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BMX is the most underrated sport and the hardest on the body sport in the world.

Imagen waiting for the gate that you are balancing in to drop at any given moment and
sprinting down a 5-meter hill on a 120-degree angle and flying around a 1-kilometre track
going 35= kilometres an hour pedalling, jumping, manualing (balancing on the back wheel
over a jump to reduce friction), pumping (pushing down on the bars over the peak of a jump
to use your weight to push you) and going around berms (corner) and all that combined with
you racing with 7 other people racing against you to get a good placement for the finals. And
at any given moment on the track, in a millisecond, crashing or colliding with another rider
and breaking bones, bikes, skin and gear. All of this combined in any weather at any part of
the state or country of the world.

Some people say motorbiking is more dangerous than BMX, but you have way more
protective gear, more officials watching your race and ambulances on standby. And also that
the bike moves itself. But in BMX, you're the one that moves the bike, and you're the one
pushing down and peddling as hard as you can.

BMX tracks can be incredibly expensive because you must get the dirt, you've got to get
word of polymer and bitumen, and that's only for the track part, then for the gate, You've
got to get heaps of metal. And a heap of other things, including the gate. So then riders can
stand up at the gate and then ride down.
Also, you've got to get the metal mesh to put around the bumps on the track, and then
you've also got to think about the drainage system for when it rains.
I would know because I have ridden in the harsh weather that I have talked about.

When I went to Golwa recently, it was 39.3 degrees and had hot winds.
Racing should have been called off because of your support to racing off when it hit 40, but
they chose not to because they would have to return refunds if one moto (race) didn't
happen, so they could say that people got their money's worth. They had to cancel it after
30 minutes, and everyone went home.

And the complete opposite, at Happy Valey track (rip) before we got the new track at Sam
Willougby one race night, it was so wet that they had to bring out brooms to move the water
off the track because the drainage system stopped draining the water. After all, it got
clogged and full of leaves and sticks that the heavy rain broke off the trees.

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