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PRof Ed 1 Reviewer Robert Sternberg-componential , experiential

and Practical or analytical, creative and Practical

Ecological Theory of Bronfenbrenerr's -
ecological system (persons environment ) Triarchic Theory
influence much the individual.
* Componential (Analytical) Intelligence: This
Microsystem- (child immediate environment) aspect of intelligence involves problem-solving,
includes parents teachers, peers , siblings .. if a logical reasoning, and critical thinking skills
child nurturing parent relationship has a
positive relation to child * Experiential (Creative) is associated with
creativity and the ability to think outside the
Mesosystem interaction with child to box. It encompasses the capacity to use insight
microsystem interpersonal relationshi and creativity to solve new and unfamiliar
Exosystem neighborhood parent workplace
media ( outside) , indirectly influence social *Practical Intelligence: is the ability to adapt
structure once microsystems of individual. to and shape one's environment..

Macrosystem socioeconomic status ediology. Raymund Catels Theory of Intelligence

Chronosystem environmental changes occur - Fluid Intelligence- natural intelligence,raw

over the life time (house to School) intelligence -refers to the ability to think
logically and solve problems in novel situations,
Intelligence - more on ability , undergo activity independent of acquired knowledge or past
with accuracy , maximum ability with no error experiences.
David Wechsler aspect of personality famous in - Crystalized Theory- mold as we grow,refers to
intelligence test, the knowledge, skills, and information that
* Intelligence - aggregate of capacity of an individuals accumulate over their lifetime
individual to act purposively think rationally through learning and experience
deal effectively with his environment Spearman intelligence theory-
Alfred Binet, Theodore Sigmund explain how * G -factors - General Intelligence what
intelligence ones actual age chronological contributes to an individual's overall intellectual
* IQ -intelligence quotience = Mental Age performance.
/Chronological Age×100 * Specific Abilities - individual's expertise or
aptitude in specific areas, such as mathematics,
music, or art..

J.P Guilford -Dimension of Intelligence 4×5×6

or 120 unique abilities

*Structure of Intellect (SOI) model

Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence uterus and not yet attach to the uterine
Personality Theory
Three layers
Gordon Allport - dynamic organization of
psychophysical characteristics of your behavi,or the Upper or Ectoderm for skin, nails, hair,
and thoughts explains one's personality teeth, sensory organs and nervous system,
including the brain and spinal cord.
Henry Murray - according to him, personality is
an organized regnant processes of overt Endoderm or lower layer for digestive system,
behavior from birth to death. liver, pancreas, salivary gland, and respiratory
. Alfred Adler - it is the style of life or
characteristic manner of responding to life's mesoderm or middle layer developed later, for
problems and life goals explains one's inner layer of the skin, skeletal system,
personality excretory and circulatory systems

Sigmund Freud - it is the integration of one' s

id, ego and superego 2. EMBRYONIC – from two weeks to the
second month of pregnancy. It is a
- ID - pleasure principle critical period when it is the most
Ego- Part of soul shape by reality vulnerable to destructive influences in
the prenatal environment, and the most
SuperEgo - Conscience- how acts right or wrong. defective embryo does not survive
beyond the first trimester or 3 months
Carl Jung - for him, personality is the
complexes, persona, anima, animus as the fully
functioning aspects of personality Spontaneous abortion commonly called
miscarriage, is the expulsion of an embryo or
Carl Rogers - personality is how you become
fetus from the uterus, so that it is unable to
worthwhile human being through unconditional
survive outside the womb. Most of this
positive regard.
miscarriage result from abnormal pregnancies
and about 50 to 70 percent involve
chromosomal abnormalities.

3. Fetal - from 8 weeks to birth, first bone

Prenatal stage the first stage of human cells appeared, taste and sensation are
development well develop before birth, fetus hear
and feel as they respond to the mothers
Three periods namely
voice, heartbeat and vibration of her
1. GERMINAL or PERIOD of the zygote. body
zygote is blastocyst which floats in the
Hazards during pregnancy
1 .Drugs -prescribed and non prescribed drugs Operant Conditioning (B.F Skinner , Edward
Thorndike) involves the association of behavior
OTHER external hazards and consequences
- Exposure of pregnant mother to higher Thorndike- no punishment, rewards the
temperature in hot sauna or tub. positive , correct response,
- High level of radiation BF Skinner- wrong response there's is
Process of Learning punishment.theres a consequence's

Sensory Memory- response, collection of

information, out of our sensory information Reward- consequence given to strengthen
Short term memory- lease period of time, short behavior making more likely to be repeated.
time store information *Positive reinforcement - involves adding
Long term memory- hard to stored, stored desirable to increase the likelihood of behavior.
permanently. * Negative Reinforcement removing something
Simple types of learning unpleasant Behavior

1. Ivan pavlov -russian psychologist, Punishment- consequence given to weaken

medical physician, psychology of the behavior
body (don't want to feed the dog but * Positive punishment - adding something
have digestion) , introduce of, undesirable
unconditional stimulus, conditional
stimulus. * Negative Punishment- removing something
desirable to decrease a behavior.
Stimulus-anything triggered to response

NS to NR, US to UR


1. Acquisition- learned on CR added to the

reference of the behavior.
2. Extinction- CR diminished due to the
absence of uncondition stimulus Primary Rewards: satisfying doesn't require
any previews Learning ( food water )
Classical conditioning( Ivan Pavlov) -simple
type learning Where NS is paired to US , NS Secondary Rewards-rewarding through
happened to CS to elicit CR, association of two Association with primary reward.(money)
stimuli Extinction - process that occurs in in both
classical and operant conditioning
In Classical, it's refers gradual weakening 4. Encoding failure memories not be
disappearance of conditioned response CR stored
when the conditioned stimulus presented 5. Motivated forgetting - information
repeatedly without the conditioned stimulus. painful
6. Retrograde amnesia lost memories
In operant , cures when a previously reinforce 7. Anterograde amnesia difficulty forming
behavior no longer results in delivery reinforcer new Memories
or removal an aversive stimulus. 8. Cue-dependent forgetting - memories
Law of learning by Edward Thorndike can be forgotten
9. Memory Suppression- traumatic
1. Law of effect -emphasize the role experience
ofconsequence shaping and reinforcing 10. Retrieval inhibition trying hard to recall
behavior. a memory
2. Law of exercise- repetition and practice
- use - practice, repetition
- dis use - act is mperfect
3. Law of readiness- motivated to learn

SElective attention processing and decision

habituation - less responsive
Dishabituation- renew interest

Verbal involve the use of words to


Nonverbal language do not involve words Personality theories

Motherese communication - speaking of adults 1. Gordon Allport - dynamic organization of

when communicating to infants psychophysical characteristics of your behavi,or
and thoughts explains one's personality
Cause of forgetting
2. Henry Murray - according to him, personality
Forgetting- common occurrence in human
is an organized regnant processes of overt
behavior from birth to death.
Primary cause
3. Alfred Adler - it is the style of life or
1. Decay- gradually fade characteristic manner of responding to life's
2. Interference - disrupts the recall of problems and life goals explains one's
another memory personality
3. Retrieval Failure- memory trace is
4. Sigmund Freud - it is the integration of one' s
id, ego and superego
5. Carl Jung - for him, personality is the
complexes, persona, anima, animus as the fully
functioning aspects of personality

6. Carl Rogers - personality is how you become

worthwhile human being through unconditional
positive regard.

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