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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Make connections between texts to particular social issues,

concerns, or dispositions in real life.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science: Discuss the impact of pollution on the environment and how it connects
to social issues such as climate change and public health. Analyze texts related to
pollution and its effects on society.

2) Social Studies: Explore historical events such as World War II and discuss how
they connect to themes of power, conflict, and human rights. Analyze texts related to
these historical events and their relevance to current social issues.

3) Mathematics: Investigate the concept of income inequality and its connection to

social issues such as poverty and social mobility. Analyze texts that discuss income
distribution and its impact on society.


Teaching Strategy: RolePlaying

Instructional Materials:

1) Idea - Divide the class into groups and assign each group a specific social issue.
Ask them to create a short skit or role-play that highlights the connections between
texts and the chosen social issue.

2) Idea - Conduct a debate where students argue for or against the importance of
making connections between texts and social issues. This will encourage critical
thinking and active participation.


Activity 1: Text Analysis

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Texts related to various social issues, graphic organizers

Significance: Students will analyze different texts and identify the social issues they


1) Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a different text.

2) In their groups, students will read and analyze the text, identifying the social issue
it addresses.

3) Students will then fill out a graphic organizer, summarizing the text and making
connections to the social issue.


- Identification of social issue: 5 pts

- Summary of text: 5 pts

- Connection to issue: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the text address a specific social issue?

2) What connections can you make between the text and real-life social concerns?

3) Why is it important to understand the connections between texts and social



Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

Example 1: The teacher will provide a lecture on the importance of making

connections between texts and social issues. Students will actively participate in the
discussion, sharing their thoughts and insights.
Example 2: The teacher will present examples of texts that highlight social issues
and engage the students in a discussion about the connections they can make
between the texts and real-life concerns.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Create a Public Service Announcement (PSA)

Students will work in groups to create a PSA that addresses a specific social issue
discussed in class. They will use texts as references and present their PSA to the

Task 2: Write a Reflective Essay

Students will individually write a reflective essay discussing the connections they
have made between texts and social issues. They will provide examples and explain
how these connections have influenced their understanding of real-life concerns.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, graphic organizers

Question 1: Analyze a text that addresses a social issue of your choice. Identify the
main arguments or ideas presented and explain how they relate to real-life concerns.

Question 2: Choose a historical event and analyze a text related to it. Discuss the
social issues that arose from this event and explain their relevance in today's society.

Question 3: Reflect on your learning throughout this unit. How has making
connections between texts and social issues enhanced your understanding of real-
life concerns?

Assignment 1: Research and Presentation

Students will choose a social issue and conduct research to gather texts that
address the issue. They will create a presentation showcasing the connections
between the texts and the social issue.

Assignment 2: Creative Writing

Students will write a short story or poem that explores a social issue. They will
incorporate texts and make connections between their creative work and real-life

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