Natal Interpretations For Karen Graves

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Natal Report for Karen Graves

Feb 6, 1963, 19:47:00 EST Burlington, Ontario, Canada (43N19,


Interpretation text by Henry Seltzer

Copyright 1999 - 2012 Astrograph Software, Inc.

Astrograph Software
251 Dufour St. (831) 425-6548
Santa Cruz, CA 95060


Your natal horoscope, or birth chart, is a snapshot of the heavens

at the moment you were born. It shows what the sky actually
looked like at the time and place of your birth. Astrology in
modern times has renewed the ancient discovery that the
symbolism of the planets that surrounded you at birth describes
your character and personality. Planets that were directly
overhead at the time and place of your birth are most important,
and would appear at the very top of the chart or the Midheaven.
Planets that were just rising above the horizon in the East at the
time of your birth would appear near the horizontal line at the left
hand side of the chart or the Ascendant. If the Sun appears in the
top half of the chart, then you were born during daylight hours
and have a more outer directed personality. All of these features
reflect the factors at play in the Universe at the moment of your
birth and are significant indications of the basic qualities and
tendencies that continue to make up your personality.
Each planet's relative position in the sky and significant angles
that it makes to the other planets, or aspects, are examined in
this report. Please keep in mind that you are not limited by these
descriptions. Your natal horoscope does not prescribe your fate.
The stars incline, they do not compel. Your birth chart shows
potentials that you can either struggle to fulfill or deny. The choice
is yours. Beneficial aspects, or planetary positions, are areas of
life in which you show natural talent and achieve easy success.
Challenging aspects, or planetary positions, can become your
greatest asset if you can learn to be aware of how that dynamic
plays out in your life and the world at large. The strongest and
most important features of your chart are described first. For
definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at
the end of this report.

Chart Patterns


You have the planetary pattern called the 'seesaw' type. With
your planets divided into two distinct groups, you are very
balanced in your outlook, always being aware of both sides of an
issue, always able to compromise between opposing points of
view. In this way you are quite similar to a Libra personality.

T-Square, focal planet Neptune

Neptune in the Third House (or sign) gives a clever personality

with subtle charm. You are witty and poetic. You are fond of
higher education, but you tend to be a dreamer and may miss out
on serious study because of it. You see the world through the
mystical third eye, rather than the usual binocular setup that
allows most people to get along. Because of your extraordinary
visionary viewpoint you may see more than others and also miss
out on some of the mundane details. You may suffer some
confusion regarding communication received, or perhaps where
close relatives are concerned, or have feelings of insecurity
stemming from your early years, that carries over into adult life.
You can be indecisive and worrisome but you are also broad-
minded and mentally creative. It benefits you to learn to focus
your considerable creative potential, and to let yourself become a
channel for higher forms of thought to flow into your own life, and
through you into the world around you.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to

you personally

Neptune in Scorpio (or the eighth house) gives an individual with

great personal magnetism. You have a subtle intuition and an
unusually clear insight into the motivations of others. You also
may unconsciously try to control other people, or act in somewhat
unreliable ways. You have an ideal of self-sacrifice in partnership
with others, and tend to give more than you receive, which can
lead in the end to resentment on your part, or just disappearing.
Otherworldly affairs may interest you more than everyday ones,
and you may be drawn to psychic matters or occult studies. Your
dreams are very important to you, and through them you may
learn significant information. You are likely to possess an
enjoyment of sensual pleasures or luxuries. You may also have
some confusion regarding sexuality and with what you truly
desire from relationships. You benefit from bringing greater clarity
to your personal values, your relation to the material world and to
other people.
Important Features

Moon in Cancer (28° Can 44' 51")

Moon in the Eleventh House

The Moon in Cancer gives a sensitive and caring nature. You are
protective of yourself and of others. Your sensitivity to others can
be almost too well developed and may include psychic ability. You
have a need to be nurturing. There are feelings of vulnerability
with this position, and the past or old habit patterns can invade
the present. You can definitely be moody. You are very emotional
and have a tendency to withdraw from real or imagined injuries.

The Moon in Eleventh House represents emotional sensitivity in

social arenas. You seek comfort and security in friends and group
associations. You are dynamic in group settings although you do
not need to feel like the center of attention. You may be detached
and objective in social circumstances because you do not want to
commit your allegiance to one group or another. You prefer to
have several types of acquaintances in various group settings.
You do well as an organizer of group events whether it be a party
for friends, group meeting or social event. You have a tendency to
overextend yourself and can become divided by being involved in
too many group projects at once. You may need to guard against
being too naive, friendly and taking too much responsibility for
groups. You may do well to focus on reliable friendships and learn
discrimination when opening to new activities and associations so
that you can manage and coordinate your various interests and

Jupiter in Pisces (16° Pis 37')

Jupiter in the Seventh House
Angular planet - conjunct Descendant
Jupiter in the Seventh House (or sign) gives you a refined and
idealistic nature. You are easily influenced by others, and may
have great difficulty in making a decision, especially when you
start to take into consideration all of the possibilities that suggest
themselves to you. You work well with other people, and are
known for your fairness. You will always champion both sides of a
dispute and make sure that the underdog has his say. You are
thoughtful and diplomatic and make a good lawyer. You are also
likely to be very social and attractive to others. Other people
matter to you in an extraordinary way, which can be both a
blessing and a curse. You are a great lover of art and beauty
wherever you find it, but you may tend to scatter your focus, and
could benefit from more firmly concentrating your energies to
serve your own inner motivation.

Jupiter in Pisces (or the twelfth house) gives you a quiet and
unassuming personality. You are good and kind, very considerate
of others, and are friendly and easy​going. You need to feel an
emotional resonance in order for your work to be satisfying to
you. You have your own personal code of conduct to which you
are true, no matter what public opinion may be, or convention
may dictate. You are likely to be fond of cinema, or other
imaginative flights of fancy. You may suffer in your life from being
overly sensitive to the needs of others, or seek to retire from the
casual cruelties of the world at large, so that there is some
danger of escapism. You tend to work behind the scenes, and do
not seek personal glorification from your actions, but are content
to do what you do because it is helpful to other people. You often
appear more at home in an imaginary universe of your own
design than in concrete reality, and benefit when you pay some
modicum of attention to the nitty-gritty details of life that
surrounds you as well as to the secret world of your dreams.
Pluto in Virgo (11° Vir 27'R)
Pluto in the Twelfth House
Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant

Pluto in the Twelfth House (or sign) gives a "divine discontent" to

the personality. With this placement, you may feel confined and
limited in the physical world, perhaps feeling more at home in the
world of unconscious fantasy. There may be a way that you are
not accepting your own power. You may compulsively try to
escape the physical plane of existence, by whatever means come
readily to you, especially if Pluto is poorly aspected in your chart.
In any case you are likely to feel preoccupied with your own inner
world, or may find yourself so sensitive to the pain and suffering
of others that you retreat from fully involving yourself with them.
There are places within yourself where you fear to tread, and the
danger is that you deny an important part of yourself in the
process. You have a deep need for spiritual renewal that does not
easily find its resolution in everyday activity. You may experience
confusion and a loss of identity until you make an effort to move
toward a more universal sense of self, learning to subordinate
your personal will to a more spiritual outlook based on the true
needs of others and the life of the world around you.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to

you personally

Pluto in Virgo (or the sixth house) gives you an intense desire to
be of service in the world. This desire can take the form of a
compulsion to help others in a way that may not truly be
appreciated by the intended beneficiaries. You are slightly
obsessed with finding the purity inherent in human activity, and
may well be a champion of the environmental movement, or exert
yourself strenuously in your job or home setting. You may also
become intensely concerned and perhaps even chronically
worried over health issues, or you may be apt to stress over
organizational detail where the intention is to purify the function of
the particular activity, but where attending to the details can
become an end in itself. You may go through many profound
changes of attitude in these areas, in order to learn how to be of
actual service to yourself and others. Creative outlets for your
passion might be found in the helping professions, or in working
on your own issues in such a way as to regenerate your values
and life direction. When you have transformed in these areas you
can become a beacon for others to follow. By staying true to your
own inner guidance system, you make it possible for others to
also, and further the cause of a more self-aware and wisely
functioning planetary society.

