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LO1.1: Explain and discuss the principles of ship handling and the effects of the following:
- deadweight
- draught
- trim
- speed
- under-keel clearance
- turning circles
- stopping distances
- The deadline for submission is Tuesday, February 20, 2024. Late submissions will incur a deduction
of points.
- Your explanation should strike a balance, neither too short nor excessively lengthy, as long as it
accurately addresses the topic at hand.
- Please interpret the information based on your comprehension.
- Create a minimum of two questions that relate to the Learning Objective in the last part.
- Understanding Key Concepts of the fundamental principles of ship handling, including the effects of
the following: deadweight, draught, trim, speed, under-keel clearance, turning circles, stopping
- Ethical Understanding of responsibilities involved in ship handling, such as the importance of
protecting the environment and ensuring the safety of the crew and cargo.
- Please make sure that you handwrite it on the LO 1.1 form. Thank you.

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