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ENSCONCER Power in small things adds up quickly when

Commanded by his lord’s bidding; a half-orc perfumes gathered; the march of a hundred soldiers, the small
a pool of sterling water with burning incense, carefully power assigned to a simple copper coin, and the young
decorating the bath with petals of rare flowers. spirits of nature that hide in rain and moonlight. The
Oil lamps burn around the pieces of a fractured essence of ensconcing is in harnessing the power of
tablet, illuminating the face of a dark elf as she small things. In a pinch, even a handful of bones and
whispers cursed prayers to the stones. The faults fur, or a sprig of holly can make the difference between
across them magically mend, spilling red etherea from an Ensoncer mastering the world around them, or
the mending cracks. being beholden to its chaos.
On the streets of a city festival, a child inspired by a
force she cannot comprehend, studies a stained page TRADITION OF TRAVEL
of parchment. She mumbles half-parsed words, Whether from stolen secrets, scattered texts, old
stepping rhythmically without recognizing the forces sages, or by witnessing the wildness of nature, all
that guide her. ensconcers share in the respect of stories. The
A hermitic gnome slowly plucks poison mushrooms influence that stories have over people empowers
from a grove of sweet toad stools, taking great care to them, and they have learned to graft that power into
count them and burn them one by one; he knows the their own bodies. To that end, most ensconcing
dangers of hasty hands and eyes. adventurers wander with a particular goal. Perhaps
Ensconcers hail from all walks of life, coming from you wish to study the stories and cultures of foreign
gilded churches, forgotten castle chambers, and from lands. You might specialize in local dances, parlor
the actor’s stage. Wherever they call their home, tricks, poems, or the study of religious iconography. A
ensconcers are devout practitioners of ceremony dedicated ensconcer can never learn enough, and no
within their community, understanding with rare task is too mundane or daunting to deter their
insight, the deep wells of power imbued in tradition. thirst for knowledge. An ensconcer
travels to perfect their arts,
ORIGINS IN HERBS AND BEASTS harnessing and refining
Many ensconcers begin their journey standing at the the sacred rights
call of an authority, perhaps a religious figure or village they uncover.
elder, performing ceremonies for their master’s benefit
and favor. Others begin their journey slinking in the
shadows of a city's edge, harnessing unsavory things
for strange power.
THE ENSCONCER --Rituals Known per Spell Level--
Weapon Rites
Level Proficiency Bonus Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Traditions of Fire
1st +2 Weapon Tradition, Rites of Fire 1 1 - - - - -
2nd +2 Spellcasting 1 1 2 - - - -
3rd +2 Convocation 1 1 3 2 - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 1 3 3 - - -
5th +3 Weapon Tradition Improvement 2 2 4 3 2 - -
6th +3 Convocation Feature 2 2 4 3 3 - -
7th +3 - 2 2 4 3 3 - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2 2 4 3 3 - -
9th +4 - 2 2 5 3 3 1 -
10th +4 Weapon Tradition Improvement 3 3 5 3 3 1 -
11th +4 - 3 3 6 4 3 1 -
12th +4 Convocation Feature 3 3 6 4 3 1 1
13th +5 - 3 3 7 5 4 1 1
14th +5 Weapon Tradition Improvement 4 4 7 5 4 1 1
15th +5 - 4 4 8 6 4 1 1
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 8 6 4 1 1
17th +6 - 4 4 9 7 5 1 1
18th +6 Pouncet-Box 4 4 9 7 5 1 1
Ability Score Improvement, 5 5
19th +6 Weapon Tradition Improvement 9 7 5 1 1
20th +6 Legendary Aura 5 5 10 8 6 1 1

You start with the following equipment, in addition to
When creating an ensconcer, consider how they
the equipment granted by your background:
discovered their craft. Perhaps they were tutored by
family members in the oral tradition, or were blessed • (a) a censer (b) a components pouch
by a minor deity. Maybe they accidentally communed • (a) a priest’s pack (b) an explorer’s pack
with a malignant fey, unknowingly attuning to the Fey • (a) two simple weapons (b) a longbow (c) a short
Wild. What inspired them to leave their home for sword and shield
foreign lands? • Padded armor