Chiron in Pisces (9° Pis 03')

Chiron in the Sixth House
Angular planet - conjunct Descendant

Chiron in the Sixth House (or sign) represents issues with one's
vital force of improving and organizing more efficient ways to
serve self and others. With this placement you are more or less
compulsively drawn to the issues of organization, and personal
sickness and health, as well as service to other people. You may
experience some degree of suffering through ill-health, either real
or imagined, or through over-doing for others in a service role,
perhaps as a member of an organization or work place. You may
experience painful realizations around the possibility of perfection
in this life time, such as keeping the perfect house in order at all
times, so that it becomes an obsession, or the quest for the
perfect body. These issues may stem from early childhood, in
relation to being put in a position of servitude against your will, or
challenged in your developing feelings of self-worth, so that
issues of making yourself available to others become both a habit
and a source of painful memories in your adult life. Or these
issues may operate more at the level of the fantasy and the
imagination. It is important to get as conscious as possible with
these issues, to discover what actual events may have been
essential to forming the constellation of your inner life. As long as
these issues remain locked away in your unconscious they are
basically toxic to your healthy self-image, and they backfire on
you when you least expect them to, and may eventually manifest
as actual ill-health. As you become more conscious of these
patterns deep within you the healing can begin, enabling you to
be of true service to others, as you operate from a place of joy
and well-being, rather than from a place of resentment and
frustration. By doing this work on yourself, you get more clear,
and you gain a truer perspective on yourself and your life's
journey. As you are better able to nourish yourself with what you
actually need, you are better able to help others as well.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to

you personally

Chiron in Pisces (or the Twelfth House) represents issues with

one's vital force to be at home in the world of physical
manifestation. You may feel frustrated and alienated from rest of
mankind, or more at home in a world of fantasy than in dealing
with what is laughably called "the real world". You have a talent
for that which is beyond this world, and can make your mark on it
in your own particular fashion, which may perhaps be achieved in
the worlds of music, or poetry, or as a seeker for higher truth. But
these are ways of being in the world without actually participating
in it. Possibly there were painful episodes from early childhood
that drove you into a world of your own, but you have come to be
quite at home in this world, and the issue for you is coming out
with style and dignity, rather than by totally abandoning your inner
cosmos. Again and again, you attempt to be a part of it all, just
like everyone else, and again and again it just doesn't quite work.
There may be many painful episodes before you realize that what
is "for everyone" out there is just not for you at all. You may do
work with other people, in helping them to be peaceful and
comfortable in connecting their own lives to a higher truth, without
ever really getting it yourself. Of course one is tempted to blame
oneself for this sort of failure to connect. There are deep
emotions associated with withdrawal from the world that must be
examined if you are to begin to operate from a feeling of
wholeness and truly make your own way. There is a part of
yourself that has been carefully hidden away, defended from the
pressures of consensus reality, and it may take a lot of work to
get in touch with these dark places. It may be that you come to a
sense of peace with your darker, more hidden self only after a
long period of soul-searching. When you begin to make your way
on this process of integration, then you find that there really is a
way to be a part of the world at large, to participate and share in
its wonders and its disasters too, without giving anything up. It is
not easy to make this transformation, but it is vital to your
emotional health and well-being, and makes it possible for you to
reach out to others as well, who may be fumbling towards a
similar apotheosis.

Mercury in Capricorn (22° Cap 39')

Mercury in the Fifth House
Ruler of Rising Sign

Mercury in Capricorn gives a serious, practical and detached

mentality. With this placement you have a diplomatic bent, and
also make a good teacher. You are determined and careful in
your speech and communication with others, as well as in your
own mental activity. You tend to be acutely aware of your
surroundings. You can help keep others on track with the reality
of what is going on. You have good concentration and attention to
detail. You can also be somewhat intolerant. You benefit from
lifting your vision to the higher issue and cultivating idealism.

Mercury in the Fifth House represents a strong mental connection

between your inner awareness and your creative self-expression.
You are proud of your ideas, and very good at expressing them to
others. Your thinking is creative. You are an entertaining
conversationalist, with a good sense of humor. You may also
excel in other forms of dramatic articulation such as on the stage.
Poetic expression enhances your understanding of a particular
point or subject. You may enjoy teaching youngsters. You are
likely to love the ideas and verbalizations of children, and value
your communication with them. You may have a tendency to try
to convince others of your own point of view, and at the same
time you may not be very willing to see the point of view of
others. You benefit from cultivating greater powers of attention
and perception, and opening your consciousness to the variety of
conceptions in the world around you.

Saturn in Aquarius (14° Aqu 15')

Saturn in the Fifth House

Saturn in the Fifth House (or sign) gives a deepening and

concentration, or a blockage, in the capacity for self-expression.
There may seem to be a barrier between you and your self-
realization, so that your true feelings are denied outlet.
Expressing yourself is very important to you, and if you believe
yourself to be inadequate in this area, you may feel that you have
to try all the harder for recognition. You are likely to be strong-
willed and autocratic, and can also appear selfish, or cautious
and reserved. Your heart-center may need developing. There
may be a sense of a lack of love in your life, and a subconscious
desire for acceptance that manifests as rigidity, doubt and
insecurity. You may even develop a physical ailment that prevents
total participation in life activities. Your lesson is to make contact
with your own inner significance by deepening and particularizing
the knowledge of who you really are, to discover your true self,
and learn to love the person you uncover in the process.

Saturn in Aquarius (or the eleventh house) gives a socially adept

and responsible individual, with a deepening and concentration,
or a blockage, with regard to participation in groups and around
causes. You are careful, conscientious and humane. You are
gentle and strong, apt to be fair-minded and can appear at times
impersonal, or cold and unloving. Group participation is quite
important to you, and you place so much emphasis on it that you
may have difficulties in feeling as though you belong to a
particular group, or you may draw back from friendships from a
fear of not being accepted. You have good powers of
concentration, and place much importance on the betterment of
society through constructive communal activity. You may be
devoted to a spiritual discipline. Your lesson is to transform your
narrow view of social acceptance on a personal level into a
broader vision, in which you can meaningfully participate, of a
more sharing society, one beyond the present level of a divided

Sun in Aquarius (17° Aqu 31' 07")

Sun in the Sixth House
The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality,
and your evolving higher Self. In Aquarius it is Fixed​Air, and rules
the circulation and the ankles. Your ruling planets are Uranus and
Saturn. You have a rebellious nature, and are eccentric,
spontaneous and original. Aquarians are forward thinking and
detached, and can seem conservative though they really are not
very much so. You are scientifically minded and logical, and
confident in manner. You are likely to be years ahead of your time
in the way you think. You can also appear to be more involved
with your work than with other people, although you truly value
social contact. You are intuitive, imaginative and inventive, and
inclined to take chances, especially in the service of your goals.
You can be quite noble in your deepest nature, but you also may
come across as critical and demanding. Your highest purpose is
found in aligning yourself with the advancement of social and
humanitarian ideals.

The Sun in the Sixth House represents a concentration of one's

vital force of improving and organizing more holistic ways to serve
self and others. You are drawn to serve others. You consider your
work as an important connection with maintaining a relationship
with the non-organic realities of this world. You have a finely
articulated sense of detail, and you also tend to be quite aware of
your own natural boundaries and personal limitations, your flaws
and imperfections. You constantly assess your priorities and
capabilities and you use discretion in your process of decision-
making. You strive for perfection in your health, body and mind.
You understand that you must clarify your relationship to that
which connects you to reality in a way that corresponds to your
highest purpose for yourself, because you intuit that the parts
work together to make a whole: the more you perfect the parts,
the more harmonious the whole operates both within and without.
You can alternate between overachieving due to stressing
yourself with too much self-reflected criticism and, on the other
hand, giving up altogether when you feel the pressure of
limitation holding you back. You benefit when you tune in to your
true intentions for yourself at the highest level, and give yourself
the freedom to move between the extremes of your inner process
in order to be flexible with yourself and with others around you.

Mars in Leo (13° Leo 56'R)

Mars in the Eleventh House

Mars in the Eleventh House (or sign) gives a freedom loving,

socially oriented and idealistic personality. You can be abrupt and
eccentric in speech and action, and may have a tendency to jump
to conclusions. You have your own way of looking at things, and
are also stubborn in your outlook, so that it may be difficult to get
you to change your opinions. You are enterprising and ambitious,
with a future-oriented and scientific mentality. The unknown
possibility excites you more than conventional activity, which you
may consider slightly boring, and you therefore tend to invest
your energies in the upcoming event not yet realized. You get
along well with groups of people, but you may be less
comfortable one on one. You may need to find a balance between
too great a focus on personal issues, and on the other hand
directing all your activities outside yourself, toward social and
humanitarian goals.

Mars in Leo (or the fifth house) gives an energetic and passionate
nature. You are dramatic, enthusiastic, ambitious and proud, with
tremendous vitality and courage. You usually put your best foot
forward, being possessed of an innate charm and animal
magnetism that other people immediately recognize. You have
strong opinions and are not shy in voicing them, and may have a
tendency to be extremely stubborn and convinced of your own
point of view. You are likely to be physically quite active. There is
a creative streak in you that must find its outlet, or you will suffer
from energy sublimated into anger or unnecessary aggression,
for the urge is strong to produce works of art or commerce that
are uniquely yours, the fit expression of your ego. You may need
to work through being selfish, or jealous of the success of those
around you. You benefit from initiating a spirit of greater concern
for others.

Venus in Capricorn (1° Cap 17')

Venus in the Fourth House

Venus in Capricorn gives a serious and conservative love nature.

