Potential layers
that enhance fracture growth, and; 3) Direction of induced fractures on the bases of the stress regime.

1. Introduction fracturing. Brittle layers are easier for fracturing than ductile layers in
shale gas reservoirs because ductile rock tends to heal both natural and
Over the past decades, depletion in conventional reservoirs has led artificial fractures (Guo et al., 2015). Brittle and ductile layers can be
to unconventional reservoirs being focused upon for various aspects of located by knowing brittleness index of reservoirs, which is generally
exploitation. Unconventional reservoirs are characterized by ultra-low used in the industry as an indicator of perforation locations during the
matrix permeability and are remarkably different to conventional re- hydraulic fracturing process (Lai et al., 2015). High brittleness is at-
servoirs in terms of their geology, mechanical, and petrophysical tributed to brittle rock, which means that there is a high probability of
properties (Dewhurst et al., 2015). The success of commercial produc- there being a large stimulated reservoir volume for gas recovery during
tion from these reservoirs depends upon both natural and artificial the fracturing (Sondergeld et al., 2010). It is of the utmost importance
fractures (Nordeng, 2009). Moreover, field experience demonstrates to understand the parameters directly affecting the development of
that all fracturing targets cannot yield commercial production during unconventional reservoirs if there is to be better design of fracturing
hydraulic fracturing. Consequently, the identification of candidates for treatment (King, 2010; Boulis et al., 2013). Contrarily, field experience
prospected fracturing is necessary before any stimulation treatment demonstrates that the selection of fracturing stages by dividing well
commences (King, 2010; Zhou et al., 2015). bore equally into zones may lead to remarkably different production
The layers with brittle characteristics are considered prospected for performances in the same formation. It has been observed that similar

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Ahmad).
Received 6 March 2018; Received in revised form 29 May 2018; Accepted 17 July 2018
Available online 29 July 2018
1875-5100/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

treatment efforts on the same formation may also yield remarkably limitations. For recently, several researchers attempted to make a re-
different production performances due to the heterogeneity of re- lationship between brittleness and well logs by means of a data-driven
servoirs (Daniels et al., 2007). Heterogeneity of the reservoir must approach that could be universally applicable. For instance, Jin et al.
therefore be considered in terms of geomechanical and flow properties, (2014) derived a relationship between brittleness and porosity. Lai
to identify the prospected/sweet spots (Jahandideh and Jafarpour, et al., 2015 developed a brittleness model using the ratio of gamma ray
2016). Therefore, improvements in shale gas production are required to photoelectric effect (GR/Pe), concluding that brittleness can be de-
through better understanding and characterization of reservoir prop- rived using well logs because Pe log can be used to identify brittle
erties in terms of their geomechanical and petrophysical attributes, quartz mineral. Shi et al., 2017 estimated brittleness using an artificial
specifically the distribution of rock brittleness and in-situ stress con- neural network. Li et al., 2017 estimated brittleness based on a statis-
ditions are particularly important factors here; they are, in fact, the tical damage model by evaluating damage during the loading process.
main determinant for the selection of prospected layers in reservoirs. The limitations of such correlations and novel methods were due to
Brittleness/fracability are terms used to denote rock behavior; their success only for typical shale formations, not for other typical
particularly to identify prospected fracturing candidates for stimulation shale formations, where the applicability of these methods needed more
in low-permeability reservoirs (Rickman et al., 2008). Many researchers verification. In addition, the lack of availability of complete data for
have attempted to define brittleness, but there is no universal definition each well further restricted the use of these methods. Furthermore, it is
taken as a standard. Brittleness can be calculated using the following required to use a proper definition of brittleness index, specifically
methods: stress-strain curves from multistage triaxial measurements; brittleness based on mineralogy, where quartz and carbonate must be
the ratio of elastic strain and total strain; the ratio of compressive treated as a brittle mineral and the effect of porosity and organic matter
strength to tensile strength; the angle of friction; Brinell hardness; and on brittleness index must be considered to select prospected layers for
several empirical relations (Hucka and Das, 1974; Altindag, 2003; fracturing. There are certain examples known to assert the importance
Heidari et al., 2014; Zhou et al., 2015). From a geomechanical per- of brittleness for the optimization of hydraulic fracturing treatment.
spective, brittleness is related to Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. One example is from the BP CGU 13-17H horizontal well located in
Young's modulus is a ratio of stress to strain, while Poisson's ratio is a Carthage field, Panola County, Texas. In this case, there was undesir-
ratio of transverse to axial strain, following Hook's law. These elastic able production outcome when selecting fracturing candidates (ductile
parameters measure rock's ability to fail under stress (Poisson's ratio) areas) based on equally spaced intervals (every 110 ft) by assuming
and maintain fracture (Young's modulus). The combination of these two homogeneous properties of the reservoir (Buller et al., 2010). Another
vital parameters is the main determinant of rock brittleness (Rickman example is from Longmaxi black shale in South China, where fracturing
et al., 2008). From a mineralogical perspective, there are different candidates were selected based on the brittleness of the reservoir. In
points of view in the literature. While Jarvie et al. (2007) concluded this case there was extensive initiation and propagation of fractures
that quartz is the most brittle mineral; Wang and Julia (2009) reported observed in brittle areas, with higher production yielded through
that quartz and dolomite are more brittle than organic matter and clay. fracture tracing and micro-seismic monitoring (Li et al., 2013). In re-
Jin et al. (2014) argued that quartz and all carbonate minerals are cent years, the significance of brittleness on fracturing efficiency has
brittle minerals, and Rybacki et al., 2016 deduced that quartz is brittle, been recognized and suggested to select fracturing stages (Li et al.,
while carbonate is partially a brittle mineral. Several studies indicated 2013). However, brittleness alone, nevertheless, is not sufficient by it-
that brittle rock has a higher Young's modulus and lower Poisson's ratio self to select prospected layers, magnitude, and the direction of in-situ
because of the presence of a high amount of quartz and carbonate stresses, which are also required to locate fracture barriers and pros-
minerals. This brittle behavior tends to fracture rapidly, and induced pected/potential brittle layers (Jacobi et al., 2009). Minimum hor-
fractures remain stable after treatment (King, 2010). On the contrary, izontal stress is very important in designing fracturing treatments
ductile rock, with its high clay content, is less friendly to fracturing and (Willis et al., 2005; Wright et al., 1999) because induced fractures are
to healing fractures after treatment. Ductile rock needs more energy/ not only propagated perpendicular to the minimum horizontal stress,
fracturing pressure to break, resulting in short fractures, which are but also because this stress attempts to close the fracture itself (Hubbert
undesirable and provide less contact with formation, in addition to and Willis, 1957). Meanwhile, there are three types of stress regimes;
needing more proppant. From a petrophysical point of view, rock normal faulting, strike-slip faulting, and the reverse faulting stress re-
brittleness is affected by porosity and organic richness (Wang and Julia, gime which affect the direction and propagation of fractures (Anderson,
2009). This refers to the concept that brittle rock failing under low 1951). As brittleness and in-situ earth stresses are the most important
strain and becoming more porous sees an increase in its strain rate. This parameters during fracturing process, therefore they must be estimated
increase deflects rock from brittle to ductile formations (Fjar et al., accurately for better understanding of reservoir potential for fracturing.
2008). Moreover, a high TOC (total organic content) is associated with There are two main challenges encountered during evaluation of
a higher clay content. Higher clay content makes rock ductile; meaning shale gas reservoirs. First, estimation of reservoir properties with lim-
that it is less prone to fractures and less resistant to proppant embed- ited data at reservoir temperature and pressure conditions, because
ment (Wang and Julia, 2009). Unfortunately, brittleness estimations already proposed correlations are not applicable for all shale gas re-
from laboratories on core samples are not feasible due to the problem of servoirs due to difference in mineralogy, lithology and environment of
obtaining intact samples and due to expense. Brittleness estimation deposition of reservoir. Secondly, the estimation of consistent volume
using geophysical wire-line logs to estimate elastic parameters and of reservoir properties from to bottom of reservoir to get complete
mineralogy are considered more applicable because obtaining in- image of reservoir for better completion and production of reservoir.
formation is easier using such methods than by conducting extensive For this purpose, the systematic workflow has been established to es-
laboratory tests on core. In spite of this, the laboratory tests carried out timate the reservoir properties at reservoir temperature and pressure
on core samples are considered a benchmark and have been used to conditions using geophysical wire-line logs and core data for Roseneath
calibrate geophysical wire-log data. Calibration is required because and Murteree shale formations, Cooper Basin, Australia. The practical
dynamic measurements from well logs are always greater than static application of reservoir properties to recommend the design of hy-
measurements on core samples, because of differences in strain ampli- draulic fracturing through the identification of fracture barriers capable
tude. Several researchers have in fact measured brittleness based on of stopping the propagation of fractures and prospected/potential
elastic properties, petrophysical properties, and strength properties layers that are brittle enough to initiate and propagate fractures. The
(Grieser and Bray, 2007; Jarvie et al., 2007; Rickman et al., 2008; Wang motivation behind this work, then, is to include rock brittleness and in-
and Julia, 2009; Herwanger and Mildren, 2015). These attempts en- situ earth stresses, because with its effect on pressures required to break
joyed a certain degree of success, but are now known to have some rock, brittleness is a key factor in any design consideration.