You can make an ensconcer quickly by following these
When wielding a weapon you are proficient with, you
suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest
can ignite the weapon in scented flames as a bonus
ability score, followed by Intelligence or Charisma.
action, lasting until the end of your next turn. Its flames
Second, choose the sage background.
evoke fragrances and colors of your choosing.
Alternatively, your weapon releases a haunting ringing
CLASS FEATURES that can sound either pleasant or unpleasant. You need
As an ensconcer, you gain the following class features. to finish a short or long rest before you can use this
feature again. You become more adept with this
HIT POINTS feature as you level, gaining more uses and versatility
Hit Dice: 1d6 per ensconcer level with it. Beginning at 1st level, then again at 5th, 10th,
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier 14th, and 19th, you gain one use of this feature, and
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your choose an improvement from the following options.
Constitution modifier per ensconcer level after 1st.
PROFICIENCIES • Dance of Sword Shadows: When you take this
Armor: Light armor. improvement for the first time, you gain proficiency
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Short Sword, Long bow. with dexterity saves whenever you use your Weapon
Tools: Herbalism kit Tradition feature, and when casting rituals. Every
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma subsequent time you take this improvement after the
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Deception, History, first, you may add 1 point of your dexterity bonus up to
Nature, Performance, Persuasion, Religion, and its maximum to your weapon attacks and damage
Sleight of Hand. when using the Weapon Tradition feature. The second
time you take this improvement, you may add +1 of CAPNOMANCY
your dexterity bonus to weapons that don’t benefit Rites of Fire are fueled by your devotion in studying
from it already, +2 the third time, +3 the fourth, and +5 arcane lore. You create a unique method of
the fifth. manipulating the world around you. Whether by calling
upon spirits, channeling ambient magic, or by other
• Soul of the Forge: The first time you take this
means, for a brief moment you control the world
improvement, you gain proficiency with the use of
around you in some small way. Rites of Fire most often
censers, torches, lanterns, bells, and chimes as
convey their power through smoke spreading from
weapons, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage. When
burning incense, but may be spread by the perfume or
wielding one of these weapons, it can not be
light of a scented candle, or the shining of a mirror.
extinguished if aflame. Every subsequent time you take
You might also choose the chime of a bell. You can
this improvement after the first, your attacks with these
manipulate where smoke and light (or sound) that you
weapons inflict bonus fire or thunder damage (your
generate from your Rites of Fire travels to, allowing
choice) while your Weapon Tradition feature is active,
you to prevent your Rights of Fire from affecting those
starting with 1d8 damage the second time you take this
you do not want them to. Wind and water currents as
improvement, increasing to 1d10 the third time, to 2d6
well as magical silence and darkness do not hinder
the fourth time, and to 3d6 the fifth time.
your ability to perform Rights of Fire no matter how
• Miraculous Aim: When you take this improvement you choose to perform them.
for the first time, you learn 1 cantrip of your choice,
which counts as an ensconcer spell for you. SPELLCASTING
Additionally, you may cast any cantrip you know as a At 2 level, you have become familiar with the
free action when you hit a target with a ranged or intricacies of spell craft, though you lack the innate
thrown weapon, centered on where you hit. Your ability to produce arcane power. You do not have spell
Weapon Tradition must be active to cast cantrips in slots. Your study of cultural traditions or worldly
this way. You may only have one illusion active from secrets has familiarized you with certain ceremonies
this feature at a time. Each time you take this and holistic arts, giving your body the ability to harness
improvement, you learn a new cantrip. ambient magic without the need for spell slots.