With this placement, your instinct is to do what you feel you
should do, and to refrain from passionate outbursts that may
prove harmful to yourself or others. You are a reliable friend and
companion, being in it for the long haul. You are fond of worldly
status, and may exhibit ambition, and pride in the station you
have attained. You are likely to be reserved. You respond to
conventional wisdom in the gift of your affection, seldom taking
emotional risks. You may feel insecure about giving your love and
thus becoming vulnerable to another. You are likely to suffer
disappointments regarding intimate relationship until you learn
how to overcome any fears you may have in this area.

Venus in the Fourth House represents the deeply felt connection

within you between values and aesthetics and the roots of your
being, psychological or environmental, as in home and family.
You are fond of children and the life of the home. You are likely to
be gentle, receptive and charming, perhaps inclined to be
sentimental or nostalgic. You undoubtedly have an aesthetically
pleasing home, and are very devoted and loyal in sharing your
sensitive and caring nature with others. You may be able to earn
money based on your living space, either working there or
becoming an advisor concerning decoration and interior design.
Your father or same sex parent likely provided a stable and loving
presence as the basis for your feelings of security. You value
kindness and trust between people above all things, and naturally
create a calm and beneficial home environment.

Uranus in Virgo (3° Vir 56'R)

Uranus in the Twelfth House

Uranus in the Twelfth House (or sign) gives an understanding and

helpful personality. With this placement you may feel some
confinement or restriction in your freedom to be who you want to
be. Your intuition is strong. You are inclined to nervousness, and
perhaps may suffer from over sensitivity. Inner goals are more
important for you than conventional ones. You are restless and
not entirely at home in the physical plane, and may seek relief in
drugs or other forms of escapism. You have an intense desire to
commune more directly with the divine within you that does not
easily find its realization in mundane activities. You are likely also
to be psychically in tune with others, and you may have an
interest in mysticism or the occult. You are dedicated to the
service of humanity at large, and these ideals will strongly affect
the expression of your individuality. You may have a need to
confront the past in order to outgrow its effects on your own life,
manifested in terms of subconscious or habitual patterns.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to

you personally

Uranus in Virgo (or the sixth house) gives an individual with a

clever and enthusiastic mind, original in thought and action and
not comfortable with routine. You are likely to have a scientific
and analytical mentality. You can also be impatient with others, or
lacking in sympathy for their concerns. You like to change jobs,
and you are a hard worker, if allowed the freedom to work as you
feel motivated. You may have to struggle with organizational
elements at the expense of performance. You may also have
health problems, since the Uranian energy is fitful in its
application. You may experience difficulty with keeping things in
order, but this can be overcome through persistence. You are
likely to be interested in new-age healing techniques. You are on
an important path of self-realization in this life, corresponding to
your own unique vision, and will not be satisfied with anyone
else's idea of what it is that you need to accomplish for yourself.
You benefit from drawing out your original creative impulse into
more long-lasting and concrete projects through concentration
and technique.

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

Virgo Rising

The Rising Sign is the mask shown to others, also the physical

Virgo rising people are very conscious of details. You are likely to
be neat and orderly, and to keep your environment well-
organized. Your ruling planet is Mercury, also the asteroids, and
you are therefore a good conversationalist, with a wide-ranging
knowledge and interesting ideas. You are likely to have a youthful
appearance. You love work and service to others, and the
gathering of the fruits of the material world (symbolized by the
harvest). Virgo people have a reputation for neatness which can
border on obsession, and for nervousness and a concern over
issues of health. You are perhaps overly analytical and fond of
detail, with perfectionist tendencies. You may miss out on the big
picture, by concentrating on the micro. You should also beware of
being overly critical. You may project yourself to others as though
you had an inferiority complex, but another way to look at this is
that you possess an innate sense of humility, which is one of the
great spiritual lessons, that of humble service. The mission of
Virgo is the purification of its activity in pursuit of its goals, the
inherent love of excellence in all strivings.

Pluto in strong conjunction

(fading, 1.9 degrees) with Ascendant

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two


This conjunction gives a willful personality with a focus on being

recognized and admired. You like to get your way. You have
strong desires, and are single-minded about pursuing them. You
have a powerful urge toward self-transformation, and may go
through many changes in your life. In relationships, you tend to
become intensely involved quickly, and stay absorbed in the
relationship as long as it lasts. You are not shy about expressing
your beliefs, and may feel a compulsion toward self-assertion and
self-aggrandizement. You tend to overpower any situation,
perhaps owing to underlying feelings of insecurity leading to
rather self-centered and ego-oriented behavior. This behavior can
change, however, for you have tremendous powers of
regeneration and rebirth. You tend to champion the underdog,
and react strongly to social injustice. When you learn to train your
considerable energy on socially oriented rather than purely
personal goals, you can become a focal point for the
transformation of society.

Mars in semi-sextile
(forming, 0.6 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow

entry of new information.

This aspect gives a rash personality with a quick temper. You lack
patience and tend to be argumentative. You are restless and
have a forceful drive, which can lead you to accomplish great
things, if properly harnessed. You are likely to possess a wiry and
spare physique. You are also excitable, tend to run risks, and can
be opinionated. You are daring and have great physical vitality
and stamina. You can definitely "hold your own" in a dispute. You
are sometimes hard to talk with, seeming to take your own
position at the expense of others, and you should beware of
abrasive behavior towards them, such as bragging or pushing
yourself too much. You usually mean well, and need to temper
your physical drive with calmness and judgment.

Jupiter in opposition
(fading, 3.3 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect gives an optimistic and high spirited individual. You

are likely to be fortunate in your material surroundings. You are
convivial and lively, and generous with your money and your
affections. You can sometimes be extravagant or suffer from
errors in judgment. You may have a tendency to overdo things, or
for being overly optimistic, but in general you have good
executive abilities. You have generally simple tastes, but your
enthusiasm for life may give your waistline a tendency to expand.
You are attracted to higher learning and the fine arts, and you are
a courageous and loyal friend.

Saturn in inconjunct
(fading, 0.9 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other

predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect gives a deepening and concentration of the self-

expression. You can be strong-willed and determined, or cautious
and reserved. You may have a sense of lack of love in your life,
or a subconscious desire for recognition. The lesson in all this
may be to deepen and particularize the knowledge of who you
really are, make contact with your own inner significance, and
learn to love yourself.

Neptune in sextile
(fading, 2.3 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities,

new connections.

This aspect gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative

individual. You are somewhat unworldly. You are likely to be
artistic or musical. You are softhearted, and you may be perhaps
even too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You
may have problems in feeling free to assert yourself, and issues
with lack of self-confidence, but these are usually overcome. You
may be open to mysticism or the exploration of other dimensions
through psychic perceptions. Extremely aware of your
surroundings, you may take on different qualities with different
groups of people. You may have difficulties with motivation, but
once these are overcome, tremendous creativity is possible,
perhaps through artistic channels: music, drama, poetry. You also
may find yourself at work in the helping professions, for your
compassion is strong. Your aim is to achieve a balance between
the spiritual dimension of reality and ordinary life.

Chiron in weak opposition

(forming, 4.3 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

With this aspect between Chiron and the Ascendant in your chart
you are likely to experience painful realizations throughout your
own life and have the ability to heal others as well. Chiron is
called "the wounded healer" because it represents the archetype
of imperfection and loss which when integrated leads to
compassion and understanding of others' suffering. The empathy
and the understanding that are gained through life's trials provide
the ability to serve as a helper and a healer for others. You are
more invested in this archetype than most, since Chiron is in a
powerful connection with your rising point, symbolizing the self
that you present to the world, esoterically your true self. You have
probably experienced pain and frustration related to your self-
concept, or there could have been trauma in your early years
concerning parental protection which may have been withdrawn
too suddenly or misapplied, or perhaps similar issues with your
peers. These early experiences may have made it hard to accept
the love of others in your adult life. It is good to make the effort to
connect yourself consciously with any painful events that may be
buried in your unconscious, so that these will no longer have so
much power over you. Since you have a great deal compassion
and empathy for others you are likely to be someone with career
possibilities in the helping professions. You may strongly desire to
help other people, and yet be unable to give them the full benefit
of your higher self. It is good to integrate your past experiences,
no matter how painful they may have been, and no matter how
painful these feelings continue to be for you in adult life. When
you have made a solid transition from existing in a divided state
to a more balanced and integrated whole, you can be of much
more actual service to other people, since you are more available
to yourself.