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 1. Geological summary of Cooper Basin (PIRSA, 2007). Arrows indicated the studied area.

1.1. Geology of the Cooper Basin production in Cooper basin; Beach energy, Senex, Drill search, and
Strike Energy with other joint ventures (Jadoon, 2016). This expansive
The area chosen for this study lies in the Cooper Basin (Fig. 1), exploration and production in the basin evinces the presence of a sig-
South Australia. The Cooper Basin is regarded as the most prospective nificant infrastructure. Among other troughs, most prospected troughs
basin in Australia for shale gas reservoirs. The area is prolific with prolific with unconventional oil and gas are the Nappamerri, Patch-
onshore oil and gas. Natural gas (with small liquids) has been produced awara and Tenappera troughs (PIRSA, 2007). Earlier exploration was
there since 1963 (Hall et al., 2016). The basin has potential for both focused on conventional clastic and carbonate reservoirs, with in-
conventional and unconventional reservoirs. The most prolific intervals vestigations based on conventional logs. These logs involved gamma-
with hydrocarbons are located within the Late Paleozoic Gidgeapla rays, resistivity, neutron-density, and sonic logs with limited core
Group (Fig. 1). analyses (Vallee, 2013). However, formation evaluation of shale gas
After successful recovery of natural gas from Moomba 191 in the reservoir requires geophysical wire-line logs with core analyses
form of shale gas reservoirs by the Santos company, exploration from (Jadoon, 2016). Fortunately, the complete suite of wire-line logs with
these reservoirs has been expanded and various other companies started core data was made available for both the Roseneath and Murteree

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Table 1 obtained using the application called “Mineral Solver”, part of the
Indicating use of well logs and core data (modified after Jadoon, 2016). package “Interactive Petrophysics Software” through the integration
Properties Measured Core data Log data of geophysical wire-line logs and XRD data.
2. For the purpose of calculation, elastic parameters are divided into
Porosity Crushed rock He Density (mostly) two halves; one being dynamic and the other static. Dynamic elastic
properties like Young's’ modulus and Poisson's ratio are to be cal-
TOC (total organic carbon) Rock Evaluation GR, resistivity, sonic
(Passey approach)
culated using sonic and density logs. Shear slowness is to be cal-
Mineral contents XRD, FESEM, Thin Density, sonic, neutron, culated using measured slowness on core samples. Whereas, static
section PE, GR parameters measured from unconfined compressive strength tests on
Elastic properties UCS Sonic and density core samples. The calibration carried out between static and dy-
Failure Parameters Triaxial Compression Correlation with
namic and calibrated elastic parameters were used for further ana-
tests, Mohr circle porosity
In-situ stress, fracturing LOT, well completion Density, sonic lysis.
pressure, Brittleness reports 3. Brittleness index is divided into two: one is from elastic parameters
Index named BI_1, while the other is from mineralogy, named BI_2, BI_3,
BI_4, BI_6, and BI_7 came from combination of BI_4 and BI_6. A total
brittleness index (BI_T) is derived from an average of BI_1 and BI_7.
formations, provided by the DSD (Department of State Development). 4. The strength and failure parameters to be included are: unconfined
The Roseneath and Murteree shale, both proven shale gas re- compressive strength; tensile strength; cohesion and friction angle
servoirs, were evaluated through the integration of well logs and core using empirical relations developed from a correlation of measured
data represented in Table 1. The following parameters obtained cohesion; and friction angle on core samples, with porosity from the
through core-log integration were matched with each other to achieve a density log.
consistent volume of properties from top to bottom of intervals. The 5. In-situ stress profiles are to be considered, such as vertical/over-
petrophysical properties included total porosity from density logs, total burden stress and maximum/minimum horizontal stress. The iden-
organic matter from pyrolysis and logs, mineralogy from powder X-ray tification of a stress regime is to be based on stress profiles.
diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 6. Fracturing pressure is to include; the reopening of open fractures
(FESM), thin section analysis and well logs to make mineral model. (Popen), the reopening of closed fractures (Pclose), and newly induced
Geomechanical properties includes elastic, strength and failure para- fractures called breakdown pressure (Pb).
meters, and in-situ earth stresses. Brittleness index and fracturing
pressures were measured through the calibration of core-logs and are The selection of fracture barriers and potential zones is to be based
presented in this study. on petrophysical and geomechanical properties: specifically, brittleness
The aims of this study are: 1) the measurement of petrophysical and index, and minimum horizontal stress.
geomechanical properties through core-log integration; 2) the ex-
ploration of the relationships between brittleness index and other pet-
rophysical and geomechanical properties; 3) the identification of frac- 2.1. Quantification of total porosity and total organic matter (TOC)
ture barriers and prospected layers for hydraulic fracturing and
validation through core data; 4) the development of simplistic work- Porosity is to be computed using a density log. As in the case of
flow with correlations capable of being used with an absence of core organic rich shale, TOC has been overlooked from porosity on density
data, particularly in the cases of the Roseneath and Murteree forma- logs (Cluff, 2012). A kerogen correction, therefore, needs to be applied
tions. to quantify porosity from a density log. Porosity was previously quan-
tified following the convention of weight percent of mineral to volume
2. Methodology percent density log. The following equations are used for porosity
(Krygowski, 2003).
This is an integrated study of geophysical wire-line logs and drill (ρma − ρb )
core data. The following data were available for current study, in- φD =
(ρma − ρf ) (1)
cluding wire-reline logs sonic (DT), density (Rhob), Photoelectric effect
(PEF), neutron (NPHI), resistivity (MSFL, LLS, and LLD), gamma ray Where
(GR), and core samples collected from five wells in the Nappameri
troughs. The core samples and wire-line log data were provided by the фD = Density porosity
DSD. The wire-line log data (Log ASCII Standard-Las files) was loaded ρma = Matrix density
into IP 4.3 (Interactive petrophysics) Synergy software and then in- ρb = Bulk density
tegrated with core and cutting data to develop mineral modeling for the ρf = Fluid density
quantification of mineral content for both the Roseneath and Murteree
shales in exploration wells. The methodology was designed through an Porosity correction for kerogen
integration of petrophysical and geomechanical properties to locate
fracture barriers, and optimal/brittle zones that promote gas recovery. φDKC = φD − (VK × φDK )
The workflow adopted was divided into two main phases; first the Where
quantification of petrophysical properties and second the quantification
of geomechanical properties (Fig. 2). There are the steps involved in the фDKC = Density porosity corrected for kerogen content
selection of fracture barriers and potential layers for hydraulic frac- фDK = Density porosity of kerogen
turing in the Roseneath and Murteree shale gas reservoirs. VK= Volume of kerogen in fraction.

