Polycythemia Vera

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B44 New onset congestive heart failure with polycythemia vera

Article in Journal of Investigative Medicine · April 2018


0 732

6 authors, including:

Laith Derbas Laith Numan

Rush University Medical Center Saint Louis University


Kavelin Rumalla Ahmed Elkaryoni

University of New Mexico Hospitals Alpert Medical School - Brown University


All content following this page was uploaded by Laith Numan on 24 March 2019.

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prospective observational studies, and 1 was a case control therapy with Aspirin and Plavix was initiated along with ther-

J Investig Med: first published as 10.1136/jim-2018-000745.1 on 5 April 2018. Downloaded from http://jim.bmj.com/ on 23 March 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
study. MSIMI was defined variably as left ventricular segmen- apeutic Lovenox anticoagulation. Echocardiogram revealed nor-
tal wall motion abnormality (n=5), perfusion defect (n=10), mal left ventricular function with no regional wall motion
or reduction in left ventricular ejection fraction by 5% from abnormalities and CT coronary angiogram showed widely pat-
resting measurement (n=6). A public speaking task was the ent coronary arteries. Prominent eosinophilia of 7.4% was
most commonly used mental stressor (n=10). Other forms of found on laboratory data. Clozapine therapy was discontinued
mental stress tasks included mental arithmetic in 2 studies, leading to resolution of symptoms.
Stroop color test in one study, and a combination of stressors Discussion Clozapine induced myocarditis is a rare event gen-
in 5 studies. 31.6% of studies utilized radionuclide angiogra- erally occurring within the first 4 weeks of initiating treat-
phy, 52.6% utilized nuclear perfusion, and 21.0% utilized ment. Myocardial damage is thought to be from an
echocardiography as the modality (or modalities) of choice to immunoglobulin-E mediated hypersensitivity reaction1 given
examine ischemia. positive eosinophilic infiltrates on autopsy of fatal cases of
Of the 4156 patients in the selected literature, 1102 were Clozapine induced myocarditis.2 In one study of 116 patients
women (26.5%). 4.7% of studies had no female participants. who developed myocarditis following Clozapine treatment,
96.7% of patients had stable ischemic heart disease, while the 74% of cases occurred in the first 4 weeks.1 Although eosino-
remaining 3.3% were either post-myocardial infarction patients philia is associated with Clozapine-induced myocarditis, a
or healthy subjects. The overall prevalence of MSIMI was definitive diagnosis can be difficult as the eosinophilic reaction
31.2%, with a prevalence of 28.9% among men and 36.6% can be delayed up to 7 days following troponin elevation.1
among women. Five studies have investigated potential causes For patients who develop persistent tachycardia with or with-
of this sex difference, with proposed mechanisms including out fever and chest pain while on Clozapine therapy, drug
microvascular dysfunction and unique psychological risk fac- induced myocarditis should be considered in the differential
tors in women. Long term survival data was available in 865 diagnosis. The primary treatment includes the cessation of
patients. MSIMI was independently associated with reduced Clozapine and hemodynamic support which has been shown
survival time in all six studies that measured this outcome. In to reduce mortality.3
one study, every 5% drop in left ventricular ejection fraction Conclusion Clozapine is an effective neuroleptic in the treat-
in response to mental stress was associated with a 5% increase ment of schizophrenia but clinical vigilance of the potential
in the probability of all-cause mortality and hospitalizations life-threatening side effects is paramount. If tachycardia, fever,
for cardiac causes over a median follow up period of 4 years. or chest pain develop while on Clozapine therapy, immediate
Studies on prevention and treatment of MSIMI have focused cessation of the drug is warranted until a precise diagnosis is
largely on antidepressant therapy or psychosocial intervention, made to prevent mortality.
but the effect of these modalities on survival has yet to be
Conclusions MSIMI is common in patients with IHD, with a
prevalence of over 30%. Women appear to be more suscepti- B44 NEW ONSET CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE WITH
ble to MSIMI, and the mechanism underlying this observation POLYCYTHEMIA VERA
merits further exploration. Optimal treatment of MSIMI is Laith Derbas, Laith Numan, Kavelin Rumalla, Ahmed Elkaryoni, Anweshan Samanta,
not yet defined and should be investigated in prospective Paramdeep Baweja. UMKC, MO