Sun in strong conjunction

(fading, 3.3 degrees) with Saturn

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two


This conjunction gives a deepening and concentration, or a

blocking of your self-expression. You are ambitious and may
make your mark in the world. There may also be a barrier
between you and your self-realization, so that your true feelings
are denied outlet. You may be strong-willed, or even autocratic,
and can appear selfish, or cautious and reserved. There is likely
to be a sense of rejection or coldness in relationship to your
father, or perhaps a lack of love in your life, generally, leading to a
subconscious desire for recognition. There may be feelings of
hostility or physical ailment that prevents your total participation in
life activities. Your heart-center may need developing. The lesson
for you is to deepen and broaden the knowledge of who you
really are at the level of your innermost soul, and to really learn to
love the person that you find in this process.
Sun in strong square
(fading, 1.9 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative

individual. You are probably somewhat unworldly, possessing an
ethereal quality, a marked remoteness from ordinary reality. You
are likely to be artistic or musical. You are the softhearted type,
and you may be too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of
others. You may also be dissatisfied with your work activities, or
life in general, leading to the habit of evading decisions, or to
other forms of escapism. In feeling unfree to assert yourself, you
may engage in self-deceptive illusions, or even the use of drugs.
You also may have issues with deceptions practiced on you by
other people. In order to develop a clearer sense of self, accurate
feedback from other people is crucial, so that to avoid these
traps, you should strive for utmost honesty in your dealings with
others. The otherworldly energy of Neptune must be used wisely.
When the proper outlet is found, tremendous creativity is
possible, perhaps manifested through artistic channels: music,
drama, poetry. Your lesson in all this is to achieve a balance
between the spiritual dimension of reality and ordinary life.

Sun in opposition
(fading, 3.6 degrees) with Mars

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect gives a rash personality with a quick temper. You are
daring and have great physical vitality and stamina, but you may
lack patience and tend to be argumentative. You are likely to be
restless with a forceful drive that can lead you to accomplish
great things, if properly harnessed. You are also likely to be
excitable, and tend to run risks. You can be opinionated. You
could also be hard to talk with at times, since you have a
tendency to take your own position at the expense of another's.
You mean well, but it may not turn out that way in the event. You
need to temper your strong physical drive with calmness and

Sun in semi-sextile
(fading, 0.9 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow

entry of new information.

This aspect gives an optimistic and high spirited individual. You

are likely to be fortunate in your material surroundings. You are
convivial and lively, and generous with your money and your
affections. There may be a tendency to overdo things, or to
expand the waistline. You are attracted to higher learning and the
fine arts, and are courageous and loyal, but you can be
extravagant and suffer from errors in judgment. You should also
beware of too much egotism.

Moon in opposition
(fading, 6.1 degrees) with Mercury
Ruler of Rising Sign

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect gives a brilliant mind with a sharp tongue and a witty
personality. You are an independent thinker. You can be sensitive
at times, and you may find yourself overly concerned with health
issues. You may appear to have the attitude of the reformer
toward your fellow man, because you have a tendency to let your
emotions run away with your thoughts. You should also beware of
a tendency to indulge in gossip at times, or to speak
disparagingly of other people. However you make a loyal ally and
will fly to the defense of a friend.

Moon in inconjunct
(forming, 2.5 degrees) with Venus

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other

predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect gives you a somewhat difficult personality. You are

kind and artistically gifted, but you may be hard to live with. You
dislike having to act charming in social situations when you may
not really feel it, and you have a reluctance to come forward into
relationship with others, although you have a good deal of charm
when you allow yourself to express it, and can be very popular
socially. You may encounter sadness in your life as a result of
close personal relationships that go astray. You also may spend
your money unwisely, and may need to cultivate more respect for
its value.

Other Natal Planets

N Node in Cancer (29° Can 41')

N Node in the Eleventh House

Lunar North Node in the Eleventh House (or sign). South Node in
the fifth house or sign. This placement gives an individual with a
focus on friendships, group associations and social goals.
Although creativity on a personal level comes easily to you, and
creating by means of including other people is perhaps more
difficult, it is this more difficult task that you are drawn to attempt
in this lifetime. In the past, or in previous lifetimes, you were
proud of your individuality and of your individual contribution. You
may have had an ego attachment to the products of your
personal energy, and were not very interested in promoting social
values or a group ideal. Now you find yourself envisioning
possibilities far larger than just for yourself and your immediate
family, so that the betterment of all of society becomes your
focus. How can you fit into society around you in a way that
benefits both the collective and your own idealistic agenda,
moving forward? As you develop along this evolutionary path you
find that you are ever more future-oriented and socially
responsible, for in this way you find your true fulfillment.

Lunar North Node in Cancer (or the fourth house). South Node in
the tenth house or sign. This placement gives a strong desire for
emotional security. You may feel you are a special person, a
person of great achievements, and you may even feel isolated in
your singularity, for in the past or in previous lifetimes you spent a
great deal of your energy on getting to the top. But as the refrain
goes, "It's lonely at the top" and your focus now will be on getting
a better sense of who you really are, at the level of your
emotional roots. You will find as you advance in your life, that
your home life is extremely important to you. Exploring the depths
of your being through meditation or some sort of transpersonal
process work will also be extremely beneficial. Although you may
feel tempted to go out and achieve in the world of career and
public life, for which you have a natural affinity, it is in the area of
establishing a secure base of operations, and of nurturing your
immediate community of friends and family that you find your
greatest fulfillment, this time around.

Ceres in Virgo (15° Vir 59'R)

Ceres in the First House

Ceres is the first asteroid that was ever discovered, on New

Year's Day of 1801, and it remains the largest. It was named for
the Roman earth goddess of grain and the harvest. The Greek
name for this earth goddess is Demeter. As goddess of the
harvest and the natural process of fertility and renewal, Ceres
represents in an individual chart the process of nurturing as well
as motherhood, and has been experimentally attributed to the
sign Cancer as a co-ruler with the Moon, as well as to the sign of
Virgo where there is growing agreement among modern Western
astrologers that she should be placed. All four major asteroids
could be considered as co-ruling Virgo, and they all seem to
represent different aspects of the feminine, and therefore could
be thought of as further refinements of the lunar principle. An
afflicted Ceres, by position or by planetary aspect, may indicate
problems with being able to nurture, or to be nurtured by others.
This could manifest in food complexes, or a feeling of rejection by
parental figures. When strongly placed, she symbolizes the ability
to take on parental responsibilities, especially in a female subject,
and also may indicate someone who has a close relationship with
the earth, as a gardener or grower of food. Also the position of
Ceres by house and sign, and its planetary connections, is likely
to indicate the way in which motherhood (or parenthood)
manifests in the life of the individual.

The First House symbolizes the acting self, the personality as it

appears to others, and the unfolding of one's individual destiny.
Its beginning point is the Rising sign/degree, one of the most
significant points in the birthchart. The Rising Sign indicates your
personal appearance, or self-image, sometimes referred to as the
mask you present to the world. Planets in the First House affect
your personality strongly. Their characteristics are a keynote of
your personality as you express yourself to others.

Pallas in Cancer (6° Can 23'R)

Pallas in the Tenth House

The asteroid Pallas (short for Pallas Athene) was found in 1802,
the second of the four major asteroids to be discovered. The four
major asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta, were discovered
within a few years of each other at the beginning of the 19th
century, and named for female goddesses in the Roman
pantheon. Their discovery has been synchronous with the rise of
the women's movement in the West. These four asteroids seem
to symbolize four different facets of the feminine and represent a
fresh way of regarding the feminine principle in astrology, going
beyond the relatively simple categories of wife and mother, as
represented by Venus and the Moon. Pallas represents the
wisdom of the female spirit, as the mythology of Pallas Athene
would indicate: born from the head of Zeus, and symbolized by
the owl and the snake, Pallas Athene was a powerful symbol for
independence and wisdom in the ancient mythology. She did not
ally herself with any man, but rather was a strong and warrior-like
figure who aided men of good will and whose advice was prized
for its intelligence. The astrology of the asteroid Pallas indicates
such a feminine spirit of independence and cool mental judgment
in either a man's or a woman's chart. Pallas represents the
creative use of the mental faculty in combination with ageless
wisdom, and is also involved with the arts, especially the plastic
arts such as sculpture and pottery, and with medicinal remedies.
Its position by house and sign indicates where in one's life the
divine spark of creative intelligence and higher wisdom may
spring forth.

The Tenth House symbolizes the public life, authority, career

issues, and also represents the mother, or perhaps the opposite-
sex parent. As standing opposite the Fourth House, the Tenth
House represents how the foundation of the personality is made
manifest and concrete in the world. The birth chart is often
divided into four seven-year periods, one per quadrant, cycling
each twenty-eight years of life, and the Tenth House is reached at
age 21, the age of legal adulthood. Planets in the Tenth House
will indicate what the energies and challenges are for your career,
and also how your mother (or perhaps father) was experienced.

Juno in Virgo (25° Vir 47'R)

Juno in the First House

The asteroid Juno was found in 1805, and was the third of the
four major asteroids to be discovered. These four asteroids,
which came on the scene just as the 19th century began,
represent different aspects of the feminine spirit. In mythology
Juno (or the Greek Hera) was wife and consort to Jupiter, and
therefore the astrology of Juno represents the partnering energy
of intimate relationship. This is also the territory of Venus and the
Moon, but where Juno seems to differ is in representing the
partnership energy in a new light, as in confronting the more
modern issues of where the boundaries are with another person,
how much sharing is appropriate, versus holding back, as well as
how to deal with bitterness and jealousy, or projected authority
and control that is thrown onto another person. Juno also stands
for intimacy needs in general. When Juno is prominent in a natal
chart, all these type of issues are important to the individual, and
if Juno is aspected by another planet, these issues may be
colored by the energy of that planet. Juno's position by house and
sign is an indication of the area of life in which these issues will
be most important.