1. Quantification of total porosity (фT), total organic matter in wt % Total organic content (TOC) is defined as the organic richness or
(TOC), and mineralogy using geophysical wire-line logs and core amount of organics within rock, and is recorded as a percentage (Jarvie
data. The mineral contents are to be quantified by XRD (X-ray dif- et al., 2007). As total organic contents define organic richness within
fraction) on core samples and visualized on FESEM images. The rock and can be accurately measured on core samples using rock pyr-
continuous volume of mineral content from top to bottom is to be olysis, it can also be estimated using well logs. For this study, ΔlogR

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 2. Workflow adopted for 1-D integrated model for selection of fracture barriers and prospected/brittle layers in Roseneath and Murteree formations, Cooper
Basin, Australia.

methodology (Passey et al., 1990; Ahmad et al., 2017) is adopted to reservoirs. This consistency can be achieved by the integration of XRD,
determine total organic carbon (TOC) and then compared with TOC wire-line logs and geochemical data (Bust et al., 2013; Jadoon, 2016).
based on borehole cuttings. The mineral model can be developed using geophysical wire-line logs
and XRD using the application Mineral solver in the package “Inter-
R ⎞
Δ log Rsonic = log 10 ⎛⎜ ⎟ + 0.02(Δt − Δtbasline ) active Petrophysics Software”. There are certain steps involved in per-
⎝ baseline ⎠ (2) forming multiple mineral modeling of shale gas reservoirs. Firstly, re-
normalizing the XRD and TOC weight percentage so that minerals and
TOC = (Δ log R) ∗10 (2.297 − 0.1688 ∗ LOM (3)
organic matter can be summed to 100%. After this, there is a conversion
Where, TOC represents total organic content, R and Δt are resistivity log of weight percentage to volume percentage using the equation below;
and travel time from sonic log, Rbaseline and Δbaseline are normal re-
Wet volume percent = (Dry Weight %) * (1- Porosity) * (Rock Grain
sistivity and travel time at overlay of resistivity and sonic log represent
Density)/ (Mineral Grain Density)
non-source rock interval. LOM is level of organic maturity which can be
measured from vitrinite reflectance. ΔLogR is the separation between Rock grain density and porosity are used from the routine core
resistivity and sonic log represent organic rich interval. analysis. Porosity plays an important role in conversion, for core por-
The potential drawback of this approach is an assumption that other osity is used to mitigate porosity issues related to the kerogen effect.
rock constituents cannot influence logs used. For instance, the presence This conversion is executed using Mineral Solver's processing utility, in
of pyrite in a significant amount can mask resistivity profile and show the software package. After several iterations, the exact mineral end-
low resistivity in organic-rich rocks, giving the possibility of erroneous points are obtained, allowing for the correlation of the log-based mi-
results for organic richness (Passey et al., 1990). For the Roseneath and neral volumes with the XRD based mineral volumes. It is anticipated
Murteree formations there is the less-no volume of pyrite, therefore, that a number of key assumptions, conditions, and potential issues will
Passey's approach can give meaningful results for a volume of TOC be encountered in the process of developing these models. For example,
(Jadoon, 2016). Since for studied formations there is a no/minimum shale exhibiting a high GR value, and an elevated GR value in reducing
volume of pyrite indicated in XRD data and in mineral models, Passey's environment, is a phenomenon caused by high uranium (ppm) content,
approach can be used to obtain TOC volumes for both the Roseneath which makes it hard to identify clays using GR logging. The second
and Murteree Formations. issue in the construction of the multiple mineral models for this study is
the calculation of clay volume (VCL), for this depends upon the in-
2.2. Mineral modeling tegrated response of input curves. For the number of input curves
greatly affects the quality of the model produced (Jadoon, 2016). Mi-
A petrophysical and mineral model is necessary for the evaluation of neral identification using only wire-line logging methods is ineffective,
shale gas reservoirs. A consistent volume of each mineral, porosity, due to the presence of clay, kerogen and small grain. The mineral model
organic richness, and other properties is required to evaluate shale gas

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

may be helpful in evaluating challenging shale gas reservoirs because 2.3.3. Conversion from dynamic to static elastic parameters
results from the models may be fine-tuned by adjusting input para- Dynamic measurements from well logs are always different from
meters to obtain a match between a core and log data (Jadoon, 2016). static parameters from core samples. This difference is attributed to
The differences between the mineral model definitions (mineral end- strain amplitude, frequencies, system type, and uncertainties in mea-
point) and assumptions pertaining to tool physics of lugs used may give surements (Fjar et al., 2008). Therefore, calibration is necessary be-
rise to a difference in interpretations (Ramirez et al., 2011). Each mi- tween static and dynamic properties (Rickman et al., 2008). Fig. 4 il-
neral has its own mineral endpoint for specific logs used as input data lustrates the experimental relation between static and dynamic
(e.g., 3.88 is an endpoint of siderite for density log). This mineral model parameters. The equations obtained from calibration were used to es-
may be used as an input in the Mineral Solver application of Interactive timate calibrated Young's modulus (YM_Cali.) and Poisson's ratio
Petrophysics (IP), or can be used in other comparable packages like (PR_Cali.).
Elan and Satmin (Jadoon, 2016). It should be noted that the shale units
in most studies consist of quartz, feldspar, carbonates, titanium-oxides, 2.4. Review on methods for the calculation of brittleness index
and clay minerals. Therefore, different models were constructed for
each well separately in order to obtain the amount of each mineral In previous decades, brittleness became a vitally important factor
constituents accurately. IP actually combines different models into one for hydraulic fracturing of unconventional reservoirs, but there is no
mineral model containing all minerals. precise concept, nor are there any methods for the calculation of brit-
tleness (Altindag, 2003). Due to the lack of any standard definition and
2.3. Determination of rock elastic parameters methods, the term brittleness has consequently been used differently for
different practical uses (Altindag, 2003). The most acceptable definition
2.3.1. Calculation of shear slowness proposed by Hucka and Das, 1974 was that fractures in brittle rock are
Shear slowness can be calculated using different petrophysical initiated at, or slightly beyond, yield stress. The equations used to
correlations (Fjar et al., 2008; Iqbal et al., 2017). In the absence of shear calculate brittleness are empirical and several concepts exist to calcu-
waves in all wells, shear slowness is estimated using correlations be- late brittleness (Jin et al., 2014). Brittleness is generally calculated in
tween static compressional and shear velocity measured on core sam- two ways; one is by means of a physical measurement of rock proper-
ples as shown in Fig. 3. As S- waves slowness is usually absent from ties. The other is to measure the energy consumption for cutting/dril-
conventional logging data. ling a rock (Goktan and Yilmaz, 2005).
Brittleness is now calculated by what is known as the brittleness
index (Rickman et al., 2008; Sondergeld et al., 2010). The concept of
2.3.2. Calculation of dynamic elastic parameters brittleness used in this study is from the point of view of petroleum
Dynamic elastic parameters include Young's modulus and Poisson's reservoir rock drilling, where the aim is to evaluate the efficiency of
ratio calculated using sonic and density logs. Dynamic Young's modulus reservoirs to make complex fractures during hydraulic fracturing. The
(YM_DYN. in GPa) and Poisson's ratio (PR_DYN.) are obtained using most acceptable method for industries to calculate brittleness index is
following equations (Fjar et al., 2008). through an examination of both rock mineralogical composition and
mechanical parameters (Rickman et al., 2008; Sondergeld et al., 2010).
Vp2 − 2Vs2 The mechanical parameters include Young's modulus and Poisson's
PR _DYN . (V ) =
2(Vp2 − Vs2) (4) ratio. A higher Young's modulus coupled with a lower Poisson's ratio
corresponds to a more brittle rock, which is easy to break and is sus-
Vp2 − 2Vs2 ceptible to complex fractures (Wang and Julia, 2009). In contrast, rock
YM _DYN . (E ) = with a high Poisson's ratio and a lower Young's modulus is more ductile
2(Vp2 − Vs2) (5) and less susceptible to complex fractures. Brittle minerals play a key
role in stimulation, increasing the interface between the reservoir and
Where Vp represents compressional velocity in km/sec, Vs is shear
the well bore (Jarvie et al., 2007). However, no standard criteria exist
wave velocity in km/sec, and ρb is bulk density in gm/cc.
for brittle minerals (Guo et al., 2015). Usually, quartz, feldspar, and
carbonate minerals are treated as brittle minerals, with quartz and
carbonate being considered more brittle than feldspar (Jin et al., 2014;
Wang and Julia, 2009). Some researchers, nevertheless, point out that
quartz is more brittle than carbonate, so carbonate should be treated as
only partially brittle (Rybacki et al., 2016). In fact, previous studies
showed that quartz and carbonate are critical and favorable for both
natural and induced fractures during hydraulic fracturing (Wang and
Julia, 2009). The higher magnitude of brittleness index makes rock
brittle and suitable for fracturing (Goktan and Yilmaz, 2005).
There are several methods for calculating brittleness index (Guo
et al., 2015). In industry, two approaches exist (Wang and Julia, 2009).
One method is to calculate brittleness index is by using mechanical
parameters, including Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio (Guo et al.,
100(YM . Cali . − YM _ Calimin ) 100(PR _ Cali − PR _ Calimax )
(YM _ Calimax − YM _ Calimin )
+ (PR _ Calimin − PR _ Calimax )
BI _1 =
2 (6)

