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Utube School: Grade Level: Grade 9 ICT-CSS

Teacher: Learning Area: TLE – ICT

GRADES 1 to 12 Teaching Date
DAILY LESSON Time(s) Quarter: 3rd

1. Identify the appropriate measuring instruments selected for s specific
2. Determine the functions and uses of each tool.
3. Develop responsible and positive attitude towards the use of this tools
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and underlying principles in
performing measurements and calculations.
B. Performance Standards The Learners shall be able to accurately measure and calculate based on a given task.
C. Learning Competencies/ LO 2 : Carry out meqasurements and calculation
Objectives 2.1 Select appropriate measuring instruments to achieve required outcome.
( Write the L Ccode for each)


A. References CSS NC II Manual , CHS LM’s
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG pp.12
2. Learner’s Material pages
CHS 9, pp 67-69.
Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from,
Learning Resource LR portal pp 32
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or The teacher conduct review on the propers selection of measuring tools which in line
presenting new lesson with job requirements.
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher asks:’ Is it possible to measure the mother board’s power supply? How
the lesson can we measure the connectivity between PC and LAN?
a. Presenting examples/ instances Show to the Students the Picture Gallery and have them name its
of the new lesson. picture(Photo Quiz) Lan Tester
Loop back

b. Discussing new concepts The Teacher presents the different functions and uses of testing instruments:
and practicing new skills.#1
LAN Tester- for RJ11,12,45 & BNC w/ Remote Unit This ergonomic tester is
designed to test most network cable wiring. You can either conduct an auto or
manual test.

A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is an

electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions
in one unit......Multimeters may use analog or digital circuits—analog
multimeters (AMM) and digital multimeters (DMM).

Microsoft Loopback Adapter is a dummy network card, no hardware is

involved. It is used as a testing tool for a virtual network environment where
network access is not available. Also, you must use the Loopback adapter if
there are conflicts with a network adapter or with a network adapter driver.

How does LAN work?

A. Early LAN (Local Area Network) networks were formed using coaxial cable, coax is an electric
cable and it is used to carry radio signals. LAN (Local Area Network) setup is developed by
connecting two or more than two computers with each other using a physical connection in
order to share files and data overtim
What does counts mean on multimeter?
A: Multimeters and component testers often specify display resolution in countsor digits.
It is typical to see values such as 20000 counts or 4 1/2 digits in specifications.
... Counts tell you what the instrument can display before it changes to the
next r ange. For example, suppose a multimeter has 50000counts.
What is Loop Back and How it is used?
A: A loopback address is a type of IP address that is used to test the
communication or transportation medium on a local network card and/or for
testing network applications. Data packets sent on a loopback address are re-
routed back to the orginating node without any alteration or modification.
c. Discussing new concepts and The teacher discusses the other functions of this tools.
practicing new skills #2. 1. Multi tester : Analog or Digital Multimeter. Multimeters are tools used to
measure current, voltage and resistance The primary difference between the two is
the display,
an analog multimeter uses a needle to show the value, while a digital multimeter will show the
results as numbers on a screen.
The Teacher Discusses the diffence between ANALOG and Digital Multi Tester:

1. Digital Tester
2. Analog Multi
tester and its
d. Developing Mastery
In circuit test advantages:
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3)
 Easily detect manufacturing defects: It is that most board faults arise from problems in
manufacture - incorrect component inserted, a wrong value component, diodes, transistors or
ICs inserted with incorrect orientation, short circuits and open circuits. These are very easily
and quickly located using ICT as the in circuit tester checks components, continuity, etc..
 Programme generation is easy: An In-Circuit tester is very easy to programme - files
can be taken from the PCB layout to generate much of the programme required.
 Test results easy to interpret: As the system will flag a particular node as having a
short of open, or a particular component as being faulty, location of a problem in a board is
normally very easy - and do not require the application of the most highly skilled test staff.
In circuit test disadvantages:
 Fixtures expensive: As the fixtures are mechanical and require general and wiring
assembly for each printed circuit board, they can be a costly item.
 Fixtures difficult to update: As the fixture is a fixed mechanical item, with the probes or
"nails" mechanically fixed, any updates to the board changing the position of the contact points
can be costly to change.
 Test access becoming more difficult: With the size of boards becoming ever smaller,
access to nodes becomes increasingly difficult. In an ideal system, special contact points should
be provided, but because of the constraints caused by miniaturisation, these contacts are rarely
available. Some nodes may not even have accessible contact points. This makes ICT difficult,
and reduces the fault coverage obtainable.
 Back-driving: One problem that concerned people, especially some years ago was that
of back driving. When performing a test some nodes have to be held at a certain level. This
meant forcing the output of possibly a digital integrated circuit to an alternative state purely by
applying a voltage to over-ride the output level. This naturally put a strain on the output circuitry
of the chip. It is generally assumed that this can be done for a very short period of time -
sufficient to undertake the test - without any long-ter

e. Finding practical application of

concepts and skills in daily
f. Making Generalizations and Compared to other testing methods, ICT provides more reliable results as it
Abstraction about the Lesson. individually tests PCB components one at a time to detect:
2. Wrong or missing components.
3. Solder bridges.
4. Short circuits.

5. Shorts, opens, resistance, and capacitance.

g. Evaluating Learning Activity No.2 :

A:True of False
Direction: Write True if the Statement is Correct and False if it is not.
1. A multimeter or a multitester is also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter).
2. We can use Loopback adapter if there are conflicts with a network adapter or with
a network adapter driver.
3. One of the problems when measuring or testing PCB using digital tester is it cannot
easily detect defects.
4. A: Multimeters and component testers often specify display resolution in countsor
digits. It is typical to see values such as 20000 counts or 4 1/2 digits in
5. Testing or measuring circuits are more difficult because of the size of the boards.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
h. Additional Activities for Encourage learners understanding in implementing contingency
Application or Remediation procedures in watching a video presentation and actual interview to a
person practicing in the field.
V. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and access yourself as a teacher. Think about your students
‘progress. What Works? What else needs to be done to help students learn? Identify
what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them,
can them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners earned 80%in
the evaluation.
B . No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learner who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these


F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

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