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Reviewer in Prod Ed 4

Intellectual Disability > limits a person's ability ENVIRONMENTAL CAUSES- traced to

to learn and function in daily life. Learn and
develop more slowly psychological disadvantage which is
combination f a poor social and cultural
environments early in the child’s life.

1.mild MR with IQ scores from 55 to 70 Down Syndrome- caused by chromosomal

2. moderate MR with IQ scores from 40-54 abnormality, the most common is Trisomy 21.

3. severe MR with IQ scores from 25 to 39 Klinefelter Syndrome- males receive an extra X

4. profound MR with IQ scores below 25
Fragile X Syndrome- a trilet or repeat mutation
on the X chromosome inteferes with the
Classification based on the amount of production of FMR-1 protein.

support that the person need: William Syndrome- deletion of a portion of the
seventh chromosome.
1. Intermittent supports
Phenylketonuria (PKU)- inborn error in
2. Limmited supports
3. Extensive supports

4. Pervasive supports
Developmental Disorders of brain formation
includes cranial malformations:

Causes of Intellectual Disability a. Anencephaly- major portions of the brain are

1. Pre-natal or biological (occuring before
b. Microcephaly-the skull is small and conical
c. Hydrocephaly- blockage of cerebrospinal
2. Perinatal (occuring during birth)
fluid in the cranial cavity
3. Post natal and environmental (occuring

shortly after birth)

Fetal alcohol Syndrome (FAS)- one of the
BIOLOGICAL CAUSES- known for about two- leading causes of mental retardation. The
thirds of individuals with the more severe forms mother’s excessive alcohol use during
that includes the moderate, severe and pregnancy.
profound types

Autism Spectrum Disorder have problems with systematic fashion. He is especially famous for
social communication and interaction, and his work with Victor, the “Wild boy of Aveyron,”
restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. a feral child.

"spectrum" in autism spectrum disorder refers Dr. Samuel A. Kirk the father of learning
to the wide range of symptoms and severity. disabilities.

BRUNO BETTLEHEIM-in 1967, a proffesionalist

believed that autism was caused by the child’s
parents (the mother in particular) not providing
love or attention.


1. Genetics

2. Role of Environment

3. Nurture

Gifted have advanced natural abilities well

above average, compared to children their own

Talented child achieves at a very high level in

one or more of a variety of areas, including
academic learning, the arts (such as music,
dance, painting), sport and athletics, as well as

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

(IDEA) is a law that makes available a free
appropriate public education to eligible children
with disabilities throughout the nation and
ensures special education and related services
to those children.

Section 504 prohibits discrimination on the

basis of disability in programs or activities that
receive Federal financial assistance from the
U.S. Department of Education.

Jean Marc Itard is noted for his work with deaf-

mutes, and was one of the first to attempt the
education of mentally retarded children in a

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