• Boundless Spear: When you take this improvement RITUAL CASTING

for the first time, your range with reach weapons You know two first level spells that have the ritual tag.
increases by 5ft. Every subsequent time you take this These spells can belong to any class, but count as
improvement after the first, you can make an ensconcer spells when you cast them. You learn
additional attack as a free action in the direction of additional ritual spells at higher levels, as shown in the
your first attack, targeting a creature you have not yet Rituals Known column of the Ensconcer table.
hit that turn. Your Weapon Tradition feature must be
active to gain this benefit. The second time you take SPELL CASTING ABILITY
this improvement, you can make 1 free attack; The Constitution is your spell casting ability. You cast them
third time you take this improvement, you can make 2 through lengthy and physically demanding motions
free attacks; The fourth time you take this and vocalizations. Use your Constitution whenever a
improvement, you can make 3 free attacks, and the spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, use
fifth time you take this improvement you can make 4 your Constitution modifier when setting the saving
free attacks. Your range with reach weapons increases throw DC for an Ensconcer spell you cast.
by 5ft again if you take this improvement five times.
RITES OF FIRE As an ensconcer, you can not make use of arcane,
You can craft ritual spells unique to you, called a Rite divine, druidic, or bardic foci. You can use a
of Fire, an ornate orchestrations of movements, words, components pouch normally, but as an ensconcer, you
and material components. You can prepare and use can also draw on external sources of power to cast
one Rite of Fire at 1 level. You regain expended uses spells. You may use any fire within 10 feet of you as a
when you finish a long rest, after which you can focus. At the DMs discretion, you may use something
prepare a new one. You may prepare and use else to substitute for a fire, such as a magic item,
additional Rites of Fire when you reach higher levels, magically animated creatures, or a creature of great
as shown in the Rites of Fire column of the Ensconcer power. In either case, it must be within 5 feet of you to
table. Your Rites of Fire are listed at the end of the use it as a focus, but you do not need to be touching it.
class description.
rd 3rd-level Convocation of Apogees feature
At 3 level, you choose an Ensconcing archetype that
You learn one language of your choice. Once per day
you strive to embody during your journey into your
when you make a Charisma (Persuasion), charisma
studies. Choose the Convocation of Apogees,
(Intimidation), or Wisdom (Insight) check to interact
Perfumes, Beauty, or Ash. Each is detailed at the end
with a creature that knows your ardent language, you
of the class description. The archetype you choose
do so with advantage.
grants you features at 3rd, 6th, and 12th level.
POUNCET-BOX 3rd-level Convocation of Apogees feature
At 18 level, you have learned the ultimate ritual art, You have gained a strength of will that rivals others.
one of near-permanent effect. You may build a The first time you make a saving throw to resist being
specialized pouncet-box that may be held and used by charmed or frightened from a spell or other magical
any individual you permit, to enact a Rite of Fire as if effect, you do so with advantage. If you are able to
cast by the wielder. Each pouncet-box you build cost repeat the saving throw, you do so as normal.
100gp worth of material and spell casting components
per requisite level of the Rite of Fire you imbue it with BODY OF ABSITINANCE
(minimum 100gp). One month after it is created, a 6th-level Convocation of Apogees feature
pouncet-box ceases to function. You’ve created meditative techniques that allow you to
live more easily. You require half the normal amount of
LEGENDARY AURA food and water to survive, and you are resistant to
th poison and necrotic damage when you are prone.
At 20 level, you have become so steeped in your
incenses and study that you can pass yourself off as BODY OF THE DEVOUT
someone else when magically spied on. You gain a wild 12th-level Convocation of Apogees feature
aura of magic. As an action, you can change how You’ve spent so much time studying the remedies and
divination spells, and spell-like effects perceive you. life practices of others that you’ve realized methods to
You may select whatever creature type, race, gender, improve your health and stamina. You can now live to
age, or other defining physical characteristics you twice your average age, though the process of aging is
desire. You can not make yourself undetectable with not slowed for you. You are immune to the effects of 1