Polycythemia vera (PV) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm

B43 A CASE OF CLOZAPINE INDUCED MYOCARDITIS marked by increased hematocrit resulting in increased blood
viscosity and hypercoagulability. It is traditionally associated
Zachary Oman, Lucas Gu, Max Bourdillon. St. Louis University Hospital, MO
with adverse cardiac events due to its propensity to trigger
10.1136/jim-2018-000745.19 ischemic events. However, reports of acute congestive heart
failure with dilated cardiomyopathy related to microinfarcts in
Introduction Clozapine is an effective neuroleptic in the treat- PV are exceedingly rare (Konopka A, et al. 1998; Monyk BC,
ment of schizophrenia, however it is associated with life- et al. 2016).
threatening side effects including myocarditis and agranulocy- A 58 year-old male with no significant past medical history
tosis. Myocarditis affects approximately 0.7% to 1.4% of and no evidence of recent infectious illness presented to an
patient being treated with Clozapine1 and generally present outside hospital with symptoms and signs consistent with
acutely during initiation of Clozapine therapy. Here we acute congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation with rapid
present a case of myocarditis two weeks after initiating Cloza- ventricular response. The initial echocardiogram revealed
pine therapy. dilated cardiomyopathy with global hypokinesis and signifi-
Case report A 33-years old male who was admitted for psy- cantly reduced ejection fraction (28%). Coronary angiography
chosis that was refractory to Valproic Acid, Risperidone and was negative for significant coronary artery disease or signs of
Haloperidol. Clozapine was started at 25 mg nightly and ischemia that would explain the patient’s presentation. Atrial
titrated up to 250 mg over a course of 14 days. Serum Cloza- fibrillation was rate controlled on high dose beta-blocker.
pine level was 452 ng/mL on day 15. Our patient had persis- Heart failure was managed with diuresis, beta blocker and
tent tachycardia without fever after three days of Clozapine ACE inhibitor. Routine laboratory studies were positive for
therapy. On day 14 he developed chest pain. Electrocardio- marked thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, and polycythemia.
gram (ECG) revealed sinus tachycardia with less than 1-milli- Peripheral smear narrowed our differential to myeloprolifera-
meter ST-segment elevation in leads II, V2, V3 and V5, and tive or myelodysplastic process. Bone marrow biopsy findings,
V6. Troponin was elevated at 3.455 ng/ml. Dual antiplatelet presence of JAK2 V617F mutation, and low erythropoietin

J Investig Med 2018;66:784–886 793


level were suggestive of polycythemia rubra vera. The patient Objective Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a common and cata-