Where YM_Cali is calibrated Young's modulus (GPa) and PR-Cali is

calibrated Poisson's ratio, YM_cali.min and YM_Cali.max represent the
Fig. 3. Relationship between compressional velocity (Vp in km/sec) and shear minimum and maximum Young's modulus. Similarly, PR_Cali.min and
velocity (Vs in km/sec) based on core samples. Note; the equation was used to PR_Cali.max are alternatively the minimum and maximum Poisson's
estimate Vs from top to bottom of interval using Vp from each well. ratio (Guo et al., 2015). Normalization of these two elastic parameters

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 4. Calibration between dynamic-static

elastic parameters, the relations indicated
the that static parameter is far less than
dynamic parameter that could be due to
difference in strain amplitude. YM_core
(static young's modulus), YM_DYN
(Dynamic young's modulus), PR_core (static
Poisson's ratio), PR_DYN (Dynamic Poisson's
ratio). Note; the relations were used to find
calibrated elastic parameters.

Fig. 5. Correlation between failure para-

meters and porosity with general concept
that cohesion and failure parameter de-
creased with an increase in porosity. Note;
the failure parameters measured on core
samples from triaxial compression tests and
porosity from density log. Obtained relation
used to find consistent volume of failure

Table 2 Julia, 2009; Jin et al., 2014; Alzahabi and Bateman, 2015; Rybacki
Key information for the petrophysical properties of the Roseneath formation. et al., 2016).
Well name Avg ФT Avg Avg Clay Avg Quartz Avg Q
(fraction) TOC (fraction) (fraction) Carbonates BI _2 = 100
Q + Car + Clay (7)
(wt%) (fraction)

Encounter 1 0.07 1.38 0.55 0.36 0.06

Q + Dol
BI _3 = 100
Moonta 0.03 3.85 0.54 0.34 0.04 Q + Dol + Cal + TOC + Clay (8)
Holdfast 1 0.08 1.73 0.49 0.38 0.07
KINGSTON 0.06 2.54 0.59 0.30 0.06 Q + Car
BI _4 = 100
RULE 1 Q + Car + Clay (9)
SASONOF 1 0.12 2.80 0.46 0.44 0.07
Q + HM 1
BI _5 = 1.09 ×
Q + HM + Car + Clay 8.8 (10)
Table 3
Key information for the petrophysical properties of the Murteree formation. Wsb Fsb
BI _6 =
Well name Avg ФT Avg Avg Clay Avg Quartz Avg wsb Fsb + wCb FCb + wwd Fwd + wφ φ (11)
(fraction) TOC (fraction) (fraction) Carbonates
(wt%) (fraction) Wsb Fsb
BI _7 =
wsb Fsb + wCb FCb + wwd Fwd + wφ φ (12)
Encounter 1 0.10 1.32 0.42 0.53 0.03
Moonta 0.02 2.8 0.60 0.26 0.06 BI _1 + BI _7
Holdfast 1 0.05 1.85 0.61 0.29 0.08 BI _T =
2 (13)
KINGSTON 0.08 2.31 0.59 0.28 0.09
where Q = quartz, Car = carbonates, Dol = dolomite, TOC = Total or-
SASONOF 1 0.17 2.68 0.48 0.44 0.04
ganic content, Wsb = weighing factor (0–1) for strong brittle minerals,
Wwd = weighing factor (0–1) for weak ductile minerals,
are necessary due to variation in the units of Young's modulus (GPa) WCb = weighing factor (0–1) for carbonate minerals, Fsb = fraction of
and Poisson's ratio (dimensionless). strong minerals like quartz, feldspar and Pyrite, Fwd = fraction of
The other method of calculation of brittleness index involves an weak/ductile minerals like clays and TOC, FCb = fraction of carbonates,
examination of mineral contents. The following equations are com- Wsb = Wwd = Wθ = 1 and WCb = 0.5 in case of BI6, while it is WCb = 1
monly used to find brittleness index (Jarvie et al., 2007; Wang and in BI_7. The rock with BI > 0.4 (40%) is considered brittle and suitable
for fracturing (Guo et al., 2015). After a comparative study of

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 6. FESEM image showing mineral contents, illite, siderite, quartz and kaolinite with kerogen for a) Roseneath b) Murteree formation, Encounter 1 well.

Fig. 7. a) Classification of rock into brittle, less brittle, less ductile and ductile based on brittleness index in z-axis, Young's modulus on Y-axis and Poisson's ratio on x-
axis. b) Same classification of rock by Perez et al. (2013). Note; the brittle rock have high brittleness index, Young's modulus and lower poisson's ratio.