this feature. Additionally, you gain certain qualities of nd

and 2 level exhaustion, and you can not become
inhabitants of the Fae Wild. You are immune to the diseased or poisoned.
charmed condition and your weapon attacks are
always considered magical.
"Allow not the wicked-wet to fall into temptation. Lift
CONVOCATIONS up the worthy with blessed fragrance; Let the unworthy
All Ensconcers travel different paths towards be trodden on by heel and cane."
enlightenment when they seek to unravel the lore and
mysteries of the world. The Convocation you select Ensconcers who join with the convocation of perfumes
should play a part in determining your play style as an live by a mantra of diversity. They see glory or disgust
Ensconcer. in all things, value or worthlessness, good or evil. They
strive to bring the lowly of the world to pinnacle, while
that which chooses stays in its pits shall be locked
CONVOCATION OF APOGEES away. They believe that all things that can be improved
"Have not the want of the needing. Take not the needs and brought to the light of their flame, must be. All else
of the wanting. In abstinence there is perfection. In should be forgotten or destroyed.
temptation and in lack of diligence, there will be
suffering and there will be crumbling of self." MIRRORCRAFT
3rd-level Convocation of Perfumes feature
Ensconcers who join with the convocation of apogees
You have seen power and found it to your taste. You
strive to exemplify all that they’ve learned, taking in
are able to cast any spell of a level equal to 1/4 your
cultures and ideals that inspire them to greatness.
level as an ensconcer or lower, if you have seen it being
They believe that there is a clear goal in society, to
cast within the last 24 hours. You must spend 25gp in
improve the livelihood of cultures and kingdoms. No
additional material components per level of the spell
one person is above their upbringing, but they can
you replicate.
strive to exemplify it or improve it.
You able to use this feature a number of times equal to CONCERT OF SELF
your constitution modifier, and regain uses of this 12th-level Convocation of Perfumes feature
feature when you finish a long rest. You gain the use of the Archery, Dueling, and
Protection fighting styles all at once.
3rd-level Convocation of Perfumes feature
You can cast disguise self as a ritual spell, targeting a
"All flesh turns to dust and ash. Let us pray for our
willing creature other than yourself. Only one creature
safety, that we do not succumb to the inevitable."
can benefit from this feature at a time.
Ensconcers who join with the convocation of ash have
seen enough in their travels and study to know well the
6th-level Convocation of Perfumes feature
dangers of the world. They understand intrinsically
When you kill a creature with a spell or weapon attack,
that all stories are forgotten, and all knowledge is
you can give temporary hit points equal to your level as
corrupted by time. Everything will change or be
an ensconcer to an ally within 30 of the creature you
destroyed eventually. They live in celebration of the
kill. You must finish a long rest before you can use this
lives they have, and glorify the days and experiences
feature again.
they have.
12th-level Convocation of Perfumes feature
3rd-level Convocation of Ash feature
When you use a feature or cast a spell that requires a
Riddles hold a mysterious power in this world, and you
saving throw, creatures that have dealt damage to you
know how to grasp a small semblance of it. Whenever
make their saves at disadvantage.
you take a short rest by a fire, you can spend that time
piecing together a story of long lost lore. Make an
CONVOCATION OF BEAUTY Intelligence (History) check. By however much your
"Strength is Glorious. Worship is beautiful. Let fabrics check exceeds 10, you have that many hit points to
of Iron and Steel dress the chosen, that they may bring heal yourself with. You must finish a long rest before
both strength and worship to the undevout." you can use this feature again. Alternatively, you can
make a Charisma (Performance) check, and heal your
Ensconcers who join with the convocation of beauty
believe in protecting the world and the people who
move it forward. All stories and social mechanisms are TELL TALL TALES
created be people for the benefit of people. The 3rd-level Convocation of Ash feature
convocation of beauty sees this truth and holds fast to By spending at least one minute telling a story, you can
any ordeal that will perpetuate it. use your Charisma (Performance) skill in place of
Charisma (Deception) when telling lies.
3rd-level Convocation of Beauty feature FONT OF LOST KNOWLEDGE
You learn the Ceremony Spell from the Cleric’s spell 6th-level Convocation of Ash feature
list if you don’t know it already. It counts as an You embrace the fragility of stories, knowing how
ensconcer spell for you. Work with your DM to create a easily they can be changed or forgotten. Whenever an
an additional way to cast the spell unique to you ally makes an Intelligence (History) check, you may
character. treat their skill check as the help action, giving you
advantage for same Intelligence (History) check.
3rd-level Convocation of Beauty feature DECLINING DECAY
You are now proficient with the use of shields. If you 12th-level Convocation of Ash feature
are already proficient with shields, you gain a +1 to As legends are forgotten, so too are they destroyed.
your AC when wielding them. You have safeguarded countless stories from becoming
lost, learning from their lessons how to protect
yourself. Whenever you finish a long rest, choose a
6th-level Convocation of Perfumes feature
damage type. You are resistant to damage of that type,
You gain the benefits of the Archery, Dueling, or
until you take a short or long rest.
Protection fighting styles from the Fighter’s class
RIGHTS OF FIRE Prerequisite: 5th level
As an action, your skin becomes red and warm. For the
You may prepare any of the following Rites of Fire if next minute, attacks made against you that deal fire or