J Investig Med: first published as 10.1136/jim-2018-000745.1 on 5 April 2018. Downloaded from http://jim.bmj.com/ on 23 March 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
received therapeutic phlebotomy and was started on low-dose strophic complication of ischemic cardiomyopathy. Currently,
aspirin. At discharge, the patient was clinically asymptomatic left ventricular (LV) function is the only parameter identifying
and scheduled for outpatient follow-up for further workup of patients at highest risk for SCA. However, many patients with
heart failure etiology. ischemic cardiomyopathy develop SCA despite having pre-
To the best of our knowledge, we report the first case of served LV function. There are no known serum biomarkers
PV-induced non-ischemic cardiomyopathy resulting in acute that are predictive of SCA in these patients. We tested the
heart failure in the United States. Our patient did not have a hypothesis that serum galectin-3, implicated in cardiac fibrosis,
past medical history of any risk factors for heart failure. After can predict the risk of SCA and early (30-day) mortality after
exclusion of common etiologies of acute heart failure, we SCA in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy.
believe that patient had PV-induced cardiomyopathy due to Method We studied two different patient cohorts of coronary
microinfarcts. artery disease. The first study group included 204 patients
with ischemic cardiomyopathy and severely reduced LV func-
tion (Ejection fraction <35%). These patients were followed
up for 4.1 years to determine the incidence of emergent SCA.
The second study group included patients with coronary
artery disease who survived the first episode of out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest. These patients were followed up for 30-days to
Nasreen Shaikh, Muhammad A Sardar, Muhammmad Azharuddin, Samrah Zaigham, determine the early mortality after SCA. We measured serum
Sai Koyoda, Jacob Aasems, Doantrang Du. Monmouth Medical Center, NJ galectin-3 levels in both study cohorts comparing survivors vs.
the patients who either developed SCA (first study group), or
died within 30-days of emergent SCA (second study group).
Results After 4.1 years of follow up in the first study group,
Objective Physicians are often faced with the dilemma, to anti-
the incidence of SCA was 16.2%. Binary logistic regression
coagulate or not, when a patient with atrial fibrillation and
analysis showed galectin-3 as a potential predictor of SCA in
high risk for stroke as well as major bleeding is admitted for
this cohort (galectin-3, ng/ml: survival, 9.4±3.6, N=108;
GI bleed. We aim to compare outcomes in patients with high
SCA, 11.1±5.6, N=28, p<0.05). Among the survivors of out-
HASBLED and CHADS2Vasc Scores who were discharged on
of-hospital cardiac arrest (second study group), multivariate
anticoagulation with those who were not.
analysis showed galectin-3 as a strong predictor of 30-day
Method A retrospective chart analysis was performed for all
mortality (galectin-3, ng/ml, survival, 26.7±19.4, N=23;
patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagula-
death, 48.1±21.8, N=18, p=0.002).
tion who were admitted for GI bleed with a HASBLED score
Conclusion Elevated serum galectin-3 can predict SCA in patients
more than or equal to 3 and CHADS2Vasc score >1. A total
with severe ischemic cardiomyopathy. In the survivors of out-of-
of 81 patients were included from January 2013 to January
hospital cardiac arrest, higher serum galectin-3 levels are associ-
2017. Patients were further divided in two groups, in group 1
ated with increased chances of death within 30-days of the first
(n=31) anticoagulation was restarted at discharge and in
episode of cardiac arrest. These findings have implications for the
group 2 (n=50) anticoagulation was discontinued. Categorical
early identification of patients at risk of SCA and consequent
data was analyzed using Chi square test or Fischer's Exact test
death, and need for automatic defibrillator implantation.
and continuous variables were compared using Student t test.
Results Mean age in group 1 was 81.18±7.29 years and in
group 2 was 79.2±8.84 years (p=0.303). 77.4% in group 1
were male vs 47% males in group 2 (p=0.008). The mean
CHADS2Vasc score in group 1 was 4.52±1.18 vs 3.96±1.58 B61 ST-ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION LEADING TO
in group 2 (p=0.0949). Mean HASBLED score in group 1 EMPHYSEMATOUS CHOLECYSTITIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK
was 3.77±0.72 vs 3.44±0.61 in group 2 (p=0.0281). Read- Zachary Oman, Krystyna Majkut, Tarek Ajam, Ammar Nasir, Elsayed Abo-Salem. St. Louis
mission for GI bleed was seen in 25.8% in group 1 compared University Hospital, MO
to 20% in group 2, (p=0.923). Readmission within 1 year for
stroke was not seen in any patient in group 1 compared to 10.1136/jim-2018-000745.23
6% in group 2 (p= 0.001).
Conclusion Incidence of stroke was significantly higher in the Introduction ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) is a
group that did not continue anticoagulation at discharge. They well-known and serious medical dilemma often seen within
also had a significantly lower HASBLED score. Our data sug- the emergency room. Depending on the amount of myocar-
gests that when faced with a patient with high risk for stroke dium involved and impact on systemic perfusion pressure,
and bleeding based on CHADS2Vasc and HASBLED scores, there can be many sequelae following STEMI including anoxic
patients are more likely to have worse outcomes if not dis- brain injury, shock liver, and acute tubular necrosis to name a
charged on anticoagulation. few. However, to our knowledge, emphysematous cholecystitis
(EC) has yet to be documented in literature as a secondary
effect following STEMI. We present an unusual case of EC
leading to septic shock following a STEMI.
B60 GALECTIN-3 AS A RISK PREDICTOR OF SUDDEN Case presentation A 65-year-old man with hypertension, diabetes
CARDIAC ARREST IN ISCHEMIC CARDIOMYOPATHY mellitus, and tobacco dependence presented to our hospital with
Umesh Sharma, Wassim Mosleh, Zaid Al-Jebaje, Kevin Frodey, Sahoor Khan, John Elibol,
sudden onset chest pain, nausea, vomiting, severe hypotension,
Tanvi Shah, Charl Khalil, Milind Chaudhari, John Canty. University at Buffalo, NY and bradycardia. He was afebrile without leukocytosis and had
unremarkable liver enzymes. ECG revealed inferior STEMI (figure
10.1136/jim-2018-000745.22 1) with corresponding Troponin-I of 4.984 ng/ml. He was loaded

794 J Investig Med 2018;66:784–886

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