The First House symbolizes the acting self, the personality as it

appears to others, and the unfolding of one's individual destiny.
Its beginning point is the Rising sign/degree, one of the most
significant points in the birthchart. The Rising Sign indicates your
personal appearance, or self-image, sometimes referred to as the
mask you present to the world. Planets in the First House affect
your personality strongly. Their characteristics are a keynote of
your personality as you express yourself to others.

Vesta in Libra (0° Lib 31'R)

Vesta in the First House

The asteroid Vesta was the last of the four major asteroids to be
discovered, in 1807. The mythology of Vesta (or Greek Hestia) is
as follows: one of the sisters of Jupiter and Juno, Vesta chose to
remain a virgin and not marry. She was the goddess of the hearth
fire, which was of utmost importance in ancient times, connoting
hospitality and the basic vitality of the home or city-state, and her
astrological symbol is the flame. It is interesting to note that Vesta
is the brightest of the four asteroids. Her symbolism also
suggests the "vestal virgin" temple priestesses of the ancient
Greek world, and their commitment to no man, but rather to their
own inner flame of service to the goddess. Their service might
even be of a sexual nature, but they remained untouched by any
sexual intimacy with another person. In accordance with its
mythology, the asteroid Vesta is therefore involved with the signs
Virgo and Scorpio. In the astrology of Vesta in an individual chart,
these issues of sexuality and completeness unto oneself
predominate. Possible associations are the woman (or man) who
chooses not to mate, but just as a nun or monk, takes on a higher
purpose than normal family life. Vesta may also bring up issues of
sexuality and of who is ultimately served in the process, self or
other. When Vesta is prominent in the chart, there may be issues
with purity, singleness and sexuality either through abstinence or
by involving oneself with multiple partners which yet leave the
individual untouched by relationship. The placement of Vesta by
house and sign also indicate the area of life where these types of
issues may manifest.

The First House symbolizes the acting self, the personality as it

appears to others, and the unfolding of one's individual destiny.
Its beginning point is the Rising sign/degree, one of the most
significant points in the birthchart. The Rising Sign indicates your
personal appearance, or self-image, sometimes referred to as the
mask you present to the world. Planets in the First House affect
your personality strongly. Their characteristics are a keynote of
your personality as you express yourself to others.

Eris in Aries (9° Ari 49')

Eris in the Eighth House

This is the first trans-Pluto planet to be named, and was termed a

"dwarf planet" along with, famously, Pluto. Eris was discovered in
2005 from plates going back to 2003, and was originally
nicknamed Xena. In the way of popular myth replacing ancient,
Eris is the only planet-type object that was temporarily named for
a television drama heroine. The official designation dates from
the fall of 2006, and taps once again into the pantheon of
Olympian figures described by the Greeks and Romans. This
planet, well beyond Pluto, has an orbital period of 556 years, and
increases the size of the solar system to double the original
diameter. So far as can be determined at this time, Eris
represents the first of a series of astronomical objects to be
named in the 21st century paralleling the discovery of Pluto in the
20th, Neptune in the 19th and Uranus in the18th.

The mythological Eris, goddess of Strife and Discord, was the

sister of Mars, god of war, and willingly accompanied him into
battle. She was also the cause of the Trojan War. Jealous of
being left out of a wedding, she threw the golden apple of discord
into the gathering. When the dust had settled, Paris had abducted
Helen and the war was on. It is too early to make a definitive
statement regarding all the meanings of this new planetary
archetype, but some preliminary indications are as follows.
Among the astrological meanings that can be attributed to Eris is
one who struggles against injustice and oppression. She has her
war-like and even bloodthirsty side, with the higher manifestation
of defending the weak and standing up for oneself. Her
placement and aspects to other planets correlate to the archetype
of the underdog warrior, speaking truth to power, and with also a
willingness to resort to violence if necessary. Many manifestations
of this archetype exist in the present culture, and the discovery
period is also coincident with the onset of the Iraq war. This
archetype represents a dire motif of the struggle for survival that
is inherent in the natural world, and in humankind also, and which
represents once again, as with Pluto and Chiron, a darker side of
our common humanity that must be acknowledged and faced in
our time. Where she located in your chart, you have the capability
to make a powerful and perhaps ruthless stand for yourself, and
to battle against all odds.

The Eighth House symbolizes issues of death and rebirth,

sexuality, and transformation. As this house follows the house of
relationship, it refers to the fruits of relationship, and these
include the power to change based on new understanding made
possible when one is no longer acting solely as an individual.
Planets in this house are difficult to interpret, but may refer to how
sexuality is manifested or to lessons you need to learn in order to
grow and change.

Sedna in Aries (27° Ari 56')

Sedna in the Eighth House

The Kuiper Belt object Sedna was discovered in November 2003

and officially named on March 15, 2004, although its status as
another "dwarf planet," like Eris, MakeMake and Haumea, has yet
to be determined. It is comparable in size to Pluto, only slightly
smaller, and when it is closest to the earth it is only about twice
as far away from the Sun as Pluto, but its orbit is so eccentric that
it can range to distances much farther out. The orbital period of
Sedna is likely to be well over 10,000 years. This contrasts with
240 years for Pluto, slightly more for MakeMake and Haumea,
and 556 years for Eris, making these far more amenable for
astrological work.

The mythology of Sedna provides clues to its astrological

meaning. In Inuit myth, Sedna was the daughter of a man who
cared for her but who ultimately abandoned her. She was very
beautiful, but remained unsatisfied with available suitors and her
frustrated father then allowed his dog to mate with her, giving rise
to the races of animals and men. Later he suffered remorse and
the dog was drowned. She was then affianced to a handsome
man who proved to be a nature god called "raven man" with no
warm hearth to offer her and from whom she needed rescue. Her
father first rescued her by kayak and then consigned her to the
waves under attack from the raven man, who whipped the seas
into froth with his power. The father even famously cut off her
fingers to prevent her return to the boat, and her severed fingers
became the creatures of the sea: seals, dolphins and whales.
Although her children populated the earth, Sedna remained in
anger on the bottom of the sea. The great distance and
remoteness of the physical body of Sedna is reflected in the
nature of her story and of the Inuit peoples themselves, who dwell
so far from the comfort of the temperate zone. In this creation
myth we see a theme of the natural world in contrast with the
human, and of betrayal and abandonment especially of the
feminine by the masculine. This may well inform the astrological
symbolism of Sedna in natal charts as we better come to
understand it.

The Eighth House symbolizes issues of death and rebirth,

sexuality, and transformation. As this house follows the house of
relationship, it refers to the fruits of relationship, and these
include the power to change based on new understanding made
possible when one is no longer acting solely as an individual.
Planets in this house are difficult to interpret, but may refer to how
sexuality is manifested or to lessons you need to learn in order to
grow and change.

Makemake in Leo (5° Leo 15'R)

Makemake in the Eleventh House

This is the second new planet, or dwarf planet, or "plutoid," to be

officially named, after being referred to as "Easter bunny" for
three years by its discoverer, Mike Brown. The official name
refers to the creation god of Easter Island, or Rapa Nui. In size
somewhat smaller than either Pluto or Eris, this planet follows a
new 21st century tradition of naming some of these new planets
from the traditions of indigenous peoples, rather than more
classically from the Greco-Roman pantheon of gods and
goddesses. The period of MakeMake is 310 years. Like Eris,
MakeMake was discovered near the farthest point of its highly
elliptical orbit, and incidentally in an exact inconjunct or 150-
degree aspect from Eris within 2 minutes of a degree of

As the creation god of Rapa Nui, MakeMake symbolizes a

connection with environmental sagacity that is entirely
appropriate for the troubled earth times surrounding its discovery.
This is because Rapa Nui is known as a society that denuded
their isolated island environment entirely of trees before
Europeans discovered what became known as Easter Island. Of
course the island culture is also famous for the multitude of
incredibly large stone heads that were carved and erected there.
The myth involving their creation god includes a form of worship
in which a Birdman was selected from tribal elders each year.
Claimants would select a representative from the best of the
young warriors, who would compete by climbing a large cliff and
by swimming to a neighboring islet, a dangerous journey, wearing
a headdress designed for the purpose of fetching the first bird
egg of the season back with him to finish the race. Once his
representative returned victorious, the selected Birdman would
meditate in a hut for a year and bring the visions he encountered
back to his culture. Taking this segment of ritual practice as an
indication of this new planetary energy, we could speculate that
the archetype associated with MakeMake involves delving down
into the dark interior of the psyche in order to obtain a more
passive and feminist form of received wisdom to be merged with
the warrior male outer-oriented energy of the ego. This wisdom
can only be found in the inner world, a world that is also
represented by other astronomically similar bodies at the far edge
of the Solar System. Where he is found in charts there can be
found also the wisdom of the earth and the capacity for spiritual

The Eleventh House symbolizes goals and objectives, also

friendships and membership in groups or associations. The work
in society represented by the tenth house is released through the
individual in the activities associated with the eleventh house.
Planets in this house indicate how visions for the future and also
group associations and friendships will operate in your life.