you meet the prerequisites. cold damage are made with disadvantage, and you
have resistance to those damage types.
Prerequisite: 5th level RITE OF GENUFLECTION
As an action, you gain the ability to identify creatures As an action, a number of creatures equal up to your
by their scent. For the next hour, you have advantage constitution bonus, must succeed on a constitution
on Wisdom (Survival) and Wisdom (Perception) save or become prone if they are within 15 feet of you.
checks made to track and identify beasts, dragons,
fiends, humanoids, oozes, plants, and undead. RITE OF INSPIRATION
As an action, you inspire up to three of your allies
RITE OF CINDERS within 60ft of you, as if by taking the help action.
Prerequisite: 5th level
As an action, all fire damage dealt within 60 feet of you RITE OF THE IRON GOWN
is doubled for a number of rounds equal up to your As an action, you gain medium armor proficiency for
constitution modifier. the next 8 hours. If you already have medium armor
proficiency, you gain heavy armor proficiency instead.
As an action, three creatures within 30 feet of you gain RITE OF MALADIES
temporary hit points equal to your level as an Prerequisite: 11th level
Ensconcer. As an action, you cause a level of exhaustion to a single
target of your choice within 30 feet of you. All other
RITE OF THE DANCER creatures within range must succeed on a constitution
As an action, you gain proficiency in Dexterity Saves save or also gain a level of exhaustion. Creatures can
for 1 minute. If you already have proficiency with not gain more than two levels of exhaustion through
Dexterity Saves, you have advantage when making the use of this right.
RITE OF DEVOTION As an action, your movement speed drops to 0 and you
As an action, choose one ally to rally closer to you, enter a trance-like state that lasts for 10 minutes.
allowing them 5 feet of free movement in your When you exit the trance, your movement speed is
direction. As long as you remain unmoving and that restored, and you may reroll any 1 Investigation
ally is within 5ft of you, you each have resistance to (Intelligence), Insight (Wisdom), or Perception
spell damage. This Rite ceases when either of you (Wisdom) skill check you have made since your last
takes damage from a weapon attack. long rest. The Rite may be ended prematurely without
gaining its benefits by taking any other action before it
As an action, you channel divinity, allowing you to cast
Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Protection from Evil RITE OF MOLTEN BLADES
and Good, Purify Food and Drink, Calm Emotions, Prerequisite: 5th level
Gentle Repose, Lesser Restoration, or Prayer of
As an action, one ally within 5 feet of you may deal an
Healing. You do not need any material components to
extra 4d6 fire damage with their next weapon attack.
cast spells in this way. The attack is made with advantage.
As an action, you enchant a single target of your As an action, all creatures within 5 feet of you become
choice, as if by the Charm Person spell. If your target’s
difficult to detect, as if by the Invisibility spell, for 5
saving throw causes your enchantment to fail, you may minutes. Benefactors of this Rite do not become
choose to make the enchantment succeed as if by the invisible, but will be treated as such until they are
Friends cantrip instead. noticed.
As an action, a target of your choice within 5 feet of you Prerequisite: 11th level
gains advantage on Stealth (Dexterity) checks for 5
As an action, you make a weapon attack against a
minutes. Additionally, they can not be detected by
creature that you can see within 15 feet of you, dealing
5 fire damage in addition to the normal attack damage
if it hits. Until the end of your next turn, any creatures
that have their Hit Points reduced to zero as a result of
As an action, you gain proficiency with a tool or skill of
fire damage, deal 5 fire damage to all creatures within
your choice for the next minute. If you choose to take
5 feet of them.
proficiency with a tool or skill you already have
proficiency with, you may take expertise instead.
As an action, you deal to 2d8 poison damage to all
creatures within 5 feet of you. Creatures resistant to
Prerequisite: 17th level
poison damage do not take reduced damage from this
As an action, you gain resistance to fire damage for the right.
next 5 minutes. If during that time, you have 10 or
fewer Hit Points, you gain immunity to fire damage. RITE OF TORCHES
As an action, you learn the light cantrip. You are
RITE OF PREPARATION restricted to casting it on yourself while you know this
You begin a long rest, taking half as long to complete it cantrip as a result of this Rite of Fire.
as usual. You may regain a single use of your Rite of ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Fire feature when you finish this long rest, if it is th
Version 1.0 – November 6 2019 (By Jesse Frodelius)
uninterrupted. You may only use this Rite of Fire once
per full long rest. Art by Steve Argyle, Teimur Amiry, and Kobold Press.
Contact at jetyseereuslefr (at) gmail for removal of art
RITE OF PUTRESCENCE resources owned by you.
As an action, you may deal up to 2d12 acid damage to
a creature within 10 feet of you. Creatures resistant to
acid damage do not take reduced damage from this
right. Creatures immune to acid damage are

As an action, you lower your maximum hit points by
half until you finish a long rest. When you do so, give
temporary hit points equal to half of your maximum hit
points to a single creature you touch.


Prerequisite: 11th level
As an action, you may cast Gust of Wind, Misty Step, or
Gaseous Form. When casting gust of wind, you can
cause the wind to fill with smoke, causing light or
heavy obscuration within the spell’s range. The smoke
does not disperse until the spell ends, and does not
extinguish flames.

Prerequisite: 8th level
As an action, you may put out up to 20 cubic feet of fire
as if by the spell Pyrotechnics.

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