brittleness, the total brittleness index is calculated by taking the completion reports were found to correlate with porosity in the litera-
average of BI_1 and BI_7. The total brittleness index (BI_T) can be used ture (Fig. 5). Then empirical relations were used to obtain a continuous
to classify the Roseneath and Murteree formations into mechanical profile of mechanical strength and failure properties for all wells.
behavior like Brittle (> 0.48), less brittle (0.32–0.48), less ductile
(0.16–0.32), and ductile (0–0.16) as proposed by Perez et al. (2013).
2.6. In-situ earth stresses
2.5. Calculation of compressive strength and tensile strength
In-situ stress plays a vital role in different aspects of hydraulic
fracturing treatment. A hydraulic fracture simulator requires in-situ
Compressive strength and tensile strength increase with rock den-
stress profile as an input (Mohaghegh et al., 2004). The absence of in-
sity and decrease with rock porosity under formation conditions.
situ stress during the design of hydraulic fracture can give 50% error in
Compressive and tensile strength are also closely related to mineral
fracture length (Vonieff and Holditch, 1992). There are two methods
composition and porosity. Rocks are less resistant to tension than
used to calculate in-situ stress. The first method is physical measure-
compression: in fact, tensile strength is about 8–10% of compressive
ment and the second is by using geophysical wire-line logs (Mohaghegh
strength. The following equations are commonly used, as expressed
et al., 2004). In this study, wire-line logs will be used to reveal the in-
below (Zoback et al., 2003).
situ stress profile.
2C There are three main stresses, namely; vertical, maximum, and
(cos θ − (1 − Sinθ)tan θ) (14) minimum horizontal stresses. Vertical stress can be calculated through
the integration of rock density from the top to the bottom of depth
UCS (Zoback et al., 2003).
10 (15)
The mechanical strength of rocks directly from the core is highly σv = ∫0 ρ (Z ) gdz ≅ −
ρ gz (16)
sensitive due to certain individual characteristics of experiments and
sample conditions (Fjar et al., 2008), differences reflected in the dif- Where ρ(Z) represents rock density and function of depth, g represents a
ferent descriptors of mechanical strength found in the literature gravity constant. In this study, horizontal stress will be calculated using
(Zoback et al., 2003). Generally, compressive strength is inversely poroelastic theory. In tectonically active basins, tectonic plate move-
proportional to porosity and directly proportional to confining pressure ment creates tectonic stress and strain. This strain adds stress compo-
and Young's modulus. From the literature, it has been clear that failure nents to elastic rock. This poroelastic horizontal strain takes tectonic
mechanism (cohesion and friction angle) is inversely proportional to strain into account. Horizontal stresses can be calculated from over-
porosity and can be correlated to obtain a continued profile of failure burden stress, Poisson's ratio, Biot's parameter, and pore pressure.
parameters (Jin et al., 2014). Therefore, the cohesion and friction an- These stresses can be calculated by using the following formulation
gles estimated on core samples by triaxial compression tests from well (Zoback et al., 2003).

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 8. Comparison of brittleness index based on elastic parameters and mineral contents. Note there is good correlation exist between BI_1 and BI_7.

ν Eνε 3
σh = (σv − αPp) + αPp + ΔTn ⎞
1−ν 1 − ν2 (17) P = σv − (σv − Phyd ) ⎜⎛ ⎟
⎝ log ⎠ (19)

ν Eε Where P = Pore pressure, σv = Overburden, ΔTn = Normal trend of

σH = (σv − αPp) + αPp +
1−ν 1 − ν2 (18) Sonic transit time (μs/ft), ΔTlog = Sonic log observed values,
Phyd = Normal hydrostatic pressure.
Where ρ(z) is a bulk density of rock and function of depth. Vertical
stress is calculated by integrating all available density logs,
σh = minimum horizontal stress, σH = maximum horizontal stress, 2.7. Hydraulic fracturing in the Roseneath and Murteree formations
v = Poisson's ratio, α = alpha, Pp = pore pressure, E = Young's mod-
ulus, σv = vertical tress and “Epsilon” Ɛ = strain factor. Pore pressure is Induced hydraulic fractures in stimulation treatments are created by
calculated using Eaton's approach as follows (Eaton, 1972): the Eaton's pumping fracturing fluid into perforation intervals at pressure, enough
approach involves picking a shale point using gamma ray logging and to cause ‘tensile failure’ of the rock. The pressure required to break the
then calculating the normal compaction trend line (ΔTn). rock is known as breakdown pressure. The formation splits due to in-
duced tensile stress created by high-pressure fracturing fluid, and the
fracture propagates on further increase in pressure. Usually, sand is

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 9. Comparison of Brittleness index from mineralogy and elastic parameters and their variation accordingly with elastic parameters. Note; BI_7 and BI_1 are
consistent with elastic parameters for Roseneath Formation, Encounter 1 well.

used as a propping material to keep the induced fractures open after mineralogy, porosity, and organic richness varies for all wells. The in-
pumping is done. tegrated model was developed in order to find the fracture barriers and
Generally, there are three types of processes involved during hy- optimal/potential layers for fracturing. The effect of petrophysical
draulic fracturing stimulation; reactivation of open natural fractures properties on geomechanical properties was examined. The average
that exist in formation (Popen), re-opening of closed natural fractures petrophysical and geomechanical properties for the Roseneath and
(either uncemented, partially cemented, or totally cemented fractures) Murteree formations are presented in Table 2 and Table 3.
(Pclose) and newly-induced fractures by the breakdown of intact rock
(Pb) (Jacobi et al., 2009). Therefore, the following pressures were cal-
3.1. Petrophysical characterization
culated for the Roseneath and Murteree Formations;
Popen = σh,min (20) The petrophysical properties for both formations varies in all wells.
The average properties measured for each well are shown in Tables 2
PClose = 3σh,min − σH ,max − Pp (21) and 3. The TOC content of Roseneath shale ranges from 1.38 to 3.84 wt
%, whereas the same content of Murteree shale ranges from 1.32 to
Pb = 3σh,min − σH ,max − Pp + To (22) 2.8 wt%. The average total porosity of Roseneath shale ranges from
0.03 to 0.12 (fraction), whereas the total porosity of Murteree shale
ranges from 0.02 to 0.17 (fraction). The mineral composition of the
3. Results
Roseneath and Murteree shales is dominated by quartz, clay (illite,
kaolinite minor chlorite), carbonates (siderite, minor limestone/dolo-
Five wells located in the same field were used as a case study. The
mite), ti-oxies, and minor pyrite. The mineral content is also visualized
Roseneath and Murteree formations in terms of lithology contain
in FESEM images as shown in Fig. 6.
mainly shale with minor siltstone beds. In terms of mineralogy, both
formations contain mainly quartz, carbonate (siderite, minor calcite),
clay (illite, kaolinite, minor chlorite), and heavy minerals (minor pyrite, 3.2. Comparative analyses of brittleness
anatase, rutile). The methods described above were used to calculate
petrophysical properties, including lithology, mineralogy, total organic The identification of layers/intervals where rock is brittle enough is
richness, and total porosity. The other geomechanical properties in- of great importance in creating pathways for gas recovery. Brittleness
clude elasticity, strength and failure parameters, along with an in-situ index is one of key factors for identifying and selecting fracturing in-
stress profile, a brittleness index, and fracturing pressure. The tervals and spots. Brittleness index from elastic parameters (BI_1) is, in

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 10. Comparison of Brittleness index from mineralogy and elastic parameters and their variation accordingly with elastic parameters. Note; BI_7 and BI_1 showed
good correlation with elastic parameters for Murteree Formation, Encounter 1 well.

