ASSIGNMENT 2 (Amit Bhandari)

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Doctors must take the Hippocratic Oath and earn continuing education
credits for years. Lawyers must pass the bar and adhere to strict codes
about attorney-client privileges. But although managers have long
been known colloquially as “professionals,” the graduate schools
many of them attended have long drifted away from their founding
charters, which wanted to create a profession of management.
That’s the argument made by Rakesh Khurana, a Harvard Business
School professor, in his book, From Higher Aims to Hired Hands:
The Social Transformation of American Business Schools and the
Unfulfilled Promise of Management as a Profession. Khurana, who
made a name for himself with his 2004 book, Searching for a
Corporate Savior: The Irrational Quest for Charismatic CEOs, is a
star at HBS, and builds a fascinating argument for why business
school education is in need of reform. For an interesting discussion
between him and Yale School of Management Dean Joel M. Podolny, I
had the opportunity to hear Khurana speak about his book on
Monday at a luncheon at the Princeton Club. Khurana defines a
profession as one in which its practitioners have to master a certain
body of knowledge, in which that knowledge is used to help
others, and in which there’s a governance system that’s both ethical
and self-policing in nature. None of those really describe management:
Anyone can become a manager, whether or not they have an MBA;
it’s not really done to aid a client; and there is no self-policing body
making sure ethical standards are met. Khurana argues that while
the founders of today’s elite business schools tried to legitimize
business education by calling it a profession (no self-respecting
elite institution at the time wanted to have anything to do with
something so tied to making money), today, it’s become anything
but. Khurana believes we’re at an “inflection point of what the
role of business should be,” and as pressures build to create
corporations more attuned to benefiting society, we also need to
educate future managers to do the same. He suggests that business
schools could have some way of proving their students have
mastered the curriculum (a board exam for MBAs?) and that there
should be some “evergreen” aspect to the MBA (continuing education
requirements, for instance). He adds that in “Rakesh’s normative
world,” there might even be an equivalent of the Hippocratic Oath
for business students. He even has a suggestion for the first
sentence: “First, I will not lie.”
What do you think? Should management be more of a profession?
- Professionalism is a specialized activity that involves
providing professional services to clients based on the
knowledge and skills of professionals. In dealing with the
issue of whether management is a function or not. This
matter must be resolved as it will determine the type of
person to be nominated. For this purpose, we must
identify the characteristics of the work and assess the
quality of management with these features. The features
of the job are as follows:

1. Well-Defined Information. All jobs have clear information

that can be accessed by anyone wishing to enter the industry.
This access to information is a systematic process and the
person receiving the information is provided with an
information center.
2. Restricted Access. Only those people are qualified to enter
the field of imitation stump. Usually, the medicine is made by
a proper professional association. In India, for example, the
Indian Medical Council determines medical eligibility; The Bar
Council of India sets out legal requirements and more.

3. Professional Association. All professionals in this field

contact their professional organization. This organization sets
out various rules and regulations of governance. function. The
organization has the right to dismiss a qualified member who
does not follow these rules and regulations in the spirit of

4. Code of Conduct. The function has a code of conduct set as

a proper professional organization and explains what should
and should not be done in a timely manner to provide
professional services to customers. Any member found short
of this code can be fired.

5. Purpose of the Service. The employee has a service purpose

that suggests that professionals should keep the public
interest in their thoughts while charging for their
professional services. Therefore, for professionals, customer
interest should be a priority and not their money.

When we use the above factors to show whether management

is a function or not, we find two situations: in some cases,
managers can be called a sector; in some respects, it cannot
be called a function.

Management can be regarded as a function because it has the

following characteristics:

1. There is a well-established knowledge base in the field and

access to this information. it leads to a person becoming an
active manager.

2. There are management organizations that help managers

improve their skills.

3. Different management organizations have developed codes

of conduct look after their members.

4. The purpose of the service is emphasized in the

administrative functions.

Managers should not be considered employees for the

following reasons: 1. There is no management limit. Still

Qualifications are eligible for entry into management.

2. There are many governing bodies in the country, including

India. Thus, there is a lack of representative organization.

3. Lack of good governance. Even the codes are built-in

and various management organizations are not compelled as a

professional profession.
Thus, management is not the same as medical or legal work. It
can be called a dynamic work. A growing job is one that has
certain aspects of a stable job now and can gain some
features in the future.

In order to provide a position of professional management,

many management experts have proposed a new method, also
known as the modern method, to define governance as a
sector without imposing unfair restrictions on entry into
management. This was introduced at the show

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