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Noting Details in a Selection Read

I. Learning Objectives

 Note significant details by identifying the plot of a story, poem, short plays
 Write/record significant details of selections read
 Shows alertness of mind in making decisions

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Noting Details in a Selection Read

b. References: PELC III 4.2.1

Our World of Language p. 92
Spoken English for Filipino Learners 6 pp. 17-20; p.167;
p. 37

c. Materials: fable, short stories

Value Focus: Wise decision-making; critical thinking

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Motivation

Have you done something without thinking of the consequences? Cite

examples as the following:

a. Crossing a street without first looking right and left

b. Swimming in a deep river
c. Playing with a sharp object

Have the pupils relate their experiences

2. Unlocking of Difficulties

Identify the meaning of the words/phrases through body language.

a. hind legs

b. fore legs
c. leap

without the second thought

B. Development of Lesson

1. Presentation

Reading of the Story


A fox once fell into the well. He tried to jump out but each time he
did, he fell back down.
By and by a goat passed by. Looking into the well, he saw the fox.
“Hello,” he called. What are you doing down there?”
Drinking some water, of course!” replied the fox. Is it good?” asked
the goat.
“Good? It’s the best water I ever tasted in my whole life,” answered
the fox, drinking a gulp of water.
Without a second thought, the goat jumped in. After drinking some
water, he looked about for a way to get out of the well. “How do we get
out of here?” he asked the fox.
“I know what we can do,” said the fox, looking at the goat from the
corner of his eye. “Stand on your hind legs. Plant your forelegs firmly
against the side of the well. I’ll climb on your back, and I’ll step on your
horns. Then I can get out. When I’m out, I’ll help you get out, too.”
“That’s a good idea!” said the goat happily as he did what the fox
told him to do.
The fox climbed on the goat’s back and horns. Then he jumped out
of the well and started on his way.
“Hey!” shouted the goat. “Help me out of here. You promised to
help me.”
“You silly goat,” said the fox. You should have thought of that
before you jumped in. Next time, look before you leap.”

2. Analysis and Discussions

Answer these questions:

1. Where did the story happen?

2. Who fell into the well? Who jumped into the well?
3. Why do you think the goat believed the fox? Explain.
4. Whom do you like most, the goat or the fox? Why?
5. How did the fox get out of the well?
6. Why did the goat decide to jump into the well?
7. If you were the fox, would you do the same? Why? If you were the
goat, would you do the same? Why?

[The teacher list down the answers of the pupils on the board in
proper grouping as: setting-characters-conflict-events-climax-
conclusion (restoration) all of these is plot of the story.

3. Generalization

When you read a selection, look for important and specific details. These
details give complete picture of the story.

C. Post Activity

1. Application

Activity 1
Fill up the Story Map with significant details of “The Fox in The Well”

Story Map

Title: ________________________ Author: _____________

Characters: Main: ___________________________

Setting: Place: ______________________________
Time: ______________________________

Conflict/Problem: ____________________________________

Goal: _____________________________________

1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________

Climax (turning point):


Resolution (conclusion):
Activity 2

Direction: Read the “The Tame Bird and the Free Bird” on the next page.
After reading, fill up the Story Tree

1. Name of the characters

2. Write 2 words that describe the characters
3. Write 3 words that tell where story takes place
4. Write 4 words that tell what the main character wanted to do
5. Write 5 words that tell what happened that prevented the main
character to do what he wanted to do
6. Write 6 words that describe the best part of the poem
7. Write 7 words that tell why you like or don’t like the poem

The Tame Bird and the Free Bird

The tame bird was in a cage; the free bird was in the forest,
They met when the time came; it was a decree of fate,
The free bird cried, ”Oh my love let us fly to the worlds,”
The caged bird whispered, “Come here! Let us both live in the cage,”
Said the free birds, “Among bars, where is the room to spread one’s
“Alas”, said the cage bird, “I should not know where to sit, perched in
the sky”
The free bird cried, “My darling, sing the song of the woodlands.”
The cage bird said, “Sit by my side; I’ll teach you the speech of the
The free bird cried, “No oh no! Songs can never be taught!”
The cage bird said, “Alas for me!” I know not the songs of the
Their love was intense with longing, but they never could fly wing to
Through the bars, of the cage they looked and vain was their wish to
know each other,
They fluttered their wings in yearning and sang, “Come Closer My Love!”
The free bird cried, “It cannot be, I feel the closed doors of the cage!”
The caged bird whispered, “Alas, my wings are powerless and dead!”
Activity 3

Fill up the SWBS Chart meet the details in the story “The Tame Bird and
the Free Bird”

SWBS: The Plot Chart

S – characters
Title: ________________ Author: __________
W – Wants of the
B – challenges to
Wanted the characters
S – how the
B problem was
So solve

IV. Evaluation

Fill up the following story map with significant details of the dialogue Golden

Setting Plot

Place: Situation:
Time: Problem/Conflict:
Characters: Turning Point:


-Golden Keys-

Celia and Shelley were old acquaintances who happened to see other one
afternoon in a mall.

Celia: Excuse me Miss, but you are moving around so much that you’ve
soiled my sandals.
Shelley: I’m terribly sorry, but someone from the back pushed me, too.
Celia: Oh! It’s you Shelley! Surely you remember me.
Shelley: Well, now I remember you. You know it would have been really
acceptable if you could have breathed deeply before shouting at me.
Celia: Oh no! I must have been awful. You know, I saw that you really were
Shelley: Thanks for shifting your anger to concern. By the way, who’s with
Celia, Sam and Sheen! They’re shopping for shoes at Sally’s Shoes
Shelley: I suppose you don’t have time to sit and sip some cold juice at
Celia: Well. You’re right in a way, but I sincerely wish I could do so we can
share stories seen we haven’t seen each other for so long.
Shelley: Well, that’s a good idea, but I’m afraid I’ll have to see you some
other time. Several important occasions are coming and we can
organize a get together party with other friends.
Celia: That would surely be great. We’ll be keeping in touch then.
Shelley: Sure! And see you next time.

V. Assignment

Read a short story or dialogue or poem. Write the plot and be ready to share
it in class.

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