fact, comparable with other models of brittleness index from miner- indicate that porosity, TOC and BI from core samples have a negative
alogy. Figs. 8, 9 and 10 show that BI_1 and BI_7 are closely related to relation to each other. The relationships, in fact, indicate that brittle
each other, with the examples of quartz and carbonates being brittle minerals like quartz and carbonate from XRD increase, with an increase
and possessing a porosity affecting rock brittleness. The total brittleness in BI_T, whereas decrease with an increase in clay contents (Fig. 15).
index (BI_T), which is actually an average of BI_1 and BI_7, is also used The cross plots indicate that significant amounts of TOC, ductile clay,
for further analyses. A reservoir is classified into brittle, less brittle, less brittle minerals, and porosity influence rock brittleness. The con-
ductile, and ductile zones, based on BI_T, as shown in Fig. 7. The cut-off centration of TOC contents can mark brittle, less brittle, and less ductile
value for the brittleness index can be set by means of an examination of zones. As BI_T is from both mineral contents and elastic parameters, so
the relationship between Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio (Grieser the concentration of both TOC and porosity does effect elastic para-
and Bray, 2007). The cross plot between calibrated Young's modulus meters, including Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. Based on this,
and Poisson's ratio indicates that a high Young's modulus and a pow- the Roseneath and Murteree shale fall in less brittle zones, being the
erful Poisson's ratio show brittle behavior. maximum point fall in this whole region. Where there is evidence of
TOC > 1% fall, there is a significant decrease in BI, occurring alongside
3.3. The relationship between brittleness index (BI_T), TOC, porosity an increase in TOC and porosity. These cross plots are reliable and
consistent with previous findings; i.e. TOC and porosity increasing
Brittleness index is a complex function of lithology, composition, alongside a decrease in brittleness index. These outcomes are consistent
effective stress, diagenesis, temperature, porosity, TOC, and geo- with previous studies, including Wang and Julia, 2009; Heidari et al.
mechanical properties (Altindag, 2003; Rickman et al., 2008; Wang and (2014), and Liu and Sun (2015).
Julia, 2009). The cross plots are developed between brittleness index
(BI_T) from mineralogy and elastic parameters with organic richness 3.4. The relationship between pore pressure and brittleness index (BI_T)
and porosity (Figs. 11–14). It clearly indicates that TOC > 1 wt % falls
in brittle regions, TOC > 3 wt% falls in less brittle regions and In addition to TOC, porosity, and brittle minerals, pore pressure
TOC > 4 wt% falls in less ductile regions for the Roseneath and Mur- could be another parameter affecting fracturing treatment (Zhang et al.,
teree shales in the Encounter 1 well. Similar clusters are observed for 2016). Pore pressure does affect the height and vertical growth of
other wells. Likewise, there is a фT > 0.09 fall in brittle region, fractures in shale reservoirs. In order to see its effect on the brittleness
фT > 0.18 fall in less brittle region and, фT > 0.27 fall in less ductile index, their relationship is plotted in Fig. 16. This Figure indicates that
region for the Roseneath shale, whereas there is a фT > 0.09 fall in the brittleness index does not significantly contribute to pore pressure
brittle region, фT > 0.27 fall in less brittle region, and фT > 0.36 fall in in the Roseneath and Murteree shale, except for some layers where
the Murteree shale, in the Encounter 1 well. These relationships also pressure decreases alongside an increase in BI_T. This decrease in pore

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 11. Cross plot between total organic content (TOC) and brittleness Total (B-Total) for the Roseneath and Murteree Formations from Encounter 1. Note; there is a
decreasing trend of BI_T with an increase in TOC content.

relationship between unconfined compressive strength and angle of

friction with brittleness index (BI_T), as shown in Fig. 17. There are no
significant effects observed between these parameters, except some
layers where BI_T increases along with an increase in compressive
strength and angle of friction. The positive relations in a few layers are
consistent with proposed definitions of brittleness index; i.e., brittle
rock has a high angle of friction and unconfined compressive strength
(Altindag, 2003). Nevertheless, this is not always true because strength
and stiffness are two different properties of materials. Stiff material may
or may not be strong because strength refers to load carrying capability
related to material failure properties, whereas stiffness actually refers to
deflection capability related to material property. Moreover, brittleness
index measures the stiffness and ability of rock to make fractures (Bai,
2016). Therefore, the bottom line is that brittle rock may or may not
possess high strength or any angle of friction.

3.6. Relationship between fracturing pressure and brittleness index

Fig. 12. Cross plot between total organic content (TOC) and brittleness total (B-
A key challenge in any hydraulic fracturing is, of course, the se-
Total) based on XRD and Rock pyrolysis for the Roseneath and Murteree for-
mations from Encounter 1. Note; BI decrease with an increase in TOC contents. lection of the most suitable working parameters, including the selection
of fracturing fluid, injection flow rate, and fracturing intervals for better
gas recovery. Therefore, it is necessary to possess a comprehensive
pressure could be due to the presence of ductile clay minerals. This knowledge of each phase of the fracturing process, including treating
unusual decrease in BI_T is more prominent in the Encounter 1 well. pressure (pressure at which rocks break), direction of fracture, size and
This Figure displays the frequency of each output. Based on frequency, width of fractures, and fracturing intervals (Wang, 2016). Figs. 18–20
the BI_T for the Roseneath and Murteree shale mostly fall between 0.4 clearly indicate that there is a significant decrease in fracturing pressure
and 0.45 (Less brittle region), whereas, pore pressure falls mostly into where there is an increase in brittleness index. It can be realized that
the range from 4000 to 4800 Psi. This outcome is consistent with the there is a significant decrease in brittleness index (BI_T), with an in-
previous study of Yasin et al. (2017). crease in pressure for open fractures (Popen), pressure for closed frac-
tures (Pclose), and breakdown pressure (Pb). In Fig. 19, the upper Ro-
3.5. Relationship between brittleness index, strength, and failure parameters seneath formation has less fracturing pressure than the middle
Roseneath formation, while the lower Roseneath Formation has more
In order to find a relationship between stiffness, strength, and fracturing pressure, this being consistent with a comparative analysis of
brittleness of reservoirs, calculated properties are compared with the brittleness index (Fig. 19). Similarly, in Fig. 20 the upper Murteree
brittleness index (BI_T). A multi-well cross plot is made to reveal a formation has less fracturing pressure than the lower Murteree

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 13. Cross plot between total porosity and brittleness total (B-Total) for the Roseneath and Murteree formations from Encounter 1 well. Note; there is a decreasing
trend of BI_T with an increase in total porosity.

3.7. Stress regime

It is very helpful to be able to obtain a measure of the magnitude of

in-situ stresses. For the magnitude of stresses helps in defining the stress
regime in a well or field. For instance, there are three stress regimes;
namely normal, strike slip, and reverse regimes. In the normal stress
regime, vertical stress is higher (σV ≻σH ≻σh) and a fault slip occurs when
stress, least horizontal stress, is very low. In the strike slip regime, there
exists an intermediate stress state and horizontal stress is at a maximum
level (σH ≻σV ≻σh) . In the reverse stress regime, maximum horizontal
stress is greater than vertical stress (σH ≻σh ≻σV ) and the stress field is
compressive. The comparison of in-situ stress conducted in this study
indicates that Encounter 1, Moonta 1, and Holdfast 1 have a normal
stress regime because vertical stress is higher (σV ≻σH ≻σh) . This implies
that hydraulic fracture propagates in a vertical plane and the fracture
plane will be perpendicular to minimum horizontal stress.

4. Discussion

The average porosities, organic richness, and amount of mineral

contents are all tabulated in Tables 2 and 3 The average values indicate
Fig. 14. Cross plot between brittleness Index from XRD and elastic parameters that both the Roseneath and Murteree formations have better potential
and porosity from core samples for the Roseneath and Murteree formations, to become a shale gas reservoir. Shale gas evaluation requires a con-
Encounter 1 well. Note: BI_T decrease with an increase in porosity. sistent volume of mineral contents and this can be achieved by means of
a thorough integration of geophysical wire-line logs and XRD data. Both
formation. Moreover, the multi-well cross plots are made to uncover the the Roseneath and Murteree formations have more quartz, clay (illite,
relationship between treating/fracturing pressure and brittleness index kaolinite, and minor chlorite), carbonates (siderite, minor limestone),
(BI_T). Generally, each fracturing pressure decreases with an increase in and heavy minerals (rutile, anatase and minor pyrite).
brittleness index (BI_T), which could be due to the presence of quartz It has become common practice in the industry to find reservoir
and siderite and the stiff behavior of the rock. responses from brittleness index. It goes without saying that brittle rock
Many researchers observed that less fracturing pressure is required has a high brittleness index, but it also has a high Young's modulus, a
to open fractures in brittle layers due to the presence of quartz and higher amount of quartz and carbonate, and a lower Poisson's ratio
carbonate contents (Jacobi et al., 2009). If this is the case, then these (Guo et al., 2015; Rickman et al., 2008). Brittleness indices described in
two minerals also contributed to high brittleness index and increased the literature show different characteristics of rock (Hucka and Das,
Young's modulus. Hence, less fracturing pressure is due to higher brit- 1974; Jarvie et al., 2007; Wang and Julia, 2009). Any brittleness index
tleness index (BI_T). is usually estimated using elastic parameters (Young's modulus and
Poisson's ratio) and mineral contents. Nevertheless, a measure of