Haumea in Virgo (2° Vir 54'R)

Haumea in the Twelfth House

The third trans-Neptunian Object, or TNO, to be officially

designated as a dwarf planet, after Eris and MakeMake, Haumea
was discovered just after Christmas 2004 and nicknamed "Santa"
by discoverer Mike Brown's team before being named for the
Hawaiian creation goddess. Its discovery was officially
announced on July 29th, 2005, by his group. Haumea is different
from other TNOs in that it is rocky, as befits a goddess of the
earth, and rotating extremely rapidly - a revolution every 4 hours.
As a result, its shape is elongated, like a small cigar. Haumea's
extreme elongation makes it unique among TNOs, with its
greatest axis twice as long as its shortest. Its orbital period is 283
years. It was discovered when it was near to its farthest distance
from the Sun, or its aphelion, as were MakeMake and Eris.

Creation goddess of the islands of Hawaii, Haumea was the

source of many gods and goddesses as well as of the race of
humankind. Pele, Hi'iaka, Namaka, Laka and many others were
her offspring. Her skill at childbirth is recounted in countless
stories. Children sprang from different parts of her body, Hi'iaka
from her mouth and Namaka from her breasts. She rules over
fertility and childbirth. She possessed a magic stick from the
Makalei tree that would enable her to conjure up fish and other
edibles, and therefore she is also associated with a never-failing
food supply. She also has the power of eternal youth. With each
birth she was destroyed and subsequently recreated herself. This
choice of planetary archetype arising in these times would seem
to support the environmental concerns of dwindling resources
and the response of fecund creativity that gives forth abundance
and life itself in response to deprivation. Research will provide a
more fleshed-out understanding of this potency. It might develop
that this planetary archetype comes to represent the power of life
to triumph over adversity by drawing upon inner reserves of vigor
and natural lore, the instinctual urge to survive at any cost. Where
she is located in the chart will be a source of inner strength and
protean flexibility.

The Twelfth House refers to the unconscious and to things

beyond the physical plane. It is traditionally associated with
confinement and self-undoing, and has been called the house of
karma. Planets in this house indicate functions that are hidden
from your conscious personality, and are expressed in terms of
psychic faculty or self-sacrifice.

Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse in Aquarius (4° Aqu 52')

Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse in the Fifth House

Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse in Cancer (18° Can 59')

Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse in the Eleventh House

Other Aspects
Moon in strong sextile
(fading, 3.0 degrees) with Juno

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities,

new connections.

Interpreted natal aspects with Juno are not currently supported.

Moon in strong sextile

(forming, 1.8 degrees) with Vesta

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities,

new connections.

Interpreted natal aspects with Vesta are not currently supported.

Moon in strong square

(fading, 0.8 degrees) with Sedna

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

Interpreted natal aspects with Sedna are not currently supported.

Venus in strong square

(fading, 0.8 degrees) with Vesta

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

Interpreted natal aspects with Vesta are not currently supported.

Venus in strong trine

(forming, 1.6 degrees) with Haumea
The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and

Interpreted natal aspects with Haumea are not currently


Mars in strong opposition

(fading, 0.3 degrees) with Saturn

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

You may be reserved or controlling, and may even appear cruel

or manipulating at times. This aspect gives a deepening and
concentration, or blockage, in self-confidence and self-
expression. The purposeful articulation of your will may be
inhibited by subconscious fears, preventing action, and you may
appear shy, stiff or awkward, or perhaps self-effacing, or you may
overcompensate by attempting to strongly assert yourself, or to
seize control of situations. In extreme situations, you may find
yourself expressing actual cruelty by the violent imposition of your
will or by mental manipulation, or you may experience it from
others. In a man's chart there may be symptoms of an
exaggerated maleness, such as emotional domination or
recklessness. You possess a strong desire for freedom of
expression that does not easily find its realization. Your lesson is
in striving to overcome your fears of self-expression, and thus
come to a better understanding of yourself and others.

Mars in strong square

(fading, 1.7 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives an attractive personality with a strong psychic

sensitivity and an inclination to mysticism and the arts. You
possess a good understanding of and balance between the
practical and the ideal. You have a personal magnetism that can
strongly influence other people. You are able to create images in
the minds of others. You can also seem to be different things to
different people, so that your own understanding of who you
really are can come into question. You may therefore have issues
with self-deception, or with deception practiced upon you by other
people. You can also be vague regarding your own motivation or
fall into periods of discontent with life in the material plane. You
can benefit from clarifying your aims, and learning to focus your
power and become a channel for its higher use in your life and
that of society around you.

Jupiter in strong trine

(fading, 1.0 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


This aspect gives an imaginative and unassuming personality.

You are good and kind, considerate of others, and are friendly
and easy​going. You need to feel an emotional sympathy in order
for your work to be satisfying to you. You tend to work behind the
scenes, and do not seek personal glorification from your actions,
but are content to do what you do because it is helpful to others.
You are capable of great belief in the unknown and unproven,
and are inclined to the mystical, seeing life in terms of visionary
and poetic feelings, rather than in practical terms. You may be
even too much inclined to trust your imagination, which can cloud
your powers of judgment. You benefit from attaining a more
practical and reality-based view of life.

Jupiter in strong opposition

(forming, 0.6 degrees) with Ceres

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

Saturn in strong square

(forming, 1.4 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This combination gives a clear thinking and discriminating

personality. Saturn brings an extremely practical dimension to the
visionary idealism of Neptune. You are responsible,
compassionate and take social issues very seriously. You may
have a musical career or achieve much in the helping
professions. There may be confusion in your life regarding
restrictions imposed upon you, in which you feel both attracted to
the security imposed by such limits, and simultaneously repelled
or stifled by these restrictions. You may suffer through many trials
before learning to work with both the energies of stability and of
idealism in an effort to balance between either extreme of

Uranus in strong conjunction

(fading, 1.0 degrees) with Haumea
The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two

Interpreted natal aspects with Haumea are not currently


Neptune in strong sextile

(fading, 0.3 degrees) with Ceres

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities,

new connections.

Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

Pluto in strong square

(forming, 1.4 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This combination gives a forceful personality with a strong and

difficult focus on issues of authority, power and control. There
may in fact be a compulsion for control manifesting in problems
with interpersonal relations or in rebellious attitudes toward
established authority, or perhaps in the charismatic personal
magnetism of the born leader. You tend to seek to be in a position
of authority. There are however likely to be problems inherent in
maintaining a position of authority, once achieved. What is
needed is a reevaluation and transformation of the urge for power
and control, based on a deeper understanding of personal power
and a more conscious and socially responsible use of it.

Chiron in strong square

(forming, 1.0 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

With this aspect of Chiron and your Midheaven, you likely have
issues around exerting personal will versus knuckling under to
authority. You have enormous energy and endurance at your
disposal, although you may appear timid or unsure of yourself,
since your power urge is likely to be repressed. It may be that you
have had many painful experiences with authority. As a result of
these experiences, you may fear the expression of your own
personal power, and alternate between complying with the
standards of society around you, or rebelling against them. You
may avoid situations where a direct confrontation seems to be
brewing. You also may feel more empowered in helping others
than in getting your own act together, and this aspect can be the
sign of someone with a career in the helping professions,
perhaps involved with new age healing. It is often the case that
the powerful emotions associated with this aspect hover below
the level of conscious awareness in your psyche. As you become
more aware of these patterns, you will less and less need to act
them out either suppressed with passivity, or with bluster. Another
manifestation of this aspect, perhaps paradoxically, is the ability
to lead and be willful, to not take "no for an answer", to be
ruthless in accomplishing one's aims. A better level of integration
produces a newly self-assured personality whereby you do not
depend on others either to fully express your own desires, nor to
be swayed by theirs. When you have integrated the walled-off
places in your psyche that inhibit action on the part of your whole
entire self, you are available to yourself in situations of
leadership, as well as in truly helping other people.
Sun in inconjunct
(fading, 1.5 degrees) with Ceres

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other

predominates; discrimination must be employed.

Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

Sun in quintile
(fading, 1.6 degrees) with Sedna

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual

in dimension.

Interpreted natal aspects with Sedna are not currently supported.

Mercury in trine
(forming, 3.1 degrees) with Juno

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


Interpreted natal aspects with Juno are not currently supported.

Venus in trine
(forming, 2.7 degrees) with Uranus

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


This aspect gives an individual who is independent and original in

the expression of social activities and in relationships. You are
enthusiastic socially and are attracted to the stimulation and the
excitement of new contacts. You have great creativity that may
express itself through artistic endeavors. You also have a tolerant
and accepting attitude toward other people that probably makes
you well liked. You may be unconventional in your attitudes and
you tend to occupy yourself with multiple interests and
explorations. You can benefit from attempting to bring a steady
and consistent focus to your many interests and activities, and
from recognizing your need for freedom and making space for
that need in relationship with others.