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 15. Cross plot between brittleness Index (BI-1) based on geomechanical properties and amount of a) quartz and siderite b) clays (illite and Kaolinite) from XRD
for the Roseneath and Murteree formations from Encounter 1 well. BI_T increase with an increase in quartz and siderite, whereas decrease with an increase in clay

Fig. 16. Relationship between pore pressure and total brittleness index. Note that no significant relationship exists between them, except for a few zones where pore
pressure increases alongside a decrease in brittleness.

brittleness from these two approaches does not yield a consistent pic- contents could be applied to brittle behavior of reservoir sites (Grieser
ture of brittleness, even when measurements are taken on the same and Bray, 2007). Naturally, different empirical relations exist when
reservoir. Different researchers define the term brittleness in their own attempting to define brittleness from a mineralogical perspective. Some
terms, making any attempt at a standard definition more conspicuous. researchers believed that only quartz is brittle (Jarvie et al., 2007;
Generally, brittleness is used as a descriptor of brittle failure during Rybacki et al., 2016), while others believed that quartz and carbonates
hydraulic fracturing. Brittleness; a property estimated from elastic are brittle (Jin et al., 2014), and that porosity also influences the brit-
parameters and mineral contents, could also be applied to delineate tleness of rock (Rybacki et al., 2016). BI_2 to BI_6, for example, are
brittle layers of rock for fracturing. Well documented evidence indicates proposed relations from different researchers. BI_7 is computed from a
that brittleness from elastic parameters, high quartz and carbonate combination of BI_4 and BI_6, with the general conclusion that quartz

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 17. Relationship between strength and failure parameters with brittleness index. Note that no significant relation exists. Brittle rock may/may not have high
compressive strength and angle of friction.

and carbonate are brittle, with the added influence of porosity on rock friction angle, cohesion, and pore pressure. Petrophysical properties,
brittleness. Brittleness index from conventional well logs is of great including TOC and porosity, do indeed effect brittleness index (Wang
importance for fracturing ability. In practice, BI_1 serves as the most and Julia, 2009; Heidari et al., 2014). There is a decreasing trend of
representative definition, and it is also considered important that brit- brittleness index observed alongside an increase in TOC and porosity.
tleness from mineralogy should be closely related to brittleness from Brittleness index is best represented by elastic parameters (Young's
elastic parameters (Jin et al., 2014). modulus and Poisson's ratio) and mineral contents. Furthermore, high
As discussed earlier, elastic properties (Young's modulus and and low TOC content and porosity can mark brittle, less brittle and less
Poisson's ratio) and brittleness index from elastic parameters (BI_1) may ductile zones.
be calculated from sonic logs and density logs. Static parameters on
core samples offer only limited values, and due to the difference be- 4.1. Identification of fracture barriers and potential layers for hydraulic
tween static and dynamic parameters, calibration is considered neces- fracturing
sary between these two parameters to acquire actual values of elastic
parameters. Therefore, calibrated Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio The main purpose of hydraulic fracturing is to achieve favorable
are both used to find brittleness index (BI_1). BI_1 is, as mentioned, linear extension, optimum width, and vertical height growth of hy-
traditionally treated as the most accurate way of measuring brittleness draulic fractures, while at the same time gaining the opportunity to
index, and dipole sonic logs and density logs can be used to find BI_1 identify brittle layers with less stress concentration for better produc-
and serve as standard methods. However, BI_1 cannot be calculated for tion. To achieve these goals, reservoir characterization is needed from
wells, which are missing of any one of these logs. In this case, brittle- the different aspects, which are directly controlling efficiency of the
ness index from mineralogy from XRD serves as standard. But miner- hydraulic fractures. Therefore, it is important in fracture design to lo-
alogy from XRD is not continuous, so mineralogy from the Mineral cate fracture barriers controlling vertical growth and to locate those
Model may be used to find brittleness index (BI_7). Hence, in the pre- zones, which are brittle enough for favorable lateral extension of frac-
sence of both geomechanical properties and a consistent volume of tures (Jacobi et al., 2009). Brittleness index by itself would not be
minerals, the average of both BIs may be most representative of brit- sufficient to find barriers and potential layers. Therefore, stress con-
tleness index (Guo et al., 2015). Therefore, comparative analyses were centration around well bore must be accessed in order to detect barriers
carried out between the brittleness indices from all approaches. BI_1 and potential layers. As it is clearly understood in the field, hydraulic
compared favorably with other models and there were very good cor- fractures propagate perpendicular to the least-principal stress and in
relations found between BI_1 and BI_7, clearly implying that quartz and deep formations, due to considerable overburden stress. Minimum
carbonates are brittle minerals and that porosity does effect rock brit- horizontal stress is, in fact, the least-principal stress (Zoback et al.,
tleness. Hence, a total brittleness index (BI_T) was estimated from an 2003). In-situ minimum horizontal stress is the most vital pre-fracture
average of BI_1 and BI_7 and was used to classify rock into brittle, less stimulation parameter, also taken as closure pressure. For instance,
brittle, less ductile, and ductile types. The model BI_7 is therefore re- changes in minimum horizontal stress can only extend laterally with
commended to find brittleness from mineral contents. difficulty to create a pathway for gas recovery (Jacobi et al., 2009). In
Petrophysical properties, then, do effect the geomechanical prop- this study, fracture barriers and potential layers are identified based on
erties of reservoirs. In the literature, some researchers argued that variation in brittleness index and in-situ minimum horizontal stress.
brittleness index could be calculated from the ratio of compressive Brittleness index (BI_T), which is a function of both mineralogy and
strength to tensile strength (Altindag, 2003) and angle of friction (Jin elastic parameters, was classified at the Roseneath and Murteree for-
et al., 2014). However, this study argues that brittle rock may or may mations into brittle, less brittle, less ductile, and ductile behavior, as
not have a high compressive strength and friction angle. There is, in previously noted. These behaviors were further investigated with in-
fact, no direct relationship between brittleness index and other me- situ minimum horizontal stress. The layers possessing high BI_T (usually
chanical properties such as uncompressive strength, tensile strength, greater than 0.4) showed less minimum horizontal stress and were

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 18. Relationship between fracturing pressure and brittleness index. Note there is a significant decrease in fracturing pressure with an increase in brittleness
Index. This suggest the less fracturing pressure is required to induce fracture in brittle layers.

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 19. Relationship between fracturing pressure and brittleness index. Note; Significant decrease in fracturing pressure with an increase in brittleness index.

considered the best potential layers. Layers with less BI_T (less than This model illustrates a comparison of fracturing pressure, mineralogy,
0.4), on the other hand, and a high minimum horizontal stress corre- brittleness index and other petrophysical and geomechanical proper-
sponded to fracture barriers. An integrated model, developed for the ties. In this well, there is a strong lateral correlation observed between
Roseneath Formations Encounter 1 well, is shown in Figs. 21 and 22. brittleness index (BI_T), minimum horizontal stress, and fracturing

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 20. Relationship between fracturing pressure and brittleness index. Note; Significant decrease in fracturing pressure with an increase in brittleness index.

pressures. At the top of the Roseneath formation, quartz and siderite comparison with the upper and middle parts, the lower part almost
contents increase corresponding to a reduction in clay content. The behaves as a fracture barrier and increases along with the increase in
minimum horizontal stress is also relatively less than in the middle and clay content. The fracturing pressure is clearly higher than in the above
lower parts of the formation. In this upper part, there are a number of layers. These finding are also consistent with those previously discussed
blue-colored layers, considered favorable for fracturing because their in Figs. 19 and 20. There is a definite pattern of an increase in frac-
organic richness and total porosity are also relatively less compared to turing pressure, minimum horizontal stress, and clay contents, along
the lower parts. However, there are certain visible fracture barriers with a decrease in brittleness index (BI_T).
which are black in color, possibly representing fracture attenuators. For the Murteree formations in Encounter 1 well, a similar trend
There is relatively high magnitude of minimum horizontal stress and was observed. The upper part of the formation reveals relatively more
low BI_T (< 0.4) was observed in fracture barriers (Black zones), where favorable zones than the lower part. In comparison, the Roseneath
the less magnitude of minimum horizontal stresses and high BI_T formation is seen as more favorable for fracturing than the Murteree
(> 0.4) was observed in optimal/prospected/brittle layers (Blue zones). formation in Encounter 1 well. The brittle quartz and siderite within
There few zones where BI_T is very close to 0.4 and relatively medium these formations clearly marks a difference in fracture performance
minimum horizontal stresses are considered as partial brittle layers between the Roseneath and Murteree formations.
(while zones). The fracturing pressure profile is also relatively less than The Roseneath formation in Holdfast 1 well shows a greater varia-
the middle and lower parts of the formation. There is a definite trend tion in properties, as illustrated in Figs. 23 and 24. The Roseneath
where minimum horizontal stress increases from the top section to- formation certainly has more favorable layers in this well. These fa-
wards the bottom of the formation, while the middle part has less fa- vorable layers also correspond to the presence of more brittle quartz
vorable layers for fracturing due to relatively high minimum horizontal and siderite than in the Encounter 1 well. In comparison, the Murteree
stress, organic richness, total porosity, and less brittleness index. In formation possesses relatively fewer prospected layers. In both wells,

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 21. Integrated Model for identification of potential zones and fracture barriers for optimizing hydraulic fracturing treatment in Roseneath Formation, Encounter

the Roseneath formation definitely exhibits more potential than the and recommended for fracturing, as there will probably be good frac-
Murteree formation. ture initiation and propagation in these layers. On the other hand,
The relatively minimum horizontal stress calculated for favorable fracture barriers will cause vertical fracture confinement and in many
potential layers of the Roseneath formation is less than that of the previous cases poor confinement of fractures had a very negative con-
Murteree formation. Treating pressure for stimulating the rock in the sequence on production, especially when fractures communicate with a
lower part of the Roseneath formation is higher than in the lower part water-bearing level (Fjar et al., 2008).
of the Murteree formation. Higher treating pressure contributes to the Brittle quartz and carbonate minerals, as mentioned previously,
presence of less quartz, while a lower treating pressure contributes to a create a significant difference in fracture performance between both
higher amount of quartz, indicating a high brittleness index (BI_T) formations. These brittle minerals may have natural fractures that
(Jacobi et al., 2009). Potentially favorable layers are thereby identified contribute to the growth of hydraulic fractures. Thin sections of

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 22. a) Integrated Model for the identification of potential zones and fracture barriers for optimizing hydraulic fracturing treatment in Murteree Formation,
Encounter 1. b) Legends of mineral contents and lithology.

Roseneath and Murteree shale evince the mineralized fractures in through the matrix and minerals like quartz and carbonates precipitate
quartz and siderite rich intervals, as shown in Figs. 25 and 26. The from the solution, and mineralization occurs due to the precipitation of
presence of fractures in these formations indicate that there would less these minerals. Some mineralized fractures remain as open fractures in
fracturing pressure required to break the rock and that these fractures the matrix. Hence, brittle minerals contribute to the development of
may connect with induced fractures to enhance permeability. natural fractures. These natural fractures lower down the fracturing
When gas escapes from the matrix, brine fluid flows, probably from pressure required to break the rock.
a thermal source from beneath (Jacobi et al., 2009). This fluid passes The type of fluid required, and the proppant type and size depend

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 23. Integrated Model for the identification of potential zones and fracture barriers for optimizing hydraulic fracturing treatment in Roseneath formation,
Holdfast 1.

upon brittleness and the minimum horizontal stress. For high brittleness stress is observed with high fracturing pressure required to induce
the best fluid type is slick water with sand as a proppant (Rickman fractures. The zones marked with “Y” are recommended for fracturing,
et al., 2008). The practical use of an integrated model helped to analyze whereas, zones marked with “N” would not be potential to make effi-
and recommend a stimulation design for both the Roseneath and cient network of fractures.
Murteree formations, as shown in Tables 4 and 5.
The design for hydraulic fracturing is recommended based on 5. Conclusion
identified fracture barriers and brittle layers. It has been seen that re-
latively low fracturing pressure is required to induce fracture at layer Based on the results, analyses and discussion in this study, it is
with high brittleness index (> 0.4) and the minimum horizontal stress concluded that:
is also low in brittle layers. Whereas, at fracture barriers, the low
brittleness index (< 0.4) and high magnitude of minimum horizontal • The design of hydraulic fracturing stimulation can be optimized
O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 24. Integrated model for the identification of potential zones and fracture barriers for optimizing hydraulic fracturing treatment in Murteree formation, Holdfast

through identification of fracture barriers and prospected/optimal/ through correlations based on calibration of wire-line logs and core
brittle layers through reservoir characterization, in terms of its data.
petrophysical and geomechanical properties, which can be esti- • Brittleness index and in-situ earth stresses are factors that can be
mated/measured from core-log integration. used to select most productive/brittle layers and fracture barriers to
• The consistent volume of reservoir parameters can be estimated optimize hydraulic fracturing in Roseneath and Murteree shale gas

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

Fig. 25. a) Siderite mineralized fractures in Murteree shale (Red arrow) in clay lamina b) Quartz mineralized fracture in Murteree shale (Red arrow). Note: Y shaped
branching (Red arrow) represent fracture pattern where thinner fracture is connecting with wider fractures, Encounter-1.

Fig. 26. a) Quartz mineralized fracture (red arrow) and open fracture (blue arrow) in Roseneath shale b) showing brittle crystal of siderite (red arrow), organic
matter (opaque, blue arrow), quartz (green arrow) in Roseneath shale. Note: Less fracture pressures are required to open these fractured rocks, Encounter-1.

Table 4
Recommendation for stimulation design in Roseneath Formation, Encounter-1 well.
Zone Brittleness Thickness m Minimum horizontal stress Psi P_b (Psi) Recommendation

Fluid type Proppant type Frac. ?

1 0.4 23 5628 13478 Slick water sand Y

2 0.41 8 5905 > 14599 Slick water sand Y
3 0.4 23 6592 17228 Slick water sand Y
4 0.41 24 6953 18567 – – Y
5 0.34 56 8234 22942 – – N
6 0.32 7 10098 29202 – – N
7 0.305 20 9889 28997 – – N
8 0.27 20 11189 32550 – – N
9 0.28 4 10952 13478 – – N

Table 5
Recommendation for stimulation design in the Murteree formation, Encounter-1 well.
Zone Brittleness Thickness m Minimum horizontal stress Psi P_b (Psi) Recommendation

Fluid type Proppant type Frac. ?

10 0.35 4 11830 31430 Slick water sand N

11 0.44 3 9034 22527 – – Y
12 0.46 9 7900 19984 Slick water sand Y
13 0.43 21 8870 23765 Slick water sand Y
14 0.36 40 11347 39350 – – N

O. Iqbal et al. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 58 (2018) 34–58

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