Venus in trine
(fading, 3.4 degrees) with Sedna

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


Interpreted natal aspects with Sedna are not currently supported.

Mars in sextile
(forming, 3.9 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities,

new connections.

You are likely to have an excellent ability to get things done, and
also great drive to succeed at what you do. This aspect gives an
assertive personality who desires success in public life. Career
issues are very important for you, and you take pride in your
many accomplishments. You are active in the pursuit of your
goals with tremendous energy that needs that outlet.

Mars in semi-sextile
(forming, 2.1 degrees) with Ceres
The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow
entry of new information.

Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

Mars in trine
(forming, 4.1 degrees) with Eris

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


With Eris in aspect with your natal Mars, you have a strong
intentionality to your makeup, along with what could be termed a
lust for competition and success, and as well a take-no-prisoners
attitude that immediately cuts to the chase and gets the job done.
This would be true in a slightly different sense, in either a man's
or a woman's chart. You are full of machismo energy, perhaps
athletic and certainly at least quite interested in sexual activity,
and have a knack for getting what you want when you decide to
really go for it. The object of your quest could change as you
mature, and yet what you ultimately stand for is always what
comes out of the very core of you, in a totally uncompromising
fashion. It seems like you are always hungry for more, whether
success, sexual conquest, or accolades, as long as whatever it is
that motivates you is a product of your own deep center. You thus
have your own set of unique values that drive you, and have
trouble accepting the standards of others as any kind of guide for
your own behavior. If it makes sense to you, deep down inside
yourself, then you will adhere to the rules, but not otherwise.
Because this is so, it is extremely important for you to attempt to
discern your inner realities in great depth of understanding.
Without this understanding you might be somewhat lost, and
misdirect your considerable energies. With, however, the
advantage of the knowledge of your deep soul purpose, you will

Saturn in inconjunct
(fading, 1.7 degrees) with Ceres

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other

predominates; discrimination must be employed.

Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

Saturn in quintile
(forming, 1.7 degrees) with Sedna

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual

in dimension.

Interpreted natal aspects with Sedna are not currently supported.

Uranus in quintile
(forming, 0.3 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual

in dimension.

This aspect gives a future oriented and idealistic individual, aware

of collective energies. This is a generational aspect, which many
of your contemporaries will share with you. You may feel a pull to
the service of humanity at large. Social ideals will strongly affect
the expression of your individuality.

Uranus in sextile
(forming, 2.5 degrees) with Pallas
The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities,
new connections.

Interpreted natal aspects with Pallas are not currently supported.

Uranus in semi-sextile
(forming, 1.3 degrees) with Makemake

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow

entry of new information.

Interpreted natal aspects with Makemake are not currently


Neptune in sextile
(fading, 4.2 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities,

new connections.

This combination gives an individual with a personal involvement

in the energies of the collective. This is a generational aspect,
which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You have
a subtle intuition and unusually clear insight into others. The
influence of the unconscious is especially strong in you. You need
to connect with your higher self in order to be happy. You function
at your best in service to the world, helping to move it closer to a
vision of spiritual union between all mankind.

Neptune in quintile
(fading, 0.8 degrees) with Haumea

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual

in dimension.

Interpreted natal aspects with Haumea are not currently


Pluto in opposition
(fading, 2.4 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

With this aspect you are likely to possess a very compulsive

nature. You have a tendency to plunge into the depths of despair
as well as the heights of manic madness as a form of
compensatory reaction to the over-indulgence of wallowing in the
depths. An overly active interest in sexuality, the potential for the
abuse of power, ultimately powerful healing abilities, all are
indicated. There are great depths of passion within you, likely the
result of painful experiences from early childhood. As long as
these experiences remain unintegrated, they will cause a stir,
both for yourself and for anyone you become close to. When you
become more conscious of these patterns you have a great
capacity to heal yourself and others. You also have a keen
intuition and great power to transform yourself and your personal
relationships as you evolve. You may be one to harness the
energy of the collective, especially with regard to the coming
transformation of society.

Pluto in inconjunct
(forming, 1.6 degrees) with Eris

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other

predominates; discrimination must be employed.
With Eris in aspect to your natal Pluto, you have an intensity of
intention that can take you far once you learn how best to employ
it. You are a hard worker, and possess enormous reservoirs of
stamina. When you are focused on an objective you will not let
anything at all stand in your way. You will take whatever action
seems likely to succeed, and might bend or even break the rules
that society lives by - or use people around you - in order to
achieve your ends. You can in this way be something of a
handful, especially when aroused to anger or passion, becoming
forceful to the extreme. You have within you an evolutionary call
and a profound desire to take your life to the next plateau of
meaning, and you may go through many changes along the way
to achieving that which you unconsciously and perhaps
compulsively desire. You could make many false starts and travel
misdirected aims that are mere masquerade for the real truth that
you seek inside. Sexual obsession is potentially one symptom of
these misplaced objectives, or a dogmatic urge to be right or the
craving for absolute control over social situations. You in actuality
possess a drive for self-mastery and for the ultimate
transformation of those traits from your past that you feel the
profound need to eliminate, and which could be the result of
many lifetimes. The heartfelt exploration of your interior world is
vitally important for you. The inner work that is required is
profound and lifelong, and will ultimately transform you. Life
becomes sweeter and more meaningful top to bottom, once you
have placed yourself into closer alignment with your soul

Chiron in trine
(forming, 2.7 degrees) with Pallas

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


Interpreted natal aspects with Pallas are not currently supported.

Chiron in semi-sextile
(forming, 0.8 degrees) with Eris

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow

entry of new information.

With Eris in aspect to your natal Chiron, you have a relationship

to suffering, your own and that of others, that is at times
problematic but always connected to deeper purpose. You have a
habit of telling the truth, no matter how difficult that might be, and
to take on issues of injustice that you witness, or that you can
come to understand philosophically, vowing to take a leadership
role in fighting these endemic social evils. You are extremely
sensitive to others' pain, perhaps because you yourself have
gone through some degree of trauma growing up. You might have
been hurt in your early experiences with parental figures, and by
taking on and attempting to alleviate the suffering that you see in
the world around you, discover the means to work through some
of the pain you have internalized. You have a strong intention to
transform the hurt that lies within you, creating a service-oriented
orientation. You might feel trapped in situations, or see the
society itself as narrow and stultifying. At some point you might
feel that you have taken all that you can of such limiting
circumstances, and feel compelled to break out. As you do, it is
important that you remain as true as you can to your own deep
center, that unique inner place corresponding to your soul
purpose and belonging to no one else. Once you have more fully
explored your own inner world, you are better able to see the
truth of where you are in fact coming from, and are more readily
equipped to fight the battles that you feel are truly necessary. You
do better therefore, once you can come into alignment with what
you hold to be your own uniquely valid principles, that are well
worth the fight.

Pallas in square
(fading, 3.4 degrees) with Eris

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

Interpreted natal aspects with Eris are not currently supported.

Pallas in semi-sextile
(fading, 1.1 degrees) with Makemake

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow

entry of new information.

Interpreted natal aspects with Makemake are not currently


Pallas in sextile
(fading, 3.5 degrees) with Haumea

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities,

new connections.

Interpreted natal aspects with Haumea are not currently


Juno in inconjunct
(fading, 2.2 degrees) with Sedna
The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other
predominates; discrimination must be employed.

Interpreted natal aspects with Sedna are not currently supported.

Sun in weak trine

(fading, 7.5 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


This aspect gives a strong personality, very involved in work and

career. You can be autocratic and may appear selfish, or bent on
getting your own way. You have a terrific sense of the positive
value of achievement, and will likely go far, but you might need to
beware of too much ego-involvement in being on top.

Moon in weak trine

(fading, 12.1 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


This aspect gives an idealistic and humanitarian personality,

friendly and sociable, with an inherent spirituality. You are loving
and caring and are also strong in character, with a keen sense of
right and wrong. You are fortunate in finances, and attract
material rewards without seeming to try for them. You are
honorable and dependable in your dealings with your fellow man,
and work well with the public. There may be an inclination toward
the mystical side of life.

Moon in weak trine

(forming, 11.1 degrees) with Eris

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


With Eris in aspect to your natal Moon, you are possessed of a

natural grace and joy of life, with a sweet disposition, and a
confidence rooted in your acceptance by others for your affable
and encouraging personality. You are strong in your emotional
presence and nurturing toward others around you, perhaps even
mothering them at times. Because you enjoy life you enjoy
people, and feel connected with all of mankind. You have a strong
soul-purpose intention to foster peace and harmony wherever
possible, although you will never sacrifice your principles in order
to do so. You are in your most characteristic moments quite
simple and happy, with a poised spirituality that has no nonsense
about it, and no need of intellectual backing. Because you feel a
certain kinship with everyone you meet, and are in general
contented in yourself, when you are at your best you have no
need to fear anyone, or to worry that anything bad can ever
happen to you. You are likely to value partnership and have an
inclination to marry for life. In a man's chart, there is a strong
emotional presence that is relatively rare in a masculine
personality, so that you have a good sense of your female side.
This is true of a woman's chart as well, although in this case it is
less remarked upon. For either a man or a woman with this
placement, children are extremely important, so that there is a
strong urge to have them and to care for them. There is also a
powerful desire to know yourself and your path of service to
others. When you become clearer regarding this sense of mission
in your life, you feel more at home in the world around you. Your
creative endeavors are also in some sense your children, and
you feel affectionate toward them as well.

Moon in weak conjunction

(forming, 6.5 degrees) with Makemake

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two


Interpreted natal aspects with Makemake are not currently


Mercury in weak trine

(fading, 6.7 degrees) with Ceres

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

Mercury in weak trine

(forming, 7.9 degrees) with Vesta

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


Interpreted natal aspects with Vesta are not currently supported.

Mercury in weak square

(forming, 5.3 degrees) with Sedna

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

Interpreted natal aspects with Sedna are not currently supported.

Venus in weak opposition
(forming, 5.1 degrees) with Pallas

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

Interpreted natal aspects with Pallas are not currently supported.

Venus in weak square

(fading, 5.5 degrees) with Juno

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

Interpreted natal aspects with Juno are not currently supported.

Jupiter in weak opposition

(fading, 5.2 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

This combination gives a positive and determined personality,

with an ability to develop your powers to the fullest. You are
inclined to transform yourself in the course of a lifetime. You have
good judgment, and a constant sense of what is important to you.
Your focus is excellent, and you make a good leader so that you
may be tempted to take advantage of this in an attempt to control
other people, or to convince them of your point of view. You do
work well in the area of interpersonal relationships, although you
should beware of this tendency to dominate others. You may be
interested in the occult, or even possess the powers of a healer
or mystic. Your best use of your powers of focus and self-
transformation are in the area of working with other people, for
you have much to share with your fellow man.

Jupiter in weak conjunction

(fading, 7.6 degrees) with Chiron

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two


With this placement you have a strong connection with spirituality

and a great tendency to go your own way rather than subserve
yourself to the spiritual ideals of human consciousness. You also
may have been wounded in your spirituality in some way;
perhaps in your early life you were forced into relationship with
some sort of spiritual community to which you did not feel a deep
bond. These two planetary energies, Jupiter and Chiron, both
have a strong spiritual component, but operate in different ways.
With Jupiter's optimism in support of Chiron's tendency for pain
and suffering as a way toward the light, you are always able to
rise above distressing circumstances, buoyed up by a strong
streak of faith in the ultimate beneficence of Spirit. In fact, positive
outlooks can become something of an obsession with you, so
that friends and associates get tired of your unflagging optimism
even though you are such a helpful companion. You have an
abiding interest in matters of religion and philosophy, although
this is likely to represent your own style of spiritual involvement
rather than any standard form of spiritual institutions.

Saturn in weak trine

(fading, 4.2 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and

This aspect gives an ambitious and clear-minded individual, with
a strong sense of responsibility. You are persistent and thorough,
and may be careful or calculating in your dealings with others.
You have a deep urge for mastery and achievement, and are
likely to find a position of authority and responsibility in your
professional life. You are likely to succeed in the affairs of the
world through your determination and your drive to achieve.

Uranus in weak conjunction

(forming, 7.5 degrees) with Pluto

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two


This conjunction gives an individual who is willful and possesses

great depth of passion. This is a generational aspect, which many
of your contemporaries will share with you. You are to an unusual
degree tuned in to the energy of the collective, especially with
regard to the ultimate transformation of society. You have a keen
intuition and great power to transform yourself and your personal
relationships as you evolve. You may have an unconventional
approach where sexual matters are concerned, or with
interpersonal relationships (especially when aspects to personal
planets are involved). At your best, you are compassionate
toward your fellow man, and you are apt to be a helper in the
creation of a new world, based on humanitarian ideals of
universal brotherhood.

Uranus in weak opposition

(forming, 5.1 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.
With this aspect, you are prone to sudden insights and
departures. You have a unusual combination of personality traits
in which you are both very unconventional yet also somewhat
unsure of yourself in your very departure from the rest of society,
so that you may surprisingly show flashes of a conservative side.
You have a brilliant mind, and are undoubtedly a witty
conversationalist, although with a slightly erratic tendency to
switch topics arbitrarily. This aspect is the hallmark of an inventor
or other type of creative thinker, perhaps in the health fields or the
helping professions. You are likely to have great difficulties with
walking the straight and narrow but something seems to be
forcing you to. Or it is a compulsion based on your own painful
experiences with authority. It is important to become more
conscious of your hidden motivations and patterns, so as not to
be ruled by them from below, as it were.

Uranus in weak square

(fading, 6.1 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

You are likely to be a non-conformist. This combination gives a

brilliant and ambitious individual who is rebellious of authority and
also somewhat hung up about it. You may change jobs frequently,
as a result of unconventional attitudes and sudden bursts of new
insights. You have a strong imagination and perhaps it is difficult
to argue you out of your opinion, which can be unique at times.
Your challenge is to establish your own personal authority, in your
own way, and to help make that vision available to society at

Uranus in weak trine

(forming, 6.0 degrees) with Sedna

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


Interpreted natal aspects with Sedna are not currently supported.

Neptune in weak trine

(forming, 6.6 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


With this combination of planetary energies in your chart, you

may have gone to the depths and back again in your life. You
have a particularly strong access to the world of dreams and
inner fantasy, which may serve as an escape valve for you. You
may also be extremely sensitive to the psyches of others, may
vicariously experience their pain. Something keeps you out of
touch with consensus reality, but you also are not comfortable
with this role. It is as if you stand on the other side of a glass door
from the rest of society, through which you alternately gaze
longingly and then lose interest and wander away into your own
fantasy. You are capable of tremendous spiritual powers once
you have begun to work through these difficulties and establish a
better sense of where you stand vis a vis the remainder of
society. You may exhibit great poetic or musical talent or the
empathy of a born healer. Having come through a painful
examination of your own psyche you are able to see more clearly
and compassionately into the minds of others also.

Pluto in weak conjunction

(forming, 4.5 degrees) with Ceres
The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two

Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

Chiron in weak opposition

(fading, 6.9 degrees) with Ceres

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

Chiron in weak opposition

(fading, 6.2 degrees) with Haumea

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their

interaction; integration is the challenge.

Interpreted natal aspects with Haumea are not currently


Pallas in weak square

(fading, 5.9 degrees) with Vesta

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions

bring rich rewards through effort over time.

Interpreted natal aspects with Vesta are not currently supported.

Juno in weak conjunction

(forming, 4.7 degrees) with Vesta

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two


Interpreted natal aspects with Vesta are not currently supported.

Eris in weak trine

(fading, 4.6 degrees) with Makemake

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


Interpreted natal aspects with Makemake are not currently


Sedna in weak trine

(forming, 5.0 degrees) with Haumea

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and


Interpreted natal aspects with Haumea are not currently



Ascendant: The point in the sky of the Eastern horizon. In the

chart, the Ascendant is represented by the horizontal line at
the left hand side of the chart which crosses between the
Twelfth and First Houses. The sign on the Ascendant is also
referred to as the Rising Sign.

Aspects: When the relative positions of two planets in the

horoscope form a significant angle with each other, they are
said to be in aspect with one another. The type and quality of
the aspect is determined by the number of degrees between
the two planets and is only considered significant if it is within
a narrow range of degrees, or orb. A list of the aspects used
in this report is given below.
Conjunction — 0° ± 8 degrees Square — 90° ± 8 degrees
Opposition — 180° ± 8 degrees Sextile — 60° ± 6 degrees
Trine — 120° ± 8 degrees Inconjunct — 150° ± 4 degrees

Chart Comparison: An astrological technique in which the planets

of two individuals are shown in a bi-wheel chart, one within
the other. This allows the inter-aspects between the two
charts to be examined.

Composite Chart: An astrological technique in which the

midpoints of two individuals' planetary positions are used to
create a third chart, the composite chart, which is then
interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an
independent entity.

Horoscope: Originally horoscope referred to the astrological chart

itself, but is now popularly used to refer to the description of
how current planetary positions are affecting you personally,
as in "your monthly horoscope."

Midheaven: The point in the sky directly overhead relative to the

position on Earth. In the chart, the Midheaven is represented
by the vertical line at the top of the chart between the Ninth
and Tenth Houses.

Natal: From Latin, meaning of or pertaining to birth; therefore

your birth chart, or planetary positions at birth.

Nodes: The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon's
orbital path crosses the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the
Earth's orbit around the Sun). Symbolically they represent
talents and life path, or destiny.

Planets: In astrology, the word planets is used to describe

astrologically significant points in the sky which includes the
Sun and Moon, as well as many objects that are not currently
astronomically defined as planets such as Chiron and Pluto.

Transits: Aspects formed between the current positions of the

planets and the positions of your natal planets at the time
and place you were born.

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